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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1967, p. 9

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erature ad g nly work: -I Crtwright Citizens aHoId Exc*ting Centennial Celebration meoo:,delolngreer rinCndinSaemn~EwaveJl ,N ing wth te hasotalthe- form yung peoplnathes worthwhile field. di4 A high school graduation TeO Mot of the Prfessional or ai___________ oweve there are certain A. Dougherty hia ra Suncr son, BettyAnLryadMr Teechrad Juirlveswihreur ine ihM. n r. Jini Jarviso aedw eeteOooPbi ~o~~ _Is gh school education. The M eGil, in honor of Mr. J. A. weekend g et i M. a dter wvsa d h s u d *e7 tendencY Is toward more edu- Werrys 94th birthday. Mns. Alex asn netie hrdyee. cation in this fast moving field. Mr and Mrs. Russell Griffixi Mr. an rs.BbCoe. n yM.adMs~Mrtj AI nfalcareers, the likeli- had Sunday supper with Mr. Ronnie, 1abeadLneo .n n auya h o d f a n c e m e n t is g r e a t - a d M s o n e a d t m i m n h m i h g n i i . o e cafon Mrs.JonBleadfm er for those with greater edu- iy at their new home. ed Mr. andMs.O opr Cngauaj~ cactive Hospitals are aMro and Ms.Art Kronqvist, over the weed r. Wlim Saebre aduit retraining programs o Leoville, Saskc., Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and, r.Pu uhr h clbatd terSt George Bakaluk, Prince AI. fard andchdrn fFltednganesryn u. inservice education training of b r, S s . r . B c et M ch g n r a i g u e i 9h health workers.1 and Arvella, Bowmnanvile dence atlisoeOtno ogauai~ aM- n The hospital people, no mat- Miss pat Goyne, Curtice, Dr. Ruthefr wil on th Mr. C a es . B ter te te ha herparticular jobwere Sunday sguetre ter what their job s~~~~~ upper g esQstaff a h it we eoafor e e n Wls n W o, o are dedicated ta providing the of the formner's brother, Mr.Cet. best patient care passible. lt's. and Mrs. F. Beckett, Wayne Mr. and r.OvleCa-igatOoaUie hrh- D worthy objective. andi Marie, lice, DonnaadDns ee M. niMs uin D M iss H eather P e r i g o> e, Sunday d i n r g e t of M . P pe " st d r. a d M s Brooklin, is spending a few and M rs. H r e i e n A f e e P e e a a j7 LONG SAULT days with Misses Patti and snTomatMlrokHiinSudyenng - D n a W e r y . M r . M sah a .M . annr . A d m S a Donnany onih Gry erbeke of CarSoefero nîkîe iie n M rs S i n e y C o r is h G a r y, M r. a n d M rs. R o y W e rry D e tro it, M ià g n p n e ' e i o i s n o u d y Mary and Wendy attendeti and family, Sudbury, were enal days îs ekvstn the Blackburn-Hardy family visitars over the weekend his sisteran*-M.nd r.CeiJolg picnic held at Solina Satur- with the F. W. and Ted Wer- MranMs.JleDeep siehssstr and rte dy afternoon. ry's. Roy returned home; the Church St.i ot.I-aMn niMs er Mr. I. Hardy and Stanley,i family nemained for holidays. Mrs. Cate ne J se f Shp ad t El ab hy e o' Sauina, wene Sunday evening, Mr. an d Mns. Joe Lake ac- Holland 1svstn rte dyeeig visitais f Mr. and M rs. S.icompanied M r. and M rs. W al- 1 e k ih b r sse r. w iio s ~ ih M s ef ace G iffin, H eather and S t1;orksbe r gi e n n n t r - M r a n O o o D c r t Club 50 ladies wi]l meet 'Dale to their cottage at Cor- bergen atl u e uc udy ue2t eeM- Tuesday evening, July 1, at dova Lake for the weekend. Oven. adMs ebSiha etr th e o M s. J h Va- Mr. and Mrs. M urray Ax - Congratui~ 0 5 t n n ul M . a d M s a i a p Sympathy ai the entire fod, Oshawa, Brent andi B ad Mrs. Alan t a t Pu mrrn r g r f T r no r~. community is extended to M n. Clemens, Hampton, were e- the former Mss J ih La a a d Mr. C nl Fe c ai O - Albert His and farily in cent ove night guests of M ný Tam blyn, on t er a nag aw , M . a d r. R n i, Last Thursday was flot only a half holiday in