Jh Ano0c Rsiso Sale m Public School Holds Annual 'Awards Night' JPoster, Po.. Contest ose nd e n e*m fUp~ M'~ ham Co9unty iFar1 SaftviM, 10, 4~i'~ ~b Council were annow'&edtvm, o»Iwttn*qvilt, ý r 'uu yugsfor the poster ... .. * N 1' ti vtio ere Mrn. C4ameA e= l t Mtt* M, I~~t' and Mrs M. Stacey white 1h. Att"w ( Nt% ktNn t judges for the esay comprîîI ll", tNis t1) k ~Itu ý tian were Mm. Wes Yel1»wý Ronad d <nNo 1 i %1o tees ai Enniskillen and Mest, mnille, (Mti** M, 7lot ~,. Crydermnan. They were high*$ Jaietir. tt, 1uwttoile __ in their prifeaithe work t Mrs. ('Arol urt that had bendone by the Grade* 7 &ad S& ~tply l'ottpr pupils. A spe*cial Safety Night 1, UI rry Siih. No, 3, Pot ehedin early fa!) and teUic a'b t Mî0.mn4, P iý prize maney will be presented, Hop . mros4,Prt at tat ime AUpupln vitGlienn Dottgett. No.I1. Part be notified in early fall as taope(Mes, MrClelland). 4.i the time and place when the Lyrn'e tHayward. No, 1, Port! piemaney iU igbMriîireîîan>; ýChisine1,Part " Grades 1 and 1 - Safety Poster Hope. (Nirs, NIcC)elland);, 6. 1. Tracy Hope, Port Hope, Donna (Lifliton, Part Hope, <Teacher - Mrs. G. Watkinsi: (Mrs. Smith); 7. Margaret 2. Wendy Menary, Port Hope.: Matiyek. No. 4. Port Hope, t <Mrs. A. B. Morris); 3. Tracev (tMrs. Gemmili); B. Jack Row- ' Bourne, Part Hope. (Mrs. Be"& land, Part Hope. (H. F. Carr).[~ Jones); 4. Bettina Ottink, Part AU! Grades- Safety Paem....... Ho:e, (Mrs. Bea Jones): 5. 1. Ellen Feringa, Port Hope,.*. ShellY Cockerill, Port Hope, (Miss N. Brownlee); 2. Barb- (Mrn. Bea Jones): 6. Janis ara Wheeler, No. 1, Burketon, i Feniderson, Port Hope. (Mrs. (Mils. Thampson); 3. Janet; Bea Jones); 7. John Eymrn, Henderson, Port Hope, (Miss' Port Hope, (Mrs. A. B. Mac- Brownlee): 4. Donna Lewis,j ri) .Patricia Davidson, Bowmanville,(MsK.By- Caesarea, (Mes. M. Mountjoy). son), 5. Kelly Bennett, Part ji Grades 3 and 4 - Safety Poster Hope. (Miss N. Brawnlee);*,6. 1.Jimmy Davîdson, Port ,Debbie Bolan, No. 1, Nestle- ï. Hlope, (Miss Netta Brownlee)'; ton, (Mels. Thompson); 7. Pat- 2. Cindy Collins, Part Hope, ricia Snell, Port Hope, (Mr. On Tuesday, June 27th, pupils af Salem Public sonal gif t for her achievement. Recognition was also <Ms . mnw]tr:~W.Dwe);8 on afSehool accornpantied by rnany parents, gathered at the accorded the junior and senior athletic champions. David McLean, Oshawa, (Mia;s No. 3, Bumketon, (Mrls. Thomp- school for an outdoor Awards presentation to con- Photo shows, from lef t ta right, Mrs. Kemp, Mr. and Port Hope, (Mils. Mary Gunn1;ý Others deserving Honorable clude the school year. Principal Miss Vera -Johnson Mrs. James Potter and their daughter Lou-Anne, Kirk 5. .Timrny Baker, Oshawa,. ' Mention: Kimn Masters, Baw-'introduced the President of the Home and School Kemp, the Junior Champion, Miss Johnson, teacher Andersen); 6. Florence Fores-: manville; Betty Keul, Nestie- Association, Mrs. Douglas Kemp, who presented theI Miss Patricia Smal1 and the Senior Champion Carol tem, Port Hope, (Doreen E. ton; Beenda Henderson, Newýr o r d i t d n , L u A n ot r wt o l s Perett); 7. Ricky Cornish, tonvîlle; Barry Malcolm, Nes: o-rd i tdnLuAn otrwt ols Port Hope, (Jl. Andersen);b eo; Blair Martyn, Black ýplaque that will be retained at the schaol and a per- Cheryl Crawells, No. 3, Bueke- titon, hitneHlPr ton. (Mrs. 1. Doreell). !Hope; Darline Carsn, Bow-ýS LN Grades 5 and 6 - Safety Poster, manville; Judy Froats, Bow- 1. Julie Pearson, Bowman- manville; Susan Smith, Porti vle, (Mrs. K. Bryson); 2. HIope; Rosemary Karp, Bow iPlan Accounting Pro gram Th. erSOLandAtwr ' GET CASIR TODAT imanville; Janet Turner, Black-___ are reminded ai the Official i-FOR OLD APPLIANC Es sHopk e;Mael Wrod,Pat Boar meeting for the Hamp-ý imHpe;Micael'Woders- ton charge ta be held in the through manville; Merry