.,iecreatinComitee Buffon Club tinCImi Holds Display lans Summer GPro gramson Newcastle-- As -yau were.1 wiil be ably assisted by our tivity, announcements will be . Newcastle:- The May meet- tdviaSd to keep yu eye on ald frienda, Misa Lynda Enl- made as to whenc, when and ing of the Pianeer Button nis new pper Yfor future bcck and Mr. Chimies Ewert. how you mnay negisten your Club was held at the home ai wvord au the Recreation As you probably noticed, the boys and girls. Mrs. W. E. Dodwell, Oshawa, Committee's plans for an ac- tee for these classes has been The next big summer at- with 12 members present. Uve suxmer, they are now raised. It is now three dollars'i traction is of course, BALL. going to bring you up-to-date, for the tirst child and two Thi s ummer it i. going ta be Mrs. Burleigh gave another" In the tinst place, ail is in dollars for each additional ýBail, Baîl, Bal, final taik on Clear and Col- eadinesa for a great Red childin the same tamily. The Many wonderful p e oplieC ored Glass Buttons, ater ýroaa Swimming Prognam. Tadpole classes will b. two have otfered their service for which thfe special classifica- Instructors have. been hired, dollars, for each chid. To this and it is just untortunate tion cards were passed for a date for registration bas some of you, this may seem that we don't have a complete vroetexmn.Ac - >e'n set and a scbedule has like a lot of money, but when list ot names at this Urne Asevrneteame.Ac- mn drawn up. Ail the Re- you consider it could be the the Recreation Comm;ittee Plete list of buttons would treatlon Committee asks now dittemence between lite and promised, there are teams have totalled 144, but there la for your co-operatian re- death ta your child, is àt spanning ail age groups from were many buttons yet ta be gamding the dates of registra-. really so much? Don't forget 6 ta 16, so there is no need found. lion. Tbey hope that you the dates - JUNE l5th and for any boy or girl ta be de- The June meeting will be didn't forget ta circie the l6th. prived of the opportunity ta heid at Mrs. V. Sanderson's, Pates as you had been asked Summer playground, for enjoy this bealthful recrea- Janetville. This will be the :ô do. Two nights have beer. children tive years of age tion. Since the boys and girls Centennial meeting. Mem- set aside for your canven- and up, is misa passcd the have sa enthusiasticaliy en- bers are asked ta corne dres- lence, Thumsday and Friday, drawing board stage. The domsed this pragnam, let's sec sed in Centennial costumes, lune 15th and l6th, tram leaders hired will soon be at- that the parents do lîkewise. and brings cards of Centen- Y p.m. ta 9 p.m. in the Lions tendirig Playgmound Leader- Don't send youm son or dau- niai buttons. As a special Roorn of the Community Hall. ship Camp at Quin-Mo-Lac ghter to the park, take him feature it wili be a pot luck The staff this year, as in peparing themnseivcs for what or hem, then stay on ta en- dinner at eleven o'clock, atter fther yeams, are all weli quali- we hope will be a successful, courage him or ber and the which the business of the fied personnel who corne ta wathwhile venture. Play- coaches in their endeavours. meeting will be conducted. the Committee well recom- graund is held five mamnings mended. The instructor is a week, tram 9 a.m. ta noonH o Miss Karen Westley, Oshawa, in the Cammunity Bal'Park. H n r L c l C u l who has served on the staff Upon completion of ail theor L c l C u e of Simcoe Hall, Oshawa. She plans tom this particular mc- à. L àI1lewcastle Social and 9ersona/ Newcastle:- On M on d a y evening, the boys of lat New- castle "A" Cub Pack, togethex with their leaders, lira. Flor- ence Tilîson and Miss Lynda Jeffry, enjoyed a cook-out in the woods on