.7 10 ~ ~am d1*n Uttem~an, Eowmenv e4 ? ly31, lUIP a ra de Ma fr,.-WeIdMgvoDu rh a mets ay P.F eid ent W a rs A nnual D inner s R e h_1 r iTlrU 1I n yOl Or Mr ilyen w a o tO D u h "Weegê n p r v Grmeeting Ch aso a esMla nry rpor wa Ci ze sShould fMot A ssum e T ht meemoftbaityKingsfon aasr Mrt ee. H. G.Freeman at Thde rui m flwerreortwa daughter and husband Mr. and held Thursday, Ma1 t cn Mrs. Otis Pritchard, sons Peter, the Department oc Arcl uies atwsmkn D «d n t îi i IS n e ' o tPaul Pritchard, Manotjck ' ture, Bowmanville, r >.pasorteuesupr Mr. and Mrs. Roy Topping Junction with theSutDr- Iwadeld oena Bons John, Glen 'Ted Topping, ham Corn SilageCu.Th etoUcRle Toronto; Mrs. éharle White, meeting was opene byteTrn. M r s . r e d R . S te v e n s . ceI t k n . M . M r y m v d a v t and greaât furture ahead o Meeting and Dinner of tUiPresident, was lni the chair tu Presdent cf t e T.. an Helth ssocatio on olv d wlh th T a niov-J my Snowden, Maple Grve; otnced ea er or izatico" snid M.Not berlandadDuan Mr Rae ho has been n Mr. and Mrs. Bob Goodniurphy, land the Corn Club David ae, Pesiden of te T.B.and Halth Asociairn enamIvSnowdenheTOshawaMr.J'am Rickard shagave usRisome, gav Ontario Tiberculosis Associa- Tuesday. May lEth, in Cobourg. ment fr!0;u2 eyears said that Aitcheon a end aii t Holthre e aoup ins and g cdaf S suhaftr a nyps urspe stewen withtheheiJuohninongvgre- aut wa s o fl lY P05 n e'roo i. 1class of R usse ll oats . e g v sîblFe idatdt iuch har wolc Mrs. Barbara Worsley, sonreasons ta ithenM. elhbthathscudedoeRnneRik r * -fr edmdct Athe Pîctule was very different- Robert e London r n r.M.Rcado r ______________________ o ndron doM. n, s Mr. Rickard o M .gavem ~Y "' ou n e vTf T O l _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ i tha i t ee e ryo ea .. the w eekend with their brother Plcing tand reasond s ~ a s i . incidence of the disease was ~~" ' r n r. W . D vd o e d to s T e m ei g w u ~ p o e tv l t i g Winr n sntrirs vRgers and girls. On Sunday worksheet and the sorem- onad E hlghe and sanxtnium over ~ * ~ ~'an ci bo th, er n e e ii- then adjourned. s fty g g lsec Fo premium quaIity, with the "white scourge" tao ors wihhrsitradhu- Nil.n rs sorne degree, realized the dan- band Mr. nd TTC' No S~~ - nd, MRog r and ir s. Rn O 'edn GASOLINE-DIESEL &MOTOR OIIS pspg er a veeofthpr, opena.OlB:RsAlirIfratwek upisLd FARM TANKS AND PUMPS AVAILABLE in auto mnatica nly 4$"M se avn Au, e csl; Itn e canot ay he ob has ed Ifen ~~. .#. man, daughter Susari, Guelph, homne of Mrs. RobentSisnrHW C A L L C O L L E C T ~ ~~do n e ; i t h a s b e e n w e l l s t a t e . .4-i t M r a n M s . H a r M s . N r n R h e r p n dI a n d e sh uid b e p ro u d o f th e C y e m n a c a i y a e t e m e i g w t e d n W HITBY 668-3341vefforthe pblie ndmustc~ , Mr. i. and Mrs. Fred Wight2gfollowed Cling"wa DX yourseves, must be convinced . Qite a few horses and buggies were in evidence at the Victoria Day parade twn daughters Beverley, Bar.iby Mrs. M. Gray. W@Z that there is still a great deal in Bethany. This oufit was driven by Vern Mulligan with his wife as a demure bara were Sunday eveningi Devotional was taknb 1)X O Lof work ta do. We cannot re- passenger. ens ________ _______ __lax,____r___ ____of_ _the___ _______ visitors with the former's par- Mrs. M. Gray, "The Ho e f AI __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ la, fr o e f teobe sen gt , EMnr.fan r. N. E t e ri scti sanse t ould enguif us - we have emphyserna and T.B. These make them understand that WTPfTE R V r.a,nd nse. SaRVn ll call was answg____________ been Sitting on the lid just 1ln 1s,îl offset the vacuum our job, which is their job, is. E G'LftrJjMr.Camp, du he M s S Ma ryjý Tour b.st choce ise barely and the lid could cave ceatedbyhe decln ofsani- a from cmlt and that we MARun: Lr a a Camp, Base tes RisseKMary; e.in if a solution is fot found. tar« ad the consequent ess- need their support."'I tnd d fr atweek) Studaoadiun, Mr. Rae said, is