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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1967, p. 3

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t borne et 1&&..Barry Zwler, MW te ohhange - ràVows in TiiyUnited Churcli bers of the PaIll and the 0 Mauuh Lin.. lisd gathered. A kitchen and pantry sheif W ecW ngs hower wus given by Mrs. O. VVeI c ingsD. Challilce at her home. The staff and employées of Curvply gflte icbride with a -card table *et, floor polisher, carpet = Meer, camiopener, sati-on blanket and a uunburst dlock. Mrs. John Killeen entertained wlth a bridai luncheon when friends from ber office at Curvpiy and close relatives presented MUNNEKE AIKEN the bride with a Wedding Book GreatThe niarriage of Miss and several other gifts. GreatBarbara Ruth Aiken, daughter ber daughter with a trousseau Ontario ~î~i :e <:tea.alGreeedon' i Albert Munneke, son of M. Mr.fPaul's Teaoee then Adventure ~and Mrs. Andrew Munnek- ro alsTxc hr h VactinsOrono, was solemnzed in Si groom is enployed, arranged brook, on Saturday afternoon was prescnted with a purse of May 6, 1967, at 3 o'clock. Fo mner the occasion, lovely bouquets of yellow 'munis and white MeCRONE- BYERS snapdragons prettily decorat- ed the church. The marriage of Miss Donna Rev. Daniel Manning and Faye Byers, daughter of Mr. Rev. J. Nutma were the of- and Mrs. Frank Byers, R.R. 1, ficiating clergymen, and the Port Hope, and Mr. Eric John * wcdding music was played by McCrone, only son of Mr. and Mr. Ashton MMse of Mrs. John McCrone, St. Marys, Peterborough. Ont., was solemnized in Wel- ~~- Given in mnarriage by ber corne United Church on Sat- father, the bride wore a form- urday afternoon, April 29, ai gown of white Lagoda siik 1967 at 3 o'clock. Arrange- ~'. o fashioned with an epir of pink and white gla- . bodice fcaturing a band of dioli, pink carnations, white sculptured lace, scoop neck- munis and terri attractiveiy ' ~ l ne and cibow-length sîeeves. decorated the church. A full length train, edged with Rev. I. E. Munro officiated matching lace and attached by for thc double ring ceremony a bow, fell front the shoulders. and the wedding music was A circular crown headpiece played by Mr. Morley Bickle., caught bier bouffant veil, and Mr. Laverne Farrow was the she carried a bridai bouquet soloist. of rcd roses and stephanotis. i The bride, who was given -~--: MisDlECalcdrninmr*g by ber father, Ei daatctriumpll s DlwhllcOo o a white, formal-length ,, at3tra estivalbridesmaid was Miss Joan ne gown of nylon sheer organza N.y~ Munneke, also of Orono. Littleoerpa de soie with em - Land between the takes* Ms Rsmry Klen o pire waist. The elbow-length . An dvetur Vaatin i Bwmavile ws fowe gil.siceves were fashioned of th anAdvenwtur e Vaaton i, ThBowmanvsial afiwedinrlower petals and er chape] Mr. and Mrs. David John Wilfred Allison, shown in the above photo, ex. theLad btwentheLaes i Tepwire similarly attf ivin train was also caught at the changed marriage vows in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday lavish you with theemrale shiatffownsomatch- waistline by flower petais. A afternoon, May 6, 1967, at 4 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Lynda Dianne golen rutfunes o th lnd, in lae bdies.Thy wrepetal arrangement held her MGeor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McGregor, R.R. 1, Hampton, and the got l n f tfu l e ses ao d th e ad, ing lac e s b oi es he y ore s l oulder-length illusion veil, M G e Ofiet cutal ews ana inath themsJoncshaBofhedrsne and ber circular bouquet was groom is the son of Mrs. Wilfred Allison of Bowmanville and the late Mr. Wilf- ithe saead of buet and of orcids surrounded by pink red Allison. Photo by Ireland Studio P on tert aln a nim nt.teisoeg y b uqut eecarnations and ivy. Pro th sarkin sadaOf of carnations and tinted Ms ar hno Lake Erie to the blue-water Lake'Imums. Peterborgb Sasnaton of IFalolsh ores-fryo N iagar on~o Paul b nevld O honor for lber sister and the Setting \A as \Afelcome U nited Chu rch Paîs o obnnry-yo'ffnd ushr ee mDn ad Chi bridesmaids were Miss Ruth ~ -- . ~ ~ ~ ~ .... r- rich crops and laden vine- lc fOooadM.Jh Marvin, Morrish, and Miss >... ..