the Colwill pro- pety. Ta get ta the woods there was acreek, avery av enexpericnced. How- couldn't get oysonthey aloe, nd eveal ons tate It lea upta their waist. Un- ior Sixer, Stephen Dryden, the Senior Cubs went inta the woods ta choose wood ta Sgivea lasting tire. Wbiie the fire was being built, another o! thc Senior boys, John Ru- deil led the junior Cubs in smie mery games. Once the fine caught, the wetter boys wcrc able ta get themselves dnied out a bit betore eating. Sevenal very large cans of beans, followed by bead and butter, pop, and finally a mashmailow roant, filled the boys up. While the leaders and senior Cuba made certain that the tire was compietcly out, John again toak charge of the youngem Cuba. With the time ta leave approach- Ing, and again having ta cross the cneek, the boys agaîn de- tided that no cook-out was complete witbout a soaker. The parents would probably think atherwisc, as did the leaders, who gave them good advice on getting home as quickiY as passible and get- ting into dry clothes. Receiv- ing a treat tram Bagheera, the boys lett, many of them quite wet, but 'ail of themn quite happy. With final ex- aminations beîng written at the scbool now, there will be no Cuba for either A or B Pack next week. They will meet again June 12th. The ladies throughout the Village me again hunting in- to trunki ton dresses dating clean back ta 1867 as news spreads that the dance plan- ned tom June 24th is another Centenn.iai Bail. As anyone who attended the Centennial Bal carlier this yeam will tell you, t was the greatest, and thla one us planned ta top the finit one. Tickets are avail- able now fom the Artificial Ic e Committee, so get yours early. And emember, It isn't a must ta attend in costume. Don't staY home because your dreas la 1967 original, you wUll stili %e in style. To keep your toes tappin thec entire evenlng, entertaîmet'a been aranged during the in- terrnission, when at that time, pounding out some aid time melodies in grand aid honky tonk style wil teature Mmi. Gladys Brown, Omono, at the piano. This will b. the anly Centennimi Year Canada will celebrite for another ful 100 yemrs. Make this anc some- tbtng to emember, and at- tend every Centennimi cdc-. braU idWanned for us. We've heird there are New- castle residenta pmcpaing a tuip to Expo in bb very near Classified Coming Events Reserve Thunaday, June 15 or fniday, June 16 tom Red Cross Swimmirig Clama Regi.- tration, 7 ta 9 p.m., iÀons Boom, Newcastle Communfit Hall. $3.00 for fiast chff, $200 tom each dditionai chlid Jl saime fimlly. Tidpols,, $2.00o HepWanted Playground Leaders, boys or orle là yearu o! Cge and aveu, suprvse urmer play- grouind,monmln'gs nly, 5-day *eek.ý plystating age, ex- perince anyand salary ex- ecd , to Newcastle Recrea- tSCommttee, Box 86, Bow- castle, Ontirlo. Succeesfu apllests wMl benefit one wîoek at Quin-M,-Lac Leader- ahncamp, expedses paid, June N". 33-1l Y future. Be sure and let us -know of the outstmnding ex- 1 erience of yaur trip. Coun- -cilior Doreen Nesbitt has e- a centiy eturned tram Expo ýi and the greatest thrili of it -ail was wben she turned and ssaw Queen Julianna, near enough that she could almost ttouch her. Our frienda and neighbours in Bowmanville Hospital this tweek, are Mns. Gwen Bar- chard, Miss Tracey Bell, lirs. Erma Blight, George Collins, John Davis, Miss Tina Fer- guson, lins. Jessie Fuflbnook, Clarence Hale, William Harri- son, Mrs. Louise Hodgson, David McKnight, Frank Mil- ler, Ben Moise, Alan Stewart, Henry Tebbie and lirs. Edna Vivian. SReport fi by ývn À&3 fl ànniversory Newcastle:- On Saturday Darlene and Wayne, everyone evening, May 27th, members enjoyed a full evening of of the Powell-Flintoff family dancing. The lunch was sup- and