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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1967, p. 7

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cSocial & £kersonal Phone 623-3303 m ] Mn. andi Mrs. Thomas E. tors witb Mr&. Kenneth E. Rogers, Ricky snd Robbie, Cox, town. >larkbam, necently visiteti her, Mn. and Mn.. Robert Gili, ,oher,. rs. K. E. Cox, King i King St. West, have neturneti V 'teet East. fram su enjoyable vacation lins. James C. Cairas bas trip to England and France. retune1 ram visiting ber Miss Pat Gill, wbo accorn- reatvl and friends la New panied ber parents as far as Zeaiand. She has taken up Nice, nemsined on the Con- residence la tbm Hendry Apant- tinent for thc summer. Pat Iments ln îown. bas successtully compieteci her Mr. and Mrs. Nnrman Gib- ýfinal medical year at Queen's son, Patricia andi Malene,i University, Kingston. petthe past weekend nl During thm summner moaths TRINITY UNITD (HURCH Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Callison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. SIYNDAY, JUNE 25, 1967 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship FLOWER SUNDAY SERVICE Marking close of Chunch School until Fall, Attendance awsrds will be presmnted. Primary and kindengarten baye and girls will present flowers. SUMMER YOUNG PEOPLE, PREPARE NOW FOR FUTURE EMPLOYMENT >FOR FUTURE ADVANCED LEARNING FOR SPECIALIZED BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE FOR SPECIALIZED BUSINESS SKILLS YOU CAN DO ALL 0F THESE THINGS THIS SUMMER AT THE Oshawa Business (ollege SUMMER TRAINING FOR BUSINESS Going to University? Learn Shorthand and Typing. Going t. Work? Take one of the complets Career Courses avuilable. GET YOUR COPY 0F "SUMMER SCHOOL MAKES SUMMER SENSE"" - Thon Act. Enrolut Once - Make Your Summer Count Start as soon as your regular term ends. le SIMCOX ST. N., OSHAWA DIAL 725-3375 e f r 2 si bJtrry aouna w in m. ant a nmerousa ciuna wiln ,rave Mrs. Lawrence Lermer. ta distant parts of Canada andi Mr. and Mra. W. D. Cushing Ontario during well-earned and son Donn of Penmona,1 vacations, anti mauy wiil en- California, bave been visiting tertain visiting relatives and with ber grantifather, Mr. G. fionds. Please let us bave B. Cherrington, Liberty St. particulars ai your vacation ]Worth.1 awey tram bomne, and aisa the Mr. andi Mrs. John H. Stew- names af your visitors. Dia! art of Calgary, Alta., spent3-0. the pat week witb the form- Weekend visitons witb Mn. er's parents. Mr. andi Mrs. Tom and Mrs. Don Mountjoy and Stewart andi daughter Dale,,famiiy, Simpsan Ave., werc Churcb Street. M r. and Mrs. A. Jones, Toron- Mrs Al Bikel, M. Lrneta, wbo wene in town ta attend rAhBickell, nad Mr. Imaetho baptism on Sunday marn- Johns, Oshawa, attended thingCbr i tei îa' nt ed Card - MeFarland wedding in Cuc fterfrtýget Oakvlle est atura T grandcbiid, Christopher Mark Oakile lstSatrdy.he MMns son ai Mn. andi Mrs. bride, Miss Judy McFeriand, Robert l'cManus, King Street in Mns. Bickeli's niece. East. Congratulations t o M l s à F/Lt. and Mrs. Barry Arm- Betty Darch, daughter oi Mn. trnad mlyhvreu- and lirs. John L. Darcb wha d rnmad amit iyaenetrin- hs successuy cmltdSacramento, Califarnia. F/Lt. honr second-year Geography Armstrong was atîentiing an course aI the University of Electronics Course at Mather Western Onterio, London. Air Farce Base. Nancy and Mr. andi Mrs. Ted Feiroy andi famiiy wiii be staying with deughter Robin have