the Township of Cartwright, L. W. Million Works Hard in Wood-Chopping Contest ing wife and rnather. M.adMs akLosa rn At w as also lheir Centennial celebration w hen th gthe ro gath r d fo & mes, con- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M n. anti M rs - W alter Van- andi fam ly Hampton, wee two Hre y o gnep ntmkok:o na e be a d tests and many other events. These photos show a few of the activities. A spe- leyk wee Sunday evening weekend visitos of Mn.atr s rdn tno tCl'M. andMs.W. ofa Ho People ~~~~~ývsior of M. anti Mrs. Paul Mrs. H. Ashton. lar, orthr nalo n ail fGnnouvs cial cake had also been baked to mark the celebration. In this picture several a n n rs a-yS arp ThderviefrJuywl teiNsoite r. hlo of the spectators watch the huge centennial bonfire. McRobbie Photography i nyM. cagnat n andMilrsitaeryShaskp Te pse n Sna uyMfatadohrrltv Iseveral homes in the corn- the Sharp farnîlies. wt tha i The W ho Are ifley' m~~~runity over the weeknd and M. anti Ms. W. E. Sander- Church, Mi tetOoo 2~ Jd tbn fNw attended the races at Mosport. son, Columbus, were Suntiay Hartwell LoeyMs.Hryat.nTne Egnd a - TeDARA rae eecallers at E. Wright's. MreMs akSaîtiIaueo rnanvda hospîal pople- wh oîog ant aucioîoy. "r.ine out Sunay. Nxt M. ani Mr. Alan Weny ati Msr.W.aCnbîedîk atthe oront IntrnatonalAir- a r e t h o s i pey-' T heo lm d a l ial w o n k e r o J uý l v 1a.d, f a m ily h a ti S u n d a y d in - t e e i t h r c p t o f r M n p r t n S u i a w e e M . a n Mr hy h ialsca okr rs. Fletcher and Mr n nrwith Mn. anti Mrs. Ross aenet he.P .(ec)Coe r.EgSutn n n neighbouns, the people across part of the health-care team Johnson, Oshawa, visiteti Mr.jLeeaaiis.Du uie-o teri the street, or on the next block. by advising anti assisting the andi Mrs. Bert Johnson dur-' M.atiMs ou uhe-vray o un.7h in'e.MisSobn0h1past Sometimes, p e r h a p s, you patient and family in human in h oldy od, odn settewek saa.rsd n oot s h a wontier why tbey work such relations, job ant i fnancial Mr. and ent wthMn. anti Mns. E. n.Jh alyo us n.Rg odti haurs - nights, tisys, after- problems. Modern medical and MeNair.yy Oshawa antibrmte,(r.utn noons, Sunday and holitisys. hospital philosophy stresses le-L94th. ~Iuft~II~ftI Mn. James A. Werry celeLreE oiswn ekiMs onAnra un Their's is a job with a differ-ttlatetcn -thsn-4~AIJI1uy r.HesonetgussoMnaniMsvleispnigthswe Monday, en John Agnr at Dunnvl]e. 'wit Mn. antinds.guosts ence helping to provitie a 24- cludes all techniques avail- Ms rdTm ni Mr.1 iy, g good . Healt anti tJon AnauaineoMnrn oi hounseve-day-a-week senv- able, Icading to the qickest andi Mrs. M. J. Hobbs attend-1present is living in hîs own Mrs. Simon Kota h o- r.KnehTn ice. They may wonk in any recavery, allawing the indu- ed the programn of the Osh- home. Congratulations!e isBed ithlalneo thcNYM'~ one of the more than 200 bs- vidual ta retun ta a normal awa Folk Festival, n which i ss M u e nmcar s e r na ie asnso n t ei' o a d Hoiis ai L n 4 pital areas ta assure you anti active lufe.te of ~~~~~~~~~the s M. J. Hobbs Senior School the weekenti with Mn. anti marniage on audy uyclei Mu rh your communityoftebs Physiothenapy litenally helps Chair of Dar]ington Tw-Ms enSelSthRvrlsatnieiCuh.Kn.RbnonnSndy possible cane available any- h aet ak h hso hp ne h iection or' Miss Lois Ashton is vaca- Miss Dalehlie n Rn M.Gno Rs Sot> whene in the wanldti tday. therapist deals with patient's Ross Metcalf, A.R.C.Tto'tioning an a motar trip ta the Best were Sna innWneae5 erha Their job is vital - saving injuries anti disease - incluni- part, at Memonial Tak., took1 cos. uetso live: anti rehabiitating the ing birth defets, spine in- shell. bre rO .stnsacn r nMsMlo your fmPark