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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1967, p. 10

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ne Cnaden Satuan, Bowmanvie, June 14, 19867o ufiin ou Guides Presented With Religion and Life Award °è" "e°""usermersAske inters No onger.he active i--tu-stg F r e s N(larva) damage alalaevs o on e W li gwhile several othelgu s e ~~~of less importancearinue 0 ccept Chep Food Pohcll=ys of w ph p F o o i ypest is obtainablewihay EsenCad'frmr by Don Welsh one of severalinetcds IWill make it uneconomical to iGovernmnent. He believed thatb Several parasitesanprd-rebigskdtwie Çanadian farmers no longer produce cream. ithe biggest task was to inform T tors are known anditsanc-thFeraMnsero a t obeprto o rewll Parmers also resent the fact1 the consumer of the present pated that some ofteewlacluetiel i htte Oitt ePart of th ae "Chea that four times more money position in which the farmer be mntroduced intoifse hn ftesa&oeitm bParcy" wh 'c w iP is allôcated to the Agricultur-,now finds himself S by accident or dess al Budget in the United States the consumèers now spend less Terqetcmsfo h wasempatiall esgn.than in Canada. This means money on food (20% of earn- taaMarchCmite 'asbrifpretcly stress. that food can be produced ings as compared to 26% a PAT WRAY LF.AIG wihls ot raie al GovPenentd tu the cheaper, exported and sold few years ago) they still insist Everett Biggs, Dept i-dmntaino oeta e recent mchto Otring for less than what it cani that the price of food is too ister of the OntaroDpr ¡'00amesnPrh et restimarted 2,00tawa economically be grown in high. The Minister promised ment of Agriculture n Fo maypat o a Canada. ito meet with the Federal Cab- today announced tases pkse o h omt oung DuypramofCount- Contrary to what many have inet on or before June 10 to and new appointmet otete astefrmr eetl ers /bleetati,.be led to behieve the marchdiscuss the brief. Home Economics Bac. ta1hy hdnvrhdi F4 food policy is necessara to Ottawa and presentation toi Directors of Durham Fed- Miss Patricia Wray ..c, ogo" t soul no be askd governiment was conducted in! eration of Agriculture at their éo 4 Home Economist frte "ewn h tU he cd ot Con ke . an orderly fashion. Many meeting held last week, re- Counties of DurhaPtrdamesosi o ndrete ct Cosumers di- had spent much time going confirmed the position they borough and Victorisben ·wadtllhegvrmt rQýve o ido etiy are going there and were disappointed have regarding taxes., The transferred to Watero on tter t wrsjs t»avthetpesentthimSbe là at the receptioni they received.1 policy of the Federation is ty with headquarter tKt us herm sKthte he soutenwoul The front door of the Parlia-; that, people should pay for cee.Ms ryi oe r sesoemnsy ment Buildings was closed to services to people and land Economics graduae ofte Tyemhsztecmit lte recently announced the farmers - the first timelshould pay for services to University of Britis ou-tehsn neto fcru bý19 policy by the Federal such a thmng had been done. land. The Federation also bia. Her home isinVco-atgpetosorivgth ment has been strongly The-Minister of Agriculture lasked that senior levels of 'Ver.ifressml etr osn etit d ld y the dairy sector addressed the gathering andIgoverniment assume all costs MViss Doreen HailBH tthgoen n. of the agriculture industry. outlined the position of thelof education. S. sapitdH The policy was announced only apor h intHoE cn Istie he mitr as'few days before it was toams orhe Cur tehfaee-(Arclurmiite,.J bgcome effective. A largel borough DurhamadVc ren)hdalokagam trumber of dairy farmers will, S e l c e s n C o A special event took place in St. Andrew's Pres- Bowmanville Company, Rev. Gilchrist, Guide Beth Macdonald Instituat eointhwatefrmsse unless the policy is changed, byterian Church on Sunday, May 28, when two Girl Anne Clifton, L' ut.Mrs.,Ctute, Univer- it, the spokesmen say.phAan Mke cons n ral e o moneylInsurance Program s Guides, Nancy Gilchrist and Beth Anne Clifton, were Mrs. D. K. Whitney, all o MaleaGroveComisiner S t fGuh a d he o wa ao ih tlÜ nd not ofe sn lui- presented with the Religion and Life Award in Guid- Nancy is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Gilchrist: iH equ artyo, is ailcltr eaten0hoet SIÛppers will receive no sub- Largely as a result ofministration of the insuranice mng by Rev. J. S. Gilchrist. Shown, left to right, are and Beth Anne is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L.wl eLnsy Otroelhm sidy for the milk they po-amendments made to the Crop programs. are expected to br-Ie Lieut. Mrs. M. Brown and