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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1967, p. 5

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NEWTONVILE W. L Il'usMay meeting was held J i eat the home of Mrs. es - awlth an attendance Un..-M. Samis, president. opeed the meeting witb slng- ing af the W. I. Ode, and ne- peating of thc Mary Stewart] C@lect and Lord', prayer in imison. She then welcomed al Uic members and visitons Present. Sec.-trcaaurer Mn,. T. Hen-1 derson ncad the minutes and cornespondence. It was dccid- ed ta have a Centennial tea and bake sale in Juiy. t Convenon Mn,. M. Joncs be-( gan ber program by cailing1 en Mn.. H. Wadc fan a nead-M lng, "Ten Commandments fort Weddcd Bliss". Mn,. W. MII-b ligan gave an intenesting re-t' port of thc necent Districta Annuai, and Mn,. F. Gilmen commented on the motta, "No r one isn rch enough to be witb-C out a neighboun." The ral eall, "Uses for stale bread" a. was well answened. IV Mn,. W. Beattie gave a re- part af the girls' club course c which she had led, assistedu by Mns. B. Angi. Eleven girls B had campleted the course, and w Mn,. Beattie sbowed their pl work books and severai weii ee znade and weii chasen dresses, ci Another interesttag part cfi Cet Cash Today For OId Appliauces throulgb 9STATE SM AN C LA 8 1F 19D 8 Phone 623-3303 the programi was a display acentennial qult which h M. Gartshone flot only ma but also designed. Ail joined in singing W. I. grace and Mrn. Jo: and bier group served a, licious lunch. Miss B. M gan received thc luckyc Pnize, and Miss 1. Alia v the lucky person who had ber purse a silven centenri dollar. Mrs. A. Wade moi a vote of tbanks ta the hi tess and her group. The District Annual Durhami West Women's Ins tute was hcid at the Unit Chunch, Mapie Grave, Thursday, May 1 lth, with goadly number irom eca branch registering at 9:15 a.i Mn,. I. Munday, Presider then cpened the gathering1 ail singing O Canada failo, ed by the Institute Ode ai repeating the Mary Stcwa Coilect. Mn,. G. Lee, Mai Grove, welcamcd everyci and this was nesponded te i Mns. R. Eakins, Sauina. The memoriam for the di ceased menrbers of thc distrii wvas canducted by Mns.,. 3uttery, Bewmanville. The: were eight white cannatior placed in a vase in memony( each member by Mn,. C. Jobi of Bcwmanville. The President then gave he report fan the year. She sai he visîted ail branches ex cept one, and alsa attended thr Area Convention. She close, .en repent by saying "Let u. :cep Canada uppermost ii un mind, this Centennia cear"'. Mn,. L. W. Hughes, Pas Hope, the Provincial Boan( member, ccnducted the nati cation cf the District Dirc 'ons. She said that eaci ci hi 01 oi H fii YOUNG PEOPLE, PREPARE NOW FOR FUTURE EMPLOYMENT FOR FUTURE ADVANCED LEARNING FOR SPECIALIZED BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE FOR SPECIALIZED BUSINESS SKILLS YOU CAN DO ALL 0F THESE THINGS TRIS SUMMER AT THE Oshawa Business College SUMMER TRAINING FOR BUSINESS Going te University? Leann Shorthand and Typing. Going te Wonk? Takc one of the complete Career Courses available. GET YOUR COPY 0F "SUMMER SCHOOL MAKES SUMMER SENSE"" - Thon Act. Enroli et Once - Make Youn Summen Count Start as soan as your regular term ends. S10 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA DIAL 725-3375 j- Reports from e e e G e e e e e the Commerce has No matter what you're