- -.-~ r - Tii asda ttraEoeavfe a ~ 5 Mq -. P to announcet fulag51 new baby sut Louis, bomFrldi 1987; weight 7 Ibo. The proud parentsà r=adPeggy. il ÇEIBEGE -Arnold a Voris (net Park) are happy announce the arrivai of ti' 4*ughter Lina Marie on Ma daMy1. 1967, in Oshai Lýera Hospital. A lii r for Lynda, Paul a 'Rônnie. is ~IGGINS-1mer mnd Cath rie(ne Camipbell) are hap] Sannounce the arrivai eir daughter, Catharine Ma on April 20, 1967, In Prin It upert General Hospit Prince Rupert, B.C. 19- X-ACMILLAN - Graham ai Lyýftda (nee Morrison)a happy ta annunce the bir çqf,:tr daughter, Lisa An î> a 1 z.,on Thursday, Mi ,1967, at Metrapoitan Ge. eral Hospital, Windsor. Gran Parnts, Ms. J. C. B. MacIY lan, tindsor;' Mr. and Mi Stan Morrison, o anil McGILL--Garth and Mari]3 repleased tb announce t] aiof twin sons, Dani 6 Ibs. 10 azo., Dav *rgry9 7 Ibo. 5 oza., May ~&,at Ross Memorial Ho Lindsay. Brothers f k and Kim. 19 r TCH-Ken and Diant pee Biggs) are proud ta ai puce ebc irth of their sc ~eâneth 'Briari, April 26, 196 ~.,Memorial Hospital. ~r ter for Carol Lee. 19 rigag emen anMr d Mrs. Bert Hoskin, .Bowinanville, announce the jiaement af their oldest ughter, Lydia Joy, t Mr. ta V.Ruch, Oshawa. The rage will take place in -'ampton United Church on Calmesay, June l6th, 1967, at pû0p.m. 19-1 '~M.andi Mri. Clair Waigbt J1ampton.are happy to an- !âouncethe engagement of vJzIm younger daughter Gwen- Y olyn'Paye, te Brian Richard See son ôf Mm. and Mys. ivon Lehigh, Peterborough. I'b mrrag ta take place ~ubs 4t.h at bbc Kingdom Hall If Jehovahs Witnesses, Bow- *idpile.19-1 4r -and Mrs. Peter Funk of -*iit); wish ta announce the lgment ai their daughter ~hi4 arlère Ïé, oGrdon Smale, son ai Mrs. 'WRr4Smaleand bbe late Mm. L ilfrid $ale of Hampton. he wcdding Wivll take place ,x Saint Margaret's Unitedi hurch+, Juna,10, 1961p, at 3:00 Mr -ar nd Mre. James B. Mar- '1fondl, Cobourg, wlsh'ta an- " ounce bbch engagement oft urdaughter Donna.Mac, ta oBarvey William Burley, son Mm . and Mmi. Harold M. Surly, Cobourg, formerly of etonville. The wedding ta place on June 3, 1967, Iniy United Church, Co- ourg, ab 3 'clock. 191 ÎThe engagement is announc- o> f Ruth Marie Wcrry, aughter of the late Mm. and I rs Oennt., WerGry, Edw-r o. ~ennt ta Gry' ew-r oeir, son ai Mr. and Mrs. E. S.Mellor, Sarnia, Ont. Theà 4.digwill take place on JatardyMay 27tb at 3:30 .m n St. Paul's United hucBowmanvillc, Ont. p p Immf FOR CLASSI'FIED Iuu.sdav. 4:30 a m -. ____________________ N NU~~2 «ua ',.>,i Marriage ter: Mrf and Mrs. Ralph E. Geach Iayo Kendal wish ta announce s7 the forthcommg marriage nf are their daughter J une Carale, ta] i-1 Wayne Hatcher Fater, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Foster, and also of Kendal. The marriage rto ta take place Saturday, June ieir 10th, 1967, at 3 o*clock, Kendal [on- United Church. 19-1 wa ttleReception - -1 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Beacock, Port Perry, R.R. 4, ha- will be plcased to receive p their relatives, friends and of neighbors at their farm home, sry Saturday, May 20, 2 - 4 and rice 7:30 - 10 p.m., upon the oc- tal, casion of their silver wedding 4* anniversary. Please, just best wishes. 19-1 Aricles for Sale FEEDocats, $2.40 per cwt. Cal 263-2089. 19-1 CEDAR fence posts. Lloyd Richards, 263-2057. 1l9 _l USED Westinghouse refriger- atar. Cail 623-5968. 19 _1* TWO girls' spring caats, size 12, new condition. Telephone 623-5449. 19-if SMALL hause traîler, sleeps 2. Home-made, wired, hall hitch, $150.00. Phone 623-2637 after 6 p.m. 19-1 * LATE Model tomata planter, tbrec paint hitch, 300 8-quart trays for strawberries (new). 623-2234. 19-1~ COTTAGE Special Colanial chesterfield, new. Special at aur warehouse. Whyte Bros., Phone 623-5252, _ 19-1 set double steel laundry tubs, bath in excellent condition.l Boy's suit, size 8. Oshawa I 728-2038. 