Band-areWestivcoast.rvegumusclsofohenandgnan r. an MrsbA. Da:f cenoHelenon::r. an e.joints. A physiotherapist May ling, Toronto, anti Mr. anti Atthe SundySho e-at iuhesJculn niaa tSnyra optl.. WhenFloenceNigtinale 't ndaySchle- atnMillbrook When lonene Nigtingae eeise wakened muscles Mns. Gardon Brooti, Lindsay. sian on. Sunday Morning it Marilyn, Mn.Sa ButnM.Tono, nTetay Jne bega therevoutio in hos hnoghwaer exencise in Mr. anti Mns. M. J. Habbs was tentatively tiecide tt anti Mrs.Juin Daee thFneawaanFtay pîtal pactesacnuyao warn atho pools,' o visiteti Rosedale anti Bobcav- have the annual apen air sen- spent the weedwt r retiMtefml lt hospital services consisteti of packs, electnîcally, ultraviolet geon on a drive arounti Stur- 'vice an the first Suntiay in anti Mrs. PaulGanvlia t O-n e eey 1 elynothing mare than arasnt massage. He an she gean Lake. Sp.Pes oeteSna hani kit.her. nursing,ilaundry ml saeach a persan ta Mn. anti Mrs. Joe Brown, Scbool meets at andkithen Toay inludng alk o us thirarms anti Newcastle, w e n e Saturday the month of July. ~t~W.~ the bospital medical special- hantis. visitons at Mr. anti Mr The U.C.W. e i h ties thre re iteall scoes.Theoccpatona theapit'sGeoge rwi' on June 13th at 8, A moernhosita opratng ob s t, hlp he atint ack Mrs. A. Small, Toronto, was with 17 'nembens and a num- IVaren Mrril VmCampCewes hs Tu-ofWar eamroam team may vany in size ta a relatively normal lufe by Wednesday overnight guest ai ber a! visitons present. Mns. from 3 ta 12; andi as an aven- having the individual wonk Mn. anti Mns. A. Sharp. L. Stainton openeti the meet- age there are two bospital em- out bis physical anti mental Mn. anti Mns. Vernon Henr *y, ing with a paem "Use af playees for every patient. atjustment. This is attempteti-Miss Patsy Henry, Etobicoke, Wortis", anti Welcometi the Cunrently in Canada there by setting tasks that will per- wene Frid.ay evening visitons visitons rs. .Rwngv are mare than a quarter mil- fect his manual skills anti keep at Mn. anti Mrs. ASShrps. the evatona andcho e e- lion people working in sanie his mind stiihulateti andtoffi! Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto, Voice af Goti" as ber themne. 1,400 cammunity hospitals. himself. In consultation with spent the weekend at Mn, anti The scripture was taken fi-rn The figure increases five ta six the tioctor, the occupatianal Mns. R. Vintue's. lst. Samuel, chapten 3, verse fL per cent annually. Mare than therapist tietermines whethen Mn. anti Mrs. Ralph Lamb 10. Hymn 383 was sung anti 50 per cent o! these are nurseS, weaving will help a woman anti Lesley spent the weekend shne closeti with prayen. Rall another 10 per cent are para- with anthritic- fingers ta gain a with relatives at Restoule. cal Ws asert ih medical personnel wha belp sense of achievement anti at Daviti Gnawbarger neturneti Somnething learneti from the IA A J ~ f the doctor in diagnosis and the saine time help ber thera- home with them for holîiays. Study Boak. Minutes af the patient cane. Tbey inclutie peuticaîîy; an accident victim Mr. andi Mrs. Keith McGili, last meeting were reatiat nic~ns pbnmaiss, iieici veap ca-rdiatinor n tn ae ejoinga fw iay tht w leve urallcatonndI labonatony anti x-ray tech- might be taught typing ta, de- Mn. anti Mns. Clarence Stain- fippraveti. It was deciietiS E TI I A E -~ans, medical record libranians amputee might he given a at Expo.1 the samne. ~ a loteîi anti social' wankers, just ta senies af exencises ta tievelap Mn. anti Mrs. Jim Kinsman'1 edtit sent $10-0 jfnom funtis namne a iew. the use a! an artificial limb. anti girls spent the we n o"Cane" at June meeting --' Hospital work tatiay Is otpol r otnt ih.adMs. owent1 t dynamnie - challenging, satis- Ms r.RnCeanti anY memben who wishcs *îse o5Ya er ...f..g.nt..ear.n tath.enu..t have neyer gone mens anti family of Hampton,10t make a donation may do .