Crip pied Children Ail Set for Camping As the end of another school suport of the annual East Yrear approaches, many of On- Sel1apig odce -tajlds youngsters are already your loa1mtrSa o ~ICtedy nakîng plans te clubs. S'UUpzmer camp~. Tii. criPPled children's cav fY eerywere es-serving your area is B13 lndf~ camping, and tii. crip- Mountain Camp on the shor pied child i. no exception to of Georgian Bay, just wcst this attraction. Collingwood. By mid-June, the Ontario Camp Director for the seai Society for Crlppled Cbildren's willb. Miss Carol Donas annual sumrnnaping prog- Reg N., of Stratterd, Ontai rrm willi again get underway. A A1duate of Toronto Westei - This seasonal prograur has Hospital, Miss Donald was coftinued without interruption staff member ait the Ontar sitice 1937, ai whlcb Urne the Crippled Children'. Centre~ Society acquired Ia lfirai camp: Toronto for a nuniber of yea M&ue Mountain Camp, near and also a former Lakewc Côlligwood. Camp director. She left tI ?Today, 30 years later, the Centre lait year to siudy Society owns and operates ive the University of Western 01 cetmps specially designed to tarie for her Public Heall provide more than 1200 crlp- diploma. Pbed children with a happy IJnder ber direction, an ae and healthful two or three Ivecand extensive program w wf-ek vacation. This part of the be conducted with the helpt Society's prograin for crippled experienced staff counsellk cilîdren is just another ex- recruited from varnus colleg( aniiple et the faciities and and universities across th services made possible by your province. 'The Starkville ladies belg their Centennial Penny Sali on Saturday evening, May 21 at Newtonville Hall witl ina ny in attendance. Belov la ia list of winners: Balls, MnE Peirc. Farrow, Mrs. Rypstra Mirs. Llew HalIowell, Mrs Jolhn Stark; quit, Doroth] Rïd; bedspread, Helen Ellioti baïbecue tools, Mrs. Jolii Raczorowski; picture, Joyci Gilbank; clothespin apron Mr4s. Bailey; Doli, Diane Wy. *beiga; pillows, Mrs. Ros. Tod.d, Linda Thompson; $2.00] Anne Todd; girl's dresses, Mrs Johin Stark, Mrs. Clifford Forik, Beverley Caswell, Don. na Hale; blouse, Carole Gra. hani.; casserole, Marilyn Tnlm: bun basket, John Stark; acreens, Norma Hallowell, Mrs, John Stark; cookie tin, I<rs, Llewv Hallowell; handbag, Chaînagne Logan; salad bowl, Mrs. Brenton Farrow, Allan Fosiier; sait and pepper shak- ers, Marilyn Dean, Ann Toid Mrs. Gord Trini and Mrs. John Star.k; slacks, Mrs. Forrestèn, ]Refieved In Minutes \ExOlluuive Healiug Sulbmumm ,Rfle"a Pan AsIt Ifyoui want satisfactory relief rois ¶Itdaing Ples'-hoees <cd newm. A rrownd rmuarch 1aWoet«y hma ifound ia inque heang substac y' *it poumptly rellem sthe. huming itch mid,<P * -..aètuaharinis hemmb". ds bstanc bus tive ge -kiling Iprop.eMtien aI.. belp preYe ,.»8rC"iý » u fl.d, evem ;bAing Oum dof lomgâ.dune d 4îmà imgoVembe& asm âeaimd *w a Üedod et 'noni l 1 îî . eezaS amplimbed by a imw -6» w Bmo-D7me in loeedini * *t a Md.fug i mrc A7 er dhiofey es m* 1 Id fly swaiter, Charlotte Ha' .e comforter, Mis. Don Stapleto. 