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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1967, p. 3

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* - I hat, white gloves an black~ patent accesserles. A cosg of deppn roses comple- mentedhar enemble.They WEK..E - GVFITRS troui a headplece of lace,ý will reside ai RPR& 4, Bow- Tii.marrage t Mis"'1peanis and crystals. She car-! manville. Ibe uuTage f Mss orma1 ied a prayer bock crested; The bride, who received Kathleen Griffith, uighter1 with a white orchid, stepha- han eanly educatien ln Ber- f Mi'.. Shirley Marchitto, notis and yellow nosabuds. muda, is the dietitian at Me- iaitou, Bermda. and Mm.! Mi'.. A. Mollay ef Bowman- marial Hospital, Bowmazwille. DoadArthur Welsh, son cf 1 ville was matran of honor1 The groom attended Salem Mr Mrs. Leslie Welsh,1 and the bnidesma id. wera the Public Sehool and Bowman- ~J.4, Bowmanvilla, wasj bride'. sister, Mrs. Russel ville High Scheol. Bath are sélemnlzed in St. Joseph's, H e d d e r I e y, O'Fallan, III., graduates of Kempiville Agri- Church, Bowmanviile, on Sat-j U.S.A., and Miss Jean Wil-1 cultural Collage. The groom urday mcmning, April l5th,I latof Tarante. They wera, is engaged in farming oera- .1967, ai il o'ciock. For theI attired in floor length gowns1 tiens with hi. father and has -cermon, buquts'f yalow of jade green sik shantungl been active in 4-H Club and Miadicli adomned the altar and in princes, styling with highIJunier Farmer Association .the guest pews wera mamked waistiine and bell sleeves. activitias. Ha is secntary of1 by clusters of daisy 'mums They wcre matching satin! Durham Ccunty Fedanation cf tied with white bows. . shees, short 'white gloves, and j Agriculture. Rev. C. L. Hickson cf King- ma iching rosette headdnessasi Oî-of-iown set tedd stan was the atficiatingj highlighted by bouffant veil-! uussatna clergyman and the wadding, îng. Thair elengated cascade faxb Kemptille, Bermuda, music was piayed by Mr.[ bouquets -were cf yeîîow axbre, Tenonto and Ilinois. Francis Van Hoof. Mr. Jim!Shasta daisias. Saverai parties honored the Painwas oîcii. ibride priar te ber mariage. Pair as sooist.Mn. Larny Waish, Bowman- Mrs. A. Molloy, Bowmanvilla, The brida, who was escart-1 villa, was best man for bis was hostass fan a personal ed down the aisia by Mr.ibrcthar and ushaning ware showan. Mrs. L. Allisen and Anthony Molloy cf Bowman-lIanoihar brother of the groom, daughtem Susan, Bowmanviile, ville, were a flaor-lengthI Mr. Ronald Waish et Fcxoro.j gava a tea shewen. Mrs. K. gown et white drape siyledi and Mr. Glan Blackburn O Shackleton a nd daughter with a straight skirt, empireal Kempiville, cousin Ofe Margaret ware hostessas fer waistline, French lace bodicelgroom. the Salem Community show- and long slaevas. A long! The naception was hald ai ar; and the Diatany Staff held train, accentad by a Franchi The Acres Restaurant. Be-I a shawam and presantation ai lace insert, was caught ai tha' causa cf distance, the bride's the home of Mn.. T. Master- sheuldars by twe bows, andimothar was unable ta ha pre- son, Bowmanville. The Hos- hem shouldem-lengtlh veil taIt sent and the groam's mother pital Staff held a miscallan-1 raceived weaing an aqua ecus shower ai the Nurses" Cashbocada sheaih drass with residlence. CetCas Today matching ceai, white organza~ I and floeamd bat, black ad-I cessriesand crsae.fpink1 For OId Appliances carionsand MORRISH 1ýFollawing the raception the! throughi couple lefi fer a haneymoon' A miscellaneous showem was, 8 T A T E 8 M A N 'inNassau, The Bahamas, and'held in the Sunday schaol on for traveling the brida wore Satumday evening, Aprîl 29th, C L A S 8 1 FI1E D S la white and turquoise A-lina at 8:15 p.m., in henor of Miss Phone 623-3303 'weol dress with, matching Elaine Anderson cf Morrish, -. turquoise ceai, white pilîbox now of Peterborough, whaseJ ______________________________________________ marriage to Mr. IDavid Trot- LOWREY 0F NEW-» US DEMONSTRA (FREE HOME TRI JORDE ORGAN Phione 723-029: 