General MeetingDeél ýWith Darlington S'chools Th a1nned ecing of two yeaansd the tnnlskffln million dollars sud referaedtE Tyon Pble c Shool waa an- achool mnard depoading on Uic restriction piaced on Pick- Eoed at a meeting o! rate. cncumstancei at that tii..ering Township by Uic Munici. pyrSCI10ol board'menibers The new system ci grants pal Board. Sevenal meetings and Township COUncil at thewil!! lowcr thc nWI! rate ncxt had taken plae between coun- parlington Township han! luat year as a largon portion of Uic cilansu chool board with final Mniday eveing, May 26. M. J. Hobblis chool becomes plans callig for a 10 room, lb was explined thet Uic ligible for Uic grant. Mr. Mc- echooL umallen childre'i from Uic noth Leod, former rea capabler, an énd et Uic Township attending -aise planed t th icdopart- vr aalecana the Courtice schools wene ai. ment would now shlow a grant Of Uic meeting, Mn. Walter Ing aalep i clam asa resultifor closing any school .which Rnlsac nrpyt et Uic long bus ride sud awe Were sOUfpavlnu tonr question froinUiche10crtatl Dew four noci echoolle ta be as Bunketan andUithe de eould nes spoe thear ' chool boteardol bar the prsn cooL Along with ail Uic money frait the nie could thon ask ior a vote of thc ï~o roonis at Bunketan this ai old schois. Uic people. Would be a stop tawards Only tentative agreement An expeniment for Uic coi- graded claeroonis sud give bas been given thc debenture ing ycar was announced by Mn. suificient space se that noisu stated Mr. Harold Mduir, Rerb Mackieivoiving Beth- mnore than 30 children would Reeve of Dalngton Township. esda, Sali sud Shaws-schooia be in ecdi ooni. 1Ho expressod cancern oven hito graded clesrois sud Uic On a question frm he l Uicth amount o! debentures ai- sanie for Solina sud Hampton whY not bulld on ta Uic new i!fldy lssued Irn cxcen o! twolat a laten date. two noci Burketon echooli-. tend of Enniskillen oniy three *I viles te the south, Mn. Oyier Ir m w u stated that Burketan was at D r i g o o n i thc northern boundary o! Dthego ~* '* area sud lb would net be noms- F onabie te transport chidren A c c o u n t s amaunting ta ot Development Road Ne. 706 frai Uic south to tbc edge a! $24,105.99 wene passed for with tbc Ontario Department thc area. The Caunty Advisory payment et the recent meet- o! Higbways and members ai Board lied approved tbc En- ing ai Dalingtan Tawnship counicil. This was cmmied. iaskillen site. Mr. Oyler isa Cauncil beid Ihi Uic Township Cuclo o mdta suggested that Bunketon school Hall, Hamupton. This was mov- soeiaprowhsaita N. coul c closed hias ttle as cd by Deputy Reeve Carl ighwveay aroera or Ndi-2 Down, seconded by Councillorltion. Hie maved that the De- 5'chedsul Russell Dow ui rc Pantmaent o! Hlghways lie ask- R UUica l meeting. Ail mesmdc. This was seceraded by R acesoa Council were prescrit ex- tbc Deputy Reeve, and caï- oept Coundilor Bon Brown nond. (FROM PAGE ON£) wbo was absent due to ilinese. Cierk-Administratar W. E. Tenders were opcnod for Rundie was authorized te et-t frai thc Canadien designed bwo projocts. The tender aitndUcfotcoigcovn and built Chev powored Chin. Harraden sud Kig Canstnuc-thnda the fOtaniancipal ooks cf George Fejer oi Ton- thon, Linilted, fio nsd noadlAscain u eott onto sud Nat Adamis of