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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1967, p. 15

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_______ M agis-trat ' outso~~ . = 1 - io XW Col lu emoîamlu e~orîm CrdDofThaku omlg vents Notice - 1HeId in Bowmanville one fU l oving memnory of a T ERY-In ovn rerory of 1 wsh to express my itaere Vacation Church School, Dr. Ewert's Office wil jI r sr eu kew e Lad and father, Ken- William Terry bn hngt ealn red u yoe Church, July 17 te 28, closed until M 3nUI,» Cea. E. Ccx who passed away and father who passed away neighbôurs for lowers, cards 1:30 p.r. te 4 p.m. Al child- 24th.Mody 27-2 h 1 97be rni eue te J4 the pasald Iie bae O r oref htn -il, 1966. July 12, 1950. and gifts sent ta me during ren welcome. 27-2 - r. .Sein' fie ~tae R~ atten erlve . m ad eustd m sudng l ty.rgtcDdI Mw remd eprte h _________._______offce_,,,______ e R. . erlve. m rqetd t udny. M . G lc hî hq i osl. Tis Ligly remembered by We tried so hard to save you, my stay in hospital. A Special Dairy Princess Competition be closed from July 15 te pres11* with Crown Attor-Mr tnnle btok Ijt'vh Wtfe and family. 28-1 Our payers were al in thanks ta Drs. Sproule and to be held Thursday, July 20, August 13 inclusive. 272 ney G. F. Bnnycastle. M r.Sisnlf u ekwth hrvhceadlflt ubi.A i.tte ftr vain, Grant, mue nurmea and staff ~ p.~. Gladys Roy was dut>' c unsel uP a position outade ori the ig $250 dan a e t h et c îî~ e n w w a ICURRAY. Robert.-In loving Our home would seem like of Oshawa G nerai Hospital. P et e. r Ca pbiel Arena Dr. Austjus office will be for the Legal Aid plan.sde ak ho tn b ente m n. T e cr w ic hafc ud h ve ap e d wtl flmory et a dear father who heaven Gladys Avery. 28-1 Porl e. . Da8-ni es. F e .m ntl 8 v Traffic tickets: (Co sal and threatening te kil' the caused the acciet dee Idiig i ~ ad. 111111d away JuIy 15, 1961. If we had >'eu back again. Msay only, during Jup roreto. ehe fie ihu tp ethn a vrtk wyYou left a lot of broken hearts Wards cannet express our Ti rdy u> 4hcmadAgs.2-0 B. Tullson, OP Pau1, LoJwaIig oa id théacued is S TheMrrychaarMdge,1 T e o ea heh lds dear That loved you se sincere, thanks sand appréciation, te hear and dance te "The Ce-sed g, H gh a 41, A w kng d n a ie tre Th c age w s ds se. RR. 3 O ha a a d Dal Pday, resfngrevr iTht eerbafon nvr the urrinsandpary r ra e rrneetLosrister, Solicitor, announces that (Constable Kozak, OPP) Mal- 4 Stroue.we Cl 7 .R pleaddgiiye awiniîe ee hre ey rS di i dfywfe Je eo r th a niesurpaierorise m ss ths rel re t. g au dfao, 14 Fr nk Stet, ta st p fo a st p iumg ar dut niarg sroangermentts,>' Arhu i' m LrdirgsnsTi 31________are______________ Phone Hi3,wp -Ever remembered by the and family. 28-1l cards, telegrams and the wond- Bw avle Phn62 -5 Aril 11, $1 and uits, or2 served Hi& Wanshlp. "When Tugweod. famlly. 