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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1967, p. 8

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s ~scoeamnStmtumm, EwMMaVtl, 1âm y, Ion SPORTo pic-sI Dy Frau E7234 TENiSf CLUB OPENE WIth the fine weather recently, the Bowmanville Tennis Cub has been an acttve spot and promises ta b. throughout à the summer season. Once again Bowmanvllle has entered _lmI6 the Kawartha League whlch gets uuderway the week of June l8th. On that saine weekend a blg tournament la scheduled * to tahe place in Lindsay with champlonahips t0 be declded M nr In menls singles, maen's doubles and mixed doubles. There wilU b. plenty of action at the local courts, located at the. Lions Centre, when the. Bowmanville Tennis Club will hold Its official apening thus Sunday (June llth). PUaY geta underway at two o'clock with a picnic round- Ing out openlng day festivitlea. AUl tennis euthusiasts aud prospective players wiUl be welcome. it i. i. t t QUITE A BATTLE As we mentioned [n last week's columnn, the Men's Town Softball League is having qulte au early season battle, that could well lest right tbrough the entire schedule. Last week was no exception as Walter Frank Real Estate, who had won three lu a row beh[nd Charlie Kilpatrick, were stepped by Stephen's Fuels. That gave the. Fuels three straight after they had lest their fIrst two starts - sud ail three Stephen victories were route-go[ng performances by three different ' pitchers. Ken's Men's Wear won their loue start to tie thie P~ uels for the lead. Frank Realtors have the same number of points, but have lest oue more game. Defeuding Champion Kramp's Furniture, fellewing an openxug wln, bave now dropped three lu succession, but have a gamin u aud on the leaders sud two ou Frank. "t. ý ý:_ .qwqq ta Entry Wîns Feature TWO IN AROW This reporter had always wstched the big soccer battles en TV from across the pond, and new it's even better wheu we get itlilve via satellite. But every time a couple of big teams arrived lu thus area, at least whenever we teok lu.......... the attraction, sometbing would happen, like gale-force winds 0.4y 4 or a tempermental star net exerting himsell tee much .,~~"'~' Now we bave seen two fine encounters lu succession, ' .~~ ~ thie previously descibed Glasgow Rangers vs. Sparts Prague game, aud last Wednesday Aberdeen defeating Edinburgh ..' % 2-1, aud we stili say that Varsity Stadium is the, best place ,.:" lu Toronto te witness a sports attraction............... Ou wide open chances alone, the Hiberniaus of Edinburgh, representiug Torento City, sheuld have won, but thus just Ross de St. Croix of Montreal in a McLaren Mark 2C is shown crossing the added te tthe thrilliug excitement, iu penhaps a game which finish hine to win the 100 mile feature event at the British Empire Motor excelled the. Glasgow-Sparta game, simply because the teams Club's l7th Annual Spring Trophy races on Saturday at Mosport. A crowd of cu t o u t th e rou g h stu f sund stu ck to soccer. 2 5 0 w s o a d f r t e e c t n v n , i c u i g t e y u g l d t r g t i Tue more we watch soccer ef this calibre, the more we2,0waonh dfr the ebitkgiveti.cidîg hoglay Kanrilso n are couv[nced that the. sport could well become a stellarthbi niP o sbyK n Wln attraction lu North Axuerica. Tiie passiug pîsys last week were realy somethiug te behold as fine efforts set up three S e p e s J f R i t r We continue te be amazed at the way the players are able ta maulpulate the. bail with their feet. One Ediuburgb Stephen Fuels, after drop- cf sixth iuuing markers, tripled and Dave Snowden perfonmer actually continued te Maintalu possession wiile piug their first two starts of Prank's picked up singles iu followed with a horner in the lylng flat on bis back. It is fiue soccer - whv not take a the season, racked up their the second aud fourth and a fifth. loch for yourself? third strigh w h ur un n 'rhin à m, ,p.i , -F.1-.