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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1967, p. 9

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Ilwy. 401 at Intenchange 75 -i I i e AJ PI w *0 loi ph Te ah lb lsst w THAIL TME TACTS AND FLOOM PLANS AT 319AV... TOURIS FOR TmE ASMKI nd bague Winners ln LglamDurt Legu. Padre GldichI& The Toas tot Mdlu~, n Dance held Satààr- tc Quen wus proposed by lZ7aypril 29 in the Legion Pradnt Anderson. T he Swus gregtly ciijoyed by Bowmanville Ljadies' Auxiliary large number of people ta Ucth ya Canadian Legion Who attended Uic succesaful wlth Presdent Mary Westover evit. League President C. as catcnlng convenor, prepar- G. Anderson pncaidcd. cd and served Uic delicious Thom ut Uiceliead table rouitbee! dInnen. - wMr President aud Mns. An- Piesident Canway presented dirsen, President Maurice Con- thc ira hics ta Uic League Vay of Brandi 178 cf Uic Roy- Champions, E. Perfect, Cap- al Canaclian Legion, Mns. Con- tain- V. Connais, J. Kane, B. wu, Branci 178 Padre, thc Hay'es, D. Severnuand B. Mart- Uty. .J. S. Gilchrist; Statistician indale. J. Gibuou, Ami Gibsen, Treas- President Anderson made tirer BUI Bates, Mn.. Bates, tic presentation of Uic tro- tidnSports Officer Jack phues ta the Play-Off Cham- suerad lins. Baker. p ions, J. Gibsan, Captain; R. Grace waa said-by Brandi McKnight, J. Newmpan, A. vith tous our dc 373 623-33' SELF-SERVE BUFFETERIA - 7 a.ui ta 1 p.m. dai RESTAURANT- 12 noon te i1 a.m. dally DINING ROOM- 5 P.m. ta 9 p.m. dally LICENSED AREA - 12 noon ta 1 a.m. Mondsy througli Frlday 12 noon ta, 11:30 p.m. Saturday Sunday 12 noon te 3 P.m. and 5 p.m. ta 9 P.m. NEW FOR 1967 Man Fou des! ally wIth mver Lumber, thareb »n ow beaver Manage la ,» t FIr vs eu neel mresd t. halpb Pum or visito-dar. ÎM W&YN UitST Two-Storey, Split Level And Ranch Style . . . Factory Built To Save You Timo And Moncyl Thc esalest, most economlcal way to bull a fIne home of yaur own . . . a Beaver Manufactured Home. Des- lgned ta meet and exeeed C.M.H.A. and V.L.A. speci- fiestions, there arc 26 homes ta choose fram at fleaver. You eau buld your own home or set as rour own contracter to save money. Te halp, a Deaver construc- tion superintendent la st thc site for a day te, mWke sure your home la proberly started. rossent Ti I Senior Soccer Schedule May- Wed. 17 - Courtice at Sauina; M. Grovc ut Zian; Tyrone ut Hampton. Sut. 20 - Countice ut Salem; Zion ut' Tyrone; Hampton ut M. Grave. Mou. 22 - Bowmanvile ut Hampton, Exi. Wed.24 - Salem ut Salins; Courtice at Tyrane. Sat.27 -, Salem ut Hampton; Salins ut Zion; M. Grave at Tyrone. Mon. 29 H ampton ut Salins. Wed. 31 -Tyran. ut Z io n; Salem ut M. Grave. June- Sut. 3 - Courtice ut Zion; Ty- roue ut Salemi. Mon. 5- Bowmanville ut Sa- lins, Exi. Wcd. 7- M. Grave ut Solina; Hampton ut Courtice. Sut. 10 - Zion ut Salem; Cour- tice ut M. Grave. Mon. 12 - Bowmanville ut Caurtice, Exi. Wed. 14 - Zion at S oli n a; Hampton ut Tyrone. Sut. 17 - Zion ut M.; Grave; Courtice ut Salem ;Salins ut Hampton. Mon. 19 - Bowmanville ut Salem, Exh.c Wed. 21 - Zion ut Tyrone; M. Grave