r,, "nCanadien tateoen BowmanVfliajuly 12, 198? Atom Pirates and Dodgers Playoff Tied at One Game Apiece Z)odgeWs Catcher Garry Perfect in action Dodgers' Hurler Joey Burus lets one go Pirates' lugger Terry Sarginson takes a cut Pirates' Danny Leamnan scores another run 4SPORShoe Men ThIm 'ropicsUphoisterers, By Frank Mohun 623-7234 YJmCak COUD T EOn Thursday night l i Although It seems rather early to be lscussing hockey,( hle s h mtes iamm we can't help wondering Il the rumors that Bowmanvillel 7 "' d 3-4 aiight have an Intermediate teamn couid turn aut to be true. out 13 safeties, Ted LEveka It. heu been a long time since this town was ane afi - ag inst t hreela L v c the bulwarks af the, Intermediate Lakeshore League..As Ellis' gaine bis ffh i we mentioned In a previaus column this spring, there cer---- --.--- seven and walked onlyto 12 teinly eppers ta be plenty af talent available, whch would n*I ter the. wlnners struck foi ing Whyte's to just four bits. he oenrs wernthe f or alaow us ta enter a contending home-brew entry. f ivesarigrie ~ lsrs ee runs in the first andyBapiinare We're glad ta report that Jlm Crambie Is back in harnessS i- - five runs in the apenx artng randy Bteaupe n arsare teer ra]gt.wti ag &aein, end already bas begun the enormous task af arganiz- . E E four of their own in the sec- mound, took the ioss, despitet ond. Frenk's collected four of~ a solid performance. Randy, Trailing 15-1, Whyte' al ing Intermediete hockey in Eastern Ontaria for the 1967-68 their seven bits during their alter a shaky opening frame lected their final thrEern JevI as ncraebogottepoic n etclryK ap s S t t u i i opening volley. allowed the pawer-laden Va-': the seventh when he Lergeiy througb Jin's efforts, hockey et the intermnediate rp ' ta H us WnTe Variety crew edded riety crew oniy tbree hits lîcked up four af theirfn lèvl hs Ieresedthougouttheproine ad prtiulalysingle runs in the fifth, sixtb aver the lest six innings. bits. The lasers, egaint h ýp he astrn rea Hoeve, he uesionalwys rissKramp's Furniture jolted the lest 10 batters In arder. and John Miller and "Butch" and seventh innings, wbile For Frank's, catcher Bob swiftly improving Shime 4~ he esernara. owver te qesionelaysarslsumping Walter Frank Real "Chuck" Kilpatrick went Cole's home run, al In suc Whyte's counted their ther MManus was their only per- had e tough night in the il, MWhet about Bowmanville?" Ett - naMnsTw down ta bis third straight set- cession, Witb two out, singles run in the bottom aof the former to coilect a pair of making several costly ei-z .,That is just what we'are wandering- what about Ett - naMnsTw back, with Kramp's collecting by Alex Wiseman and Jin i sxth. Harvey Webster racked bits. Bob Heilam picked up For Ellis, Ted Leveckan Bowmanville? Softbali League encaunter last a total of 12 safeties. Kil- Cayle produced the fifth run -up is sixtb win i the sea- two i the lsers' Blaine Adams crecked u Tuesday nîght et Vincent Mas- patrick walked tbree and af the frame. t t t t t ýsey Park. struck out a pair. Brunt paced the Furniture t, t t t t Dick State was in complete Kramp's broke a 1-1 dead- crew witb a double and two & ~fQ I ~ ~ . . I charge as be posted bis fourth dock with live runs in the singies witb Miller cracking Du ' TheCa~uthra emaialLaw Bolin Tarneentwin against one defeet, bold- fourth and tbree more in the a three-bagger and singleI - 7 eCuâhr enra anBwigTunmn ng the lasers ta five safeties, next inning ta wrep it up. The along with m~anager Cole's LGO