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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1967, p. 11

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Social and ManPrbesCnded Personal iAt egulaeCoucil Metin CouncilUor Résigna Newcastle - Wlth the overA Re ua o n iM et g lwo sat weck's news, sone, of the ncws iatended for hast Newcastle - The regular a firat tirne. The by-iaw was licence. week was held aven, among it' council meeting was heid in a iso gîven a second and thîrd A motion was made by was the Council ncws. At tbis'Codacil Chambers on Monday reading. Councillor Dorcen Nesbitt that tim thre s adc nes t evnig, May 8tb. Councillor Aiso canied was the motion registered letters be sent ta that of council, the reason for RobentWalton was absent. made by Councihior Alfred certain taxpayers negarding Councillor Robent Wclton's ab- Spécial Meeting Business IGray that the Municipal Office tax arreans. sence from that meeting. Coun-, Minutes of the lest regular nemain open ail day June 26 - Acting Fine Chief cilior Waiton, for some tinel and sjîecia etn were pre- 3th inclusive for the purpose Moved by Councîlior Foshay, nwhs d htie i csing an sentef for bath Counciliors af collecting taxes. A. S. Nayior was cppointed wit is dtis icrasig ndand reportera and approved. Moved by Councilior Bob acting Fine Chief because of mnore and more problerna every Minutes of the speciai meeting Walton that leave be granted the ilinesa af Chief Frank day, was eadangening his beid on Apnii 25th bcd ail ta introduce by-law authoniz- Miller. heclth. Having given consider- members present. The business ing the Reeve and Clcrk ta The Clerk ivas instructed et able tbougbt ta what lie should was as foliows. Counciliors slgn agreemnent ne H. R. Brit- this meeting ta write a letter do, bie decided that he would canied the motion moved by ton's retirernent cllowancc and la regard ta waten in an open have ta resiga. Many wha 'Councilior Eric Fosbay that tbat the by-iaw be given tbree foundation. (This foundation know af the good work crédit-jieave be granted ta introduce readings. This was carried. ha la the Westvicw Heights cd ta Councillon Waiton, and yla 7-8 being a by-law ta A motion wcs made by Subdivision. It bas since been bhe sonrt Insec hm aeWil adopt the estimate of ali sumas Councillor Foshay and ccrried dnaincd af watcr and a fence b offic se. Nt a u ea liii is ta be raised by taxation for that a licence be granted ta erected for the safety af the vafca.n etinl n e l hsthe year 1967 and ta set mill Cab 500 and King's Taxi ta chiidren living Ia that area). Macn Adaabas tJokn Adams. rates as foliows: Residential operate a taxi service under Movcd by Councilior Foshcy Mr. dam ha takedta the and Fcrrn - 103 milis, Com- the condition that bie give 24- that a propsai be brought into Reeve and members of the mercial and Business - 109.25 hour service ha accordance the May meeting regarding Council- and- bas coasented ta mihis and that bY-lcw be eadiwitb his letter applying for the burning ai waste. The fi11 ths vccancy. He was enk wcs instructed to write sworn Inta office onr'Saturdcy.te t onAldedpo Weexen bstwihs a;n.Z t etgte taong ldne ro Wé xtndbes wshs «o : ortcutu aiSoc""ety Régnier Meeting Adams la his ncw duties. 1 / II U I I IItsighemongciay The regular meeting got underway witb Councillor Fa- I-olds Open MVeeting shay explaining ta Councilan !o those present at the meet- Newcastle Rorticulturci Sa- town were discussed, and the ing that as be was unable ta apen meeting on purchase af plants, and the get tirne off work -tu attend ucSday, May 2hd la the lcy-outs were ta be lcft ta the the meeting heid by the Lake- Council Chambers. Befare President and Vice-President. shane Deveiopment, bie au- business cornrenced, the Presi- Mrs. W. Farrow brought ta praacbed George Waitonacnd dent, Mrs. R. B. Rickcrd, cx- aur notice that the posta on Hesked hirn te in beepic pressed bier pleasure et seeing the notice board have notted ewas peand t aedbeer sîjh a fine crowd, and extend- off.