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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1967, p. 1

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A Familiar Entertainment Spot-for, Expo- Visitors.." T40 Newcastle Scàùts wlro participated in aà suelast-winter have eet hnoed foi thl*r brave action. Oý Tuesday, District Scout Conunissioner Bruce %IcDonald received a letter f rom the ¶ Gover rçrI, of Canada, the Right Hon-, orable' Roland, Michener. It -statedf that Ris ExcellIncy ini his capaci±y as Chief -Scout had beelieased to- award.Scout, David Shearer ntry and Scout George Walton of, Newcastle thé Gilt Cross for their part in the gallamt. action~ of rescuing Ma[rk >Tiison. ý No d efinite information has been receiv. ed oDn whentheawards will be presented, by the GvmrGnrd The two Scouts pulled Matrk Tillson f rom deep water after he had fallen through the VOLUME 11è 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIJO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1967 150- Per Copy NUMBER 2 Surroundings that take one back te frontier. days ln the, west are part of the La Ronde entertainment centre at Expo '67 in Montreal. The above picture shows one interesting corner including an old news- paper ghop where you can have your name in head- lines for a fee. Those who have already visited the area wiIl recognize this scene and those who as yet haven't made the trip te Expo will'be missing an amazing show if they stay at home. Trute and Ratepayers Hear of Pro gress Made With Larger Unit s of. Education Square. Dance For Centennial 1-ere June 24 < The Town cf Bowmanville l Centennial. Square Dancing Show to be held at the Do- -.mnnStore Parking Lot on SaudY, June 24tb, wiil fea. turc "The Country Gentle- -=en," famous old tyrne and * modem band. Mr. J. C. Coyle, in charge .of the Square Dancing Show, Wlso Mentiolxcd tbat I'Geralc - zllIo»? tmed fiiddler, - ould bO On bond. The master cf eermonis foi, this show wilJ b. Mn. Tam Seymour, Coun- try and Western Ducjqc"p from radio station CHf1C, . bourg. -,G. Chatterton, B.A., B.Paed., Maple Grove United Church (Assistant Superintendent cf Hall. iIEducation, in his address The new president cf the "County School Areas in On- organization for 1967-68 is Itarie", gave a vivid account Miss Vera Johnson. Other of- on thc formatien of larger ficers for the commng ycar units ef education, and the arc: Honorary President Rus- progress made as a resuit. He sel Osborne, Past President was thc guest speaker on A. A. Mcrklcy, Vice President *Thursday evening at the« Dur- Ken Weiler, and Secrctary- hain County Trustees and Treasurer Cecil Morrison. ýe Ratepayers Asseciation's An- Directors appointcd for the ýg nual Spring Banquet in the (TURN TO PAGE TWO> i I I Recent Graduates Lair> Jarnieson Richard Lauder @on of Mn. sud Mrs. G. F. will receive the Degree of Jminieson, Wellington St., will graduate on Thursday, June Bachelor cf Arts (Henours) lIs, with a Bachelor ofArtsini Econemîcs at the cenvoca- Pegrcefrom Victoria Collage, tien of Queen's University, lnv ty of Toronto, and lias Kingston, te bc held on Fni- açcepted a position en Uic day, June 2nd. He is Uic son t as ch lng staff of Eassdale ef Mr. and Mrs. W. Glenn Lollegiate and Vecationalln- Landen, Division St., and next atitute, Oshawa..He wlll êem- fail will commence the Bach- pece his duties lir Septein- cicr ef Divlnity pregram at br Photo by LeRoy ToIl Queens, Theolegical College. Fo r MosportJune.3;rd, fer ail classes of sports cars and sedans, with the firsi race gctting underway at 10 a.m. The feature race cf the day is the second race ln a series af. ten races across Canada te determine Uic Canadian Sports Car Drivlng Champion. AnIong entrants expected te enter the event are department store hein- George Eaton ini his new McLaren powcred by,." Ford engine. Ludwig Heimrat, of Toronto,' twice Canadian Champion, will be driving a Chev powered McLaren as will be Ross de St. Croix oi Mont- real and John Cordts ef Barrie. A real challenge is expected (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Square Dancers WiII Perf or, as Museum Opens Tornorrow, Thursday ev- enlng, at 7:30 o'clock, the openlnt of the Bowrnanville Museumn for the summer sesson wlll be a colorful and enJoyable event. Eight couples tfrom the Bowrnan- ville swlngin' Bows aud the Pine Ridge Promena- dems ln appropriate cou- tumes will 'square dance on the lawn. Everyone is invited te corne sud enjoy the dancers' performance. Ail those who attend lu old fashloncd cos- turne willI be adrnltted free to themruseurn where many different articles not shown before willb. ou dlsplay.