wea hel le t W dne day et tbe Bow anv lle Clu , w tb fanning t ree and as usu l w inners hit the ba l h rd, circuit clout. ~N tnafromn Toronto, Oshawa and Bawmanville canipeting. showing fine contrai by flot sterting witb Bill Brunt's Tom Pearson coliected twa PIPE BAND 14r. and Mrs. SarniMcMillan af Oshawa ceptured the walking a batter. He retired single, triples by Vern Grubin singles for W. Frank Reators.WTLEA cown with a score ai 47. In tbe runner-up position came 1PR býhieRnkn n is partner fi-arn Osbawa with 39 I I~ ;~ # ,i PARADE , PRD Pn. rvillc.' Tj'onPI rtil ...n. ,,r 1~ Bowanile' Mr- l;rpr, n -Ar-1c-1-eaci-- ter a score af 47 ta earn the high twa wins award. The ligh one win victors were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grainger of Richmond Hill, with a score of 43. i t t t t i.a INTERMEDIATE BASEBALL Kr SClint Ferguson and Fred "Buck" Cowle have called enian ea: ktternaed1ate practice for this Sunday morning at 10 a'clock on toc at Vincent Massey Park. Ail prospective players will be Th urso Masse3 - wecoeed.the fil games, holdc ened1 ~* the 1 SEE TRIS EXCITING EVENI! Losesg ID.A.R.A. 1 _________________1___ n te RACING DIVISION NORTH-WEST 0F MOSPORT TRACK (Follow Sigus) JULY 16 STARTS 1:00 P.M. FRESHLY OILED el A .f9r - 1J Bowman ville Golf & Curling Club (Under New Management) GREEN FEES 1.50 Wéek Days- $2.50 Weekends ýs*prtivug Times Avouable »Je Wating for 2nd Nin.) club Pro èý&O~j a Imm a 14PkV Ne 9 v ENrigigEfe %moi# E L5ft ike Game from Ste phen's nlp's Furniture grabbed Aiter Dick State bed fanned Ted Dadson's triple and a ary 5-0 lead and wenf the side in the second and sacrifice fly by George Steph- dawn Stephen Fuels 8-5 the fi-st batter in the third, en accaunted for the Fuels' 1Morley Thampson was safe on final i-un in the sevenfh. iay nigbt et Vincent an errai- and Don McMurter, Stata fossed a seven-hitter ?y Park. The victory was fallawed with a borne run. an stukotevnwihu ifth in thei- lasf six ln tukotsvn ihu canslidting ther Kiamps pikedUp es'î waling a baffer, ta register S, cnsoldatig thir Kamp' piced u a ingle [bis fifth victary egainst a single on thîrd place and ev- tally in the fiffh on e walk stak their season's mai-k in and single by Bruni. Two free Asetbacvk. evnsae Men's Town Saithaîllpasses, a sacrifice and Ted Abbott aldve uasn ane- ie et six wins and si Hoar's looping single account - toi aigtels.Se ed or he inn rs herpair en pitcbed the final frerne, =p's scored three times in the sixth. permitfing one hit and clairn- csecond session on Bill Stephen's picked up two îng a single strikeout victim. "s double, an erra- and runs in their balf of sixth Miller paced the Furniture Villei-'s marnmofb. home affei- the fii-st two batters had crew wifb a homer and single, A double by Jim Cayle heen refired. Bill Hey rapped while Brunt notched a double wifh singles by Chai-lie a hamer, with Bob Abbotf and single. McMurter clouted and Miller casbed in and Bob Williams adding a home i-un and two singles are in the third. singles. -ta lead the lasers. artran'ys Take 15-8 Beating 10M Whyte's Led by D. Sulli1vanl by uiClarke iWhytP's Upholstery strengh- ened their third place posi- tion on Monday night, crush- ing Chartran's Men's Wear 15-8. The nose-diving losers baven'f won since Monday, June l9tb, wben they sbaded Ells Sboes 6-5. Dennis Sulivan went the Dcurl ington Soccer Three of the fouir senior games played lest week end- ed in fies, and 811 by the identical scores af 1-1. In Wednesdey night's action Wil- fred