* It was ccrricd thet two Walte nd did bcate. rMn cd a welcome ta Mrs. F. Stev- steel posta be bought ta ne- et this benughtndbac aeor ens, the Director af District place the wooden unes. Mn. H. eeting and r eport. n ed No. oeadM.W a whv ing parts af a speech made by Mr.Stevens spoke briefly kindly volunteened ta put them Gardon Blair of the Town of on the forthcorning Horticul- la for us. Burlingtoa, bis theme was that turai Convention on Junc 22nd The Convention et Guelph it was "Quite Ainigbt ta Ad- or 24tb et Guelph University, was discussed, ad Mrs. Rick- vertise and Ask for New De- and the District General Meet- rdaskcd i aoewudveiopment," but bie greatiy ing et Lakefield Sept. 23rd, like ta go as delegates or with stnessed "not ta neglect those extending an invitation ta the delegates. Mrs. Stevens ad- factories and businesses ai- >o. Society ta scnd dehegates and vised prompt décisions on this ready establîshed." Another guetsta at fuctona. issue, because of 'reacrving speaker felt that planning and Mis. Rîckcrd apcned the accommodation fanor ngtdelpigwsgobtft Mn. S. G. SÉiay and Mn.i meeting, and the Sccretany Witb the business over Mrs. ta take la tuo mucb business Bctt Montgomnery, Part Hope rend the minutes. Mn. Megit Margaret MeMahon intnoduc- and iadustny cii et once, ta do were ecent visitons of Mr. alicd said that the options (cushion cd the guest speaker, Mn. Van sa gnadually. Specking on Mrs. Percy Rere. 'muma) wenc recdy for cal-'Belle oi Van Belle Nurseries, ýtourista, it was realized that Mrs. J. H. Hare, St. Thamnas, lccting, and the directons who entertcined us wîth coi- it wes the third largest husi- arnived ta Newcastle an Tues- undertook to deliver the plants ounful slides. ness la Ontario. Ia attracting day ta visit witb bier parents- ta those on their lista. The firat ai these sbowed tounîsts, it was ,suggested that in-lcw, Mr. and Mra, Pency The flowen bedsaraound the use ofplsi rehugliia liAne I plstic reenhus ,t cli pproaches ecding into Hâe.-la this particular case, for .oavillages and cîties he Mn. Bruce Tîlîson- -viaited Mn. Lowry wbo lied higb idéeas shrub propagation. Mn. 'Van cleaaed up. A ponr entrance with his family Mn. C. Eý TiU. fur a wonderful outdoors even- Behle said- that by water- ettracta no busin ess. One theme son and Mn. and Mrs. H. Mac- tang. But it was not a total spraying a gocd bumidity was "Don't Take Out What Leod, Harnilton, an Tucsday. logs, as the boys enjoyed them- couhd be rnelnteiaed in these Gad Has Put Here, But Clean On Saturdcy morning, Cubs selvles et, the indoor meeting. bouses even la the hottestUpadAun WbrSm- of lat Newcastle A and E Cuba ai A Peck talked oven weather. anc Ras Destroyed Whct God Packs gathered witb rakes and the idéeaai a coak out at ance te îdsdtc l Has Put Rere." ambition et the COmmunlty of- their' meetings. Being' a with îandscaping, shawîng Othr n Cbe ei of bimaclion BallPar teundertake the holiday next Moaday, tbe cook ways of ecbieving maximum Foshthen nkeCouncil, onîfon chore of cleantag up the parkleut- w111 take - place on, May effect with mcny and vcnied bis tirne spent et the meeting ta prépare, aiong with the nec- 29th. Cuba ta meet et the species ai abruba and trees. adfnbigigbcbsne i-eetion camrnittee, the opeaing Scheol et 6:30 p.m. usurnspeaker then gave us pont. cf ailpretiss. t ws qite The dance held on Saturday 'an informative taîk entitled- -i Proposcd Sewer Works a -big job for some ai the evening in the Community "Plan Then Plant", which cm- ' A letter waa received irom littie feiIows and disappointing Hall, spansoned by the New- phasized the-practiccbility of the Ontario Water Reanuirces that more ai tbem hadn't tuna-c ste Town Hockey' Leegue kno< gho thin s wl o k C m isi n rg ri gt ep o çd out. Assisting the Akela i uelucs ha Vr nbeowîag ow iarngd wl i.o Cmisin earig po B Peck, Mms. Doreen Nesbitt, wa scass lhaVr eaeyusat n lria-pôsed sewer works for the 852 wes ber assistant, Mrs. Connie large cnowd. The Chesamen ing much ai the bit-ar-miss acres noth of the 401. This De Jang and assistant fnom A picyed Ili the latest dance aspect la lendscapiag. Saine letten was fled. Pec, is LndaJefey.