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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1967, p. 11

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WjyBuild Four Rooms School Board Facing Need For More Accommodation Newcastle:-. The reguler for paying supply teachers soia At this lime, tbc meeting InonthlyScoo1Bar et- jthat arrangements could ble wau combined with members ing wesheld ou Mondsy even-, made for September. The ai tbe Newcastle Council .ng et thc Public Scbooi. Alli Centennial Medaiins have Councilior Jack Adams wes IneMbers wcrc preseul. licen given out, sud cvery absent. The councillors aud Opening bhc meeting, Sec- Newcastle Public Scbool stu- board met ta discuss Uic e- retary Ed Barchard read the dent. has receîved one. Per- cent meetings bcld by the minutes of the lest regular mission was ssked ta obtain board sud bhc school inspec- sud two special meetings. The sawdust for field dsy for bar during whicb tbey realized -irst special meeting wass bld June 23rd, bbe sswdusbta be they wouid be torced ta build et thc achool when tbe Board dcivcred sny lime. This e- again. There are now 306 stu- Met with sebool inspector, C. port was rcceived sud filed. dents attcnding tbc scbool, A. Hoimes , ta discuss future Suppiy beachers sud bbc sud some roams are crowded. additions ta bhc achool. The salaries werc discussed. Mrs. Two rooms arc very much second speciâi meeting was J. Benson, who bas been a undersized sud these' would lheld et tbc home af Board supply teacher Ibis yer, wasbave to undergo altemaions Member Mm,. Pauline Storkg rc-bîred by bbc board la carry a nd uew rooms wo ulid wben further discussion sud on ncxt îerrn. bave ta be bulit. At least Buggestions for buying extra Aiso reportcd by Mr. Munmrro h ors arebin iayo ne land were teiked over. Busi- wss tbbcttip made la Peter- wb h osblt toi nesa trsn rr h iue aag eces olg wo raoms bcing builb now nessariing omthe inues brouh Teches' Clleesud using bbc portables again. deait wlth bbc land, with the with Mrs. Storks ta interview hfbctu om r cie Board feeling tbc sskin.g price two teachers. Two wcrc hired, out bbcourrosbi re wî i emde wss tao higb. Tbey decided ta Miss Cheryl Wetson ai Feue- onbte pcoobrta wibh bbce trY samnetb:ng difiement. The Ion Falls sud Tom Callan a second one, possibly empby minutes were adopbcd as read. Bowmanville. Mm. Munro ask- for anc ycar, is certain ta be Principal Ronald M u n r o cd bhe Board's permission ta sdwibubb ea cma then gave bis repart for tbc bure Miss Watson for bbc lest figures show in eges ot child- month ai May. The attend- two wecks in June as a 5uP- ren uow living in bbc village. suce ou the lest day af May piy for that lime. This was Talk of s kindergarten was chowcd 306 studeuts atbendiug graubcd. also cntered mbt. Newcastle the sehool, witb pre-scbooi The bis wcre then ead is anc ai the tew scbools enrolîment uow up ta 40. and eubhoizcd ta be paidJ. witbout s kindergarten but il There are slways five or more Permission was granted ta seerns thal this may aiso have wbo corne in September but have turthcr bills comiug in la be chaugcd. Prices set up arc not on bbc enroilment. durnug Juiy sud August paid for bbc Board wcre passcd The text books for next ycar's by tbc finance cammibîce. aioug ta cauncil rcgardiug pOchaol studies bave been or-, dered sud ecivcd. The tire A letter ai resignation was extinquishers have siso beeu read tram Mrs. Mildred Wood- reccived sud are now placed land, grade thrcc beacher, wha in the portable rooms. The adviscd that bier busband will television set purcbascd for be rausierring out of Ncw- it w the use oi bbc studeuts for castle lu June. She wili leave l w educatlonal prograrns bas ar- bbc staff as ai June 301h.