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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1967, p. 8

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-V tA.. 'hn S m.Towc L«Wua la hollmin#0omficai aason qpdo dl a dne."tSua turday nugt et the 1,m sCentreé, wl * ~ ~eyoa 'elcome to attend. Tieketa an. avallable fromRa w *WaOm or Tom, p«non 7 ~ t t 1 t W# ETY0FHOLES4N.ONS flU sy at a hbaein hmecles amonce in a ifetime Ilu vi i ore Ibm» luit - you mwbtgamy a re! miracle. 'tý EMOwve, OutIMainUiGolf Club recently, you'd never X »Vo tisaI ioles-i-on. 'vere bard ta gel. Would you believe tisat no Ieu thon four 'vers rcded, Including one whicii untOrtunately won't 90gno mthéiaIl-lime record bocks. - Owald Masher wu ia lylng a&U alone when much to hà saurprise, h. discovered tb i& drive with a tisrec Wood :bad gonc unto the cup on the 233 Yard third isole. At a nie *like tisia sbould you nonchalantlY mention, "Oh, by thc way, 1 19ot a bot-i-on.," or do you jump Up and down and f 'ave yor um ada wildly - 'viil. everYbodY tinks you'ne :NO - we would suggest that if you are planning on : coring a isole-i-crie, It Ia much better ta bave a 'vitricas or twol. John WSrdn had PlentY cf compmny when ise mccd the m,420 yard, I3th wlth a aeven lma, wblle Participatiaig ln the Mb aCourtic Greater open" igh school tcurnanient. 4w- 0f course Uic hole-i-one whlch Ibis reporter Uiought Stise best cf a&U camne on Saturdmy mornlng, May 2O)th et 8:20 -&M. ta be exact.Jack Vodden of Oawa, Who la only in M» hs second year cf golfuaed a five irori ta ace Uhi 13U. ' The performance 'vas witnessed by bis regular partner on -lis te fafrways J. E. "Ben" Webster. You xnlght be «aking yourselvcs - "why la Ibis particu- Uir effort Uic best cf ami i?" WUli1k. tigisycu Osec - jack ShaPPens ta be Uic guy 'vho sigris my raisu il General Motors. JEein the bigboss. S The"e 'as inother ace recorded on Uic nlnth hale-a Par Uiree, 185 Yarder - but unfortunately Uic fellowvs name à f not known. Mw1Au awards wil be given by Erinli, at the end of the =oason t a m golfers Whio had hales-i-on., iCen Nicks and -Dave Kerr ai'e qulte axiaus ta discover Uic mystery boat- s. hot's name. The annual Ken'a Men'a Wear Tournament, wiicb as z ucis a treniendous success li 1965, but wasn't iseld last es, r, Is definitely on Ibis suniner, 'vitb the dates ta be e nnaunced later. t t t FIRT BY A LADY é The Bc'vmînville Youth cd .Iheir Superviser with a Bowling League brought their Butane ligister au a token of ygcar to a close on Saturday, tiseir apprecialicri for-the lime rMay 27th 'vils a delicieus and effort spent wilh Uiem turkcy dinaer scrved la 150 in Scarborough durlag lise epeby Uic Ladies' Aux- National Tournarnent. I UicttheCînadian Legion Mn. Bennett tbanked the Hall. heaiooured guests at bo'vlers for the giflsanmd tise head table Included Hie brlefly oullined tise registra- Worship, Mayor Ivan Habbs lion for thse faîl seasan. i and Recreation Director Buci He presented Connue and Fannig. Both gentlemen Sharlene wilis bow lies,1 spoke biefly ta the bowlers (Newfoundland plaid) whisch 1congraîulating them on their 'vere given ta lhem as a1 finc bowling and keen iter- token from the Newfoundland1 est they bîd shown ithse pat Sgis lbey bowled against. semmon. Mn. Osborne, Man- Connie B r a d i e y presenîed1 ager cf Liberty Bowl, aiea Manager AI. Osborne witis a apake te tise bowlers. desk set on behaîf o! the bowl- MLynai Woods o!flise Senior crs. Mxed League very capably We would like ta lhank Mn. extended sincere lhanks toalal Bill Smith of Smiths Bey- coaches 'vis had helped enages for lthe donation of pop1 Ibrougisout tise