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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1967, p. 11

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------..,..... Mms Brise. Tilison, Editer p-f.m i 0GlowingTributes Paid to Retiring PUC Manager A lifetime of service te thé village of Newcastle by W. Ross Strike, Q.C., lefit, retired Chairman cf thé was suitably recognized recenlly when a reception Onlario Hydro Comrmission. At right is Mr. Britton's Wvas held in thé Communiîy Hall f or Utililies Cern- successor, Tom Messenger. Lower picture shows the *tiision Managf r Harv. C. Britton who has retired. purse cf money hé received, with Reeve Earl Waiton, Top photo shoWs 'Mr. and Mrs. 8ritton, with her lefI, and Ulililies Chairman Stanliey Graham, right. flowers, and a frarned screliuresenteri fn Mr. Rrilfsrn --Potos by ntario'H-ydro Wé Want sonething doue An £>cifng Bi cy cle Rodeo th"What do you mean by that? W'vé started in thé subdivision. Wé had stumpa HeId t Co mun i y P rk emoved next le you and a fencé was erected around thé Held at Com un iy P rk xcavation. Sure lheré's other things net fiuished, but wé can't do everythiug ai once Newctastle - A numbér of.chéck takén et éach bicycle,: The Newcastle Recréation or anylhing wîthout someoe boys and girls In thé village for the girls or beys owflCmué ihstercg ed l W'ébe atu flf their homes before éight safety. Major or miner défecis omte wsh trcg.odoi Wv bnwaig o'elock Saturday moruing and wére ticked off. Thé main nizé and give thanka te thé on Couch (Harold) sincé hèodéd for thé Communiiy évent was skill in safély hand- many who worked se bard fprrna tdh o'le yuif Igall Park where thé bicycle iiug thé bicycle. Each entrant wiih this ipécial rodéo and tegel il," sad thé Reevé. rodeo iook place jusi two did bis or lier bésite gain ail who se genérousiy gavé cf "Do'calealarNth hburs later. The Idea ei goinglpoints s ach évent was en- their frelime and gifts. Spe- iug has been done. Thé sub- 10 .arl wa b ét hé deat Srd owever,. as in ail cial tbanks. te Officer Corneil division is ln a mess," aid f whai was éxpected of them1sports, oulYw eue can be a win- who was ai thé limé on hoiu- Mr. Stommel. lo and te havé triai runs around uer. Théwinerof thé beys days aud gave« up a full Sat- At this lime, Councilo thé parkt sel especiaily forigreupCwith thé hlghest peints urday morning of bis holi1day Foshay, aise a résident iu thé ibis occasion. This roôdeo was Was Chris Cooper wilh 150,lime, te Gordon Garrod Jr. subdiviso n egbre unsored by thé ewcsl oints. Tied as runuérs upIwho génerousiy donated thé thé Stemmels replied that hée ~reation Commtéee undérlwéré Gary Majér and Georgellovely trophiés and te Hamb- knew bow beautifuily thé t supervision of Censtable Visser with 149 pefints each.ily's and Smitb's Beveragés Stemmel preperty was képi ai È; R. '(Pal) Corneli et thé Ronald Munro, principal of thé Iwho donated thé crésîs, and ail limés. He said. thal il was gowmanville 0.P.P. Detach- Newcastle Public Schoei, pré-1te thé Ontario Provincial a shame that eue weuid work, r#n. îThe ,rusader~ Cycle seuled Chris with thé beauti.. Police fer thé book marks and se hard oniy te have such aý Clubls asal cycingprog- fui lrophy hée so désérvingiy Crusader Pins. Othérs giviug sigbt right néxt le hlmi. But1 rrt*Veloped by thé Ontario won. Thé winnér of thé girlslup a Saturday morning le addéd, thé samne as thé Reéve,ý DeMffient et Transport. Each wilh 124 points, was Jo-Aune ihelp with Ibis projéct, wéré that work had been doué, théJ ôFl56 entrants was réquir- Mîchéls and runnér up w as SIan Powell, Mr. and Mrs. feu ce and thé stumps wéré a îd te auswer true or taise le Charlotte Mary Bréréton. Gordon Dancey, Mr. Ronald part cf il and se hé couldu'i, àÔ traffic knowlédge questions1 Councillor Doreen Nesbitt pré-'uno Mr. Ronald Lowry,truly say that "nething" hadi lb pansaibis lest and 15 an- sutéd Je-Aune wit brIr-Mr. Ray Goode, Miss Judithbeben doue. Councillors wéreý twera or more liad te hé cor-,phy. Every entrant received;Poeli, Mr. George Chard Jr., aware o! othér jobs te hé look- xectly answeréd. cresîs, book marks and Cru-!aud Mr. Pal Blakér and le ail éd afler and wéré as auxieus There was ase a safetysader pins. 