-.Lt4 t t t t t JUNIOR LEAGLJE SOFTBALL 1Bowmanville's flue Junior Softball Towns League bs f. continuing te play ou the same regular nights as last season -Monday, Tuesday sud Thursday, witii aU gaules goiug ai thie Memorlal Park. Frauk', Variety currently iiold dowu top spot on three wlns against a loue defeat, whfle Ells Shoes have also won thr.e, but have lest one more. Whyte's Upholstering are playlng .500 bail with a two won, two loss record, but Ciiart- ran's Clothlug Is flnd[ng the. go[ng rougii. Tue clothiers captured their season opener, but since then have proceeded to drap four straight. tlsuaily the, juniors boast soie glitterlng averages, but no far In the early season going, ouly three regular perforpi. ers are over the .300 mark. Whyte's Bob Hellami s hittiug the. ball at a .588 clip, with Don Blshop of Frank'a claiming an impressive .538 average. In third place, 205 points behiud Blshop is. Dennls McFeefers at .333. In the pitcblng departmeut, Harvey Websfer sets the pace, undefeated lu two games. Ted Leveck bas two wius agalnst one loss sud Denuls Sullivan has a two sud two mark. "Sully" leads tue league lu strike-outs with 36, twice as îany as hls nearest rival. ýiïý -aslt.wii iuraa pirinecn oftue fifth and George Stephen evened bis tight Vincent Massey, wal- sixthii iuings. record at eue win aud eue de- lopiug Walter Frank Real Grant Wright led Stepheu's feat ou a six-hitter, fauuiug Estate 16-6. Headiug into the 16-hit assault with a home run, three and walkiug five. contest, Frauk's had a three- double aud single. Lloyd Rupert gave up three safe- game wini skcin geing for Hamilton blasted a bases-fill- ties sud walked two, while theni. cd grand slam borner, with Burgess was tagged for eight It did't take long for the. Bob Abbott collectiug a bits, permitted six hases on Fuels to open up as tbey double and single and George balîs and claimed eue strike- greeted Ncwcomer Frank Ru- Stephen two singles. Even eut victini. pert roughly, scorng six runs Sports Editor Frank Mohun Teani Standings before Mcl Burgess took over got into the. act by baggiug a with oeeout in the first. triple, but old age preveuted WV L Pts. Stephen's added two more iu hlm frem cornpleting the. Ken's Men's Wear__ 3 2 6 j thc fourth, wrapped it up circuit. Stephen Fuels -----. 3 2 6 witb suother six-run explosion Tii. Realters' best hits came W. Frank Real Estate 3 3 61 i the fifth ad added a pairu succession as Nelson YoKramp's Furniture __ 1 3 2 e Radce ât,-Mosport on Saturday Lands and Forests Weekly Report Week euding May 29, 1967 Forest Ffrcs As e! May SOth, 466 forest fires have occurred lu the Province ef Ontario. lu the. L.indsay District, 38 fixes buru- wun i :tizr r 'ing is Sxtrerne. A buruing permits arc canccllcd, aud everyoue is 'Ken Klo ber ramp 1 c - requested te exercise extreme Kcn's Men 's Wear rebound- fourtii, added threc more in lu the losiug cause, with Ted* ed from a pair of successive the. sixtii sud finished off with Hoar deliveriug a fbrec-bag- Walleye Fishing Improves. defeats with a vengeance, îast five more lu the sixth. 