saving for, there's a plan to suit overy savings goal at the Commerce. Just pick your own plan from these great savings ideas. eon Rogular / SavlngsAccounts :You earn afull31/2% - interest, calculated s .emi-anniually on your: :minimum balance. You: :may write choques and : make withdrawals at :any time. on Non-choquing Savings Accounts :Get 41/% lnterest tram n :date of deposit calcu-: :lated semi-annually on :your minimum monthly *balance. You can make iwithdrawais at any time chequing privilegea. It's :newl Ask for detaisi Whatever you're looking for in a savings plan, the Commerce has itl on Growth Savlngs Certif icates You receive $10.00 for every $7.50 lnvested for 6 years... a one-third increase when held toÏ maturity. Lite lnsured - ask about detalis. CSimple Intereat -CANAWAN UMPEAAL I BANK OF COMMERCE Nohn illtyuditet sieya hÈ olcto o blso s ' larescop-ncU d.oting-wiiet you dre ift.t e to plck t east kltwo pti FULSatinIbbnePr-as d.SRegted$3.98eshft e ig-tiedQun ifie t- e ~ + MANFATURRS Ne HELOMRAOFE Women's Institutes WATSONFS UNDIRWEAR SUB STADAUDS Bloomer andsanddle log panties, briefs and voita. Sises -MnL, OS,O05x, o( Ef THE *UUMMe - raneh mUÉ hma aDistriet'Crn.Sano ani Drcooran alternate nt the lmprove from hi District Anulor th.,, wud EetR y W oodward -mermtma dt.,gme not be able ta vote at execu- anY1f.Qd Mr&n. m. mble. tive meting, during the er *f * ton. Rochester, X.Y., Misa Vanlous business it=mswere IfliUflffl rP iin ýlrEIsie Oke, Bowmanvllle were dw.uw dan- akn creILg re id ntrecent canonset 1r.E The Ceutennial project for Page's. the area this year la helpingN Retanded children. hu tOfnrbu.t Kinsmen Club Here Mfr$. no later than Octaber. President Ralph Whtepe Plans for the Kinsmen Car- 3R E O ade, The last year's minutes were sided during the eectio e iva ob edonAga.ukt ntd Cuc read and aPProved ahowing a Ofier for the coming yearnia ob hed nAust Brtn Uied C rc the busy year in ail the branches. held at the dinner meeting of i lth were discussed. President held a v'ery sucoessfiii Mini- "ne At this time during the the Bowmanville K i n a me n Eleet Roy Woodward is the versary Service on *Sunday de-Mo ng esson rs.W.Laird Club at the Flying Dutchman CarniVal Chairman. Other with Dr. R. B. Green of King- d-mrm eso r.W Motor Hotel recetly. membera of the Carnivai Coin- ston University as guest :u-plae llh oeyo ral s, and President-Elect tfor 1967- mittee are David Benny, John speaker. assisted by Miss A. Cp "DTe se ofn".Tireerean 68 is Roy Woodward. Other Lunn, Bill Laskaris and Don Dougherty. Ifl na esoltiSong".Tfroman o teeofficers elected were: lst Vice- Masterson. Amin usawr r.B nial braches tisyear PeietAexWsmn.n It was decided that Uic Bone, Islington; Mr. and Mrs. ved We ti Vice-President Don Masterson, Kinsmen Cluý_ will provide a Berry, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Wewere pnivlleged ta have Secretary Don Brown, Treas- Rçfreshment Booth that wrnl Orval Greer and tamily, Osh- 'os Mrs. L. W. Hughes address us. urer AI Osborne, Registrar include hot dogs ini Memorjal awa; Mr. and Mrs. Stani Mof- She brought greetinga fromn Lorne Traves, Directors John Park on Friday, Saturday and fatt, Oshawa; Mrs. James the Board and went on ta tell Geddes, Bill Slaght and Lloyd Sunday, JuIy' 28th, 29th and Stark and Miss Marion Stin- of about the increase in mern- MeRobbie. 