Bridges, Susan F o r O n ta rJ1io a mr Eldad church Thursday even- C SSFESMeColl, Caesarea; Mary Tom- nJl ta :0pm CLSDRSlinson, Bawmanville. Plans are going ahead on a ning yet to do, current pro- ince's farmers feom a variety nJl ta :0pm SAEMNThere were 527 posters en-ipeogram ta provide accauntingýposals cali for each participat-'of sources, but it is repo1rte:d1 ogauain ta Kathyl Phone 623-3303 Itered in the competîtion and5'e1'vicc for Ontario farmees. jing county ta hire one book-thtosdntuetrn 57 poems. The service, which will bekeeper-fildman for each 100- The farmer cani get his in-ý'"Horne Economics" prize for' set up by the Ontario Federa-1150 farmers signed up. corne tax figured out - for a Grade 7 at the M. J. Hobbs The ielmanwauld visitprice - by any of a number schoa1 ward night last Tues- tian of Agriculture, would pre-1The feldmnn P oevening. W eepes pre the farmers' incarne tax each of the farmers regularlylaf firms sperializing in t) * a ewrepes Oretuen, do his bookkeeping,lta work an his books, father mast of whicii have heatl.Iiquar'e aha le r.ra efl and an4dyse his operatians bylthe information needed for theltees in t he southwestern part namred as anc ai the top five A t e ti n F rm r l data peùeessing.j farm analysis,, and explain laf the province. These firci, ehgible for this awaed. Mari- Plans for the service, which what the analyss results meant1 however do littie or nathing ta lyn Knox and Donald Drew re currently being worked when they carne back. 'set up the farmer's bo 1, 0jwereninees or thae Public aut by the Federation's execu- Parts of this pragram arelhe can use themn for any othEr1 ai n aar;JeLye * SAVE 1 Why pay more on tv n tfwr cafrn similat' ta the system in effectlptrpose. i for the Drama award; Neil 't an'tffner eafim premum ualty d Thursday at the June meet- in Great Britain, whcre girlsl Comrnented a spokes maa for'[ Brown was one of five nomi- premiumqualitying of the OEA members. go round and visit each farmithe Federation. "many far,,ni-, nated for the Greatest Aca- GASO INEDIEEL MO OR ILSThe plans cali for the ac once a rnonth for haîf a daviers have ta turn ta their cl demic Achievement, and Jac- tbring the paper work up ta lawyer te get their tax returnI queline Brown and Alice GA O IEDEE O O IS countingsevc ta be set up date. drawn up. Most often, tIeyj Langmaid were two ai the and co-ordinated by the pro- The number af visits the don't even*try to get a profes- naminees for the Citizenship ARM TANKS AND PUMPS AVAILABLE vincial federation. Among fldman would make ta each sional ta do their books." award. These are saine ai the F Ao th e r fu n c tio n s , th e p ro v in c ia l f r s e p c e a b l x b e h a e s o e r a a d r d c s f o n t e " l n graup would arrange for data fr sepcc ab lxbe h aesoemnriipout rm te"I n CAL OLETprocessing ai the information depending on the size and farmers "will neyer be able to~ roorn" scbools and this cam- feoAfrmLacos te povnc ntur f lhp frm, and the get an equal footing with muflity was well eepresented for the operations analysis. particular neds oi the farmier managers af comparable husi-inte rauin class af î nvalved. nesses until they have profes- Grade 8'ers. W HITB 668 3341The whole package would bel In the original resolution, sionals doîng their boakkeep-1 A field day was held at ti* * tlat could sign Up nuglwo monthg ago, it was 5peci-1 I the Area af fai'm apera-ý when the childeen competed D X O - farmners ta make a warkable1fled that the peogram 'was ta tionsan-alysis, the anly niajnrj in the different sparts. Mes. Nunit. ibe set up in consultation with source af help for t he farmer A. Rasevear and Mes. A. Tay- Though there is much p a!ther pbi and gavernmen ste service provided by the lar, the teachers, had eveey. tal bodies engaged in such