19-1l KRAFT bulk cooler, 36 cens; Surge milking machine with 3 units, one stainless steel wasb tank, 2 stainless steel streiners, c at tlie dinkling trough. Caîl 623-3097. 19-1 MOTHER'S Day Specials- 20% Off ail framcd pictures, also Masterpiece photo and poster muraIs, si7es 18" x 40" and 251/2" x 37 'h ". Abernetby's Paint & Wallpeper, 55 King St. W., Bowmanville. 19-1 CHESTE.RFIELDS, meduced ta dlear. Loose pillow back, skimted, modemn, chpîce of 3 or 4-seeters, $129.95. Sely mat- tress sale, save $10 ta $20; chrome kitchen suite.,.$49.50. Murphy Co., King St. W., 623-3781. 91 HOME FREEZER OWNERS F111 up wlth GraIn-fed Young STEER BEEF Now. Enjoy Beef at Its best al summier. SIDES8 - - 57e lb. HINDS - - 6le lb. FRONTS - 49e lb. Cut, Wrapped and Fast Frozen te suit your famtily. Ask us about our Paymcnt Plan. BOWMANVILLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM Phone 623-5578 Used Equipment Int. 3-Pt. Hitch Dise Ferguson 6-ft. Trail Dise Massey -Harris 3-section SPrlng-tonth Harrow, 3 pi. hltch I1nternational No. 7 Fertiliz-er Distributor. 10 fi. ________International- 75- bus. Tracter fft Manure Spreader ____________ International B414 RGO, Ise Lilian-At Hills- Diesel Tracter e Mener, Oshawa, on Fi- International 340G Gas Tracter y, May 5th,1967, Isa Osborne ber 92nd yeam, wife ai the Case DC Gai Tracter, $49500 te Albert Crago, dear mather International B275 Diesel fMrs. L. Lonsberry (Elsie), Tracter and Leader LloUyd; predeceseti by Massey-Ferguson 3-furrow i m8. N. Metcaîf (Hezel) anti Plow, 3 i. hitch ri. L. Snowden (Bessie). International 3-farrow Plow,ý esteti et the Northcutt and 3 i. hltch mnith Puncrel Home. Funeral nenainl -uro uw ervice was helti et 2 oclock trainl3fre lw l dai atemnoon. Interment fait hltch4-aSdeRk Cemetcmy 'International 4S Baler IÏDY, Cherles H.-Passed îMassey..Fertuson 10 Biler y wat bis homne, 18 Keiwey International 46 Baler, P.T.O. SIdTomante, on Wednesdey,j* * * fry bh, 1967; Oherles H., NEW EQUIPMENT toila Had darfther f aSECAL jled de a ather laie ICAL of a London, Ontario, international CII-8/2fi. ofa Lena, Alex ai Clin- CULTIVATOR - List Pnice Agnes and the laie Byron $275,00 - Reducecita --- $239.00 Naddy. Rcsting at the, mryNwblgn unemal T. COWAN oe, 833 Mount Pleasan d aEglinton). Service ini he EQUIPMENT LT]). 1pel, Fiday, May 12, 1:30 134 Ring St. E., Bowmanvillls, ..Cremation. In lieu afi Phone 623-5689 I o rin emomial donations 1- b.sent ta the Crlppled d sn' Centre, 350 Runisev U dTarante 17. 1-fifl_____vcmfted I igÎhest Cash Frics for Dead Y. Leo Michael-At Me- and CiPpled Farm Stock 1 alHospital, Bowmanville, 13URRETT FUR FARM T'Iusday. May 4th, 1967,~ Phone Long Distance Leddy of Bowmanvllle, in ZenltJh 66550 (no charge te jeu), Ç80h year, beloved bus- Dept. Agric. Lic. No. 63-C.67'i of Mmi. T. ea ons, Ç sh onthe Spo of Mm.e.retta Jen , r- ____on _theSpot_ ',Patrick, BwMan' fo Dea" or Cnlppled Paru bOhi0f1iun~. A Sock lkdupPop * Ciuup) Elton; Cyni] Ok-Pk eil' 2.883321y * aç,EonaOtle, and Tiaphoos c*e., -21 * Oskwl. ested t ctrwmillPFur FPrirxy! Licence bto. 101-C-67 Wîtetd to, Rnt, .Lm uie3 £~iur za HIGH chair, like new. Ph( .823-2533. WATER for sale and deliver Cal] Cli! Pethick 263-2131 ONE small disc. Telephc 725-6043, Oshawa. 1___I CHESTERIELDand ch-, reasonable. 823-2653. iM WATER for sale and deiver 24 hour service. Cal] 623-57 STRAWBERRY planta for se Klaa Reitsma, Orono 983-53 ELECTR IC-st ove-and re1f erator, $20 cach. Telepho 623-3575. 1 PIANO, needs refinishij chcap for quick sale.. Pho 263-2191. i CEIiAR posts, rails a clothestine pales; dclivei Phone 728-6852.-- V MIXED baled hay, Seba potatoes, Kerr upright pisi Phone 263-2675. M COB corn, $45 tan. Frai Hicmstra, R.R. 1, Ennîskil]i Phone 263-8473. M SMALL baby cot with spri mattess, new condition. Tel phone_623-5863. is LARGE quantity of go qualîty hay and straw. Cý 623-5948 after 6. Is ELECTRIC dryer, $55.00, eci tric range, $20.00; Astral fric $20. Phone 623-7276. 