I J -' ~1* ~ ~"'*~' *~f**~ - Sh Caadin tatanEommufl~, ay 0,101en byMu iSCara"" e %sterian Church Clo egve IosMtoà,Lockhart's Pupil W M U ~MY Shepherd.' The treaaur u M e 0er's report waa githea thon Mn. Randul af CobourgP cn r e o M r ,wr introduced the speaker, Mn. ds W..is Mss.uuyMociety of Fred Black, thePr4eno Cnd ' en nna bre la 1 ~the meeting. If yau cayouf 5e P.Vte bo h p res t oucarerougriciwil share fin ail Fayu, and The chiliy wlnd was out. ta the pupils about the priv- 4 we care enaugh? Reniember 1cholbY the warnith of the HodtSrng R IIi. obonmor. eseyd o lePar t nwhth xessth fr:t a::>f 0 :ea~sur o4m. e o receive. piupia planted two Centennial lng.the treca planted. "He bk he them e fthe Women' sby eadndtereotaitesecretary s ondhUesuccess of the meeting Crab trees, "Almey" and -Ro>y- ren and point to these trees and Ifl lon ry oci ty Pre by- exeutive m eeting held et R eporta fro ni Presbyteral and especially the Colbo r e a y" p r ha d w th f d ih pr de s a r n i d r ai m turlanChurch> Sprlng Raily, Centerville, April loth, was secretarlea werc heard .next group for their ?iosptallty.eralsey", urcha pup ils. Each ths Cientenna eot'.th whl h aa hed n cdes- presented. It w au decided and mem b èn Ilearh cd of h t a n o nc d t a 8 l as give th e apor- Ms . Fan thleffr t". a ls tte d a y M a 3r , a ol St A n th t c di ffi er h o u d h ld w o rk b ein g d o n c b y th e v ari- lad ies h a d s g n ed th e reg lter, tu n ty to p la ce a h an d ful o f c h air m a n a i r th e C l rk e W it drc 'u hur h, aib rne wa ofice for fou ye n o lyan d ous, grops. A new grup as and that the Fal Rally w ould s li' arounci the roots and so Schools tree ]nting roe ct, to i Ineanvery niember csha rin g n e ens io a a c ea been forM d 'in CO burg, ai be held ai Norwood n Oc. participatd In the ctual reported that plans weec m T mea s ve y emb r ar Tg e res a tUc ou g a eoofUi p r-t be 4h.pB.tn . p od e loyalty pleted for May th and th ters, M n,. W . . T F u ta n f T e r sig ati n ai ~ r. E l h. ele ates to lic S y n di- R ev. M r. B aird of C olb o rn e tn o u r cou n try w as o llo w ed w h en th e stu d en ts af G rad es Port Hope, Uic President, eau- L. Clifton ai Bwanille cal held In Sault Ste. Marie closed the meeting wîthpa- by 4"Happ îtdy,"h ad8gte tte Orano th e c e t n g t rd r ndwOrÙe v d î h re r t r a ep r s an d a l tr a u -hr a e i ben ed iction . T e a C an ad a S n g " an d " O C an ad a". R e orestry S tation to p lan t th e th %lging af "Thau Whose Mns. Clfiton la maving from ers were sked ta send 5UP- Uwas served by the Coiborne Principal Mrs. Greenwood Centennial Waodiat. M. Allht ord" was iollOw- Bowmanville owlng to inssply maney ater each meetingMr cdb dvticn icagea nUcfaup n . alfr$4,0 r cce ahc ot bring the day to a and hier staff expressed de- Wayne Helson wiil be in e Capbelfod goup ofMilroo wa Mppin h t coer xpeses Re clse.light ai the occasion and hop- charge. Burley Bus Line are Ti ihe iut os d re o p i roa k w s epo nt d n an h t ve e n ses. R e- __---------___ d t a begin a beautification providing free transportation Themin tesw er ad ptc Li'YaureSe t a ney P rts werc e n y g a pproject ln a short time. ta and from the distant chools. ~'unu -presldenta. C ~fVy'yyv Mrs. Thomas Fairbrother, Trees wiil also be planted