3th for the, visitars soný, Enfield; Mr. and Mrs. H. ti- bership in the Women's Insfi- Those elected Hon or a r ythe three day, that the Cen- Trick, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. td tutes and there are 2,000 lufe Kinsmen for 1967-68 were Stan tennial Caravan will be there. Russel' Dean, Oshawa; Mr. and on members. The north is open- Dunn, Constable H. R. (Pat) Don Masterson, Chairman cf 1frs. Hanthorn and family, a ing up and a conférence was Corneil, OPP, and John M. the Project ard Fund Raising Mr. and Mirs. P. Lunn, Onono; ich held in the North-West Terri- James. iCommittee will be in charge. Mr. and 1fr,. Sam Grant and .m. tories. A Centennial project boys, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. ýnt, could be ta increase member-]ENP ai, nfedMrad by ship and she closed hier ad- Mrs. Fred Griffin, Efed ýw- 'vs it .I. poem. E N SIEnr n Ms i f ield'ow rid The repart cf the representa- Rev. Dougherty's sermon at visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Peth- man, Enfield; 1fr. and Mrs. Rr tive ta the Federation cf Agri- the Sunday morning service ick and BiUl, Scarborough; Mitier, Oshawa; Mr. Russell 'le culture was given by Mrs. Van deait with the recordings Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton Honey, M.P., Port Hope; Mr. ,ne Camp for Mrs. D. Dorneli cf îrom John 7:1-14, Mark 6:1-6, attended the 'wcnderful S.S. A. Carruthers, Garden Hill,; by Blackstock. Then we adjourn- Matt. 3:-21-25, of Jesus' four Anniversany service at Burke- Mrs. John Carter, Bowman- ed for dinner which wa.s serv- brothers and three -sisters, ton United Church where Dr. ville; Mr. A. Hubbard, Bow- le- ed by Maple Grave ladies and mainly at the time of the R. B. Green of Kingston was manville, a former menchant ict thoroughly enjayed by ail. At Jewish Festival cf the Taber- guest minister and delivened cf Bunketon; Mr. Wearn cf ,S. 1 o'clock a sale of articles teck nacles whîch teck place about an inspiring; sermon entitied Enniskillen who very grac- re place and netted the treasuny hall way hrcugh Jesus' minis- "«What is the Church?" iously supplied an amplifier ris the suni cf $27.00. ry of preaching and heaiing MnadMs.MryAx for the Sunday school roani ol The afternoon session start- cf one and a half years in whichhwa er una ad ovrwafied ta.caait ris ed with assembly singing led Galiiee. These brothers and ford, Osshawa re na and overfowing Mr. ara Ahon ndl by 1fr,. H. Cryderman with sisters were proud cf thein tustsa f.adMs . rs ra stn nik er Mrs. Laird at the piano. The famous brother and eager for Wrigh'sIen; 1Mr. Henry Adamis, Bow- id roll caîl was very interesting the promotion cf bis career. 1r,. Roy Avery and Car- manvilie; Mr. and Mms. Mc- x- as each branch had onc person They reprimanded Jesus for lyle, Tilbury, were necent Kee, Oshawa. ie dressed in cld - lashioned bis secrecy and privacy and callers at Mr. and Mrs. C. The collection neceived on d clothes of which pictures were wished bu tc leave Galilee Avery's. AnvraySna mut ns tary tobocks.tiss Patrsicuia1cr a more preminent place Mns. Fred Toms visited with ed te $259. We are very I i Wry rborte. onsJunioriis'tc do his wonderfui deeds cf Mrs. Walter Fergusan last thankful fer wcndenfuî wea- alWran Etension SenirvGices, spiritual value. This was good week in Bcwmanville and on ther and mnuch success. Wor an EtenionSevics-business and