- ---r ~C-..rr - Mn. L. Stock af Toronto tPp*several day'. with her and 'brothcr-in-law, Mr. ru.. James L. Johnson, creatLane. Congrmgjtions ta 1Mr. and Mia. AtI Saunders af Baw- inanville, iornierly af Orono en their OOth Wedding Anni- Versary, Saturday, June 17th. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lloyd ]Beatty and son John, Mr,. and Mrs. John Bailey af Oshawa Were Sunday dinner guests af 1fr. and Mrn. Lamne Bowins. Mn nd Mns. Chas. Cooper, Mn,. Jack Stapleton, Mr. and Un. Lawrence Grcenwood at- tendcd the 25th Wedding An- niversary ai Mr. and Mrs. Chas. V. Walker af Scar- borough at Uic home ai ber brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mns. Vance Cooper af Oshawa. Mr. and Mm.. Francis Jase of Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chapinan and son Clair ai Kirby; Mrs. M. Sher- win attendcd the funeral af the late Mrs. Wallace Welsh of Willsonville on Tuesday aiternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Laine Bowins attendcd the graduation ai their son-in-law Mr. John ]Bailey ai Qucen's University, Kingston, who rccelved bis Bachelor of Arts Degree on June 3rd. June 25th is Decoration Day at Orona Cemetery. Mm.. Florella C ha pma n Welsh, wife of Mr. Wallace ,Walsh of Willsonville, passed away on Saturday, June lth ln her 79th year. Funeral was on Tuesday aternoon. Mrs. Catherine Seal spent Thursday ai last week wlth ]Wrs. Abby Hattan, Toronto. Mr. and Mra. Chria. D. Pat- rick and son Peter of Winni- Oshawa vlsited ber parents, peg, Manitoba, were luncheon Mr. and Mns. Wm. A. Reid guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Chas. and Bill, Kirby. V. Cooper on Friday. Mr. and Mrs.,, Rcg. Sutton, Rev. Cecil Àllin and son Mrs. M. Shemwin, Mr. and Ronald ai Pasadena, Cali- Mrs. Ken Gray and son David iornia, visited bis brother, Mr. attendcd Cadmus U n i t ed Clarence Allun and Mns. Allun. Church Anniversary on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Hughes day and were dinner gucsts ai of Toronta were weekcnd Mrs. Milton Gray, Mr. and guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1Mm.. James Gray and family. Harris, Brian and Carl. Mrs. James E. Richarde Mr. and Mms. M. J. Thamp- visited friends in Cobourg, son ai Omemee visited Mrs. Saturday evenîng. Catherine Seal on Tuesday ai The General Meeting ai the hast week. U.C.W. will be held an Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel -D. day, June l5th, business and Shetîci, and infant sanoai programn at 8 p.m. Horticulturalisfs fWork on Flower Beds At Community Hall Newcastle:- Seven o'clack Tuesday evening the 6th June saw a hive ai activity around the Community Hall and the triangle an Mill St. North, wben over a dozen cager beavers froni Newcastle Hor- ticultural Society got together ta work an thie flower beds. Due ta tb. previaus dry weather the soil was very bard and lumpy, necessibating a good deal oi 'bard labour' with a variety ai toals befare the ground was warkab]e. Everyonc seemed ta gravitate naturally ta tbc jobs on hand, and everyone was bis or ber own boss (that's tbc bcauty ai this society, na-anc pushes anyane, but tbe work gets, THAT -9 $62.;o See aur complete selection of diamonds. JQ(oopne r'sfJe we lery PHONE 623-5747 29 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE FATIiERs Remember "D ADy OId Spice LIME Oriental Fragrance "'MVE IT UP" GIFTS Ailer Shave $2.00 $3,0 0 $ 10 YU COLOGNE $2.50 YOUR OLD WORN.OUT CAMERA IS WORTH $10.00 CASH on our great trade in special K@dak Instamatic Camerai Kit LIST PRICE $24.50 TRADE.IN ALLOWANCE $10.00, YOU PAY ONLY $14.50 plus provincial'sales tax EXCLUSIVELY BY CANADA'S FINEST PHOTO FINISHERS! m FREE FILM - wlth every roU of black and wbite or Kodacolor left here for developing and prîiting. FREDERICK'S* Prescription Pharmacy a King St. 1. Bownmnie FMEEDELIVEY Last week Mrs. Everett Mountjoy of Kedron celebrat- ed ber eightieth birthday on Tuesday, and ber family and friends marked the occasion with special festivities. On Sunday, 80 members of ber family and neighbours and friends held a birthday picnic at Mountjoy Park. Mrs. Mountjoy was asked ia cut a huge birthday cake with a full complement of candies, and she was the recipient af many gifts. The youngest member of the party was Scott