on Ï'd A hynin and prayers led by ST±IflfVILLEj chairman ai the Clarke Town. the schaal praperties at New- UicMX in, h Brighton graup brought ship Centennial Cammittee, tonville, Brown's, Kendal, od and nsDer.DIac unSt t heUicmarnang session ta a close. Miss Donna Souch, Toronto, was resent, and spake briefly Lockhart's and Orno-Times. Starrngpay$33 perhou Luch as srve bythespent the weekend at home. Strtngpa 3.0 erhorCoîborne ladies, during which Mrs. A. Dobson was a week- * absence of Uic Maderator Rev. Stewart, Sixth LUne. Mn. Wiicax ai Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gray, Mrs. Cecil McGill, Taranto, God" and,"Jesus Shall Reign". extended Uic greetings ai the Barrie, spent the weekend at and Miss Evelyn MéKinnon, Mrs. Thomas Jennings sang Presbytery. Mn. Sid Halloweiî's. iMontreai, Que. arc visiting a gopa etr ag Mrs. Fulton opened the ai- In volumes ai sunshine a with their mother, Mrs. James with herofWesguternacco- ternoon session with prayer pretty wcdding with Rev. R. McKinnon. paim ernt.ia acm and the de otins wer le C Whte Officiating, took Mrs. Walter Neals went ta Lunch was served by Mrs. PRECISION VALVE (CANADA) LTD. by Uic Westwoad graup. place at Shiloh, Saturday ai- Landan on Thursday ta at- Ernest Youngman and mcm- An addrcss ai welcome tennoon when Miss Elva Ann tend the funeral service for bers ai her group. World wlde manufacturer. ai .acrosal valves, han fromn the Caîbonne ladies in- Robinson, daughter ai Mn. lher cousin, thc late Harald Mnr.. (avan'. 92nd Blrthday rececntly opcncd a brand new 20,000 sq. ft. plant &t Ajax, cluded a short history ai "Oid Mns. Morley Robinson became Watson.OnSnaMy7hBe- near Toronta. This le a moderm, hlgh-speed production St. Andnew's Church", which the bride ai Mr. Roy Austin. MOn idrd ighim nysodest Manesident rs operatian and the plant ls equipped wlth the latest Uiey said is the aldest' church Mn. and Mns. Harold Little Mrs. Donothy Mark, Mn. and Emma Cavano, ceiebrated her modela Of Preclalon machine toala. A number af akilied, In Ontario in continuous use, and Laurie, Campbeillordl Mrs. Ernest Cavano and Mrs. 92nd birthday, receiving many craflamen are rcqulred Immediately. the church having been bulît wene Tuesday cvéning visi- Florence Johnston, ail retun- gift$ and cards ai cangratu- BFMFTS QALMCTI i 183. tos aiMr.LIew Halloweill's.cd home during the past wcek 'lations. DENFIT QULIFCATONS Alter rail eau, announce.. Mn. and Mrs. Charlie Hait, tram winten holidays spent in Ninety-two years aga Ena Preclalan Valve (Canada) REQUIRaE» ments, and the afcring, a Taranto, wcne visitons with Plarida.GilsedutraiJh round nan-seasanal wark Tool and diemakers.te prayer dediation was giv- her mothen, Mrs. Stone.MnadMr.To sJe-Glspead is ieth Mn.an Ms.Clifiord Reid kîns maved ta their ncw former Mary Ami Dawson, tiea quaijl Com a ny n s - nd w ork a dps a , n seial N- Land amily, Bowmanvil, were home in Lindsay. h whic wa ieratsd ls a c rs. C a m pu r a y b e 5 - tia n o d a ac h n d a p e l aid P T ' nS a tu rd a y v isito s a t M . H e rb w s o rn h a b e r p ar e n ts d r w e e k , w lth t u me a n d a m a k ln g e x p e rle n c e ih a n e d s r . C a l s R y o d , w h e r yM r a i e o l r baffor' overtime, pald asset. Muai be able ta wark (Intended for Iast week) Mn. and Mns. Alex Martin has been ill at bier home for en Ar Mogha Bigeom' crek evcy ecndwee. an- ram blueprint. to close Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ok n n imlNwasî,a n some time, is now a patient in o Ahgwy rmtee evry scd etecot tîcme ndbr O~eset h kend a nd ia y a w stl,atur v w.