ut Hampton. c Sut. 24 - Salins ut Salemi; Ty- roue ut Courtice; Zion at Hampton. lion.26 --Bowiianviileut Mon, Exi.c Wei. 28 - Hampton ut Salem; Salins ut Cauntice; Tyrane 1: uat M. Grave, it Yily- Sat. 1 - Courtice at Zion; SE lem at Solina.. Mon. 3 - Bowmanviile at T3 rane, Exh. Wed. 5 - M. Grave at Salcr Hampton at Courtice. Sat. 8 - Salem at Tyrone; Sc lina at M. Grave; Zion à HIampton. Mon. 10 - Bowmanvile at h. Grave, Exh. Wed. 12 - Solina at Tyrant ZMon at Salem. Sat. 15 - M. Grave at Coui tice; Solina at Ziai Hamptan at Tyran.. Wed. 19 - M. Grave at ZMon Tyrone at Salins; Saler at Caurtice. Sat, 22 - Courtice at Solins Ham'ptan at M. Grave. Wed. 26 - Tyrone at Courtice Salins at Hampton. Sat. 29 - Zion at Courtice; Md Grave at Tyrane; Saler at Hampton. Aug.- Wcd. 2 - Salera at M. Grave Tyrone at Solina. Sat. 5 - Hampton at Zieon Courtice at M. Grave. Wed.g 9 Tyran. at S ale m Courtce at- Hampton. Sat. 12 M. Grave at Solinai Salem at ZMon. MORRISH Saturday afternoon was a busy tume for the members of the U.C.W. when the wedding receptian for Mr. and Mrs. David Trotter, nee Anderson, was held in the Sunday School, Catering was in cane of the U.C.W. Around 45 gucats were pres. ent. The many lovely wediding presents were on display. The weather Was ideal and many pictures wenc taken bath in.- aide and outside on the church lawn. Deliclous cati, flowers speeches, smiles and gaad w:shes cambined ta make this memorable occasion a happ Cisend off" for this papukr couple fron the church and Sunday schaol where tic bride had spent sa many pleasant hour. Regular worship service was held at 11:15 a.m. on Sunday May 7th. The Rev. J. A. Rani. jit Ywas in charge of the ser- vice.- Rev. Ian Munro was gucat speaker at Garden f11 Sunday Sehool Annlvensary. There was an average nuni- ber present. Misa Dianne Me- Canziell was pianist and con- ductar of Uic choir. The usual Order of service was foflowcd. The Rev. Ram.jit took for the text of Uic sermon Acta 1, verse 8 "Ye shali reccive power alter Uic Holy Ghost bas came upon you - Yc shaU be witncsses of me," enpha- ulzing Uic need cf ailCrit tans ta b. a truc witnesc Our Lord sharlng aur re lon wlth others. The service concluded wlth hYma 324, "Go Labour on, Spend and Be Spent" and Uic n; 0. at. Sheehan, S. Rintsu Brown. Tic traphies for thc wlnnca of thc Basebail NIne mni werc presented by Sports 01 ficen Bakrer ta J. Woodward Capai; Pesdent C. G. An, desn, J. Gedes, IL Jolinsom G. TertdeliK. Freethy sud C e' Ticigh Singles Trophi e was presenci by Presidex, y Anderson te E. Perfect. Stat a istician Gibson pncsentcd tiq r Iligh Doubles Tnopliy te E ,Brown sud Tom Westoven. s Treasurer Bill Bates maiq Uic presentutionis o! thc Ira 1phica for both tue Double Ir Bsad Double Out ta, J. Fair Tictropiy for tic figli Scon Tie. Dats wss presented b3 Paire GilcinisItat R. Me- Knight. Thc Baseball Nine Innlug:c Traphy was prescnted by President Anderson ta E. Pen- fect. Sports Officer Baker presentci the- Que Inning îBasbal Topiy ta A. Brooks. Stýat is ticianrGibson maie the presentution of tic Specis] Trphy to G. Tierteil. Officers