publicity then Friday evening she acccm- rShe thanked the Institutes fcr as it is aisc in aur 2th cen- panied Mrs. Walter Fergusen, ,d their support with leaders and tury. Jesus mcttc, our min- Mrs. Otto Bragg and Mn,. Y L 1~PR 1- inacia ai. Tis ear220ister reminded us, was net Mabel Chals te a supper at VJ.U. cgirls received County Hcncurs ta werk wcnders in Hi, own Nestieton. à ane sixt clubincil be "Wri glery, but hie acted In God's Mr. and Mns. Robert Tho- Mr. Stirling McGiil wha is cfe oed clb in Canad" The way rather than the way cf mas, Niagara Falls, were currently engaged in bis spare Sor Fo raini n adc".lThes bis earthly family who loved visitons cf Mn. and Mrs. S. time building a new home on ySeaiir will e "ang Wîhol thshim but gnumbled about hi, Pethick. 7A Highway, had the mis- yearwil e Bakig Wth tubornnss.Thepastral Mr.andMrs.Alvn Pigefortune te have a quantity af Yeast". subrns. Te psaa a.adMs li rg lumber, etc., as weIl as a We were then pleased ta prayer included,,a special in- and son Glen, Mrs. D. An- cement mixer stalen cne night listen ta the reports of the vocation fer "wisdom and drews, Peterborough, wcre freni the scene af the activuty. standing committees, the Cur-udrsningndpaett Sunday visiter, with Mn,. E. At the current cast of build- ator and the Public Relations passeth ail understanding" in page. ing matenial, it is hcped the Officer. auor'trcublcd naos.0 Theo Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp were miscreants are apprehended Crydermanadues Mrs. . H'l then Man." O r- Sunday tea guests cf 1Mr. and and goods recavened. low ere nady ejoe. SC.Cei pactceTbsayMrs. Cecil Rahm, Union. Mrs. Darcthy Bristow, mc- Th er emiatiy n cemteca 81 pS r. Choir prac - 1fhusdy r,. A. Fuller, Agincourt, ccmpanied by three other The omiatin comitte a 8:1 p.. Jr Chir pac-Mn. and Mn,. R. Stenger werc Janetville ladies, enjoyeda brought in the foîîowing siate tice Saturday at 10 a.m. Tuesday nigbt guests of 1fr. bus trip ta the Grand Oie Opry cf officers which were instali- At the church school ses- and Mn,. A. Sharp. Mrs. Ful- in Nashville, Tennessee aver ed by Mn,. Hughes: Presi- sion Supeintendent A. J. ler ha, been visiting with R. the long weckend. dent-Mn,. 1. Munday, Baw- Wenny gave a very intencsting Stenge' last week. Our star athîcte, Vaughn* manville; lst Vice-Pres., Mn,. story in the opening worship Mn. and Mn,. R. McGiil at- McGill, had the misfortune R. Davis, R.R. 1, Hampton; pcniod entitled "Our Pictuneteed E 2nd Vice-Pnes.-Mns. H. Brad- cf Gad". Final statement cf tned Edad Annivensary this week ta injure bis should- ley, Mapie Grave; Sec'y-Tncas. prccceds from S. S. Anniven- and were guests cf Mn. and er while piaying rugby at -Mn,. M. Wiseman, Bowman- sany was reported and a spe- Mn,. Roy Langmaid, Solina, Lindsay High School and is ville; Fed. Rep.-Mrs. Wmn. cial vote of thanks te Supt. freeigta urnl anigbsami Mulligan, Ncwtanviile; Alter- and Mn,. A. J. Wenry for their ~Mr. and Mn,. Douglas Bil- a sling. nate - Mn,. M. Mcuntjey, super effat in this successfuî lett' Pont Credit, wene callers Mn. and Mns. Art Rowan . Hampton; Public Relations event. at R. McGili's. hald "Open House" this week. Offcer- Mss ean LechMn. and Mn,. L. Oughtred, ta afferd the "gais" an oppor-: OfcR.R. , HaPa;lCueach, Please remember ta attend Wesleyville, Mn. and Mn,. S. tunity te dreol aven the iovely. Twce1,ds mui pitonens; C . the special Canadian Sunday Preston, Countice, wene last trousseau and gits of the Dwey, Bcwmanvtie; Audi-C service spcnsoned by aur two week callers at Mn,. E. Page's. newlywcds, Mn. and Mns. Kcith toen - Man, . H. Bnwn choir, on June 25th at 9:45 Mn. and Mrs. John Belle, Baker wbo have now started Mapie Grave; Mn,. D. Park, a.'Phlp*n Karen, Oshawa, up hcusckeeping in Torontoe Bowmanviile.. Mn,. 