28-1* erful purie. We humbiy thank 27N-5t Ays.11 10ad ot ryeu abuse those pnivileges yUorprlJh cuytiepebr2.a eeca. Cards of Thanks y JakanoFa Kngh. M ONSTER B N O Clarke Hgh's Inviepus is t osday is on e an shuld b. punishd. You te en thCro a té sd o-gJOg]st Wye owc Ja k a d F o K ih . TH RU SDAY NIG HET, 8 o'e hck here! Get your year bock at pRsdad ginsty e t hle ai ny, uld b . thorough y a ham - s utab Ia thw r e u lc i t xc to n SPRY - raurdmmoisTanka for many beautiful 28-l Sâpoaaer.d b>' thé Junier the schooi on Frida>', JuIy 14 session of liquor sud causlng how o ai an nwpthc e thé C.PeonRLbeby'S _____ P05 d et Yoursef. 1îge llega possesion i liqu Of rmy dear parents, Fred J. birthday cards with congratu- Chamber et Commerce or Monda>', Jul>' 17 between a disturbance Jul>' 8. Cen- o et Yo an face tuhé aeoe-1aoJne 1Sré,Naot hscn fess SprY, Juiy 13, 1966: Miidred lations and gaod wishes tramin would like ta thank ail JTJrILEE PAVILlON 1 and 3 p.m. Bning your re- stable T. A. Yardy's évidence hbta. &r.October 28, 1943. friends. my fiends and neighbouru for OHWAo _____nd$._ .2-1______h_________n_______ prl .neelaalnkdat ano Jms .Wrr.281th ovl loes ncrs o sever, setsnia mas h us Euchre card- party, Me- to MeMaster's Store in thée Coviction on the first stable G. Evans h d sepdM N M N S A ! Love and rmembrancé astl To al;ho have sent me es on Medicai Floor and Dr. mariai Park Club House, Lib- SU M M ER T P T v .ab u :5 Strd y cag ro gt a fn t 1 a it he cu ansi A K R farever. cards, gitts and flowers dur- Antossi for the care which j erty St. S., Juiy 18, Tuesday Intevlg e poreoO-adcss rtredyadwihM.W -Daughter Jean, son-in-law lng my récent stay at Women s received and spécial thanks nDoor 8pri. Prédmsor THE.In RAheL eWit a n te uhd Or 10 soday H50a an Oted aer e arigtsh tif ]Bob, grandchildren Gail and Caliege Hospital, Toronto, and ta Dr. Cummings for his care orpiePoedsfr TELBA WL r Wattwwekteayicrndol Gary. 28-1 since cming home, I extend and kindness in Oshawa Hos- Cripped Children's School and dvok arolyn Galicnio, Il Blake é DL aheartfelt thank you. pital. Treatment Centre. 28-,l Close at 8 p.m. Ç Manor Boulevard,9 Scarbor- SPRY-In oving mémory f Mrs. Lean Moore. 28-1' Ed. Wilatts. 28-1 Thé Mountjoy annua1 pic- durng the summer menths REPAJI.U1 .LA'4> ugh, pleaded riot uit MeESULSCUT a dear father and grandfather, nic wili hé held at Caésaréa July 10 te Sept. 5 InclusiveS netgig ofc1,g2 - h ldred J. Spry, who passed AutoSae I wîsh ta thank my neigh- on the Cartwright Picnic 28-1 ALTERATIONS aeesCnvlgM>'2.théConeil;aM Thninwoay ot '13 , 16 bours, Mrs. Art. Majerrison, Grounds on Juiy 22nd in thé 0F ALL TYPES bie T. A. , OPP esti- awini oay of 13,16. WEEK.LY Mns. Lawrence Little, Mrs. aternoon. Ail friends and SUMMERer t Then that is nothing new, LESTO RTt~ Clarence Oke and Mrs. Keith relatives o the Mountia>' Clan C s o B$l4oe dnaé a brcr t~S afo d D an r W . thought about yu ystr-K Jr.L.JI Shacketon for their help ta kindi>' accpt this invitation.' ADDITIONS, ETC. Dale Swift stated that she m day, ai Durham Cont>' Sales Arena me and their preparation of 28-1' DR C.K. INLENe Job Tee Big or Tee Small was westbound in thé driving AiREfh And the day before that toa. Orono - Ever>' Thurs., 7:30 p.m. my daughter's réception. You Dra TIPLHltinOfceE LISMAL ae fHgha 01o a W e shall think of yu Selig H rses, Cattie, Sw ne, wee al just w nderfui ur a C u ty Has2i2ff c W D HE LL l n o afih wa 401 o M > M ILTIiii.LS'R I ELI I E tomorrow Pralves. Sheep, etc. J. A. Rei Thanks also ta Morris Funeral Club will hold their Twilight DO BOO uper ta bumper in both the Olhclwc&Dsrc e 3 An échda trogh'té SneSaestaang, 5-tTDretos orth bn t heMetigTusd18,uy 8,7 uresuRssenesONBROK ewhn rafi wa lms Andears, chag le&SoSle aagr.52t ircsfrte noftep.m., tarm of Clarence Nichais, GENERAL CONTEACTOR driving and passingf lane. She l EsFtat , 1 uda t .