8taesan BomavieMay 3t, 197 " and inette ren Ged- 9 • F ·"" ' é"' °'Letter to: Editor tens-ioh.tos, sorde o a. " " WESLEYofIJ. týrginia atirey to b .m - te 12Praw at the Kinsmen's Carni- y 12th, mMoe 2Day'0è exist today Ja trs oe.0telde.hv val Offher,wembers of the inats designed for the caiò ie ,drillsesad be udn uigteøs draw committee are Kinettee isributed to the 21oies notntlw r eka r.Hev'.M Donna Wye Kinette Pai restaurants in the area.Speial the youngest i h n r.Reehv oe ]Rundle, Kinette Eeanor Larm- tray. covers and tray favors township, coingt en gtèrsme oeàh er and Kinette BetylHuhsDaEdtr for patients. in hosptl dewt h oigo h al áet eev hi oia KieteIi Murray l rbe• thmng means Inoney from the taX payerasoprvded on thit' day. road (about 18) tmgtweedget.I a & ~~~~~~~in charge of the Fish Pond. Today, May 22nd,.-izngs the death miaxes have increased so drastically the * Admsno the hospital supiesome oko htgo weedfrsen Conel prsied urden CnneWsmn,2deteRbyWwadietteDaringon onsip.Rter, shold nd fwyears, ta many farmers are, pediatric (children ý13 years of es and threeoes(oeoeitrserprssen Ba leracon of offeiers fr c-resid ent s Murra Jean WilliaradKinette speak of toasip ther fu 'l Wnering how much longer they can age and under) 9,crnccmiain n a h cre aaes ofteBwmnil SceayGldsUleTer-onBut.Peien-lc eathk o dy as te. uneral.* The continue to farmn,-and meet such tre- 1one, and riewborn 30. Therecouncil metinsteea n Cnrtltost -MinettCubheld duriang te suretrRuy WodwaUley rdReag- ia Fairey will be the nell took place in the winter, mnosolgtos h uisd o were 50 major operations and time. Drumboseastrsudnswoee ees dinner meeting at the Flying istrar Donna Whyte, reteors rds Booth Chairman and. when the - schools were stripped Of even oWn, their Reader116 inoropertionaperorm-and otofficoubomdintereetcnevar Dutchmn Motor Hotel on Bev Welsh and pat DRuersother members of this- ebm- desks, cupboards, clockblsecr o;s aeed during the month. Emerg- hl t~rvlae eevr xm:Gae2 an rw Eth. Elected Honora~ ~~~~r ne omittee areKntt ety· hchwresldbP bell, et., no personal pride, as we did when our ency Department treatmnents rnuch inthe nw.Ortw-wownfrtcashnus Thos eetfothe 196768 wr EleanrLre rw, Kinette ads ley wihwres y Pbic auction at parents bought us a new.Reader, as we inArlnmee 6. ship populationwsams li ilo n ua c ng te ered Prsident Vir6-6elen Dunn, Brar onell andinette Helen Dunn. a sale held at the old Hampton school. passed from rmr oFrs>ok hndouble that o ay.Io hre ooradGae3 IngYft wand Berylt HughesraConeilThe Home Baking Sale It was a bitterly cold day, and I- Won- 'onto the Second ReaderecwToeantaoo etitsonasteyJueKibal Following the election 1tChairman will be Kinette June dered if God sent the extreme cold, as ReaderArithei eGars. hose PONYPOOLarevrymc i ean.Ter ee a Sna ied thesicht air. Shel her ed by Kinette Evelyn Werry epresono is isapproval of such tories, and Geographies were ours, our• local store ortonhpfic.eaerndMsA.Tr- fdellw iette tPesd entan 1s ic-reien-letdesecration of the work and efforts of 'Very own. »or emseast week. Mr. Jimmy Wb1 yesplyn o r.Go * , Barbara Masnetes, ohars benConnie Wsemnen. . tepoer.TeDah Notices to these iTeCrsmsnet e t ew°ere tvery proud of our and Mrs. JohnJ'WebbonvldBriceesha Balbaraoserws, ohas