àThe %Çaudian Statemman; IowinenvMe, June ', 196? >iné -Flo ral. Displays o View ai Orono Spring Show -'An excellent floral displaY, ored us again with a Scottisti M . sK.Truna pitei- of the cool sprlng number and an Irish one. Their MDining taCe arrangement egreeted those attend- music was very much enjoyed IMs. E . Schmid, Mrs. K. Sch- MgteOrono Horticultural and we hope to hear them oenmaker, Mn. K. Tregunna. Flower Show on May again soon. "Reflection of Spring"l - Mrs. ithe Main Hall of the Following the singing of the O. K. Scoeeniaker. ted Church. A wek4ome was Queen, prizes of rose -'bushes,- "Sping Mornin" - Mrs. E. Rtended to those present, es- gladiolus bulbs and box plants Challilce, Mrs. E. Schmid, Mrs. u-allymiembers f the Senior were distributed te the win- O. Chalikce, Mrs. K. Schoen- * Ashort business period was ers.makr o ms onsi Mnducted by the President, Mr'. 3 Red TulIps - Mrs. C. Bl- Wth e o r f E.ost Pit.h eýChallice, while the judge lings, Mr'. O. W. RolpMs We wish to thank ail those Mn. Jesse VanNest of Bow- Wes Wood. who exhibited, especially the. âanvilIe, undertook the task of 3 Yellow Tulips - Mr'. E. several new exhibitors and deiding the winners in the Couvier, Mrs. C. Billings, Mrs. hope they have been encour- 1,rious classes. E. Couvier. aged to enter again. A speçial *Inuts E. Couvier read the 3 Daffodils - Mrs. S. D. thank you tea tote donors 1WnÎý i th asece f heHolmes, M.S*D Holmes, Ms ftepie which were great- à0 etary, Mr. J. Caldwell, who M. Tamblyn. ly appreciated. aS'sked to be relieved of African Violet - Mr.t F. Vagg, The servmng ot sandwiches, mis, duty. Mrs. Couvier con- Mrs. F. Vagg, Mrs. G. Atkins. cookies and tea ended another bnted to f111 this vacancy fer Collection of house plants - enjoyable evening. te remainder of the year. Mrs. C. Gamcy, Mrs. W. Wood, -Times olunteers were requested for le planting of the Horticuil- bral beds and the Clarke 'Iownship dentennial bed at EN N S IL E Qurvply. Delegates ta the H-or- The U.C.W. met at the home marning, R e v. Dougherty fltural Convention at the of Mrs. E. Trewin an. May chose lier subject tram the In, 22 and 23 arelMph.o.nChl- lo1th at 8 p.mn., with 16 adults Baok of Acts and dcscnibed Mrs2.aE. CouieMr. and Mrl.and two ehildren present. the conversion of three men, e, rs.E.Couieran Mr-.Mrs. L. Stainton read a poem (1) the Black man who was il hapredfor Tu say. Jne "0f Impediments'l and thank- the Ethopian eunrich and arteand anone hstii anting tad Mrs. Trewjn for opening treasurer of Queen Candace, 49 nd nyne stllwaningtoher home ta the ladies. Mrs. (2) Saul, the Jewish theolo- should contact the President S abwsi hreo h in 3 onis the Gen- Ir once. It should be an 'en- Lm asi hreoftega,(3 onlu Jéyable outing.en devotional. Hymn 500 was tile foreigner and military LAt the conclusion of the busi- sung. Mrs. F. Beckett read man. The finance minister of 4çssMr. Challice called on Mrs. Psalm 23. Mrs. Lamb based Qucen Candace of Ethiopia Jbhn Killeen and her 7-year- her devotional on the scrjp- came ta worship at Jcrusalem. &fd daughter Roscmary of, ture, hymn 494 was sung, and Either by design or accident, Ilp ,anville ta entertain. Theý, she closed wîth prayer. Philip was there and convert- ejaaed two piano