1 ger. Conservation Officers report Wcduesciay uigirt, walloping John Fowlcr collected three Larry Perris postcd his first that augliug success for wall- Kramp's Furuiture 18-3, telof the, wiuuers' 18 safeties, ail win, with Bob Pester takiug eYc (yeîîow pickereî) tiirougii- move ie a tie for top spot singles, wbule "Mec" Richards over the. mouud duties iu the eut the. Kawartha Lakes, bas lu the Men's Town Softball sud Raye West clouted a home fifth. Perris gave up five uits impoe nsdrby uig -0suxnp a uuuuie eaen sd i newls ti i l~~pee osdrbydrn t t -t t t It was close after tiiree lu n irard su d o anl ar iicPse hee GAN RASA SEED Ayniugs with Kcu's lu front 5_3 rapped a pair o! singles apiece. safeties and fauned four. CarraingWi aginbe eaure tis unaybut the. Me's Wear talliedj Bill Bruut sud Dave Suow- with Hloar comiug o uti a r a S daciu w ihi lu b f ated s un daile t the five i nBtker b o tt eOtba l ! o f tiac Ganars eaSpeedaffhich sinotted evenmiles.551f of h!den each cellected two singles fifthi. Klrby sud two miles nortii. Future races will be heid at Durham Ladies Softball the. quarter-mile oval lu two weeks tii. (June 25th) sud every otiier Suuday as a regular feature. Tue opeulug race on May 28th, attractd a crowd o! 2500 enthusiasts to watch drivers from thus district lu action.Slaght&Cook Top Newcastle 14-11 Althougii there were plenty of crashes aud ricar misses, niobody was burt due te tth. safety precautions whlch prevail Bowmanviîîe Slaght & Cook inniug, the visiters pîcked up eut, couuted four more in aLnd the presence of the Bowmanvill, Ares ambulance. B.A. Belles defeated New- fwo more lu the third sud the sevcuth. Competition is divided luto three classes - six cylinder, castle 14-11 in a'bigh-scoring again lu the. fourth te take a Karen White led the.'B.A., eigbts sud ovenhead elits. Race couvenor Ray Durhiam Ladies' seftbaîl fix- 6-2 lead. Bowrnanville col- Belles' 19-bit euslaught with Cromble aunounces that the. 14 race card will get underway turc ai tb. Central School lected a pair lu uheir haîf O! a triple sud tbree singles. et nc 'cock cotiuin utilappoxmatly :3. Ti.diamoud, here, Thursday night. tiie fourth sud breke baose for Delores Davcy cracked a pair st oe cclok, ontnuig utilappoxiatey 530.The Afer the. fcams had eacii seven big runs liniih fifth teo! doubles snd a single, while leature race will be 20 laps lu leugtb. Itaîîied îwice in tue openiug take the. lead for the. first tîme. Nancy Goodwin bad a twe- SlIaght & Cook iucreased bagger aud two singles sud their margin te 14-7 in the Sharon Burgess belted a home fnexf frame, but Newcastle, run sud single. NA/at is Your Centennial Pro ject? baitlingnight Upte tii. fnal w n, I ~~~Fuels Down aof ~s~ WHY NOT LEARN TO FLYII ____LsngpthrVeaWih "Ifs Learn to FIy Week" JUNE l2th to l8th J#4te (9s/iawa 5fylying cordlally invites you to attend a LEARN TO FLY'MEETING to be held at. ST. MARY'S 0F TH4E PEOPLE PARISH HALL 533 Stevenson Road, North WEDNISDAY., JUNE l4th et 8:00 >M. Çon alasgad bzing, a friend adfn u hOw eiy yoù too, eau learn ;tanflyou . £Mus Stephen Fuels moved into a tie for second place by down'. ing Kramp's Furniture 10-3 at Vincent Massey Park, last Tuesday night, the less push- Ing Kramp's inte the Town League cellar. Bob Abbott bowied a fine seven-hitter, fanning six and walking only one batter ta record his second straight vic- tory as Stephen's evened their season's mark at two wins and two defeats. It was the second setback in a row for Kramp's. The Fuels tallied tbree runs in each of the first two frames tu build up a 6-0 margin, add. iga single in the fourth and three more in the seventh. The Furniture crew picked u single talles in the second third and seventh. Stepjien's earned the de- clslon over starter Colin Cooke who lasted only one and one-third innings before giving way to Harvey Webster. Cooke allowed three hits and tour b~ases on balla, while 1 ebster turned in a strong re. lief performance, givlng up only three safettes, witbout wa]llrng a batter. Grant Wright led the Fuels wIth a solo home run and a pair of singles, while Day. Werry, clouted a tremndous three-run homer. d'Archie" Crossey had a triple Mnd single, wlth Cooke Z"p!ýga tuw-ager to »«W &ZUWa attbe late il Oshawa- MId OM t tl* sd!autag Of Peasr. flYing and the, w SI mUiitluOf a crer la aviation. DOIS 1'EIFS REFRESHMENTSq ADMI$N FREE- Odin.