Guide Nancy Gilchrist of Clifton, Town. dtree which does notseli Insurance Act in 1966, the cur- $2.8 million as against $13-- --- - thàý fluid market. Te o rent fiscal year will see an ýmillion in 1966. fEbid of p iekr 2 ny ncepormsadAr pa:i rvne rpisr Durham M .P. I0 InfrOduceAlalaPetAftenionF r es lâirge quota but must producelture Mimister J. J. Greene,ý imately $5,000,000 at the be- titis milk to meet expanding recently. !ginning of the current fiscal l Expected Here cot.The small cream pro- Coverage may run as high;year. 1SV decersý]o lhas been discrim- as $83 million for 33,500 farm-; Parliament last year auth- S Ch O Ol ilrOg ra m Ontario Entomologists re otSV h a oeo tteagis.Many do not ers compared with $52 milhion orized- thaintePs érlyas ptipduce enough cream to. for 24,500 last year, he said. aot in the past severaneasprmumg1i† quaif fr te ubidy T Te edealcotriutonto A--Raising the limit ofi Durham Riding mnay not be l the federal government should boys and girlsmotraofSthtesnorhwv.eernand 175 i o hensds) e olic efarmer otitios tof erarage frop erldent of the land of Canaato r 11ooperateth tde arprovinesvoThedLiberal parfra d se ite Av bgg GASOLINE- ESL&M T ROl B-Increasing the govern-1 Russell Honey, the Liberal stimulate the drinking of milk eral years ago but hias not as troadwiesreswr FARM TANKS N U P VIAL ment's contribution to the in-IM.P. for Durham, is planning by children in the schools. ;yet taken any Positive stepslbnin 1965Pro in iel are aso dividual farmer's premium to introduce a private mem- - The f e d e r a 1 governmentj toward implementing it. indicteoProvinthre s no EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY 1fom2 ercn1t 5 ber's Bill in the House of wudme aftecs fte M oe h- idcto fispeec ni ALCLLC C--Extending coverage to Commonscalling fo the gram undere Mr. . y, who represents a May 26 when it was located fruit trees or perennial plants, establishment of a school milk bil and would also establihya sdibe ivthmanythdair fram- inHal dmnd n ty,10miese and to summerfallow that had1 program in Canada. national educational prgaers, ld nievthatyiprv the ogram wi inest of Dnnvile. w HITB 'been prepared but could not Mr. Honey's bill follows a'to demonstrate that milki sa health nof aanly impoe h prience n ines t ed States be seeded because of agricul- recent speech in the o.n sysureo acu u of Cgoa nia child re datthe at teoweevil tural hazards: mons, when lhe advocated schlanedssothersoconstiof calci u u t hd goa lng wayrtouspr mls eads a d that f 0to DX OI D-Calculation of the aver- a program. He proposes that 1 sential to the diets ouegrowing dof ingthkcrrnts rpls fouilsr year arenth ahree B UL Y1age yield from the records ofo oryas r eesr an individual far 1 -- - - feasible, instead of from h year was approved by Council. In a rundown of the pres-, Cartw right Counci Budget was again introduced ent state of the program, Mr.1 and certain increases approv- r o r R R Greene said Quebec province ed: Loss of Livestock increas- has introduced legislation pav- Cartwright Council met on assume the cost of mit ed byh $1,000, s.du to cnt ig the way forcrosu roteceseny2ndnd the R embers ancebend alfahthe installation evy increaseto $24ationas • • • 9V 1 1a 0 5 W t annOUntf°ow °oragetng r as chair; the minutes weeot on I es in Nestleton,a tha with the auditouand th e ýt s expected ailier erops w11 f CouncilarrieSwain and Get- d zingrtesui7A installatios inonc ed re i icna;EX TR A N ITRG E antai--oe 0 wne Three members of the Cart..> readings of authorizing By- of J. E. Williams as caretaker() whea row-e 00had te u wright Volunteer Fire Depart- Law, were moved by J. R. of the North Dump and wond- N E S R V I E hac rop insurancebytheendoft ment were present to discuss Hamilton and G. T. Gettins ered if there was not acn 196 ad pantooferco-.installation of two-way radios and carried. A motion was flict Of interest now that hie er66aedforpringtagfrains ha in their vehicles. They ad. made by Swain and Wright is sub-contracted as garbage ®®"åtrodu Aprora fised C°unc1 treat aTornto 1° t ne asbe reada third colector% elpareas thell. - MAK E UP FOR A BAC K AR P N I» twe nte ounte os f Bruce, Hurn three mobile units and one ed and numbered 1145 for the benefit to him would also Pr nin e s dwardcedA Hnrn, 1t00iorute sa ee asr Corporatiotheand copesa th beefit te townshp.omd fBULK SPREADERS AND SPREDN.EVC 1PGriniYe Ldwnirdan Ref • .Peterborough firm had asked ment, be forwarded to the the new Centennial portraits W hitb and or two. used units that gave Ontario Hydro at Bowman- of Her Majesty the Queen be- Durham 4-H '"C®onei