btekg a m ldiengraltorManvers Book, $4,004.34; Chas. that our junor in sblooued The Canadan tatewmn omnDe,.ue1,18 t o t.p l<iIiýi Ch rk Morton, dog control and build.. out with a fun quota of spotsS toia mutual friend, WUh Ufnl t.Pa l"SUnte , Irhing Inapecor, $19.30; Metro- like a speckled lien - chckn (usually the wrongoeslandgatyupred. was upal hio attenand; politan Toronto, w e 1f a re pox, relieved us of our domes- frquently an xoie h-ta hspoica dc M &l a et igcharge-back, $92M9; Township tic chores In the dirty dis dulged in by thon lhn-huacapdo ortwsl- bm ihsfottebieà'f Clarkce, welfare charge- dept. Very regrettul? thlng else to do ofan co-a delpettodedi' buewahs ronte rie' back, $31.47, Township of Only around 40 ratepayers sequence. Judglng b e ol u pnowrat Saopeean welfare charge - back. turned out on Wodnesday ev- ports, there aeto h are outonhl onmuild ____________ *20.58;~Lu di W illiam Sheen, <clan ening at the Inform ation st i active i t i o m o u o hs u ~ I e t onsree,$65 Province f Meeting held in the Manvers mental caliathenica. Sm i-tnin Ontaloforinsiin $2.50, The Municipal Hall as an oppor- wit has even su gse ha r n M . M m y M JA.. ..d . CnNdewSttesman, $7,50; tunity for interested residents because we have tobo om als n aIme MppOUm nOW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wilson & Wilsn, $10.12; Pet- toacuntteule wthhesVctrU Crk0Uiwre eendusth mh erborough Examiner, $4.62 for ail he aicatins 0f t the tTwsp. 0ftrCartwrlt, n gn SA, hr le t Assistant at ~ ~~~~~~~advertlsn anvers Book; Subdivision Control planning Rlhwoi employdwt edda anl edn qs olà l tGeo. Vizino for welfare ac- recently invoked on our the Assessig Branch fte Anme rmti count, $269.81; Harry Shea, township by the Minister of Municipal Affairs inTontmuty tedd cM Church, manville. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~balance of Warble Fly, $496.22.- Planig ad eeopettatw hvebnimfctdSol0facngnulrç t ArT-ROBINSON mThie.rcpin a ed Clarke Library ln a, 44.0;rle Fy &soy h n nd cialped Uictht w Su bdiionCnrlPa har io Alvin OlnpWarbe Fly sray- In Hon. Spooner. Reeve in somie manner liaigvu eda UcAaei St. 1Paul4s United Cucthe Church Hall and theabe l ode,$892 ~" BOwmanville, was the setting bride'. niother recelved wear ThBo Car ke Public Llbraryin Kawartha Tire Equipment formetnwhMsrsGmeinlteonurow .Weay vnng Mses ali for Uic marriage on Friday ing a pink suit with white or e nMna vnn otpo ieAe upis and Farrow, representetives beg Uic indulgence UcBitwadCnyMlo evntgMa 1, 96,it accessories and corsage ofJuethw ntey ecoe $91.35, BernaniN 34uofte Provincial Dept. of Editor ta taking thisOPr atcptdh i rgm.~ Robinson, daughter of Mr. and pink roses. She was assistes othyr Robinson, whg took over Untd C-oeavsfO- ing turns dlscusslng recent Nothing could ha furthrfo i ekndo iltge. Mrs. J. William Robinson, and by the groom'. niother who her new duties on -June lut. '. tarlo, supplies, $51.32. 