season; Secre- ise supplied for our banquet, tary, Mrs. Mcl. Wisemaîn; aise tbe Canadian Statesman1 Psa Reporter, Mns. H. Be- for thse fine press cavenage nett. Hoelisen asked Super- tisey have given us for tise2 vison Harold Beninet lamc- season. cept i bowling plaque 'viicis CONSOLATION AWARDS 'vms pnesented by Glen Ed- Bantama rnondson e!flise Junior League. J. Locke, T, Tigise, S. Bond,( Ron Selleck of the Senior D. Brome!], R. Donogisue, P. Mixed Le ag ue exprcssed Jackrnan, A. McCuflaugh. J tisanks on behaif cf the bowl- Juniors ens and Bob Preston cf tise D. Snowden, D. Lewis, H.1 Junior League pnesenled the Brunt, C. Locke, B. Preston, men 'vitis giflsanmd Heatisen G. Edîondson, H. Avery, G. Moore and Donna Bradley Gray, D. Allan.c presenled tise ladies 'vits Seniors gifla. S. Cain, H. Moore, J.E Sharlene Cainiand Connie Bromell, D. Brock, R. Selleck. Bradley, Senior Girls' Doubles Speclal Trophies .t Canadian Champions, presel-, George Elliott Merial Fuels Past First WinC Although s Eni seemed lO e thlie favorite spot for aces, and ail of Uiem by meni, a mnember O! Uic falrer aex puled Out a lInn mon d sconsd tUe final isole-i-on. ever by a -,-ladY i Tiunderbird Golf and Country Club. I'ý Frank Swinburne 'veil-known te many people itise local aponta 'vonld 'vas Pmrtlculanly happy because Il was bis w1fs Marg 'vis turned thse trick. She la periasîp better * '*nolvn le badminton playens as Uic former Mrg E'vmrt. In tUs aflernnon of thc Mondiy holiday, Mang 'atcised h« s'bal!go it hie Uscup on tUs 143-yard fourth hiole,amiteir belng WaVmed on by a maie fourgome. Mmng wu i a tbree- Mue swith Grace Wilson and Estelle MacKlnnon - so aise iot fwltneoses, PerhaPa Franik wauld bave been i littie more plemsed 10 es"f e'er people MSthUeclub-bouse, iowever, becmuac ho Sn*msd Ibis reporter tisatItI coul hlm a bit of dough for the usual refamenla. 80FPBALLBATTfLE Thse Towvn SofIbm] League. despîte Uhe faet Uhalt seumo l 10O= Young, 1looaMm .It l mgit go nigist dcvn tise'vire befor. Uic 1967 penant la declded. ICen's Ment's Wear appeared to have a big edge vi Eeg Wite on the mound, but eg nollfied tise club la -w0esk tisaI ho 'vms gahg la relurn ita Osiawa'a Gale Luni faim. Since thon, mlter he had woan Uic final two gamm mllowlng tbre. bilsanmd striking out someting like 33, Ken dropped both starts Isat 'veek. .Waler Frank Real Estate have suddenly zaomed hni nOt place by swcepig Ureestagtgs, mter loiaig Ibeir fli two. Stepisen Fuels ais eee 'inless afler lwo gamnes, bi ~broke hil e Ucvlctory coumn last weck, %visile Krampi I1urniture ire ail even il onse'vin and one lois aplece. WhUle vo are sonry to ses a plîcher cf Wils calibi dépant should be onc like hlm on ec e ans), il la obviai 'tiat Uhe Icague 'il now be mues better balanoed. Ken' afl h ave a trong contender and could .1111b. nated à Stise tam le butl.]But If mil four clubs are mil even aItIth 5,»çd of tUe season - don't say 'vo ddnt tell youl 4.t ti t t KINMENCLUB DitAW 'w '4 *1 Bowimnvle ICismen Club membera have tickets foi sale on an ArtifIciaI Ice Draw 'vlUi a 'veekly prIse of $5C for aine 'veek anmd a grand prIze of *1,000. These, tickets M5 lni al, 'vIl!provide part !ciche und, fan tise majoe cisar lnehe U Ilc plant project Ibat Uic Kiaimen have Ubuntaken ta- finance. Tickets ire $10 iplece or $1.00 a week, ,nd ýavallable from mny member. SPICIAL 1/ PRICE PASS rIDAY, JUNI 2 lui1 - KINSMEN SUPER CAR PETIRIOROUGII MEMORIAt. CENTRE UANew 6lm A8ADRSecira n la 04mw.): SU S nwbe (07 am),- .Wq, - ) ain bu -a& -e »*ý ~~Vau" oerdmi. te Lt ber Lt5 rta Lt )' us .0 as by Jian Clarke ie sharp s Sullivan was razor- shar onSunday afternoon, flinging