~ mn ati wmenwho aneforthnough the arduous process ait he cottage, Caesarea. soaths etigSoec-ean6 ntrspyblha. the ick DynmicbecuseofO learning or relearnnng ta Master Darryl Muller, Osh- resvontience wus readi Treas- terdclynwtechniques sakaanug vwebyawa, spent a few tiays with Urer's report was given by yealgyceu theratîcaly ewvowel, sounti by sounti, word grantiparents the E. Wrights. Mrs. R. Virtue. Mns. L. Ash- in peatintcan; achaengoing b- word anti sentence by Mrs. Jim Muller anti Darryl, ton then introduceti Mr. anti*atoie vsmn o ail dn earnxng Ovesuc ascain- sentence. Helping a chilti on Oshawa, M. anti Mrs. redIMs. Evrett Hoar who gave cen ntihean alment. Te gownup with a speech tiefeet Wright, Miss Barbara ngt savr neetn al nCnda nuac opne ne w and ca e s ar t h fim n anciaT h ye g s.p e G a e n n i M s . E x n s e h h n s af t e ýuuuiinne, na i IVIF. da. mr4J .AciI w iopital fias wer sppe gest, uesia, ati opeinth ~pogam' White from the Women's In- M. anti Ms. F. Gilmerln oneinvove ipin ata patient- IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE ONTARIO HIGH A TAFI AT wit M. atiMr. Mc rwn. it te sngngof "O Can- stitute, of which she has heen were amnlh ussa-ineerig princiist ain wThe tMr . Uits. a rin.the d",th sMgnFg ile t atflmme.AIl join- tentiing the gainpny rnctnicin r lofst [HNCLFTNESS 0F USED CARSMTRC LEREURTW BAKN SY EN amog he uet aneani reatment). Elec-j U.C.W. catereti for a supper the piano. Vocal solos by Mrs.' eti in singing "For they are Strathaven on Satunday ai- eoigpr ftehat A used motor vehicle must be certif ied as mechanical Everyrooc tfor about 35 pupils ai the, J. Caswell anti M rs. J. Fonk, jolly gondi fellows," aften tenoon. cbecoemg pr aidthe bealth fit by anyr>almotorcycle when belng operated on a hughway qui senior grades, anti thei.n twoja reatiing by Mrs. G. Cath- which bath neplietii pr-M.atiM.TumnHn cn emb vtingsev-n yd ehce aerwo l sl itfor ethe lteshaveysAn sach beippdwihatIasawobaknssî Jteachers, at the Sunday school cat, whoa iaso ecalleti sev- :piate wods. mentoning trie deson and family with M .ce fand teuiment ousptieints. unf1ve hiandlemayn e s o edeafrte hep uch e r effct i oth e aae m asa apIain wt n Jhall on W etnesday evening. eral o! the famous men wh a' wonderful felowship they anti Mr . Siti Brown and tiu- cane n tiheabtfmet i atens.remo vedandBetlnlofheDale.tT p r har.eff e e on E f r n wh e a ti o . ff tve o Prniajr.Hy n istrcatia ntrmna pesn erie hanwd e heksen t acate hat Ap-tians between staff,comn After repairs, registration plates can be obtalned for Wells, teach r 0f rades andjity, ovennm nt ani pat ent such a vehicle by subm itting, to the Departm ent, the A R R F N H G W Y 6, who have bath resignei,j numben by Mrs. L. Farrow always have of thein 10 years sley. is napidly being tunneti avenBi1 of Sale andi a Certificate of Fitness sige b a When an aircraf ae neegnylnigo were each presenteti with aJ wene enjoyeti. 'hene an the Newtonviile Mn. anti Mrs. Arnoldi Wade in many langer hospitals 0cri e ao ncanc FETVtUe, igwy h io uthveI eoeiwti u tures were taken. Newton-I clergy in the pensons o! Rev. Ail were invitet toa atjourn week's boatîng trip with Mn. lic relations specalists. RESTRICTIONS ON TOWINGsoaltie fvle Women's Institute awanti B.E. Long o! Ornon, Rev. F. ta the Suntav School hall anti Mrs. Ted Watts af Port Witb rapiti deveopment of silglt rv as n e a rsain w When an aircrat sben div no da naln ahg. ed a dollar ta eacb .f the 15, C: Woodland af Newcastlei whee pictues o! the