1055 Denise Dr. You know the feeling dlorlt, Trhat ghawing iriside that w you sleep When the kids are late corr Trhe fear about your own he When your neighbor sudder The headlines ln the mornin, Fear sneaka into our days tf many littie holes Sut God car, change your p. fear to confidence The Bibie says, l'Re not sudden fear ... for the thy confidence." We'd ike to help you find Hii CKLB - 1350OKc -9% X YS 1Yuve a BIBLE ln your home... now add % 7BACK TO THE BIBLE BRO p AINT CANADA'!5 WIotl"My I * VIALE'N' SE I-GrS ]*S 4SRIfi PAINT AYL'P King st. W., E.wmmavi.e Setting Was St. Joseph's Church ter cf Prt Hopetakes p ace, at Welcoea United Church,' '.:i~ . on My6h MASElaine has been a mamber.....s t ~i N Sof the Sunday schoal and church from pra-school aga "e',~ î Duntil univemsity days toek1 " . ever. Sinca then Elaine has ~ TO Salways been a walcome visi- Betwaen 30 and 40 friends.......«......... ........... [AL) iwere present fromn Newton- M r. and Mrs. Donald Arthur Welsh are shown in the above photo as they Iville, Wesleyville and Mor-1 leave St. Jsp' hrh omnilfloigtermrig nStra ,rish. The reom was gaiîv . Jsp' hrh ow avhe olwn heîmrig nStra d ecorated ith pink and mernng, April 15, 1967, at Il o'clock. Formeî ly Miss Not ma Kathleen Griffiths, STUD 1white halls and streamers. the bride is the daughter cf Mrs. Shirley Mai chitto of Hamilton, Bermuda, and lTD os I The hastess, Mms. Venetta Os- the groom is the son cf Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Welsh, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. born, wa asiste by rs.Photo by Lloyd MRobbie Morton Handerson, and pre- 7 sented two quiz contests, Bni- dai and Travelling, and a third, a Personal Travelling,~ a c r Br n h s I, 'c Oshawa lNote. This finally arived ati a c r Bn h's Wk IElaine with the hidden trea-1 sure-a lovaly pair cf sait and' papper shakers. t Elaine was then called toD e cie t W e tn Ithe seat cf honor bafareaa 1/flong table cevered with gaily Mrs. George K. Ward, Pub- Life" was in color and draMi Mrs, Bert Payne, Chairman wappad parcels, while those prsetfomd arehaflîcîty Chaîmman cf the Bow- î aius forms of treat-'cf the Nomination Cemmittea, creet ormfacilae has- manville Branch cf the Cana- ment and research. The last announc.ed the msults cf the cing e to gitas the wera dian Cancer Society, spoka te1 ena was entitled Research i ceto c fîer o h ngopndfor i teas te. Asist the Womnen's Catholic League Smoking". These films aieý coming year as follows: Pre- ing ndfrlthis ee.Miss Anne on Cancer at the meeting held availahie to groups and or-1 sidant, Mrs. Ray Venasse; Hanessin - istwerssAnned in St. Joseph's Auditorium on ganizations hy contacting Mrs.1 Past President, Mrs. Rand; e(1 Suanes, a- sBelle Eym and Tuesday avening, April l8th. Wamd three weeks in advancce isi Vice President, Mms. Mi- SusaI /n Tw "at eios" Eyma The president, Mrs. J. E. of the meetings at which they chaei Heenan; 2nd Vice Pre- mw at beand ions ta reRand, presided. ara required. Isident, Mrs. J. C. Nowlan; ha later modelled by Elaina Cancer was detined by Mms. Mrs. J. T. Scott movad a' Secretary, Mrs. Arnold Brink- as, Karen- Osborne. snapped a Wamde asi a group of diseases vote of thanks te the guesti fow, and Treasurer, Mrs. You? pîctura. Ail joinad in sing- characterîzed by the disorgan- speaker for hem excellent ad- Pýayne. Councillors electad for fon't let ing "For Sha's a Jolly Good ized and unragulatad growth dress, and sha thanked Presi-j 19â7-68 wema Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Fellow." Elaine expressed cf abnommal body calîs. "In dent Bail and Mr. Wcssells'Lac Goulah, Mms. W, Wilks, thanks and pleasure for the many casas thera is a favor o rsnig h im.Pe and Mms. P. Kidd. ing homne.. any lavaly gifts prasantad, able responsa te modemn sident Rand also expressad; Retiming President Rand ealth extanding invitations te visit methods cf treatment if diag- hem parsonal appreciation to; then turned the gavai ever te ,I ie..hem any time if visiting i