71 cupa and saucers, Wallac 1 Couch , Linda Qlin, Susa w Stark, Mis. Turner, Susa s. Tbompson, Miss N. Hallowc; a, Shower cap, Mis. Jac a. Ogdcn; carda, Anme Todd, Mr ,y Scott, Donna Hale;, nollir t; pin, ICarole Graham; booký n Mia. Jim Stark, Allan Farci :e Pcggy Foster, Mis. John Stari 1, Leslie Caswell; quilî patchei 1- Mrs. Clifford Fouik; lîne ;s doiley, Mis. Llew Hallowcl ,Mia. Jakeman, Mrs. L. TodÈ knic-nmc, Mis. Wallace Bougl d en; magazine rack, Mni 1- Mcadows; plamier, S us a -Stark; plants, Mis. Alec Par Ldoff, Linda Cli, Dian Wybemga; toys, Barbara Don melly, Launie Farrow, iren Mercer, Mia. Hypsina, Mai: 1Pandoff, David Morrow; choc 1, late bar, Mis. Jim Stark Iciild's purse muid umbiella -Launie Farrow; place matç Mis. Claxton, Mis. Roy Far r nw; teal towels, Diane Wyben ga, Mis. Rypsina, Shirley. Mar « Towels, 'Isobel Allen, Jin Stark, Mis. Rypstru, Rut] Cswell, Donna Bannes, Shir ley Martcîl, Mis. John Stark< Jey Brown, Misa Beulmh Ral, lowell, Sharlene Hall, Mrs; dog ornmmeft, Mnu Bren'ton Farrow; blanket aui pet holders, Angle DeLuca plaques, Mrs. Rosa Todd bicycle rack, Mis. John Stark ironing board doyen, Mrs Clinlen Brown; 5lbs. et cicese, Diaui- Wybenga; lace table- cloth, Mrs. Joe Bothwell; ange] foodttin, Mis. Jim Stark; cor hoidera, Donna Baînes; glass pltBrenda Caswell; clothes brus, Helen Logan; aprons, Mis. Mary Skeldimg, Miss Norma Halioweli, Mis. For. rester, Peggy Poster, A. Quin. ney, Mis. Haey Farrow; pla- tic ýbowls, Mia. Meadows; plastie doiley, Mis. Paeden; tablecloth, Mrs. R. Smvcry; mcasuring s p 0 c n s, Mrs. O'Neil, crcam muid sugan sets, Miss BoulaiH alioweil, Mis. Jin Stark. Dustpan, Mn.. Jim Stark, Lillian Johnison, Annie De- Luca; beada, Peggy Foster; candy, Shelley Funrow, Diane WYbenga; lbiter icilder, Mis. 22 ElI VISION ST. 80 WMAN VILLE Souch; Re: ol, Mrs I C.. H.I St i' Ip laces. Mrs. Meilow was prie- The Canadiai Statesman, Bowmanv le, junea,111 7 ac e mdg, Ms. C sifl v a r ui nh eodunwth severai plecof -u Souc; lce dgin, U . C- Se tin W a St Pau's nit d Ch rchcrytaland evcryone enjeyed FoikMia. Roy Farrow, keyspedd ve gofo- chain, DavidMorow; piilow- ascng Afternoon WA Branch cases, Mrs. Llew Hailowell, Mr. Collins cf Toronto who Mns. Batten, Mns. Jin Stark; purchased our achool has put bath brush set, Mn. E. Rob- a new feuice around bis prop. 0 f A nglican C hurch icir inson; juice pitcher and et.H a ral upi3 by crystal party set, Mms Bren- ed te find the windows un- 'ice nan; vase, Ms. lRoy Farrow; boarded and ne panes broken. H ., , îare jieDonna Hale; glasses, Hrsre Menabers rpMs. Mar Skalding, Mrs. h ais tat cheuloughteno A meut dlihtu gathering The President, Mns. A, Par. ilinupt PrenziBevthatythewemen eofthe Afternoon Brancb ef sons pinned a beautiful blue res plate, Joycc Glbank; candy te his omnt dtructiveen-the Women's Auxiliary cf Uice dlh nf dish, Carole Graham, Mrs. ate taînfomof adestructingeenglcnCuc a ed~ andwhite corsage on each et Auch; pot holders, Peggy Fost- ko htte olntlk Rectory. Mn .K.J. the honoured guests, and pro- on en; tray, Shirley Coppiti; bowlthneaioaiom ifhy Frampton welcomedai i.endech itaamlgit ild, of plastic fruit, Mrs. Sain dd ladies te hier home, on ts with a few wonds of appreia le. Beyko; ornements, DebbieMn. and Mrs. John Catton their last occasion te ail cernetin MsFrotnadd ern Trim; popsicle maker, Shar- teddte mnyCne-tegethen as W.A. (by Falber congratulations and hen a lene Hall. " inj rn apdMci hywalail b. under the ban. happiness in having this happ ri ~. gn c n nen et the Anglican Cburch occasion in bier homne, and ars ecet gestsof rs.T. Woman). Tbe members of sie God's nichest blesuîng Z G ad at Tylr Rd-the Evening Branch et the on hm )e anTyo ee r BetRd ..wr ss along with A special visiter for this the omnHgsnMyteSa the thnee guests ef honour. historic meeting was a tas aitien; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tay- 'The three membens et long memben ef the Aftennoon Ith Ion and famiiy, Janetvile standing, whom the branch Branch, Mns. W. Vancoe, who Lth ~~~~~~~~M. and Mrs. Neil S i1ih desined te honour ai ibis