elecci fan tiec cern ing yean wene Presiient Jack Kuigit, Statistician Rosi Mc- Knigit, snd Treasuner Bill Bates. Round and square dancing was enjoyed for tic balance o! thc cvening ta tic music of Clans Ncsbitt's Orchestra. Tic lucky winners o! Uic pnizes in tic draw wene lins. Maur- ice Couway. lins. J. Kane, Mrs. H. Hobbs sud lins. G. Tierteli. NESTLETON Nestîcton friends extendm welcome ta Mr. and Mrm Crawford and family, Tor. onto, who have purchased thE 7-A Restaurant and ta Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Prosser, the praprietors of the Causeway or Pine Ridge Garage. Mr, and Mrs. Prosser are now liv- ing ini the home formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ro. bert Prosser. Mr. Marvin Nesbitt visited last wcek with Mr. and Mrs, George Faulkner, Oshawa. Friends are pleased thal David Elliot 19 able ta return to ichool aftcr his reent ton- GEORGE MEEK PRODUCTIONS LIMITE» (Cauads's Bigest One-Night Promoter) presents THE CENTENNIAL SHOW SOUND Saturday, MAY l3th 12 Noon 'tii e; 12 MIDNITE [.*12 HOURS Whîtby Arena *12 BANDS* leaturlng the 12 BIG BAND SOUNDS 0F 1967 * LITTLE CAESAR and the Consuls f* SHAWN & JAY JACKSON and the MaJesties * BOBBY KRIS and the Imperlals * THE LAST WORDS *E. G. SMITH and The Power *THE DANA *JACK HARDIN and the Sihouettes *ROY KENNER and the Asclates *THE WEE BEASTI ES *THE TRIPP *THE SYMBOL *THE UGLY DUCKLINGS M.C. Duif Roman of CHUM Radio DRESS: Casual *A4vance Tickets -120 *At The Door - 0300 TICKET AGENCIES: wRiTUy *Cerner Store *Whltby Arena *Shortys Cigar Store OSHAWA *martys Record Centrea (Slippfg etre) DOWNANVILLE * ryzos s moe a lm J - -ý a silectomy. 1.Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wl- r- llams were hasts ta his par- ie ents Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wl- rliams and Mr. and Mrs. Daug. ie Fallis and family, Bownian- y ville, for Sunday evening din- r. ler. r-Mrs. Richard Davisan Mns. y Carl Elliat, David and Kim, were Friday visitors with Mns. Davisan's mother, Mrs. d Charles Gist. Peterborough. 1-Mi. and Mns. George Eow- ers, accompanied by Mr. an-d tMrs. Henry Trick, Lindsay, n attended the shower for Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Lywoad's son at Norland, Saturday ev- ening. Mrs. Erle Ross, Mr. Gordon Fleming, Mr. W. Horning, Bill and Patti, Scarborough were Saturday vIsitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Heaslip, and Saturday evenlng dinner guests with Mr. and Mns. Maurice Nesbitt. Mr. and Mrs. Don McCall, Rickey, Robert and Jeffrey, Oshawa, were Sunday. vistors swith Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lee and famlly. Mr. and Mns. Clarke Wl- llars spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mns. Frank White, Trenton, and attended Mr. White'î auctian sale. Mn. James Harris, Lind- say, a former Nestieton resi- dent, jq pragressing fàvour- ably following eye surgery in St. Jo-eph's Hospital, Peter- borough. Mr. and Mi-s. Robent Rhodes, Little Britain, were Sundayl overnight guests with Mr.-'and Mrs. George Bawcrs and ac- campanied Mr. and Mrs. Baw- ers for Sunday evening din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Orono. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. David Frew (nee Leah McKee) who were married In Blackstock United Church, Saturday, May 6th. A specdy necovery Is wish- ed for AU. and Mrs. Charles Falli who are currer4ly In Port Penny Hospital, and for Mr. Norman Argue who is a patient lIn Oshawa Hospital. Friends are pleased that Miss Dianne Mains, Peterbor- ough Teachera' Coilege, has accepted a position on the staff of Port Perry Public School. Nestleton Presbytenlan fr1. ends welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Stan McNiellie and Mn. George Fennie, Toronto, ta their morilng church services. About fifty "Gold Cord Guides" fromn this district w'ere entertained recently at a banquet in Pickering. The honoured girls from Nestleton w'ere Dian Taylor, Bannie Malcolmn and KCaren Camp. bel. The girls' mothena, Mrs. Arnold Taylor, Mn,. Lawrerice Malcolm and Mns. Grant Campbell attended for the ceremonles when their certi. fcates were presented. Mis. Phin, principal of thc William Davis School, Scar. onaough, was thie gucat apesic- r.This school, the ouily one fIts kind In Ontarlo, open- ttscompletely on the. unit Wstemwhereeacll pupil pro. 46m Achlevemenit Dar Saturday, May 6, was 4..fl céhIevement Day (o sami. te Sp.n.) Ini Millbrock when 57 girls were present to dis- ay their dresses; and to pie. ent their ukits. Eight Nestleton 4-N girls Thé Nestleton Nifty NeedIe rokers", eompleted thiepro e=th MUa. Lawrenee ife. la uad Mia. lawrzc a. r. ty it le L r. I 4 i c *1 a ej j 4 I I A bi F. ç I I QUEECTIUY PWERE 110 VOLT,#89Amp. Tb*. moat economical, -coneient andi effcient mm«w you. neer heard ... It'. that quiet i Swing-Over band%, no clunisy turning. PlusgInlto standard ousehold outiot. TwIX i ddiacharge chutes. (leus tord) OfthlIVUIe eCugtee, Gefd eckExtra 10W NWMMEt4NUMSIR. 623-2510 After 9 p.rr Tes, cerne aid enJOY as]Plaza . * - tsngY w tomate uni cheesa sauce, or pepperoni . . . delicig mushrooma, suchovies . . . or green peppers. Make up s party sud relax with youn frieuda lun licensci lounge. Choose the 8" or 12" servinga, ma to order. BEAVER WANvUFA CTURELw HOMES ..-. -~ ASHION jways Au Near.As Teur ( .u . . BeaVer ba At * Tour Service!_a 1< -- , OUF. 1 ti. t i * t N.H.L. NEGHBORS John Mason, anc o! the best all-raund athietes ta coni eut o! Bowinville, iroppcd lu ta sec us on Saturday, in formlng tuat lii new home lu Godenicih lasltustcd, nigi besie a golf course. John, playei golf s wdl as hockc; Bt St. Lawrence University, so undoubtedly is iandical will b. dawn te about two or thrce as Uic aumrni progresses is neigibor acroasUic street pîsys golf regularly, OK John was lioping lie rigit have huisel! a regular parner He i. better knowu for is hackey endeavors, iowever bccause tue neigibor liappens ta be Larry Jeffcny. Also living il 1 Sooe. ntusasslu tii ares wio dldn't maIe th big exhibition gane ut Vanalty Stiuin to-nigit (Wed.