nasis is made hefore signs cf the thrae Cancer Seciety et-j Prasident Venasse, MYcfsPeterborough. spmaad are evident," sha said. ficials.1 who presided for the balance g newspaper.. Abutiuluc'wt a Al tumors are net can- The Secretary, Mrs. J. C-1 cf the meeting. A buntfulluch itdte cerous, soe 'benign' gmewths Newlan, ead a communica-1 It was decided that tha ýhrough and coffea was served durîngindfaetogn tien fmomn Mrs. J. Anna Col-iC.WL.'s annual Communion the happy social heu, during i1taYrgani aheehappramochich thegrcom-aîocttae-body, and raach a con- lins, Diacisan Prasidient cf Suipper will ha held atter tha ratr rwiad ndthe re wit s dr aba ia.T.yd ntthe C.W.L., regamding the Dio- five o'ciock Mass on Sunday Asis saalged tind sraa bu, a with cne cesan Convention cf the C.W afterneon, May 7th. As isÙsua, allgood t he aaiarrea tmenthiscanr L. to be held in St. Josaph's i lst Vice Presidant Heenan, Loarad ha o coeplan eith gaond nights the ettler. ha'etisbeu Auditorium here on Monday,, the Educational C e nv e n o r, couped wth ood ight th beter.May 29th. Latters cf thanks raad the prize winning assay Lord sali became with "lights out" and "Cancer is, spread byhy were mceived frem Mrs. Em-i"What Is Canada in 1967" mast ot us arrivad home in cancer celîs hraaking off tmom mett J. Crcugh, Bowmanville,; from St. Jeseph's Separata m. ýtime ta, put watches and the original tumor and ira - the Steller family, Newton-! School in the Diocesan Con- Idocks forwamd to D.S.T., and valling thmough the lymph villa, William and MorganI test. It was written by Eliza- I another plèasant get-togethar cnais, ananais, ta other parts Crough, Peterorough. 1 heth Gyaamitj. 1 came te an end. of the body whare they causa On a ai mai later e-'new tumors to femm. EanlyIL E 030 tem On n ar mal ltterre-teatment may prevent this cently racaived fnom Salis- and this treatment may ha N ETNI L it IoyourLIFE i .ury, Rhodesia for Mrs. Min- surgery, radiation, and a con-' if tyourlFE nie E. McHolm, she saw on sidemable number of drugs, Mm. and Mrs. l-arry Wade[Geralcl Johnston, in Bowman- 'ADCAST the reverse sida the words chemicals, and hormenes. aitended the Odd Fellows' vi lle, the latter part of the "Congratulations Canada!" - r.Wr pk thme-Ladies' Nîght in Port Hope, a week. a nice gesture. week age, as well as the Mran s.FeHnd- pariencas with cancer patients church parade at Port Permy, M.aî r.Fe edr in ber School cf Nursing (the the following Stinday, follow- .son and Carol ware visitors at General Public Hospital, Saint1 n hc hy aelnhcnMr. Cecil Henderson s, Bow- John, N.B.), and aise cf' ra-1 guests eoMm and Mrs. Glen avleStmayeeig dîum and cobalt teatments Wannamaker of Seagmave. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brown which she had the privilage Mr and Mr.SJ.Lnatradgrls visited Mms. Wagg U P N O W of expeericing. She describ- er iMr ontoq,MrS es. 6PLL vwaStP the Stouffv:nle Rest Home, FOR The ok of th local court. MtrHtlaAgo afternoon, te visît M.J brach f te CnadanCan- Miss Minnie Randaîl and Hawkins. i (E N T E N N IA L crs.ardety and drssng admitted to Mamerial Hos- Toronto, was a cailer at Ms M wrs. Wndspand Mm. Wm. Andmawswerethoth m. W Norman Holday, aof mad. hi ese dp regsara Mms. Bey. Jaynas, Lakeshore, visited Mm. Wade, in Mamonial Favourite Paiflmadeuns he Gmop dregsadepHtaitalt .a'so Suay an hand for anyone in theýwas a recent visitors with optl Favou n e P ientanea having cancer, and re-!Mms. C. Walkey. Mr. Frank Stapleton was quiring dressings cf varicusl Visiters ai the manse last hoe fomTootoovr h kinds. These are frac te those weak included Mr. M. Mccv eked ineed,"Mms. Wamd saîd!ef Orono, Mr. and Mrs.Ca- The Odd Fellows held their She also explained the use cf ton Taylor et Bobcaygecn, chumch* parade in Bowman- S C A R F E S the dressings, and sha com- Miss Grace Minty and Miss ville, Sunday memning, te their mended the ladies et the Sun-tLouise Hayward et Toronto, new Centennial Hall where shine Group fam their un- Mn. and Mms. H. Wells cf the