goNoticeï. Notices 1The Caadim atoan .wawe ay3,1 pmm. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _v__" to f cqWM Ourm ria - C Q ni n voe t18-8 e Restau ra t w e o . W. ould 1Mk.ta xr i lnlelfmt w .wsexpresses u ai TG-nfolg0eor f he ..-TYrone Hall, %it iat Thiatie VaIley an OUrdeeappreciatin for the te thonk the staff off the 'a", cere thnk for al ith e a 'dear husband father and very Fr y iigt. Admwu a mto Liberty stet T W F D W A VL E Mto hldi OCO laa Y it UXam3P R~ 1 WM rz holday wth ur ond loor -t Memoral Ho- gifla recelved a u OUr grandifather, Daniel, wlia ass- laOn, lunch and Prim North. Pkid eranst, mp- u iday en i yh mekR ny a lctdl B. Poolton and Mr. pital, Bawmanville for the Wedding Annlversary presen- ed away June 4th, 19M2.Zxon ucw Bazing bay.de.,phoneo62â-17IO I E as a me. SUt Wad ath EeuteCo nle.a à q & B. King, other rel- U nthetticmcreof Mmu.EM en tation and dance held fr ' e m r tp lo glf' nxc h o r lae . f ml vpcnicu. - tfIlN TI Eara. 8:30 am :0 pm ~ fred.G. 1 durlng ber long tay by our, friends and relatives '<>a<l, Cres, June*, 7:3o0 jLto rpryOwners Mor bsir.Wietoyas * 1 0 0 0 R P e d f o n f i a a nHoi ao n e y"nt hsos i a t w s e i at e d e l or mal , a i o f f i cel e e a e a l e e r o l uc.$ 0 0 0 R1rd f r n o r a w n ;wf thanka te Dr. B. B. Rundle Special thankuta the commit- Then by God'u grace ewe'l 22-1flan leading tathe cnton buDSTO W E siMNne l tcfor alih1ner.5ehs evdo 1 would like ta thank aUl my and te Reverend A. Kudra. tee for a wonderful evening. meet again aihrstan ene c teperon or persoan who Notice la hereby iven te aUsn ess d i ro t a 0 ails h xctv for fhuaas friendu and neighbours and (Mrm) Eva F. Dinniwell. Clu fand Rota Flintaiff Bynd thc vule of tears. hisin c e c rebrokre inta ny cottage an the persoastu possson of lajad, taday fawleigh, Det -oS relatives, alzo Uic Ladies' Aux- 22-. 22.1--S1eagl ulcL lary to the Legion for al Uic lymsed by wife Stella MCagl Pbi irFfth Une, Manvers Township lin ucordance with thec Weed 4005 Richelieu St., S.Hny andgife . wahta xj>ha auk my fionda, Ohwa, Fiay ue 2, 8:15 followlng goods were stolen: and i9, that unles néxionsGodrft sent m o m 8th bfrthday. ia preciation ta ail aur raa is ta tan forlatives PAuitim,.6 22o-S on edairdavy tacMcay i TheCent r Acf,1on ,ec. and3 LOA13ANREQIE Bela ooto. 2-1ande, rrelativges fo " POLON-Im treasurcd me- Last idan hec e i cson oanc wn mower, three fishing wlthin fthe Muntolpailo f I need a renresenttv Sicr hnut amlly ofai ndnesa, sympathy, g eýrdaysfosan iitsmre of a dear son and in Tyrane Hall, Saturday, roda, anc flshing creel, one Dowmanvifle arc deatrayed by my fjirm islaea.Ts jf Sceetak fdlfloral tributes and, carda, i e Oshawa , Pte. Jack Poolton Of June 3rd. Clara Neabiti Band. Arctic elderdown sleeping bag, date of JUNE 30, 1967,an onngmybwrhupa finsadn ghosfrh pte passng ofa eo Genral Hospital. A ,spelai thc Irish Rgiment ai Canada, Centennial dr ens optional. four kitchen chairs. Phone throughoutthfi e sson, the $8,000.00 yearly for Ucrgt ~ stm~ a 8 9V frl nds an ne~ h ors fo he p' ra r nd nc e. * thanks t a D r . K m m e ly M e- W o d e i w u d t Li e E o y n o c m . 