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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1967, p. 9

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ -- *,.-*-..--.--...-.t-..~----- RecreatioruReview Pou .. ail I Tiersdefato teYankeesCher aulwn anl on tbu ~rt san e .1aydby aceetO score. Bobby doubieyRyTile la Satrdyliy mi, he Pesonwsuicthe nn __gpit. ft h Li,. obbyd aiso a a . .h e six s t i e - c heal a a il iMl*xed LciueBowlers six~CLO bw ita mac? five w=lka Hp'FqId Annual Banquet RonStanto pikedupb theIgens- bita. Ilie Fniday Mlxed Bowln ladies, Conale Wiseman In8 la the second game 1 LuaguMe held thcln banquet on men, Matt Harrison 903; 25 Angela defcatcd the mndi SaBturday, May 13ta, at Mem- Sebedule, ladies, Mary Now- by a 6 to 3 score. The w* 0 .riai Park Club IIouse. Ian 807, men, Alan Osborne iig pltdien was Steph The iemnial Park Macs- 928. Parken, clslming 10 atnil elâtion ladies served Uic Bigla Sile: lot Schedulec auts, two walks and givlngi beef ies, nlytwo bits, a double bowlena a delicious roat bc ladisShirley Davis 323. BIad Miner la the finit a dinmer. Dick Perfect thankcd men, Dlck Perfect 397; 2nd the ladies on behalf cf Uic Schedule, ladies, Fera Brad- a triple by Dave Tabb also Ieu1ue. ley 338, mea, Elton Brock 33 the tirst inning. The laii Folowngthe. dinnen, tro- HighRolof Be" il phie an ~.of Tani:Hiïa 1itcher was Dave Tmbb gi 'el, ndprze wrepre rck o owlan, Miurray ng up four hatt aia@c setdby executive members Grant, Joan edford, Frank waIke-s, n. ile h Mary Wilox DIck Perfect, Oamond, Jean Joynt. snk-us v on sbore, Audrey Os- The. election f officers for Future Game, Sut, Nll i Inond ad Jim Thompsen. the 1967 -season then wms 9:00 a.m.-Indians vs Yankee George Elliott Trophy for hl c the new executive AotSoe Wiaaing teani: Morley Etchenla as foilows. President, D~i< tsSoe Mary Wlcox. on Brdley, Perfect; Vice Pros. Frank Os- Mets 9----Gat Alex Wiseman, Mary Welsh, mond; Secnetany, Shirley Da. Braves 16- - Carda Velmu Myles. vis;' Treasuner, Eillen Moore;lDodgers le - Pirates :Runner-up: Joan Enunt, Jim Director, Duaine Palmer. Future Gaînes Thampsan, Mary Crago, Roy The remainder cf the even- Sat. May 20-Carda vs Doi Ceancra, Bob Glanville, Mary ing was spent ln dancing, gens, 9 a.m., North Diamni Nawlan. cards and general jollity! T he Sat. May 20 - Braves High Averages: lut Sche- executive wouid like ta thank Giants, 9 a.m., South Dianionc dule, ladies, Hilda Brock 213, Editon John M. James and his Wd a 4-Gat men, Bob Glanville 222; 2nd staff for their excellent cov- Carda, 6:30 pan., South Dis Schedule, ladies, Hazel Dona- erage ot bowling news. Have imond. ghue 214, men, Harold Broni- a wonderful summer and ________ : ci 229. we'll sec you in September at HihTriples: lst Schedule, Liberty Bowl. 'ZO Mon U.C.W. Um A dispiay o! buttons w the centre of attraction foi the attennoon unit cf Mi United Church Wemen. Mrs William Dodwell cf Oshawi gave an Informative tal< oc, her hobby and answened questions concerning ber col. lecion. lira. Ray Cameron epenec the Meeting wlth a neudin, "Our Little Church"l. lins. Hfenry Dart conductec the warship service on "Chris. tian Living", and lira. Tom Sobil concluded the study of "Jesus Christ and the Chris- tian Lite." Sh. deait with the disciples becomlng Christians, 250 thus cnroling la the achoni of Jesus Christ. Christian lite F2.00 is a venture in faith, a faith p.0 that gives power te, accom- plish good dcccli. A Christia 8 lite must havep rayer at Its very heart In ordlen te foilow, icara and serve. lira. Howard Johnson o! Oshawa sang two saloi mc- companied by ber sister, lira. > Paul Sobil. Mms. Sabîl then conductecl a sing-song et eid favourites and Dennîs SobUl sang a solo part la one num- ber. Mary Bradley fuvoured with a mnediey of delightful piano solos. mncy An oid-tlme lunch etlanrg e fice coakies was served b y ins. Ir. B. Giaspel, lira. Willis Say- eau and lira. Alex Mcliasten. Civic Auditorji * - -.. wwn uwp NO PRICES: me Aduits ... M Chldren $.