Hall seored for Salem and John Gilbert for Maple Grove. In the ather mid- week encaunter, Courtice andý Hampton waund up on even terma wlth Jim Mclntyre clicking for Caurtice and the Hemptan goal being 1booted by Graham Dalles. S8tUrd*Y night, e goal by Jack WbAlMen &%ve Maple Grave a 1-0 victory over de. fendlng.cba» au nSolina, au Hamptof laleMd t a edraw fired Oie Me mptilgoalWit-hi thse ZiOn ta ÏMIgng to Rleh- o. route for Wbyte's, picking up tren's pushed ecross threeý the victory (4-6). "Sully" ai- i-uns in the fifth and sixth -Iowed nine bits, wbile fanning innings, but couldn'f close thel *eight and walking a pair. seven-run gap. -Jim McKnighf was the starter For Whyte's, Dennis Sulli- rand laser for Chartran's, with van boosied bis cause witb Terry Baker in relief. three singles. Dick McLean, tThe Upholstei-y squad hem- Tom Wilson, "Woody" Lee *mered out 15 bits. McKnight and Brown al bad e pair ai was nicked for 13 i-uns and bits for the winners, while 12 bits over the first 3 2/3 George Seinsbury cresbed a innîngs. Baker ellowed two hormerun. i-uns on three bits over the Far Charfi-an's, Terry Bak- final 2 1/3 frames and fanned er, with a pair of hits, pro- four. duced five RBI's ta pece the The wlnners builf up a 9-0 lasers. Rick Lucas and Ted bulge affer just two innings.,lBrown both- supplied e pair and led 15-2 efter four. Char-'ai hits. Elis and Frank's Win Two Postponed Gaines iOn Sunday Afternoon by Jlm Clarke ENUis- Shoes end Frexik's Varlety came away wimiers. aile a pair et postponed grAeý. n Sudo7afternoon. 0 Shemenpicked up a 13.0 wiu over Char'trmn's ini 0j ok'nppd Whyte'u Z"Ê Itug n frp, "Wily". maicing his fuit start for the cellar-dwellers, ellowed nine runs and li sefetims Terry Baker ln 2 2/3 innings ai relief was touched for four runa,ý whlle allowing just one bit. Bruce Adepis wez Ellis' o cludlng e homerun. For the lsers, Tony Merw was tber lotte brlght light, swatting ojtree doubles. Ruave leading Frank's Va- ritY'fel ofaU e trong cai- Im qWhyte's in the ta 9Wina-&8.Ai- Ail Boys and Girls 13 Years and under are eligible 13ANNER PASSANT 623-3258 Duke St., Bowmanvîll. Lite Insurance, Income Disabillty Pension Plans Group Insurance Business Insurance Estate Planning un Life Assurance :ompany of Canada s FORMS AT HIGH SCHOOL GROUNDS AT 6:30 P.M 5 PARADE CLASSES 5 1. COMIC 2. ORIGINAL 3. WESTERN 4. DOLL CARRIAGE 5. DECORATED BICYCLE >. Contact Playground Supervisor for Further Information SCASH 'PRIZIS 1 st- $5.00 2nd - $3.00 3rd- $2.0 Ail Entries Wili Receive Free Refreshment Tickets PARADE ROUTE: From the Bewmanvllle Rlgh Schaol, Eat au Queen and Ontario Sti. ta Artyle St., West te Duke St. and South toi Memorlel Park where Judglng will take plae. wiIl feature BRANCH 178- BOWMANVILLE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION MEMORIAL PARK FRIDAY, COLOSSAL BINGO BOOTH . .. REFRESHMENTS . .. FRUIT.. . BLANKETS NOVELTIES ... GAMES 0F CHANCE . . . RIDES FOR KIDDIES I - Starts 7:00 pm. JULY LADIES' AUXILIARY C,&AR 1967 OLDS. (<TMASl«85 SEDAN V-8 ENGINE- AUTOMATIC WHIEWALL TIRES D AW TICKETS *** TCS--$1.00EACH FREE1"ATTENDA NCE ,PRIZES CASH PRIZES, 0F: $5.00 - $1000.- $15.00 WILL BE DRAWN FOR AT 9 - 10 - il P.M. You Must' Be ln Attendance To Win I PROCEEDS FOR LOCAL ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION COMMUNITY WORK REDWOOD FURNITURE POLE LAMP ELECTRIC BLANKET DRESSED -DOLL PLUS $5.00 CASH s. .1 j It I i i RACN'G -PARKING SPONSOC D.A.R.A. RACI Ç.LAYTRIA FEE ONLY DRED BY [NG DIVISION NCK dor - 21