èca optla s-she walkcd the mile and a fo Ie nsrnc, alr tol o tetrde Aean NpaeUicig. w.half ta Bethany achool and ta ening.attend church and Sunday cnilUance, mJo medi- outosop ~e Mr. and Ms. Wilfrid Bw- Mrs. Ida Pum, Toronto, Donald Scott and Miss Don- school. There was no high- cal nd pysicanalandman attcnded the Young - spent the weekend at Mn. na Holland, Newburgh, were way then, just a cint noad ca adphullna ad MachinIci. qualied t. Green wedding at Kingston. Arthur Mcay's. weknd guests with M. and whch pled high with snow surgeons' tee under a pae- ojerate auch MOoI raom Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor Mn. and Mns. Deibent Halla- Mns. Addison Scott. in the winten and bogged kaged heaih and accident machines as jathes mluin and family, Janetville, visit- well and Bill spent the week- . and Mrs. osCr ihmd itesnn.Ms pl > a l a di io U c o m m c h n e , g in d e rs, ,j>m 1,. d M rs. T . T a y lo r. e n d a t th e i n c o ta g e . s p nt h e p a w c k n ic- C v n a tic h s t r ing s paur pays ifty per cent of ers, aawa, drilli presacu, Mn. and Mrs. John Catton Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd ai- ton with Mn. and Mns. Creigh- mnember ai her parents' tam- thecOoct etthc Ontario etc. Muai ho able 0. wori and famnily visited M. and tnded the Todd - Scott wed- tn Carn and amily. iy iwo 0cide Hospitll plan. There are from blueprinta ta close Mrs. Frank Smalhwaod at ding in Oshawa, Satunay Mis anly Siofws n w hota10 atunity egat Pl tao tutoy al- olrue and have own Beaverton. aftenoon, the groom being the ecipient of many beauti- She grew up and married dah Ya, pl atWero neIl pou . tools ai the inade. A e and M r. and M rs. A. A. Emm ett thein son, Bruce. Also, M issý fui gffts at a om u ty T ma Gils nd ov d a wlb sy aies a c ca. education open. ntertainc<j some neghbos Doris Todd, A n and Mrs. Shower held u brh n u at Pe t erbhom a Gll, i chnd aeto a OPPonmtunàes for alvance- aahos-ardg y ee usI n a n HahPtmerwasrouta amail town. Ment are unllmute. t hu.wam party LarneTodd weeget t the the Betha y Pih Hlt Saturday nlght. Also present Todd - Scott wedding. ,o ahr anaet BySvnyas ltater ber bus- LOCATION wcre relatives fnom Oshawa, Mrs. G. Pletz, Pickering, Panteous which wilh take band dicd and she cantinued AJ= In a hrivint ommunityon Lakeontaro2Mle Trnt and Bawmanvilhe. was a recent visitor with Mrs. phace in St. PauI's Anglican ta live i Peterborough untl A J a l a h r v i u c m n n n l y n L h e O n t rl 2 8 m i e s M r . a n d M r s . L e a B a li k i, V ic to r F a r r o w . C h u r c h o n M a y 20 th .h e s c o d a r i g t a i - deosai aionarnd exPoplaeti ho l a ci88. Ch re aiai latvesnTndtyo.st- Mrs. Carl Todd and daugh- The Misses Bcth Parker and 1km Cavano in May 1910. àW d emmos an! excellente amholfalesa re gppyaal drltve uTrn ters attended a shawer in eéather Green sang a humor- Mn. Cavano was a widower raco.. Hussa n.ak atet r ugo upya Kely Lavender and Ronald Oshawa tor Miss