tion"d themr on vThe museum site, as refer- aailab st. A mtiontby Ceresdale Ferti z rt warranty and other phases of red to the C. C. Recreational E. R. Swain seconded by J. R. this "too good to be true" Board had been referred to Hamilton approved the Clerk NEWCASTLE V ill ge f B ook in oulr C u offer but were assured that it the Roads Dept. for grass ordering sufficient copies as O T I was genuine and the equip- cutting and approved by them required by the municipality 987-4711 - 6375 Th ist .'ment ,of the highest standard, on this condition. The clerk and individuals concerned. (TR) GSEE ROUT • Du fr4-HPnetingClub the but transistorized, which re- was instructed to write the Meeting adjourned to nextTMRGSE D 'RU E:. ei, wsduced cost considerably. A Historical Society and to ad- regular meeting date or at hedon duesday, May 30th atimotion by Councillors Swain vise them that the site is ap- the call of the Reeve. .No. 12 Highway -north to Brooklin, Cassels culturalrBuilding at 8:00.Agri dapprovedtand thatsapurc h oe co ni mus um and that Roa Wet t MotgoerySt. soth n Mnt- ein. ws r tasel'uht orde vance of $1,200 be, issued on Roads Dept. maintain the Wes toMongoerySt. suthen on- b den t hel d Teprei the Fire Appropriation 1967 to grounds, after the property gomery t Heber Dwn Cresent, etto temndtesecretarollconducted cover said installation and has been conveyed to the ,goeryto ebe Don Cescntwes to tem.uesan, ol cl. other operating expenses. Township of Cartwright, (mo Ferguson Ave., north to Viond Road, east pres enlubBaebacutivsare: The firemen asked if counicil tion by, Councillors Wright to o. 2 Hghwy, ort toGeoge t.,souh vce-resden, Gen illonwould give a grant toward and Swamn and carried). to No. 12 Highway, northsecretary, BriansMetcalf;presiet lnMls the cost of the annual fire- The new arena project was on QueenSt., wes on Cassls Roadeast to reoter, BDiannetDalf rch ews oksdslyshe'ttdaai rahdan oni No ~ ~ 2rd 12 High embers wre absen. that colletion dvlnta r yhdpoiearpytoheCND ue opresent seeking approval from chicken and dessert at '5p.m.- Phone 623-3303 cuilothe sale of a two Bills and accounts were pre-187Ï7 -- acre parce], which had been sented for payment as follows: 0 9 completed for conveyance .the Roads, $3,058.18; .General Ac- 0 0 D Eday after the order had been counts, $4,575.78 for a total registered by the Minister. A of $7,633.96. This expenditure copy of the plan was shown requires borrowing the sum and it was non-agriculturale of $5,500 and this is the first _GO O D FEN CE M A KE GO O Dland, approved by Resolutioni loan of this Centennial Year. NEIGHBOURS BUT...a eBULLS Crtrgh akshr Rt- ailonad aiid BREAK DOWN GOOD FENGES nwCnenilSgn a ee n ee aldtesme w approved by the Counties Eng ing edenledo theoamewero. There's nothing like a wandering bull to spoil neighbourhood ctin e orerctisbjec Th e °Crod reor ainofToanTeton goodwill. His wanderings can be eXpensive, too, for the owner is liable Wm. Fe back ,etc The- Slurr1,60 eyS ealofTorono e l e j yigte gtb if he wanders into a purebred herd, If he damages property, or if ho er, advised Councv s te -mtov biton 1650Hasmactdon Waeandno ig h ige u is Atak enen.cent epidemic of sheep kill- moioh ndby ailton and . .g u '%".du émen .e. ngs, and stated that Cart- HWrhndncarried. 8tender Itm oStdeXCnà%nitin y ar long C lbr t Many Ontario breeders save fences, dollars adgowl ysb wih a tu oapprox- Htsan dfoing'stende = saat. 'P:gie" the world has ever known! u n a» # Of c 1 sat g C ncillrs Getins an SwainThe Centennial is unique! It's a once-in-a-lifetime Are you m aking the m s o 96 ?F nd o t b u 4wA OÎrrespondence from the and carried. ' opportunity for all of us to celebrate being all the Centemniial oect n ConA.lea rne Supplmenay a I 1 - Canadian . .. to show our pride in this magnificent. part in from now ut teen e nsyo antk g lhe sale oftro pere ro wa iven thid adNg.ap-3country ofours. .Centenmial Year. N aem ofI. CourtieEaes ro vigtes igo 900We're celebrating in hundreds of ways - with We're having a wonderful xiig nogtal aS net ap rvd, or refused, fr roads surface treatment; tributes to our past, anticipation of our future and year in 1967, as Canada clbae h udet MO ton a e ad carrtin y Swai and Wright complete enjoyment of the present.' anniversary of Confederat. ý4AM. 18:00 iýIxv Stree ,t ubfin -Nestleton A disusson *1re arding. the b ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r »M 1 04wq pme the follow- transferring of ftt sif 'Ihe CenteaCmDmLuisi ottaw-a, Canada. Ma g - 4 onilwudapopito oroads far ti

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