* rived aud is workiug satisfac- Another leter was rcad, C torily. Mm. Munro eprted sent in by acting Fire Chief 'O i/1 11 r that bbc students of grade Albert Nayiom who bad mc- 'S ocial . a'<' eight would ravel la Toronto ccntly atteuded sud inspectcd on June 201h la visit the bhc schooi. Hc wrotc that he Newcastle - lb bas beenl Museum sud P arlIi a men t was pleased bo report bbc tire annouuced by tbc Scout-Cubj Buildings. Hje asked thet a preveubion and fire extin- Group Cammnittce, folowing dctinite formula be set avo, gushers werc ai bbc very best. their meeting hchd ou Saturday RDCSS LIONS ROOM NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Thursday - Friday June 15 -16 7;*00 te 9:00 p.m. FEE: 3.00 for ilri ehlld 82.001 for eaoh adIltional chldlsi ane lamlly. $2.00 for Tadpoles A parent must accompany eaçh cli te register. I wo motions made et the Orangevilie Council ecctly were ta have ahl Ontario scbools accept e proposai ta bave salaries cqualizcd amoug teachers, aiso ta bave a gen- eral building plan so ail scbools will be built on bbc sarne hues witb bbc casts bcing equel. Reading in part, bbc leter caimcd that bbe cost af education wasu ising et au alarming rate sud iA urged ail boards and councils 'ta set up the sarne rate sys- tcrn. Tesebers and buildings were straining budgets ta bbc breaking poinb. The Newcastle Board ac- cepted bbc suggestion ta look mbt bbc building plan, feeling this wouhd be la bhc advau- tage ai ail if bbc scboal build- ings were set on bbc smre rate, but thcy wouldu't accept tbc idesaifblrln.g teachers on e sel saiary, feeling thet this couidn't be doue. They (bbe board) fcît tbey sbouid know the teachers' qualificationsI aud wouid therefore psy se- cordinghy. 6% PAID ON G UARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES *iuaued 1 to 5-Year term Sern 6% interest, payable half- ycarly by cheque. 0 authorized investment for al Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. STERLINGE TRUSTS N.fiuber: Canada Deposit Insurauce Corporation 35 I Dulpst,, Barre 73 MbdaImaa E OrUli .1 the cogt o! building additionel marna sud alterations. Schaol Board Ch a ir man John Rickard assured Uic members of Council that thc inspector had stressed thc urgency o! building. "I'm sure we cen asU S that wc have ta, do somethiug if we are ta, accommodate ail the children of the village." He then thanked them for attend- g ng the meeting, feeling it swus better they met there 1than for the Board to take up stheir trne et the council 1meeting as It wam quite -ilngthy. Getting back to other board business, they discuàsed the passible need of an intercom systcm sud feit that riaw was the tîme ta look in it and have the wirlng donc during the construction sud altering. 1Special meetings would be h eld throughouit the summer. 1Board member Doug Wal- tton again brougbt up the mat- , er af a School Crossing Guard Fbadly ueeded for the Mill fStreet crossing. It was teit that mnore children corne from the subdivision ares than cross at Beaver Street, but the necd was as great at bath crossings. Duriug the timeý Council callcd for Crassing Guards, anly onc letter was ever received, the onc tram Mrs. Dorothy Whitney who is the guard at the Beaver and King Street corner. Council- loi, Doreen Nesbitt was still in attendance and assured the Board that the Councillors iwere asa lking about this, suad wauld be adver±ising soan for another guard. rastie iýaround ta turn their wînter iwbite skin int a lovely golden ,tan. As the temperatures rose higher and higher manu f nnl, aftemnoan that bbc date of s dip in the pool of course. By rbursday, June 22nd, bas been way of anauncing tbc officiai set ta houar Scouts Geordie apernng of Wallons Pool, Mr. Wallon, son of Mr. sud Mrs. and Mrs. George Wallon sud Doug Walton, sud David Mm. and Mms. Murray* Wahton Shearer, son ai Scoulmaster extcnded a wide invitation ta and