been ethe etingithe Kin. beloved community centres, was givien »ource of pride to everyone inreh osa ethayat carbruhyeenl pn. yeaffriShrnTon E R OHoptras to tfromshMemorialFlying Dutchman's Motor Inn'ssvrlyasao he h oesta omnity. Our senior team looked veryJmnys his ae.I wssho wr snerngs eral Hospital. She spoke of inorsol be planned the new educational sys- _ Each and every child, the very tal- donaatedythrdewoniformsHas. ery civ a.plto. fern wsreev vACAt10D8 President Masters' apprecia- tem. After a death there is an inter- ented or less talented, each did some- and B.P. TR chalson BroedseScalrbooginphsmds¡y ui aneadAle e K etfth i s cr v 1.and -etters to the Ed ito r me' t."act'wa h e atthe imeildings h g . rls, d sge ayss so tas, m otion erroress bal,he fen ing e -sav e trise . h eso n eyea Awardwas eteiv ted y Dear MrJHampton, Ont., through whose portals so many fine, ried out. Maybe Tommy or Mary made with Bethaexhibition game father's farman spriadsheeweitrst Treasurer Woodward. In mak- It is thie wish of the Dis-.hest ptnm iien aeps-amsakbtwontcd The child- In the tug of-war r oun.tryst eksei Presidenpreser tation s icth trict of West Durham Insti- m ren received a wonderful training, and lost to Bethany 2-1. Minus I thought. Sunatol ecnenigcr s s u Treasurer Woodward had beenstuteretha I w rityour a now that many readers will the proud parents met together in thesfor ta of their r erornowthe que a.Iddntfrcaces etrhdbe m rconitonofheraciee- ooertio ad he ritigrewas the ofthechounit. Now Te ii fChrita. on Wednesday, 8-4. my road for amtryl n facnena aaei mhen snealf of the ea ofor ntina tte meeting s te c r f t e m u iy o , T e C ristm as concerts have pass., Our church is getting a little hih a . i h d se heaiatrn O tr and or hr oustading clurandactvi.tesetrougethin urcounry cmmuitierascuchwilnediwayassaveuhehshoolpicics.pain jobdonaonhheveterir. igns"Gooyear onpost, whre afircracerdthr asd chairtand h ping wPro-yaskti retyapei aish and the individual communities Rest in Peace. The children of today Wore ndstan theeismetreteset. TeConides'udrhresfetcaedhe je ct Cmomitehe Back Pof ated and again .thank you will be amalgamated with a larger will have to ask their paet," wr en oe nbsmn.petn oke od pnt ot hebgywsfo ete oldien handaard f waso much. The best to you cet.•pansW t We understand that about past MY residenebtaotUpr aaaVlaet presGen Htanette an and The Statesman Staff. here. wl b was a Christmas concert or what was a 75 farmers from this area went 15 motorcycles(rmoeca.poewsbknadamn Wilise by stVice-Pesideant Sinerely' ho 1 no more bees at the school picnic, Daddy?" by bus to Ottawa on Wednes- roaring by. Whrteysategbon.Itesmep- Fairey. Pearl Leach, ~~scho to clean out the well, put up a I believe the Editor's grandmother day. It is svetry bius threndfiish I on'mnwbtaeaoheehonfrcak Kinettes Audrey Sleep and Public Relations new fence, Pile good hardwood in the the late Mrs. M. A.Jame,, tivd her o e s someigradicomally|tlhere om thistalIewntdnthnckoa Bev Welsh were in charge of Officer for District. shed, get a Christmas tree or put up educt' .na . mte rls, received er wronawenarerdstfrom all wuld hatedowakoe.itlgr'sdscuin thspecia adraK nehe lckythe patform for the Christmas concert. I thinkon in ittlhe wrealivs hol, n iovCa