Scott. ouasang. Mrs. Jean Argue with two small sons, Leonard weasou bie re tais.Baliki visted Expo with M . and M rs. Ewart Robin- -gave a reading, d'The Ho an - sd Ernes, t wh m he g v 7 w m I h r n f o m a i o n c o t a c y o r e a r s i C a n d a a c h o l n a t a , a s w e k .s o n a t t e n d e d t h e C u n ie r - mn o n . M is s L y n d a H a ll o a a m o t h e r 's l v i n g c a e . T h e ir l UmaPowÇr Cenre and! roter tea clearance arder No. M 43 W Mnsd Mrs. Rae Cowhing, Quantrili wedding lu Eliza- Wbitby played two piano in- finat home was i the viciityl T..! ani Dlemakera on clearance order No. Mq 43 hitby; Mr. and Mns. Stan bcthville, Saturday atternoon, strumentals. The Senion Girls Machinste. MWottcn and Glenn, Oshawa, prior to the Austin « Robinson ai Bethany School sang a ViEsl M. .Griffin. wddn at Shioh. two-part Sang. The Wilson __ Sisters ai Yelventon sang a . .. .. .. .. .. .........group ai bld favorite sangs. Nbd M MrsMn Vincent Jackson con- -' ducted a contest.__ To the strains ai "ýIts a Long, Long Trail", Miss Patsy ~' -a decorated chair, whcre she -. was assistcd by a number ai -~ ...~ ~ ~ -<.. ... ... . ...er girl friends ta open the In a iew well chosen words ________________ Miss Smith thanked evenyoue - ~ - - , , w S~ ~~ - or te gits, with special thankcs ta the cammittee ini. .~.4.4. ,44, /' ~charge of arrangements. .~- 4~4-B club R7At the Achieveme.t.Day for Durham Couuty 4-H girls clubs held in Alce okon :. Satunday, Mr. AiceNeals ai Betliany reccivcd ber Provin- ciah houons. The Misses Diana - Green, Ann Wilson, Marguen-i. < ite Wilson and Norma Wilson received thein County honora. In the demonstrations ai thic course "Cottons UMaymBe Mrs. Mansl Finey on r- 'value. .Thré a reasons why Chevrolet mcibrace hil luhosi. is chosen by more famfilles than any I t w a a r c d a ei l u C h o t h e r c a . aat Uitc nhoigfnsle IL af Mnsd ia. CrlPorteous. MI-. George Waddell an- Plans IV V and af used and new clothing ta o ()e Ur tO'NRS !9t evertl'ing,,. fine Stiops, handy serices, helPfuit people. And the hsntt Toronto headqijan. 4 teas Membens were request- One Place 1o find them adl is in your Yellow Pages. Take, for instance, ail the things to ed t. have any donations in do with PhotograPhY. Vour Yollow Pages Con help you locate a photographia or -motion heOeMay 20tli. -Plans ere cmpleted-fo PICtUrM qUipmerit dealer. Or find a Photo.finIshing or repair shop. Or lead you to a witha Cld Horeste tape portrait or commercial photographer to ýdo specialized work. Whatever you need, your ho held lu Ueiccuchall lu ________ - eIowPaesc8n helP YOU find It quickly and eaily. whether it be rentai of -a projector, &The crear Ea rqes M aophistlcated audjo-visual eqUipmenft, or sImIy in film ret like the one -iustrted ..escd tO write, tas-more informa- flan On jolig AVEL ior ~ tO get n m e 7015 W W U OS a s~ ~ ~ v w uuau liS s hitO Wf. fim n tix>service and n= nt Mx.. thea 1967 CHEVROLI he urch andTeWol*5YV0OI mId hlg e ? su he n For.., tOi uthrizd Ccvr and when Canada, rx octin rnea Uctaka . ..