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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1967, p. 5

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Irb", 4-eMhh e & -- r n Ida§N E at IUeaon M eo M m orand ut Y. zfàr eî réce Mrsp.R. Virtue. adulta re i ntertai»- artHola ,Gordon %ker Ur 'a ilver tu apoUn for -m. *raWilliam Wilton, Mr. e4 b~y thec N-C group consitt Harold hy~, lMra A. Wood, =flthefrjec1:Cttn WeboterAWIlton, Cbug ia membera and leadiers Tyros, Beýy7 K itchen Bandmrt W. Macdionaeld, -Boa= ,il Mm lra David Northey trio -olsth' iig of Rev. North"y, Diane Lanbert entertaineci were Simday gtaesta of Mir#. to he-li Senior Cithmen of A. Knowlton andi Randy An- Il of her girl frienck from R. Scott.' 8.61uma, Naydoeisd sn t derson. Carda andi a social Bethesaeschool Fnldey even- Mr. andi lir. . Clak andi tIi~ C ~ 49J=t a trne was enjoyed. en on her IOthbirthday. farnly v1siteci Szrnday aiter. e ZRUMald une enter- Ten 4-Hgis and leaders Cgratulations Diane. noon wlth Mn. end Mra. Braci- ~Ianpgi ..... édb Su-lira.lXf Ye<>su Mma R ] Mns- G. MCY spent the ley Suache andi faizily, Osh- _______________________________________weekend wff h Mr. and Mnra. awa, enciwn upcVget Lamne Phare. -.l0! Mn. e ia . B. Hossack Mr. and Mns George White, 0"hawa BowmanvlMrli. a" Mns. Mn. £uia - Philp, Misn jean Xen M Qaici, Oshawa, Mr. philp palci their respectest were Sunday visitors of M.P , P - o ,last F IMi gMr.and Mma Kenneth Blc Dai Ze .Ctarn Pht iihn yMr. and lins. Carl Back a .g Mm. tteneci omeMr.' end bMis. Gordyn "CANADA'S 2MthWedding Annlversary of r e e FINEST PHOTO FINISHERS" Oshawa. tlire. Vurdenès ffda Mr. Willard Thibault, Osh. night. PnIzes were as follows: W*k pyour camera Ioad.d awa, Miss Helen James, Fln- Mr. Fred Parer, lro ebr W. k..p ton, were supper guests Of camer n is rvile. brt F R E E M and Mrs.: . Clark. lr r unCoombes, Mn. J. C. Mr. nd rs.Wiliar Clak Cok nd rs.JimCoombes. Kodacolor or Black and WIMte Film and Derrick, Oshawa, were 50-50 draw was won by Mnr. REMEMBER "MOM" ON MOTHER'S DAY nCClaretk. rs alph Bowers. SU AMAY l4th Mr. A. Knowlton, Bruce and i SUNDAY, Peter, spent the weckend with I * ~~his sister-in-law, Mm.. A. Wern- I 'A D M Dham and family, Barrys Bay. omen s F E E I C Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hifttue FR D R C'attendcd a Centennial Church m Prescription PharmaCy moriBOWMANVILLSamE W. 1 67 Klng st. E. Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Hill were din- 623-2549 ner gucats o! Mr. and Mrs. The regular meeting of thc Lamne McCoy. W. I. was held in the Salva- FREE DELIVERY Mr. and lins. Jon Moore, tion Army Young People's Oshawa, were Satumday visit- Hall on May 4th with a good /.Are YOU getting the best dealV MO for YOUR money ? ACCOUNT, is your money earning .. . C.OOT. PAYS 41/20/o ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS (they always have) If you have a CHEQUING ACCOUNT Do you get your cancelled cheques back plus a monthly statement and earn intcrcst as well at the rate of C. 0. T. pays 4 0/o on CHEQUING ACCOUNTS (they always have) 4 1/2 0/o? 40/lo? 3 1/2 0lo? 3 0/o l 4 0/o? 3 1/2C/o ? 30o? 0 /o? Whcn you want to save maneY or cash a cheque, et what hours. can yau do business? 9 ta 5:30? 10 ta 3 daily? 9:30 to 5 daily? Fridays tili 8 p.m.? Fridays 4 to 6 pani.? Fridays tili 6 p.m.?P 9 to 4 Saturdays? Closed Saturdays? 10 to 2 Saturdays? C. 0. T. is Open 9 to 5:30 Daily Fridays tili 8 p.m. - Saturdays 9 to 4 p.m. (They AlwaysHave hoen) BOWMANVILLE OFFICE CLOSED WEDNESDAYS Can you discuss OTHER FINANCIAL SERVICES also lilce ' Wills, Investments . .. G.I.C.'s . Mortgages . Buying and selling Real Estate? You con at C.OC. T. and always have been aible ta! if you deal with Central Ontario Trust you get Uic beat o! cvery servie listeci aud you always did, plus fiendly, helpful service from a Comamun- 1ty CompeuY. Ccutraliy located, too, in both Oshawa and Bowmnanville. Core ne a odai a"j set the best deal for rour moaci'! SWITCH UP! to Y CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 23 King st. W, Bownmnmvme, ont Tephon. 