the fact thatfl.i t is now apparent that while paying tribute ta the owing ta several being a hi day a their cottage at Min;tl NA I N L SALER TW INE! because of the difficuty of with. the intensive research dynamie, energetic and dd. cottages, trailer camps and Lk. DnBon ootiN F AR keeping irakof! s ho1lnig tte centres ta ae ei whiie following an approxi. the genalpatioewiletrstexcuveSc- sary services. spent the weekend with hi' mate three month treatment,lbecoMe ore andi more in- tary, is doing for the Associa-1 Rev. J. P. Romeril's topic parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. SR are free of infection, fil toivolved. tion, said "In this day and age for n t Su d y wl be Lv- B o n b oh r Dai.* * Scontinue treatm ent at hom e.1 !erhave not eradicate & w hen MBro n d M LloyDav d S o~~f f t in One of the neasons for hs,'Wehv no erdct1wn everything has a dollar 1 ng ers." aldt eta en*pn e asls Thi B and have it barely ne sign on it, it is wonderful Sesoniacledt ee t e seta e dy ls 01the fact that often it is thT.B.irl, said Mn. Rae. 'Weisec the voîuntary wor ngc3 ..a the church. Don't week with their son and wife, lation, the slum dwellers, the are faced with a public apathy done by the dedicated peorlei7ret'bkt sale and auction Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Snow- CHILDREN'?IDSadM WA transients and jail populationiwhich is hard to correct, for throughout the respective com- sale on Fiday evening, June den and family, Shawville,. thmwhile the percentage of cases munities." 2nd at 7 p.m. at the church. Que., and also attended Expo.!1 who are affected and keeping son,1 track of them and educating dropped spectacularly i h Temeigwshl in the Anyone wishing things picked Mr. and Mrs. Mick DowsSTUDA ,JU E r toe a continue their treat- ffties it stalled at four percent. Auditorium of the Ontario up contact C. Russell, C. Mills,land Paul and Nancy, Windsor,~ 2NO ment not only for their o n the sxte ad a ntospital and Mrs. Catherine H. Bradley, H. J. Brooks. Ispent the weekn ihi1 BE UTO TRERCN beneft, b t for the enefi of ince. This apath Galer whleCongratulationCngrat ltoinMisas parents,, M .Mn. d MandIlMrs.F hCTnj heneit, but for tha eneit f d opp e ico e or n eHeadat ya e ,hiexinr ossducing te Carole G reenham on passing!Cooney and other relatives. the com m unity at large, is verv m u t b o er o e f r e e o e H ad T l , ex es e ap e- h difficult, Should the intake -! case of T.B. could create havoc diation o! the wonk done by hr year in Home Economicsý SQUAEDACN the necessany 25 - 30 PUIS per among the population, spraad- the Occupationai Therapy and with honors. GET CASHI TODAT _sud LADIESV XIISI RN dYb icniudfraying as it may from an indi- Recreational groups at theH Weekend visitons with Miss FOR OLD APPLIANCESDO SHWadMD A reason, whether due ta siack- viduai, through a family,, and pitai. This included a - stage Manoie Greenham were Mis thong L iness, forgetfulnessý or. even then out into the community. setting of house and trees sur- Manilyn Bull, Zion, CLMn. Stan' ISS GA sheer well-being, then the cils- . A whola ganeration of school rounfded by massad flower l Plack, Mn. John Knight, Sud- STATESMAN ease becomes re-activated and childnen, ha said, is growtng made by the mnembers o f th e bury An e guests at the Phone 623-3303 contgiou andbecoes a- ~regarding T.B. not a threat grOUPS. Appreciation was ex- OnlYthe finestAfrican Sisal fbe is usdin the mnufa.jurgf NATpAL other spot of infection for thelbut.a itn n eoe~tne osvrlo h ei reseo the population, choiera or the bubonic plagua. dnswo unden the direction rblM wn- uhy rdc foucfttwrdsfns o e ' "Bacii can learn ta tolerate These children have ne ther of M rs. J. C. Rooke, entrtain.. ls. nNtoa rn vîefrtobefe evc n o ult doses o! foreign and poisonus sen it non had experience with ed the guests with a special lavet On Natoa rdt win o rulefe evc adtpq t y ubstances, providng the dose it and approxim ately nly four !7entenniai