Branton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Branton (nee Bannie Gannan), Mrs. Mount- joy's first great-granchild. On Wednesday night the U.C.W. surprised Mrs. Maunt- joy with a presentation of a lufe membership pin. The pin was presented by Mrs. Wil- liam Skuce, President af the U.C.W., and a corsage ai pink roses was pinned in place by Mrs. J. Starkoski, a niece L A WN C HA IR R vèP# 45.9 - 7.95- $.95COLOURFUL - - 9095 UMBRELLAS IDEAL FOR RELAXING 71/2 feel CHAISETTE $44.95 SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION 0F. . . CALIFORNIA REDWOOD FURNITURE Table - Benches - Lounges » Settees with Table f 104 FOR GRANDFATHER IDEAL FOR PORCH OR PATIO ROCKERS FA. KRAM 'P Lt de "THREE FLOORS 0OF FINE FURNITURE" 3 7 -41 KING ST. EASTPHN62 -Y Announce Engagement Miss Frances Dawn Rayworth Mr. David John Higgon 1iggon-Rayworth: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Rayworth, Amherst, N.S., announce the engagement of their daughter Frances Dawn to David John Higgon, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Higgon, Bowmanville, Ont. The marriage will take place JuIy th at 5 p.m. in Trinity St. Stephen United Church, Amherst, N.S. Celebrates 8Oth Birthday Mrs. Everett Mountjoy Who is a past president ai the any Study part af tbe Sunday U.C.W. Mrs. Harold Wcrry, School program. Mrs. Ross Le. and Mrs. John Glover Jr. expressed the con- Living alone since the death gratulations ai th. threc ai ber husband, May 24tb, Units. 1961, Mrs. Mountjoy is sur- The pin was a fitting bon- prisingly youtbful, and ber aur for Mm.. Mountjoy wba many friends wish ber many has devoled a lifetime nif ser- more years of service ta bbcý vice ta the cburch. She js church and cammunity that the only charter member ai has always been tbe centrea tb. Kedron Ladies' Aid Who ber life. is still an active workcr. The other two charter members Who arc living are Mrs. Flel- cher We rry and Mrs. H. L. Pasco.. Ahways active in bbc FATHE Ladies' Aid, and the W.A. and U.C.W. whîch followed it, U D Y Mrs. Mountjoy took tbe lead in Missionary study and re- lief work ta missions. She was for many years a menuber ai tbe choir, and bas main- tained ber interest I the' Suda cho O Rl h pe GROVE 1Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens were dinner guests one even- ing last week with his sister, Mrs. Charlie White. Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow were Sunday visitors with their cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Phipps, Willowdale, al- so Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dins- more, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Laird and family, Komoka, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Wm. (Jake) Laird. Legion »Auxiliary Plan Euchre The Bowmanville Ladies' Auxiliary to -the Royal Can- adian Legion at the meeting held here last week campleted plans ta entertain the fine other Legion Auxiliaries in the Zone at a euchre on June 24th. Comrade Denise Anneart was appointed convenor for this euchre party ta be held in the Legion Hall iror nen o'clock ta five o'clock that Saturday aiternoon. Invitations were receîved from Branch 178 of the Royal Canadian Legion ta attend the p~arade and service at the Cenotaph here an Saturday norning, June lOth, In connec- tion with the observance af Veteras)s Week, and also ta attend the Drurnhead Service and Sparts Day an Saturday Lternoon in Sunderland. President Mary Westover presîded at the meeting. It mias decided to malce a doa- tion af $50 ta the Youth Bowl- ig League. Plans were also made to hoid a Centennial Supper at tie Legion Hall at 6:30 p.m. on Manday evenlng, June lGth, clfore the next meeting of the uxiliary and members were sked ta corne ta the supper in Centennial costumes.' The balance of the evering vas spent in packzng 43 mndi- vidual boxes for _patients at Divadale Lodge, Sunnybrook [capital, Toronito. The fol- >wgevenlng 14 members ai be auxllary went to Divadale vith thc boxes. After pic- wnting their gI!tz ta the eld. ny veterans they visited and lajed bingo with them. idone). Darkncss and shortage af plants avertaok us at tbc tri- angle before wc bad quite fin- ished planting the annuals, but the crab trees were in and the sign was erected. Two ai aur members