-Wlb Though absent you are véry'Glnalo Frm, gesusea- EMOI28-SPTA _______________ chairds. Lcy. 8. Newcastle. Bryan McCague, (Queen snd Lambert Sts.> Phone 723-6178 er 623-3670 observed Mrs. Galicchie stop 41 near W a tedGle aft n F rms gu st pea - M MOR AL OSP TAL27-2* abrupti>' when thé car ahead StfilIovdsilmisdadfihsCahPiefo'Da Thé famil>' of thé late Stella ér. Judginig compétition, priz- Bwnnil -£ver rmembred by son BURRETT FUR FARM ta express sincre thanks sd Centnniai Chicken Barbe- B>' Appintmet ~ Lyraess, daughter-in-iaw Ruth Phone Long Distance appréciation ta r e i a t i v e s, cue sponsared b>' Durham Phone 623-2356 and grandchidren. 2P, -1 Zenith 66550 (n charge te ye) frinds and nighbous for Count> Junior Farmers, Thurs. betweeu Dept. Agric. Lic. No. 63-C-67 flowérs, visits, cards, floral day, Jul>' 27th, stanting at 6:30 tributes and contributions ta at Orono Fair Gnounds. Aduits 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. R M RC s on t e p t thé Cancer Society during ur $2.00, children under 12, H U S * -4 igufed end Distinctive Stock. Picked 12P Prmpti>' J. A. Pattersn, Dr. F. W. available ram rmmbrs. 28-2 Tusday - Wednesday - Frida>' *0 Mmmwments - Fiat Markers Tlphone Colet 263-2721 Rundle, nurses and staff of S N Y m P R 2 - 5 p.m. - 7 - p.m.I ', ei ~n fo r t.8 sa wa M r r T r r" Oshawa Gnerai Hospital, thé Û N SIE P R IW'sl or t.B. awa Méci rwill FurF" mMONSE BIG MR NC S 152" '~~VY.L4.L ~~T'"'N Morris Funèrai Home, Rev. SE IG MRECE 172002 DavidN N or theirev.Thamsd23N3ght de4-02 728-.66271 Licence No. 101-C-67 16-tf fo King stoag te. 623-3331 I AT OURiit office 'venings 1-ffrigmsae 28-1' 7:45 26-10 A U - RED BARN Tenders Wanted I OS H WA -tf SALEM aId schooi building, inciuding furnacé. Building I ido EXPOTOUR must hé removed and site B Y M O T O R A0 9 7 a t c l n a a l b e~e f . u~ ~ levelled b fore August 25, S l t rn ~I ~- JUY 5 ram Board Office, W. G. * A~W N S RIN LE îï lJL 5Dallas, Bus. Admn. 28-1 ad5'Hs ALUMIU O RJ A c o m d t i nT S A 4R I G O D A Y S a n d 3 N IG H T S U L C T E B O R 9 ALSPBLICSCHOOL B4OARDc CANADIANA VILLAGE HAMPTON, ONT. ________________ One ow viceafte anoher$2500 Per Room Per Nlght Tenders for thé painting et elew rie. mvintter anteaieus schools for thé aboyé uest. YsTAving aterAVingJURY & LOVELL AanlntlJuy21ont ant G- $3.59 INGS that add up fa tr ... VLL ne1967. * xulyu21, a« up BIGGE E ...bcause "'RA "Fa dit- 41 ï 967. yen get MORE of them la 19 King St. E. - Bownvlle Fnms and nfonmatiQn are SaIX e u y hic carful cf your fa , .Phon e 623-3182 vial -ft S lé "B rdJ fy C me R à d vonit. fonds. Se why bie2-1OfieHaptn satialeil with a handful e Office, Haaspts. A "Ispecials" whea YOU «B