> ,i be glai ta, knov that Uic attraction will bé televised lunda; afttenoanonlfinnel 9 ut two o'dock. Juit lait w"c Glasgow Rangers, who will be meetiq Czechaubovakls number one team, played before aven 100,00 fanç lu Glasgow. On May sisttheic anggr.ply a suddci death gaine lunlMunich for thc Buropean Cup of Cq Cliampionahlp* Eleven otien games arc acbedulcd for channel 9'via vide tape replay - all six home gaines o! Toronto CIty (Hibernis of Eiburgi) sud lve home gainci c! tie vancouver pRa Canadians (Sunderland cf Englani). Our Pness cantact in for tue Darlinto Soccen League HarnOY Qer, promises us a !ew details n'egariing thec pcnlni t t t t t. SPORTS CELEBRITIES DINNER HoIy mackerel tuer. Amiy - Uiey sure weren't kIdiing wien tuey mid tic Oshawa Centennial Sparts Celebrltles Dinnen wus ta b. a tremeudous affair. Tenny Kelly pionec Suniay eveuing ta infon us that tie following names wiu bc ut tic heai table, in addition ta thase we hadinl last wcck's columu: Merv McKeuzic, John Davis, Jhi Bishop, «Bucko" Mc- Donald, Gui Bodnar, Ei Wcstfall, fsnry Sinden, Danuy O'Shca, Carl Brewen, Bill Duruan, Munph Chamberlain, socce's Bill Simpson, Danny Nykoluk, Dick Shatto, Lea Cuhill, Ciarlie Justice, o! sofibuhi fume; humnes. racing's John Hayes, champion tnap-shooten, Gil Boa; baxing nefere Ruby Golistein sud tic Canadisu Bniar Cup winners, Allie Phillps, John Rosi, Rbn Manning uni Keiti Reilly. Terry was ulso telling us tiat tiey have set up a sub liesi-table, necognizing champion representatives of tue local ares, witi Bowmanville playing a promineut part. Atteuding fram hene willl b.: Doris Joli, the Canadian Ladies 5 pin bowling champion; Canule Bradley sud Siar- Icue Cain, tic Canadian Yauti Bowling doubles champs; George Cawkcr, coach o! the Ontario champion bantani hiockey club; Mary Jane Oke alang wti lier partuen Victar Irving, who won tue Canadlan Junior Pains figure skating title uni Min Gay o! Courtice uni lien nink fram the Oshawa Golf & Curling Club. Tickets anc going fast fan tic dinner, Tuesisy niglit, May 16ti, but we understand tiat sme ne e silil available ut Central Ontario Trust lu Osha~wa. 1 - a )f rum- 1 -- 1 1 1 1 Ml elm the capable leaders. Jorlty et those preset vote4 Cnda taumn omalfe a 0 N Theshi, "hasin Cotou aintat propoied renovto for. à Oef tha hye e icinterlan cf the church.' 2 i iue m and ýwas comeedby Bannie' Considerable otiierbudne«ss SWVUhemintes M he Malcolm, and the latic pos- was donc. Thc t'ng wum~ pondeiace ters'w cre made bY Banni e f enc d d loaed wltb pray- . s d lr. D m G r w lr.~ t Uvi g i in Malcolm and Janice W i ams.ler by' Uic pastr., Mmre r out guet o reasu C. raer t f.i re o1 ay MiSs Patricia Wray. home Thc Alvin Olan auction wus MmnsNorman Gerow and Uri $24-40 liasbec en evdm economist, bas donc much, te wdll attandcd Satuidmay 11I*Ban) from Uic 1986Pme",y a * ecreate im interest -lu 4-H U.C.W. sali refreshinte for Mi. hwoeth Cauvei, wu~ donations. Ha1memmklug work. sand Uic Uic occasion. Pair prices pre- admitted ta thc Memorial Hos.Sovcel items Of ~ . 