'e thé .P.P. officers. as anyoné le havé the jobs finished, but it ail toek limé and théy were trying. Théré Weeds Cause Disusin do '.'h:n go ato heuoery ewners. Make lhémn cléan Iheir! placés up cf wéécls. If they AtCo ncl ee o M n aydont, et thé village do il n A t Cu nci M ee o n o nd a l'ten fine thém," said Mr.ý Newcastle - T hé régularAdvision, mras présent te speak are being looked into." 'c"inagrééd te Ihat b00 per Counicil meeting was held1le Council regarding thé holési By this timé cutcriés e!fcnt," réplied Counciller Dor-' Mcndy evningin Cunciin té rod tht én Nesbitt. "They shouid hél Mondy eenig i ConciVn te rad hatré-oened;ifine thém" and *'how coeéfined if they don't caré tei Chambers witb ail mémbers1wîithiu thé day or two foilow- se many can gel away with itcl present. ýing thé roada bélng ouled aud and nothing doué about il?" flnUp." saudd. is min ueston as cme ronitwomén ho ad They have thé meney," said Gordon Wright of the Emer- i i &nqeto a aefo w e h a Mr. Stommel. "I can drink gen y M asues rgaizaion wyewste7time this way, why com é jte Council with M r- b er and stili look aflr my *as présent at ibis meeting ton et ixthé holles propériy? 'Vebsemer. With everycue talit- properîy. They just drink béer further éxpliluil addition le Thé eevx, e auswéréd hlm teil,-Jiug or yeiling, Councillor Ai!.. and do nothiug. If they havé %lmetter éarliér sent te thé ing himn that hée knew quitelred Gray démaudéd tb have fimée for that and thé mcuey jSve and Councillors auy %well thé place hée was refér-1temen brought te order as fer béer, they have money te1 qUestions that might havé ring te as he'd driven downlif was Impossible te héar thé pay fiues." grisen with the latést proposai that véry day and admitted prywhe had spoken t e NxI hé asked about thé for adding nw équipmenite they wére lu rough shape and Council. eern eFe a hér addd. 'Wheu?" askéd Stomm el, rthriu-law edpk which 50 far bas neyer thé fire départimént. Hé ex- , ll efxd We? se Soml rte-nlw oltakén thé shape et a park. <"I fflnéd that four years ago,!Mr. Vobsémer. "Thé roadsýVohsemer and aise résident Ofibavé kids, and 1 like kids, but léwcastîe was ameng the fewýcommuttee la iooking aflrithe subdivision. hé was asked tbéy need soe placé le play. whe aceepted an offer of pur.ithese thinge now. and ail thèse te kéép erder and hée would Thé uptewn park is tee tari éaslng a pumpér lu whichl halés wili hé fixed up jusi asithen hé givén a chanceteaifoth111eustecead tihé grant for saine was a gréai accu as wé are able te gel. néxt, !fin théesuiisie ¶e y pio oayd ssvluig te thé village. Thiatsomeue out ibère," auswerédi, Aise atténdiug this meélugal ovér thé road. Thére'sa a litesi proposaiIif accépted by thé Reevé.j1 was thé weed inspecter, Mr. 30 mile aigu ai thé béad cil Ceunities Council, will hé at Another question brought upJiWheeler, who lu answéring thé subdivision, but théy don'tj no ceai le thé village, fire by Mr. Vchsemér eoncernedt thé question about thé wééds, go that slow. Where la theý *bdlj equpmn. Thé mainte- thé weeda lu the area néar bis said hée could net and would law énforcement we b car t"éce et same bas as yet net home. Hé was of thé opinion net go onto anyoné'a proerly about. Why are thèse boys béén dis cussed by ibose in thal property owners threugh- demanding that théir weéds be ailowéd te drivé through therel uhority, and wax oeene théeout