Unîversity af Guelph. It. is re- hn elognzdadwt 'work. Iported that this service is used the help af some ai the par- IParts of this service arelhy only a smali number Of ents the events were soon -available already ta the proi- farmers. ______ ended with the winners for the Junior Room being Robyn IÎ .L .LLynde san Karen Harner z i'roper Venlaion 2nd, for the girls; Darreil Knox ist and Neil Taylor 2nd kefor the boys. In the Senior Room, Shirley Westlake lst .1, 'ay A vert Heat Stroken alrePage , o agir Vaeaid Page 2tsn, fo Hyperthermia, a e h e a t Ontario Dcpartment ofai" n.BY nx2 o h stroke, afcspugs that are culture and Food Veterinary boys. The School Club then overcrowded, overfat, a n d Services Branch. In pens, served cookies, freshie and overexerted in humid, hat market pigs should be allotted ice crcam ta everyone. We wcather. about eight square feet a1 were plcased ta hear that ~Y Z"Death from heat stroke space per pig. bath Mes. Rosveàr and Mes. occurs particularly during Heat struke us, af course, for next year. There wasa anspot taand romsae the resuit af poor ventilation, Centennial table on display whe.n pigs are being crowded explains this veterinarian. Awihmn itesigies I Te metig ws djourn-ý with plcnty Of driking wat- i lees accom1panî e Me and Plu tes oherbe eftsed by the vicepesicient. The; er, this veterinarian advises one Mr..aoIy oWeSaid e FuIly Personalized Deposit Slips Frise. Choque Wallet-Your choice of two colours laoking forwaed ta an educa-' hot weathee'. Mes. Roy Grills ai Valentia, Staemot ver 30da. isted f 6 das Yor cnclle chqus rtured tional and interesting 4-H.Éc'ty n a ttreteey3 osisedo 0daseYu oclidcousrtr d Club year. Miss Janice Yellawlees is e A storage box for cancelled choques.e Low service charges a Fast and efficient service Second Meeting sedn oiaswt r li doesn't cast yau $2.50 ta get fully personal- picture soaner of what you spent where. The second meeting ai the,À-"H Beef, Ca If aendinr. ahoLa withaMe D urh m 4- Tra tor lub as1fam ily , B lack stock . C ig chou n o u have a erson y al Withaour cnvenient Twin Account Plan you use held n the farm ai Mr.L 11 . and M s. Walter Short, you Chequing hquicg occnttafo Tarantbil-Damlogg on. Only o Ja C l ub M etn 1M. uhe hotofCurie Toranto-Daminion do yau gel PCA cheques yu esna hqigAcan o ain ui eloga ecmeo uee t your nome and address printed on them itou and aur new 4V2% Premium Savings Account 20th. There were 20 membersi Mr. and Mes. Harvey Yellaw., an esnlze eoi lisa eî for building you r savings. This new savings present., The second meetingo th I lees visited with Misses Effie charge,onpasa eg gn e rson ckuequewleî o rclipsawiceaccopaysa hopping .50% mare interest The meeting was called ta Durham 4-fI Beef Cali Clubiand Annie Wright ai Oshawa. Sof colours, brain or black. paid twice yearly and calculated on the mini- odrb th peset, eijascdonT rdy, June Mes. uAima Runle, Mos mum manthly balance). lnterest is paid fram the Allia'. The minutes and the 22 at the home af Mr. G. B.JanRne$a Bowmanville, 44 B thre'seve mor fo youwit ci ersnciroil-cal ai the last meeting Rickard. The President, Geeey 1 Mr,. and Mrs Jackson Wray, 44 Bu heeseenmoefo yuwih eranldote of the initial deposit. were read. Consaee h etn eboa andrMaxine, Oshawa, Choequing Account at Torato-Donsinîon. Now, onspedth meig wo give you on up-ta-at statement of yaur We've gaI a lot cf other Go-Ahead ideas The meeting was turned and read the roll cal!. Then Mr. Alan Youngman, Tyrone, 4 ccount every 30 doys, instead of 60 days, that work for yau at Toronto-Dominion ... Ask avec ta Me. Tobey who dis-I we judged a class ai Short- Miss Lori Crydeeman, Mon, toehr with your cancell.d cheques. This sim- about them. when yau ceme in ta open a Per- cused the engine ignition sys-1 horn steers and