22-1 w D on Stainton, 277-3430, 941 M un cipalty m ay enter upon pers n. F ull or .t e B w a v i ec n at y in M m rl H osp t a nks t a D r. A . F . M e z ay M ll r -and s f i and V l e , C s n , Italy, M ay ctardy nd vsldrng Vale Caino > Rosorve rday, June 9 for Dundas West, Cooksvillc, On- thec sai lands ana have fthc Age 21 ta 70. CanRu- nurses and staff n rgcal Médical Floor, 1ev. Woodand th 4F.uten Thinking tday of you, followedA by a Varety Concert costs againaf fhlc1adinlataxcs u OUwiI start sporf t a On, a itno ai 06 mls 11 dr. d and Uic Morris Funeral Chap. ia ontnY. Thon thut la nothmg ncw. R 'v M o D s a e u nteAt ihu ogtm MdedKersey. 22_1 ci. We thouglit about you yester- with Baroersnap musicians. Îtn±F R 'S a e u l h c.w S amlnue.otctTe'brshd afceahu HwrMrae ere Iwudlk oepesM aAdmission only $1.00 and 50 The co-aperuf ion of Now! aesdeSt. amue ikn 56wn hc lwddw DelyTefml fteand Famniiy. 22-1* thanka ta my friends and Anid the day béfore that toc. cn. 24DIIGSH actzn a ansloi il.73-09 laeE etD ee i H o wad agaener e ighow o ike ta expr ess y ay, cik f o taem723-802e. 22-4. . ET ERNG ON laeEna elyws aWe wish ta express aur ai- membereri me with flowers tomorrow versany Service wlll bc held (L*cense y d EInspete, WA - ' thank relatives, friends and cere thnka ta the Township and carda during my stay in And each day through thec Sunday, June 4th t 3C=:m Police Commission) Municpallfy af Bowmanville. 2d alLk 148;Sd ,,ie4ghbours for their kindnes aif Cartwright for the hontour. Memoriai Hospital, Bawman- ycars, Guest speaker, 11ev. Cii ir NTUTR 21I ie 117;4h rw ment. TeDee aml.rssanc ver tea service we those wha assisfed and the near, music by lic choir. 22-1w DUAL CONTROL CARS....iMANT OR WC07.6 The De le F mi y. recelved, Thuroday, M ay 18, w nderful nurses for their S f111 lov d, still m issed and M N S E B N G FU IL IY IN SU R ED v va n te <i. V I Nvdv a i i 1 70 0 ; 7 h o n T n o t 221* 1967. Also spcial thanks ta kind attention. Sincerely, vry dean. M N T R B N OHg etC s r m frD s flic Blackatack U.C.W. ladies W. F. Rickard. 22-1 -Dearly loved, Mom and THRSDAT NIGET, 8 a'clock s2-653ad Crippled Farni Stock Fl ee 1 wish to thank anganîza- who aenvcd a deliciaus dinnen. ____________ Family. 22-1* Sponsred by fthc Junior 725653 laeT aFhURcea frMDu nft tions, neiglibors and fionda We have many pleasant me.Lu o Chamber af Commerce PhonoeLng6ist3c for carda, flowers and fruit maries af a wandenful mo - Wmtd n uy14 AbrSrn- +eet PhoPhonentDistance pifa, asua the hospifal staff best during Cenennial Year, aO' ho t u!W u ur dear wie and mother, O S HA WA 8-t OSH W Dept. Agic. Li. No. 63-C-67 and dactors fer their kindness. 1967. just about anything that's oid, Sana Cath.rine, wlia passed Ebenezer United Churcli 22-4Csho te FLYING Ms. Norman Allin. Merrill and Norma Van Camp an armful or a liuseful. The away June 6, 1965. Sunday School Anniversary, Cash_____on___the_ Spot TTFrT.E~ ~ ~ 22-1 22-Ï Talisman, Newcastle, oven- Looking back with memonies Sunday, June llth. At ennoon for Dead or Crippled Farm L DUT.AJLVJZLL ings 987-4624. 