~. yads Bstin itenaioalshp-Hancock o! Oshawa. Gloria Byers of Port Hope, ping. Quiet villages and historic A reception was beld in the cousin oftebrd. Te Churb Hll ad aterwrdswere attired in ankie-length plce JkeHailons undurn the guests were entertained at crepe gws Wt empire Castie. Industrial wonders the bride's home. The bride's waist, lace top and sîceves, like Sarnia's skyscraper-sized mother received wearing a the matron o! honor in deep chemistry sets and Douglas Point's two-piece navy lace dress with Pink and the bridesmaids in ziuclear power. Bird sanctuaries white flowered bat, navy ac-m mnt green. The bride's niece,. cessories and corsage o! pink Miss Kim Byers, was fiower and pony rides. Safe sandy roe.Tegoms otr girl in a paler Pink, ankie- swimming places beside splendid assisted to receive and wore length crepe frock with lace -- campsites and well-appointed pale blue silk shantung, navy top and empire waist. All - accommodations. straw bat, navy accessories wore matcbing satin shoes, and corsage o! yeîîow roses. matching bats highlighted by A Land betwcen the Lakes Ad. For the wedding trip ,o bufn elig n bte* venture Vacation will reward your Niagara Falls and western gloves. They carried circular -- familY with trcasurcd memoric points, the bride donndabuut fpn n bt gaoe n ohl o ln jade green coat and desn-crations and fern tied witb hj.j- gaoe n ohl o ln semble, white bat and acces- ribbon to match the dresses. M .it we'Il sendi you further details. snries. A corsage of yeîîow Mr. Brent Coats of Colborne .. 4/, Just mail the Coupon today. roses complemented ber trav-wa best man and the ushers ----c~llng ensemble. Tbey wl eeMn. John Byers, Co- Prvne fOtaj.reside i teCornisb Apart- ougbrother o! the bride, IDepartmcnt of Tourism & Information ments, Orono. and Mn. John Nevin, Toronto, jParliantent Buildings, Roont40 The bride attended Fallis cousin of the groom. Master .- " - Toronto 2. Line Public School and Mili- Brett - yers -o! Cobourg,-ne- betwen the Lakes Adventure Vacation. îernployed as Paynoll Clerk at beaner. i Curvply wodPr od0 t~ The reception was held in Naine Orono, and isSceay the Masonic Temple, Port I u~~~trer fth Orn uir Hope, wbere the bride's mo- Orono u nio IAddre Gardeners. The groo at ther received in a turquoise, Itended Orono Public and High pnincess 11i ni e, acket-dress City one rov. Schools and is a ciass "A" with white accessories and j nPîv. mechanic at Paul's Texaco corsage of pink roses. To as- Ontajo o TousinStation, Orono. He was born sist to receive, the gnoom's - DepartmnentorTwa in Holland. miother chose a Pink dress of InforationMany shower parties honor- crepe and lace with mnatcbing Infomaton d the bride prior to er mar- lace coat, white accessories --------.-- age. T wo 'miscellaneous and corsage of cream roses. sbowers were held, one at the Betore leaving on their boneymoon, a motor tnip to Western Ontario, the bride donned a two-piece light blue wool suit with white acces- sories and corsage of yellow USEDi roses. The bride attended Port Hope High Scbool and is an honor graduate o! Business i HAM M OND (HORD ORGANcoeg.Sewl be employ- ... .. . . cd as a secretary with the ~ f~~i-. -- Journal o! Commerce, Van- Mr. and Mrs. Erie John McCrone are shown in the above photo at the recep Model SI M MAMK couver, B.C. She