t he village had a certain eut until such limé as ail thé liké that aud néarly kili some, àÀbtons brought up by mem-, lime limit to eut wééds or thé weéds on village prepertyilittle kid?" fôr e thé Newcastle Council. village would have theni cul. were cut down. Hé pointedi "Spéed is al ever, net juatl Mtu cu for purchasing sueh "Wé look atter our own prop- outV that weeds along thé lu thé subdivision," réplid '"upnient will be broken up erty and make ihinge look stréet heiween thé road ai-iCouncillor Foshay. "Our iaw teconl paid by thé United lowéd te bave weeds grow only now hein g eut. Aller-Ilaws only. Thé OPP have tc lntes Govi., 30 per cent high and neihinig la doue. Whly wards, hé weu ld go aller thé charge thé speeders. But yeu e1a and 15 par rient Prov- dou't you g o af1er the prot,. preperty owners. eau amet Ibère. If yeu eau gel fca.Ceuneillor Erie Foahay, eriy ewners aud do semething? Afier further compiaints the make cf thé car aud thé hanrmore thé Police-Tire Thé subdivision doéesn't looklabbut thé weede ou thé prop. licence, report ilte thé O!'?. e4tee, madle thé motion like mueh with ail thèselérty te thé baek et thé bouses I know how môe spéed and Reeve EarI Waltc n l-wéeds," ha said. ýbuilt on thé south aidé of the it's ail lover. We'd liké te se ~~te furiher throughi t was explaiued that action!road. It was éxplalned that uomething doué with thé prop. Counili acmé o! the la belng taken. Couneil hauthis Waa up te thé Depi, oferty but éven if thé budget~ s iotayat uanswered aes ppoinled a weed inspector Highways, as il was on their did ailow us te gel lu Ihere ilraweré agreed tatand hé In now eut sud "rcnérty.adgtapr nosae 0 qiay woud ae t crep héore Yu iwal au M. mmlappreachéd doubi thai il weuld hé ready eywol hv t cep eor yuwak adcouneil tating that "we want uow In urne for thé children tte equîpmeut sgon. walk béfore yeu run," saIlscnething doue lu thé subdl- te use Ibis year." &AghuaSubthe lleve. "N~o coné can ha vision area. Your Reeve lu big "Referrlne back ta Mr' ew esSb vérywhere at once sud t% lnproisesud dosa nothing. Coucli, sud with no intention of blamlng hm. he ln à buxya ,iew chairman. !by the Ontario Water emour-i The Canadian Statesman, Eowmanvfllejuly 12, OIM man. Vie aIl know that. Much1_ A letter was. r@eeved from ces. On a Motion by council ton busy for one man.Wh the C.N.R. In regards to the thé clerk wax Instructed to can'i we bire toee Ife, 'vilage lnatallng uap;ulg» ai write the O.W.RC. a"kn helo Mr. Coueh ând ou rnl th czpeglinOwh a thé them to hold bèckpl en sa wellp augasatea Counçdllor o.1bU?"»'for tht, Job until Aà wuadone fl w a / Nesbltt. <'Ve slway sent temention teaaf« e tstacMtorfly, and also aaked be Oayiig, we're waltlng on tô ihém by ecnc i tng that for reporte to bd made te l e c e i Comch and it's not hie fêailt. they, the. CX1. were to ereei council. work. Thèré muei be smmeoe will b. m"nt tÔ oecte tht,. earller estlmated to eai $3,0"0,01 else we eould hiré. Wé uhôuId Council was adi$ued by Councillor leahay brought te o ià nd e r o a get theaé weeds lcoked afier Harry and Francis Jose that attention the tact that Coun- and other jobs as well."1 they approvéd celng of the ciller Gray has had the frcad Necse-Svalethatnd heAécn eu "«IqI put you on as weed ln- crossing on their propérty. 