înmusic, making saine ofthe aId-. aif the points streased wene: Another etter neceived from ]Pack ab sc aiA ack's e l, cdancens sit up and take To drcw e sketch la scale, O.W.R.C. wcs rend la regards ber son, Norman Tilison aiî1st notice ai the younger genera- mnking the location ai the ta bcving e local advisomy Kewste cou Toa, ssist- tionad how easy they made bouse and other permanent cornrittee meet wîth Counci dNecin a c t roa bep in it sem. Tnyiag it was some- buildings; ciao walks, drives, and P.U.C. te heednmaverkn.edes-tbing cisc, and may aius îences,cnd wb cr e existîag "This. caca bcck ta the tte hasised, tckingr.oda caof the yesterday dancera did abruba and evergneens were, mancy I faund just receatly," dbnu asedw taithe durnp f try, fanding tl)e aext day we and the areas abaded by the sald Reeve Waton. "'Na one heseonotheCuba tMondacd muscles net used ta quite samne. sceme ta kaaw whet the money e en losrmetig, eeet cît sametime. It was, for rnanY Sornetîmes it la désirable ta la for. They want ta build c cd a ti'smeenare aroa b h rttne thcy bcd h a creca ouit certain vicws an metal garage, take the moaey 'rroop naedt, oi hetiségu adtbey were untidy aneas, ad anc shouid from the wAter resourcea then IntrduceTm" t ermetnr aethe Opportun- bear ila mmd thé nlgbt mc- charge us rent t t torethe Lowry, the boys leit thein Cub ity of hearing George Chard tenilifan titis puirple. csirtrucks in thene. I dôn't feel Den tô take an active part with 'Jr., wha neyer tired ai sing-, Try ta arrange fo an erthis a i'te right so we'll gt Ui cus' As these -baya are ing, -and hi& fans never tined efttrnces itt the boeuse. De. samlesaqcvise irut and do the the ant o pt Scoutsai heering him. The <fraw wa cide wbene te plant the trees, righ in. ;jIann n ext0icw weekos. hiade durlng the evening for wbether ilowern or for shade bt tbîng."a i oudb wltldn the eLAngLeannwg tha it wuld h gve them an excellent oppor- the $50 bond. Au tue wrting - whethem sot or dense shade. at no- cout tate municlpality tunlty te sec what great even- was hard taeniake out, thc' Mn. Van Belle spoke about ta bave It survcyed, a motion ings the Scouts have. It had naine ai Uic luckY (Out Oi the Miss Canada rose as being was made asking that the batplanned ttth boyt town) winnen la stiUl uncertain. an cl-Canadian achievement - Clerk, Gleabolme Hughes, would ail go down it thte Further détails wili b. given bybrldiscd by a mala B.C., write the Attorney Geaeral's woods. Maay ai the Scouts had nert week. and growa and distnlbuted bY Depantment ta go ahead with gone dôwn the dey previaus ta Mrs. Ethel Prout and Mn,. Canadien nurserYmea. the survcy. the meeting la preparation of »erIe Tnigg, Bawmanville, Mn. Van Belle ended bis 01neil Resolution the events. Unfortunctely, it were Sunday guegsa of Marie talk by quoting: "Horticulture A letter neoeived irom rained and tis was cancelled.II. Cartahore. la, next ta music, the moat Orangeville asked that a reso- '1eboys, Scouts adn Cuba' Mn. and Mrs. F. Smith and sensitive ai the Fine Arts. lution b. made by ail Schoal M éie, wete greatly disappoit- Joce, Miss BEnda Binku, Properly allied teacrchitec- Boards, Mayons and Reeves T'tetlat, sm cha orsMntb, m dMs turc, gandea-rnaklng Is as near Associations and municlpalties A - Ï. :LDni Oshawa, Mrs. 'E.1 as a man may get ta the of. Ontario. negandiag _t hc sal- Hipzn ¶, fgAntd Wnburto^n, orie i itcd iieFntas.alaaitahr.Cucla IMr&auri. <1/g. kecad.2 FOR A WONDIRFUL WORLD'S FAIR VISIT eXPO67 for a wonder fui world of- -fair Prices vist your A&P store What are fair prices? To us, et A&P, fair prices are more thon just a few advertised specials eacl week. After ail, what good are thec specials, if you have ta pay mare for other items you buy? What yau neod is a Iawer total food bill. And we try ta give it ta you with the lowest passible prices on scores and scores cf items every shopping dlay. Sounds fair. Doesn't it? r SprRgt M n s 14 SUPIR-RIGHT QUALITY SMOKED COOKIED H AMS SHANK PORTION lb GRADE «A"» O'jeg READY VAC-ÊAC CENTR CUTSSTEAKS S)Ç Oit BUR 2-Ià WIIENERS k89 BUTT. PORTION 189# 6-10 LB. 4 1 CH-IICE QUALITY A&P PEAS Jane Parker Jane Parker SIioed Reg. Prioe ouf 24o - SAVE 7o B READ 160% WHOLE WHEAT 3 24-oz louves 65< l8eot Famlly Rte. Pries 57'. - SAVE 4a BATHROOM TISSUE ke'moims53c Libby'la Fancy Quaiity Reg. Prices un 410 - SAVE ne. TOMATO JUICE 34o--ztrt.OO0 Choie* Qualîty Reg. Prie* m«oh lie - SAVE me. A& PE--E 21--e-ru5S Canaio PECHS o. Pie 7o-5cE4 TUNA FI.SH S0LID WHIIE >.QAT 7-ozin 43j< -les cWif79 ici CREAN ." k.