Hamil- surface tnetig wms accepte Asociton, Uic sessos. t taon. The tendon for crusblng gra- cuclo h esos The favorite wl!! have ta be vol subnultted by Frank S. On a motion by Counchllor Epie Witzes o! Toronto raCeieLIlted, wms msoamc- Dow and Councillor Gibbs, lb thc Comsteck Racig Teana'. cepteci subject ta Uic approvai was dcclded te make bbc foi- Fond GT 40. Weitzes was vie-laf Uic Ontario Departierit 01 lowing grants te Pair Boards: tGrilousn hieiflinat race of the Hilways. Seuth Ontario (Oshawa) $25; Canadian Champlanshilp seriozs uncillor Richard 'Gibbs, Cartwright $25, sud Dunhani beld at Davidson, Saskatche. seccndod by Deputy Reeve Central $100. 1 enl May 21, 1967. Dow, pmaved that Uic tawn- Council greod te suggest Two Lotus 47sa are oxected sbip's consultants, T att on, to the Central Laike Ontario te be cntered by EB rmck Sus, sud Associatos, bo ask- Conservation Authority that D -0, AI Peaso both of Toronto. cd ta arrange uanInspection the Cneek Valley ina Lot 16, t± TistlIon othes; eawof cas. lr.Concession Three, lie inspcct- $( Petifonfor hes twocar. DlTOW Cenennalod prier te future construc. b2 T!OM Asbweil of SmlUi's Fals nC ntnnm tien wibb a vi ew ta cbeckig or RndLo i Dno J r. Of Mont. effio onth UUUUan o U real ill e driing ùniibbcheravine. c Mv B IE'k Prine easio onUicwes bak c zai victo c iniiit lUni. +m Pa ksPEWC Canada's Contennial year marks the fint yoan that there hms beon a fuI! ontry of 30 to, ght Canadien cars sud U*,s cnteredhI the Champ. ioWa*hp serios, this ls a faim in- dication of Uie growing enthu- ustum ton motor racingi Canada. Grandebands ave bean uflead at Mosport Park dwtIng the wlnter te add ta the. confort of the many spec- tatonscxpected to-view events tt ma beon descrlbéd ait 'l.o thei blreliest noter racig icuits I the world.» Moaportjs locted nonth o! ]Bowmanvillo Ontanlo, west o! thc junctfons cfIlghways 1151 and 35. The easicat way to flnd Mospo to- t eut-ofT the, 401 Hlghway at Liberty Streeti In Bowmanville (Extit 75) sud follow Liberty Street nonth te WellUnderway 1 The ContenndilPark pro- " ject plans are prognessinh " very wellwith fenchng, flood- "lightsasd Uie picnlc shelter ta hoplaccd li Mémorial Park withIn Uic next Uinee weeks. 1The lcvelling o! Lord Elgin .Park 'wfl sart as soon as the « round-.,dnies up. Tenders are alredy>' out,,,on thc wadini pool hi that 'Park. The ;m~ «round equpîctatnsd port. able bleachers wl!!libe tender- ed fon very shortly. The Centerinial Committee would like ta comniond Mn. Stan Durn sund Councilor Ken Nicks fer the excellent work Uiey have perorned regarding tho nalalng of fin- ances for this nmôlect. Doloitte, Plender, Haskins & Sols wlth whom ame now mongol Montoith, Riehi, Waters & Co. Chartered Accountants mantreai Windsor "dMouton Oshawa Winnipeg Prince Toronto ROgins George Hamille. CaIgar7 Vancouvov Gordon W. uebl, C.A.,ai-#£. Bart IL Waters, C.A. Oshawa Oshawa Shopping centre 728-7527 7!7~ Corne- o MacDonald Ford for a recondltioned UWe Car that wiII $ive you guaranteed trouble-fr.. summer driving I 1967 FORD GALAXIE 2-DR. 1966 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. V-8, autemutte traumluln, powon V-8, automatiotranmIsi stoeringo wor brakes, custom nanoq, OPP crulso. Lic. K17002. vl ow îlg. À bave $$ ore. 163CHYSERWIDS in oof eutiflsa" m bl& 9b veryE WND U.lieu&81 la. s - 1964 BUICK LA SABRE 2-DR. HARDTOP Bunes a car in beautifufitondf must lie »mente e ppooat 1963 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLES Two t.o ta«e»fhum. lme.Km"155- KM7?. Pu'oress Examiner r (FROM PAGE ONE) Walter Buezynaki cr xn em r:Cabngbmemben o! Board ai ExamInons T owinsbip, iare:ICaThp-o! Royal Conservatory e! Music e n, Ms. :vDone!T;haisi- wii cenduct curront examina. ton Tonsî, Dran- tiens for Uic Conservatory ina Bper, lins. George Kniox, AlaI ami.o June 17a Gibson; Bowmanville, Ken Jn 9 Wellem, William Iieald; Pine Composer and pJanit, Mn. Ridge Schoci,,' W. Pattersen Bu ýi ' St. Joseph'e Separate Scbooi, facult5- o!f Ryal Conserv Mn,. M. Heenan; Knox Chris- atory o! Musie ina 1982, and i tian Scbooi, W. Byisma; part la memben er te Board o! Ex- Hope Separate School, F. Hon- aminers anid the Beard of dnick; Newcastle, Cecil Car- Studies. The recipient cf two veth Rora Munro; Cl1anr k e Canada Council Awards, ho la TownehlpMme. James Lwrcurrntnby coiposig back- lins. J. Cmswoii; Cavan, iim.ground music for drama sud P. Hamilton, J. Gillen; Hope music fan children's progais, Township, Howard Jondon, as weii as appearlng froquent- lins. Tom Andrews, A. Petens, ly Ina recital for the Canadian B. Gray. Bromdcmsting Company. Hoela Ira bu ad re e bho guesIt devotingca greet demi 0f bis i speaker, Mr. Chatterton, statuem tacomposition, and bas ced that education must lie had înany ai bis worka per.- censldened from ail angles, formed and pulilished.1 seondary as weil as elemeri- ary. Ho expiined that rural icbooi sections are only found A inadvlsablcteneb a e s rban on Contract whdibemeneoeae urbinaksorMa township boards. F r7 Ina outlilng rural, urban,Fo Highway 7A and townsbip achool areas, e sud their boards oi educatiora Alex Carruthens, M.P.P.,c bath elected and appolnted, Durham, nnounced thîs week Mn. Chatterton expimined thoir that the' Antici Constructionc importance. Company Liniltod o! St. Cath-. "A board o! educabion is aries bas licen awarded tbc 1 made up when both elemen- <,ntract for . acne rain. 4~- $6,750-00 haebeen appnaved by tbc Honourable J. R. Sim- onett, Minuster e! Encrgy sud Resounces Management fer apital improvements iln tbc Enniskillen Conservation area, *eing dcveloped i Dmlington rownship. h; Tc mgo and «ranular baso on Highwmy 7A. The Contnact hIcludes that1 art o!theUichghway extend- g estonly fri UicVillage1 o! Bethany ta Righwmy 115 i exciuding 0.3 miles Iln the Village of Cavan. The total nileage in 5.79 miles and the total amount of Uic bld, fan thbcoontnact, was $550,115.10. Work on tbc contrmct Is schcduled ta commence on June 14, 1967. Hold Party for W. G. Hoit on 77th Birthday i Base LIno No. 3 Scbool was b thc icone of a surprise blrth-M day party fon Mn. W. George el Hait wbo celebnated bis 77th birthday on that day, Satun- day, May 27th. s lins. Win. (Jake) Laird toek w Uic 101 guesta on an imag- ary tour cf our comnty beginnigwith a pictueof!nu thc school hi which eicpary w was beîng held. Thre were t, many pictures ocfermean h ti maransd pictures of nature,,w flowmns sud animais wcre a much ovjoyed. fi Alter thc picturos, Ir. ha GrantBecnnett caflon Mr. Hoflt And tu a lew won! chse WoS&acxprumd thc bit *"= ad old tio ;= Vwim ISname insoeib- ab cd on lb and a um et maey ai :--= ", als bine wo= M. be 'aawith un t. a cm G fl& VUf lb.l 4-DRR V-8, fuIy eguippe.LiMe. 377985. 