a nifty two-hitter as Whyte's Upholstery stopped Frank's Vaiety 9.5. While bis mates comnbed the losers' Ken Baker and Harvey Web- r ster for 13 safeties, "eSullyli whipped up a 13 stikeout 50 lather to claim bhis finst win, 3, against two losses. Whyte's )r camne up with a good defen- re sive effort, committing only two) errons, in Sullivan's sup- port. Bob Hellamn's single and -Joe Kennett's double wenc big blows for Whyte's in the second, as theY rmoved abead 2-1. After five frames they held a commanding 6-2 lead. They added a single run inh the top cf the sixth on Bob Hellam'% third bit cf the game, a bases-empty home run Off Frank's relief hurler, Harvey Webster. Harvey took over I the fitth frime, fr'om starter- Ken Baker, with Whyte's I front 4-2.' Frenk's only big inning camne In the laIcof Uic sixth. After Don Bishop sîtruck out, Dave Snowdcn beat out a butj breakig Sullivans ane- bi attempt.An lnfleld error 1then set tu stage for a thre-. ýrui borner by 1Fnank'a catcher Bob MeManus. Sullivan then rctired Uic next two balters. Whytc's scored their final two ruais hIthe top of the Seventh, with Bob Henafi slaning a two-run triple. frank's leîdoff baller walkcd 10 open lhc seventh, but Sui- livan fanned two of lthe nextL tbree men for Uie'vin. Around Uie Bases-Sun. day's afternoon encounter was an carlier amie that 'vas pos t- poned. It wuastise bes game plaYed me far hi Uic Jr. Men's 100P- Sullivan 'vas hi control thse outficd. Bob Hell4M contlnued bis bllstrîng hittmnL and ater three Lames rockdtin~ aloxsg at a M09 clip. Re Ma 'Youth By Downing Ken's 8m3 A p air cf fins were ne- by Ted Dadson's two-bagge corde dia tise regularly scise- and Abbott's second single t duled Town League encoun- cash lI five ruais. An erre ter, Wednesday nigist il Vin- by second scker Alex WISE cent Massey as Stepisea Fuels man, Roi Pollard's triple ani ncgistercd tiseir Initial vic- a Single by manager .Joli tory, dawnlng Ken's Men's Stainlon accounted for th Wear 8-3. Il 'vas lise final de- Fuels' final pair in lise faurti feat fon Ken's, afler Pcsting A double by "Mac" Rici easy 'vins I their finalt'vwo ards and single by Jobi games, but that vis 'vils Fcwlen put Ken's on th ncwcomer Reg White on lise scone-siseet la tise fount] meund. Wite bas since de- They nctcised lise Iwo ixl] parted te rejcin Gale Luniber Inning cauntens an a walk of tise Oshsawa City League. Dcn Bagnell's twa-bagger mnc Tise Fuels scored once lna surprise bunt sinigle bi Uic first, brake il open witb Richards. five second lining markers Bob Wlliams tcssed a finq and added two In Uic faunlis, five-hitten, walked lisnee anc Ken's caunted once itise didn't strike ouI a baller o: fourth and a pair latise sixtis. bis final atart o!flise seasor Larry Peris starlcd on tise Losing pilciser, Perris, mlow. ct d one bit and 'valked five isilI for Uic Mea's Wear, butwhiîî Poster pcrmitted fiv( failcd ta survive tise second safelies, gave up five base! in ai d AwalkBob AbbolI's on bals and fanîed four. aingle m w more free Abbolt led Uic Fuels 'vitt] passes forced In tise finit ruai, tisree singles, wIifle Ron Pol. and afber Perris isad walked -lard ba d a perfect nigist al tise bases full in tise second, lise plate wîih a triple mnd Bob Pester, awanded la tise Uinee 'valks, and Stainlai team Juil prier la gaine lime. singled and iad lhrec R.B3.I.'i, cime on lI relief. Richards 'vas Ken's besi Ho 'vas prornplly greeted 'vith a double and single. Best Game This Year Sees Whyte's Take Frank's For 9-5 Win and isrec R.B.I.'s, ta lead tise Upholstery barrage. Randy Beaupnie o! tise 'vianers sup- plied a berner aid a single. Joe Kennoît, Ken