due ts - a! Unit 3 was in chage of the cd i ad bathe di. Tou xedey af Nursery Rhyrnes1program: Mrs. F. Toms gavePiipldth funaon f and "ýDo-Ra-Mi", from "cThe a reading. Mrs. F. Draper mission work in the heart of Soind of Music." Mr. and Ms vei'y capably continued withl Africa which continues in Il. Chapman showed slds fthe study book, "The Church slow process, also initiated Iléal interest and other scenes*. Grows in CanadqL". She told the ceremony of baptism. The Mgrs. illen and Rosemary fav- us the part played by the dif- Junior choir was directed by ferent; denominations in the Mrs. Chambers in their musi- development ofth Weer cal number which was a'folk R eceives provincés. * heW stensng arrangement of the 23rd Rec ive Rol cil asanswered with Pam An innovation in the clohin fo th bae. inuesmorning service was a child- clating the ale Mintesren's story by ourin inister LJegiree of last meeting- were« read andabu hipwowste5h auipraved. It was moved that abotlip hd was the sthia wc give $50.00 ta Parsonage convenor. Board. Some correspondence Please plan ta attend the was read and discussed. Meet- seilCnda udysr * :n clsedwit pryerandvice on June 25th at 9:45 a.m. Uic nît n cargeservd a Junior choir practice at 10 dainty lunch. a.m. Saturday.. More members Mi'. and Mrs. Joe Lake, Mr. are welcome ta join this new ad Mrs. Wallace Griffin, Junior chair. Sr. choir prac- Heather and Dale, were week- tice on Thursday at 8:30 p.m. - ,.end guests of Mr. and Mrs. The delightful month cf '~Archie Llewellyn, London. June is the traditionai manth -' Mi'. and Mrs. Don Wearn for weddings just as it was and family, Dundas, were thirty years ago when Miss , weekend guests at Mr. and Maudie Ashton (a former En- SMrs. A. L. Wearn's. niskillen gil became the S Mr. and Mrs. Russell Steele, bride of Mr. Ira G. Traveil, Prple Hill, were last Thurs- Oshawa, ini a wedding cere- day visitors with Mrs. F. monya the home of the SToms. bdes parents. The thirtieth .h Misses Danna, Darla and anniversary of this event was Gail amb ttended thec 6th celebmated at the home of Mi'. .'~..brthday of Miss Kelly. Hic- and Mrs. Traveil in Oshawa. key, Bowmnanville.. The immediate famlly mem- Mm. Jim Billett, Scarbor- bers and a few intimate tr.i- ough, was Saturday caller at ends of the Traveils gathered Mr. and Mn'. Roy McGill's. for a dinner party and enjoy- Plcased ta report Mi'. Clar- cd a social tinie. The families ence Stainton is home from of their daughter Beth and hospital and Is improving son Bruce presented their zùicely. parents with a pair af table Mi'. Allan Brooks, Oshawa, lamps I French Provincial Mr. and Mrs. S. Lamhb, Mi'. design. Thirty rcd and white and Mrs. Grant Werry have carnations, a set of crystal Fred K. Graham been callers at the C. Stainten with gold deposit decoration, Zeceived Uic Bachelor of Music home. and a vase and artificial degree at a convocation of the Mr. Herman Haass, Ronny flower arrangement w e r c University of Toronto on May and Nancy, Bowmanville, Mr'. other gift receivcd.. The nia- 29th. He will be awardcd the and Mrs. Roy McGill, Master ther of the bride of thirty W. E. Fairclough schxolarshiip IRoss Leadbeater wcre Sunday yeai's, who enjoys a fair mca- this Manth, which will assist tea gucsts at K. McGill's. sure et hcalth, was able ta hlm ta study in Europe ncxt Mm. and Mms. Mur'ray Ax- attend the party, and the year. ford, Oshawa were Sunday gi'oom's father, who is a pa- Son of Mr.