0eeomnst hsfeda r~y e eedtow~ fina Mr. Douglas Walter Hately, wore a white suit with powder The Board also thanked the1etmeig o oni they pertained to our arca. son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter blue accessories and corsage reiin ira n Ms rueN15eb held July 4, 1967 at Alvl usinadas atlalo omnil. owhtan e ad-tieMercer for her efforts and «ep.m. D.S.T. wer period followed at whlch Bey. Harold A. Turner carnations and red roses. okiprmtgthlbay Mr. Gomme and Mr,. Ferrow officiated and Mr. Ross Met- Mr. and Mrs. Hately's wed- services in the community. dipae Vsieal a calf of Hampton played the ding trip was to Ottawa and, ne resignation o! Mn.. Gar. LYE L l.IUJ.i tience and unruffled calm as wedding musc. The soloist, Montreal. They are residing don Simpson was reccived by they adeptly fielded Uic ques- Mrs. K. Hull of Bowmanville, at 66 King St. W., Bowman- the Board. Mrs. S*npson h bas.... Yelverton's annual Garden tions poked at them by con- sang The Wedding Prayer and ville. been acoepted l a nursing Party was considered a suc- cerned ratepayers, clearing up The Weddlng Hymn. Bath the bride and groom course la Lindsywihb cess with a crowd o! almost s o me misinformation and Given in marriage by ber attended Bownianville public gins this fail. Te vacancy le1 300 purchasing tickets. We providing additional informa- father, the bride wore a floor- Scbool and are graduates o! bY thc resignation has becà wete interested in Uic reac- tion on other aspects of zon- 2 ent soiewhemprewit pand The brie Halso completdon ille the nWilassitn ibtion o! a Dutch lady visiting ing and planning. deie ith owno! witad p ieau ailsc High ebool. flll etMrs. wilasidtn Canada for the first Urne and Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. i I m k s A-lune skirt, and the bodice year at Trent University. The rarian with her duties to comn- currently visiting a former spoke briefly urging ail to - and short siceves were cover- groom i. an employee o! Do- mence on June 20th neighbour o! hers, Mrs. Frank give careful consideration to ~ ~ hrst ed with imported French minion Stores Ltd. The librarian report stated a ~ ~ ~* * Glasbergen. Apparently, gar- the need for planning due to Guipure lace. A beadpiece of Prior ta ber marniage the total book lban of 1046 boo2s ~den parties are non existent our close proximity ta urban petals edged with seed pearîs bride was guest o! honor at a during Uic montb of May. This '. . in the Nctherlands and the centres, citing the chaos thatSprk? held ber bouffant. shoulder- Party whcn Mrs. Ken Kelly i down sligbtly from the sanie idea o! being able to sit down developed in certain other ~U Icngth veil and she carnied a and Mrs. Jack Hately werc period in 1966 at the table and partake of areas due ta a Iack of fore- DPSfl white Bible crcsted with hostesses for a niscellaneous Mrs. Dorotby Robinson, lib- anything found thereon for sight and belated attempts ta stephanotis, white carnations shower at the home Of!. Mn.. rarian was delegated ta attend th -c foemsrbecrrc neial iutos and pink swcetheart roses. Kelly when relatives o! the the Librarian confenence bcing t pi e e o! a nc m e rretdsirabl eutions. The bride'. attendant was groom attended. held la Belleville, Ontario, prehiensible. a **L.1roallbet hdt shirtsma i her sister, Miss Marilyn Bob- The bride and groom were on Wednesday, June 7th. Of The Variety Concert in- be sacnificcd for the sake of in fresh-as-a-brcce efctyanse inson of Bowmanville, who honored at a Party beld by intcrest ta bath the libranian 4 '* "-'cletw grusoBab- protecting the bs neet wore a floor-lcngth lilac gawn fiends, at which they were and Board was a paper on the_ shoppens from Lindsay- a of the comniunity at large. RME BRD DO HSDA styled with an empire waist- presentcd with