Veilcis, Sinubury, Deainis McFeeters, Dennis Sullivan, Barry Oliver and Woody Le rcuaded ouI Whyle's 13 bit attack. Ken Baker suffcred lise loss,' belng tagged for four ruais'and seven bits over tise final, four unnings. Harvey Webster gave up five ruais anid six bits during bis tisree 1rre ' frlif BANNERPASSAN" .20 Duke st., owrnavilj Lu Li. nsrance SIcneeDteabIlty * Etat. Plumumln sAm te sursc Compiiyof Cpd 'I Over Ellis Shoes by liii Clark. Saiowdcn hit safely, bel Bruan Bradley flew out, Ken Baker'aslerong four- end the inn ng bitter on Monaidy night al.. Ellis pushedà across t] io'ved Fnmnk's Variety ta onîy rmn of the game in hand Ells Shocamn 8-i lo5s. seventii. Pinch.hltter Ble Baker, hi bis fineet ouling Adîmia' single scored Ji Ibis season, fanned caiiy lhree, Kilpatrlck 'visa 'as safe but allowed just two 'valks. an Wnield error. Gond Wallacecand Ted Levcck Aiound the Bases:- 1 of Ellis were nicked for elgisî Bishop (3 f or 3) and 1 bits. Wllace (1-1) suffered RB.I. 'as Fank's top1 tise defeat. He gave up fiv'e er. Don la currently soar rus on six bits over the firt aîong aI a lofty .546 batt. five Inning. Leveck losscd average. A not b cr pla: the final frime, allowing wielding a hefty eanly seai lbree runs anid two bits, bat is Frank's catcher, 1 Elle feUl behind 2-0 in Uic McManus. Bob picked up first, and 4-0 as Frank'a add- pair cf bits and lwo R.B.] ed another pair o! runs in thse Dive "Sam" Snowden (ti second inning. A walk an R.B.I.'s), Gerald Harnessa Infield ernor and Don Bisliop's Genny Banker roundcdi double did the d am ag e. Frank's hitîing. l'or thse Shi Fnank's held their 4-0 leîd rmen, John Kilpatrick, until the hb o ofthe sixtis, Balson, Blaine Adamis a whien they scored four limes. Jack Sîephen picked up a Gerald Harness opening lise apiece. innung with a borne ruai. Ger- BriaBradley of Fran' ry Banker Ihen rapped a lurned in a successful eve single la bning on Ted Leveck ing in centrefield. He bar li relief. Leveck got Ron led six puleuts ia his ust McLean la baunce Int a fla'vless fasbion. His cou fielder's choice and alsa Xcen terpart for Ells, "Doc" A# Baker. An infield ernor fol- anis, also lunned In a gc lowed. Then Bisisop and nlght's wcrk. Darlington Soccer iTrop v-Hlgis Average. Juniors Laner Trophy - Highin uge ifor yean-D. Sellera 355. Bennett Tropby - Hligh triple for yean-M. Marshall 823. 1 TEAM CHAMPIONS Bantam Girls Thse wlnners o! hi gh single and higis double lni finI mad second scisedules are listed under lise variaus leas. Dr. Ruaidle Trophy-G. Dad- son, C. Passant, D. Fredericks, B. Ccx, S. Dîvey. Higis Single-B. Tice 177, S. Morris 187. Hi gh Double-D. Bromeli 423, M. Edmoaidsan 330. Bantam Boys Marchand Tropisy - K. Shred, M. Cooke, M. Adams, M. Roberts, G. Bruait. Higis Single-W. Ceombes 181, B. Brunt 184. Higis Double-R. Donogisue 334, G. Jenson 313. Junior Girls Legion Tropisy-F. Henning, L. Piper, N. Hooper, C. Land, C. Blggs, High Single-C. Ayre 267, Ji. Wrighst 284. High Double-S. Firth 426, D. Bradley 471, Junior Boys Lions Tropliy-R. Wilson, J. Carter, B. Ruiler, B. Hellam. Higi Single-B. Preston 286, B. Preece 232. Higis Double-R. Bouwmees- « tor 525, B. Halroyd 427. SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE Nicks Tnophy-N. Goodwin, MI. Marshsall, S. Mantyn, K. Cobb, A. Chittick, R. Leal. Girls High Single-W. Lewis 300, D. Sellers 355. High Triple-J. Bennett 741, C.Bradley 761. Boys High Single-R. Selleck 341, r. Tucker 308. Rigis Triple - B. Colville 779, R. Bcher 744. D c . 