Mrs. Robert Shearer for ail bbc cbiidren for free swim- bheir act ai bravcmy. The scr- mîng Saturday aftcmnaon tram vicc wiil gel undcmway at 8:00 anc until five p.m. The invi- p.m. at bbc Community Hall. tation ws more than acccptcd All Scouts, Cubs, Brownics, sud bhc pool was fiued at ail Guides sud Sca Rangers are limes. If bbechcihdreu didn't asked to attend in full uniform. ail say tbanks, lb was mealizcd This service is open ta bbc pub- by tbc owncrs oftheb pool Ibat lic, sud lb is bhc wisb ai tbc Ibeir invitation wss an appre- Committee that everyne at- ciated anc. ted. Fohhawing Ibis service, Elsewhemc an Ibis page is the boys wiii haler go ta Ot- bbc announcemeut for Rcd tawa sud lic rccivcd by tbc Cross Swimming. The impor- Govemuor Gencral ai Canada, lance ai these hessous can't be Witb bbc summer weatber strcsscd bo slrongly No one- uaily making ils way here, cen jusaticamutai swirn an bis adulîs sud cbiidrcn alike took or ber own aud kuow exactiy great advanlage oi bbe beau- wbat la do et, every passible iful weckend, mauy dolug ernergency without bbc train- noting more than lyiug ing given by these instructors. Urge your cbiid ta take Ibese I..n lessons. The moncy you spend 'I' niay well mean keeping safe Frank Prlu O thebbcives of yo:m loved ns OIW ho Sid S of Don't say il can't happn, ia Dofigures kecp you in a tizy Are payrolls and incarne taxmetumus so bard on you Famous ra.itig Y that you couid scrcarn wben lrying ta figure out wbich end Newcastle-Tbe May Gen- ofithe book is up? You can erai Meeting ai bbe U.C.W. relax uow, as someane experi- wes bcld lu bbc Sunday Scboi cnced lu Ibis line of work is Room reccntiy. This meeting now making Ibis service avail- ad a Ceritennial Therne in able ta you. This week, Mmm. ceping wibb Canada'u 1001h Ruth Fosbay officiaily anuouuc- Birtbday aud bbe 1001h Anni- cd that she bas sbarled up a vesary af the isying ai bbe Centennial Bookkcepiug Ser- !oruerstone of bbc preseul vice. By teiepbouiug lber aI bier rewcastîe United Church borne phone number, added in- )uiiding. formation wlll be available ta Aiter s bni business par- you. ou, canducted by tbc Presi- Mms. R . Deunis sud hem lnt, Mrs. Wm. Rudeli, bbc brother sud bis wife, Mr. sud )rogram was under the leader- Mmm. Jim Taylor, Lindsay, visit- ip ai Mmm. Wm. Barchard, cd wibb bier an Sunday. Qîber eader ai Unit 3. Mms. S. relatives sud visitors were Mr. Darkem mead a story, "Where sud Mmm. Thompion Taylor, a >ove is, God is". Mmm. Barcb- cousin, tram Bowmanvilhe. rd introduced several byrns Our friendusuad neîgbboms 'rîtten by Canadiens. The lu Memorial Hospital Ibis week embers joincd lu inuiging arc, Edward Aldrcad, George 'ord ai bbc Lands", words Collins, John Davis, Clarence 'nitten by Albert Durraut Hale, Mrs. Louise Hodgson, Watson; "Crown Hirn with Frank Miller, Mms. Edua Selby iany Cmowns", by Mattbew sud Henry Teble. ridgemsud "The Spîcudor ai On Monday morning, Mr. he Rising Sun", writlen by Pcrcy Hame uuffemed injuries lev. Hamry A. Mellow, min- ta anc baud wbcn he caught ster ai Notbminster United il in their washing machine 'hurcb lu Oshawa. wringer. Several stilcbes werc Mrs. I. Coiwillinitroduced mequîrcd sud bbc band is bad- &r. Frank Pidgcan who show- ly swollcn. He wad given ,d siidcs made fram tbbcocl- emergeccy treatment et Mcm- ectiou ai farnous paintings anial Hospital. bich bang lu bbc bead office el n hi ki B8 vt cc N bt tii le Pl L ar w: w mj Bi Ith Rt ist ci ed le( wl of Confedemation Le, lu Toronto. These paintîngs, uscd on their caicudars, dcpict thc famous events in Canada's History bcginniug witb 1497 when John Cabot raised bbc first Briisb flag, St. George's Cross, lu Canada. The paint- ings show tbc touudlng ai many af Canada's cies, Montreal, Halifax, Kingston, Fart York, the Toronto Pur- chase, Ottawa sud Vancouver. Alua