21-tf Upon the pafli yau trod, service 2 o'clack, evcning serv- PR T C I NSok Pce pPopl We wisli ta express aur I wish ta thank al my Personal wthe yaursw a c 0or, ev.H. . urerSt. Telephone CalIect 263-2721 M.LV.LI.Jl[ sincere thanks and apprecia- friends and relatives wlio sont __________________ Adlevete a it h Go. Pul'r hRcv.H wA niiet flan for thc lovely gifla and carda unn my sfay ln theAn evthrs whGo.Pu CrhBmavle Young M n M rwl u am Bw av carda we receivcd fram the Memorial Hfospital, Bawman. HYGENIC Supplies- (Rubber -Ever lavingly remembered Evenyone welcome. 22-2 TYRONE relatives, neigbours a n d ville, msa a special thanks ta god) mailed pstpaid in by husband Fred and famly. PAR Read This! Iec al0--72- e l E t t o r fricnds an the occasion af aur Dr. McKenzie and the nurses Plain sealcd envelope witb 2i UNSD AKLcneN.11C6 Twnty-fiftli Wedding Anni- and staff for their kindness pice 1s. Six samples 25c, M .Liîu R BINGO 2,4Do aiy en ine an prae for For t...TenderslFIN QU LI vcrsary. Thank you. and cane. 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order V N - nloving$memor0 ofj terni INSsP 0F CLAor Henry and Helen Faci.Clarence W. Allita. Dept. T-28. Nav.-Rubbcr Ca. STE VENS-In ursdayNirihtFo etnil TWSIOFC 22-1*1 22-1 EBoi 91, Hamilton. Ont. 1.5aiofaur dean fathen Mn. Howard 74 $7.77 Monthly? TENDERS FOR TRATNMOUNSAN Stevens who passed away lE AN I ntigsol apnf TALENT SHOW Tnesilhorcid May 29th, 1966. RDBAN I AIKEgsoldhpent eneswSlb Sadiy mlssed aiang liie's way, OS A A ynyu eecar olBeProfurnt 1o'oknc Quietiy nemcmbcned every OsRA d aUsuyenfcar al B at iOruntil 12coko, 1 Mou- day Gron n.ad6-tf receive $200.00 monthly for Swinglflg Session sdayofJune 1,16frubrRL\ ¶ Luca damils y GorwGadon i f M.arinvif ed alac fa2-erpolîcy, ~DO YOUSING? tractor' wlt h aideman _____n___l. 221 oro llotar nitdt or they could elect a DO YOU DANCE? mowen. me- a flyi hemadiorHighlmpsm Furthler Informationan q anf athembly i nt c i to iumlu p un.DO YOU PLAY spécificat ions may h b dcra 1v WOODLEY-în lovingme cola3 ..oth fe- oetthsoudlk AN INSTRUMENT ? the undersigned. mor o adea wfeandmoh-noon ai June 1, 1967, fa hanon REAL PROTECTION ? ARE YOU A COMEDIEAN ? Tenders must bho a on er, Gladys Woodley who ass-Mn. Elliott an the occasion ai ship tender forma. @ U i Noc RS d away June 2, 1956. his retirernent fram flic staff W. have oflior plans, to. If Sa, Wa Need You! Any tender necce ite zsO.roor A mother who gave us af Bowmanvilic High Scliool 7L.Adtosjn IL above specified finie W» The beat years aiflier life, __21_______ 2___ JESSE VNNST Ad tiosln t.LL. edoeneeru Wha cherished aur secrets, P21-2 conact S LiTH± ef u r ayteneeinpud 'GUSK sur, t',s sait te eut Our sorrow, aur stnife. Cadmus United Churcli Sun- 118 King St. E., Bowmanvillie Pesecntc . AHE es orany tedernt1T CCK Nconfoodb cnte - but Who taught us ta love, day Sehool niesr June Phuone 98acc5p4ed on orby servig And tauglif us fa pray, ii ti .m ua pa- Phone 623-3230 necoedb rooAa eur sRaly rite a o o ermte nhae, en, Rev. David Northey, B.A., Occidental Lii. ai Caliornia Sosrib rn mtu odSpnnedn, 88Dna t .