*mes,,,c~<~ eehn 728.6 BANNER PASSANT 623-3258 120 Duke St., Bowmanviile *Lufe Insurance * Lcrne Disabilty *Pension Plans *Group Insurance *Business Inaurance * Etat. Planning Sun LIf Assurance Compmny of <anéda ô1tue past week. t Forestry Service Popular e This spriug 164 landowners lu Southern Ontario received forestry service from the De- partmeut of Lands & Forests under regulations e!ftth. Wood- lands Improvemeut Act. A total o! 1,925,000 trees were plauted on 2,600 acres o! abandoued land. Tii. land- owuers paid fer the trees (oe cent per tree): the Departmeut e! Lands & Forests provided free tree plautiug service. To qualify for ts service. was tagged for 19 safeties, struck eut two sud walked eue. At the. plate, she was ber team's top hutter with a home run. Frank's Bomb *First Position After dropping their first two starts, W. Frank 'Real Estate have corne on to knock off tree straight wins to take over the Men's Town League Lcad. Ony Thursday, May 25th, Frank's wailoped Ken's Men's Wear 11-4 as Charlie Kilpatrick scattered 11 bits effectively to post bis third decision. Kilpatrick fanned two and walked a pair. Bob Poster wvas the laser iu relief of starter Larry Per. ris, who worked the first three and one-third innings. Poster allowed nine hits, tbree free passes and claimed one strike- Out victim. Wiidness con- tinued to be Perris' undolng ats he walked seven batters, wblle giving up three safeties and fanning a pair. It was tied Up 3-3 after four, but the Reuitors tallied twlce in the fifth and broke it open awith five sixth inning imarkers. Ray Piekeil paced the wln- ners with threé singles and four R.B.I.s, with Erian Brad. ley smacking a tfile and a double. Steve Burns had a perfect ipight at the plate on two singles and three walks and Tom Pearson rapped a pair of singles. For the. losers, Terry Black went three for three . all siges, aud a base on balle, whfe e luging firui Cacker 4' àSip ichadscollected a imlag double and triple. j owncrs must b. willing te treat at least five acres. Propcrty ewuers in Durham, Northumberlaud sud Peter- borough Counties should apply now for 1968 service. Inter- ested parties should contact their local forester at the. fol- lowing offices Northumberland - R. W. Tippett, Ontario Departrncnt of Lands & Forests, Presqu'ile Provincial Park, R.R. No. 5, Brigbton, Ont. Phione 475-2204. Dunham-L. J. Haas, Pro- vincial Ferest Station, Orono, Ont. Phone 983-9147. Peterborug-B. G. Cross, Ontario Department of Lands & Ferests, 322 Kent Street W. A. E. Wahroth, District Porester. p CKLB p OSM p proudlý as their Cer ii Darlington Soccer Three senior gamnes and a single junior centest were re- ported in the Darliugtou Soc- cer L e agu e last week. On uedesday night, Tyrene upset Zion 1-0 on Jim Yeungman'sý goal, whule Maple Grove whip- ped Salem 5-1 lu senior play. Ray Preston paced the Maple Grove attack with a pair of tallies, singles goiug te Jini Gil- bert, "Chuck" Lester and Grant Flintoif. The ]oue Salemi mark., er was booted by Ross Hfall. In Saturday nigbt, senior action saw ZMon sud Courtice battling te a scoreless tie as goshkceepers Frauk Sobil of Zion and Herman Prakicen of Courtice recerded thie shut- outs. Zion dowuned Courtice lu Thursday night's junior clashi with Paul Shmara notchlug a pair te lead the. way. Other goal-getters for the wluners wcre Don Barragar, KCen Clark ,ad Jeif McLean. Les Novak replied for Cour. tice.i Don Messer's Jubile e Show wlth IV / MARG, CHARLIE AND lTE BUCHTA DANCMI Total Cast of 22 FESTIVAL CANAoA ç IS A PM£JCT OF THE CENTENNIAL COMSMIO Saturday, June 1 7t1, 8:30 PXM OSHAWA CliVIC AUDITORIUM PRICES: AduIts * * * e $2.50 . $2.0 Childr.n m $.0 ALL SEATS RESERVED TICKETS