19 STUDEBAKER Service, ne and used parts. Grahai Garage, 416-263-2233. 43. FOUR-humner electrîc sto, combination, for wood or co Best offer. 623-7264. 19 CHESI' ofdrws, m rangette, child's desk, oti items. Phone 263-2311. 1: SEED Potataes, Foundati Sebago, .small, no disea 175 bg oeý Bouma, 623-2 MIXED Dahlia roots from la Mr. Cook's flower gardE Phone 623-7040 aftcr 12 noc 19 KEYS cut automatically, whi you watt, at McMullen Har ware, 36 King St. E., Bowma ville. 3. POTATES, Kenebec, Chi] pawa and Cobbicrs; small,$ table stock, $2. Leslie Teylo Burketon. 19-1 BUYING or selling furnitLi or appliances, call EIme Hampton: business 263-2294 residence 263-2695. 6- GOOD cob corn, irrigated du ing season, $45 e ton on ti farm. Phone 983-5279, Heni Eikens, R.R. 2, Orono. 17. L r4u enesJ .tLeJ iecU, Wi sieep two, $10; continental he and mattress, sleep one, both for $15.00. Telephor 623-3083. 19- LAWN mer, gas, 3 b.p., V inch, useti anc season, $25; elç 1959 Ford statianwagon, e> cellent condition, $225. Ca 623-5072 after six p.m. 19-1 INSULATION, blowing mnett od, with rock wool. Work men.khip guamanteeti. F r estimates, Herry L. Wecg Phone Newtonville 786-2256. 38-1 USED washem parts, matai ksdatt, ThorU anct u '.ib --al cit -an-i-own c- stta'- - CLAND 0 creHihwy ar appEances, nationelly adver- acty nsad y, ege 35 tta P LBN EPARScre fargon o. 2Hwy. tiset iUne ai funiture. Paddy's 55, with e car, andi organîze- PHN HA TNWstoPrt op.7oo Market, Hampton, 263-224. tionel abiîîty, who wants e HN APO eto otHp.7ro 34tfyeamroud buines ofhem263-151solid brick home, covereti 34-t yer-rundbusnessof er 63-151patio, bath, ail furnece. Paint- -TYPEWRITERS, $49, no own. No investment. Com-I Mail Addmess: cd barn, beautiful pond 100' x moncy down, $2 wkly. Add- mission with exclusive terri- crs, Cashiers, File Cab., new, tory. Complete training an- 'P.O Box 543 - Bowmanvillc 1300' x 10' deep. Excellent for uscd, entais, service, brades. anged. Write Advertiser 812, trout. Painteti ranch fences. Bill Hamilton, Raglan (NM thC/o The Canadien Statesman,ý ACKERiviNi Terrifie value et $32,000, haîf of Oshawa). 12t P.O. Box 190, Bowmenville. EX A ATN own '60 PNTIA (rntor nly) 19- Mile Taunton Road '60POTIA (ate oiy) 1-1LOADING - TRENCHINGý Building lot 95' x 651' with 261 mator, good condition, $80-, STATIONARY ENGINEER Sand. Gravel, Top Soli and 'well, on Leskamcl Roed. Ask- 7.60-15 tires, like ncw, gone F111 Dclivered r ing $3.000 - $2.000 down. 500 miles, $10 each; Kent To commence duty on or guitar $60, like new. CeIl after ist June, 1967, for school 2-;-Hour WATER SERVICE Terrifie View 62-563frm -4p.. 9-* eain pan, theene gs-1 Reasonable Rates i Acre building lot witlî 623-563 frm 9-4p.m. 9-1 beailan. thene gs-623-5756 - BOWMANVILLE terrifie view of Lake Ontario SUMMER cottage, in gooti Must have 4th Class Ste- : FOR alfKend.1Hls$,0wir shape (ta be rcmoved), three i inW niersCriiaeBi rooms 12 x 12, electrically toandsra ygiears Csatifiactr ck &Stone \ Aork 9 Hale Golf Course windd, kitchen cupheerds, elI . On No. 30 Hwy., south nf coneniten c poaestove, expeience. Shift work. Fireplaces ICempbellford, north of Hwy. coveiece, M ane, B ethny Starting salamy $2.51 per $460 r a 11w. i9 Beha* boum. 40-heur week. Ail CALI, 401. No competition. 1>0 56 r 11W. 19______-- nat ii Sriebnft OXFORD BRICKLAYER S acres with room for expansion. ONE-borse wagon, could be such as vacation, sick leave, AN1SOE A N rpetr.Em elrunthrouiph used for a tracter; single piow, pension andi insurance plans. PHONE ORONO 983-5606 Imetopcrty. xcellntderund- coulti be used for one herse or Apply in persan - or 983-5626 menigtioncluding underrund ea teem; sigtohcliao 9:00 arn. - 11:00 e.m. '8-f:value et $125,000 - $40,000 for anc hanse, set'hemness fer work horse. George Wclsh I 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. HOME IMPROVEMENTS downi. Countice High School. 