t'jenweie nTrno sit and family, Columbu;M n ene: Mns. Fred F. Wl, ,iii s. Frampton te serve a .et- bu; .an Mrs. John A. Living and Mrs, mout delicieus lunch were iiiand Mrs. Stan Woiten and Roland M. Cale, for uder Mns. A. Walker, Mns. R.Wet cf len, Ohaw, vsiid Ms. any yeans oet faitul senvice lake and Mrs. H. Pollock, R.Grsfn te the W.A. wiih amal l okens wiih Mns. Chas. Bettles presid es of nemembnance 'of the esteem ing ai the tea table; afttr he in which they and iheir gen- which farewells wene said mand fl u eenesity and works were held. ail dispensed for the summer, DIcK toK it beiag since thc beginning each te punsue hier own par- of W.A. in this parish for ticular path of "refreshment" W I Re o t one ofthose honeuned. before retunning in Uicfll ýn There was a splendid ai- HYO te ~tendance ai the Women's Imati- AD O an tute meeting in the Township Practice ai 10 o'clock, and Dale and Neil, and Mis. Cowl- an Hall, Wednesday evening, May church service ai 1:30 On Sun- ing attended Salem anniver- 3lst. day. sary service on Sunday and ck Fallawing the epening ex- Mn. and Mis. Gorien Dud. were tea guests of Mn. and rs. ercises minutes and cernes- ley, Bunlingion, speni he Mrs. Faewell Blackbun. ag ~pondence, etc., Mis. Kenneth weekend with Mnr.Rad Mis. Mis. M. Olesen and Mns. J, Cs, amels gae agoodrepot ofArtur Rad ad Lygt. Potts atnddSalem anvt WteOfficers Conference she Mn n i.Ia hrsany senvice on Sundmy. tten45ded inte Guelpha Linda and Janet, Enniskillen, Sonry te hear Mr. D. Cam- n William Van Belle .* parts of Ontario were in at- and Ms. Lyaloy st. eHospita patient un Memnonial sonace Off Mn.ntret nands LoyMrs.n'. J.mnvlVanop d; sotendance.a0f addedW.nJerean Miss Patsy Garrard, Mn. lhe wil soon be home again., h-Belle, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, 701hnedKsikwre Ms a TbOon Swhe receîved the Asseciate W * fnrm2fr o pet h wInn a le Diploma in Agriculture ai themn'ntite i Onai.MsC.G rad home and atiended thec tup- graduation exercises ofthle . Mrs. Samelîs said, one oftthe Mr. and Mrs. Jack Histed, eral of lici uncle, the laie .e University cf Guelph. real assets o et icW..tsaaHaitvsie Ms.~-HaeyCwng keen interesi in people. We ted's sister, Mis. W. Martin. Mr. Tom Poils, Miss Rena ie sheuld be a good listenerGrMnamaandMis. Ji. Madone aveid gnievances, and ask net and family, Toronto, ai theirmGah am nddMrs. H.7Cross. c what tie W.I. can do frte, cottage on thc weekend. wman aelng Epo 6 1he SJune arrived with a rush of but what can I do fer theWI. M ArlTuom Colmer travel service. " wenderul warmt se liai~. 4' ~« WiIi the W.I. be better because son called on nrs. A. Tomp-ndMsW.Babun ;S, everyone wms out getting be- ~ ai mnc stecu-M.adMs eiAhoCeci, Deug, Wayne and Jean -lated gardening done, or try- '"îy0 pca neeit teTnno ile otg nFails and Mis. Cowling were ingo seca tet copentoiihtlicirbeon-age . ingte opewit te huri ret t e weenguesis ai thé Wesiiake-Black- teus crop of dandelions. Net W.~:, I. this yearz. Syptyi etne eburn wedding ai Eldd only iawns but whele ïiels* Mis. Stanferd Van Camp Sypty scicddt gae oo eprte leMis. George Tabb in tic pas- Churci on Saiurday. nare white witi ripened hemds. Dîs»ict Annual mi Maple sîng et iier brother, the laLe Mis. M. Berinim, Birdie Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nichais, * *Grave and sid the yemr's pro Harley Thomas C o0w 1 i n g. and Mi. John Berlnim and <, Mr. and Mis. Clarence Nîch- s . ect was help for neiarded Funeral service 'was held on friend, Mr. Kenneih Uîw 1n ol, n mdMi. .Barw- children. Friday ai lie Norihcuii and mand