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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1967, p. 5

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Mr adBETHANY Cele Mr.Hector Mor- Ryder requesting snow plow-1 toM.t:MId Mrs. Laverne ing cof road in winter; United Moron otoed to Shawville, CiÎunties of 'Northumberland Que., for the holiday week- and Durham re 1967-68 Coun- end , uvinm with Mr. and ty equalized assessment for .Ms rthur Horner and at- Counties purposes, Manvers j4eding special Centennial assessnient $2,226,610.00; Greer .'ents. & Galloway Assoc. Ltd. with 1UMagistrate Ian Munro and report on bridge on Conces- lahi uncle, Andrew Watson sion 10, opposite Lot 22; Dept. flieved te their new home in cf Municipal Affairs announc- Linidsay on Monday. ing appointment of Paul :ialph Phof, Kingston, was Spiers for Peterborough dis- guest cf Mr. and Mrs. Vincent trict concerning Municipal Af- Jackson for the holiday week- fairs. end. A supplementary by-law Mrs. Belle Smith, Mn., Lor- for additional road expenses aine Smith, Mrs. Jean Argue in the amount cf $79,000.00 and Mrs. Catherine Wright was introduced and passed. are attending Summer Schoo! Specifications for a new for teachers in Lindsay for a road Grader and for a new five weeks' course ln Mathe- power operated sait and sand- inatics. spreader were approved and William Sheen spernt the the tender caîl is to be placed holiday weekend with friends ini The Commercial News. ln Toronto. A by-law was introduced Miss Dianne Smith, who and passed setting the tax Was successful in her exami- rates in Manvers township nations at Peterborough Tea- for 1967. cher's College, bas been en- The combined' Cou nt y gaged by the Department ci Township, High School, Road t Education at Whitby and wiil rate and Public or Separate begin teacbing there the be- School, -"Commercial rate 83.3 ginning of the faîl term. milis; farni and residence OPP Constable Larry Lamnb, rate 75 milîs; street lights in " ' Oriia is-spending a few days the villages shall be 3 mls witis parents, Mr. and Mrs. the Pontypool fine area rate Ernest Lamb. 3 milis. Michael Chase, Feversham, Reeve Lewis McGili, Deputy. is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Reeve Wilson Heaslip, Coun- w.........$'- Addison Scott. ciller Roy Strong and Road Mn. and Mrs. AI. Fuller and Superintendent Maurice Brad- thein daughters Patricia and iey were appointed to m.,t Jayne of Torontcf are spend- with the Manvens Township Ing a weeks holiday with Mr. School Area Board te see if a an Mrs. Leonard Driver, section of the north west cor- Kenneth Spiers, Buffalo, ner of Lifford school yard N.Y., is the guest of Mr. and couid be secured ta improve Mrs. Walter Neals. the read past the school be- ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Mrs. Elsie Bain, Mount Al- for the school and property is . bert, is visiting with her par- disposed cf. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Accounts ordered paid were.. Jakeman. for Road Voucher No. 7 in the Continuing in the North amount of $2,350.28; W. A. Durham Softball series, Beth- Neals, removing trees etc. any took the wîn over the $17.00; Charles Meton for ~ ~ Cavan visitons on Wednesday dog control and building in- lizht, score 5-4. spection $16.00; Clifford Fallis The wee young ladyv Mrs. James Spearîng is for buildozing Pontypool gar-is eriM heeSnt v upending a manth's helidays bage dumap $22.00; County of sKriM helSmt m with relatives in Belfast, Ire- Victoria, welf are charge-back She is the daughter of Nor] land. $54.58; Township of Hope, first granddaughter of Mr. ýX&nvers Township Council welfare charge-back $16.58: Notes City of Toronto, welfane he regular Manvers Town- charge-back $75.42; Counci Manvers township, who had pbpCouncil meeting was rnembers for haif year salary been a fermer pupil at the leld on Tuesday, with ail $787.50; Kenneth P r e s t on - niembers present and Reeve sheep and cattie cdaimn $15 00- school, chaired the pnognam, Lewi McGl1 pesidng.which over 100 parents and Lewi McGll pesidng. oss Hamilton, pouitry dIaim friends attended. Communications received $40.50. and dealt with were fnom the Next meeting of Ceuncil Lawrence Staples read a Dept. of Highways re speci- will be August 8th at 1 p.m. telegram from Sandy Wans- fications for Grader and mo- Closing of Lifford Sehool borough cf Owen Sound wish- tor driven sander; from a The school closing at Lif- ing Lifford school pupils- and Pontypool resident re taxes; ford was commemorated with community residents a happy X. R. Lovekin concerning an a concert in which al 35 Centennial. Mr. Wansborough Indigent hospital account; pupils took part, with dia- had been