SUMMIT 28-1 8 L$ 6 0I-$-8P have Your choice of a mer- Country kettul of LOW PRICES ar a TE-CANLN DYKSTRA'S? Coente- eset EWANIL-,ONAROed adGreia24 24 dey - and SAVE AS YO - Gai. ATHE r BOWMANVILLE CHI-LN GO - rlght through y0 . WednesdayJAMBOR 19 PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD - shopping liai. Assorted FlavoursM Wdedy uy1.Tender for the WIRE FENCE EVESRO G White - Sliced Dinette8 P.M. Addition and i Plastic Covered lM BREAD MARGARINE Dominion Store Alteration to10t.LgtsEcU 4 24- es. Parking Lot Central 5 t ol_ 1 ., 0f.Lnt 4 Loaves TOM SEYMOUR, M.C.2- Public School U with posts, wire snd clipâqIEMi RA D N A I28-I Sealed Tenders en Stipulat- W HM Ibs. ~~W o dv ew Com m unit , Centre ed Su : Basis Clea nI>' M arked r, G a eI e v u Y I N e x t M o n d a y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __yG r a e l y o o w i h ir T i SAVE8 5C RED :4 P.M. Tus.3:00 7P.M.8 1~ 90% of the sheets meet GlS quality'TL Y ~ R~ 5 O S~H A W~A at the Office of Pentiand, x' 8'$##9Lés 5 dico n" x ~ 81 - - - - -. - FEHCIP6-tf Baker & Poison, 45 Charles 4x 4' x8' .. $6.75 on 50 sheet a AN ----Street East, Toronto 5 or at 3"x4 '$.5odro oe a~ nîf TRP Othé Office et thé Secretar>'- /4_x_4"_x_8 __...._$925_______or more uuuM ' IUJ IJ L E N L O IN LW H E E LITR P N G 4 K n t e t E t o m n ~J l * I UW . A - - - - - - - - - - - - - Yeepkfeezeu iBell &eH a wéf movie camse 1 er, r with si ts, p ro-r 5/16 20 " X 48" --------------- - 8fo York CledbPHoted Kiddlies'R d s drill andt sander (Black &-~ sie fet~ crwr, rs-S l - 0 x 8 f r~ 9 CI Pea nut Butter CHERRESGPltt Bngdtc1Decker),û dishes, garden tools, CHERIES Ganes, ing, Ec.inany ot)lher articles tea num.- erous ta mention. Ternis cash. C 2-lbMyles King. auctieneer, TinYcs;* DANCE - 9 P.Mv. 725-3039, Oshawa. 28-1 G A RA G E O NLYI B A V E 2 8 e l A V E 1 3 . f a r m a u c t io n o f 6 0 H i t e in e ' 7 ' x 7 Kraft0 RO E TOUS Jnlncudlng a number et good r9 rmgeor Frit "estrn nd allfral T r'»first caît heifers due Sept, sud P r i é $ 3 5 . 0 0 . E s o t .; a l s o , 3 d i e s e l t r a c t er a, Codn u A MA A EJul>' 32 - Aux. 12 - %2% Da" oyu eork 121 wtbr 7-on. ~Places et interest: Yellowstone g00d; forage harve 8ter, 4 6it5h -* Tins Prk, Sait Lake City,> n, corn attachinent, 3-fur. 3-pt, CNIKE~'2 iIYcj~ 2 39c vrc lw, 4-fur. pleu on rub. cove, itoia anfotes.begtracter apreadér, g , EU ow -~m e rkgcNwpwr grain drill, goad: )4..11 «Swodl"&GasP Ie ': hbar ssliawa Wood Product Sept. - lSth - 17 Days Idea bale elevatar wlth motor, 0 ;h ý a Wo Priée $285.00 forage wagon, truck, 44 cau N. Nlght Travel milk cooler, 4 Suro milkers, CUTC IE HfIGCNR Traveh Arcondtiongj straw, 1,000 bales ha>',ecM m u 8-? D Y K STR tvsWashrf.m Motor Ceh the property et théeoeta cfE (HOME F QUAITY) or information on aiaove teîtrs the e Scott Brewn on thée (HOM 0F QUAL TY)Phone lth Avenue, % n in e swt of ffighway 28 at North Mark- FOOD 7n77 1ROWE hani Village. NOTE-This lus FO D MARKET wj* B677w NVILLE TRAVEL AGENCY anera 90M farm auction. Port Hope.8n527 et 1 pm- .tAiLONT and NAME TO uILD ON un 00 Ms n Acin W4 I4 i j' -1 I.

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