friends gathered at the plied by the convenors, Mr. Odd Fellows Hall, Orono, ta and Mrs. Jack Halmes, Mr. honor Mr. and Mrs. Clifford and Mrs. Morley Flintoff, Mr. Flintoff on the occasion of and Mrs. Charles Aquilina, their Silver Wedding Anni- Mrs. John Northrup, Mrs. versar. Ken Dean, Mrs. Ross Dickin- Attending the bride and son, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shet- groom on their wedding day' er and Mr. and Mrs. Stan was the bride's sister, Mri. Powell. Paul Shetier, and the groam's brother, Lloyd. Both were also in attendance at the an- niversary. H Y O Out of town guests were from Bowmanville, Courtice, A Sunday Schaol meeting Oshawa and Oakville, with will be held an Friday even- several guests from Newcas- ing at 8 p.m., ta make further tle. The bride received a plans for aur Sunday School beautiful bouquet of camna- Anniversary. Aiso plans are tions, and both were thrilled being made to invite aid with the many îovely gifts friends back to aur anniver- and cards, amang them, twa sary services. We would like end tables and a coffee table,' ta see ail interested in this silverware, cups and saucera, project attend this meeting and crystal candle holders. an Friday evening. Fallawing the presentation Practice on Sunday marn- ta the couple, who were ing at 10 o'clock. Church ser- flanked by their children, vice will be withdrawn on Mrs. Charles Floyd (Susan), Sunday an account of Salem rom Queen's Park Alex> Carruthers, M. P P., Confederation of Toniorrow Conference French speaking Canadians living In Ther isa rom i th Legslaive any other province of Canada. Thee i a oomin he egiiatve4. The existing constitutional provis- Building in Charlottetown which bas' ions relating ta French language particular significance for those, who and culture were ta be regarded as avail themselves of the opportunity to inviolable with the insistence that visit this historic building. these "privileges beiong to people - A plaque on the wall of this room not to gavernments." reads: "In the hearts and minds of the The Prime Minister's views on Con- dèlegates, who assemblcd in this room federation and the calling of a Confed- on September 1, 1864, was borne the eration for Tomorrow Conference have Dominion of. Canada." been well received across Canada. This Approximately one hi.rndred years is most apparent by the favorable edi- later, in this Centennial year of 1967, torials on bis proposais. the Prime Minister of Ontario bas issued , It is also ta be noted that the oppo- a caîl for a second and in many ways sition parties in the Legisiature, who similar conference. - were severely criticizing the proposai The Speech from the Throne read but four months ago, now strongly sup- by the Lieutenant-Governor, the Hon- port it. ourable Earl Rowe, on January 25th Mm. MacDonald, the N.D.P. leader, last, contained this significant state- in a statesmanlike manner said, "this ment. year is a particularly good time for a "This assembly wili be asked to conference, because Canadians are be- approve the poiicy of my governmnent, ginning ta capture a feeling for their to invite leaders of ail the provinces, nation as exemplified by Expo and con- and .the Federal Government, to a con- troversy over Confederation is being ference where the future of aur Fed- replaced by calmer reasoning."1 erai system of govemament will be dis- Mr. Nixon, although criticizing the cussed. My govemament considers it ap- government for being less than diligent propriate for Ontario, as one of the in soliciting the ca-operation of Ottawa, founding provinces of confederation, to suggested that the constitution now 100 provide the inspiration and setting for yeans aid, requires ovemhauling, and, such discussions. that u ' ta the present time, there has tinDuring the past few days Resolu- been no concensus as ta what should tinNo. 