roturn- ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. cd home after an enjayable Howard Smytbe, Scugag St., twa-week holiday. The first until Barry finds accommode-f week was spent visiting ne- tion near the C.F.B., St. Hu-t tives la Syracuse, N.Y., and bort, soutb ai Montreai. the second weok et Twelve Three libraniens, lire. Mid- Mile Lake la Haliburtan. dup, lins. Reynolds and Mrs. lins. Ross Weetieke, South- McAthur, from the Bowman-j way Dr., visitoti hon uncle anti ville Libnery attended tbo eunt, Mn. and Mrs. Siti West ibrary workshop o! the Lakee o! Beamsville. on the woek- Ontario Branch on Wednesdey,s eati and ettended the wedding Juno 7th, in Belleville. Oner oi hon cousin, Miss Judy Mc- subject discussod was tbe use Fenlenti, and Mn. Bernarti af paporbeeks ln tbe librery. Centiet St. Andrew's Cetbalic Ton dollars' warth o! child- Church, Oakviiie, lest Setur- ron's books la paperbecks were day. 1 donaed ta eacb iibnary by thec lre.~.E. Regional Librany System. WyiPrablems o! librarians lu Bmock and Adrionne. London, smail librery wero aiea dis- Ont., Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. usdi Cox anti !amily, Downsview; cusod Mrs. Alan Greviiio anti daugi - The Delington Teechons ton, Dawn, Oakville, Mn. Gem- Association boiti a dinner an aid Cox, Orono; Mn. anti Mrs. Mondey, Juno i9tb, at the Lionel Baker andi !emily, Acres Restaurent ta banon Mn. Oshawa, wene weokond visi- M. J. Hobbs upan bis retire- mont !rom the Dariington Township Area Scbooi Board,n and msa Inspector G. hac REHOBOTH i Leoti Who wiil no longer have a C rist tho Darlington teachers under i Christian Reformed bhis junisdiction. Miss Vere 91 Curc Johnson, Presidont' f theC Scugog Street tion, on behalf o! tho Associa- i ion pnesentod lir. Hobbs se Ilnlster: 1wth apen and pencril set and w~ 3ev. A. VandenBerg, i A family gathering was heltiW B.A.. B.D., M.Th. et tie homeofaiMn. and Mrs. L Evorett Wood and famiiy, gi Worship Services i Perkway Crescent, an Sunday, or Jun 18, la honor ai Mn. andi 10 m.m.a lins Lwis Wood, R.R. 4, Bow- 7:30manville, on the occasion of!G 7:3 pm.their 40ti wodding amuni-Li vensary. Those ettending the S 11:-15 a.m. Sunday School bhappy cvenl were Mn. and Pr Mns. Fred Wood, Mn. andi lis. O! Bmck To Goci Hour Porc. Cooper, Oshawa, Mn, andtIl lms Clifford Macklin and ai CKLB famiiy, linrs. Helen Hunt and bi 1family, Mn. anti lra. Howard CE Every Sunday, 9:15 p.m. W0odand femily, Bowman- Ju ville. Mrs. Alan Wilbur and c] "*Everyone Welcome" Siaron, Oshewa, were Sun- Vl day evcaing calIons. Jr T'wa employees ofthle Bow-, ai Gi St mi gri co set fv wa Mi ani Mir an toi Mr the Bo Eai Bo, vis. Mr Toi guE lar and Dal ing at mis bini atti ver and and gra: anc Osn Lyr Mn, anc Hop Wal Dci and wer and c nett tria cept Sc wln Si Ly i wot Fer, Announce Engagement manvile plant of the. Goo Iyear Tire & Rubiier Compas, IAllen Moffattend Raymot IFry,are pictured in the jur issue of the Wingfoot Cli years service with the cou pany. The "Clsn" states thi Mr. Fry started la the mi departnient 40 yesrs aga. 1 1945 he wax named assista, foremsn and appoiated fant min the next year. In 196 be wax transferred ta the hos department and 10 mant ister was nsmed night super intendent. In 1966 he wa appointed lupervisor la thi V-bet department and at pres cnt je supervlsing in the cor veyor beit department. Mi Moffatt jolaed the compsny 41 years âgo in the refluer mi] and the foiiawing year wa trsnsferred