is a former tonfllwigthei-m- riae iYW-coe Uite Çhr. onSatrda afer and flot - Dianrie McGregor, daughter of Newcastle was best man and -- ~ ~ .4. - a d n tMr. and Mns. Bruce McGregor, ushering were Mn. Steverin R.R. 1, Hampton, and Mr. Simpson and Mn. Wayne Chas- . .amusDavid John Wilfred Allîson, kavich, Bowmanville. TIDuDOso! o Mrs. Wilfred Allison, The neception was held at -" tBowmianvile, and the late Mn. the Lions Commun ity Centre, - Wilfred Allison, was solemniz- Bwavle h rd' at on Saturday, ay6, 1967, nother received in a pale, Churcb, Bownianville. Ar. ensemble, the sbeath dness" rangements of white chrysan- beaded in shades of green at themnu and blue 'muma the neckline, and corsage o! Mr. and Mrs. Albert Munineke, shdwn in the above Maybe you're fot looking in formed an attractive setting bronze and yellow 'mums and photo, were are inS.Ad w'UitdCuh, t ,igje place. for tht ccrcmony. 'carnations. She was assisted mridi t nrwsUie hnh Rt-v. G. K. Ward fitd by tht groom's mother who Millbrook,.on Saturday . afternoon, May 6, 1967, at Have you considered the words of JesusChrist who said: and the church organist, Mr. chose champagne beige lace o'clock. Forrnierly Miss Baàrbara Ruth Aiken, the bride, 1 amtheway th trth ad te lfe. A.Collion, laytd tht wotd- over brocade, rose-pink tulle is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. Aiken ofi " I a n t h w a , t h tr t h a d t e li e ."d in g m u s i c .' W . R o . M e tc a l ! a t , b o n e a c c e s s o i s a n d c o r , M i l b r o ok , a n d ' t h e g r o m i t h s n o f M . n dr . If you'ire really looking for truth, tan you afford to ignore oor sciojthesasenoofpMr.carnations this staternentl It is found in St. John 14:6. We recorn- The bride, who was given Before leaving for their Àndlrew-Munneke, Orono. Photo by Parks' Studio niend thit you look it up in your own Bible. luin ma1rige by ber father, boricymoon in the Pocono -.-11-- wore a formal, uemi-sheath Mountains, Penn., the bride Whitby, *ttended Bowman. mark and Mns. Don Welsh, Enjoy Bible Meditation and music batl' by Trunlegi gowri of white sllk wlth scoop- donntd her travelling eri- ville High School and iu inter- when friendsanzd' relatives cd neckline and pointed Ion g smble of a camel bair walk- csted lu farming and car rac- attcnded. *ACK TO TME 3131LR UROADOAST aleeves, and accented by se:15 ing suit, matching thons and lng. A miscelimneous showerwa Wtndp,, mmIkepearla and appli ued la1 The purse, tangerine picture bat, Out-of-town guests atten4- held. by Mrs. Harry Baker of ful train, :âuwit wtth Chan- arid accemsrles. They will cd from Perth. St. Catharines, Oshawa, assiste by Mima tilly lace, fr11 front the reside on Sinîcot St. North, PMerboingh, Toronto, Locuat flianne Piatti, iwe friandu shoulders andi wa adorneti Oshawa. and Newc.jtle. and co-worker at Gendra1 wlt conerbow. Br but- Tht bride attended- CqStiSlt ;Pricor t. lier marriage, the Motorstuet. li fon, b"eulerichil wés 111gb Sehol andi mitil rent- bride ws ofetor tot caughta mlscelanem*du w leaves, tutti pearls ad raitpiewtr rl oomTe h w s hu"çbepü,W given by naid"91 honor Mina --tals, a li er bridai bouqut ,grom, "Whoiol &à. twecton1 'oeiyN*j.é ,t Valtnie Stewait- sMd Mia îe I EEDKNAP -moculuEEE The Canadian Stteman, Ewanavfe, May 11, lff lLoveiy arrangements of - blut commercial 'munîs with plnk and white carnations. ilhowtr. white and blue ponis formed As tht couple lett for m The groomn's paetu ent* an attractive setting for tht bonceymoon lin New York, the taineti with a rnlyd=1n~ marniage on Saturday after- bride was wearlng, a twe- party. A cusm auc« noon, May 13, . 