1 standing on the order paper be done. in the name of Mr. Robarts, and caihing Four broad topics for discussion for the approvai of a Confedemation of have been suggested by Mr. Robants. Tomorrow Confemence, was fully de- 1. The ways in which the present Fcd- bated and on Monday of last w4k eral system isn't working. approved by a vote of '0 to 1. 2. The broad objectives of Confedera- The proposed conference, Mr. Rob- tion. arts statcd, would not be for the pur- 3. The existing machinery and struc- pose of discussing fiscal polîcies bet- ture of Federal-Provincial and in- ween the provinces.and the Federal terprovincial relations. Government, but rather for a discussion 4. The raie gavemaments can play in ainicd at stopping the present drift on English-Frençh relations. what might be termed an uncharted Confederation in 1867 was a miracle course wîth respect to confederation. when one considers the great difficul- 1A conference calied by a province, tics facing the fathers of Confederation. the Prime Minister said, stands a better Yet through compromise, understand- chance for success because it wouid ing and co-operation it was reaiized. provide a more relaxcd atmosphcre, The Fathers of C onf e der at i on and, Ontario, because of its close geo- brought about union without physical graphic and bistoric rclatîonship with tics. Today with national railways, a Quebec, is in an ideal position ta ciii national airway, a national broadcast- such a conference. ing system, and a Trans Canada High- In October, 1965, Mr. Robarts out- way wc have tics they neyer dreamned licd Ontario's position with three of, advantages which shouid make the basic pninciples. path ta unity an easy anc and assure 1. It is impossible for Ontario ta accept for ail Canadians a second century of a Federal systcm which is flot bascd stability and progres.. on thc principle of a ingle, national Each and every Canadian from cast cconomy, and, furthermore, a single ta west and from north ta south, mc- national govcmnment which has con- gardless of hi. cthnic background, bis trol over that economy. crecd, hi. colour, hi. econamic stature, 2. National economic policies must be has a vital mole in seeing that Canada made sensitive ta egional needs endures as a unitcd nation. through mare adequate and fre- Only through unity of purpose can quent consultations with the prov- this be achicvcd. Let us not forget that inces. the little states of Greece destroya 3.Ontario rejccts the proposition that themacîlves by their egotismn, their jebi- the goverument cf Quebec ini any ousin mad their struggle for rights, onc way represents the interest ofagainst the other. anniversary servrice at 3 p.m. Mrs. L.* Christensen was hastess for a' miscellaneous shower at ber 'home, assisted by Mrs. Potts hnd Mrs. Tre- win, for Miss Jean Bertrim, a bride-to-be. Mrs. Urwin end Mr. Ken- neth Urwin, Markham, cailed on the Bertrim famiiy on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Ashton, Michigan, called on Mrs. A. Thompson on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton attended Burketon Annver- sary service an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marris Pal- lard and famiiy visited Mr. and Mrs. Art Pallard, Clare- mont, an Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton attended Burketon anniver- sary service on Sunday. Mrs. A. Thompson visited Mrs. F. Osmond, Bowman- ville. U.C.W. June meeting wilI be held an Tuesday evening, June l3th, at the home of Mrs. Olesen. M rs. Floyd Willoughby, Calgary, Alberta, is visiting ber sister, Mms. Cecil Jeftery, and niece and nephew, Mr. and Mmi. Steve Doyle and family. Mr. Frank Olliffe, Stouff- ville, is spending a few days with Mm. Fred Stevens, whiie Mrs. Stevens is at Expo. Mr. and lins. Elmo Ashton, Birmingham, M.ichigan, were last Thursday visitors with his sister and busband, Mr. and Mmi. C. P. Swailow. On Thursday evening tbey visit- ed Mr. and Mms. Frank Cmook- shanks. Ajax, and Mm. and lira. Jimmy Blackburn, Bay RLidges. Mm. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow were Sunday callers on Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Densem andi lirs. Jack Ashton, Toronto.j Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Colla-1 cutt attended Eldad Anniver-1 sary on Sunday and were1 supper guests with Mm. and lirs. Russell Vice. Mrs. Allan Snowden, Mapie1 Grave, Mm. and Mrs. Bob and me. When you it Expo 67, don't miss seeing the Automated EggFactory sponsored byA&P at the "Man the Provider" Pavilion. When you visit your local A &- P, don't miss buying A & P's own Sunnyfield Eggs, Grade "A" Eggs, the finest you can buy. We sel millions upon millions of them every year. wee ith Mr. and Ms. fTed Foley and Mmm. Lou Hackin. 'The Canadie Stasman, Bowmanvme, lM" 31, 1967 DVI5rLE cIKUVY " Cnrtu 1 a t f o nu to Mr. -and husbani, PMr.- and lMrm M. Goodmurphy, Mr. and lirs. Geor ge Ilot o i 77th blxth- Marico, Georgetown. Len Goodmurphy and daugh- day. An acur wiUl appear Mrji and. Mra. I. G. Fr«. ters, Oshawa, were Suaday elsewhere. Iman, accompanied by the for- froon -vlsltoi's with the Congratulations to Mr. John mer's sister and husband, Mir. former'u parents, Mir. and McGuirk who carne second in and Mrs.- Leslie Jacksôn, MrS. EL K. Wilkins, Port Hope. his clam of 18 'yrs. and un- Bowmanville, wer-e Friday On Saturday evenlng Mir. and der, with 79 marks, and in the visitors ,with siterin.law, Mra., Harry Snowden, Osh- open Chopin clqss first with Mrs. E.' R. Freeman, and awa, were Visitors with hlm 86 marks, at the Ontario nephew and niece, Mr. and mother, Mn. Allan Snowden. County and Dilstrict Music Mrs. Glen Freeman and boys, Mr. and ira. Samn Van Festival held at ZAjax. St. Catharines. . Camp, Baue Lne, in company Will anyone , knowing the Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dubeau wlth Mr. and Mnr. Lloyd whereabouts qf the Girl and sons spent the weekend Metcuif, Oshawa, and Mr. and Guide apron, pl*ase return ta with hem parents, Mr. and Mrn. Roy McIntyre, Toronto, Mrs. K. WhItnýy -on Maple Mrs. A. Rice and family, were Sunday evening dinner Grave Road N.;t aise will any Hawkestone, and attended the guests with Mr. ard. Mrs. of the former' Guides who Hi-C variety show of whichlJohn Huband, Oshawa. have handbook4, pleage re- hem brother la president.. Mr. and lira. Ernie Vaillan-i tum te, Mmi. 4. Whitney or Mr. and Mr.9. Arnold Le& court, Toronto, were Saturday1 Mrs. K. Brown,, Mapie Grave and family, Taronto, Mrs. visitons wlth her aiter andi Rd. X. Mildred Husf, Toronto, were husband, Mr. and lira. Jim 1 Mr. and Mrsý Arthur Gib- Saturday visitors with Mr. Henry and family.4 son, Base LUne, spent the and Mrs. Norman Lesanmd Mr. and lira. John Weirsma weekend with their daughter family, brother and sIsten of and son Bruan, Uxbridge, Mr. Norman Lea. were visitors one day lait1 te Mss athy cottan.Kep U Jackie, race horse ownedC BR WN~by Mr. Russell Powell, basn BRO N'Smadea very good showing Mr. nd Ms. ose oydfor herself in the past two Mm. d Ms. Rsa oydweeks, placing third nt races recentiy holidayed at Ocean in bath Toronto and St. Cath- Pines, Myrtie Beach, for a aines. week. The children stayed with their grandpancnts, Mr. and Mmi. George Stephenson. Master Alan MeCarthy is H Wa now home from Sick Child-1 ren's Hospital, Toronto. We The Sbaw's Scbool and hope he is soon able to be