ta the calenderc In 1936, he was moved ta jin specting in calenders and mili and la 1943 was named fore man in this department. Ir 1960 he was named nigh, superintendent and conveyoi bei supervor He is a pas president of theBowmanviii( Supervision Club. Mr. and Mrs. Raymone Dudley and son, John David of Cincinnati, Ohio, reconti' visited his mother, Mrs. C. H Dudley, Courtice. Mr. Dudloy has been busy the past twri wooks during wbicbhoh gavea lecture necital on the Haydn Sonatas at the Bienniai Na- tionsl Music Teachers Conven- tion held in St. Louis, and workshops and rocitais for teachers at Qucen's Coilege ini Charlotte, N.C., and Duko Uni- versity in Durham, N.C. Ray- mond bas received the, Senior Award for Artiste from Cana- da Councîl for the Arts in the sumn of $5,500, plus travelling expenses, to go té Vienne for research and study of Haydn Piano Sonatas. He has been given leave of absence fromn the University of Cincinnati, whero he je professor of piano, for two quarters. Mr. Dudley, his wîfe and son will sal from New York for Europe on June 23rd, remaining there for [mce months with heedquart- ers in Vienne. Whilo ovor- oeas he wiil perform, in eight recitals, the -complete Haydn Sonatas la Landon's new Pur- cell Hall (part of the Royal Festival Hall Performing Arts aompiex), beginning Fobruary 20, 1968, and for eight con- ;ecutive Tuesday evenings. 'hie wii ho the first time the Haydn Sonates have been per- ormed in a complete cycle. Receives BA. Norma Gearng tiaugiter ai Mn. anti lre. Cur- lis Geaing, R.R. 3, Bowman- ville, neceiveti hon Bechelon cf Arts degnee et thc Spring Convocation helti on June 2 at York University, Toronto. Ia September, Norme will begin graduete studios et tic Uni- verity of Manitoba, Sehool of Social Wonk. ELIZABETH VILLE HAYDON Haydon Sunday School Ar niversary Services will b~ held on Sunday at 2:30 p.m and 7:30 p.m. Speciai mus; has been arranged, and thI guest speaker wiii be Rev Chris Dugan, B.A., B.D. U.C.W. June meeting wa held at the home of Mrs. Oie: en on Tuesday evening, vith the president Mrs. Jone! in charge. Meeting opene( vith theme hymn, and thE Lord's Prayer. Devotionsi waý given by Mrs. Cowling, baseé n the churches in 1867, and customs and clothes. BiblE reading from lst chapter oi Genesis, verses 1 ta 6. Hymn, band of our Birth' was sung, Sec. report was read and ap. roved. Roll cail was answer- id by the name of a favorite lower. Treasurer's report was iso given. Clothing for the )ae la ta be left at Mrs. Don *ameron's by first week of Fuly, aiea 'anything to be ,eaned. It was decided tc 'ithdraw aur meetings for Fuiy and August, starting igain with a. corn roast ini ;eptember. Mrs. M. Poliard had the fol- owing program: Mrs. Alfred cerrad gave a reading. Mrs. tenger Sr. sbowed siides of uly, Switzerland and Ger- any. A piayback. of pro- rarn was given on tape re- order by Mrs. Olesen. Pre- ent were 10 members and 'e visitors. A dainty lunch ls served by the bostess and [r. M. Poilard and group. Mr. and Mrs. Don Pollock nd family, Ajax, calied on ra. M. Bertrim and famiiy nWednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Ash- on and Scott and Mr. and rs. Bert Ashton, Toronto, at Leir cottage on Sunday. M'r. and Mrs. B. McDonald, owmanvîiie, Mr. and Mrs. rie Thompson and Cynthia, owmanville, were Tuesday sitors of Mrs. A. Thompson. rand Mrs. Doug Hooper, ronto, were Sunday dinner .ests of her grandmother, rs. A. Thompson. M.r. and