1ixed at a ceai cf les, thaN ecsl: vraetheten teAmr &u Tetrif you tan get the jcb A letter wax anreoev thée esimated ceti, at a greatNecte Fire Fighters a,- Camp nt Camp Gorten ibis 0n,,replied the Reeve. fromntéNwatePbi kvn otecilg n ex,. tended the parade heid ln year are, Gre g Gray, Willam 7'11go d theJob ysel, h é n ewe rar alt a-Pube Vf ehaéiaeiand Orone on Saturday showing Woe and Ronald Lowry Jr. "l'l e d te ob ysifSeoo flar r rdngaltra ~rssd ie ppécitin. quite a few antique lire Mr. and Mrm Ron Hockin but then il charge themn and tioha to the cla part of thé in order to get the grant Onl trucks. Pumpers and men and daughters, Goccé Bay, cha e them good," Ceuneil- chool and an add tienal tour the lest payment made on thé came fromn as far east as Labrador, are 'risiting with No 4sitaserd orÉ hr was sente con- 'extra road job on North Street Campbéflford and west as far îanuly and friende ln thé vil- '"I've got thé ted, yôu tan fusion as to the price end t -a bylaw was requésted and as Oshawa. Thére were qulte lagé béelo vigt Otw use," kidded the Reeve. wax feu councll ahould firet one was grantéd. ew ee,-cIng pieces Of wheré Ron wilinbetouito.ed ,Councilior Neabiti repliéd, apeak with smorn f théefBoard There wéré several buldinj équîepméent, with Campbellford with thé Air Ferce. As of à conea use them. V've done iïrneunbers, Howevér, Aller fur. permits Issued 1n July, tita havîing thée ldest, a 1906 wloehmfinac béfore." ther discussion betwéen coun- valué estim ae d 1,7.0 o nda n ld e, wth0 b o1 e i h o e e lt <'Why don't you buy a ma- el mernberu, tentative Ippro- Thèse pérmits were issued te awa's Most up-te-date and Fitf nStra vnn ebjé, pen théethousand vlwsgvn G. Walton, 1. McCullough, L. spanking néw twe-week-eld wheret Ron was thé guZai t dolr.That iàn't se. much. Another lettr aie froni thé MukioÈ, J. Michéils, E. Nésbitt, truck, flot yét 'having attend- honora gprty- Men- BuY a machine and Fil set N.P.S.B. was réceived request- F. Waterbury and G. Graham. éd any alarm. Newcastle were while, ailathé tagaisarmet ai thîè yeu a man te do the worTk," lnif roney fer supplies and A létter was read by Coun- highly praised for their group home of Mrs. Archié flerntrd sugo~ested Mr. Storneli. salaries il neéded. This was çiilor Poshay concernlng the of youngest men among ail the te get iu some long overdue Th orrespendence wasiucludéd in thé budget and Pire Marshalils Sehool, framn villages and towns entered ini conversation witii Barbara, to nexi, with eue letter freni thé could hé done If thé school Augusi 2lst through Sépteni- the parade. be hr hyhv rvl Boy Scouts cil Canada, Bow- grant wasn't received lu lime ber2alst. Hé informed ceuncil Saturday evening guests ai led and iivéd since firai leav. mnanville District, aaking per- fo hs amns h é hat asiiar achool set ut, thé home of Mr. and Mri. ing thé village. Barbara show- mission to set Octobér i4th as quésl was grgnted.' by thé Fire Marshall on a oneé Jack Crago were Mr. and éd moviés which were quité Apple and Tag Day. Thé ré- Frank Waterbury, who hàd.night a wéek course fer 14 Mrs. Norgrove Clemmence of interesting. quest was granted. hie taxes revised in 1965 and wéeks was also avaliable. This Whitby. M.EnéNyo tEg A léttér iteom Charlié Mégit, reduced in 1966, found that lu was held in Lindsay aud Hope 1M.EneNyo fEg secretary et thé Newcastle 1967 théy were again Incréas- Township, and thé Newcastil. Mr. and Mrs. B. Heyer Of jianci brother f Albert, la in Herticultural Society, thanked ed. Apparéutly this wax inTire Chié!, Fred Gianvillej New York ar1 vsiin lth nda isting with mem- Council for théir heip lu the error. He had talkéd te thèlfelt hé was able te attend ibis1 Mrs. Heyer's sister, Mrs. W.1 bers cf his family. Hi, grand- past and askéd for théir grant assesser Irv McCuiiough who soewhat easier than geing KÇay. son, Stéven, accompanled Mr. te help with expensés ln add- 8greéd a mistaké hied béen away a full wéék or two et Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gray, Naylor on thé trip. They were ing more treés throughouî thé made. A réfund wlll hé given. a tuée. Aise this way hé weuld Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin two et 135 on,. a passenger village, kééping up thé flowér C. R. Carveth, chairman et be Able te takre along auy Whitehead et Garden Hill