- an-d Mrs. A. W. dinner guests at Mi'. and Mrs. tient in Hillsdale Manor Nurs- Grahami, Newcastle, Fred be- E. Wright's. ing Home, conveycd his mes- gan his musical studies with Mi. and Mrs.- A. Sharp sage of good wishes by tele- Mrs. M. H. Staples, Orono, and were Wednesday e v en ing phone. 'Continucd with R. G. Green in guests af Mi'. and Mrs. John Unit anc (cast goup) of Çshawa. It was during tuis Griffin, Oshawa.th UCW.aepniga seriod: that Fred became as- Mi'. and Mrs. Earl Masters, special program for Tucsday, uitant organist at Simcoe St. Cindy and Trent, Bowman- June 3th, at 8 p.m., et the United Chumch. In 1963, hie ville, spent Sunday evening church when Mr. and Mrs. commenced Education studies with Mr'. and Mns. R . Virtue Everett Hoar of Bowmanville t the Faculty of Music, study- and girls. will give a talk and show hg organ with Dr. Charles Mi'. and Mrs. E. Wright colorcd slides of their eastern Peaker. In 1963 and 1965, he and Betty spent Sunday ev- Mediterranean tour of Uic was awar dcd Pravincial Med- enîng with Mi'. and Mrs. J. Holy Land and Egypt. Every- pis and in 1966 the Dominion Muller, Oshawa. anc is wclcomc ta attend tis Ïold Medal for highest Asso- Mr'. and Mrs. Adam Sharp interesting view of the area cfteship Standing, .in . Royal visited Mr. and Mrs. B . Wan- sa much in the news. Çnervatoi'y..Organ examina- namaker, Seagrave, on Sun- Mi'. and Mrs. Joe Brown (if tns. He also studied on day. Newcastle w er e Thursday iolarshlp for anc termi with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick callers at Mi'. and Mrs. George the Roy4l School of' Chirch a t t e n d e d the Centennial Irwin's. U(usic, London, England, ini Church Service at Nwn- Rodncy Irwin was a Sun- 66redepct elev o ville on Sunday. day visitai' of his cousins, rany in September. In em sermon on Sunday Bob and Frank Scott, Kedron. SUM,ýME-R e.IC 'CLASS ES YOUNG PEOPLE, PREPARE NOW FOR FUTURE EMPLOYMENT FOR FUTURE ADV'ANCED LEARNING .-FOR SPECIJZED BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE FOR SPECIALIZED BUSINESS SKILLS YOU CAN DO ALL 0F THESE TRINGS THIS SUMMER AT TE Oàhaw4l.Buosinless College SUMMER TRAINING FOR BUSINESS,. *Going t. University?, I>aru Shorthand end: T»mg. (C.iug te Work? Take on.e o the coe. l' Cwar Cormus available., "T YOUR COPY 0F "SUMMER SCHOOI. MAKES SUMMER SIENSE-*# Thon Act. £b» #uoR.$On. Pdake Your Sumner Cotant Séu«* asemm »asymogur juirend s. or..., OAWA »Lu ~7z5.07 OBITUÀRY MRS. B. S. TAYLOR The death of Mrs. H. S. Taylor, 71, occurred at Me- marial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Saturday, May 27, 1967. Seriously ill for five months, Mrs. Taylor had suffered from asthma for 25 yea.rs. Dailghter of the late Alfred and Anne Eliza Huggins, the former Lillie Maude Huggins was born at Pickering, Ont., and attended school ini Dar- lington Township. 'On Octo- be 27, 1915, she married Mi'. .Howard. S. Taylor who survives. A hausewife, the deceased lived the whole of her married life at Courtice. She was an adherent of Cour.