Mrs. Morris Pol- 'd and family visited Mr.1 id Mrs. Art Poliard, Ciare- ont, on Sunday. MIr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn,9 le and Neil, and Mrs. Cowl- 9enjoyed a picnic supper Farewell Biackburn's, Sa-1 m, an Sunday, ta ceiebrate1 iss Estelia Biackburn's 88th rthday.1 Mlr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton1 tended Maple Grave anni-( rsary. service on Sunday1 à were tes guests of Mr. d Mrs. S. Morton.t Mrs. Aice Tbompson and .nddaugbter Mrs. J. Abbott d Steven, called on Mrs. F. ;nond Bowmanvilie. 5 Mra. A.- Read and Missa ,ne Read visited Mr. andt s. Henry Ashton and Mr. d Mrs. Albert Lock, Portt oe, on Sunday. Miss Carol Blackburn, Mr. ayne Blackburn and Mr. ogias Blackburn, Haydon, d Eric Shackleton, Salem, 5 *e Sunday tes guests of Mr. t] dMru. Leonard Falls, Ken- p, 1. c Congrajulations and best n shes té Mr. sud Mrs. Ken- p th Urwin (nee Jean Ber. m') whose weddmng took m ce anSaturday ait Haydon c ted Church, witb the re- d Lion being heid at Hamp- h Han .V ;arry to, hear William Tre- il awas taken to Oshawa ti noital today for surgery. v~ iympatby of the comuui- p~ la extended ta Miss Wima tl >ten in the sudden passing J, mother, the late Mna. out o! achool andti hey aeemn ta be quite busy.- Allen Trew, Bob Mercer anti Genry Fowler were et Expo Moatiay anti Tuesday. lin, anti lre. Mac Walker anti iamily have spoat the lest few tiays at Expo. Tiey took e camper. Mn. anti lre. E. Yarnow anti family, Port Hope, wene with Mr. anti lis. E. Fowler on Sunday. Mn. anti lra. H. Quantrill spont an evcning with Mn. and lins. J. Cunnien, Port Hope, lest week. lins. Evie Beatty le la Cîvie Hospital, Peterborough. Mn, anti lis. B. licIntosh anti boys, Coldepninga, epent Suntiay with lin, anti lis. H. liultimw. .Mn, anti lis. H. Quantnili anti sovenal otiens ettenieti lie Centennial Stearn Show et Cempbeliiorti on Sundey. Mr. anti lis. H. Muldnew celebretedtihem wetiting an- nivensary recontiy anti the family prosenteti thom with a davoapont. lin, anti lis. F. Taylor, Oshawa; Mr. anti lis. Don Whitbreti andtihle girls, Osha- wa, spent Sunday with lin. anti lir. L. Muldnow. Mn. anti lre. F. Barry, lire. liee, lins. Haden, Peter- borough; lin, anti lis. H. Gardon, Pont Hope, wcne with lins. Smith anti lis. Savory, Fritiay evcning. Sundey visitons were lins. J. Bothwell, Bowmenviile; Miss- es Eileen Earle anti Beckic Earle, Whitby; Mn. Savcry, Starkvîlle; lin, anti lre. D. Whitbred anti girls, Oshawa, et lire. Smith's. Yi id ne in. 40 n- lt ra it nt e- 54 se hg r. le s5 ri- ýr Il )r it ce bis bus free ai show. -Tlniu Seral .Nslto t eerathefrom Nestienat tendevi te osaati uppa en-a Jngand vte o atndray er- iceg o su heann rsr sr viesaeunday. ta Davidese iesed tfhMt avd r.N Lee, IlesonablMr sorud Mro e Lee, wshabwe Hopta l eun bon fomOa HasitalolmEmesony nd Mrs.MRicord Emrson attnd lir Rhard DaisntteCn- forence la Guelph last week. ME. and Mrs. Ralpb Bowers sud Ian, Tynane, were Sun-, day everung callenswith bis parents, Mn. mnd ire. George Bowers. In spite of the inclement weather the rummage andi beke sale, sponsored by Court Lady Snowbird, was a suc-1 ceas. The girls hati the four tables arrangedtinl a circe whicb proveti vcry conven- ient. The baking was ail solti andi the ladies very genenously Ineateti ail their guests ta coffee anti cookies. C@LD WAVE ~iIfJPLUS -Froe Cneam Treatment 1 Reg. $12.50 $75 SPECIAL -___ SUMMER SPECIAL to August 31st Have a new hair caler fore