adareto wite hs mn oovnr tdeyeoetebrs edn optltet Brown. - ELVER TON Altat work was done freely, every- she would echo my sentiments.' o u or team suffherean-O Kinette Jean Collacutt is (Intended for last week) one pleased to do something for Our Some of the schools are to be left B ailieboro 5-3oSatthhnds of . Chairman of the Kinette Com- Congratulations to Ken Wil- school. standing, I hear. ening. Our locals tu da ev-p mittee for this orgamzation's son who passdhis third year. With the present system, every- Mrs. A. W. Prescott, Hampton. 3-3 in the 5th only to see th Kecin srnathe r mle en'mssa ela s ierit vsitorn tscore two uneamned Ch4ai oùyXntt ahyCren i- ehdso anln lqiM em onial D onation of 'I ie :cae or n u. On a Champlain Country Ad. tary Eleanor Murdoch. a camera and a lohment -- tion b theopastuweekends ntreVaaton yu ndyor Secretary Murdoch has been Congratulations to Miss Ja nR ose B ushes to H os 't 1/ "k. MY""ns " I did°' " AE RV cal insighs nh etfi f eia a nia.She w1 lbe assisthdsialace r v e as a h dSaOlOSpofa i"e on"the splendour. Fromt the Ottawa by Immediate Past President Mother's Day e.ic spte en d arlot oftin the River to island-sprinkled Connell, Kinette Corden, Kin- church was well attendate O tnoldearh pantnAL Georgian Bay, you follow Wh=r ette Kay Cain, Kinette Diane Sunday -- an annual tribute n h ul e utiy rounds "Mr."and""""""'°Ed"yGARD N intreid Samuel de Champlain |Zmn, Kinette Collacutt and doubt to the little woman who of 0 . nd s FeemSnddy xlrdmrthnhecnuine nte Bea 1Wolloy.ch nett spends. th e de51 weks in The font of Memorial Hos- and 32,653 pounds of linen Hospital Council was held in PeaynehmresSday a f or The ,O-17- ago Inspect th ce hus lhwl eincag fdmc erecitudegeig as pitalwl e enhanced this were laundered during the Oshawa on May 10th. e avsiThday for few D-ITYOUSEL 98 Ishe te o f O e n at- s h n tk n nan > p e ii u m n n hbeS ma y fin mnth, M r. Holden's report o e s a neuse dt wne r htust chuereeeFr e a* FERTILIZER • S RE D R Lascok Memoial Home. an appropriate solo for the wife, who was a member o M siedthM.NDyRn . a., public, nd Mmraeetd-blt hmra aknw *TOS*TPOL See the awesoe Bnnchr MRS. . F. CHAPMAN' occasion while Mr. Stobbart the nursing staff, are in bloom, pleased terntStaf.I a emn. MemorialHos- adian anr e e teo Can- SEEDS, ETC Caves.ForcampinganA nnne erthaMorris Chap- preached his su al fine sermoasprdtoldeAdministrator Bern- phonse Gregorasorreturned ta hairmwasJacksonsented There is one at the entrn * Advice on yu adnPolm àdhing---or ninng friends end Joseph Fletcher Chap- week -- a different one. for April presented at the ork oMaysx 1s fe n beceM. tt, r.Icute nwo on ietheayngafield. With Wildlfe-ou have 3000 man, died in Lansing, Michi- Mr. and Mrs. Vance Wilson meeting of the Hospital Board serisomscaciens.olowing a Mr. Walters, Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. Ross Carr of Bethafratle Van BelrG rd n qquaremiles of unspoiled wlder- gan, on May 18th, 1967, at adfmlof Toronto were held recently. Mr. Dewell "The up-dating of nsutrAdsstaorHodntefiejoesedinn. amssainAlgonqui Park.alone the age of 90, after an illness unday guests of the Norman previously had generously service is being pursueursige.. posing and editing the bookYu rinl ade ete Amog heMukoa