0. C. Ashtoi; was anc were Sunday lunchen guesLs where Keith is emplayed. Standing Cammittee Con- of the guests at a miscdllan- of Mr. and Mn,. W. Griffin Elizabeth commutes to Ux- renons: Agriculture and Can- cous showen held at tbe home and callers at R. Giffin's. bridge where she i. emplayed adian Industries-Mn,. E. Cor- cf Mn,. Christensen, Haydon, Mrs. Lorne Knapp, Oshawa, as teacher. roux, Kendai; Citizenship and fer Miss Jean Bertrini, a June Mn. and Mn,. R. Knapp and Fclaowing two monthaa of Education - Mns. L. Allin, bride-ta-be. Cynthia, Part Hope, Mn. and peering through the shnub-: Hampton; Home Eccnamnics Mr. and Mn,. N. E. Wright Mrs. Angus King, Little Bni- bery, your correspondent bas and Health-Mns. Roy Mctcalf, arc visiting with Miss Annie tain, were Sunday cller, at again been neduced to the Hampton; Histanical Reseanch Wrigbt, Oshawa. C. Avery's. realm of a "paleface" at the: and Cunrent Events-Mrs. M. Mn. and Mns. Robert Wilson Wednesday evcning Mrs. A. insistence ai certain nesidentse Emmerson, Nestieton; Resolu- and Bnian, Oshawa, Mn. Mur- Fuller, Agincount, accompani- cf aur tepee. This accomplish- tions-Mns. D. Park, Bowman- ray Marshall, Bowmanvllle, cd Mn. and Mns. A. Sharp cd, the generai reaction after: ville. were Siinday evening dinnen who ail visited Mn. and Mn,. gaping at aur naked physi- A vote af thanks was ex- gucsts of C. Avery's. Ed. Strcng, Bawmanvilîc. cgnamy was that we betten tended te ail who had helped Master Ho,, Pettifer, WiI- Mn. and Mrs. L. Lamb, Mnr grow it back on. Just can't: in any way te make the day lowdale, spent a few days and Mn,. R. Lamb and Leslcy suit same people! se enjoyable by Mn,. H. Baiiey with bis gnandparents, Mn. spent Sunday at their cottage Mn,. Elia Pattenson af Lind- cf Blackstack and aise extend- and Mrs. A. L. Wcarn. Re near Dorset. say bas been spcnding a few : cd an invitation ta bold the retunned home on Sunday Mn. and Mn,. Reg. Brock, day, with bier sister, Mns. D~istrict Annual there next wben Mn. and Mn,. Weann Linda and Brenda, Bewman- Mabel R'bwan. year. A very successfui dy isited Mr. and Mn,. E. Pet- ville, were guests cf Mn. and Mn. and 1fr,. Keith Thorn- was clased with the singing of tifer. Mn,. K. McGill. dyke cf Toronto were Sunday God Save the Quen. 1Mn. and M,. S. R. Pethick- Very pleased te report Mn. visitons o the Flyd Stinsons. .,.ê..*....ê... h canadt fiÏ' e. e emm eu sle eEU an Stetegman, Eowmanvifle, May 81, 1901 5 B e e e e e e s e e e e e e e e e e e Ii~ i e 'I s e e e s s s s e e s e e e s e s s ...' .. S t e s s e 'mer Niglit i s s nberWear i RLY 4.98 & 5.98 e g s each i s e e e ~for5I e i slum ber so delightfully and deci. fections.... sweetened with dainty : ~d for added cool ness. You'll want out-of-the-worîd saving for your : s lue, yellow. S, M, L. :ed shift. ed sleepcoat. e ed ankie length gown. s iece baby doli set. e e s e hm Subsman, sowamvme, My si,

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