lr endrkWygfrde, 1%0g eod o ndvda o~Técanadian @Wémn owa~il,3~a1,18 erJut .jllnd w. arI damal pouW . Prime money, o & UO U0~son 'S.oo'o S N i hCf tanad. second gr1- Alications are N Kih fH oins C u H ls ,tTrnt. etinthirI 11d.,asetrNwate Historions a a bfft lucheon The HStorisn's Nlght dinner tion was made by SocialCon- at their cottage at WillIfams' The achool paiade to the fair, mifng of the Bowmanville vention Commtée Chairman Poit on Sunday. Guetta were wiU *ao be held agahithis Rinamen Club was held at the John Lunn. présent fromn Calgary, Tor- year wlth prize mnonéyor pr FlYlng Dutchmen Motor Motel Thie fortunate wlnner ci the no rliWity êe .. ticipating as. wsIl aiu rs * éent evening. Presi- tirai Kin Investiment Dra', languishene, Léaskdale, Little money for decorated floata ad -j tRalph Whyte, who alim for this season was Ralph Brtain and Nestieton. decorated bicycles. dioffice ai Historian, spoke Lamb, who récelved the $50 Mr. and ira. Rai h Sadiér, It là the intention of the of thé ciub't record of achieve- prize. Eght other $50 prizes Mr. and Ms. laonSotCor commte. to -place greater éns communitv servie wiîî e, and Miss Janice Sad- overthéyear. H em be awarded et Investm~nt e teddth ke i-emphasit on tia part of thé oeth er.H mhasiz-!Draws, and the $1,000 prizé lerat dtheAHcknarmpia- fair to stimulai, more Interest ed the present project of wîîniedaw at the Faena for the rîday show. wilb rw tteKnmnBrampton, Sunday afternon -Tm underwriting $25.000 for neces- Carnival on August 1luth. -r.TraimyenssBw Say epîs o h Aen. Sponsr' Tabs wer present- manville, was a recent vistor POD Thé Social Convention Com- ed ta Treamurer Alex Wîse- with hier mother, Mrs. Nelson Iiutee Draw towards pay- man and Murray Cain, a Past Marlow, and Mr..and Mrs. NE WTON VILLE Ménit of expensés for twoPresident. The présentations James 'Ferrier, Perth, wereIf M. lt r eXtra delegates to thé Kini- were made by Preaident Friday to Sunday guéais. Mr. Bud Jênea returned men Convention to hé held at Whyte. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrier and home ta Edmozfton lest Mon- * the Inn-on-thé-Park, Toronto,j Three guests weré présent hier mothér Mrs.Marîow, dey, after spending a week's on June lSth, I6th and l7th, iat the dinner meeting, Fred called on Mr. and lirs. Gil- holiday hère with his mother, Ul.~ 1 W »t&IL M & was held. Thé ]uckv winners 1 Iish and Bud Bailey, both of 1 ber Marlow, Brooklin, and Mrs. W. H. Jones and other were Secretary Bill S]aght and1 Port Hope, and Théine Brum-j Mr. and lirs. Alvin Mar]ow rltva Geo geM u ton T é rés nt - eil B w m nviie land fam ily, W hitby, on F ni- Little Robbie4 om pkins had day évening and were Satur- Stanley (Péter) Méeks a bad fal ut hl& home, Mon- DWi 0 ypnWHui.os hud emy dw day evenlng dinner guests son of Mr. and lins. George day mornlng, hiecessitatlng tpothdolr nseral N ES T LET O N ~~~~~~with Mr. and ins. Frank SY- Meéka B ow ma nvuilte, WaUstitchel*aatr.mtub t pSuwh m mono and famllY, Bowman- among thé graduates of thé tths oroko i 11Ysb rw O Ahd wpv Constable Jerry B n w e r s,! ther, Mn. Robert Johnston, ville.AsoitDpoa nArc- Mrs. Georgeý; kimbaland fav s te mai n d ey. T a mh.soat Dmnid. ea mknhwd