4-.H girls'and WomÏei n's mti- vailei uni Uic wQatherman pital, BowmanvMel, lait Sun- wcrc dlscussed.Anluat a- tute rerie will b. lebv. assistcd vcry nobly. day atterncn. wau recclved fmLe ni O1 ip ing tus istrict as mie bas We- hear favourable repoits Mr. and lirm Charles Raby UCW eatn ielq4- bentrnsserned. an moot ef our sick lu -hospi- spet Sunday wli relatives lu Mt>rnlh Churclýi, May10ha- eo Court Lady Snewbîrd tel, whlch includes Mr&. IvanuFenwick and Wellington. 8:00 lsI~me ", The regular meeting cf Kellett, Earl Gilbanks, Ro- Mr. sud -Mis. J. Feddema and lr. ROY Bickefl wlilr n Court Lady Suowblrd, L1930, bert Halbran, Ken ICcane sud fantlly wio reslded ou Uic Vide tihe o Mm aid I was held on Wcdnesday, May and Fed Evans <we hope we Ted Williams fan, have mv- tiir wWi dg Carn.d 3rd, in Uic Foresters' Hanl, haven't msci any>. The cd ta Ncwtonville sud are ln Gcnmaziy. PicetuneswlD'b Nestîton.. anly unfavourable report ýwas accpying Uic home vacated by sliawn. A cup of tes wfl SPlans wcre made for Uic from Mn. Lau Wl1lanidon Wilfrcd Woods. senved ut Uic close. 19rmaeadbk aet e h e o entogo Mr. sud lins. Arthur lien- A sUlent auction wus h4, h,ýdin te hll, n Jue. gt. nd M. Zrl RchadellcY and famuly, Port Hope, foflowhig thc business peniq4. AhaY ride was planned for sou o! Petawawa were week.. visited Mra. C. Meneilley on It realizcd $3.80. Ne:ft Uic near futue. end guesta ln Uic village. Wednesday. thene wlllb. a touch aid talý- Everyonc agneed that -Apfl lMms.Alvin Olan inviitn The nilmeeting cf thc table. *C 26th was a success Wliei a witi lier aiter Mr Alenion e hrhWmn Nx ot m1W0 >- niglit a! bowling was enjoyeti Qugi, wlio resicles near Part was icld ut Mns. Chas. lien- Caswell will arrange Uic pro ýI at tic Causeway Bowling il onHwy. 28.ellley ou Wednesday ater- ram, Mns. Robert Morton thý 'Lunes, Port Penny. ?9r(.W. held anothen me -no fon, April 26 witi an ut- Devôtional, -Mns. M. frw1ï4, ~'A good time was rcpoteî Fniay cvcning. Top winr tendance o! seven. lunch. Place cf meeting to biiý P from ail who attenii i c tewcne Mnm Kay Beggs sud Tic meeting openci witli announucc later. . Eastern Ontario Provincial Ricky Mucha; consolation ElylTh 26. O Lord of Heaven Mn. M. Irwinw. l 10 Assembly ield in Bannie, Ap- awards went to June Hylani sud Eantfr sud Ses. Tis was o! the pragrain, whi coui n. il 29th, witi congratulations and Ronnie Van Wleringen. followcd wlth Prayer. cd of a reading by lins. ta Court Nestîctan No. 1031 U.C.W. siould get an orchid! Mn.. Carman Irwln was lu Ruthven, a coutest ani a W.A , fan obtaining "Tic Activity for sponsoring a Cenlennial charge a! tic Devotional and report dating back mmny ycsw-* STopiy" af Uic ycar. Reunion of sufomr uil hose Scripture reading Jahn befane changlng ta Uic U.C.Wà, Thc members are pleased of Drum uni Pontypool 11-24. Meeting closed wlth thce Be ta repart that tic Cancer schools on June 24th. It i. a -Scretuny, lira. B. CAswdll diction. Fund passed thc quota set. good project. W. only wlsli Congratulations ta Sisters t liadi ncluded Carscadien'. 