Miss Jean Bertim atiençi- clough, and Mr..mand Mis. ', . Mi. . McKee mand Mis. Smith Funenal Home. cd Salem anniversary service SHareld Bmrowlough. attend-...A U * Chas. Smith wili set up tie Mr. and Mis. W. Blackburn, on Sunday. d cd thc funenal of Mr. Arthurî exhibit fer Blackstock, Fair. à* c. Mervyn Graham spoke Thursdmy aftcrnoon. Mr. Mc- o f the exhibit fer Port Penny .Harold Barrowlougi, and cul the weddîng cake at the receptien foliowing their marriage in St. Paul's te enter fer Orono. Mr.ay d was ebrte e i. i ndMs ayEdadMeBarerow- nte bv pooaste Ab r i iws eided net 1 r (# 3'Iearters '.Ç a4 c41e Mn. nd is.Wm.Bmraw-United Church, Bowmanviiie, on Saturdav aflernoon, May 27, 1967 at 3:30 u tpl eigp1ne t :cleugh ef Peterboroughi eefrJl.Twnyfv olr home te attend lie funeral, o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Ruth Marie Werry, daughter of the laIe M~r. wf o .Teity-ive ol ars m nd home icre for the week- and Mrs. Kenneth Werry, Newcastle, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. culturml Society. When an American Inventsa a new preduct, Ih la Inventied cs nd. E. C. Mellor af Sarnia. Photo by Astor Studio Mis. H le cle r Shontridge, S Mis. W. Tufford, wha has __*Gîaup Leader for Home Eco- FIRST a Menth later, by thi. Rusalans - and two mon-tus ;been in muci et tic winter, fj and Mrs. Mellar wilî resicle namics, hmd charge ef pro- later thie Jape are produclng It cheaper. shas corne te spend some time' Vi ' tempoîariîy at 60 Martin Ave., gramme. Mis. S. Van Camp -witi lher son, George. W eddatici Apt. 3, Guelph, Ont. îeplied te tic moite, "Money, - Mn. and Mis. Howard The bride was guest oftin truth, can do muci, but it -Payne, Mr. and Mis. Murahaa a hwe ey cneot do an"i. Roll clin was muie ad Mn. and Mis. "ao tasowrgvnb A first thoughl wienun PanMELLOR - WERRY WVards a degr-ce in Home Eco-' her fermer roomn mates in r_. Keith Caswell et Port Hope namics (B.H.Sc.). A graduatel Guelph, as weli as a showeî.P'nec-H cempmny arrives" aliended a rclalive's wedding The marriage ef Miss Ruth cf Leaminglon District High! given by Shaw's Communiiy '. rn od;ngaevecCLtsS.AR RNT: in Clinion during tic week- Marie Werry, daughter cf the Sciooi, as well as a graduate!IHer maid cf hanar surpie end. laie Mr. and Mis. Kenneth efthle University of Guelph in! ber with a lunchean and per- The 4H Club girls, 17 in ail, OHDMG wnnoocut orelhsifhrae Mr. muid Mis. Hecter Darke Wenry, Newcastle, and Mr.f Chemistry, the groom xviii sonal siawer in Taronte. werc present witi uder lead- <AI GEwIneocrto.u losIfheam speuit tic lasi weckcuid ef Gary Edward Mellor, son of 1 continue hus studies towards'a esMis. HeRy Wottae n Witireualy eerptsoideltit w May i Bowmanville wiere Mr. and Mis. E. C. Mellar, mastei's Soc.(.c..M. rs er ote.Wt thcy aitended a fammly gati- Sarnia, wms solemnized li St. ere MSc) M . Mis. Larmer, cemmentator, DECORATION DAY dring. Paul's' United Ciurch, Baw- Reda Cros Sotand Miss Carol Werry mi the Mr..muid Mis. Tysen Noble manville, an Saturday, MayC m i piano, the girls rnodclied the HAMPTON NORTH CEMETERY of Toronto visiied witi Mr. 27, 1967 ai 3:30 a'clack li lie s.raduate 1C M*te dresses they iad madc wiich muid Mis. Orald Ford muid atterneon. .WvIIk did credit te bath girls and SUNDAY, JUNE llth. é 2:30 pa. cther relatives here oui Mon- Rev. Harold A. Turner was C L L nt Tic girls' club luis year was day, May 29th. tie atficiating clergyman. ce a nfl el alled 'Tic Busy Becs" (Belles,, Mesdames Clarenice Nichols, Mis. Reta Dudley, Countice, e d Buttons muid Bows). Their T. Wilson muid E. Barrow- played