* SUNDAY, MAY 2 8:00 P.m. ALL SEATS RESERVEC Tickets on Sale: 13OWMANVILLE: Jury & Loveli Travel Age OSHAWA: Civie Auditorium Box Of You cau buy Goodvill Uned Cars only at your Poniam B ic dealer 's. You're Mcàofta in etug a reaiiy good usw e nne bca mûr iexceptiozaiy good usa carl are chosi toemry the GCdu1D utchr. 2~ YOIImiemeayb.srour oodwiIIUsed Car ha: b. uee d and Srecondition.dL It's dean, ready to go, ail :pruceduag GodwIIcars aml crryawlfte waaty. Tounen have confidence in your purchase, and it shows your GoodwM iloer': Ialth ln the euca he seisyen. A %odffl cares old only by your Pontiac.IuicJc deai«. Ne bha einyour ematAnd a fuilyuquipped service organizadon to "ac up yourprcae Secme your OoodmIl dodu handies beut.seDing Pondtacs aid ]W b, yoil alwayu fEnd the videit seleectlof . good un.d carion Niso f" 'OdE , And dui't lorgt G00"ilIUued Tnm Th.y'r. the-Mrem of t&e cOp bol auT]KRMMZE GOODWILJ. PONMIC - BUICK - BEAUX01V - ACADIAN- VAUXRALL GCTRUCK DELMIN1<BOWj«ANVILL&, ROB3SON MOTORS LIMITED Inhm .,hou rand en Sundar vers dinner= e . f.and Te Canadbm Utatesm#2, 8owmmvle Mq 11r, SM SP O R T O P IC S thhsoonor attended Mr.Do AIma M a t .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ LADIES laohm OPEM THMDAYdaughter 1Mm..E. M LakinMoW&DUOft Linda Lakti nughter mthe;A4amghtBd.Considers iAamtaù th: Coach BruceColwel u lh eune rmla# t 8Y.r's r. 'W. Cm o"zt ad Joyce whose home lacte o To* me club, ready for action as Slaght & Cook 13À. Belle play litWthrée childrnn, mak. =àandof Wlnter Harbor, H p C. nd their home opsnar in the Durtium Ladie Bbfball Laque, lng the grand total of tour Sunday vistors wlth 0 r.Pbit @p C l O gemeratlona able te beha ee, tand 1fr..Bort Tompklnn- wuThursday nlght et the Central School. NWtmgvfl ifl inpr0 together. Other vsiter wltli cluded Mms Aice Austnof At theSndy inerD r ~m uty t>Iat vide the oppositimn It wM lbe the second encuMntor rboth t li ra. . Included lMr. Canton, 1fr. and 1fr.Art At eeSndy dne DuhemeCont netapàe* utg tourn, Newtonville meeting Port Hope t@-night (Wed.> and and Mn ln MeadoweM 1r. Austin and fumlly of Sebyests with Mr..and lr. o chc lorh.d eth the Eh.. Belles havlng opeoed Masiday ln Courtice. and Igmns.BEacey,Mn and Mr. and Mm. Murshalloyd -ýToo lira Edwrd racey and of Bolton, Mr. and ifra iaip Mr. Andyr MW uin wa !d brook High Sclool, tt»p#4. The dogt returnees telude Betty Thertell, <aYe IPr famlly, lMr.adlin. Jack Tompklis andi boys, Port r8 p o11 f lichuma In ah g -omflt_- dvemà ans5 Diane Ormiston and Gmrtrude Cale. WHun and Irwn ln m Shelyand Eobbie. 1r n lr.Cali 1rrPotHp igaSho LheDeons avy, irina aley KaenWhte Iiire iilt, rae ad anil, ir. L Hpe M. ayTompkla MPr andope F rlda e lngHop cf i_ Buch foflowing à couple of year, absencewil» jbé Mn. V. ultt and faznlly, ail Mr and Mm. P. J. Rowe of Bownianville, were dine bar declded inot te MS ke- MoGuey, Eleanor Colweli and Helen Nicholson, wihne-of Oshawa. Janetvlle were callera on guestawlth en Faes. l .lm ndiedeainbtl Up corer Sharon Simpson set to ahane the pîtchlng duties. Saturday viatora wlth Urn. Sumday at Mr. S. Rowe'sa and lIn tesenc ofRev R.C. n pldaintCi The Siglat & Cook atry w.» hoand M n. Jm Adam s re Mr. P. Gilmere..l th ab e e e! ey C ten p ns To e ddlt Cooekemen t thl e further béItered b Mr. and Mn.Jerry Adams Un. Lorne Todd f Stark- White Sunday afternoon, Mr. ThePort C tea ddto fteemm so h 