19-1*' Ita NEW HOMES AND BthrSo COMPLETE store equipment The Superintendent GENERAL REPAIRS Going business in active including two Toledo sceles, Pine Ridge Sebool d plaza doing better then two meat blocks and one Bawmanville, Ontario John deJong j$130,000. Shop fullY equipped ginder, 6' frazen food coun- 19-1 CONSTRUCTION with four refigereted displey ter, deiry couniter, produce- - - cases (40 ft.) with scales on couniter, sheiving, etc. 458 RAPID GROWTH 623-2662 lcach anc. 2 Dairy counters Simcoe S., Oshawa, 725-5433. CREATES OPENINGS FREE ESTIMATES j (rcfrigerated), 2 walk-in cool- 19-21 FO TW MN! ,î-tf crs and anc walk-in freezer. - 1 -OR T___MEN! Rent is only *165.00 per month 1 SPECIAL Sale ai Crimson j" "M " fDi.t 1V TRjwt yaslf n lae King andi Norwav ManIes. I C!1 r "A"'teheJ.r ' .i.i.i.'.i-». ' Y .-M j.'with8yaslf n.ae MouüntînAsh, Birches, Cen- tennial trees, flawcming shrubs anti evemgrcens. J. A. Trey- bal, Bowmanville, Meerns Av- enue. %, miles North of Con- cession. Phone 623-3180. 19-1* TV TOWERS .%50 up OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LT]). Taunton Rd. E, Oshawa Juit Eat et Ritsen Road Dlii723-8131 Day orninght -DUI Leask, Pnep., A T T ENMTIO N FRUIT 0190WERS NEW INSECTICIDE I ]MIDAN 50 -W.P. B APE to Use Untit Rorveui *CONTIROLS Apple 1Maggett, codibng Math. ORseiles Relier, Aphide, et. *SUPPESES Kuropoan Red mite * se teamusthan GathionI AlabeONLY trou. tour To work la ideal surroundlngs for top compensation wlth ail! company benetits. SEE "«TONY" STRENG service Manager alio a SALESMAN Fer new Used Car Depart- ment, an experleneed sales- man with a record of succees in this field - or - We wii train the man who fulfilîs theze qualifications, age 25 te 35, hlgh sehool tradt- nate. A sincene desire te be iuceâfuluI the sales flsldi and a willingness te devote the extra time and effort necessary te leari a ncw vocation. A minimum et four jeans in the BowmanvMle - Oshawa ares. We offen an oppontunlty te grew wlth a fast growing d«eanhip. A commission pian deslgnsd fon top producers. SEE 3. S. M&CINTOSH Saisi Manager M=D)ONALD FOD %SALES 2M8 RIng"St. E., Dowmanvlile jpbm -lut 19.14 PLUMBING & EATINGj SALES & SERVICE 24-HOUR Oul Burner Service SEPTIC TANKS AND TILE BEDS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2288 TYRONE 263-2650 'GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CARPENTRY and CEMENT WORK NEW and REPAIRS on Heomes and Parut Building. Froc Estimiates Phone 986-4751 BLACKSTOCK Refrigeration. and Appliance Service Commercial and Demestie Wetigeration - NW1k Coolers Phono SERT 87E1 Days - 623-3774 NIgkt U-3177 Lcm4de tr hardware mil ELWWUO uwner tias bought another business in Owen Sounti - mnust Icave. Asking onîy $8.000 with $5.000 down. A meal op- 1i portunity ta expanti existing business into European dcli- catessen. Newtonvllle .-Rom bungalow with 3 hedrooms, situateti on lot 82' x 206'. Ail conveniences. Double garage. Only $11,900 1-$2,900 down. Rendal 6-Room home iii Village ai Kendal on 1 acre lot. 4 bcd- rooms. garage, other buildings. 'P'his home has been well car- cd for. Excellent velue et ý$11.000 - $6,000 down. Williams Peint Freme cottage on lot 1301 x 100'. 2-pce. bath, ail heeter.i Boat anti maoter; l furnish- ýings, television includcd. Well ýlntscapeti. Priceti ai $14.500- Terms. Alter 9 p.m.. Bob Jehnuten Ernie Wilsn o« Barnki Clarfe Cullougb Rad Kruser* rat Io..e 725-6789 725-9756 7z.3-5787 723-7943 723-7906 ______g01451 ACREI FAIIM. Witbj Attractive 3 bedroom brick Lindsay- 2 Mlles '~god buildings. Modemn 7- bungalow witb attached gar- roomed home. Gond baem. Ex- age brcezcway, paved drive 1.50 Acre stock farm. Good cellent soul. Stream. Priced and iinisbed mec. reom with brick house. Large painted t elsel. 