1963 THUNDERBIRD LANDAU 1 beauWiul shpe!lice. 37151s. 1962 CHEV. 2-DR. S OLanmie braulsson. là&. 387u&8 ,vIS11 enlot tour..e. uany mon.A- umseSCar. te. chi rm« McDONALD FORýDSAI have co-detornna ebour danica. and one board lbre uponsiblo Pr al uoducath wIthln 'those botodarle lisons ac 1,60biedi hiOn -turie andjhng !0JM papM "Ontario bas been. dividou Ibtc aneas ach with i sowl area ofic nsd gaff- This1 ln order te decentrallze edu cation and ail Units Uhouk gnaphlcally iln operations. ts Mr. Chatterton said th&u iwhen lange unità are beii 3plenned mény qucalons mus n cie anawMrd concernlng tyz, o! buildings, staff; cquipment aetc.. ,r "Every aspect o! hof seoin ata be forcing a change ln oui 1communities both urban and erural, thut must wc acoepi à the challenge o! educationai fleadership, langer avorafl gen. oeral leadership, hItegration e1 a botter prograi, botter kmn dengartens, pessibly junior kindengartens, employment of expertswho spectallion re s s u b ic t e s h a rl n g o f r e . sponsibillules and the best use af capabiltes ta Uic advan. tage of the whoie sehool or scheol services. Mn. Chatterton nid thal langer units offer co-reimted programes, a wide range of oducatianal services, botter amninistrative and supervis. orY staff, and advantages for the camniunity. The chair o! Salem Public Scboal under Uic direction ai Miss Pat 5maI! and J. Butler entertied well. The excel- lent nendition oifefur songe was warmiy applauded bIy evenyone present. Everybody Was misa impressed by an md- dress entitled "My Pledge As A Canadian"' given by Miss Anne Skerl, Trenton, who i ta represent Zone 3 i the Ontario Public Speaklng Fin- als ina Tenanto. Ap r y r For Conservation In Darlington Aler Camruthens, M.P.P., Durham, anneunced this week s R i 1 rIIn uoinstabD r ydie n stoppod tbe car, wemnod bhe driver, Uic mccused, wbo was alone hi the car, that ho could pnoceed ta Lidsay only If ho hmd samneere came eut and drive hlm In. The alternative was te bave the car tewed into Newcastle. Constable Dryden stated tbc mccused was ce-aponative but Insisted an driving bbc car bumsel!. The vebicle wms locked and leit on bbce houlden and bbc accused breught ta Bowmeri- ville. Under thc front seat the ifficer found a part bottle af vrodka and orange pop, lni the back seat a full quart battie Of gin and Ina tbe trunk six part batties cf boom. Coristable L. R. James, OP]p, said that broathalizer tests taken two heurs lmbon showed remdings a! 2.0 and 2.1 parts of alcehol per bhousand. Conviction on the limpaired [iving charge brought a fine Of $50 and $15 ceets, on seven Laye. Theme was mn automa- 725.1901 ic suspension a! license. onDelegates from 3 7 Centres Port H ýope * ed CWL Convention To6ar IHeId at St. J oseph's Cuc ihBw Id Church Pont Hope -bailta corne 1frotn behind twlco ln a Dr Dlgth fv t7cetebTecovnio a ooe until an! mon am united with day night, i Port Hope, ta et att eic45th -Annuel on Monday morilgb i God. he naid. craa33tewt emn vontion Diocesan Con- Reverend G. . SuUivan, i God's Covenant la an agreo- ierlagh-3tieand Cok Ba. oen 0 the C a th o1cDiocnDito of te CW.