under-1 took ta complete the job tbc following day. The larger group ai work,- ers were at the triangle, but the few who workcd at the Hall did an excellent job too. Mrs. Jean Rickard invited us ail back ta ber bouse, whcre, over a mast appreciat- cd lunch, w. beld an informai meeting. Not al tbc workers were able ta stay and go dawn ta Mrs. Rickard's, but the eleven or sa dusty indi- viduals that did agrecd that It was a mast picasant way ai rounding off tbc evening's work. Mr. Megit read, bbe min- utes, and a motion was car- ried that bis should be paid. It was suggested that lb. sign at the triangle would benefit witb a face-luft, and Mesdames Rickard, Hoogkamp and Wbceler offered ta look aiter this for us. The meeting then adjourned. Guides Make Presentation To *Hall Board INewcastle-On Monday cv- e ning, May 29th at the regular meeting of the Community l-iall Board the gift ai a Canadian Flag and Crests me- presenting the Caat-oi-Arms ai cach pravince was received. Tbe presentatian was made by Lais Barchard, Katby Lavekîn and Angela Chard who wcre representing tb. GilGuides ai Newcastle. This git was the Centennial Projcct ai the Girl Guides. The girls bave cbecked coats at the variaus social functions beld during the past winler in order ta finance the project. The Guides sîrncerely hope thbt the citizens ai the corm- nuunity wihl enjoy seeing this gift tbe next time they visit the auditorium ai the Com- munity Hall. HAYDON Practice for aur Sunday Scbool Anniversary at 1n o'clock an Sunday. Sunday M APLE School wîll be witbdrawn un-MaeGrvSudyShl tii September. N otete bcAnie rry wili b. heidne change in time ai churcb scr- Sundvay unel8tb.hLak for vice during tbc summer, 1:30 Sadvt. elehre8itbisLookper. o'c]iQck. dt lehrintspar Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lock Don't forget bbc Town and adM.and Mrs. Henry Asb- Country supper. Sec omn ton, Part Hope, attended Dec- Eet o ute a aratian Service at Hampton This cammunity extends Cemctcry on Sunday and bcarticst congratulations to were suppcr guests ai Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence White Mm.. Leslie Graham. wba Ibis week anc ceiebrating Miss Lynda Potts, Toronto, their 4th Wcdding Anniver- spent the weckcnd at ber sary, on Saturday, June 1 7th. home. The many friends ai Mn. Mr.andMrs BuceGala-Jack Hurrie are sorry ta geM. and Mrs. Rcharda learn be is a patient in Merm- gber, Mm. and fMrs ich Aard anal Hospital, Bowmanville. callcd an Mr. and Mrs. Roy ca ws hmaspeyr Patersan and iamily on Sun- cvery. day, The mnany littie Sunday Scbool fricnds af i tIle Miss Mrs. Smith, Mr. Victor Lisa Van Camp are sory ta Smith and Miss Ruth Smith, leamn she is a patient in Sick Toronto, werc Sunday visitors 'Children's Hospital, Toronto. ai Mrs. A. Thompson. W. wish ber a speedy rccav- Mr. and Mrs. J. Abbott and ery. Steven, Mrs, Hohroyd and Mr. Peter Pritchard was a Donald, Burketon, v i s 1 tle d supper gucst on Thumsday ev- Mrs. Thampson on Saturday. cning with bis grandmotber,q Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton, Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Hi. bro-E Mr. and Mrs. John Ross, Ton- ther John, wbo attendcd Cour-E onto. at tbc Ashton cottage on lice Higb, Scbool Ibis pastt Sunday and attendcd Decora- ycar, returncd home witb hum( lion Service at Hampton ta spend Uic summer with bisç Cemetery. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Mrs. F. Osmond, Bowman- erthad and brothers Peterf viiie, callcd an ber mother, ad Paul, aI Manotick. ..c Mm.. A. Tbompson, on Thurs- tSevemal fronu Ibis comimuni-1 day.y altended bbc anniversaryC day. services at Ebenezer on Sun- Couples Club wiilmccl aI day.t thb, home ai A. Stephens, tm:n M. avc nn Salem, this Saturday evening gle, Fergus, spent tbc wcek- a aI 8:30 o'clock. end wilh hem parents, Mn. and a Mn.. Gardon Dudley, Bur- Mrs. J. Haltby, also their lit- a lington, spent bbc wcekend île son, Master Eddie Pringle, with ber parents, Mr. and who Io sbaying at present with p Mm.. A. Read. bis gnandparenls, Mr. and m~ Mn. and Mn.. Lloyd Slemon Mrs. J. Holtby. They aiso ti and'family attended Decora- visited hem sister and bus- ir lion Service aI Hampton band, Mn. and Mn.. Chnis Cemetery and were bea guests Bamboiho. h af Mms. T. Mountjoy, Hamp. Mms. L C. Snowden was a tv ton, on Sunday. guest at tbc tea given by Mns. oi Mrs. K. Cowling and Miss Slyfleld, Oshawa, at Adelaide b Lily Tabb visited Mr.. Mabel Hos last Satumday in bancs ai af ber daughtei, Marlyn'. ap- a Cowlng, Salem, on Tueiiday. proaclulng marmiage. Mns. i Mr. and Mm.. Marris Pal- Plearl Richardson, Tucson, lard and family visited Mr. Ariz.j a cousin, rctumncd home w and Mn.. Ernie Lyons, Pro-. with hem and apent thc week- vi ton Station, on Uic weckend. end. D Mns. A. Read and Mrn.. ?