- tice United Church. Surviving, besides her hus- band , are six children, Theda (Mrs. A. Bedwin> of New- castle, Dora of Courtice, Stan- ley of* Oshawa,. Alvin at home, 'Ahce '(Mrs. S. Hoy) of Courtice and Donald of Betb- any. A siater, Mrs. - Susan Welsh. Suncet Lodge, Bow- manvilie, also survives. The funeral service was held from 4h. Morrsis uneral Ch8ap e 1, Bowmnanviile, on Ti4esday, Mzy 3,0, andý was cotiducted b ev.Dermot Arscott. Interment was In Ebenezer Cemetery, Courtice. Paflbearers were Mesar. William Wade, Robert John. WâoýJack Gay, Niorman Short. Short anmd Wilfred à%,THHOME 0F THE 'BRANDLI0 3 j, ~ ,~'aj, "Cat uoIdwI"BTHTW L iregt Qualit .99yAC "C. . acwell" BAH TW Thick ' fluffy toweli ta pomper yourself in the bath. In solid high-fashion colors, detqiled with dlobby borders. Measure 24" x 48". ",caIdweII" IIAND TOWELS Substendards of Luxury Quaility Rcg. 1.49 te 2.49 ath W jr ACII -Slight defects will not affect their eppearance or wearing qualities. Choose from a delightful selection of designs end colors. Assorted sizes. More "Caldwell" HAND TOWEL DESIÇNS SubstandardsS Reg. 59?0mach 3 FOR 79 Conservative solids, bold stripes and blooming floral designs. Assorted colors and sizes. "Caldwell" KITCHEN TERRY TOWELS Substandards FO 99 Reg. 89e ech 2 FR 7 Slight defects will hardly be noticcd. Thick Wn thirsty ta speed dish drying. Ktchen-brightening selection of designs and colors. L LI END-OF-SEASON. FABRICI CLEARANCE! Patterns and Colotirs Limited Savings Up Tô 410 A Yard 88& YARD 5"taffeta ining, plain poplin by "Playmate" and discontinued "Dan River" caftn patterns. Savings Up Ta 41e A Yard 98& YARD Arnel® blends, twill checks, woven sun checks and plain ferry cloth. Saivinlis Up Ta 50É A Yard 1.48 YARD . "Open Air" hopsac, "Happy'hopsac prints, printed surahs, "Tiffany" plain voile and Centennial® cottori plaid. Savingt Up Ta 210* A Yard 1.58 YARD "Hoya" co-ordinates, Arnel® seer- sucker and "Sassy" canvas print s. Savings Up To 30e A Yard 1.68 YARD Printed "Sunkist" acetate, "Lovely Lady" voile, "C Breeze" sailor cloth, "Magic" printed crepes and "Shan- non" linen. Savings Up To 37 A Yard 1.88 YARD "Puppy Bark" co-ordinates, "Corral" Arnel® denim, "Sunweave" co-ordi- nates, novelty tweed hopsac, nubby ratiné, "Surfside" Fortrel® blend, "Beachcomber" and heather hop. sacs and homespun by "Cohama". Saivinga Up To 51? A Yard 1.98 YARD "Silkara" shantung, pririted "Shan.. dora ", printed 'Country Cousins", "Chiltren" heather shantung and "Dobby" textured linen. PRE-SHRUNK BROADCLOTH Savines Up ToaSIll A Yard 48i YARD Finest quality Canadian-made. ln spanking white and summer pastels. "Comtex" BATH TOWELS Substandards Reg. 1.49 te 1.98 ch SU t AClI Face Cloths: Reg. 390 cach 4FOR 69K Slight defects won't mar their appear. once. Add clash ta your bath with solids, prints, striped and Jacquard Wabasso 'TFAMILY" SHEETS AIND PILLOW CASES IIANDE-MROIDERED PULLOW CASES values up t. 398 a Pair Embellished w PAIctwRkRichly embroi. dered in blue on white caftan. Gift'boxed. - HAND-EMBROIDERED Rg795 SHEET SET Set consisfs:of double bed sEhTt designed in three panels, joined with spake stitched hem, and matching pillow cases., Multi- calor app.liqué embroidered. White cottan. QUITEDMATTRESS PADS Reg. 5.98 mach 4.07 iAcH Double Sud Six.: Reg. 6.98 mach '4.97iAcH Sturdy white cotton thickly padded w th pure white cotton filling. Strongly stitched, rip-resisîant, with elostic corners. TEX-MA DE ®' FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Reg. 4.99'pair 4.19 PAIR Softest cotton flanneleute with whipped ends. Assorted colored borders. 