1ber. Vendor will accept $2,500 baem. Terrific soul. Ponds. NORTH OF ORONO. 80 down. Asking $28,000 - Open for of ace ih7roedhm.I9 ce fers. Easy terms. 1arswt omdhm.9 ce Oshwa God Srea I3-pce. hathroom. Barn. LandI Near Little Britain, with Oshaa - oodStrem 1facîng No. 35 Hwy. Askîng four bcdroom bouse. $26,500. 160 Acres of land 4 miles S20,000. Caîl: George VanDyk northeast of Oshawa, with!623-7437. 1Wllf Hawke - - 983-5274 stream, large barns. Just' ORONO. 5 Roomed bunga- ýDorethy Vivian 263-2138 listed et only $36,500. i low, ail beated witb 4-pce. Garnet Ricin * 623-7397 10 Acre parcels with fact bath Large lot. Low taxes. Harold Peck - Biackstosik tmout strcamn in scenic KendallIAski'ng $13,200. Oeil: George, 986-4252 Hilis. $5.500 - $1.500 down. 'VanDyk 623-7437.Bo hnt 7535 Bowmanvllle - Liberty St. N.'l OSHAWA. 6 Roorned homeBo oaon - 7-96 7-Room brick home on lot! oil heatcd, 3-pce. bath. Large Milford McDonald -6331 80' x 150' Excellent home. lot, low taxes. Only $1,000 19-1 $19,00 -$5,00 dwn.down. Caîl: Harry Coutts *1,00 $.00 ow.725-2649. Liestock F rSale Bowmanville - Concession St.ý THREE HOMES, loceted PO', 3/2bnd; sade 2-Stomey 7-room brick home.i north of Cobourg. Priccd from David Watson, Htghway 2 Lot 60' x 100'. Garage. Nice; $7.500 to $13,000. Caîl George West. 623-5893.191 dlean home in god area. Ask- VanDyk 623-7437.I _________ ing $24.500 - Tcrms. WHITBY. 7 Roomed 1% / SERVICE-AGE Y or k sbi re0 Bowmanvillc stomey home with 4 bedrooms. boars. Larmer Bras., Black- Medovlw veue All m o d e r n conveniences. stock 986-4250. 19-l*' Garage. Close te achoolis, ONE Holstein cow, due in' 4-Room bungalow on lot jshopping centre, etc. Caîl: May;, anc young boar. Phone 60' x 120'. Good retimement 1 George VanDyk 623-7437. 725-6043, Oshawa. 19i home. $13,500 - Temms. MNIL. 6 Room- Maple Grave 1 cd brick home with bath. Cent- TWO Holstein beiters, , one, Exceptionel value. Must be m al. Ail modemn conveniences. milking two weeks, anc due: k.1dMay l8th. Phone 725-2067. sold. 6-Room 112 storev I Storms and scireens. Asn, 1 home, 2 acre lot. 20' x 46'i $15.000. Low down paymcnt. swimming pool. $22.000 - Oel: Mrs. MeRobbie. '12 HEREFORD yearling stock- Tcrm 5. BOWMANVILLE. 8 Room- cm calves, also 5-ton Otaco- Bowmanvillc - Qucen St. ed brick home with 2 bath-1wagon wlth rack. 623-2111. 2-Storey 4-bedroom brick ooms. Oil heated. Nicely 19-le home on lot 66' x 165'. Thmee decorated and landscaped onlPRRDLcmebas-d baths, ail furnace, sunt room, 11/2 acre lot. Asking $17,000.0()0, RDLcmb or n. fmelac. $8.90 -Teri. eil:Geoge anDk 63-737.gilîts. Apply A. W. Catton, firplae.$18900- erm. all Gerg VaDyk62-747.Port Perry or Teleni0n INCOME HOME. Oshawa. 985-2787. Výr- . With campletely se pa r at e Hampton - Ideal for V.L.A. downstairs apatmcnt. Well 1 Acre of land with 3-bcd- ke pt home. Beautifully dcc- STANDING room bungalow, 10 yeers aId. oae.Cl:HryCut Barn 30' x 28'. Asktng anîY o7t25-2 il649. ~ Cott FOR SERVICE- $12,900 - $2,000 down. ENNISKILLEN. 8 Roometi RIDELL GO!,» 3:47 3/5 Commercial Lot r weil kept home in village an ?rottlng litalilsa by Ideel location for drive-in, large lot witb garage. Water Van EIdieli car wash or jug milk store. under pressure. Only $3.500 Misa Admnirai Todt Vemy central. Port Hope erea. 'down. Clou"a: CECIL EIALLRY Lot*I60' x 180'. $10,000. Termi. COURTICE AREA. 5 Boom- Orone, Ont. BEACON HOMES, OSHA- cd, nice clean bungalow, lo- Tlpsn WA - Taunton Rd. W. andi cateti near icheols. Ail mod- epen Simncoe St. - New 3-bedroom crn convenience*. As k in g 9U 43 93 N&Re-wccmtl e brick bungalows. Excellent $13,800. Caîl: George Van- Î18.30, workmanship. Oshawa's best Dyk 623-7437. _____________ home value. Many extras. BOWMANVILLE, HIGH ST. Tendermat& Oniy $19,900 - $3.660 down. Large 8 roometi almait zew T'aunton Road, West of Orone home. Wall to waU M« oorv- 3-Bedroom brick bungalows erings. Many extras. Cal!:. by OCHONSKI CONSTRUC- George VanDylr 623.