ý [Sle A&P-ofe BOKAR COFFIE AI 1-LB BAG S -LB BAG WITH 019 IFLAYOUR» 79c_21 SAVE 4o SAVE 24o 8 O'(CLOCK COFFEE 1-B BAG SLB BAG SAVE 10o &AV£ Me Frsl Pr* * (-e WASHINGTON, NEW PRING CROP# FIl M, GRN. lGRADE ASPARAGs 4 il lb NONE PRICED HioIER AT A&P PhamsU701 M~ Mage had been dosle"'t tbý ~~ motel and .they Just ddn~t féee that the offenées téommte 'l% rd LBacks C aproeswii erJu eWii o us .Who Brou ght Two Busloads the uton dy Board member Jamie Wright who had a son on the trip commented that if the choper- HomeEary fom E po ripones feit the offences were serious enpugh to bring the _NewcastIe The bus tripilater on. lie said he told them in evidence, so they were rn- lied with their decigioni. ystdnsoCare ih toewhethey were expect- ning around without restrie- Another board member Mur- Schol t Exo tat as hor-: d to be at the right time. ions. Some of the Clarke stu-ryatesnadheits- oned by a full day as a disci-ý The decision concerning the dents were told as often as 2() pathy for the parents but loy- #inary measure by those In time the students were to be times to go to their rooms, altY to the teachers. "Good charge was discussed at some ini their rooms at the Cana- untîl the chaperones could pult teachers are hard to find: I lengt on Monday evening at diana Motel was ieft to the up with the disobedjence no hope we don't loue too many the uchool . Present -were par- discretion of the chaperones, longer, said Mr. Witherspoon. over this. I will admit bcing ents, the school principal and-said the principal. They were Chairman Carmen cxpressed against. the trip in the first iflembers of the Clarke Highlallowed one hall hour to visit regret that the innocent were place. I voted nô, but the stu- School Committec of the Dis-!Iafter they rcturncd from Expo forced to sufer aiong with the dents pressed the teachers, the trict- Board. At the conclusion, 1 about il p.rn. and alter an guilty but stated that he per- teachers the principal and fln- the committce backed theladditional 10 minutes the sonally backed the teacher and ally the pr1ncfeal the school teachers and chaperones inirooms werc checked and every- chaperones 100 per cent. board and we gave in. I feel their decision to return hotae1 thing seemed s a t i s f a c tory. Questions from the parents the chaperones had a big res- eanly. However, about five minutes indicated that several feit be- ponsibility and I give theni Chairman Bill Carmen open-ilater, several students began cause of the expense involved MY support," he said. ed the meeting and invited piaying "musical rooms"l going and the fact that they had Alter an hour and a hait questions from the parents. from room to room and defy- signed papers taking full res- of questions and answers, it Principal E. G. Witherspoon lng any and ail warnlng thatiponsibility, the action taken was obviaus'that no new la- exlained that the trips had they would be takeng home was unwarranted. The ofend- formation was coming to light, been approved as an education eanly if they didn't settie down. ing students could have been nor were any attitudes being opportun4ty alter considerabie Unfortunately, the principal punished alter the trip con- changed by the discussion, so discussion. He personally hadicontinued, students from two cluded without the innocent the chairman suggested that warned the students that how othen uchools were ao staying and guilty being given the the meeting close as the board they behaved would influence at the same motel and no chap.. same punishment by having committee bcd other business akny decision to send othersienones from their groups wereltheir trip cut short. No dam- to dccl with. Jlon of wooh. an là hmd Uckets It wu as gfested that maybe The