- ment with man that i n eturra Belles. le WomM ef'slge of Canada L. Father Malane as Directan for his Protection and 1cive The B.A. crew opened up t, held hore on Monday. The of Uic Hastes. CpuELcil wel- mon wl!! honon Hlm as Uiche with a single nun ina Uic iirst themo wms ,"The Christian icomed Uic oflicerus ad dole- only God and spread Ris Word on singles by Betty Therteli lthe COMMnintY.» The Diocesan gates. A cordial welcome wms so that ail may be one. and Gail Linton, Port Hope 'PrsidntMrs .Tseh Clis, misogven by Uic 1968-69 "The church is a comnaunity evened it ina the bottom hait Ir Hatngpxel~ .Eresidentai St. Joseph'& Coun- of Uic people o! God, nt an wli a pair of wmlks and an i R"nI 16667Prsien f the cil, Mr. Ray Vonasse. institution. The Mass and th Uic digte aae Councit St. Joseph's, Wlnners o! Uic league's Euchanlst are the concrete errx-lgUi aae wasUi goer1~ onono. naContesta were announe- Pression oi tliis commuSlghiad ooihinaai The pre-cenventcri eei c d: ~hileiy Mcllmnoyle, Camp. our saclety. The people of inUic next fraie without the fws held ina St. g lep'e1Au i od anGigWc- God are zniat a ceommuOt benefit of a bit, thoni theJ -tonium on Sunday evenlng 1er, virginla aiverly, Lkdsaywhen Worshlppig togethor at Os ts he an olyene ru n s rwith a *xcial hur aftorwarcls. MJam.sofunn, Pandrbonouone Mass. fTwo Pmst Preoidonts Of St. and CaraiPlty,=ak ot7 "h rught into the world Snisb ooeSfh SJosoph's Counicil of the C.W.L., Alto a edUak--b a etoe i he Nancy Goodwin and Rhonda -lis Lea Gouimh-and lins. Bo- t Alttrwsredtakngb a dsryh h he a nard P. Ktney, 'rieda e i organization for Uic don aramonies, 1. God and Mé ICavanaugh, along wiUi Shar- t Uicte su c pre , d trions from Uithe ÉlCni- 2.Man and Man, 3. Man sud on Burgoas'double ran the BetPan cne tâ . 4io- Naue. Any feature that an caunt ta 3-1. lins.~wade BetPby cneed mu the *901'? m-individual has that cauld assist Port Hope closed the gmp The business sessions onwmcded b the Dloer nsitteof n- bringlng about Uic re-estab-i the slxth en singles by tMonday were heid at the F. l the Vanil en liiic>! o these harmonies is Jane Rochu and GlaCrot, SIng Dutchman' Mater I y calied a charismatic gift. Wlxen while Uiree more singles by f Luncheon was .alse served "Soie Concepts Basic te, an such gift, talents, and abilitice Thenesa Kondrachis,M a r yv rthere. The commttee assisting U n d e r s ta n ding o! Vatican are used ion this purpose they Hoy and Doris Matthewu pro- a the gononal convenon, Mns. Council II" was tho subject of are guided by the Hoiy Spirit. duced the tylng taly ina bhc Rend, wms composed af Mn.. a graphically informative ad- "udThe Christian has three final traie. Michael Heenan, ins. Ray drees by John Martyn, Peter- unctiona. These are ta offer Bath pitchers went the dis-a Venasse, lins. J.