aks, of several months. Mr sosaadgrls.doaethlrgno-ihe rusyPocuemnus Board Chairman Jackson, entitled "The Rolling Hills" iue Es fOhw andylanalburon vl he wasta rhtlch olan- d boso-Ptrbruhoigta ign tand the otside re under review, jrevidescrip.dFiste hairman ow n n verisboks C ennialoroje50adOn HgwyNo 1 .6355 m oosoflhuxurou Her parents were the late Mr. weeSnay guests of Mr. and the hospital in tribute to his various nursing jobsatn h fiiloein fi ildwt l and n snodern resorts, and Mrs. Levi Morris. Mrs. Ted Spenceley. wife's memory. lar n gevce loandpreg-e yourfamHJin outmor abot L onferncea antedathe ouheirpr rentiBeredMr.lawns ad sid the e ltres provdelms of on tinin dy nlnt Vaifcoon blow• c b a tere cn T eandJaevil. r.ad-yhabeen prayoled asopat. g revi anevato of nuprs- uwnhngf« ver mebrOf d fAnt nitheira ofQene-ra dM a Malcolm rtnefoa.thebtreofmaintenane pogram.mg el witin'e sie0t Pevicabo anileun er randBw-wek a ste of ubaDlvng Here otent a t e ngngT e e or nteIhehe v yôw-fn*. &inf ormattonMrenCh •n Mar .inand nMrs. Frank Glas igand aitenaelDte- prde mans ofhePo thr .11mildindsnRom402 s.d apmn i srvve ergr werenlstinweekend partmben had enbsy dr- f!eiaphydeatn taf nd 2. byamauhter Glays (Mrs- g est ih frieand nHmil-inthe mointhnonsevelpro- sti i ae th ddti oal prfe- Picsesen Cdoupaion oo- erado Aldr ode) n Wd " a on. ljectmincludingthefreloc Tio nhepohat en o btane comsS et ry den ¥aa io. n dson n ald Adri dgow e Congrt a t io of r.an dlof-He ie tid ttio ' hfie n i O. i ek Iont e ction FL6%J avll ns15vig ae nee Elrirn thnewReo er wth nthe Purhsig and uneal ericewer&cn-1ethRoan) who er a rkG Room.dMrs.aineanDP.oes DearmntMr ole dus.ctbyReend Geourg iedi h ht huc n loned te ouskepr ertetafrk ndr Addem K.W d n My 0t frm atrday. Yelverton U.C.W in t adrin April. r-taken recetlyarding throe Boe orridFuner l apelatrs.ge to thereceptinwhaich h ice raneet custono pca aoa wmnil.Teplbe olwdi h vrto ngre atisacoynd eew t oryeupet-"h aia ersGreAMr. Rossand S tevns, huchha.siuingthe Dectinspoet prvdb h or Mr., Stanley Chapim gman, Mr. Sevral r esiens ls aten-offceisan ioement.farsi ebeinguntaenon of T IrwinfCLwil. M.Leleodthforeus-SmtenpMr.Dtionlh h ittasse.cbss, whic ion- &Ifmuin esh r.art Mcemnce tias. heldinBethany on th as r tetu nerhe onery- tolle mlre art byanthe an r.Faervewe Blc-burn. same afternoonmaroon.Ms .Sm . Savailabit f as,ther.Hos-e indutemyReen enwamBoman- Co nrttionshito Miss oPa Laujnd hework seeenp eedtal dmnitratwors repor villeCemeery.Buxtn whewonthe ntertdecared ~~~~~the MorsFnrlCaectrecenathefield ayo Lisay t raneensacreittion ohavecin response A LL G Cle.Th albar olleiat nstueThe Yvwtnayr CONCILtortheqboard's requetcfortan erswer Mr Ros tns hat g all.canuarun notheboy isaccedttinsuve rfdh Mr.Stnly hama, r.Sun les sdeelos a lpo n-Ofc sa mrv M un rray to comeerenfonthi De Mrs. on Welpurpose. 