O..P.. left for his duties at' Pefferlaw. Mr. and lins. George Héas- ture at thé necent convocation Mrs. AiU Graham, Newcastle, *he the sngs homa*ku onhieweeky oo il y 'SuprYoCmno.tI Balmertown on Satunday. Hé Saturday evening dinner EP and Mr&. Nelson Marlow of thé University of Guelph lwené Tuesday afternoon caîl- shm Domirnon relky aMMu and his parents, Mn. and Ms guesta with Mr. and Mn;i. were Thursday callers with Me has accepted a position ers with lins.. Gilmer.etDM W George Bowers had a moat Cecil Wilson wére Mr. and' Mr .and Mn.. Mérwin Mount- with Brockdale-Kingsway Nur-1 Mr. George Bain and R DRNsSTEnB E advlaé evéryone to visit this Mn. and Mns. Wnu. Metheral, Perey Preston, Lindsay, wére CunheoDguetS t MrNAroldRED BRAN,4L once in a lifetime'" exhibi- Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Saturday evening V i It O Wade'.i, lest Sunday. fB N LS ON tion. MeNilie and Mrs. Vivian with lir. and lins. Héaslip. Mr. and li. Jimn Field of O EES O N Mr. and lins. Grant Thomp-~ Jackson, Toronto, Sunday év- Weekend visitors with Mr. G rauuate Réxdale, weré visitons withi on viited Tuesday with bis ening dinnér visitons were and lirs. S. A. Cawkcn were Mr. and lins. Jim Adams dur- inother, lirs. James Thomp- Mr. apd lirs. Mermon Rod- lirs. Keith Wilson and Mr. n teMek son, Fairview Lodgé, Whitby r man, Karen and Wilson, Little John Baker, Duntroon, téMr . ST A .KOR R OA S and were weekend get Britain. and lirs. Grant Cawkcn, ChrisM. George Stapleton sold with lis. Thompson's mother, l. and lis. J. Wygédé and Curtis, Oshawa, lis. Ber- 14lbogbrd Hrfr lins. W. H. Johnston, sister, and famnily are enjoying the nice Piltch, sons Robent and héiféns last wéek ta a buyer " U CUT' ROUND OR SQUARE END Un. James Naylor and bro- visit o! bis parents Mn. and David, Scarbonough, Mn. and fromn Quebéc, in thé interests lins.. Raltph Cawken, Torpnto, of thé govennment of that I and Mn.and lins. Malcolm province. q Emenson, Néstieton. lin. and lins. Don Vinkie, R 41EÀ& V-j Keown and Mr. and lirs. Mn Marold Wood wene amnong URMP R O A ST ~ILionel licKeown, Mono Road, thé guesta ut thé Burley - If se ue1 ua rPes * V -. wene Wednesday guésts with MacDonald wedding in Co- sexPr Chicken Lcso rswosRnis the Bruce Heuslips, and Mn. bourg, last Satunday.«1- ON and lins. Percy Mcliahon and A miscellaneous sbowen in c Miss Evélyn Culley, Toronto, honor of bride-eiect Miss Canal «I NR I49 l ra fs wcre Sundey visitons. Peck, wss held et thé home Several from hère enjoyed of lins. Morliey Robinson, thé ReicLéaf Table Ready 1 hpys i eft F thé delicius slad supper at latter part o! thé wek.fCO IDN I Yevenron onRrCOID Pk 5 9ctE Moralian M . an le ins. Ray g.DNCE McoMmu udyShoril avrk tompkwinsthelleand Mrohbi.e, as tevscèe o! nothemrin- Lnatrls e tenésting bail game, Nestleton thé weékend. HUEversus Bunketon. Nestleton Miss Lynne Stainton lin. and lira. C. M. Jones H O U Eebdthe edge:and e agd the daughtr ofMr. and Mrs.a. eré edtheînpe Lak fe winnrs. hesegains hae Hnry tainon, yron, isa ýlute Rév. Edmond Tink,a r9 splenid cr w e ws in a etrcent gnaduate fnom Ryenson:etfombiusténo!bich angé-,,, j REU H CE spl10 endidncot- Poîytéchnical InstituteTr-d fet ounc, t u n -n Court