Centeni- Hope. new hospitals thnughout the silg l edieapasWay, itcarmovemeniomust c ni v th h -ove J Grade 8 stutients. anti Rev. A. McGee af Oqh-ý niai service wene shown, fol- Mrn. nt Mrs. Jimn Adamns country anti more health serv- with more than one veflicle in tow. EFFECTIVE JULYan W poiin On Thunsday marning, Mrs.I awa, came !orwanti anti spoi:e ]oed by lunch. Guests were wee at thein cottage at Han- ices for citizens, there is an 16.teiha ri vAt F~kV UL ,16.; C: Don Vînkle, with ber sisters. brlefly, payîng heartfelt tri- present fnam Oshawa, Bob- wood aven the weekend. wr even growing neeti for pro- ED MUFFLERS Mrs. Clarence Gilmer o! Lindi- bute ta Rev. anti Mns. Whic caygeon. Bnooklin anti Rase- Mr. anti Mn,. Harny Stewr fessianal, skilled anti unsklfled PE LIMITS IN CONSTRUCTION ZONES say anti Mns. Earl McEwen aof aiter wbich the latter wee neath, anti messages mention- o! Kingston were weekendhoptlwke. Maybs New legislatian now authorizes special speeti zonlng New requiremensa omflr hv eneetd Peterborough, left P rt Hope nvited ta core ta the plat- eti fornseveral who wee un- visters with M . a d Mn.ptl un regular taningi dorîce uponnstaumotnorits.hîcle. EFFaeECTI EJULY 1, 't, utteI* o ~athre as visit teoExpa. forn.Here, Mrs. C. R, Fan- able ta attend, including their George Stapletan, while Sun- schools anti recruitmnent drives. obey posted speeti limits. EFFECTIVE NOW. 'Utg dmufrhîyod ufebQ-asr MaryFae ilme staed wth rw pined cos pieof daughtentr MMarie d hanti- dbus- stodayncInclu r.dadtNe ne singnu hols ng paa- ooils antie -~,her grantimother, ns. C. rases an the shoultien a! Mns. band,. Mn. anti Mrs. Clarence Mrs. Clare Martin. Michael medical teachlng schools are REPORTINS 0F MEDICALLY UNFIT DRIVERS 1967. B" urley, whîle the three lad-. White, wbile Mrs. Ewart Rab- Haywarti of Onillia. anti Lari, af Leskard, Mn. andi belng built ta meet thersn tithduyoevy a'lqaifdmdclpat. ie eeaa.inson fastentietia boutonniere Ms agrtDa iTn n.Launie Stapieton and siiortage of trainetipesonl. ~ t is etepou otyeregsall thequalfemeadcal pantd M. anti Mr. R. K. Holda-I on Mn. Whlte's lapel. onto is visiting Mrs. Clinton Beverly o! Ajax. In Ontario alone the proncial d ians onera er t te Regcistrr henae, aisddrani wa, Gary anti Ricky, of Flin Miss Cathaine Stewart reati Brown. Mn, anti Mrs. C. M. Jnes, gvernment as cevelopetia tdatmnsi ofer ersnargmwoin uderidiagnosioma condi. ylan, Manitoba, arriveti here the addness, expressing the Mn. anti Mrs. Reiti Woodi with Mn. anti Mmm. C. R. Pan- programn aimeci at graciuating tioeatn thae orincharg e oissfeing f roa coni. the latter part af the week. ta appreciation of the entire anti boys left an Saturtay row, attendeti the Decoratin 5,000 nurses yearly by the such as to make it dangerous faorsuch pers on to operate ~IwnHset ljar' 'Visit Mr-. anti Mrs. Harny charge for thein faitbftIl ser- mnorningifor a holiday trip ta service atLittie Britain, Sun- early 1970', twice the present a motor vehicle. EFFEC&IVE NOW. Watie. vices <uring their 10 ye»ar Vancouver, inclutiing the Cal- d a ternoon, number. In the sanie province Rev. anti Mrs. R. C. White1 ternri bere, anti the wisb foi gary Stampede. Misà Joan Walkey has gane there are two full-time ho@- were the guests ai honor at their continueti health anti Mn. anti Mns. Melville Samis ta Kingston ta commence ber pital cancer consultants an tht" gathering ai iientis fnam bappiesa in the years aheati wene ententaineti at a recent summier course at Queen's staff af the provincial hos-J randi near, in tbe church, in i- new home in Oshawa. social evening at the home ol'Univmisty. Pital assoiation v i a i t i n g -,

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