1967, at 2 picce navy knit suit wlth sbower Was held abd girl f4- o'clock in tht Fre Methodiat beige accessonies and corsage ends of the bride. friands o Church, Frankford, Ont., 0of !red garnets anti baby pink tht groom'& parents gave ae Miss Ruth Monica McCumber, carnations. They will reside neighborhood sbower at t4p daugbter o! Mn. andi Mrs. at 745 Stevensoni Rd. North, home of Mrs. N. Vaillancou4,,- Edward C. McCumber,Frank- Oshawa. who was assisted by Mm.% tord, and Mn. Arnold Douglas A secretary. the bride at- Gordon Willson. A Fommupt4 Stuart Redknap, son o! Mn. tended Frankford p u blic ty shower was held in nFM~k.0, and Mrs. Alfredi G. Redkiiap, Sehool, Lorne Park College tord for tht bride andi grooMe, Oshawa. and Belleville B us ine ss Tht bride attendeti a dlIi- l Rev. J. R. Walsh of Frank- Schooî. Tht groom is an ap- ner party helti in BloomtiEid- ford ofticiated and Mrs. S. pliance salesman wlth tht in hooro severmi girls som' Martin playeti the wedding T. Eaton Company. Ht at- to be married, ail employeèo music. Tht soloist was Miss tendeti O.C.V.I., M.C.V.I. andi or thetrino Hydro OfflOs' Myrna Sine. Lorne Park College. at Belleville.- Gnmndparcritts Given in marriage by ber Several parties bonoreti the tht groom, Mr. and Mrs.A.(. fathen, tht bride wore a bride. and groom pnior to their Redknap, Coîborne St., Osh- floor-length gown o! white manniage. Mn. Brandon Rowe- awa, entertaineti tht bridai peau de soie with Chantilly Siceman, Toronto, was host couple with a supper party.ý lace 'trim at the bemline, for a luncheon and presenta- Mr. Leslie Bates arranged',a waist and siceves, and high- tion at Benvenuto Place, Ton- stag party for the 'groom at lighted by a detachabie train. onto. The girls ot the On- bis home lu Oshawa. Follow- Hen bridai veil was caugbt to tanio Hydro Office at Belle- ing the wedding rehearéRI a crown-shaped headpiece of ville, where the bride was the groom's parents entertaino seed peanîs andi she carried a employed, entertaineti with alcd with a buffet supper at the cascade bouquet o! pink Sen- supper party andi kitcheniCave near Trenton. sation roses, byacinth and ivy. Tht bride's attendants wene Mrs. Ge or ge MecCumrber, Frankford, Miss Sandra Little ý j0e o! Toonto and Miss'Diane I rey Clea,,ners C/zuc ie Mclntosh o! Belleville. They wone floor-length, mist blue gowns o! peau de soie in em- The Detroit Telephone dlrectory would flot be populat pire style accented by white In the Kremlin. There are 20 BOSSES, but flot ont WORKER nylon overlay, and the sheer nylon siceves wene accented In tht phone dlrectory o! Detroit, >Uch. by blue daisies. Their four- layer net beaddressts were helti by clusters 'of thnee blue b4 daisies, and their cascade bouquets were of bitte anti white pompom. 'mums. CLOTHES CARE IHNT: Mn. Leslie Bates o! Oshawa was best man anti ushening Home Cleanlnt le Dangerous e leanlng flulid shoulti b. were Mn. Brandon Rowe- handled only by experts te avolid explosions andi lire. Siceman of Toronto andi Mr. George McCumber of Frank- BOWMANVILLE ROTARY CLUB ford. Tht, neception was held in IE OK DSPA the Parish Hall outrFIEWOKSDISLA Anglican Church. For the oc- High School Grounds Monday, May 22 K-casion tht bride's mothen [ywore a blue, two-piece double ý te knit nylon suit anti corsage of gv pink carnations. The groom s - ~ ,'/... temothen assisted to receive - f- and chose a powder blue ýjacket-dness and corsage o! Save on Luxnry Quality HEIRLO.OM IBEDSPREADS Vaues 19.98 each N0 Specially Priced!f 88- The romance of the past is exquiýitely reflected in these-Iovely bedspreads with their stunning traditional.,patterns. Buy now at this wonderf ul: saving., " Two designs to choos. from " Antique and-Snow White " Deep bullion fringe " Twin size 80 x 108 * Double size 96 x 108 THE HOME 0F THE BRANDS'. / t. ,. .

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