-7437. Tmendona»e Eequeu ho*W TION. Lots 75' x 200'. Priced Aftr Houe l» li No. 1-Grass Cut$ f bacis !rom $15.500 and up. Call for campus) et Courtice Seonde appointment. Donald mouno etle 3-5014ary Schcol. Phyllis Me.obbl. * 411W No. 2-PJnting Jour moom4, Ken Heekin - 628-5@55 Thomas »onneily . 55-7350 Nos. 208, 301, 310 anm 311 ait Loy Pester -Orono 983-58081am Davidgoja . EejbSy SM! EowmauVille Rgh Scbool. W1esten Banluter - Wesler Anderson 1se8-ue 1 DUCIBns COrnai?»binI Garden Hil 102J12 Gaorge Vaa»yk * 138-143? h 8d» Bond Ioward Mrder - Harold Cue l 75udane Geors O to -W. List Pboto MLIA.S.s PortPmr su-987 4" "1 0* l i uMIIS. 5>4 fi the 1- 1). i. , j' b Fu le Help Wcrnted- Work Wanted Reail Estcxte for Salej Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estat. for Safle ine EXPERIENCED cook, part HTGH SCHOOL boy wilI cut 3-BEDRÔO~ brick with At NEWCASTLE, $10,500 or best T'IMRE - bedroom bungalow, BUILDING Lots Varlous size 19-1 time or ful ime. Acres lawns. Phane 623-3718. 19-1* tached garage, has large liv-oer30aesfvcntadsx onhaIetaloa-nd rie.Apy Wlr ~ Rstaran, 23-821. 194BOOKKEEPER requires ful- igprlacet. tsone fre- east of Highway 115 on pav-ton Pon 2353 19 Parrinder, Hampton, Ont. Tele- * XERIENCED heirdresser time or regular part-time laePhn63-65 18-2* cd road, close to schools. Cal ORONO, Main Street - Four phone 2613-2346. l9-lv anc wanted. Apply Huyck Hair- work. Phone 263-8885. 17-4 B.JT Y O Griffin Real Estate Limnited, bedroom 2-storey hiouse, pgar- 914* styling, 24 Division St. 19-1 B.T-TLL.G aTAnsLOloR 942-3310. Ask for V e r a age, bathroom ulpie1 LADY wanted for clcaning, tillîng lawns. Apply 53 Lambs Real Estate Krishko. _____ 19-1 $10,500, $1,500 down. 7%L.Ioe mirmrL. HoPonooy-509 a- nc day per week. Mrs. R. Lane or Phane 623-2530. 19-1* HOUSE for sale in Port Pcrry, mREae Poe93-79 AL ESTATE A» -Best, R. R. 1, Hamptan, CLEMENT Poultry, Custom 28 Division St. brand new 3-bedroom brickl- -- 18-tf iUAC Ted, 263-2216. 19-1 Picking, rcady for freezer, bungalow, attached garage, SOUTHWAYDiè bedraom SRNE a- LADIES - Have 5-10) heurs IPhone Newcastle 987-4353. LO flvie electrîc lient, mabogany cup-I brick home with finished rec.-38Lbe . ale8. week]y? You can earn from___ 38-ti 62-34hoards and trim, separate din- roomn. Deep lot, extra bcd- 6876 838 $10-$25 weekly, near home.!EXER Horse Shocing, reas- "~". ing room, many extras. Phone moom in basement. Asking CARLISLE AVE., 3 bcd.' Phoe 63231. 191wonbl rte. hon 78-06 BWMN ILE RE, -986-4776. 19 -1'only $ 16,800. Terma. Guy grgnwbt ---Phne 63239. 9-1 1onbleraes.Phne 28903 BWMNVILEARE, -LeBlanc, Realtor, 623-7461. raom brick, grgnwbt ýrig- -c Oshawa aftcr 5 p.m. Paul 10 Acre lots, 4 with stream 1- and modern furnace. Immac- one HAIRDRESSER, female, 'x-Torok. 19-1 and treeLEBLANCre g-* perienced, to start July 1,I___tesOn with 31/2 acres LEBLANCulate condition. A s ki n g, full or part time. Top wages. RE-UPHOLSTERING _ Satis- of young orchard. ,R1B.T1 $150,250don ing, Greig's Hairstyîing, Bowman- fcinguaranteed atWhyte CUTC,1%soey 6 elo ebg llVHrick. arag., Lovey on- nce ville, 623-2932. 19-1 Bros., Phone 623-5251 or roam home on large lot. Albik Gage olycn .9-1 623-5252. 19-1 canveniences. Only $11,000. 623-7461 REALTOR dition. Asking $13,500 wlth an EARN tip to $50 a week or red. more full or part time seîîing MOLJNTJOY Backhoe Service TAUNTON RD., Attractive NrhEdPoe6330 o onpyet 19- Rawleigh Produets. Good op--Foundations - Septic tanks 2 bay Service Station and3Mie North ofd Phono 623-5300YlST.down *aymcnt. --portunity for retired men. dug and backfilled. Ivan Garage plus display room. 4 Bedroom brick bungalow *MieNotofBwa. Iro ERTY miumST. N, nibed ýaOWit alegDpt -406,ontjay, Blackstock 986-4737. New store and apartment! wîth attached garage, Pvdvle:6Ro 1-tryrm ot.ose aluminum siing, nice ag Wit RwligDet.E-14-6 Mu16-tf above. Paved frontage. Cal drive, finished mec. raam with bouse with fireplace, sun 1 ing $15,000. Good ternis. Ino. 40059 Richelieu St., St. Henry, . - forf-rhedeail..ar-nly2_ear ai. skigmont, extra washroom, gar- 1BIDNG LOT, central, 501 ~!Montreal. 