lie wedding musici A lange shîpmcuit et articles natebeeka weîc also oui dis- - cleui aicudcdticWesernmui aie acemanid tleIwas taken te Taronte warc- play. Beli Joinston express- - division et tic Cobourg Pies- seleisi, Mi. Ross Meicalfit thuea a 7 97 rmc hnae i lbl byterial swap aiop 1ai Wed- Hampton. ýthe Bowmanvîlle muid District tie leaders muid the W.I. for ncsday nigil ai Cold Springs. The bride, whe xvas given Red Cross Branci hemr assistance. The ladiesa fiuished teic s inmaîriage by ici eider bic- There weîe seven cartons quiistntc tc revau ler, Mn. David Werîy ot in ail, wich încluded: wipes, week mi Wiilow Beach, onl Ajax, were a tlacî-length swabs, bandages, baby layettes, Tuesday. gewn cf white lustraus blen baby 3-pce. knitîed sets, baby Mis. Laura Marcellus ef maîcnial in empire sîyîig quilts. boys' socks, boys' shors Toront i n. muid Mi s H.wiih long lily-point siec.beys' sîcevelessweaters, girls' wekgit. Mrb vodunteers.e Sf ycu or Sevra -fom1er H-eneTsqa, Pmipuid ic gan, -_ici-y wnitemums IVýiss Evelyn Cunininghamn,1 Mn. George Reynolds of Branîferd, was a weekeid. London, Ont., a triend et tic visitai aItie Pascae home. groo, ws bst mn ad te iMi. mand Mis. Murray Pies- gshroomwms esMrl m mud ticcolt, Susan muid Cindy, StI, usier wer Mn.Jim cakeCatharines; Miss Linda Harris, et Lemmingtan, aise a trieuidSutMnoinwrcvsts à1 ftic groom, and Mr. Peter eSlcou cti fogamwr istr Wheryo te brw vide bMr-.*n.ud Mis. Keili Taylon Tic receplien was held i and tamily, Jauietvillc: M.' an~ ud Mis. Walter Bridgett, the churci parleur whcre lie 4* Bewmanvilie, visitcd aI M. brîde's sislen-in-lmw, Mrs. Da- - Gordon Taylor's. I~~~1 ~ vid Wry received wearingý c udMs.F urn a flowe ed dreas mud c aI en-! r a nd B.C . ave be ensln )I Gsemble in blue mand pink, set- . wii lie L.,aveuider s is.g off by a piuik floral hat. Rerlwt h LavenderspnidMns. accesserles wcrc white muid! muied Ms.rr n e Ex r.! hrcorsage was cf piik muid , dM. muid Mis. E. Shrp > 0 I IO! white carnations. Thé gneom's Md nditr Wellin Sharp M mother aasisted te receive and muid Mis.H eingtd-, Br.' an chose an aqua linen ceaI . anvill. enwre Adus, cfM Itra - modern an bdes igebt midaesefenbricanile er u fM dn, ewiahndesel omroimiead Mia. Leslie Cochrane aïd muid corsage cf pink canna- * *.n udMs adnTyo THESE SETS ARE FULLy GUARANTEED tiens. Mr.andMrs.Goron Tylo AsleOoplNef n ean~Y ud famuly visiied mi Mn. As te coplelefton heirFrak Osbone's, Bowmmn-, honcymoon, tic bride waSi ville.e Wat.* .1! 'lwcarnug a torest green suit! Lyuiu Baliaku mtended Expo W mm-htw.Bl! vm anville wiih white imi muid glovea, Norman Vanstone ,wî eolmts and lac paentshoes muid' scu afMn..muid Mis. Byron: Mis. G. Bowman stayed a A ~N *~~ bmg. A corsage of pastel, Vanstone. Kinig St. West, ne- .tew days withiici mothen, crmo-ylo ompse ilaI i ovcîone ueis Gilodfina tMs . LI Gcimo-ylow r 1esmudcived a B.S. (houos) degîe Mrs. L. C. Pasco, Oshawa. ~LL~I ST LcG d ici travelling ensemble. lUniveisiiy, Kinigstoui, held un A. Meleow wcre entcntained M Tic bride, a graduate otýFridmy, June 2nd. Mr. Van-, shortly betore ici marriage, à RL OK î 2 ~~~Bowmanvilie Higi Scicol, 1stone was awrded an Ontarie; aItich home et Mis. Wilfrid 20KN S.W.O A5VU 12 wili continue ici studies i Fcllowsiip muid wil) cantinui Bewman. There were frienda ý thc fall at Macdoniald Inst- grdduate sludy at Queen's' from Caesarea, H arnpion, - tutç, Guelph. working tu. University, 1Whalby, Oshawa and ncarby STARKVILLE T'he Golden Cris p Fàsh & Chip Shop WILL. HAVE TO CLOSE FOR ONE WEEK DUE TO 'ILLNESS PHONE 623 -7051