an clectric food use o! paper back books in ladies. chorus which included Mr. McGIll thankcd those line and A-line skirt. The mixer. A Party was given by the library. Mrs. Robinson is a' local lady, Mn.. Margaret who participated in the meet.. siNAJU El bodice and short sîceves were membens o! St. Paul's Senior to report ber findings ta the Hcaslip, and a male quartet, ing by providing information of lace. Her flower head- Choir, a! which the bride is a ncxt Board meeting the Ken Gents, MCed and and for those wbo by their dness was fashioned of mauve member, wben the bride sud A request is being made ta conducted by Mn. Bob Fallis. presence displayed an inter- I petals and she carried a groom werc presented with a the Provincial Loan service Their light entertainnient was est and concern for wbat = ~ , gou uet of white carnations salad bowl.. for Uic boan of books In the niuch enjoyed by ail present, might affect their munici- - and deep purple violets. Employees at Domniin i on light fiction category justthe right topping off for paliy .Mr. Wayne Hannan was best Stores presented the groom a nis"fuil" evening. The fact Jutimp i ng at conclusions mlan and the usher was Mr. with a clothes bamper.-Te Phillip Eldridge, bath of Bow-1 During the neception the No Shortage uI~9AV Natural Gas ONt I 1k> Oakah L. Joncs, President of! -r Consumera' Gas Company, said Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Walter Hately, whoar todlay con!firming previaus shown ini the above photo, were marnied in St. Paul's statements o! the Company, United Church, Bowmanville, on Friday evening, May that the Company expects no19197a7 'lk.FreyMisR eEan ob - M AR Sshontage o! gas suppîy ta its 1,16 t' 'lok omryMs4Rs lieRbn customers in the 1967-68 wint- son, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. ___ m er. He said it was too early William Robinson, and the groom is the son of Mr. - 11 Wtr state wbat steps youid ad Ms W leh tl, l f Bwmanifl now fu ures bentwas poseiied o otage cane o! the 1968-69 winter, but M ME heventalypbosiai ed taotake J- I - E a A c t o ' ywould affect customers then i B ulova. It is Canada Pipe Lines bas firru contracts with Consumens' Gas The negular June Council proval o! by-law in the not a w at h.sud that be did not expect meeting o! Manvers Township amount o! $51,000.00; C.P.R.m n t i at h.'qTrans-Canada ta defauit on was held on Tuesday with ail concerning a road crassiîngin these- contnacts. menibers present and Reeve Lot 24, Concession 4; The On- I t is the m ost entered into contracta Tover- Communications r e c e i v cd contrai; Dept. of Highways upl ro ras and discussed were from the payment o! Advance Subsidyi a ceurate tiIIl - Canada or their other sources, Dept. o! Highways with ap- in the amount o! $17,500.00; including storage, he said. Mv. J. Cunningham, Q.C., ne Certain lange industrial cus- Pontypool Fine Area fine; On- piece in -t e tomnera punchase gas on inter- teiDoEiyd*oà qoenaing. Mev-e ruptible rates and expect to ing poIes in ' th Fleetwood be cut back at peniods o! hlgh area; Retarded Children's Ed- Accutron's tuing forkk willni nue_________________ of Municipal Affairs ne the ~,s replaes th outated oemwith Uic Ontario Governmenzit Municipal and School Tax............ alance theeltdt who. are nepresented at the When you .furn 21 Credit Assistance Act o! 1967; Ie c h1à National Enery Board hear- Victoria County High School ~. - found ia ail watches.