- T. Scobt, Mn.. orough. Ho spoke Of ecunien- worsiiip and sacrifice te temch tance, Betty Thertell for C( B. Greenan, Mn.. John Mur- ism as a soarch fer unity, and by word and exemple, and ta Slaght and Cook giving up Lhy Mrs. J. C. Newlmn, Mn.. stressed the importance of the holp in lcadxng li mon te ton hits, tanning five and p rtPayne and Mns. Arnold ceuncil's emphasis on coiitiii. God " Mr. Martin stated. walking four, with Port T, Bninklow. uing oducation. "«We must have Aiberb Osterberger, Comm- Hope', Shire Kane tassing a Ris Excellency, the Most knowledge and undorstmnding bormere, Ont., Assistant ta the a seven-hitte:r, sbiklng eut a, Roverend B. I. Webster, Bishop Of whait wc profess before WO Director General of the Mmd- raine and issuing ane froc D af Peterborough, who wms the can effectively present Our onna lieuse Apastolato, spoke pas. e guest e! hanar at the Centen- faith ta ether Christians and on "The Christian Community."1 niai Banquet held lra St. j05. non-Chnistians," ho painted Mr. Osterbenger msertecj that t eph's Auditorium after the eut. moderm communications have CAR OUT 0F CONTROL se conclusion o! the convention, Mr. Martyn declared that brought ail parts of thc werld James Franklin Coyle, mgo s extended hi. bost wishes for Gad desires aIl mon ta be cleser to eth ors. Ho misa ex- 22, lest contrai o! the car ho Cs the contiucd success o! the united with Hlm in truth and plained that each Christian, a drvn on M dy' geod werk o! tbc C.W.L. HIe in serving Him wt oies hle ekadhml, Roa 1 north etfJackmans alse cangratulmted tbc Rover. Ho spoke et salvatien bistory by being fllled with bbe cclove Road, nStudy endF.K Malane, Director af as the sonies af events that and Power of Christ, be an The car went off the road St. Joseph's Council, on the followed God7s intervention i influence for good ina the home, and sustmined cansidorable preparations for the conven- the fate ai mankind. This is a tho cammunity and the ceun- damage, altheugh fortunmtely tien. iprocesa that wlll cantinue try. tbc driver was net injured. Constable Tom Ymrdy, OPP, m t CoUninvestigated. M agitra es C urtIllegal PossessionoaI liquor agis e sbrought a fine of $25 and ceats, or an mdditionmi tire HeId in B wmanilledays, and the liquor wms con- Leon EsIer, cenvicted imst weok of bremking, entry and Masy 30, 1967 1 two weeks te pay. mouth north on Highway 35. theit, wms ncmanded for an- MASTER MARINE & MOWER FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALES and SERVICE DEALER FOR LAWN BOY and BRIGGS & STRATTON A complete uine of mowers, motors and parts Lawn Mowers and Tiller Rentjals TAUNTON ROAD E. AT ZION (a7teLiti l e 9Ool Hue JURY & LOVELL LTD. FREE DELIVERY (?ÎÎÎ) PRESCRIPTIONS PRICES EFFECTIVE TO JUNE 3 CURAD GUARD ADHESIVE STRUPS INSECT REPELLANT 75's - Reg. 98e Reg. $1.»9 Spec. 79 C Spec. $1l.60 BUG KILLER BRADASOL SPRAY CAN ANTISEPTIC CREAM Reg. $1.39 Reg. $1.35 Spec. sl0Spec. 99c EVERYBODY SHOW.» HAVE A COTTAGE and HOME FIR ST AID KIT $7530 m s3*89 m $1125 IF IT'S NOT USED DURING TRE COMING VACATION, RETUEN IT FOR FULL REFUND BEFORE OCT. 1, 1967 preiterw ih heoStdmint ed b-- a n nn- AmrtcoteWek ~ma~ win i~n bubintonsonger in the cr an~d that he acting for the Crown in the had been drinklng in Bow- absence of Crown Attorney manville but denicd that Har- G. F. Bonnycastie. Tom Jor- mer and Cowlin-g had mny myn was duty Counsel for beer in the car. Harper told1 Legal Aid. the sanie story. Traffia tickets: (Corporal «Sorne day it may be very M. Nimigon, OPP> Freda important ta have the police White, March 25, specding, behlevo something you tell Highway 401, $15 and costs, them," observed His Worship.i sor three days; Gerardus