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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1967, p. 7

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- - - - . r-..t-. ~ .-* j- -, ,-,j~---~ *g 'V~49..CV >.-t~ *'*.r - . r 4*?.-. --~ - M[iss Sheila Tliorp son, F >~>ueena University, Kingston, Aras home last weekend. Mr. C. Jansen, Nymegen, Xlolland, visited Mr. and Mns. Harold Hammond and famlly, Fourth Street. Miss Elsie Drewe of Toronto recently visited for several days wlth Mr. and Mmm. M. L. -Roenlgkr, King St. West. 1Mm. Noma Hornick eturn- ced on Sunday after spending several days the latter part of .-as wçek with hem mother. Peterboough were overght MaetMr. and Ms.Ronald. E.o Univemsity, Kingston, has com- Pleted his yeam and is nt home with his mother, Mns. T. iepew and brother Bud. Sunday guests of Mm. and Mmm. A. L. Hooey, Liberty St. North, weme Mm. and Mmm. E. Thompson and Mr. and Mrm. Horace 'Shaw, Woodville. SUnit 8 o! Trinity United Churcli Women held their pot- - I Pentecostal Church 15 Liberty St. 5. Phone 623-5100 Pastor: Rev. A. Kudra, B.Th. MISSIONARY SUNDAY with REV. JAMES SKINNER (former missionary to Africa) speaking at ail 3 services 9:55 a.m. Christian Education Hour 11 a.m. Moning Worship 7:00 p.m. Missionamy Film: "THE FOUR FACES OF AFRICA" ALL ARE WELCOME "Where the word of God là not bound"l luck supper lust Monday eV- ennet the home of Mmm. A=re AllUn, Wavemley Rd. Messrs. Norman and Peter Vanstone wiil be home this week fmom Queen's Universty, Kingston, after completlng their respective yea's studies.' Mr. and Mmm. Arnold And- erson and daugliter Joanne, Kingston, were weekend guests o! Mmm. Morley Vanstone and Miss Barbara Vanstone, Beecli Ave. Miss Virginia Siemon,j daughter of Dm. and Mrs.i Keith Slemon, lias returnedi ilome ater completing hem year at Queen's University,i Kingston. Mmm. Hugh Smith Jr. and smail daughtem Anne, Bing-1 haniton, N.Y., eturned homee on Monday after spending a1 week with Miss Anne Coulter,1 Wellington Street.1 Mmfi. and Mms. A. J. Clarke, Lamb's Lane, were Sundey1 guests with their youngest daughter, son - in - law mnd" family, Mr. and Mmm. AI. Elliott and sons, Steven and Lloyd, Màiss Florence Gardiner, Church St., and MrsMae Wilkinson of Oshawa mcnl returned from a three-week holiday abroad. Duning theirj trip they visited Spain, Portu- gal and Morocco. Mr. David Kerr and Mr.t Neil McGregor eturned last week from an enjoyable five- week tour of Europe. Among the countries visîted were England, Scotland, France, REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church Seugeg Street Minuster: Rev. A. VandenBert, B.A., B.D., M.Tb. Worship Service. 10 a.m. 7:30 p.m. 11:15 arn. Sunday School Back To God Hour CKLBI Every Sunday, 9:15 p.m. "Everyone Weicome"t A"itaz4. supI. Social & £Personal Phone 623-3303 Mr. and Mmm. John E. James o! Montreal, Que., wcre week- end visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mmm. John M. James and brother Rick. This week Mn. James represented lis em- ployers, Ahl-Canada Radio & Television Ltd., at tle As- sociation o! Cenedian Adver- timers convention held at the Royal York, and his wife Linda vimitcd hem mother, Mmm. Irene Roberts, and hem gandparents, Mn. and Mmm. Tom Lennard, Newcastle. During the fimst week in July the Oshawa Choral Sa- ciety, wiii meke an appear- ance in Ottawa in connectian with Centenniel festivities and wili take part in Expo music *programs the weekend of July 29th. Several local and amea rgsidents, who are members o! the Oshawa Choral Society, will part icipate in these events, and include Mm. and Mmm. Rowland ,Coombes, Mmm. Don Austin, Mmm. Lloyd Han- cock, Mrs. D. S. Ferguson, Mmm. Gordyn Brent,. Mrm. Stan Payne .