progra m o ! sin .. is not enough ta kili them and par cent o! them show a posi- ing. oniy harrasses them," he warn- tive re-action. The rest are Head fable guests includad 0 Fully test.d and lnspectW. ed. "If somneone takes enough negativa and It only neads one Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson, 4,Grade "A" Mfrican Sisal. pis ta kill the waak bacilli active case in an area among Dr. and Mrs. T. W. H»awke, Mn. tom."aant o~rdat udlo and leave the strong to breed, chiidren whose inununity uiad n. .E Countice, Mn. 0 EaCli bag guarntud. new strains o! T.B. bacilli de. consequently much less be- andi Mns. Alex Carruthens, Dr. xpelop and new drugs have to cause tbey have had no contact Charlotte Romn, M.O.H., Dr. J . R . S N OW D E N e n t a p e w t U p th O b sai . it Icti l a ld u . . W el'in , M . a n d M rs.~ i is the keynote. Chest clinjc madicine fleld lu very great," Abrtocka, tr. evM. & S. D. ee sto k a fixRe MJO ersaebigstu ntee adt gxin ndo S Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. E. five teching ospital, wbrahaobiMna and tMrspChaer]- A. Collins, Mn. and Mrs. K. thoracie diseases, - lung can- andi keep them infonmed o! thea anke andfors. aci197-Lapp.o cer, chonic bronchitis, asthma, ned for constant vigilance ta Offilce s ,fo yean 1967-68wr fa ..........................................ge~~ment Commpast I son, Q.C.; President, Mn. Stan- ley Evans; lut Vice President, Mn. E. R Lovekin: 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Catherine Gai- gar; Hanarary Treasurer, Mn. tnsSeal Campaign, Dr. Tho- Visory, Dr. Charlotte Horner, M.O.H.*; Case Finding, Mn. Don Retallick; Rehabilitation and I .:Richardson, Miss Miary Darkin; Andrews; Publicity, Mrs. AI- I insecticidealtiDroe ao; Ms Haolding eridoirnficîïn Mrs. HE. Gas .Tuing tenty-One- When a depencdont contes or age, ho 13 no longer- cover. Bawdey, rs. E. rOrraell, b ispreîs contract and Musitoke out his awn coverage. Again, jet us lcno is oByo r Sithfelld; Mrs. Bruce Ruthen- within 30 days for continuous coveroge, or yot, muat expect a 3 month walting Ieo o fond, Mns. B-, Smith, Mrs. T. period afernotificaîion. M. Gresham, Coiborne; Mn. sardon Lovett, r.Gdo Lous in Inoome. If your Incorne I reduc.d or stopped becom o f onempIloei, James Bird, rs. W. A. Good- mloàmie3eia plcto aySP SEVIN Carbaryl Insectic ide gives a fellow, Codington: Mns. A. G. -~ca plcto aO$P combination of adivantages unnatched by A usten, Wooler; Mns. Bernard Old Age Pesion. i you are roceMng Faderai Otd Age SeSurly, vou do nôt re- other Insecticides. it's ecaromical, sale, Ten1 Iebb . Woungal , R o- M I -rg mtm t-- -S yo 1.tali MSP lau o py WfetV n dpnal.Tebb, ;Mrs. W.eA. Yoant, R effctie aci epe dabe.Bightoin; r.A C. J. Trust- Deaffi. Upon the d a" hof a contc bolder, Ibo n.w head or houseold sloioud Icontrols insect pests with a minimum iram, Roseneath; Rev. Gordon notify OMSIP. Please Jet us icncw as wel Iif a <Jopendant dies. in ecs ..SE INlath toppes-I lace, Campbelflord; Mrs. Clin- toMILbec pct on . SE In a t fo a nyhr Thhon, M. Buc a-~lis information, kept up-ta-date In your fle, heips mok. sure ycorOMSIP cdaims WhenIt-omtsiL, EI eR1 ton Farrow, Newtonvile; Ms. ore a.tled fast. But whenever you write OMSIP, be sure bo include your nmare, ten iotaldnetoUsa ne r SE fildesoon W. M. Ruddel, Newcastle; Mns. addres and cont ract numben Address il OMSIP correspondlenc to: OMSIP, tae orad. o a ne afec oiiM. Thompson, South Mona-13 ceAW.Tont7,Oar. taler aSEVlNsptaying. ln normal crop, ghan; Mr. <Qeorge Dean, Fras-15SLCarveW Trno7Otl. application lVestook won't be Contaminated erville; Mns. L. R. Gibson,l Iby direct spray or driftThere lanosoil Millbroak; Mn.. A. L. Blan- ) contamnn thes- - SE VIN bremiasdewn card, .Hlarton; Mns..A. H. do« &wi,.î,. %of 14' qully amui tenot bave pOMIstent, engRTHampton; Ivis. TUI<IUS ~tII*QOII.Glenn Larner, Mn. Wm. Fer- g Eo l R tN eSteton; M ..N eus. Ms.,Gso V% - = ,1- - ' ' ou A Èu~g NOSF A 4. r. a ~ 4 - . .1- i. k