Ver- " You rnay say, 'Corne quickly,c woy, March 14, faiflng to stop I'm boing beaten Up' and1 for stop sign, County Road 4 when you give them youanronyRa ,$5ad aete M rpy W c one, or three days. don't be li ve you. G o ahead % Marcel Crovost, 2617 Du. and get beaten up'. vort, Jacques Cartier, Mon- The charges against Cowl-c 1 4 ebeco, a crane opea- lng and Harmer were dismis-N ed drMngÜ. lHe was flned $50 Earl Lawrence Fisfier, 912 and costs, or seven day, and Thickson Road, N., Oshawa, ]p Ithere was an automatic'sus- pleaded guilty of ire 1 pension of license. driving on King Street, E.,a Constable K. Ruttan's evi- CoablyL td' ei dence was that whlle on pat- Cnes a tabe . idei- t roi -of Highway, May 24, he dencewas halldtoa t midnight observed a 1905 Ford with a acentms caintaa 1two-d Quebec license being driven iot involvng a 1967 lys- 0 ln an crratic manner and moth en ad Th1959ymoukh, d crosslng the centre ie hnblnigtteacuda i stoppod the driver V/ont*coch Te lynoth when he alked saggedi run into the rear of the small - whenhe alke, hd di! ~car parked at the 8ide cf the~ culty upeaklng and preducing street. M.Fao mle is license. The accused told s Mr.n1y Fais1hr selech Uicoffcerh. ad een~n was thick and his eyelids Oshawa hotel, but ho wms flot droopy. A scarch of the Ply- sure which onc. A breathal- mouth disclosed beer in the izer test showed 1.8 parts of front seat and ln the trunk. alcehol per thousand. The vehicle was seized and Thei accused explalned that tewed away. hc had been Werkxng late that Mrs. Mary Wichman's cvi- day and had neyer been dence was that she heard a charged before. bang, looked out and saw her Pour Bowmanville youths Volkswagen bcing pushed wvere charged with. illegmi along by the blgger car. She consumption of liquor May 6. cafled eut Uic window that James Cowling, ".. 5, and h was her car and that she David Harmer, R.R. 4, plead- was phoning the police. ed hlot gullty; Ronald James Murray Adams' evidence liarper, R.R. 4, and Ray Ed- was that, following Fisher's wrard Rendeli, Orchardview, car east on King Street, he pleaded guilty. obsorved it being driven in Constable E rsk in e, OPP, the westbound lano. .Lndsay Detachment, testifii David Jarrett's evidence was bat, while on patrol cf High-1 that he obscrvod Fisher's car Way 35, ho received informa- bclng driven right Uirough ion ta watch for a 1960 green Bowmanviile In the wreng raflant wlth danmage ta Uic lane and saw It run smack front end. Just south cf Vic- into the back ot Uic Volks- toria and Durham County. Une wagen leavlng It a complete e observed this vehicle park- Write-off. don the west side of the The accused admitted eight aad w.ith Uic hood up and convictions in Uic last two o0 one around. The motor years-four for speeding, anc vas very hot and Uheic slde for driving wlthout a license, )f the vhcle smeiled strong. one for iaiiing te produce his ýY of alcohol. Foatprints led license, anc for improper ip a steep embankment. lights and onc for failing ta Thon the officer dllmbed ta stop for a stop sign. ;hc top ho Bmw twa youths Magistrate Baxter piaced 'aling down the township the fine at $50 and $11 costs, i >ad. Ho failowed themn in or seven days. There wms an he cruiser and found they automatic suspension cf