-Wlb LEGS wtleMOE cz d Gd blsryo todayT. B.D. Sunday Schoal Chair. AfhletfloAssociation 2- Townshp of Clrk LE SJ AE OEMlut. rlf a nslih Gre ary ue1t22-1 2- rnOtro shopping e DYK5TfA'S For others you lived, atarting at 5 p.m. Play by flic w or STRE-WDE at or wat ou rceied, Hi-C ai Janctvllle Charge. sivn PC adsutM But wliat yani could give. Aduif s $1.00, chidren 50c. do n os c oe ahi u at a lvn ta giConcert a nly, 50c. 22-1 5 5b @ t 0 ytS 1laJ.t, A a sie ttear, a a O pe ing- B w m a n v i i e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _e utt l em r o a M se m June 1 at 7:30 p.m . CA A AI IA D l I I T mte oda. Dnigb wgi Bows on 0T -Everlwn.Those aftending in SIIMIVM W OOD PRODýIIP~I once and family. 22-1* costume admiffed frecf Io RIMvAR pisys, wedding dresses, kif cl- or SI LOINDlgnWied end Distinctive campanied by an aduit apen- O c Vourimenta - Flat Markers ing nigif. 21-2 hi deaigna for any neci Woodvlew Cammunîf y Centre STEAK j Ib 152 Simca. St. S..Oshawa MONSTER BINGO OfficMM Eveninga Next Monday CANADA PACKERS MîETTE _________7:45 P.M. 8C..CONTROLLED Nursmng Home RIED BARN E f f WINES ARARNE C..FANCY LYNTONHURST Manar Nurs- HOAWAI UOE, PAINT " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __Hme_ _ __acomm da-_ _ _ I e tions for senior citizens. Tele- Plan toa atend oaur Centen- 2 Ibs. 99c 4 1. $jOO MciNT phone Orn0 983563.:8-.7 niai Dance ai the -Légion Hall 2 OR on June 3rd fram 8:30 - 12. OR Coing E ents Music by flic Royal Ambassa- ComingEvenI dors. Bar snd lunch. $5 a couple. Proceeda totahficLegion SPY A PLES arlington T.S.A. Building Fund. Dress option- 'Mai from 1867-1967. Tickets on cmQUI A jun or ~Abernethy's Paint Supplies. No.1b Juio Diison For funthen Information f do- 3-lb Teacher pone 623-2539 or 623-3609. NANAS $4400 - $8100 thie 10th Binflidav natourf s ýYKSTRAPs (HOMZ 0F QUALITY) v ab zj . £ UIU I A .U S . u -prebe flilm ""ALLEMAN"' by DBert Naunstra, Y.M.C.A. Auditorium 199 Centre Street, Oshawar (ENrAN"CE PARKING LOT . CORNER 8910E - MoGREGOlR STREES) Saturday, June 3rd, 1967, 8 p.m. Admbduom s Als 348hStud«us 38 1I -COUTimC 128.1611 SHOPPING CENTRE UMITED 73.1617 "ALLONT-THE NAMI TO SWLD 0t4 ligua rooucrs: or-N va- -ot-14 f r on y 82 0.0 It-a- ws v-a- lo oor han nrd, arv gina. f n g n a u Tiraiier Accommodation Air Vondition Motor Coseli Easier to use: brushes adhnsrnse lean """' &r lon5ge.losn1.; $3.60 c atwitli W ushraom m with water .. -. quick drying ... needs no failsh*11 le.2 g s i.; ni6 49 CV.atVillage Caravane motel No1NightmTr.vetraci ve me1te5fgai.;h*.60 qf. SL PIE 850g 2 68$0.00 daily - 4-8leeper Unit INode eeringt a r prmrraciv2 em.;ie3finih. SgetdSL RC 85 a. 28 04~89-00 daly - £-leeper Unt meula SALE PRICE $850 gai.; $2.85 For.rc kENtHID co ~~~FULLY ESCORTE» ONE COAT WONDER wHiTrE besfos siding and shingles.Rbeie.R. CAPTAIN CRUNCH SALADA MAPLE LEAF JURY & LOVELL Write or Phion. c Easly the finest house paint money can sisfs sun and moisture. Dre uCkl.$g tEb~Ai usE If < 1 OLR rcArViewl SIVI. ~ j*O.ca ie ualdzln etdrti 112 a. 36 C e e ie TRAVEL AGENCY i rwhife lvLbu.e cof ins.Sves atim be, olney, labou r eA iL $11E*.250 gel.; 28 CEREALa n sal h89King st. E. - Ecwmaanville DOWMANVILLE wiefns.Svstmmny aorSL RC-85 e PhnoaU8îg63-26 o 63.09 (and save even more during our Giant Sale). 182 62-365or62-393Suggested retail $12.75 gal; $385 qt HURRYIGiANT SAVIG tyu K aPeu K22- -SALE PRICE $10.00 qui.; *3.10 qt. PITTSBURGH PAINTS derir .6 C 6CoMing Events SAVE 10. BAVE kseSAVE 13e B WA TD ln o-p t n wt L % M R m UMiTED SHOPPING' 72&m7