(the..grnup -acumpan- ist), Miss Mary Ruth Osborne, Ken Weller and Garnet Holmes. OPP to Police] Ont. Pavilion S"Twenty - eight uni!ormed members o! the O.P.P. wili comprime the security staff for tle Ontario Government Pa- villon and groundsaet Expo 67", Assistant Commissioner J. L. Whitty .(Field Division) announced ecently. Volunteers selected fmom tle Fomce's over 3,100 uni!ormed members will serve et Expo for the duration until ifs clos- ing date on October 28, 1967. Ten members have been on duty et Expo ince Merch 13; 12 more ince April 19, with flic balance o! six emiving May 1. Carefully selected personnel, ail single, ehl over 6 feet in heiglit, and smre bilingual, will be under the command o! Sergeent J. C. Hawkins o! the Killaine Detachment. Frmm the 'Bowma;n-v ille Deëtadc'h , Prov. Constable J. D. Coe, attend. Pentecosta i Mission Rail'ý jNext Sundai jThe Bowmanville Pente I tel Churcli is holding an day missionary rally, Rev. end Mmm. James Ski] former maimionaries ta Af: on Sundey, May 7th, star et 9:55 a.m. Bath Rev. and Mmm. Ja Skinner weme school tea<i in Saskatchewan. Rev. S ner was flic principal a! chool in that area when heard the cail o! Gad ta lis life ta the mission fi If was 30 years ega Ihet and hia wdfe left their ] fions. and wenltat Kei Africa, ta engage in mci work n that field. Rev. Otto Keller, wha the founder o!fflic Penteec Asscmblen o! Canada -a in ]Kenya, worked band band witli flicSkinners m'anY Years. Bey. amd1 Skinner womked nat only th. educational field buti ini gmnemal mission w whlch lncluded fthc mini o! eÎrangebisi. After a IÀ in ]Kenya, flic Skinners tumned ta flic field e! Sat cru Riiedesia. They pioi cd the Christian work Soutliern Blodesia and a resuit of theim labors, tt are flourishing churclies that are& today. Theme is a town or city a! any1 that dec, net h*v.vcthlicp tecostal Full Gospel, Wt ,In tiret particuler tiôw. At thec prement, 1ev. Si ner la cetary te .Exe tAve- DirectW -et«i" Spot, Swtzs! and d Ikr.Donald Kari returned home Isat week froiLake. head University, Port Huroni, Iwlerelie la studying Geolo. Next week lie wiUl leave r Northern Ontario where hae wll bo employed by Anacon~da for tii.summer hlIdays._ Mr. and Mrs. James Graham and sons Garfield, Gordon and Gregory, of Val- leyflId, ýQue., were - recent weekend visitors of Mms. Graham's mother, Mrs. W. 3. [Macdonald, Liberty St. North,, and also visited relatives at Haydon and Tyrone. The tirout fishing season opened -last Saturday and to date we haven't heard of an spectacular catches, or even good ones - and flot à word about the "big one that got away". Perhaps the warmn showers this -week will make the temperamental fish bite a little better. Mr. and Mns. C. J. B. Jan- sen (Betty) of The Nether- lands are visiting Mrs. Jan- sen's parents, Mr. and Mns. Russelli'Osborne, Newcastle, and also her sisters and families, Mrs. Douglas Mac- Leod, Willowdale; Mrs. Ro- bert Coulson, Oshawa; Mrs. Jack O'Neil, Courtice, and brother James. A surprise party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald John- son's 20th wedding anniversamy was given by their children and Mr. and Mrs. H. Haringa at Mr. and Mrs. Johnson's home, Lamb's Lane. Relatives attended from Toronto, Bur- linigton, Peterborough, Lind- say, Orono, Scarborough, New- tonvîlle and. Bowmanville. Mr. and Mri. Donald Venton and, family, Weston, spent a weekend recently with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. §vdney Venton, and attended "Cornz- A-PoPpin' ". Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Venton spent the past week with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ILarry Murdock and family, IHamilton. Boy Wilbur Nichols This week, The Stetesmen Is pieased fo announce that the oldest (in ternis of years in business> car dealer Ini the Caunty o! Durliam lias just passed lis 45th anniverspry. We efen o! course to Roy W. Nidliols o! Courtice and Bow- manville whose succesmful automobile marketingfand ser- vice is matclied only by lis enviable record o! cammunity service. Mm. Nichois stated in the car business wlien lie wem only 21 years old and lias neyeri looked back. In thome deys and for smre time after lie stemted,1 lie not only old the cars, lie: fixed them tfoo and estabiislied1 an excellent reputation that has1 stayed with him flirougli the years.J Beceuse most people In theic area are familier with his fine1 business record as a Generai Motors dealer we shall dcal more specifically with liii. rec-1 ord o! cornmunity service., Eely in flic 1940m, aiter lie lied become well-establimhed ini business lis qualities o! lead- ' erhip dmew him mbt the mu-:i inicipal politicai field as a tmember of Denlington couneiLý 3He heeded the pols and wes launclied on a new cameer, pmaving himseif just as edept et that one as le had been in business. He wes on council for four years, spent two more as.Deputy-Reeve and folbowed up with nine as Reeve o! Dam- lington, a total af il years on Caunties Council. Leter, lie was elected to council in Bow- manville wlere as Chairman of the Roads and Streets, lie reomganized the apemation and was mainly remponsible for a tremendous amount a! moad surfecing that lias seved the towný many thousands o! dol- lars in year-aftem-year gmeding. Mm. Nichols is stili on the job every day et Courtice and makes frequent visits to hm Bowmmnville showroom and garage, to make certain that the principle thet has been lis guide, "faim deeling and honest service" is being maintaincd. Incidentally, le aiso keeps abmeast o! bath Darllngton Township and Bowmanville MAPLE GROVE mient, Mapie Grove U.C.W. met and Mmm. C. Russel tld us will et tle dhurci hall witli 20 about the dhurcies In Korea, ladies present. Mmm. W. H. tle Bible women in Korea, -Brown opened the meeting and smre medical work done with a eading, "Time to in Korea. The meeting closed Smile." The moll cal vs wtl tie Mizpah benediction, enswered by the numben o! a!ter whidli a social lime was liospitai and home caîls made enjoyed. by members. A Cenlennial Concert wem y Mmm. H. Cryderman report- pesenled by the pupils of ed !rom the Commiltee o! Maple Grove East and West Stewards and Mmm. S. Morton Public Schoois on April 24th o' n Stewerdship. Mmm. H. J. et the M. J. Hobbs Senior Brooks epoted thalt he new Public SchooL Mr. Barr, tecas- chairs whicli lid been order- Principal o! the West School, i ail cd were now etthîe cdurci. gave thc opening remarks with Mmm. W. H. Brown tlanked end announced the numbers ýnner, allthîe ladies wlo baked and peseied by bis scliool choirs. frica, served for tle banquets and The Junior choir gave e rting the lunch semved for tlie Corn selection o! sangs under tle Growrs eetng. he lsodirection o! Mmm. Rîce. Tlie Grs nowne smeing.the aimar Senior choir sang thmee num- chers catering we lied been emked aberther Jl aes irCand Sin- ta do. A ictter wes mcad from aBohrJmsAan Eîle Mrs. Pauh Bizi (the former the Centennial