a class ai and Mr. and Mes. Everett Cry- toge ai the tractor. We theniShorthorn caws. Me. Gray derman were Sunday guests » plilA.. your budgeting and gives you a botter sanail Chequing Accaunt at Toronto-Dominion. movedi outside where we saw and Mr. Sutherland toak ceas- with Me. and Mes. Rass Cry- fia practical demonstration Zyi ns on the latter class. Next derman, Ellen and Larry. Mr. Kellagg an the timing we talked about exhibits and i Mr. and Mes. R. C. Fraser systemn and carburetar setting! demonstratîçns for Orono Fair, accampanied Me. and Mis. TORONTO -DOM INION aio the teactor.i Brian Wilson, Terry Malcolm Tomn McGuirk ai Maple Grave 1 For the second part ai the and Ian Page -volunteered ta ta visit relatives in Kitchener The Mk:whelre peopleIe hel. différence. meeting Mr. Tobey showed us do an exhibit. Mr. Sutheeland on Saturday. slides on Saving Fuel. The then took up the first wark- Mr. Allan Fraser hasgn meet.ingWON, Manaorrpresientthed he e eing. At thecon- hee he s eLaed rioby te mresiet.wsadoundy tsheam eeyg.oAnihclos- ta Lynn s mLae Manitba IL G.LAWTO, MangerMny anks are extended clusion ai the meeting Mes.!Sherritt-Goerdon Mines Ltd. their kind hospitallty. -Arlene A1liin, Preua Reporteri Karen and John - o Provi.1 M[r. and Mrs. Larry Spciiresi andRobrthalve gane camp- lExtra.u m e Ing at Woodland Park, Buck. nyda u-jt h Maser arnron Smaesing the hot summer monthsiJtained during oéther Urnes of O sw a, i nvirtn wthMlss unless producers spend extra the year. C,1saheie Baker. w Missee time and effort in handling1 Experience shows that feed BaeTorno home for eggs, says Dr. J. D. Summers, consumption during the hot Baewkerarnta as fr Poultry Science Department, months may drap 10 ta 20 per the Weekend Ontarj Agricultural College, cent. if pratein levesaeo Sincere sympathy is exed University of Guelph. kept up during this period, ed ta Mr. Wesley Hills and Maintaining a high egg egg sire may be reduced.. faniilY with the loss of their qua lity is one af the main it r p oen l vl sh M - laved ane Mrs. Albert His problems facing producers Deiea protein le elsh of yroe.during the summer. The for the Iower total feed oi' Mrs. N. Wotten and Mr answver lies mainly in the prop. sumption. Hens cannat con- Francis Wotten visited with er handling, storage and mark- tinue ta produce the same suze Mrs. Effie Collins, Miss Katie eting af eggs. More frequent and quantity of eggs unless Watten and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- egg collection is necessary they are taking in the proper liamn James at Hillsdale Man. during the summer. Putting amount of protein for that or on Sunday. ieggs into storage as quickly as level ai production. Miss Nancy Knox isv it possible keeps them from de- Related ta feed cnsumption Ing with Miss Brenda Ander-1teriorating. Moving eggs ta is shell quality. With the son of Oshawa. market at east two or three lower feed consumptin goes times a week also helps, ad- a lower intake of calcium. To Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fltt vises Dr. Summers. These remedy this, extra calcium Called on Mrs. Jim Flett and extra efforts during the sum- should be added ta the feed Helen of Oshawa. mer pay in keepingquality up or oyster sheil should be ifd Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oven- - __ -____ den, Kim and Randy of Osh- awa visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake and family. Mrrs. Percy DewelI visitee! recently with Mr. and Mrs.!MSE Bruce Tink. MS E Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tay-l lor and familY visited with Mr adMr.A. F. Abernethy MARINE & MOWER Mrs. Elizabeth C'a I w il 11TYAUH RIE Caledonla, vîsited with hpr FCOYA TOIE sister, Mrs. Rae Pascoe, re-' SALES and SERVICE DFALER cently. Mr. and Mrs. Rav Midd1iýf- FOR