*rs. Allai Snowe, ac- Bl Gardon Dudley, Burlington, eompanled by hem sstr and Io attcndcd Uic International husband, Mr. and Mr&. Reg. ta boat races at Peterborough an Taylor, Ohwa, visited their w Sunday. Claylon Read won parents, Mn. and Mrs. E. H. se tbe Irnpeial 011 Tophy in Wilkins, Port Hope. on Sun- er tUecCanadian anc designs clan.day. P The Orono News l Mrs. James E Richards, Editor Kendal W.l. _0Report The Kendal Wamen's Insti- tute met at bbc borne ai Mrs. G. Cathcart for aur May meeting. The. meeting was opened by tbc Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect. There were ten members and two visitors present. A repart ai the receipts ai the Penny Sale was given by thc treasurer showing that over $280 bad been rcalizcd. Plans were made for a baotb at the Clarke Township Field Day whicb will be held at Kendal an June 151h. Wc were glad ta welcome aur District President, Mrs. Ivisan Munday, who was ac- campanied by Mrs. Flintaf aio Bowmanville. Mrs. Mun- day gave a short balk on Good Management. The program was in charge af the Histarical Research canvenors, Mi,.. Cathcart and Miss Catherine Stewart. Mm1 Cathcart gave a talk anto fnn, n., mn n ,, k...aL..... .R'S DAY ýJUNE l8th 'tf WeIfare Drops During Month 0f May During May there were 45 iewer mcpents ai weliame than iretZe. previaus month the report ai R. J. Welsh, Wel- fane Admninistraton, submitted ta Town Council on Monday evening, shawed.. A total ai 156 persans received weliare here in May compared with 201 in April. The total cost ai weliare for May was $7,288.67, but as the expected recaveries fram provincial and fedenal subsi- dies and chargebacks amount- cd ta $6,411.57 the actual cast to the town will be anhy $877.10. During the month five new applications for welfarc were filedý Two were accepted and employment was procured for three people. The weliare expenditures for May included direct wél- fare $3,966.05, nursing hames $2,738.55, supplementary aid $380, also excess and medi- cines $204.07. The recipients in May were 18 heads ai familles with 50 dependants, 16 single persans, eight deserted or separated cases with 21 dependants, 24 people in nursing homes, and 19 persans wbo received ,O.A. A. and O.A.S. supplementany aid. The repart ai Building In- spectar Ronald Hetherington for May showed that 1 1 build- ing permmts and five plumbing permits were issued. The total cost ai construction during the month was $201,200. Tliere were 38 building in- spections made during May, and four trench inspections. The building inspectai, made 18 investigations, and he re- ceived 24 inquiries. ' * t, f The Canadian Stateaman owmanville, June 14. 1Wf born at Kendal, Sir Thomas Anthcmn we enJoyed a M«I Stanton and Rcv. Alfred Mo- cious lunch and social tlrne, ment. A contest "What do The hostesses were Mis. Lumw you knaw about Canada?" an and Mrs. Mercer. was conducted by Miss Stew- 7%e rail cali for the mett art. Ifra. Elliatt won the prize ing was narning a Primie for the contest. Mrs. Munday Minister af Canada, and the installed the officers fort motta was "}is who Iorgtu 1967-1968. 1 the* past loses the *key to the After singing thc Nationali1 futurê-" CENTENIAL 7CLEANERS 71 ING ST. E. BOWMA11MLLE Superb Dry Clçaning Shirt Laundering Moderate Prices! PHONE 623m2971 A FOR FREE PICK-UP N8ZV AND DELIVERY _ZVS21 IN THESE AREAS BOWMANVILLE TAUNTON MAPLE GROVE E.R. 5, ROWMANVILLEF COURTICE TYRONE E.R. 4, OSHAWA HAYDON R.R. 4, BOWMANVILLE ENNISKILLEN NEWCASTLE BURKETON NEWTON VILLE BLACKSTOCKC ORONO NESTLETON HAMPTON CAESAREA ZION Weekly draw for $5.00 cleaning to the Iucky invoice number. Sunuer C 6 Pc. GROUP UMBRELLA - TABLE - COVER TWO CHAIRS - ONE LOUNGE FOit FArHER... kFOR REAL SUMMER COMFORT LOUNGES $27e95 1- 1-- 1 mý