charter flight from Manches- béd se.This grant, for $50 thé local public library, ré- other lire fighlérs who weuld weré récent visitors Of Mr. ter, England. Mr. Naylor fl was approvéd as requestéd. quosied au advance on thé wish te attend. A motion was and Mrs. Perey Tamblyn. expécted te return te thé vil. A card of ihanks froni thé 1967 budget of $600.00 This made te réimbursé, thé Pire lg oahvn ite family of thé laie Tire Chief, was aIse inciudéd ln thé bud- Chié!fefr gas by offering Ast Newcastle A and B lae tday, avîng vimHteWia Frank Miller, was recéivéd get. mileage. Scout Troops enjeyed an ev- few asR xpUH ! and read. A report sent by Mr. Mc. A letter wax earliér sent toenéiug at thé lakte on Menday ntEgldon uy Harold Falk, Newcastle bank Mullens ef the Ontario Water Canadian Fruit Co. requesting evéning when thé leaders 1Oth. In thé meantimé, ie tA manager who rétired July 7th Reseurcés reporied hé bad thé nainesne ail partnérs and sh wéd them thé preper wav planning teo ece ail thai he là and has niovéd eut cf thé vil- touud thé opérations satisfac- asking théni te gét their pro- et silting in anid handlu g abi etk udrn lage, wrele Council sending tory. Thé pump is capable et pérty cléaned up. There has cauoe, aise, tippîng oer the Visit. his résignation as Chairman 140,000 gallons et watér per been ne auswer te either that canoe théy weré flowu how Our Newcastle friends and et thé Cenlennial Committée. yéar and it was telt théré lettér or eue sent te ce-own- te propérly turn it right side uéighbors in Mémorial HIIMI- Fred Couch whe was attend- would hé ne neéd cf anoîher ers of thé Woodiaud Plant Up again. The boys aise en- tel are, George Collins, John iug this meeting, and a meni- wéli for at leasi twe yéars., which burned down sne joyéd a swim, and have many Davis, Mrs. Erma Blight, Gord ber et thé committée was However, thé paint job on time ago. Néither Harry Jose gond evenings plauned for Laking, John LUnes 0 M&*, asked te nolify al ether mém- thé watér tank was net satis- or Irwin Coiwill have sent in througheut thé s u m mn e r. Betty 'MeCarthy and IIemy~ bers and bring in a name for facory and was tured down (Turn te page thirtén) Thrée boys who are going te Tebbé. A LOT. GOF YOUR ~~ NEIGHBOURS HAVE STOPPED BAKJNG PIES! Maybé af's b«c,»».i*"y dScored .lcme P"« PisMm thogeonds hkov N*. . you mo OMD onks, them, is umo,Nu a ogeod homm.-alrd pMW' We egre..uhs'ngr.OO Se woudyc befive fwtod you our Jone Parker Mies toe*e home-borked? Probably not.. .-vMI yoo'ye fred oe. Then you'd dIscom e ~tii. etutl encd eky Mm yeur omt. Ycu'd disco'éertdm fruit le lMe kind yoad t». the. best ... juiey, nst af wfth starch. And if you popped a Jone Parker Pie liéo 14 oeve and warmsed it before sering, you'd discover a piec you'd b. péeuçi te « eau cr &«n. Are ions Parker Pies a good macsca for shopping A&P? They're one cf meny. fSALAD DRESSUE 59 7 Dritish CoimbUa CHERRIES SWUT IA79&r@4LAMUlm no. i Orue NM Pl CAUWORNLA SAMAROSA, MM, u Wr,*aIv).i RED PýLIM r.291 AfflNon Péhd Ihw m m ANN~~~~~1n PAG eA Pl c W<g A"lPPLE Faelle Royale Crest Reg. Price tube 11.0O - SAVE 220ù Leund TOOTHPASTE famiy size tube Reg.It(UtN Carnation Ftaked White Meat, Aibacor. FEATURE PRICE TUNAI FISH 3 6'/ioz S 1.00 INSTANT COFFEE PIE REG. PRICE EACH 49e BUY 3 - SAVE 47c Reg. Prioe pkg 57e - BAVE le QUALITY bomamSOTTOM CUJT ROUND STEAK ROASI STEAKS RUMP OS ND SILOIN POIN4T ROASI R ASSROUND STEAK PLLC $.o 8-UNc 24-0 3 pl WHITE SWAN -EG PKO50 - OP% WC. IrY (15c Off Deai) A&P grand (Prepriced) Dep nd ble"S per-Rýih / CheGThs LwLo OF'K4RLs53c, 1OZJAR 1 .19 Top ROUND l IMMMOTD FROZIN L LAMB CHOPS Lm179<- LAMI CHOPS LM 49C AiL PRSIN 4 lm > Ac T~~UHM~Y . ,190 -L"I s 1. / /~ i f 144m- CANADAYS FINEST RED » 1 m m m m 1 1 f- ýýl (PAPER --.Wbbý

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