'itipurose netme r 15tasi, hsco. W parom f Turim IwinCOlilMost Llofed the res -idthinour Ametin o teDstic Bes , M . E w r l m n e t a n y uhefun e t a oy o n r -d Set r e f o h r h o e - Tr l e i n a epartVI L Le à ý o an M. aewllBlcbun.smemfen etedrn g (o. vInatededforcas"thweek)s Intrmnt asinBowathusiruasm idisplad ssat all wr i xclen a d usnCilliack Barepr svleCmtr.Boe o ewekndthe Inen-' caMr.HuhWsesrJ au- m~~~~eaen rs asmrkable. TE ULI AUNASTheear spedi on a feoweels wit rereent mh field d iday ccand aiy vte isnrepnse - à& M M àue-w m wÀhesitae&tomnam the'o- CPorLtat hoe, âiirrety+-- _ MAàb sssWa day wnice he elect on ofthefol- ee nrhy rcived a prize for their por. Peient, Mr. E. D. Lafferty, were Mr. anu r ,Bohnmark, trayl o th hose nd u9gy F.C.A., Ottawa, Vice-President, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Savery h da.ys. Brian Wilson won nrstiMr. C. S. Massey, A.P.A., An- and Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls, prize mn the race of his age caster, Secretary, Mr. J. A. Orr, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. group. F.C.A., Toronto, Treasurer, Mir. Mrs. L. Todd has returned The Janetville Centenmial W. L. MacDonald, F.C.A., SThoe tns er a visileM.Dn Bloat featuring a bearded John ronto, Past President, Mr. . C.Saltns Nwovle Bs s sedn a ente na Younkie, F.C.A., Toronto e. Mrs. Sid Hallowell had a n a Ceit nti bath b o ber of Executive, Mr. J. W. Glen- Gkahla tM.Ad 65ST LSS AP SANs"ta wo"n)s"'witig i"nngs.CA. °orn°F.A . d tospen heE.weShir Epic makes the scene with a brand new you choose the 4-on-the-florfU C O O S T H O S R M"itea n sathe in t h d sss.bu R . itndso' as c .rly, T or Lo yd, pe t hll loks.u -n et o exciting m odels. Epic and Epic chronized gear box or order h in Takmg everytthing int oaco-d.C..A., WTort, D . GHtc-detteMr.and Ms To fr elx.eoeundp on vry Have automatic. CiOL orSChOiC..ERPOKULEXFLA-TPsieainit was a pretty sc on F.C.A., oon A Hto, W. G.tBriandCaswelsSrndaat Mr. alnlriving a small car. Drive Epic. It's a Styling has made more room Comor BkeFrese orepaeWheYuW I esful our dwaa Cete sLona, F.C.A., TKingto, WRG.D nn. ' Snayate-sma car with a lot of big car features. abounds. Seating.Leg .Hea We ou . Chand Y Op ,UToetris prscritiOnsendto r a e yt e M en z , F.C. H LrKandatonrR. Cha 1 Hull, s common sense motoring from General Cured sde glas adds lsouderro w é M u P - i " o é " a " o p t o m t r " r m uqý &Ym B t h te e e a in g m a n y l ) t - oa lin es , . . n e A . P .At . ,A g in - T r .n o a d M r s . CPh. a r ie T h e s ty lin g a d d s to th e o v e r a ll p e rfo r m - O f c o u r s e , op t s ae e m s e d le s s ut m » lew prio m ed by or ti ens. co ur an H . . ri h, .C.A. gi -M urp y, Paris, w ere w eekend ance. It's longer, w ider, low er. This m eans fun . ,nyou w ang t o s af eat ih y u t e d b y s a m i l ta c e uh e n t s r a -ta rtt hshi s P t o r n r g I t r s p o n d s l1 e a s o t b c a r r o n t sA E s t ag t c h e s a b t ,C m B g b ee fr ocdanmela nw imust be licensed under The Publie row andnfamily vted Mr.and thusiasi. oe n to rie. W n- istrum wenpael and slun ios.Dse aalbe r'seocalPerchnt.Accountae yAct ad mstob. Mrs. C. Allen, Woodvlle, Set- rsern.he.Ei 19 GN ATted rea Mn.as le ah 1 U Jmr.• E m n-o Sdan th eater andd ostr at BOW M ANVIL LE &B ""k *D".E g " 9 4.m.boo5.•wand eas 3rpagyeseobservaneM t ad eguse * ,uss tM.AUTHORIZED EPC DEALER IN BOWMANILE aundheut ta NKHOLSypeT RS LIMI wmwn hs ister of aa vince of Ontario, 45 Charles Street at. Shiloh, Sunday, June 11lth COUR TICE HN 7860 Ivontei ooshl -a teEast, 3rd Floor, Toronto 5, Ont. with musice by a quarette be- BOWthANVILLEi --- PHONE 623-2556let-E iM o 1$ .ing arranged bF M. McCoy. e pcadEvya ou hvoe-no elrs