1985 AI-Ontarlo mlidget and famy and lis. George ville, .Mr..and lMn. Bruce terln Mten ro no, wa sf< Cu in ruaesup: renda and Gall Linton, Ehonda iCavanaugla, 'u]flt of !oroato. Donnelly and Darneil wlth la charge cf the service at "'tdot h h Shiohgivnga fne essgeary Sclaool ln that to, [.Nancy Goodwln, Lee Mklner, Debble Sellers, Chanlene Cal,ý Mn. F. Gilme, it Mn . andlirs. Don Stapleten Son ,gvlgaCieoe aealready accmniodaine " X C h ryl v a n a n d ~ e C l a t~ l e z S y m o n s f M o ni a t- a n d fa m ly , S u n ca y . o oU r a ~ .s d th a n It a n ' sieCheydedas ndtheSChRed.ka Méu n. M.and lins. Dlck Mâr- Shilela U.CWeUCflS i reeheactsef * itd the Reoed]aniA ee Manager Lyna Fuir announces thut the team wlll play ber weddteg on Sauray af tineil and famlly o! port met at the churcla Wednesday students are now attex4, ut home on six Thursday niglata and two Tuesdays, ail gamma ternoon in the Free Methodist Hope, wlth Mr. and Mm. Cocil eveilg lait week with the port Hope Higla School. b e.taklag place ut the Central School dlamond. The complete Churc, Fra'frd. chaaleon radntIn. alTod bas been necessary for a n buha Ladiesan lira. uck ElIott Mrs. 2cm Jones was ut Or- cage. ber cf classes te o hu aceueappeans ln thia *eeck's Stateanian. and Donothy were Saturday ono, Sunday, witlahonerdaugh- amali portable nebuflges ihM.teM.C onih n dontenrhaden.~ H4 GMX »SI I]SM D tTadM a uhs Pr a'YC F R w iq main structure. 14 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H MrG.MRSIPRSIEDBTan n.ByHghs et~~ and Mrs. Josepha Mar- u W Ifgndcations are that anuova Wc har tat Ohaw Gue Lumer ould11kmte M '~and lins. Barry Stewart tel were viaitora wlth Mr. Congratulations are la onder larger number Of pgpUlsW! We ur hatOsawaGae Lmbe wold ik togetofKingston were woekend and lin. Robert WilIsher and for Dot Bond and her team. have te be accommodated àe, d. pitcher ecg White back ln thein Uine-up ad it'. ne wondert visitons ut Mr. George Sta-, son, ln Oshawa. Sunday. They have won the league autumn, and at least two tng d. Reg mnade qulte a debut ln the lien'. Town Softball League, picton's. Mr. and lins. Dennis Fan- chanwlonshîp fo r 1966-67. portable ciasmroms would ba va~~~~~ ~~~~~ latna,1 oi-b itr nUAlnon shower ln honor of row ad family, Oshawa, with Hanry Snewden and teamn are requirod bocause of additiona« d.nsdy fnan iss Carol Peck, bride-to-be Mr. and iraB. Jack HuggiDsito be praised toc, for they P ut new studenta. The local om vsway ta a no-lait performance. Ker's lien'. Wear defeated was held Satunday evenlng aÏ and family. up a very good fight, but nias, mittce advised that it w~~ ~*Stephen Fuels 6-1, and you'd have to say with White on the home o!flirs. Adam Stec, Mr. and Mn.. SId Brown caes eti eodpae efa oestsatr the mound, backed by a strong team, Ken'. ioom u s the Campbellcroft. and dauglaters visited her MO, Don't forget the Bowling bath teachers and studenta to club te beat. Messra. Raymond Trlm and ther, lis. Wagg, at Stouf!- Banquet on- Smturday, May have extra eraetcg. Frak RaiEsttewll bea ewRaBy Tompkins wene eut te ile Sunday. 20th, at 6:15 p.m. la the Me. roomi bulit. ýFhiswoculd pro« 17,qalterFrnRelEtt ilbanw entry in this Dairymple Lake on the week- With lira. Cecil Bunley menIal Park Clbouse. Hope ta be more economical in tbe uer' chedule repiacing the teamn previousiy sponsored by end. Swiday callera wcrc lins. Ron te see evenyone out then. long rua, It was saad. Bjll's Billiards. The churcla was filled even Burley, Port Hope, lin. and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ In Tesdy nghts lagu opner deendng hamionta the front' seats, on Sunýday lirs. Kcith Burley and fana- la uesay lgh'sleaue penr, efndig camponmorning, when Rev. R C. ily, Cobourg. 