03-25n s40 attendance. The meeting was oper with thc President Mis. Wiseman in Uic chair, w 0 Canada, Uic Institute and the Lord's prayer. Minutes of Uic last meeti were read and approved. financial statement was giv by the secretary-treasur Mns.. I. Munday, and carid pondenoe was read. The mec bers voted for a short coui on "Fashion Cues for Yoi also sent in Training Schc and'Forum preferences. A recommendation thati have a Kopper Kamnival ne year was passed. Arrang ments were made for Uic Di trict Annual at Maple Gr<, On May Il. Mra. S. Grant ta be convenor for a bus tr on June 8. The committ for our Picnic meeting Mrs. Couch, lirs. Corden ai lirs. Flintoff.- lirs. M. Flintof! was tI convenor for Uic meeting; t] subject Agriculture. Tt motto- was, Every mcmbl should grow-TURNIPS. Tu up for meetings; turn up wi a smile; turn up with ne ideas; turn up with ne members; turn up- with d termination to make ever hilng cotant for -soinethii good and worthwhlle. Thl was given by Mns. . Sumer ford . She dealt with ec sentence individually and fh ished her remarks with short reading on ffiendsý The gucat speaker, M Floyd Johnson of Oshawa, member, o! Bowmaavile au Oshawa Nforticultural Socit tics, was introduceci by Mr Flintoff. HI, tapic was "Mal lias" and thec cultivation ai staring o! thein, uses of gao fertilizers and gaod spray fa différent kinds of fiowei He also mentionied Geranium asid Sweet Peas. At 4heclcoa o! his talk h. answered ques tions. He gave two dabli bulbs as gits to Uic 'one wit] Uic blthday and wcdding an niversary in May,' Uic win ners being Mrs. M. Wisei and lira. H. Surnersford. Mr! S. Buttery thanked Mr. John son for his talk. The rail cail was "A dair product used daily Inuou: home," and was well answer cd. lirs. D. Park, Past Pres1 dent, *as presentcd witha glit of appreciation *for hei services to tUic Institute hi lins. M. Wisemian. lirs. Pari very suitably replied. The meeting closed witk Uic Mary Stewart Collect Members set with their grour leaders 'for lunch served b3 the group ini charge. Con. venor, birs. G. Richards. NESTLETON W. L. Mrs. Richard Davison, sisted by Mrs. Arthur Hy]î and Mrs. Carl Elliot,was h tess for the regular mect of Nestietoin Women's hn tute on Wednesday, May3 Mrn. Cecil Wilson, pio dent, chaired -the meetinga cxtended a welcomne to The rall cail,- suggestions the new programs, was w answered . Several feit1 need for more discussions; paid famiy night was mi tianed as well as further forts for a Centennalt.prai The executive meeting, plan the programs, is Mc day evcning, May 8th, et M Wilson'. home. Secretary-treasurer Mrs. Davison read a letter fit Mias Patricia Wray, hci economist. For thc Le.c Training School, Baking * Yeast was firat choicea Papier Mache second chbi For the short course, (1) n niture Fadas or (2) Tasi Cues for You. For the eve ing Food Forum, (1) Coln i Your Home or (2) Adc Touch or YOU. Plans were made for trer portation to the District Ai nual, May 11, at Maple Groç and tour votlng delegal were awere rud and carda werc aigned for ai. ira. R. W. Jackson red. moat lnteresting letter fra Mn. Cala in Weflngt New Zssland& which told her activities and dcpiob witU drawlngs the huméo situations. Unr. Cairns, a i tive of Soetland and a ýcolla greduate, lid, for rany yffl a cottag en the ,abores La&e *Scugog and many tin she wa u put speaker W"== , 8sgpoups. Lust whn Mn. Calma, tmegt e yomwent utha ts »New Zesladomd hi med M. vith Ode ting A ven rer, 'e'. irse )U, lul 01ward to hein return to'Canada.! !irst- in Uic production o! we Mrs. Grant Thompson gave rlewsprint, nickel, asbestos, ext an excellent account o! Mrs. zinc; second in piatinuin, goid, Lge- Hermansen's ad dr e ss, ,My oats; Uhid in sawn lumber, >s- Country", at the Seventieth silver. My country is fiuth in ove Anniversary banquet at Ma- international trade. In ex- ' i pie Grove. Quote: "Canada Ports she is first in nickel, rip itha ppultio o!19,00,- zinc, asbestos, platinum, sul- tee 000 has only 1% af Uie phur; second in uranium, gold, is world's population. She is aluminum, cadmium; third in nd silver, gypsum, baret; pro- ducesthrec turnes more news- he print than any other nation he and one-haif the wonld's h e needs. Canada has one-!ifth ber tihe worid's