- Kendal' Man Died Tuesday From Injuries Wesley Cathcart, age 66, Kendal, a descendant of oe Of the original settiera lu the ares, died on Tuesday ln the Oshawa General Hou- pital. Mr. Cathcart was ln- Jured lu au accident on May 1Shh when he was stmuck wlhh a peut-hale Luger and sustaiuéd frac- tures of bath legs sud other InJuries. He is uurvived by his wlfe, two daughters, Mrs. A. Buchanan sud Mrs. R. Glb- son, five Bons, John, Gar- don, Donald, Bruce, sud Douglas, aud 20 grand- ehilren. The fanerai service wlil b. ai two, a'clock an Frlday atternoon ait the . Nertheut sud Srnith Funeral HNome, 53 Division Street. Inter- ment will be i%., Orpn1o Ç&ts and An Inter., ing rrogram O)robo"'* Chamber Sponsors Tour' of Ap pie BIossoms This:,* Sunday Aft ernoon FI igh't o'f-,Fantasy? the ladEnter Now for Newcastle te CL.e Sho har~ds The Town of Bowmanvlle ler for the Centennia]. Parade and* Herse sheuld have Show plans are wefl under nh full bloomi way for Saturday, June 24th, stour. The and Mr. Bob Leggette, pro- ,oute is esti- ducer of the Herse Show, s. in entermng thc Parade and Herse Show te get their entry foris into Mrs. Alberta Lcg- gette as soon as possible. Yf ýade you do flot have an entry form, then write te Mrs A. C.aI Lggette, R.R. 1, Newton- Is ville (Tyson Ranc), or tele- phone 788-2905. The entry fee for the Herse Va Show is 50c per class. There J , will be suitable trophiesan ire Depart- aise be prizes awarded for the Lo an alarrn best contestants in thc parade., about 10:30 The 1 parade will consaist of ay everung. herse s, buck boaf-ds, carrnages vere blazln1 >or any other- type cf herse- station,' an drawn véhiele,. Put eut the Se let'u have your entry vented any for In iiaus sen as %possible. lre. The parade wil tart at Ër return te 1:00 a.m gnd the ho"-e k on RHoey Brothers, P'arIn, unt Street, ta the, West at the rear of the Od Canning M~~ a uctry.tç To Injuries Receîved In Accident May 2Oth Haricy Thomas Cew ing age his wife, Nina Darch Cowling, 49,ý w R.2, Orono, died imtWo daughters, Ifna. R. Sut- Osa General Hospital this eic<Jan) and Miss Brenda was -nured in a oeacar ac- Edw a ndICwn etht kient on the Darlington-Clarke an d Kenncis th, pte Lina Road at twe c'clock o cnetwei tl ain Saturday merning, May 20th. in Sick Chfldren's Hospital and His 1-ear-ld on, ho makngpregress tewards was aise injured i the acci-copterovr.H sae dent was transfcrred ta Sic survived by his mother,- Mn. Children's Hespitai, Toronto. Mabel Cowling, MR. 5, Bow- Another p a s s e n g er, Oswad mariville. Sanderceck, age 77, rae ived The funcral service wil ha treatinent for miner injuries in held ai Nontheutt and Smith the outpatient department of Funeral Home, 53 Division Memorial Hospital. Street, ai 3:30 o'clock on- Pr1- Aviation znmay neyer soir to such exotlé heights but these lovely young, ladies -gave guests at Canadian, Pacifie Airlines' 25th anniver-sary oelebration in Ob., tawa sometjiing to dream about. The three steward- esses of the future - actually models Maureen. Goodspeed, Gisele Riancourt. and Adele, Michaud res- plendent in turquoise mini-skirts and blouses - çlis.. eznbarked from a mock spaceship designed -to preéent an iea of wbat ifiterplanetary travel may be like.. Approve -Toi 1h lau udersteod that thue Onhario Municipal Board .has approved the construc- tion by the town of the proposed new police, fire depanimnent, sud couar t Many Officiais Attend'CWL, convention wn Building Thé. board', decision ws receivcd b>' Clerk.Control- ler' Robert L. Byron on Tuesd&y sud wIll be pre- sented ho Bowmnvllle Town 'leuncil ah 1h. regfusr meeting uext, Moxi4ay _ The annual -Prono Chamber cf Commerce Apple Blossomin Tour is beinq~ heý,d this* Sun- day afternoonI June 4th. The1 tour not only includes view- ing apple b1 so1 8 but aise educational sIdesand tour of the Oreno Trcc* Nursery, a drive on thé Mospert track and a journey through the picturesque Ganaraska For- ests. Free apples will aise be1 handed out te those on the tour, compliients of the area apple growers through the co-eperation