~ inga inl Ottawa.Y ar nàlne Area, 1967 Maintenance Levy ' covered by your in the amount of $29,990.70; ......'.. .. ... Stop by so we en tell you more.prns H sîa Dept. o! Heaith ne Ambulance Strigwith the right time of day. Services Act 1966; Janetvilie "'.MM.'. Strtng__Ho n e-y to O penf Insurance. You must Womencs Institut reJanetV AccufrobyDuWoa. Frm$15000 take out individual Villa; OsTwsilv o A g N ew Building membdebPou 30 payments rOpsra .. Port ld n emesipWtin3 ownship Public School ABoard- Ho e cays. Gtyu ap. in the amount of $3 15.40; Ops M. MR' S At Pr oe plcation form a maintenance ievy in the . bank, a hospital, or amount of $635.04 and several .. JÉWELLERY & GIFT SHOP Russell Honey, Memben o! 'the Commission. accounts. 39 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Paliament'for Durhami, will The 1966 tax rail in the officially open the $378,000 amount o! $ 178,064.77 was ac- Port Hope Federal Building in cepted as neturned froni the ~. a ceremony at 8:00 p.m., June Collector with $150,992.81 cal 23. Port Hope is about 60 lected and $27,009.55 arrears- miles east o! Tnonto n thep ater allowringf ndîcounts- ~TRYTVPInumne ieiu rdne a e ai:Rod cmust now be paid ta count, voucher No. 6, $3,392.48; Mr. Henry Haw, Tononto, .cover husband and Jh eelLdpitn was a recent visitor ut Mn. Sid wie Hallowell's.f. Notify your ENFIELD Ws e p Mis Donna Souch, Toronto, "!grOup!"Without de. spent thec. weekend 'with ber Iay or if you both a The U.C.W. met at the home gr ,M.adMrs. Harold premiums direct, no ! I Mrs. A. A. Emmtt witb a WASHES A 6 LB. LOAD 0F CLOTHES IN 4 MINUTES. SPIN DYI N IUE Mn. sud Mns. Hantwell gn tedne r.Dn Lowey, irby su ~r. R. tify the Commission. ald Prescott and Mns..R. B. SPRT LwrKryanMnR.Simipson oonductedth De- EA T M ORFR WASHING AND SPINNING ALLOWSYUT WS N Lowery, Toronto, were Sun- votional period. Fan a pro-.PNDYA H AETM PIaeday gtaesta wlth Mn.. A. Dob- grami Mns.. on Oke nead cx-SPNDYATH MEIE Pleae tel usnowson.cerpts from "Horizon History before we print the new aTdutatne teAS-the co~dncl.~uin of thervhed i Se. the n.w compact portable Hoover Wish.n a versary sriea Shiloh, A T DAMn. and Mns. Wilfred Bow- Sundyaf019ooARIO man sud Miss Myrtle Tamblyn OSHAW ASuaay erice uth An-SPTA visited Mn. and Mrs. Everton wau nlcely attended with 11ev. H S ITLMn. and Mrs. Allen Taylor, m RC. Whte Inharge.A 7ale --W Directory q mneIS RAMÇ David ad Marilyn, visited at __ froe dn Mr.Keli Taylor'., Jauetville. VaL ithM.ic avet scottaPanMr. and Mns. Phil CanIn on JUY -17h musc. Re. Derot Anott, planvlsited ut Mn. Fred Griffa. PDY A JULY I iuil t ssmeaT Msuad Mns..J. H. aoe spakngo Ue r o! o Kedron were Saturday even- Cook up your listing In t"ecurDre " ~I fLord sund Wisdom. ing dinner gueste e! Uic G. Mis Hulb owell and ofl Bwman's. YOU WlSh to have It Chsnged, cati YOUr Tel. hon Mus Norma Ballowell, Toron- _C BOMr. and Mn.. Fred Griffin, 1suj" MQffdit 2 1., etC ie wo=kat lMn . 551*sulGrdnad Iva, were Sun- Sid lr*710ab. Gordn erguegs o! Mns. 8Sday guesta wlth Mr. sad Russell MeLaughlin, Causma. un. I1lew HallweU, were Mu.. R. Griffin recenti lMp0 b l C U ri Un. Gordon Martin, vFie r n ranc= lîr. nà ý)&i.Peter., Cuesarea, and Mn. sud IAustin ¶unr, Newcastle, sud Mn. Clifford Reid, Bowman- à&.ni d Mm ýffl kdfrOromo. ________ Y