Lady Snowbird teaching céntificate. Sewiîî1 at Brooklin. Th é regulen in tn of t ach Hom e Econo mnics in To - l is. W . C. Dean, li. and ~ H a t e u y A d e t r sF t - e ' a u g s i n ~f J iCourt Lady Snowbind 1930 no nBAVE 32e s ýr. o ohso o oono ate' QATGL$ *9 - was held on Wédnesday, June greduate of Countîcé High iwére weékénd visitons with rmHéîéne Curtis - 13-o%. Sizé AVW3ooI dA~ C G 7.F7t eetéFnsters' Hall, School. :~:::: 1~ ,aWo yo sr~oor N237 tîc ton teo. Wlmeli. and lr. liélvilBrow Semis -ad W'-l ' W HI E N D A tt C O O R to lis. P t Fr se n w o w as attended a pr sentation for 4M9 R WHT N L OOSaccéptéd as a néw mémber. r n r.Jh uree o. BottiéSAE 4 Final plans wéne made. for raduate thé home o!flin. Howard Ne CP Sold Only at Youn Home Hrwre rRumrnîge and Baké Sale unrlEiaehle o aith o. even Hai , wele Friday evening. OTWS9 5 A 1 ton. veryoe iswelcoliéMssrs. D. Vinkle and T. New Contrai - 3-oz. Tube SV 8 On Juné l8th thé Kingswey Henderson wené et thé bunt- *îu FDistrict picnic 'is tobehé ld ingcamp et Tony Hill during CIrLA1C Aui LIMITED théin familles. usetteFr'-Bovr f Laeé Court Néstiéton No. wédding in Port Hope, Setur- AIL ADVERTISED ITEMS INAîmnm 95 KIN ST. W 1031 illbehavinday efternoon, and réception Auiu 95 K N T .Basébaîlgam éett he Malcolmet h.a vll ego g oil ak estDoOkéN O atWthé RSWma*sv Lou POE623-4211 where Wé will bé having a A n n is oh odnR N O NDW P P R h ieL u g ss .5-s 49 pop, chips, chocolate bers. ~and Colleen, lin. and lins.I 1APasiCotneof0 booth selling bot dogs, coffeé,t., Avn é o, aPlastiA A UIIE e CotWfainer oD This la open ta thé public and - 4Orono, wee visitos, Satu-, A SAABL N T OE~ should prove ta be great en- day, et lin. Wallace Boughens. EI tertainment to thé wholé ' Mn. and lins. Lennox Vesey E T O !amily. M- of Part McNicol spent a few __________________________ On Juné 27th wé take oun * n l ins. Williar- nèw membérs to Court Cher- * ays, r.ceny .With leriar- Court shfa, BéhléjîBo w- « enr ta, lin. FRESH PRODUCE FEATU E 0 W M U h BllYODn shwajoin isteandfamily Port Creditwee'NBEAT THE HEAT FLORIDA GROiWN 16lb Avag Moto fanil endOhwa in r". lin. nd is. rsth BonnettrP- 012 ~~ ~ ~ ~ tiaOn Wédneaday evnigC.Robb.A RA ~ Mas es 00 1 June 28th, thé winning ticket Mn. and lira. Phil Gilmérn WA- -E L Patio set et thé Cartwrigbt tage et Chemong aven the P_ Centennial Bal, Blackstock. Larry Broomé weekend. ~i' On July 8tb we havé beén who nécéntîy greduatéd fnrom lirmn. E. M. Hloldewa o!'N alfri unitVlncaA I arln r invited by Court Nestieton the University of Guelph, ne- vsighéren Q eka Clionia s. C alfr-aSni 1aeci eoin rwnAne - ~ No. 1031 ta join in thé fun o! ceiving an Associate viin is sistén ywh asolinams C O R p0 lAuIIa I thcm outdoor initiation ad andnd lyrelltirpM rn. Loy gésaStudaM IG re n ea s 9 j splendid i - to étb o W'F e mrKarén and Lynn, -port i -Mix lem or Match 'em StOkelY FanéY Domino Fancy Froten 2o.Pg AES bezear hel rnetortdovisonsbone fo and said that $700 had been chrlen vhir gr opend ope; lin. and lins. RosasOE PDPA réahizcdandochthr artérnaon"Brown, lins. Truemen Hend- M CREAM CORN su-o M IX. ree. Thompson; Miss Ruth Pnoutt érson. A gift o! china was CUT WAX BEANS m l P R I E ale Tompon Mss ut , rottmade ta Bennice and Fred. CUT GREEN BEANS Tins Sevenal ladies paid théir read "Tbahughts o h ..; Mn. and lins. Laurence Gil- LIMA BEANS6 K m a nulfs and iwo new lins. Ben De Jong an article 1e !Bfao eevstn,__APE members jained. on gandening, and lira Allen f dywth Mr. and lira. F. Oa L! -1-o.TIn AES laaA number o! articles werp Beacock "Back to Grand-, ig ,w .