Il- vere David Harmer, the own- cense and the liquar was con- * and driver of Uic car, and fiscated. He was granted three rmes Cowling. Ho turned weeks ta pay. Oth youths aven to the Lind- Albert Andrew Morris, a Ry tawn police and Uiey were TV techncimn, 1759 Victoria harged. Park, Scmrbanough, pieaded Constable C. S h 0ep p a r d, not; guilty of lmpalned driving )PP, Lindsay, next took the and llegal possession of i. tad and toid Uie court ho quar. Ho wms representod by rnt ta Uic' location when re- Mrs. Daphne Rose, Toronto. uostod b y radio ta do no. David Peirce stated that ho intaleEnkIno had Harmer was northbound toward Lind. id CowlIin irhUi cruiser amy on Highway 115 about rhon ho anrved. He obsenved 8 p.m. Mmrch 25. At Orono wo more hitch-hiking name by-pass, travelling at 70 to 75 atance down Uic rnad. They miles an heur, ho caught up ere Ronald James Harper ta a dark-colaured 1967 Ply- id Ray Edward Rondeli. At mouth, whlch ho attcmpted rat they denied that tboy ta Peau. As ho did, Uie tirst Rd been passeners in the car veoned to the kit over Uic Men Vallant but l!atter admit- centre lUne and Mn. Peirce Il 11. They ail four smnefled was iorcd ta stay bchind. on. roly of alcohol. of throo bouthbound car wau' COnstabloE nikino, notura- forced off enta Uic shouidpr- 9 to thc stand, nild ne beer and theothUio two bad to keep an tound ln Uic car but weU ta their own sideof the XlUt 200Yards from thecar hghvaY. Having a pen but the t"p ci thce embankznent no PpeMn. Poince wrote Wend a lance wu a mthUc ense nuniber on hIo *. gmer and Cow lg~ hand and miter thre. on four ào wgnO apprulondeci about tries nianaged t a nuichelead F*V&sfrom theno, donled car. At tec lunction of 115 P~n 1wetd i c beur. and 35 ho observcd a police noc prevtow crulsr and alertod Uic off cor 0~yg Zaic $3 and ta watch for the offending - ýe dmyiv - ud JX«j. .hic1e. I. ~ oB*sd eno Constable L. 1P. Drydn a ,mtjof.OPP, sitte ng thUicparkc ~j'f 1 cruise, ha only a M- 1 e t With" on owed Uic Pi. - ICE-PAKPS J-CLOiWH Keep mummer cool.,. cold DISPOSABLE CLEANING CLOTH [ DEGREES COLDR TRN ICE Eg.59C 2 for 9 8cSpec. 53C ROTARY ANTIQUE AUCTION JUNE 3 PEEIEW10 -1U A.K - SAlISTARTS AT U2100W ABSORBENT COTTON. Eteg. 69e SOLARCAINE PAIN RELIEF LOTION Reg. $1.35 m a Reco vers -A Il Tie, nan ville ajarke TeaîiuQ Plan Tabloid Sports firent The monthly meeting of the Clarke Township School Arma Teachers was held at the Leskard School with Mrs. M. Ebot, Mrs. E. Allin and Mrs. J.Ard, hostesses. The President, Mrs. K .Lowery, opened the meeting with the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. J. Hoy read the secre- tary's report. Mr. D. Moffat explained the baIl game achedule and the p rooeaure for the Tabloid 5 Day, June l5th at ECeda1. Mrs. J. Staples rnoved a vote of appreciation to the athletlc commlttee for their work. Mrs. B. Touchburn moved à a vote of thanks to the salary committee for their efforts. Mr. C. Holmes, Inspector of Public Sehools in Clarke Township, cornmended the athletic committee on the erg- anization of the Tabloid Sports Day and spoke on several oth- 'r topics. Mr. M. McCoy favoured the teachers with a couple of selections at the Piano, and peke on his native land, Grand Uayman Island. The meeting was adjourned. Heur 7 rÀi