SumnVact i. Take anl machnes.i ancu ew choloahine The Salon of Bobette Beauty For Appointment - 623-7691 NESTLETON Recent visitons wilb Mn. anti lins. Wiliond Vine anti family worc lin. Edward Vine, Edmonton, lir. and Mlis. Wm. Vine, North Bey,Mli nsd lins. Reg. Middtleton, G o rdao n, Thelma anti Bruce, Cooks- ville, anti li. Charces Vine, Wiitby. Friday evcnîng visitons witi Mn. anti lrs. Eli Mains worm Mr. and lins. Eric Capstick, Lindsay, anti Fathens' Day guosts were Mn. anti lre. Ivan Mains anti Jimmy, Clark- son, Mn. anti lis. George Sel- lons, Sherry anti Judy, anti lins. Buti Virtue, Barry anti Donna, Bowmanville, Mn. anti lins. Ted Mains, Susan, Mardi anti Gloria, Bowmanville, Mn. and lins. Norman Mains, Nos- tioton, Mir. anti lis. EanI Wethenal andi li. Wm. Simca, Bethany. Miss Virginie Fortune, Wl- lowdmle, was a Sunday la Fnl- day visitor with lin, anti lis. George Donnerai. Ovomight guosti wiIh Mn. anti lins. Cecil Wilson were Mr. anti lis. Cliff-ord Hoîz anti Mr. anti lir. Carl Nanrd- bmng, Fairview, Penusylvania. They worm neturaing from a four day visit at Expo. lin, anti lis. Frank Bishop and !amily, Aunons enjoyeti a Suntiay visit wlth ber uncle, Mn. Kitchener Burton. Mn. anti lis. Charles Tra- vis, Susan anti Karen, Tor- onto, anti Mn. anti lis. Hil- liard Millarti, Wbitby, wer receat visitons with Mn. anti Mrsn. Grant Thompion. Perry Gr«andel jolnmd allier' fi Mr. and Mrs. DougÈlas F. Rackham of Bawmanville wish ta announce the rthcoming marniage of their daughter Lynda Rae Rackhamn, B.A., ta Howard Xarren Rundie, B.Sc., M.A., son of Dr. a nd Mrs. H. B. Rundie o! Bawmanville. 'he marriage to take place on Saturday, July 151h, at 4 p.m. in Trinity United 'hurch, Bowrnanville. Announce Engagement jschaal rinda aavelt TGordon Fleming, ScarbOrouIgb. The Canadian Statesman. nowmnvifle, we 21. 1"7? were overnlght guestal with1 Mni. and Mrs. George He&SllP tie Olci Time Flddler's Contest charge for the tour of tbe sud accompanied Mr. and on Thursday, July 7th at the Orono Tre. Nursery cIurlngU Mns. Heaslip to the Nurses' Orono Armna. Jia Coyle was reeant Apple Blouum b_ Graduation at St. Peter's High preseut ta inform, the meeting It waa brought befosM Scbool Auditorium, Peterbor- thaI 10 aid Urne ficdilers from meeting that most centres Iough, when their miecs Miss thc arma of Northumberland as Orono do now have Ep Lis Fleming, Lindsay, ne- and Durham hsd made their delivery. This servie, It cived her dipioma. latent known ta campete ia stated, was available la iNew's lins. Harold Fleming, Lind- the contest. The Chamber also castie on a door to doorbas say and Mir. Donald Fleming approved further entertain- Il ws mroved thatt1h. ec- Oshaa, wre uda .viing, ment for Uic evenlng of a tary write tic CN Exprems Osha a, ere und y vm orsW estern nature. The Ontaro statiag the desire to have thié wlhe M. a r.Gog County Boys are ta perforai at service extended ta thm Village - -Glenn anti Barry Malcolm The mid-week exhibition enjayeti a camping holiday softbeUl game linlMalcolm Mle- Fridey ta Sunday with the maniai Park, Osbawa versus ................ ........... . Blackstock Boy Scouts et Bell Nestleton Foresters, wes ex- Point. They ronteti four citing anti entcnteining with cenoos anti hati the unique plenty o! goals sconeti by oxperience ai rowing acrosa bath bera. Bath terne dià Lake Scugog andti tey leamu- excellent betting but the Osi- cd tic technique o! canacing. awa mon seemoti ta o e t ths i. Mn. anti lis. Doug. Falla nrigit place et the ight time j anti !amily wore Sundey vis1- anti they weme the winncns by tors witb hem parents, Mn. anti e slight niangin. Mme. Clanke Williams. The littie folk bave a thrîllingi tbey, as wel1 as the eduits, Contest e njoy the rides ln the chariot. Pa C Mme. Denniil Cordelle anti tiaugiter, Margot, Karemeas,F r id l s British Columbia, visiteti me- r r d lr cently with Mn. anti lra. Onam Moore anti Daviti. Fifteen couples enjoyeti Set-u y 7 h umday cvening et The Red 4 ~Barn, Fowiems' Corners, la Tie Onono Chamber o! Corn- honour of Mn. anti lrs. Carl merce meeting et the New, Mr. nd rs.HerentSteens 61 Renols ~ Elliat who are ]oaving Nest'e- Dutch Oven Restaurant arn Mr. nd rs. erbrt teves, 12 eynods t.,ton ta make them homo lan June l2th, beti il present. Iroquois Falls, announce th~e engagement of their Leasktiale. The main item o!fbusiness daughter, Miss Gail Stevens, 90 Wood St., Kitchener, lins. Enle Ross anti li. centreti arounti the holding of to Mr. Gary Cox, 376 Erb St. W., Kitchener, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Cox, R.R. 4, Bowrnanville. The wed- ding will take place on July 22nd,' 1967, 3:00 o'clock p.m. in Iroquois Falls United Church. Miss Stevens is agraduate of the Kitchener Waterloo Haspital. Mr. Cox is a graduate of the Waterloo Lutheran University. ti p tÀ t] LIMITED TIME OFFER! meso n J uly 'ta. af Orona. it -was iso stat';î ThisfMsture la part of thc Ibat the Express Office at NeWý Orono <dentennial celebration. castie would soon b. closlng. The lucky drmw winners for Mir. Stirling Mather &--e- t Uic month a! June wene Glenn thaI be hati obtaiaed plentyo Pickell of R.R., Bowmauville, amateur talent for Uice aiateiw and Johu Stone oi Onono. contest ta o b elt on Tuesdajý A lettor oi appreciation le ta July 4th. Ho sald Ibat wlth thVi be sent ta J. Censcatiden forltalent he couid put on a fIhe Chunci services wcne helti et Gardien Hill on Suntiay. About 20 young' folk helti a iay ride la thc Ganaraka for- est on Tiursday evoning. They rau into e washout anti hati the misfortune ta upsot the tracter. Fortunately, no anc was hurt anti veny lutIle dam- age donc, but il put a dampon on the perty. Il wes e fane- weli panty for lie Banker yaung folks who are leaviag befone long, as wcll as colo- brating the closing of echool. Two Mme. Sideys fnom Bewd- loy anti a fnienti !rom Peter- borough visiteti with lire. Claence Beatty one cvening lest week. Mn. E. Fowler is home frorn tie bospital but bis beck lsn't rauci botter. Tic Ganaaseka Speedway rielti a meeting on Saturday ta settie some business as well as planning fan the next race, ho 25th, at Mr. R. Robînsoa's. On Wetinesday aiternoon th Unitedi Churci Women1 heldthem montily meeting et1 Mrns. L. Muldrew's home. A1 e oodly crowd gatheneti andthte President, lins. Morris pre-1 itic. lins. M. licAlliston look tho devotionel partatidlins. Ai. White laok up the 4th chapler o! aur study book. Tic mutes were reati anti ap-1 rovetiE Tue appliqueti quilt wbich1 wre tiithle past menti was n display anti it la ta be1 lelivoredti t lre. White by, w!ns. C. Beatty anti lis. R. I Wbite. Sevenal letters of bus- ýne wene dîscusseti. We plan ao bave Ibm Pcrnytowu U.C.i istt with us soca. We are îinning a centennial tes a ,he fal. Our bake sale fon une 301h was planneti. Lunchr was serveti.h The hlgh ichoal pupils art r- COLOR -$5400

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