-- ak é 1-: s AESe- »o-t. frqurd CytkUtx rFatTp.Fair exhibit. Thé cammitteé Carda were signed for those Holdaway, lins. VersAnder-Orn e u r .v Ebuc la, f r quir d, C ypt k, Utéx r Fat-T lins. J. W ygende, lins. M . who are ili on in hospital and son, lins. A. A. Holdaway % _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 65 STYLES, SNAPES AND COURS TO ONOSE FRON Emenson, lins. C. Wilson andj e birthdey card was signcd were supper guéais, Sunday. SRKN. ý#tWn RËpAilDo Olt I!l.AC$D W,-m- yoU WAIT Mrs. R:' SadIen. for lins. Hérmen Samélis, who with lin. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes, AilMrhAi.l urnedT aé1OStato Mn,. W. G. Bowles and lins. is in lins. Eade's Nursing Lakeshore. - B U'hnds, sGurnte W. fil &U PSI, Ocullt and Optometrisis prescriptions M. Emnerson are to punchasé Home in Port Penny. For Mr. and lira. Arnold Wade Values Effective Until Closzng, SaturdayJue1,7,w wmn8 at same low prices. thé pnizes for Grades 7 and 8 ycans lins. Semelis was hs n rnadMs ae and lins. Grant Thompson, tess for thé June meeting et; Lee at, nd Miss Kurén va ERSR ET ER TT was appointed ta maké h e beautiful home et Cae-, Peterbor-ough, Sunday. W EEV H IH prèsentation. sare and everyone adminedi Mr. and lins. Anchie Brit- xÂ0 m h r.a d F i Secretary - tresurer lins.; ber flower gardens. Now, !'n'ton of Oshawa wéné Sundmy O e h r.a d F .N g t ti9PlE wRichard Davison gavé thée spité ,o! crîppling erthritis, evéning caliers wlth Mir. an.d financial repart and two she is always cheénful and lira. C. M. Jones. membérs gave substantîi do- she continues ta keep in tauch; lin. Joseph Manicl uffercd nations. Neatieton Women's with Néstleton Womén's stroke on Sunday night and Institute is donating a pnize stitute. was taken ta Toronto Gênerai 17BndS.EatHOR:for thé béat most authentic, lins. Lawnence Malical m Hospital. j~OI NO period costumé ta hé présent- thankéd lins. Wilson and ber Wamen's Institute will méét, éd mi the Cartwright Centen- belpens and lins. Dayes for at thé home o!flins. WilfredR 9 &.M. to 5 p.M. Daily niai Célébration on June 28. pnéparing thé progrum, and Wood, Newcastle, on Wednes-' 2nd Flor clotd Wed. il Dey Centénnialsp are en she peid tnibute to lin. Samn- day, June 21 ut 2:30 p.m. 2ndFlorCIod Sd Ai Dy rdened for the nuembérs ta ilIs. Copies of aur Hiatory o!fu se2-16 Té mot,.W n yu Thére will hé no meigSu th-East Clarkc ar-e stilli King S .anda i p n Av n e ( e Oshawa,Ont. Phone: corné1Th ttéeo! y-hen nopein July or August. MrÇs. red valmblé. One would maké et i p o v n e ( Igi a o > b t com toth en ofyor rppDayes will hé thé Septembenia nice Christmas gift for tic a knot and hang on"' was 1 host.ess and lins. M arry Mc-i anyone intcnested in this pat ably preaented by Mm-s. rantl Laughlin thé co-hostess. iof thé township. -s ~ LO i Q~*. * 'j. 't ".4 't i. i .1 s'