ubown were sucb bis- banical eveuts as bbe tirst canal on the St. Lawrence, bbc tirut printiug press in Canada, bbc bcginning ai Standard Time, Uic Atlantic Telegraph, bbc Charlottetown Conference lu 1864 sud bbc Landau Cou- ference lu 1867. The final paintings were composite pîctures ai al of Cauada's Prime Ministers sud ail of bbc Gavernors-Genersi. Mmm. Parker bbanked Mr. Pidgeon tor hi. efforts lu bringing these paintings ta Newcastle, and Mr. E. Whyle who hciped hlm. Mrs. Rudel added ber own thanks snd welcomed sevemal ladies ai St. George's W.A. who had Joined lu Uic meeting. Group thmee semved tee biscuits sud preserves lu keep- lng with thc Centenal Themne. During thc socIal boum, many admired two beeutifui Centenniel quits mnade by Mm Maris Gartahee la" M&a. 7la1 YELVERTON Atter wceks ai trantic pre- parabion and dire Ibreats, veiled sud otbcrwise, we at Malconia brealhe e vamî sigh of meli corne Thuruday even- ing. Keep out ai the bath- room, it's dlean, don't you dame toucb those guest towehs, don'b it bere, do't drap crumbs there, tae off your sboes, etc. ad iuiinitum, sud we have agein sumvivcd Uic ordeal of Uic annuel vîsit oi bbc Yelveiton U.C.W. without boa much ocam tissu. lu cvi- deuce. Mrs. Ruth Wilson, presi- dent, chaimcd Uic meeting. Mrs. Fred Stacey cauveucd Uic Devobional. Business con- slted la a large extent lu lest minute planning for the Garden Party this wcek. Folowing bbc business per- lad, bbc junior gels couducted bbc progrm. Mm.. Norman Wilson liatted 1000 lu dctect- lug al thc 10 articles enclos- cd lu a pair ai our sacks-unot counting bbc haies. Pocms were read by Misses Barbara' Wilson, Pamele Stinson sud Mitzi Malcolm. A fine lunch was semvcd by hostesa Mrm. Floyd Stinson and Mmm. Mur- ray Malcolmi. Church altendance of late ba been NverygatUyhng w#th U v unlgout eaJ <1/se )Veux"alsynd4e.#sdr mms brisesTilison, Editop Phono 987-4213 Suuday' as en mca! spedal ce- casions in Uic past. Miss Va- Uic sang service on Sunday wîth s fine solo, "Jeruslemn", mon, by Mr. =Marto tbbart.C hristia Residents look forward ta hearing another popular pas Christian Science lecturer, tor ai Uic past, Mt. Wm Norman B. Halmes, C.S.B., Fritz, et Janetvillc A-nniver: speakxng in, Oshawa on June mry a week from Sunday. 2, 1967, called for an end to 'Yelertn grls(puliemankmnd's obeissuce to luck Yelvcr an PoGir adpubIc sud chance. scho l ed wU1pt Grdeon- Thé challenge ta each o! us, High) trsgcdat h their con he said, is ta -prove "God's Stprarie etntypoolondivine purpose in aur ives",. Syaura evenin, innlWe are ta prove that, "Noth- scoring game. Nancy stiesin an appose thc ceaseless wes Yelverton's high scorer integrity aud expanding pur- witb three homers ta her poe a ur lives directed by' credit. God' law. God is supreme. No ares oi man's experience lAnyone who 's mising a can ever be aubside His con- lely black German shep- trou'. herd, camnpleté with collar, Thýe lecture was sponsomed cen posslbY recover same by 151 Church af Christ, Sci- irom aur neighbors the Floyd entist, and was presented in Stinsons. With three oi their McLaughlin Public Libramy own sud six or seven wild Auditorium. Mr. Holmes was anc. , roamling in adjacent intraduced ta the audience by swamp, an extra dag on the Mrs. D. M. Leiterman, Picker- premises 15 bordcring on the ing Beach. Titie of the lec- supertluous. Their uninvited turc was "God - Not Chance". guest is oo a hndsomne a pooch ta be converted ta univcrsity bas stepped up bis hobby af research. photography ta a part Urne Mr. snd Mrs. Ed Lawsan career, photograpbed the af- sud Bruce Lawson, Mr. sud temnoon highlights for variaus Mrs. Jack Wilson sud Ken farm magazines and local Wilson, Mr. and Mm.. Howsrd ncwspapers. Ken develaps bis Malcolm sud Candy, Mr. sud awn pictures and girls,-Ken Mrs. Harvey Malcolm