Song. This i le Mnil Sevns)tlinkng Icchoir wes conducted by Mr. nive ladielS frtveis)r g ift ! thoeButler, leader o! music in givelades or hei git o moey.public' sclaols, and Mr. Barr. field. Thc worship service was Mr. Smithi announced the Lt he conducted by Mmm. D. Wood numbers given by tlic East pool, She mcad tle calI ta worship; School. The Junior choir gave enye, lymn 5 wes sung and Psalm sxnmeswt oga hoi 698 wes eed esponsiveiy. Tamblyn reeding the limes in Scriplure was taken fmom e playette, the Raggle Taggle was Corinthiens, chapten 12, ver- Town Singers. conducted by :ostai ses 24-30. Readings on the Mmm. Cowmn. The Senior chairi vomk sciplume weme given by Mr&. nendemed selections i re m 1 in J. Hurrie and Mmm. Ron Sound o! Music. Misses Nancy; for Brooks. Hymn 263 was sung, Whelen and Nancy Kimberiy Mms. !ollowed by prayer by Mmm. sang a duet, Rein in May. y' in C., Russell. Mr. Smith conducted this aIma Misses Donna Wood and chair. womk Trudy Russell favomed wlth A Recorder group gave l1strY piano slas. Mm. D. Wood thmee selections under flic term leadterMshp a!Mm. Smith. The e. Rev. Carmen C. Lyni, (wliom finale number wus composed )uth' miany o!flthc Bowmnanville o! pupils fron: bath, uchools ,Ieer- people lknjw _enaonally. Rev. on stage singing "Land o! in Lynn pastored7 the local Pen- Hope and Glomy"l under flic m, a tecostal Chumch a number of direction o! Mr. Butler. Pian- Leeyears agao). luts for tlic evenlng weme Mm.. 3 i Re.. Skinner will b. show- Vanjke, Mr. Butler arid Mr. not ing an informative filmn en. R. M. Metcaif. slze titled "The Four Faces of Service next Sunday will Pen-~ Aiticapt. b. Mission Sunday, with Rev. UM Pautor Kudra ofe the, Peu. Oliver Howard as gueut #""uta Churcli extends a speaker. All meetings new km-. cordial Invittion te the peo- mU lbeb on dayliglit avlng Mcu- pic o ~ of wninvü.le to attend Urne. 400M. thffl Moviem Sou in mid the. VézistV reoeived their 25-year pins. They are,- from left toi right, Edgar Tomlinson, Stanley Hodgson, Thomas Masterson and Lorne Hay nes. Photo by-Astor Studio Concert which wiil be put on in~ the C. E. Hall this month. The final card party for this season will be held on Saturday evening in the C. E. Hall. Watch coming events for further particulars. Maple Grove Stewards are planning an auction sale in June. Watch for further par- ticulars. Institute meeting on -Mon- day evening, May 8th, at 8 p.m. in the C. E. Hall; pro- gram in charge of Mmm. Dom- een Doyle; Citizenship. Mr. and Mmm. C. P. Swallow weme Sunday callers on Mn. and Mmm. M. A. Denmem and Mmm. Amy Niddmie, Toronto. Mr. and Mmm. S. S. Morton spent the weekend et their cottage at Twin Lakes. On Tuemday evening Rev. and Mms. Harold Stainton, Osli- awa, weme their supper guests. Mr. and Mmm. Wn,. Spry, Columbus, were Tliummday supper guests o! Mm. and Mrm. Les Collacutt. Mmm. E. Hindman bas me- turned from an enjoyable visit with. Mm. and Mmm. Harry Clark and other relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mmm. S. S. Morton, MapIe Grove. anà ev-.