70" x 90". "%ENDRESS" BLEND BLANKETS 3.99 EC Choose fram a wide assortment cf sub- standard qualities. Machine washable and dryable. FIRST QUALITY BLEND BLANKETS Reg. 6.98 mach 5.88 RACiE CELACLOUD ®-FILLED R.. COMFORTERS TwnBdSix.: Re.8.98 mach 5.997 IACH Double B d Six"z . 4 9 7 j i Reg. 9.98 oach I '7 AC Sa downy-softl Quilted and printed with floral crepe on ane sida t hat reverses ta plain crepe on the other. Pink, blue, yellow. LAMINATED VINYL TABLE CLOTHS Reg. 2.98 ach 1.88 [ACH Wide assartment of designs and calors. 52" x 70". JACQUARD BEACH TOWELS Reg. 3.98 mach 2.57 miAC Colorful designs over rust or turquoise grounds. Generous 30" x 60". ZIPPERED PILLOW PROTECTORS Reg. 79e ech 2FoR 97É Hygienic protection for yout- pîllows. ln satïny-smaoth percale. White. Substandard Quallfy 63"x 100", 2.49 iACH 72" x10Ob" 279 EAcH 81x1001, 2,89 [ACHI Fittcd Double Bad Six. 2.89 EAco wu tenumnerous lovelyi glotrl'tnoies-evidence ofthei *e it i a whcàhe .decemed4 MWS belit VOte thoce t=m Cotrtice UIted Cbure, rFit- tls LUI, Local 1817 Steel Wokru eSm MtraW SCIEEN-PRRiTED suA-N TOWELS bo. 2.49 e"d 1.67 'Acu ieasftom two lcding mi mwwuf«ctro.rs. ilt defect 1m~ barb notlccd. linfl**ycSt-. -WId. mmartmcnt of fun-in-the. PEnn mid clore.30* x 60". $ATHIMT suTs Ovok-hapcd absorbent cotton bath mot is thkckly frlngcd. Backcd with skid-resistant rubber latex. Amasures 24« x 36". Mcatchng Bid cover. Color- foit. Pink, yellow, blu., moss green, bronze. Defects are se slight they won't affect the appearence or wearing qualities of.these famous-make bcd linons. In sparkling white, smooth caftan. Plain hem$. Maitchlng Pillow Cases 42" x 33" 1.29 PiRi RAYON DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS W "x 70" Ieg. 3.98«caài2A7 iACN au. 1.4I 7 RACEf A beautlful setuing for your fine china, arystaJ cmd ailver. Chos. - ..oublae bmca&u. tlijl b*.1o Fittcéd Double WedSize: Reg. Log9csh 4.47 KAcI Matching PifIew Cameés: Reg. 2.19 pafr 1.97 PIRi ln crisp white caftan, sprinklod wifli bouquetafter bouquetof flwers. DISH CLOTHS Rcg. 290 ch 4 FOR 8 8É Finely woven cottan in a pastel check de.' uign. y "Lad Gai 16VEIN ON A StOPIO 8 Ov Ummi O "LADY GALI"rO, IBEIoISPRMDS Uf Pirme Qudllfy iWould b 1O.ge ca 7.99 RACm Two 'fallored designs for towa o country bcdrooms. "Compus" md "Driftwaod",. sllght su4stor4d, CHROMESPIJN REDSPREADOS Itcu. 10.98 tcd 9.27 RC Geily printed quiltcd tops with al ruffied flounoe in solid complemen. tory colors. Whitc/bluc, white/gold, J ftaa'É.. .~aK~Em. A!IÂ~. I~a~a-. ~ - ~tULJ~ a>:c.%a~ s - -- -- ww~w. DIJWIVIANVI LL~ ~~aaaaa A ~I. ~ K Bl cs-I b 19'. TEX-MADE® FLORAL PATTERNED 72"x 100": Rcg. 4.69och Fittex 100": Rcg. 5.0 g.94.9 och 4.07 uAcE 4.47 RACE LINEN TEA TOWELS Apprw3imot.l 88e 2 Woven stripes in assorted colo=. Approxmatel 2 8"8f2" Amotdwoven stripes. 22" x 32'ý-: ecg. 890 mach 57i Five screen-printed designi. ef ou il . Reg. 390 «ch Rop. 590 aoch e - « ' - --Ii