5Kramp's Funniture dowaed Walter Frankc Real Estate 7-3, White porformed the rites of ~arke Township Teachens )r hil Thrsdyscentest between the Fuels and Iramp'a Holy Baptism on the follow. held their negulan monthly S. was rained out. ing Infants: Darreil Bruce, meeting at Leakard School on a egWhtelaa ie ddtin a h TwnLegu,$u nelly, Port Hope; Allan Ar- Women's Institute wil meet SHL n laat ycan'a most valuabie player, Bill Osborne la living ln thur, son cf Mr. and ifrs. A. at the home o!flins. C. M. d Cobourg and long bail hitter John Maman lu ln Godenlcb. Rienstra; Dennis Arnold, son Joncs on Wednesday, Miay 24, Too bad we couldn't have ail thnee penforniera. Why don't Of lin. and lins. D. Farrow, at 2:30 p.m. dwc formi a team te compete ln the Oshawa League, wth Oshawa; Thomas Cecil War- l&of TeRereson of Mn. and Mn.. Ra ~l ,. . the prospect o! going on Into O.A.S.A. pyof.Te gStPlconRbin Leanne, dmu. P AtIL ILL could pitch agminst Gael Lumber. ghter of a nd lira. George S A K IL i 1 .~lliEott; Gr o Carroll Elton, Mr. and lirs. Stan Falls, son Of n and lins.ErIc Torono werednengst ALL WORK DONE AND iTYKES OPEN ON MAY 24th S harpe. Thc choin's offerlng at Mr. Licw Halloweli'u, was the aid favorite, "Tel Wodnesday lmst week, ladal- GUARANTEED 8V BOWMANVILLE wilThe Memoial Park Association sponsord Tyke teamn Mothen 1I11 Be There"'. 50 vIsitd laten at M. orme e ilopen thein home seasen on May 24th at 6:30. Thea newîy Mra. Bey Tompkins Shelly Falls'. CONTRACTOR mnd Robbie, lir. and Ürs Phil Mr. and Mrn.. .im Stark, 4formed entry la thc seven team locp, wilI play hast te Gilmer, Blaine, Kim and lins. John Stark and Susan Whitby at the Memonlal Park. Kenny, Mr. Wills Farrow, wcne gucats ut the Tamblyn- t* t t t t were dinner gucati with Mn. Cobbledlck wedding ut Les- IF YOU WISH YOUR and lira. Lloyd Clysdalc on mington on Saturday and WE'D LIRE TO KNOW Sunday. spent Sunday with Mn. mnd DSRIVE AY ASPHALT Mr. and lins. George Sta- lira. Grant Sylvester and Now that the suimmer seaoba l rapidly movlng Into bigla peton and Kleth, and Mr. mnd family, Sarnia. PV gear, we arceaaaking Our annual appeai te the vaniaus sport- eis. Harry Stewart with lir. Mrs.' John Murphy, Mar- lng activIties, to keep us lntormed ao that wc zmy give fulli and lirs. Launie Stapleton and jane mand Patay mttcnded aCOT T cvrglnteSaemnsotpae.Bcvcnly, AJax. shower for Miss Sandre, Pat-COT T covnag latheStaesmn iort paes.Mr. and lins. C. Hl. Lane erson la Bowmanville, ne- Arrangements have been mande, ta enable us te write-up with lins. Bill Lane cently, ut thc home o!fPins. S. the Men's and Ladies' softball leagues and bantam basebal. and deughters,' Port Hope. Iitvia. ~r Jlim Clarke will again be reporting the Junior Town League Wlth Mn. and Mrs. Cliaton Mn. and lins. Roy Austin, f sof b al ac ion b u t ere are oth r s or s w w o ld ik e to T ru em an H endenson a nd fan - guest sa ut M . M o ley R obin- kaow about. lly, lin. and lins. Fred Hen- son's. e.Soh ,Prp Usoually thia noqucat goea uahceded and then whcn the denson and fanaily, lin. and A few ladiles bere attendedGo.SehaPop acason la oven wc hear "'Hcw corme you dldn't report any of lins. Jlm Giliner lad famlly the Penny Sale la Kendal, Port Hope, lira. Raymoad Sturday evecing. OCF E SIA S Our gamnes?" It lnaut that point we are first awmre such a TrIam, Mr. and lins. Rosi Mn. A. McKayha been FRFE SIAE toai existed. Se let's heur from you ut the start o! the Brown and famuly, Mn. and bespitmlized for a few dmys PHONE 623-410 season. lins. Bill Wade and son. 1la Eowmaavlle. M r . a n d l i n s . J i a i A d a m s M r . a d l i n s . L l e w H e l l o - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lin. and