Can damn, ateuanffle, M 7, lo Il to b. establh wtlp= b'a epre n are now being printed and wiil for this Year, bomeone should drawn up on a provmnce-wlde be passed out to any violator. speak to thie Board auggeti scale. for school buildings, These tickets can cost from borrowlng their equlprient, or As a rest;t t a litti. girl Street for a ZmuhoUm keeplng costs down. This too 8.0ta $500D dependlng on uslng lte achoolgrund as getting hit by a car last year jack perrin, lAng îtreet d wiI e e at a later meeting the»viofation.. The fine cn tb. playgnound. A rotwoud b they hope to prevent May such a garage. whn ujbe, xforrnaion has iMailed or taken into âruh iîtn ctident'again. h~mtwt ta' ne~g a i ~been stud~ed.ecrk'u OMMfice thln 72 tIou After some disc~usslfio t wa Coundil's approval, and signa ilt befone th.e Xes 11ille'we ' then pasaid before the violation penalty Io dcclded that atayone asking wiil be placcd at the amc caught up to him ad je* amod1g the nmembersilor auth- nalm& : council for a date te use thc temporarily. Perin' garage aiready oeizâtori,'Ât thit. time, Wél- Cotncfilor Floshay hiving Communlty Bail Park should Centenniai streamers ,wilsh ed belore recelvlng bis lare, now known as Social and earlier talked to the Cro.I be referrcd to the Recreation lng to be placed across KngWlth Mn. Whepler ha4vin ô« 'hmiy ~vice lahlgh i uand, Mrs. Dorothy, Whitny Committee. They set up the Str-eet will have to ho nailed epted thc moncy $W 94tho Nýxewcaatl mIoats cases corne felt they should check out ber suminen activities and it couid to hydro and telephone pales. greenhouse permit and ulv1hiâ1.. r fromn out-of-town and the complaint and help ln any become a headache with one It was suggested that Mr. M. a verbal okay oni the n»UY ne a etunned, but until -way for'the safety of children cominittee glvimg their okay on Jone~s be contacted and pe-grg twsfî W l that time Newcastl; must pay where she guides themn across a nlght already rcscnved for mission asked. oould be dons. out on thc nequest di any the Beaver and King Street some othen event. Another buiing dangeronaBiulsÎeouu faily unden this service. The corner, Th etnilCmm tto lives of chlldren thatdng playt Th Cntnna Cmmttein that area is the tanc near Considérableagmtfo- reeve Volced his oplnion that Recreation Committèe held a lange bonfine back ln thc Railway. on Toronto Street lowed with CounclBo1aam tod man famies were big Ceuncillor Foshay report- January when ail old Christ- burned down a year and a haif stating it had à1réady, bean- iscrwdc sato y ôhme whemait d to Council that Jack P2runer mas trees were brougbt to the ago. It was then one of the adVertlsed ln the prie thafr, Teîn fanill e hv omny had now joined the Recreation park and burned. They haven't buildings known as Woodland a finle woulti b. levled in Iw * Te fr inl two fa "Y Committcc and Mr&. Lorraine nowever. donc anything 1-todut.As -pbidn ~eet bidingbefr- homes isn't night. "They can Meut.A hsbidnl eeto uligbfr à get $10 a wcek for one noo messengen would be répîacîng wards cleanlng up the debnis. owned by Harry Jose and cclving a permit. The Reevo- iMrs. Margaret BrrtnupnHrl Couch has been hired lr Ç oîwuîl, they will b. adthta Mr. Wheeler wuF and kccpthrampion e lab1 her resigtton. to haul away Uic ashes and asked toge t f Ut" p ew d knowîng the ton. ony wi b Couacilor Nesbltt, speaking stumps and Uic blîl u to be toettclad nw,"arpnbb aa pait bye own S omeindthngon behalf of the Recreation presented to the Centennial Sub-divlslon Dump nt im to inttahim lit hm mu e donc" comlaiaè th, asked Council t ommlttee. Afterwbich the Another eyesore was the anc duties sa if hie was a fault-ý take into, considertion the Newcastle Cubs wiîî go into mentioed by Councillor Nes- it was My faultaswl"ta AcompensationT bill was ne- unused land, proposcd as a the park on a dlean up cam- bitt when she brought ta reeve stated., cevdforth aouto park site in the Westvlew Paign.intehedmpoinwstenm e $251.04. The 1967 cost is $115.00 Heights Subdivision. "The Rec- PAe emoteionsu-dviio. ana wit th baanc oustndig ratin Cmmitc wii son lit f eqîpartnnt