19-11HAVE us sharpen your lawn, iI BUdILDI ar o ank - -mower, grass shears, electrie' ZION ROAP), Early passes-1 acre lot. Suitable for V.L.A. x 100. Asking $3,500. en, REAL ESTATE CAREER 1 hedge trimmers. F. Crowe, sion, 6 room home on 1/2 acre $1.000 DownAkigpce$550 TYRONE, building lot, V2 9-5 Wanted - A full time real 102 Elgin St., Bowmanvîlle. and pony shedi. Paved raad.1. Concession St. Large brick:l In quiet area, dleaweîcr.SibefoVL m- >9I*Cans for $65.00 month. ýduplex a pciu0o, othkp 1edomfam oequirements. Mk s a ing estate Agent for Bowmanvillc . A1R9- 7.00 erms 1ymen $15.Acoskingony o n lakpt3 rge o Vry easyne tau a ~l-ae.Selltng experience pre- $00- - r] et$65 sigol!o ag o. eyes ooffer. [9-i ferred. Join anc af Canada's NEWCASTLE, Handyman's $15,900. lheat and low taxes. Askin e .Cvry 2323 - ~ llrgest realtors. Experienced Pl j oprtunity, 4 bedroam home $1,000 Down price $11,500. Ternis, g ernie. B rly 262612s all IManager ta help you. Strong m.>n ~ ±aîg'nlrelt sig$.0. 3Bdombnao nlot Bawmanville North, just out -2promotional assistance. Con- 35 Nelson St. Bowmanvllle! NEWCASTLE, Centrally la- 75' x 205', carnies for -$60 a 0f the town limits: 4 bedroomn1- -tact Lloyd G. Lee, F.R.I.. Vice- î-tf cated 11/2 storey 7 roomn home month. Full price only $6,000. faebuewt ag ic. ec reietH eihLd.11- - with new ail furnace. Huge $950 Down 1en and diningroom, garage: on Jc dg., Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto 12, ERIIIE PERFECT Jacko.Aniu osel ag lt sig 9-1 4733.__ 18-4 PLUMBING & HEATING Immediate possession. Ask:' Country living in ihis 2,larg,5 l. GiA sking p er ic l ing $12.000. ibedroom bungalow with gar- $350 ieu nofr I C A R D Phone 623-3540 age, large lot. Asking onîy Newcastle: Two bedroomLt rnsFEMALE P.Bx19 MORTGAGES $4,500. 60Ar amframe bungalow set in nice *g .,Realtor [.tf P..Bx19 ATD 1,0 irs quiet location On well land- ve, PART-TIME 78 Ontario St., Bowmanville WA ED $300 -fit scapd0lt.AskigepiceV. . A na___ - 1terest. Excrllenbuithaaotac1ed5garager newOlder two storey brick H OS E S in suh s curhe, 1s tY rer . Excellr ent srty.te lYar aihd gbra hganw $ampton e 10 acre lot,'homne in exellent condition. WANTED-Custl'CaainB 623-3341lor Cealourg ebarn, traut stream, 15 mint rcd t$!0 wt 200Four good bedroams, attachedý her FOR APPOINTMENT golf courses, parks.. Scasonal 372-6487., drive from Bowmanville. Ask- down. aae ri re.Akn 91contracts preferred. Write Ad- inLnar700 owIg gerites Akn ýLwrnc Wie 23218East of Newcastle. ag $l00 in Phone 623-3373 vetsr 1,c/o The Canadian Larjelhte--6325 Afier Heurs Please Cail- treed building lot. Priced Attract ivesoryAnd al. io ttsaPO o 9,Ptil id 987-4836 EdaI1Ave ý47. FLYING 723-5019. or 1e8_hr2 COBOUJRG - BOWMANVITLE He owrWgnse 987-44911 -.: bedroomn brick home on nîccly 8-2 -- 372-6487 623-3341 19-i adcpdlt.Lrekthr ~te DUT HM N S PTI T NK ~ -__ - -and- bdooms. Only $18,600- MO DTOR IN EPUMPTNK. RN RALETAEJohn F. DeWith 2/2AcredLot. Lrekthr on. MOORNNPUMIN W FANKREL STTEREAL ESTATE LT». $1000Down 91 BOWMANVILLE 1- WHITEWASHING STABLESan LIMITED 14 Frank Street, Bowmanvllle C fott w brom bngse- BERT TONIPKINS ebrOhw an District Real Estate Board Phone 623-3950 lw in gond location. Start-ý n- UNUSUAL OPPORTUJNITY Phono Newtonville 786-2552 21 Ring St. W., Bowmanvllle CaII 623-3393, 728-7518 or 92 ACRE FARM. AIl work-igat1200 '-t Large CaainadUS - Cali Colleet -- 41-tf 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 able, with 7-roomed home Orono Large hern. Pond. Exelent paius 1,350 sq. It. brick ip-I Company in the agricultural FRANK BRINK 42 Acre, Ideal Park Land Oshawa Area soi]. Asking $20,000. Cal-ibungalow located on edge oi $1; field has a wonderful oppor-- Large stream on highway 1,400 sq. ft. bungalow, at- 'George Van Dyk 623-7437. 