-. ~ . -... .. p r r gave a ta I H N- in 4 Dr. G. M. Lougfield's mm- for niany thonthu. er cottage; Uic buildings no Mn. -Cavano necals drlvlng ger there. lu 1919 they t-ehn ilg ihhre Schased another farm on ean v~cwthns ecounty road. Just as they sud buggy for their grocer- ere about ta move, a fire ai les, for nothing was dejivered ustenlous onigin completcly as h la today. Later, a car staycd Uic bana, andi hlM. made Uic tnip casier. In 1940 u'ano recahîs the long they netired from active )nths ai bard wark lnvolv- farming and bougbt a small in re-building. pnapcrty at Manvers Station where thcy liveti ior five ILaaking back, 1 Juat don't yeans. Thcy then movcd ta ow how I did ail Uic cook.. Bcthany. Mr. Cavano dict in 9for the gang af men. December 1952, failowing a ere was no bydro then, s50 grngIles king was donc on a woad ers.g Ihlnss. e aon te. No refnigeration, so . vntl o lived lo, hn %t was butchered on teuns tilt yFse amen n sud cured by sUlic n . hEttoa Fihe cae t b dsmoking. I churnedail h b whter hno.seo stian a wn butter. Ther bsde Psi Uic housc wok n ýmilking ai caws tene WE ow caseideranningedlwork. iand the garden ta tenTigNow ishe s panng wh t i Uc fuitand vegetablesgow nbegadnints thaned for ntus. ycaan d wishes Uic weathen be aned orwiterus."would soon get wanmer, S '0 turthen complicate mat- Ithat she could heoaut in the maesuetheaopat Comme rn seven days a week at convenient hours. If you are planning a visit to Expo, see your local There you can obtain Expo Passports at a Iower at the gate; Bonus Books which will enable you ta transportation and amusement tickets at a di,, Cheques which are convenient quickly replaceab And remem ber wherever you go in Canada, the serve you. CANADIAN IPRILeBANKI y Sgota family wvrolet, 1LONG SÀIJLT Mn. and Mrs. F. E.Ae~i eBowmauvllle, wie ua- day supper guests of Mr. rRobt. Sim. Mn. andi Mra. W. Vanoyk attendetheUicfuneral ai a vcry, close frienti, the late Mr. U. Boonstra ai Bradford, Satur. day aiternoon. Miss Mary Irvine, ~r Scotland, arnivcd lust wosttoU vl st ber cousin, Mrs. 'Dert Johnson. Sanry ta report Mm, Johnson la a patient in Me. marial Hospital. Mns. Fletcher and Mr. John Johuston, Oshawa, wcre Sun. day gucats with their father Mn. Bert Johnson and viaitea Mrs. Johnson Sunday afler. noon. Louise Kovacs came home fmom ernna optll lere it is required . ., in ja. That is why we have ih at. Expo '67 . .. open Commerce branch firsi. cost than, if purchased purchase refreshments, 3count, and Travellers' le and readi ly cashable. Commerce is reedy to 0FioMnC Plan il-Camaero Sport Coupe (rear left)-The widest, lowest heaviest adventure car at its price. Yours with bucket seats, carpeti ng, a fully-synchronized 3-Speed trans- mission and the choice of four V8's and two great Sixes including a big 155-hp Six that competition can't d VI-Chvelle, Corvair and Corvette (flot pictured) an Sme them et your nearest Chevroet dealer'& Extra savings duringl CHEVYS BONANZA SALE Plan Ill-Chovy Il Nova Sport Coupe (right rear)-Front buoket seats, full carpeting, the extra touch of ali-vinyl styling, ail emphasize the sport"inthe SuperSport madel.Ancl you can add more, including V's with Up to 275 horsepower. Na matter how you equip your Chevy Ir .Er$3 COMPREHENSIVE WARRANTY.U. o nnp. * 5 Y s / 0 O 0 i s w poms s n L.oi t - c V7 A u- m.U Ina r l a I U w m anvll e: >LS MOTORS LIMITED DOWMANVLLE - PROUE 623-U»:l csc.,.wo. o.~ Ss.dy. îsd yox lcalllsluefor duuml and time. 44 's .4 e a f . - i 1 k OF COMMERCE 0 you get more for your money.