LAWN BOY and BRIGGS & STRATTON ton, Robin, Brulce and BiI]y! af T oron to v isited w ith M r. Ao p e e u e o o er , m t r n a t and Mrs. Alex Patter. Acnpeeln fmwrmtr n at Cet Cash Today Lawn Mowers and Tiller Rentas For OId Appliances i TAUNTON ROAD E. AT ýZION (at the Little OId Red School Hanse) through 8 T AT E8M A C L A 8SSIFIE D S Jack Hoar 725 «1901 Phone 623-3303 New Laws for Consumer effectilve JuIy 3lst 1957 The new Ontario Consumer Pro- tection Act, which cornes in to force on July 3lst, helps everyone Who buys on credit by obl ig ing the lender, or seller, to make a written statement cf the true cost of credit.This provision, and others in the Act, w.iilot relieve the consumer of his normal respon- sibilities of shopping carefully and choosing wvisely; but it will make it easier for him to miake -the right decisions. Disclosure of the cost of borrowing In ail time payment transactions the borrower must be given a written note of the cost of borrawing, both in dollars and cents, andas an annual percentage rate, before credit is granted. The lender must also set down any charges he in- tends to make if the borrower should default on payments. Cooling-off Period This new ruling applies to sales made by itinerant sellers, which is the Act's name for sellers who operate away from lheir permanent place af business, and who make a charge to the buyer for the privilege of buying on time. A contract made wîth an itinerant seller can now be cancelled by the buyer, pro- vided he does sa in writing and delivers the cancellation Io the seller personally, or by registered mail, within Iwo work- ing days of the contract being signed. If he cancels in this way, the buyer must return any goods already supplied, and the seller must return any money. or trade-mn which he may have received. Thetrade-in does not become theseller's property until the two-day cooling-off period has elapsed without the buyer cancelling the contract. Registration of itinerant sellers As from JuIy 31st, 1967, ail itinerant sellers as defined by the Act must reg- ister with the Consumer Protection Bu- reau. If the seller is a company or a partnership, only the company or part- nership must register, not the individual employees. Information to be contained in a contract Under the new Act, certain important details must be written into ail contracts for the sale of goods or services to a consumer, when the purchase price is $50 or over. To be binding, the contract must comply with the Act and must be signed hy ail parties, who must each receive a duplicate original copy. Repossession If the buyer should default after two- thirds of the purchase price has been paid, the seller cannot repossess with- out permission of a judge. Penalties Substantial penalties are provided for contravention of the Act and its Reg- ulations. Lenders and sellers who are likely ta be affected are urged to make themselves familiar with the Act. WHAT YOU SHOULD DO Borrowers and buyers should bear in mind that nothing in the newAct relieves them of the responsibility cf making careful decisions when considering a boan, or a purchase on credit. Keep this notice as a re- minder of your rights. Information on borrowing, and on creditbuying, as contained in a leaf let which cen be obtained from the Consumer Protection Bureau, 123 Edward Street, Toronto 2. Lenders and sellers should make themselves familiar with the Act and its Regulations. The Consumer Protection Act 1966 and Ontario Regulation 207/67 (250 each) can be obtained from the Qucen'a Printer, 26 Breadaîbane Street, Toronto 5. For advice on the work- ing of the Act and its Regulatbons, seeyourqualilcidbusiness advls.r. Hon. H. L Rowntre DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL AFFAIRS Comwurr Protection Divisio ONTARIO Cred It