'village. Attached garage, sep- ýor, tunity for a man with recent T.reflnc iflg with frontage on two roads. tached garage. Two fire- 112 ACRE FARM, witb 71 arate dinîng raom, finished 1* farming background in this SEPTIC TANK Beautiful treed land along places; sunken living room, roamed home, barn, stream. rcmn ihpcuewno ire erea. INSTALLATION streami with about i114 mile large bedrooms. Spacious Asking only $3.000 down. Cal overlooking park. Listcd at ýer, Apiatmuthva mini- YT2327 f road frontage near New- Iandscaped lot. Prc etDnMuty62-14 $21,500. -mum of Grade 8 education, Htamipton c6-20ýèastie on No. 115 and 35 High- $26,500. DAR AMa oing 14iAre -tf age 23 ta 50, and be weli 4-fway. $35,000 - $8,000 down. OhDA oxoog ve ocm ith goodmil qot. eenram bou crsitlag -- known in the area. - N R 58 Acre Highway Farm Ohw obruhAe ocr ihgn ikqoa ee omhuewt ag ir- ~h 0Ro oî rc on Only minutes from G. M. Real good soil. Mecbinery in- barn, implement abcd, double, the Good eamnings with excel- VY N - Rrt ofie.3-1doo-md.ocuds omin, alrtrctrrgaag.ksknhome00.Not ry lent opportunity for advance- Pitr Large painted barns. Stream, otofie -eronmdlescbnbar rcogrg.Akn $700Nrh 73,ment. P itr on 115 and 35 Highwey neer cmn home, 4-pce. bath, also etc. Milk cheque over $î,()o ofa Port Perry. Wrie elin u aou yor- an D coatrs Newcastle. Oniy $49,000- stool in basement. Stone fîre- monthly. A s k i n g $47.500.!j Lakefront Lots edi- Wit sef tely ncniec a2linguabt or andSt. - oranvlleplace. T.V. tower, storms, Tcrmns. Exellntchoce f ot ea )edý el. Rpl i cofiene t 2 EginSt -Bowanile 1,200 down. etc. Many extras. Asking . 125 ACRE HIGHWAY FARM MindceenAlsoo 3bcdrolots cet $6;' Na-Churs International I 150 Acres Lindsay $17,500 with terms. Carrnes with excellent buil di n gs. tage on Crystal Lake.15 ne Box 4, Londn, Ontalo Phoe 623-375 I St Acresin City Limils. for $127,00 per mnonth. Owner Large modem ricoe40lt ls cro e 'i 1(3I____~! rodm hoem. 2SoeBamnevn fo o i ..A e il 36' oe.40 x io3 eloo n G9t ýbdoo htme. 2-Stry,36'ex vng fr jb NewUastANwionddive shed. Paint: tage near Orillia. Cedar con- 50 L AD I E i TUT RII"! 108'. Ideal for subdividing. NerNwcl d barn. Large .streamn. Cali: 'struction, cathedmal design,- Iso LA D E 8 UTORNG 1OnIy $80,000 - Ternis. 30 Scenic acres with 2 George VanDyk 623-7437. furnished. ýx- OFFICIAL HOSTESS ta visit University Science Student l 0 cr aryFr streams. Ideal pond sites. I DAIRY FARM. 200 acres. $18.000 all the homes of Newcomers, available for tutorlng la Vemy lvlpoutv or ce ihfs lwn h- bign hem "housNew arm- AiGerade. and CGrde XI Corner famm. Milk hase. Large $3,500 down. ihem yard. Large bhem witb trout stream and lovely bush. "hueam- AlGadsadGrd I "L" shapcd benk hemn, con- Bidn losna Nc-tbeceaner, 1,100 lhs. daily. Just 15 minutes away. k- ing gifts" and local informa- Pyir crete silo, implement shed, 3- cestle, 100' x 150', in buiit-up Cai:Gerge VanDyk 623-7437. Newcastle e tion, w~hile extending the wel- Phre62-49 car garage. *Large modemn arca. Good vicw. $2.350. STONE HOUSE on 158 acre leour own pa-te oumsl. Phne62334 9- brick house with ail con- Building lot at Orono on farm. Large hemn. Stream. New and clectricaliy heated; . "HI NEIGHBOUR" WELCOME 1 veniences. Priced for -quick Main Street. 119 Y' x 230, T Crmific view. skn Dyk l 1.90 ls n nearl -SERVICE, a Canadien Firm JACK<BURGESS ! sale et $55.000 - Terms. Sund- with creek. Town watcr pess- Terms. Cal:Gore0 aDy1nw E~ wthBrnhe i eey rici II RRN.R P~RA î eland ere. es property. $2,500. 623-7437. Oshawa 1' i I j' ~i. 'fi 'I q1 j1 n I t' ~it 1 - 1 : 1 r ý ý 1 - 1 -1