service was in charge cf selfish work. Oshawa. the Salvation Army. Local "We must fight cancer withl Mrs. M. Samis attcnded a people attending ficluded Mm. F A M O U S ai progr:m is to save ie byihonaur o bride-elect Miss and Mrs. Wallace Boughen, ElaAnn Robinson, at the hMr. and Mrs. Bill Wade and fativaohutaeekd eanolh Necslo f idayeng.rian Casweil. Follawing the tivae ternto eekearyiNwcatle onFriay venng.service, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. "T H I X " and treairnent. MIL. Bea Jones returned Wannamakar et Seagrave, The importance et the Paps' home fnemn Civie Hospital, were lunchean guests ot Mn. 11T H IX YSmear Test fer women was1 Peterborough, on Friday. and Mns. H. Wada. emphasized by the speaker. Mm. and Mms. Sidney Lan- Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis were daner ga Is ano d f te ssd cteratiended the funemal of Sunday evening visiter. with A'. thanrsanalcfathem requiePth laie Mm. T. G. Shield in Mr. and Mns. Hawand Quan- MANUFACTURERS 0F la doctor's attention. Mrs. C. Waikey attended the Mm. and Mns. Alan Down "Report the foleowing: 1. misceilaneaus s hew e r fan and-family cf Kandal we HIGHQUA ITY AIN S ÀC V\l Any unusual bieeding or dis- bide-elect Miss Elaine Ander- supper guests, Sunday, at change. 2. A lump or thick- son, at Monrish Chunch, Sat- Mr. Bill Wada's. SINCE 1876. ening in the breast or elsa- urday evening, and was ai The eio rdesfro the where. 3. A soea that doas suppar guest et Mrs. F. And- lclesno ra o rlot heal. 4. Persistent change erson, on Sunday.loa school plan ta set cff for in bawel or bladder habits. Mr. and earlyTuMsdailmerSin '5.Peristnt oasens. r M. ad ns.Melilie anisbY bus, acccmpanied by the NTE "" LAT X FIT oug.5 . Persistent o ndges- o were guests at the McCrone- fallowing teachars and chap- tior difficursitn in so- Byers wedding in Waicemelerones: Mns. Hoy, Mrs. Rowe, IN E I W A E L in or 7. ffCangein a wart or Church, Saturday aftmnoan.. 'Miss Ilc, m.E Wbtr sevn sgnas a cacerlacs Wteroo uthranUnieri. Mrs C chaiMs, ME. btr. put.11 eut by tg. . h an d ian an- rs.Anl aewsaWa, .B ans n.G wlth President Mrs. G. Staple- The Canadian Statesman, Bawmnanvllle, May 3, 1957 ton conducting the openxng exercises, in the usual man- tertahr i rmNw ner. Devtionai was present- tei taEer, al ron ew ed by Unit Leader Miss Ber- castie. Begin LawnVSI nice Milligan. assisted by Mrs. Follawing the enjoyable re- M. Samis and Mrs. Bill Wade. past, Caroline and Janice Rail call was answered by 19 Voodland. Arley S e nd %,are Soon! i Best gave the report of ton, Jennifer Gray, Cathy Ontario home owners ha pressions of thanks for work under the leadership of Mrs.C done by the Sunshine Corn- Cronkwright, accompanied by about the crabgrass that coul, xittee. Treasurer Mrs. D. Mrs. Munro at the piano, en- mar their, vevet-green lawn Vinkie gave the financial re- tertained us with several de- ýduring the summer. port, and Mr. F. Gilmer lightful numbers in thiree-part if twsi ou anls that 0f the Centennial Project.,harmony. Appreciation was'"fi ainyulw as Cost of music obtained for expressed to the group, who !ear, it w1iI likely be therM the special service, June 4, left early, due to other coin. this year," says Dr. C. Nu>, wili be paid by the Society. Imitments. I Swîtzer, Ontarioa Agricultura* Plans were made for the An-! Slides, taken 37 years age,lCallege botanist. "Don't waïf niversary, May 7, and for the by the late Rev. Thos. Wal-luntil the crabgrass appears supper. Four ladies were lace, minister here at that It's easier, cheaper and mora named te act as ushers May 7 time, were shown by Mr. S. J. effective to kili it before W and take up the collection. iLancaster, depicting the hurn- spreads in May". Two more names wereadd-jn f h rgna hrh Several effective crabgras ed te the Manse Committec,land the erection cf the pres- k4lr r n h akt and offers f transportation te ent one, as well as sore ofAketas aentue rn, a and from meetings f the lat-, the "old-tmers" who assisted, Dactaae Tpesnad