1] RECREATION he Pee Wee Basebali ffIn the game played on Sat- h urday, May 27th, the Yankees Ik defeated the Angels 16-3. The 'à Yankees were led by Doug by Krarnp collectlng three bits hfour trips tô theplate, a e double and two singles. Other id bits went to Randy Thiele, )n Richard Hall, Ken Ferris, n. Rolly Simpson, John Carter, ail&1 wlth singles, and Doug e, Bragg collected a triple. Dougý 7e Kramp 'vas the 'vinner dlaim- s ing 10 strike-outs, giving up only one hit and four walks. Lh The Angels' lone hit was col- - lected by Dave Glchrist. The t losing pitcher was David Oud- Ld shoornpwho gave up five hits, in walked three and struck out sfour in three Innlngs. David st Tabb gave up five hits, four - 'aiks and struck out two bat- ters in relief. Atom Basebail The Mets defeated the Dod- gers by 12-4. The winning pitcher 'vas Robie Brough, claiming eight strike-outs, giving up fno hits but walking seven batters. The losing pit- cher 'vas Jamie Perfect who gave up 12 runs off two bits and struck out seven. In the other ganie the Pir- ates defeated the Braves by 19-7. The winning pitcher was Tom Nowlan. Tom also had a home run to bis credit. Girls' Softbali In the first game the Rob- son Motors crew defeated the rRotary Gibbs girls 23-19. For tthe winners, Mary Spry had three bits including a single, Bdouble and home run, Karen rConnelly a single and a dou- eble, Heather MacNeil two s ingles, Rose Mary Tice a s Ingle and a double, Julie ?Pearson two singles, and Car- rie'Pearson t'vo singles, and Shelly Vanstone one single. For the losing Rotar Gibbs team it 'vas Darls Nicholson a single and a double, Kim Burgess two doubles, Coleen Cooke a double, Wendy Mountjoy a single, Sbelly Fry a single, and Sharon Noble a borne run and a triple. Ini the second game Slaght & Cook defeated Mutton's 37-21. Debbie- Bromell collect- cd four home runs, while Julie Luxton had onc, Donna Cowle one. Joy Rosa, Vicky Terry, and Bonnie Rende]! two home runs. For Mutton's Susari Jonas one home run, Gloria Chisholrn two, and MaIrgaret SprY and Susan Spry ecd had one borne run. Baton, Tap and Ballet Sprint Revue The Departrnent cf Recrea- tion Bian, Ta pand Ballet Clousw'ii h'oldtheir Annual Spring Revue on Thursday evening, -Tune lSth, in the Auditorium, cf the Town Hl et 7:30 This rgrarn il!give Parnt, ond ad chegen- eral publit 0chance to se" Danccr and Ballet Dance rs >rrnthse ks slthey have eeitaugbt dUring thicas W byau Miss L H.rvey ýr J. »'oWley, misaCarol ÔrSn. baZU, Mlu PmtoY Malte, Mun OUr MontBaton Twlrlmr rM alm vpu J in Ccii- tIal N= aon St" da .orasng, une Le e. h 0 d e Partaier witis a pair o! )yler as soon as your games singiez led Uic home team, IE fi c II are oven, sa Ihat he 'vil bave thc scores for publication li Tise Statesman. T akes Belles New castle sconing in every ining, defeatcd Bowmanville Slagist & Cook B.A. Belles 10-4 in Durham Ladies Lea- gue sofîbail action, il New- castle, lait Wednesday night. Tise winners built Up a 6-a bulge before Bowmanvillc counîed lhree limes in thse fourth. Newcastle proceeded to mdd single ruais in, the fotirlis and fifth, along witb a pair cf sixtis innmng talles, before, Slaght & Cook giner- ed tiseir last mn la tise final frame. Vers Wright tossed an clght-hitter, struck out eigisl and Issued s lone frce pgss ta can tise decision, wbile_ losing hurler Nancy Goodwin also gave up cigisl safies. Sise fanned seven and 'vlked tbnce. RA Bêls Wb IMM z tCwýUh s?-t 1 G 4 Naandncyr PeutHo e 21, , 'enyCain aeth mod dutles, holding Port Hope to flomanill S an d Oiiy flve ufte, lithe Cok .A elesponed out te¶r Los-<> 17 bita alongwlh14 baseson iigp 'vr as Mary Boy. baflaore towl otHp 16Davey Betty Ther. at the Central Sehool dia- el, B. IAnton, Lenore Smithx mnfd, at Tucsday nlght. an Karen White eaeh col. lected a pair of single 2i The B.A. Belles scored four L. Skinner belUngaos Urnes i the firat, added five ruai. more I the second and ex- Gilda Croft plcked up Ploded for nine fourth frame borner and single wlth L markero to put it out of reach. Smith bagged a double and Coc Bue owe iedd'sngefo helMes PLAN VOUR HOLIDAY AT .