Mna. George Bar- nemi have soid their pnopcrty here on the main street te Mn. and lins. L. DeSmIt cf Onono, and wlll be tmking up reaideace in the atone bouse nonth o! Uic villagec, cc the Kendai noad, for thc sunamen ut lemît. Mr. mcd lins. DeSmit and famiiy llved bore in Newtonville several years ugo, se tbey will net be naovlng In as strangeni te this locallty. lira. Robent Brown- met 'with un accident on Tuesday when ah. e tllfroni a ladder wbiie cleaning window. at ber home, and bad te be talc- on te liemorial Hospital. Mr. and lins. Harry Lace spent a couple dmys at week wlth lins. C. H. Lane, enroute home ta Owen Sound, a!lton spending the wlnter la Floida. lins. Walter Simnpson cf Oshamwa s p e n t Wédncsday with ber niather, Airs. H. Tnim. Master Kenny' Gilmer ne- entened Bowmanvllle Hospi- tal Tuesday, for funther treat- ment,' returning home on Fnl- day cvening. lira. W.* Milliga and lins. C. Brown mttendcd- the Dis- trict A.ncual Connvention cf the Womnen's Institute, held at Mapie Grave, on Thursday. lira. George Campbell o! Welcocac and hon dauglaten, Mns. Rey Bicklo, home on furlough trom Gonmmny, with ber husband, were Wedcosday atternoon callera wlth Mn. and lins. C. M. Jones. Mir. acd lira. Jim Shearer (the former Ela1. Wallace) o! Tenonto i- go dnopped la t. e the Joncs', ad were ouuper guests, se taure was quitea neucflon wlth all the old-time frIends. A ailacellaneaus ahowen for Mis Canal Peck, brido-elect, was laeld on Wedaesday evea- lng at the home of Un.. By Tompklmaa aranged byth latter, anâ Mra. Don Owlea. Mr. Rocale Gibbs la now living la the house hore on the main street fannacnly oc- cupied by the îate Misa Ber- ta Thom pon, and now the prcpeny o Mn. Wallace fBou- glaun. Visitons ut the Maene ladt week Included lMjer and lins. C. R& Gllllngham <S. Army), and lins. Alla pies ton, et Tenonte, Mr. and 14ns. Clarnace Heywood of OsIlli. Rev. R. C. White attended the god-turnng service o! KUnaview Unitod Chunch, Oshawa, luit wmek. Mrn. and lina. Charles Monos of Linds vlsted bs ise ands G.r diister'7¶, and Mms C. M. Zones. W. Mess wll b.obsrvlg thoir 60th W*Udng Annlveraany this week. Congratl=si tuais week. Congrtatlàiîl Our felcitations ti Unr. V. flourgerle Who&$oiSthbbitta- dayect d n riday. lir. The A reol barg is onle that kf fomily safest. Until recent! of bargain co lot of money. Now, thot's The tire thao polyester. Price- you con gel one for about $300.oo The. Goodyear polyester is on. af the safest tires ever mode. le's built with on Incredîbly afroflg Polyester cord. le's been colled tMi miracle cord and ire another Plrst Irom Goodiyear. The. major cor monufacturers have selected the Goodyeor tie ntroducing: tie*that could saveysU,., more than money., gain !n tires T'ney wonî'lienet spow ýeeps your ovemîight. So, no irritating morning thump. ly, that kind Tiiey'ii even improvrà Z Duid cost a your gas mileoge. Goodyear polyesters ;7 s changed. have ail the strength of t cbonged nylon plus the smooth ride » oodyBa01 lun i l u l , 81103 f;ra bined. When you buy o set, you're putting your money where your heart is. Like aIl Goodyear tireu, the. new polyesters are fuliy covered by Goodyear's liletime quolity CMd road azard guarants. Tc&k ta your Goodyear ma& ReMember Polyester tires by Goodyear. They cou id save ycu polyestr aM original equipment on uheir neW cars. And sofety Isn't Iheit only reason for doi ng so. Goodyear polyesters are i Clio lorCer wearing. They proccolly eliminote cues and impact breaks. They're quiet The new PoIyet tir by.o!learir __________ A ok Goo..daIgIe Gw~1~ ~ ~ " Qo m tom- w- t. qc~ - '- . ' Oshawa

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