wsold decd tre stumps and n<Z Couacillor Poshay with no o with te balnce oustandng retion Cffimitee wll soo A lmatofressesethavematbrenesthvsedensccond se ngnd it.itCouncillor GiW;id. frorn 1964, 65 and 66. "'This la need to -cali for playgroufid subrnitted to counicil of ail about on the property directly made a motion and no «or~ somcthrng cisc we hadn t fig- -supervisonrs and it is felt -the cquipment on hand in case of across from thbe Aiken homc. would second tt. "What's te~ [ured ia our budget, paymng up children fromn the subdivision any such emcrgency as amn- Thcy must feci real good to difference between m.ym;otioht" bis autstanding from other would be more than wclcome monia gas escaplng fnom the look out their windows and sec and yours?" asked Counictfllf years," explained the Reeve. to attend playground activities Artificlal Ice Arena. This was ail that garbagouthrad Gray. "You say according ta l Under the new Ambulance up town. As there was consid- due to a letter receivcd fnom ooedlg ae hnaout the yla anditsfoacod By-Law, the amount of $655. erable distance to think of for the Pire Marshall askilig thatnitn% sne d s atgabouit o the by- icw nd tha nt a crd. will be paid by Newcastle.1the little folk, if the park site this be looked into kepng ii'vse seenitdci eveping these permts. t ou r. This is under the agreement gat undenway, thc recreation in mi, safety firat. Thene Wahton. "No one admits wbo fr o' gc. of 24-hour service. Besides the comrnittce wouid advertise for wvere two fire caîls in Apnil, owns the propcrty and no one Voices rose as ecch felt the$,.,, ambulance there is ao a sta- the extra supervision." one at the Woodland Products, knows wbo bas dumpcd the were right with their motion. tion wagon ia use. This by-icw las there going ta be a park a grass fire, and one, aisô a garb ge there, but it's going to The hcrm bcing donc, tiff taks n Nwcstl, owrcn thne" ake Concllo P- grass fine out of town under be cleaed up. V've looked into reeve felt nothing could b. ville, Clarke and Dcnington. shay. "Tbene's. a feeling mutual aid. Acting Pire Chief 'that." donc now. "I agnee with you,,& Harold Wbeeier, Bowrnan- throughout the village that if Albert Ncylor neponted hcving It was cao mcntianed that Eric. You know I volccd those. ville, the ncw Community Hal thene is it's meant for the sub- four mca ta add to bis volun- the -M-iii was pantly torn down words myseif the firat night in - Caretaker, bas cao been hincd division only. This isaflot so. teer fine flgbtcrs, two are new but not completeiy. This cao Council,ý but I can't do alte as weed inspector, building It will likely be uscd by those wbile the other two are ex-bas to be clecned up rlght wonk inyself and I take t1mý, inspector and law enfoncement in the subdivision more, but penienced with seven to niac cway. blame for Mn. Whcelcr's mis..ý officen. cao tbose from south of 401 years of fine flgbting. Buiding permits werc asked take. Next time, Uic minute- Parking Signa and those from cny part of Flreworks Dlsplay for by Dr. E. L. Ewert, at the the shovel hits the ground we'114,. Signa of No Parking, park- the village will be eacouraged The Lions Club will again lake who la nemodcling their steP la and have the building ing two hour limit and others to use this park." hald their annual flreworks kitchen. A building permit was stopped - lght then and the1-,.-11 anc lnedy p aoundthe "Itwas't n th bugetto iaply ad FankHoa ne-askd fr b Jac Mihiefan "Onthatstaemet Iwif village. Others are in tbe base- spend money for piayground quested that the, Councillors his home ta be built on Edwad second Enic's motion," replied' ment of Ex-Reeve Douglas cctivity this year," replied the give their permission ta make Street and one by Nick Dc'erew Colncilior Nesbitt, "and if 7i ýCunnlaghcm and wiil soon be Reeve. both sidea of the road in front ta build a new borne an Sun- sboyai doca astart somneone ýhu4 placed an posts. Tbe parking It wcs funther dicusscd and of the park a no parking area.1set Blvd., C. Rcgger, Northibetter move la."1 ýjpemý- 1 -

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