fresh watem and irn is second in exporting fish. ith She has second place in per ew capita production o! electri- ew If You're cty generated by ae ry Mrs. Thompson concluded ng à U S this t.alk with an acrostic hu about Canada by Pauline ch- Johnson. ich Readings were given by- in- Miss Ruth Proutt, "Canada a Centennial 1967" (by Marion Ford>, by lirs. V. Hudson ar Splg (byv Marion Ford), a. and bY Mrs. Fred Dayes, an nde 'acrostie "CentennIal, Canada." Le-. Marion Ford was Marion th- Taylor and was a native O! rud Cartwright township. ýod For Uic sale o! plants and !or about flavor blbs, Mrs. R.W. Jackson was Ma. and qalit Grant Thompson, the clerk. an qaie Due to Mrs. Jackson'. profes- bs sional technique Uic trading lia was brisk and competîtive ta and ait articles sald readily. n. A deiloius lunch was serv- l. :ie d by, ins. Davison and hem an~ assistants, and ins. Bruce in Heasiip expresaed fixe appre- n. ciation. Littile SpSeclter The happy, young cyclist in the above photo is Scatt Heard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Heard, 5 Sunset Road, who celebrated his first birthday on Apnil 7th. His grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McIlroy, R.R. 2, Newcastle, and lirs. Laura Heard of Port Hope. n. -y r a y ,k ip )y Choose GINGER ALE e! __ -~ IlIVLI i. OId Birds Race From Ingersol nhe Bowmanville Racing Pigeon Club flewtheir second adbird race o! Uic season frIT Ingersoil, Ont.,on Satur- daY, May 6, 1967. It was a very difficuit race with Uic bird. being badly split up a few nuaking very gaod time andi Uic nest.Just straggling in for Uic next couple of cinys. Foiiowing are tixe results In yards per minute: let, Brown Bras. 1246.3 2nd, Don Stain- ton 1105.10; 3rd, L. Richards 1099.08; 4th, I. Piper 1095.00; 5th, J. Turcotte 10M.10; 6Ui, Ron Iuke 1051.45; 7th, Roy Forrester 1047.72; 8th, Bar Luke 1015.97; 9th, Jack Brid- ger 986.00; Michael Carman no report. Next race on May 13, 1967, fnom Ingersolli, 127 miles air Une istnce I- 6- Corne-and Enjoy. LOG CABIN~ CHICKEN 2 -DAY SPCIAL SFR1.,, SAT. a MAY 12 a13 SOur Rqular Chik. Diuiuu FOR TAKE-OUTS > PHONE NE WCASTLE 97-20 ~HONEY HOLLOW< RESTAURANT NEWCASTrLE ~ A A A ~ id m-i. ---Il BRI It's that gloniaus tirne ôf year again-opening the summer cottage! To refurbish youn netreat and outfit your famly for a summer o!f£uni. mk tnacks ta Walken's firat for these fabulons fabric saving. NOJVIELTY COTTON PRINTS Values Tp To 1.39 yd. 99<. Save Up To 405k4 Yard Discontinued 9 9mer heede. eins Wrinkl-ahedO and Dri. Doni woven cotton that takes to auds sensationally. Will make charrning curtains and summer play clothes. Make your selco. lions £rom an assortmcut of shades. 36" widths. DENiM CO-ORDI NATES net. 1.19 yd. Save 10e À.4Yard This "lWash eN' Weae"woven cotton bears a famous-name label. Yeu'Il want this sturdy fabric te renew lawn chairs, uphoisten furniture, recover pfflows sud coven windows. Denkashades and summen pastels. 36" widths. CANADIAN-MADE COTTON TERRY «Vaidui Up To 1.49 yd. Same Up To 320 À Yard Thick, fluffy and thirsty temmy cloth for beach robes, play toga, toweis sud decorating touches for the cottage. Cornes in a variety of colora, includinir pink, blue, ndsdwie it "SUMMER BREEZE" PRINTED COTTON BATISTE Reg. 1.39 yd. Save, 200 À.4Yard Cool as a suznmer's nigh't brocs for cottage-Ide. clothes and decor. Choose. froMneV designlsjut im. ported from the LJ.S,Â. À wash. ai.w, 01040-fas ndeayen fabnic.Sumnmo sudtransiîl:e colons. 45' widthi. "HfOYAly CO-ORDINATES Reg. 1.79 yd. Save 2 À Yard This wowu comttonla soudeansd atripes i. Winkl.hed* mand Dri. Don' waahable. lFest colons Great to co-ordinat.s portswear, peut suits, mini shi ed beach wear. WUte,.ink, lblue, yellow, 9ME4ctf-38 wd"s SPRING CLEARANCE 0F CUT LENGTHS &wainga Up To 50% À wicle ana vanicda Sectimof e apning fabnicat» chos. fromi Cotton, ayuthotimsasmd&binl the. greup. You'l fhd domsoe use for theso remu apeeiely reduced te dean duning i"isevent ÀuSoed olor. 36e t. wWdts. 0*l.4. TàM. I NY'-4 THE HOME 0F THE BRANO J15 KING ST. E. 1 f ) N Oéaw, Ont.- Telepmm ?w 42 mmuum mmun" Fý 1 &W.13 m 1 P-1,

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