sud bas bis own "dark room" brood witb Pamnela Stinson now, so drap lu ta bis work- ail attcnded the Eastern On- sbap and await "develop- tario Aberdeen Angus Asso- meuts". ciatian annuai p:cnic held zt Messrs. D o n ald O'Neill, Elgin Park, Uxbmidge. Stuart Ferguson, William Hus- Falaowing a deliciaus lunch kinson and Jack Magahey af af (rare) beef au the bun sud Lindsay Fire Dept. were wel- soggy salad, etc., those pre- corned by Janetville volunteer sent indulged in s weight- Fire Dept. ta provide some guessiug coutest (Angus heuf- initial trainiug ta recruits in er), a judging campetition pump aperation sud use ai and finals for a junior show- Scott air packs (meanwhile rnansbip cautest with the two fighting off hardes of mas- top contestants cligible ta quitocs). Thase present, in- campete in a further campe- cluding several tram this tition leter in Kentucky, cammuuity, appreciated the U.S.A. Congratula t i ons ta boys comning out ta give us Howard Malcolm wbo won the benefit of their valuable tbe judgiug competition hon- experience lu the art ai tirei ours with the anly perfect tigbting sud use ai equipmenb placiug. Mr. Ken Wilson, wbo ta bcstadvsntage. The recognition ai ibis la he maid. "When we rcmpand 4-m+ Peaks on >cien ce 9«W.e afteu bear such ex- ,pressions as, 'How's your luck eholding out?' or 'I've had noth- lng but ed luck lately,' or 've be pretty lucky this week'," the lecturer comment- cd. 3"Millions af people, un- acquainted with the divine lsw which underlies ail ex- îistence, believe that individuel, lite purposes and experlences are subject ta chance" This belief in chance cames ini many disguises, h. noted. The "law af avemeges" ilaep- plied ta everybhing fram lhem- edity ta happlness. He quated a dictionary dei- initian *o! chaos as ls state a! thiugs in wbich chance la su- preme," sud wemned that "«the power af God's divine action rmrains hidden if we have mare taith in chance than in Gad." He ass quated two chah-ý fleuging queutions fram the Christian Science textbook: "Are matemiai means tbc ouly srefuge tram fatal chances? Is 1there no divine permission ta 5couquer discord ai every kiud 1with harmony, with Truth sud Lave?" (Science sud Health wih Key ta tbc Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 394). Most oai*tbc world's belief in chance or luck resuits tram tbc lack ai a deep undcrstand- fing. the lecturer indicatcd. "In order ta sec the opera- rtion af God's lsw as invariable in aur experience, we must thoraughly understand the fnature ai His law". He described Gad's law as -"wholiy good, wholly spiritual, -wbolly invariable," sud said: 9"The etemnal presence ai God as Lave is an impartial sud 9unvarying law ta each anc ai us, wbich disputes sud eventu- ally eliminates every discord- suat dlaim". the tiret step in bringiag aur lives under control, Mr. Holmes sdded. "It bringu out in aur lUves spiritual qualIties such as tendernesa, strength, sand constant love" - with the ire. quent- result that there is a basic improvemeut iu physlcsal health. The lecturer related an actual ame of a man who had been suitering from a severe internal condition. It wuam verse from the Bible that be- gan the hesling: '«If I take the wlngs of the mnoruing, and dwell ln the uttermost Parts Of the ses even there shall thY hand lead me, and thy right hend shall hold me", (Pi. 139). The wards "lstood out to hlm in bold relief .. . There burst upon hie thought thc conviction that he was de- pendent not upon chance bod- iy conditions good or bad, but upon God alone. For the first time he reaiized that hi' lite, hie substance, hi, bodily Ident- ity, were not dependent upon motter, but were hcld safe in the hand of God. "«Ail plaguing ense of heing a vlctim of bad luck vanished. Ail resentment towards the sutierlng he wBs experiencing