9 May Parker, Canal Dayle, school. SMarge Elliott and Brothes L aaaT a ew ieR iqP i 1Nelson Hart, Ken Minsial to Nstltntlrge toph OBITUÀRYThrough tplus individus! traphues. forano g placing finst lu tic Eastern Mm, Mao Viola Brown -Ontario Invitational Bowling Tic funenal service for Uic Meet hcld at Motor City late lins. Mac Viola Brown of C t o i ii F r e Bowling, Oshawa, on May 6th R.R. 2, Betany was heu o a ia o ce Tic Oshawa courts providcd from tic Mackey Funenal a lovcly banquet lunch fol- Home in Lindsay on Frldsy, NAVY, ARMY, AIR FORCE lowing tic bowling. with Rev. Hard Stobbart o! Dnaw tickets are uaw an Janctville United Churci con- IF TOU ARE - WRS OFFER sale fan patio sets consisting ducting tic service.$070amottibl of a nbel table, two lins. Brown dici foilowingi 17 - 24 ycans Navy *20.00s mntI1,I chairs, chaise lounge su'd two a brief ilness, in Civic Hos- meehanical, communle- covens, to be dnawn ut Cart. pital, Petgrborougli, on Wed- 17 - 23 yesrs-Army thons, 'administration or, Wright Centennial Bal!, June uesday. Sic wus 73 years of msny other fieids. 28ti. Tic Centennial pins at age. 17 - 29 yrm - Air Force Free medical und! dental 10c caci are also selling weil. Barn near Yelverton in cr ONTY OOL Mauvens township, Mns. Have Grade 8 or better Fee o r pO T P O tic late Mr. and Mrs. John Fe msfclte M c Gil. F o la win her m ur- P h ysialaly iy a nd i n gl e a p r s f c I t McGil. olloingher ar-A vcry generous Peugoen We wcre vcry sonry ta icar ni sheae moved te 1". 2,Pl o! tic sudden passing o! Mn. Bethany lu tic Fleetwood A Caadian Citisen or ~ - Phil. Stratdee of Toronto viinity. Se was a inember British Subject 4ifih panna m last weck. Iu tic early 20's a! tue United Churcli. thc four Stratidee brathens fer husbani Dalton Brown Why not visit us to discusa your possible futur,î sud their sister Betty sud predeceasci lien several years as a techuician in the Canadian Forces; parents ncnted tic Moses ugo. fan for two years. Phil was Sunviving are lien cigit contact the Mobile Recruiting Teain ut looking forward ta attending sons: Clarence of Janetvillc; BOWMANVILLE LEGION 12 NOON TO 6 PM tic Olan auction ou Saturday. Edwand o! Taranto; Nanman, fis brother Don has recently Clayton sud Mernili o! R.R. 2 EN SA ,M Y 7t 16 retinci as tic Postmaster for Bcthany; ýNelson o! Oshawa, tic City of Toonuto. Douglas a! Camp Bordcn, und U ovnioo e L.O.L. 82 held thiin egu- Elgyn o! Madoc. Sic i.s aoMaail Coor e low utinetr Ian meeting Wednesday, witi survived by as muter, Mn Ps OfcanauidiangFrcs ecu tiu ereog Û Wor. Bro. D. Bowins, P.M., in fazel Lathangue a! Belle- PotOfcBuligetboog.n, tic chair. Ail membens ne- ville, and tince brothers, NAME___________________ grcttcd the recent passlng of Herman McGill, Bcthsuy, Roy ticir W. Master Wor. Bro. McGill, Bowmauville, Lamne ADDRESS Howard Brown. Tic Initial McGill ' Oshawa.j tory Degree was conferncd ou Bunial was iu St. Mary'. CITy* a, candidate, ufter whici con- Cemetery, Liffoni Line of sidenable business was trans- Manvens- township. EDUCATION _______________ actcd. Pallbearers wcnc Charles Tic Congregational Meet- Taylor,- George Sica, Hanry 1 requcît Information for ing an Tliursday was falrly Sica, William licCulaui NAVY CI AEMY Il AIM FORCIR' C Piercy pnesiding. Tiheina- lard Skuce. R

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