te w re v lu te r d, wh n m any of them fot w ith u s D a th l a l w orth recoinw- new. It was mentioned that renig Ths cn be p r necesar. - April 24 had been the birth-ichased in granular form or 1g Flowers for the beds in front day cf Rey. Wallace. aplw n riiermituescmn cf the church are te ha pur- Mr, Cecil Carveth also iapaly n cfahesechem.ass chased. Appreciation for the 1cl al nMy rbrs cateingdon fortheBow showed pictures cf local in- ra-infestation can be prevent4 m anville Canadian Club, was tr s e aI n a y w o e. G n rly sn h m î expressed by Mrs. Lancaster ei1-- r 777 i w etiie. on beaif f he husandxpressadi the wish they might i h oe rcmedc be repeated, at a future time, or President of the Club. The A rq et w s m d o l i f for techurch. ence-a pictures, With names, if pas- In addition, applving straight gifor nted c and n e sible, and antique articles te fertilizer occasionaliy throtaghe eor, anteadeaof a afow' e brought in, to help provideou the summer can maka the mer, n ase itr od aU.c i, d sitable display for eum sod grow se thick that 1t passed, after soem discussion. iCentennial Service, June 4th. crowds ut the weeds. Mrs. Lancaster effemed the; use of a set of scales, when needed, se that purchase of i r this article is nt needed. ~ r Ie n r Arrangements weme mader for transportation of ther speaker, on the day cf our an- niversary, and a couple of, Somethng tn Ponder . . . Life ls not so much the cad gentlemen are to ha asked to that you hold. It Is more lkely ta be the way yoù i01:1 sli tickets at the door, the poor hand. night of the suppar. Mrs. A. Wade and Mrs. F. Gilmer offered te look after addmess- 4 ing the remainder of the thankoffering envelopes, Mrs. Lancaster having typed those f the members. Materials for, CLOTHES CARE HINT: the lunch ta ha serv ad follow - Pr t t Y ur C o es A a n t M t D m ge r n a t e ing the Cantennial Service are rtt urCohsAas M hDmgeÉpi sti ta be bought by the Social time to considar havlng those wlnter garments thoroiighlï Committee, and paid hy, the dry eleaned before storing. And the best place for valuablC U.C.W. Meeting was dis- furs and clothing Is your eleaner'u atorage vault. missad by Rev. R. C. White î and lunch was served by the unitsin chrge.TRINITY UNITED CHURCH WOMEN'S - The congregational pot-lunkFOSTI TA supper and get-together ar-FOSTI E ranged by our Centennial CHURCH HALL - FRIDAY, MAY 5th Cemmittea was attanded by apprexmately 60 people, last Monday evening, April 24, in the Sunday Scheal hall, in-Z cluding our own local his- 5 torian, Mrs. C. Burley, Mr. A" u 4.o- W.4 and Mms. C. Carveth and a group f young ladies with __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Move it over! .4, r,,, Get Up tolO0 Bonus Days on your4/2% savings atToronto-Dominion Get your savings on the move Io Toronto. Dominion. Ail deposits made on or before the i Oth of May earn interest from the first of the month. That's up f0 10 days free interest i A real bonus, beca use Premium Savings Accounts now pay a wbopping 4!/2%ý-50%7 more interest thon before. Wih a safesecure Premium Savings Account your money earns more money right away. Your savings grow faster ta help you get ahead-to achieve whatever savng;s goal you may have. 0f course, you con make cash with- drawels from your Premium Savings Account anytime, thaugh yau can't issue cheques on IL. For chequing we have the low-cost Personal Chequing Accotjnt that gives you fully personalized cheques, a free cheque wallet in your choice of two colours and other extra benefits. Use the Personal Chequing Account and a Pro miumn Savings Acceunt In aur Twln Ac- cotant Plan for easy money management. Yes, a 4!2170 Premium Savings Accotant bas a lot going for it. But the first move is up ta you. Move your sovings over ta Toronto-Dominion now, and take advan. Anothr ~ "dafrom TORONTO m 1OMINION Th. Bank wber. pso lnimke the diff.rm.uie * B. G. LAWTDK,'Managoe 39 TeMPeraaoSt. Bowmaavlile, Ontarlo 1 ý-

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