disappeared. He recoguxzed that hie lie and progress were not subi ect ta chance... that his identlty was spiritual . . that hie purpose lu lite was divine aud forever un- folding under God's iaw". It was then that the basic healing took place, reisted Mr. Hoimes, and "wlthlu s few weeks' time, ail symptoms Of disease and suifering vanish- cd'. sud neyer returned' Mr. Holmes explined the heaiing in these terme: "iDivine Inspiration, laid hold af In prayer, causes us to drp llmited conclusions about aur- selves and others", and t~o ac- cept the divine facts af God's "invariable power sud good- ness". This la the Christ at wark In human consciousncss, M .Sie A& PCofe - BOKAR (OFFEE 1 IL BAC 3LaEDAO 79c 21 BAVE 4a SAVE 32% 8 O'FCLOC OFFE 1 I AO 3 Le. RAO 65c 11.89 BAVE 1%. BAVE£fne A&P TOMATOIS 32s.-zî49, Ann Page Roc. Pries bt! 81.-BAVE M. CHILI SAUCE n.aoz I25c Fmifline Napkin. PEATURE PkIONS. M ODESS REGULARt or CAMEE E pks of m 9 Clark'@ FEIATURE PRIONS 4 Frs Poe P EACH E'S MOUE PRiORD HINR4AT 'A4P IM46 JANX PARKER CHERRY PIE FIJL 8-INCHA 24OZ SIZE 79c 4 1 M- Oe-Fr-s Jn- Pore r Sue-Ri / Quo e eos CHICKEN LEGS (UTS. FRESH BREAtSIS WHOLE OR HALF WNOLE OR HALF CANADA GRADE A, EVISCERATED "IRESH KILUD',i 4 TO à LIS, OMMLETSMVID ROASTING (CHI(KENS 1451 CANADA GRAD£e A EVISCERATE, 4 TO 5 UL DUCKSOVIN vAC PA&c DUCKSRADY FROZIN L859C SUPER-RGHT SRAN, VAC PAC HALVES ' SEMI-BON!LESS SMOKED HAMS 1&89c p r 'A. r' -' chance fo u ie t in Go4's hcallugredemptive power shaping our liVes govrnngthem lu perfect BETEÀNY Conratlatonsta Robert Plcrcey who graduatcd laqt wcek fromn Toronto Uulver- slty wlth Uic degre. of Bsche elro ApidScience bi Mealrgca -Engineering. He- la now employed with Th Consolldated Minlug Co. ÎaMP- Sheridan Park. Hm parents Rev. William Piercey sud Mn. Plercey sttendcd the graduation ceremnies. Mr. sud Mrm. Addison Sffot spent Uic weckend wlih Mr. sud Mrn. Gardon Chase at Fevermham. Mr. sud Mrs. William Ruse= sell, Peterborough, have beca guests with Mrs. Ing Palmner. Former studentsand teache ers irom this ares who ae tended the Peterbarough Tes. chers College 25-year reuniou lest weekend accampauled by their huabands were Mr. sud Mrs. Wesley McMahon, Me.,- snd Mrs. Clihtord Felai, MOM" sud Mrs. Ernest Jewefl.Prince Albert, Mr. sud Mrs. Gerald Mulligan, Toronto. The me- union dinner was hel& at the Empress Hotel. i. ITeCaadian Statesman, Eowumufle, :tie 7, 196Uf WHATI EVERY ...... .......N EW BRIDE SHOULD KNOWI Let's *soi His shirts. . . starch or no starch? Hie @gui . . ounnytide up ct over ightly? His coffee. .* . a bit en the. strong aide? Hia steak . .. medium-rare o r rre-rare? Hie favourit. pie . . . appi. or cherry? Knowinc these thingi is important. Knowing this uisimiportant, *001 A&P lu a store you can trust. Brides have beeon doinq ik for over 40 years W. think t'a important fer brides, new or old, te find a store they en trust, te know thet everything they buy is totally quarenteed. Thot& A&P Policy. No matter wlvo mokas ?t, if A&P soufs 1*, A&P guarantées ît. Fe this a geod ron fer shopping A&P? ets enie of many. You are coriayvited to attend a Decept w n to honour Mr. H. S. Britton ln the Newcastle Community Hall Wednesday, June 28th, 1967 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Contribution& may be recelved up to June 21s1 at: Goodes Hardware, Toms Ladies' Wear, Paullne's Speclalt7 Shoppe, Johusons »rut Store, Qulnneym Barber Shop - Newcastle; Melville Jones, Newtonvllle. CAROLNA YEI.LOW FLESIf MWET AD JUCY NO. 1 GRADE IL19 JANE PARKER LARGE MIE ANGEL CAKE EACH 3t FR&PRICE M. AC--AVI me WHITEIBRUAD 24-OZ LOAVES6 5 RE( PRC£LOAP 81.-BAVE 7. m B St.. 1twu.te AM POBNTHM AD QUARtANiI "#IOU SATMUAY, m01%'U, lm*, 1 . .......... ChoîO6 otmrity FILA-rupil You are cordially ý imomm»-

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