ýof the Durham Grower's Storage Co-opera- tive in Newcastle. The tour will commence east of Bowmanville at Lamb's road and continue through Darlington and Clarke apple orchards te the Orono Tre Nursery. Here coloured slides of the Nursery's operation n will be shown along with a f tour of the plantation. Firsaà showing cf slides at the Nur-I The tour then advanccs through Orono te Leskard and aleng a scenic routes te Mo- sport where cars will be con- SAFETY - As part of Bowmanville and District Red Cross Water SafetY PrOgram, The Statesman has been advised that a special demonstration on the subject will- be presented Thursday on the Elwood Glover pregram on Channel 6 around noon. The show will cover an interview and dem- onstration on the new Survival Swimming Course, plus an instructive interview on life jackets. i. i. . i. i PRODUCERS - A pair of Mallard ducks made their home at Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher's last faîl on Liberty St. North. They became almost a part of the family and, apparently liked the place se well, they decided te raise a f amily there. This week, 15 ducklings are strutting around the place as though they owned it. t t t i i.t t LETTERS - Someone may be missing quite a number of letters that were written in 1938 from Mary Eaton School in Toronto. They were found in an envelope near Newcastle. If the loser will phone the Editor, he will be pleased te pass along the lady's name who found them. t t i .t t PARKING~ - Don Milligan of Bowmanville's IGA came through this week with a generous gesture that is much appreciated. He lias offered free use of his parking lot for those who rnay be attending the Legion's Centennial Dance on Saturday night. t t t i. t OPENING - Two important openings are taking place this week. The Museum will start its season's operations Thursday evening with special square dancing entertainment and The Flying Dutchman Motor Inn will hold Open House on Sunday aiter- noon. If you haven't seen the amazing changec that have taken place at the Duichman, you'%Ie missed, something tremendous. Peterborough'É Ornamental Swimming Club will put on a special performance in the indeor pool during the afier- noon. IDENTIFIED Several calîs have come in iden- tifying Jacqueline James, the Wren .slown ini a picture last week. She is the daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. John H. James, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, and a graduate of Courtice High Sçhool. They'have. lived at the corner of Solina and Hanceck ýRoada for tle- past 12 years, since movin frein Oshawa. CHANGES - Newcastle wil have two new min- isters in the near future. It lu understood that the Rev. E. C. Weodland cf the United Church hau received a caîÙU to a Toronito church. Tis week the Rev. D. R Dewdney is, reported to have ani- nounced that he will b. e Iavwg St Georg.s AngJIiemChurch alter niany years. No fnormatlm on meplop"eme has 'been riMeived. f t >t i. t t -.Apparntly Darlingion TOWnshlp isf* to acquire lit ;;tàent bythezasme-of .7 F.,rbeen & g0od titimen of tue Tow*nshtp- of Picken$. 7be StAtenimu recelIVd a, letter fro)m Picke*inù ".wek ivjn â.ai 0fi -a tRotioli. of appreciatiojata Mr. Jams r* statee that PMr.Jimes Mwtlb t0114 No doubi he vu aoo0:6sý sdÏýdt mgw wbw. gpod =Men~ I. é The track will( tour ut 3:00 Trh e route threugh the Gana te, Reniai, Newt finaily through ? view further orci Warnier weati next few days4 the blossom out ir fer this Sunday's nulea-ge cf the r( mated at 40 mieý Fire Brig, Has Two On Sunc Bowmanville Fi ment responded tg from, Courtice at &'CIOckon Sunda Stacks cf straw w arcund a gasoline the local fIremnien flames and prev spreading of tJe f Shortly after thÉ e , ut aIre orci n the roadi IE Mn. Cewling la survived by day alternoon. j~ . giot~p< The British Empire Motor Club wMf hld the Sping n b -of Bowan aon Bat- urd4y, June 3;- 102.ccdl Eleve*n races are heudi atm. Obar. Peck P.r ai 14r. mdUMs. IL Mis1s.Tlo s!mon 9eceved, the 3teee 94daugliter of i7. Otglas Tq d.ughtero .1 Md Mm .John ut sclme et Ui covO- kr, oAv.anth Opse ve.tad icl seuon, 4uimen, radutu Be r ~dWeah thiq hM5week ftomiYork l11* I7um ele p o F1.>, le vb. f rnelngenglI ý'W5aâci&--Berr, ai4 iuà Tou o"a s YSZèý' 9 m 1 1 LIq 1 22 0 nnan fý flka. - 1 9)ieces 14

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