ON SALE OSHAWA »0WM&NVTLL£ Auditorium Box Office Jury & ùiveiI Bishop Sporting Goods Travel Agency pMarty's Record Centre Bolahood's Sportshaven The.Disc Shop CKLB Radio 3RD ANNUAL Trone TYRONE COMM, une 23 Fn. Jue 2 Special Feature! Donkey Basebali Starts 7:00 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOMEI III 5 RADIO IAWA y presents YAA TOURl r jc p ci Recreatioi Pisygrounui and DayCamp The Department of Recrea- tion Playgrounds will start on Monday, July 3rd, at Memor- ial Park, Ontario St. Schlool, Lions Centre, Fraukli Park, Vincent Massey, West Beach aud Travelling Playground will b. conducted at East Beach, Waverly Road (Jacki Mechin's property) and pos-i sibly Third St., again. Pur- -ther details will be given outj ncxt week on the Travellingo Playground time echedule. 1 Th regular playgrounds wifl be conducted from 9:00 a.m.1 to 12:00 noon and 1:30 to 4:30E p.m. Monday through Pridayr from July 3rd to August l8th. CDeug MeFceeters will b. thec Chef Superviser and the toi-I lowing are the playgroundm supiervisors: Mike 0k., Miss Catby Etcher, Miss Sharlene 1 Cain, Miss Gail Masters, Missa Diane McFeeters, Miss Le-1 anus Harris, Miss Sheila Hooper, Miss Lynda Merrison. The Playground program will censist of sports, arts andg crafts, social recreation activi- t tics, trips off the. playgrounds& and special eveuts censisting of bicycle roadeo, penny fair, soap box derby, sports tourna- ments, track & field, aud a t numnber of others ebuîldren i enjey. J Boys and girls interested iu D playgrounds may register on d epening day, July 3rd, at the playground nearest t h e ire home, with the supervisor in Sc charge. The Day Camnp pregram 3rd, at Thistle Valley Park RI (Jim Ceombes' farrni) with dr Boys Camp taking place the Te first two weeks, July 3rd te d Ilh udJuly lOth te the l4th. Se Mau@ n Reviewsi and July 24th to 28th. The tees are $4.00 per camper in town and $5.00 outside of town. This is for one week. If your child registers for two, weeks, $8.00 lu town and-f0 outslde of town. 1The. camp hours ÏÎýé1 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Child. ren living In the south ward may board the bus at Ontario Street School at 9:00 a.m., and at the Lions Centre for children living lu the. north ward, time 9:10 a.m. The Day Camp progran Isl for ail children 7 years of age as of January lst of the cur- rent year. In the event of rain, the campers wiil report to the Lions Centre where a pro. gram will b. conducted there. The. Day Camp staff wiIl b. headed by Miss Patti Pair and she will b. assisted by Miss Leigh MeMann, jack Vandenburg aud Joe Mc- Knight. For furtiier Information re- garding Day Camp please caUl the Department of Recreation at 623-3114. Teen Dances The Bowmanvllle Recrea. tion Comnmittee at their nonthly meeting of Thursday, rune lst, discussed the possi. biity of conductiug Teen Dances. A certain amount of discussion was given to or-ý ganized and supervised wien- er roasts, hay rides and other social activîties that Teen- tgers could be inivolved ln. Committee Chairman Don Gilhooly asked Director of Recreation T. A. Panning to raw up a questionnaire on ceen Dances and have themn istributcd in the Hligh ;chool. Any teenagers interested in his activitY rnay secure a juestionnaire from the De- )artment of Recreation, Lions "entre, 26 Beech Avenue. Another item on the agenda )fthe Recreation Committes sa Twilight playground pro- ram that could be conducted in a nuniber of Playgrounds rom the end cf April until he end of June. This would ýa supervised prograni con. sting of voilcyball, floor >ckey, music appreciation id other activities. Basebali Scores Promr Saturday, June 3rd: la Ar a si - -,-- m l 1 s - 1 RIDES r-tramps iu ro il

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