- TALLPINES INN DAILY - WEEKLY - MONTHLY RATES on - Sunday Dinner a Special Trent- twoi (Reservations Suggstd) ti12 Mile Lake at Highway 35 tyer Evelyn and Lloyd Cllfton your hosts Bob R.R. 2, MINDEN 3 a V.s. T41lephon. West Guilford 2656 iret- and 1 Open Ail Year - loe- and bit ik's ....A ORHUE 'e- ls GOD"1CROwoED OUI,, is, you May feel a bit "crowded'" L - Do YOD tind there are nover fnough bouts in the day? Or the night? HaVe YOD Ieor Said, "Ob, for just a littie Peace and quiet"? JIsus Christ bas sad, 6$Peauo I beave with Yom, My place I give ilito YOD: snet as the wori giveth, give 1 VetoYo. Lett Of urhart lie troublad, moithor lot It ha afraid."1 TI loarl hOw the place of Cod cari put your home on an aven kuai, take a few minutes and read the 14th chapter of John. You'll bc glai you dii! £'oJey flUbie Medtfln B au sse Deby TURIn *ACK 70 THE BIBLE BROADCAST Winnipeg, Manitoba L(KLB 1350 kc. -9:30 am 75 NEW & USED CARS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1966 Chevrolet 2-Dr. V-8, aujamatlo transmIssion, power brakes, power ateering, euatom radie, brand new whilte wali tires, wheel dises. Here Io a local, ons owner car, Lie X1027 -$2395 1966 Pontiac Laurentian Deluxe 2-Dr. V-8, antommtlc transmission, power siteenins, power brakes, oustoni radio. Complele #et of new whibte 'viii tires. Local one owner automobile. Lic. X13566. ---______$2495 1964 BOmumont 4-Dr. 6 cYL, standard transmission. white w&U tIrm ,wliel disc. Deautifl condition. Local, one owner car. ]Previou owner's nams on request.1 Lic X11289. __________$1395 I I I I Ob 1965 Pontiac Parisienne Custom Sport EqulPPed with V-8 esatine, Conaole, buchet seito, power steerlng, power brakes, customa radio, wbite Walli tires and w'heel dises. Local one owner car. Previous owner's eii on requeat. 1964 Pontiac Station Wagon V-8. automaîlo tranmIssIon, power steerlng, power brakea custom radio, one owncr. Bore'. a real ahS dem boliday wagon. 1 9 radio, white $895 Lic9628Pontiac________ 4 cyL, automatjo tniunmalon, cuateai 'vali tires wbsel diseS. Arreo St. ,E.Nc neca23 PLAN TO ATTEND ROTARY ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE ta se- Ld th. 1h- 'j 'I I I I s a SAT&JRDAY, JUNE 3 - STARTS 12:00 NOON Bowlers* Close 'Y -ar Delicious Dinne r 3-3396 SATURDAY, JUNE 3 - STARTS 12:00 NOON - - - - MMUMOMB 1 G Jow OODWIII r- Win 8 to 1 166 Kir 1 1 1 1 jý 8.1 1 - Three games were played in the Darllngton Senior Soc. cer League, Saturday nigbt, with Hampton walloping Sal- em 7-1, Zion edging Solina 2-1, and Maple Grove shut- ting out Týrone 1-0. Werner Wallroff p ace d Hampton to their lop-sided victory with three goals, while Graham Dallas added a pair, and singles went to Dave Bryant and Ron Bryant. The lone Salemn tally 'vas scoreci by Jim Coombes. Larry Nemis accounted for both Mon goals, one coming on a penalty kick, with Ron Baker getting one back for Solina. Goal-keeper Frank Sobil stopped Baker's penalty shot to preserve the victory. The lone goal in the other contest was boote.d by Ray Preston, it coming from a penalty kick. In Junior League action, rhursday night, Zion and So- lna battled to a 1-1 tie, with Baragar scoring for Zion and1 Baker for Solina. No scores 'vere received for Wednesday's games. Don't torget to telephone Harry 1

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