%né iMmm. Harold Steinton, Osh- awa, weme Tuesdy evening iand Mmm. Fred R. Stevens, al- -so Mr. and Mmm. Jack Hoppm, sSacramento, Califomnia, were visiting theme. Mmm. Charlie White was Sunday luncheon 1 guest with hem brother and wife, Mr. and Mmm. Fred R. Stevens. Mr. and Mmm. Jerry Kean 1and family weme Sunday visi- tons with hem brother and wife, Mm. and Mmm., Don Brooks and !arnily. Miss Linda Scott,. Queen's University, Kingston, is home for holidaym with lier parents. Mr. and Mmm. Lawrence Staples, Betliany, were Thurs-, day evening visitons witli their aunt, Mmm. Peaml Hoc- kin, andý cousins Mr. and Mmm. Ted Foley, Base Line. Mr. and Mms. Howard Cmy- demman, Mm. Jim Cryderruan, Miss Esther Crydenman, and Master R alp h Crydermani wene Saturday evening visi- tons with Mr. and Mmm. John Lawrence, Hampton. Mn. Ken Cryderman was et Expo on Seturday. Mr. and Mmm. E. Twist, Miss Kathy mnd Mr. Murray Twist, Salem, and Mmm. HL R. Folev Foresters Receive 25-Year Pins.,______ Jonathan H agar Toplo "ENGLANr from London to Lands End" I Ing film-lecture stoy et England. TOWN HALL, BOWMANVILLE on THURS, MAY 4thi 8:00 P.m. Buy Your Tickets at the Door ADMISSION Aduifs $1.25- stude0,u r1riT Low1 I 1114 PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY, MAY '6 Head & Shoulders LAVORIS SHAMPOO 9'9c MOUTHWAS 99c 2.7 oz. - 1.29 VALUE pls7 oz. si x. for .19 1.70 VALUE for 1.25 AQUA VELVA BRECK' After Shave1 9 HAIR SET MIST89 8 oz. - Sugg. list 1.35119 6 oz. 1.49 VALUE for 99c89 BRYLCREEM 9cBUFFERIN 66 Sugg. 1st 89c m 7 C36's - Sugg. 11sf 79c66 COLGATE Pepto-mBiSMOl m Dental Cream 1.19 S oz. - Sugg. 11sf 1.25 1ý0 1.49 VALUE for 1.33 The Chocolated Laxativec VITAMIN DROPS 36's - Sugg. list 98c79 50 c.c. - Sugg. list 4.75 I.D.A. SACCHRIN'TBLET90 Doubl..tipp.d Swabs 1/ gr. 1,000s Rogular 95c s63,SQug g. lusf1.0O989 DEODORANT AID TO SIMPE 7 oz. - Sug0 list 159 629 so150 PRE 5-I I J *1 *~ At the monthly meeting -on April l7th. at the Nightingale- Ceritennial Temple. the above members of Court Bowman 964, Canadian Order of Foresters, weeSunday supper guesta of troiMr. d lier sister and husband, Mr. Snowde and ghl& Cd mnd:Mm R . Crydermnan. were caflers. Mr. and Mm Chris Doteiho Mms AliatiSmmwuqtý were weekend visitors wlth panied lier sistgr i lier slster and liuaband, Mr. band, Mr. and Mn. i* and Mn,. Hamy Pringle and lb, Oshawa, to e son, P'ergus. parents, Mr .and àN -Mr. and bMrs. Mel Shels Wilkins, Port IloMe, and family, Oshawa, were day Supper. Mroà. %i Sunday callers on her sîster had lier son Sm and husband, Mr. and imim. boys, Oshawa, and ý Fred Wrnight and family. Mm Bob Goodmtrpy, .Mr. and Mrs. Gary Parkin awa. and Travis, Whitby, weme Dr. nd bMrs. Geomg. Sunday visitors with Mr. and cott and famfly, Mrs. C. Russell and family. spent the weekend 'wi Mr. and Mms. Bibl Davidson and Mr. C. Hagermna%~ and two boys, Weston, werel ter - Paul Truscott, wlbq Sunday supper guests. wlth been spending some'I lier sister, Mr..and Mmm. Ron with lits grandpaet Rogers and girls. In the af- turned home. rBowmanville Rotary Club' TRAVE LOGUI 't' "'M ) TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. SUNDAY, MAY 7th, 1967 11:00 A.M. "THE EXPULSIVE POWER 0F LOVE"I SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 am Junior, Intermediate and Senior 11:00 a.m. Beginers 11:20 a.m. - Primary and Kindergarten r ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN (HUR(H l3Oth Anniversary Services Services: Il a.m. and 7 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. David W. Hay, M.A.,D.D. Professar cf Systematic Theology, Knox-College Guest Soloist: MISS VIVIAN SADLER ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY te b. held SUNDAY, MAY 7; 1967 11:00 am GUEST SPEAKER: DR. PETER, GORDON -WHýITEP Secretary of' Board cf Christian Education, United Church of Canada >Music by Senior Chol' dlmected by ROSS METCALF, A.R.C.T., A.C.C.KL X MEAGG, supI. ESCRIPTIONS :. :~I.A ALEýXMUG <ING ST. W. * MN Celeibrates Anniversary wnimy. 7---,7w presents Si ti a v e si L IE w

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