Community Club held their back ta . chool. May meeting on the 5th. Prc'a. 1 Brwn's Busy Becs met at Gardon Barrie opened the' the borne of Mus. Maureen meeting with O Canada andr Powell an May l6th with the Lord's Prayer. The min- eigbt membera present. Fol- utes of the last meeting were iowing thc business, the mead and adoptcd. The treas- members worked on tickets urcr's report was given by for the card party and dmaw Mrs. T. Price and sbowed a that is coming up in the fali. substantial bank balance. Next meeting at the home of Pres. Barrie asked for Miss Jean Perrin. money for annual trip for the Mr. Bill Morley and Miss school children. Mmi. A. Ayre Jean Perrin wcrc among mnoved that the money be those attending Expo on the given and Mr. S. Turner sec- hoiay.e....eyjur.ne...Itws oc b 2 -3 0 neYed there by chartered bus' and report an excitlng but tfring weekend. Mn. and Mrs. L. Shaw have pUrehaSed property near Blaksoc ad wil be mov- ing there with their famlly 'con. Mn. and Mis. Tom Simpson recently spent four days at Montreal, taking. ln Expo while there. Mnr. Annie Zamolinski and Mn. Bill Kotynski, who mov- ed to Toronto lait fil fromn thia district, visited on Mon- day with Mr. andlis. A. Spezlale and Mr. and Mms. T. Wilson. Miss Nancy Brandt, Tor- onto, spent the long weekend with Mr.*and Mrs. Ross Boyd. Nancy bas recently gaduated fromn Teacher'a College and has accepted a sehoal in Tor- onto. Our school bail team bhas been doing very well in their gamnes this year under the able coaching o! their teach- A&P INSTANT COFFEE PREPRICED 1 -Z$jl9 JAR SAVE UP TO 20c OVER OTHER BRANDSI JANE PARKER Reg. Prie mach 49c- SAVE 10e P EA CHIl P IE full 8" 24-oz size each 3 9C OUR OWN SUNNYFIILD GRADE '-A' - EGDG. Medium 3 c Dozen FANCY QUALITV, BLUE LAKE, CUT Reg. Prie 2 tins 45o - SAVE 14* GREEN BEANS AYLMER .514.floz ins 99 c AYL.MER CHOICE QUALITY Reg. Price 2 tins 41o - SAVE 15o PEAS & (AR-ROIS - 51i-oz tins 89 c FACELLE ROYALE FEATURE PRICE BATHROOM TISSUE 3 pkgs oF2oils 1 0 PREMIUM (13 VARIETIES> FEATruRE PRICE! CLARK SOUPS 310onez tns49C <PARCHMENT WRAPID> Reg. Prie 3 Ibs. 7"e SAVE 16e WONDER MARGARINE 41n>bpkgs 89c Su e-i'g t I IYo rBstBy FRESHTU RKEY WHOLE l LEGS COTTACGE (OLD (UTS WHOLE OR HALF B REASTS ex BRANSi79c1IWIENERS *1~*~~~~ CUTS SWEET PICKLED VAC PAC SWIF-r PREMIUM VAC PAO i 57c This Waek's FroeeaFish Feu turas Dd.P Brand (Friod in Batter) HADDOCK Whoatloy YelIew Lakoe PERCH FILLETS Reg. Priepkg. 03-4,VI hj Eeg. prie* phg. 570 - $AV£ se 12-oz poly pkg d49e Aid. PRlIS IN THIS AD GUAR&NTgzD THROUGH AATURDAY, .5UNE lSrd. 1907. Califoonla, Presh, Oroon s 1 IGrade IROCCOLI fuie 29i No ilu lbr t" p ella r Nom. psIao4 highec et A4P. JOnagl GwnHeteme, Long Green ierN.& 1 Gracle - Kin Sim. (UCUMBERS 2er25' nou omo IgiserA" Ili rruits- ond Vegetobl 1 i ra. Wood and secanded bir Mr. C. Crîgo that the moner b. dlstributed the samne last year. It waa then nuoved by M., Glkes and seconded by. Mr6 S. Turner that plans for, thï annual picnie be left Up to the comnuittee. The Corres. pondece Sec., lirs. A. Wood then gave ber report. The meeting was theni turn.- ed over to Mr. Pocock. H«~ tinst introduced Miss Mackie and the Junior Room singing Bonkey Donkey and The Stomy of the Ginger Bread Boy. Mr. Pocock next read a humnorous letter dealing wMt lncome Tax. Const. Pat Cor- neli then showed an educa.i tional film on safe dnivln cailed Freeway Driving Tacé- tics, follawed by a discussion led by CanaL. Camneli. Mr. Pocack thanked ConsL, Comneil and called on the Senior choir ta sing numbers fram The Sound of liusic. The solaist was Miss Brenda Brock, and Mrs. O. Bragg ac- companied an the piano. Pres. G. Barrie then elosed the meeting and lunch wau served. r "AI%§ E 0-*Imdlkglp 623-.,3303 ROLLS