a former teacher at Magistrate Baxter with Man- logues, readings, songs and in. Lifford Schooi. vers share of fines in May in strumentals. The Timms Fam- Archie Wilson, one of the the amount of $3.14; annual ily provided several musical senior citizens, gave a brief report of Northumberland and numnbers. talk on the early history of ]Durhamn Health Unit; J. Alick, Lewis McGill, Reeve of the school. On Thursday, the teacher, Mrs. Vera Sarginson was pre- P rt Pesonalsented with a crystal fruit Pr ompt,P ro a bowl and matching plate, with Velm.a Staples neading an ad- dress of appreciation for ail h er efforts. Rosita ain feldt gave a reading. William Johnson cf Lindsay was pre- sent ta take pictures of the Your doctor can phone us when you ned schoel and pupils. medicine. We wiII deliver promptly FREE 0f There have been four charge, or you may pick up your prescription schools at Lifford. The first If shopping nearby. one made of legs and when it became too smaîl for the population, a second frame ~ m building was erected, a littie 1F E E R C ' east of the present site. In -R SC ITI.-HRM C 1872 thàs school was destroy- ed by fire and a new one buit o soid concrete. The school without supporting in- 67 King St. E. 623-2546 ]Bowmanville, Ont. ner partitions, finally began to crack and the walls spread FURNITUREm New and Used r wards, Karen and John (Ted) On Tuesday, June 27th, 1967, White and Eiwin White and the Bowmanvjhle Belles T.O. 16 grandchildnen. P.S. Club crowned Pegy An__ailpainting_____Mr. Snowden as Queen for the An c l pantig b yM n.month cf June with a 12 14 lb. until the structure became weight loss. unsafe. The present brick That evening aise ended a school with stone basement contest we have been compet- was built in 1901. ing in. The club had been divided into two teanis. Team Among those who taught e9t No. 1, with Pauline Joncs as Lifford School were T. G. Captain, was the winnen cf Gnandy, William Dimsdale, the contest with a 55 lb. loss in William Leith, Samuel Sing, four weeks. Teamn No. 2, with Thomas Carscadden, Edwand Dorothy Pascoe as Captain, Wilson, George Wilson, Sam- came up with a 49 lb. bass, but uel Hughes (who later became being the lasers they have te Sir Samuel Hughes), Miss M. serve a low-calcnie salad sup- Mahara, Miss E. Aynes, Miss per fan the winners. Susannah Staples, A r c h i e Atgtebt erwn masoMa, Robert Jond, hon ens and losers, were very m as ark R o ert J oh sto , ieased w ith the nesu its of Edward Mitchell (who broke 104 Ibs. lest in four weeks. the time record by teaching ________ twenty-six years), Miss Mar- jonce Stenton, Merle ToddI Miss D. Darragh, Gerald Sta- 7 0 A tn pies (ncw of Grave Sehool at7 0 Af n chinson, Miss Vera Timble, LL Miss Ethel Stephenson, MissBa b cue a M. L. Harper, Miss Gwenyth 1r n Staples, Miss Eleanor Jarvis,O ro o Park MiSS Mildred Gray, Miss En- nestine Henderson, Miss June The Orone Park Board suc- Brown, Miss Nancy Wilkin- cessfully cornpieted their cen- son, Miss Dorothy antnnial project on Wednesday Sandy Wansborough, Mrs. Ma- evening, July 5th, when aven bel Kennedy, Miss Doneen seven hundred werc served McAthrIvan Bowan, Bob- Bar-B-Q'd Beef et the Park. r= Bewtt, Mrs. Vera Sar- The' event at the pak twu ginson. part cf Orono's-.week of Cen- Beginning the fail terni, the tennial celebration. pupils wW attend the new It was ail you could eat fon Manvers Township Central the price of a ticket and no BchooL'one needed go hungry. Eur-ja b .rates, First Birthday Ither ta the Bar--Q there wasi The Canadian StatesMa, Ewmavme, zuly 12, US? tefriendiy atmosphere of S LE renewing aid acquaintances 1 'Our community picnie will Foxboro, spent some of their Mn. and Mrs. Glenn Prffl and cnjoying an evening with be held at Onono Park thi holidays last week. with Mr. cott and childnen of New ncihbos nd rinds . Friday ,uy 14. Supper at 6ý.30 and Mrs. ele W lh Zealand have arnived here for Men f r he ar B- in p'.m is D O r e R ichards la a visit and are at the Presco tt cluded Bar-B-Qd Beef, beas, Sncere sympathy te M. visit ng with Mr. and Mrs. omne. Bob Davis and fml, a- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pas- A fature of" the B ar-B -Q Tyon , in their recent ber- ersv sle. cWelsh and Miss ce Y i eavee ï-ment Mr. La.zy W hadMs Brussels and attended a Cen- wstegift cf a plywood 1 I.Claot Jean' Baker, Sline, we-re tenn.ial celebration and Old Steak Board as a souvenir cf rs. George Claotagetsa 'h Broome - May- By' Reunion. the event. The board had the fermer resident cf this cern- nard wedding at Tyrone on Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Coch- event -and date branded inte munity passed away at Mem- Saturday. Congratulations and rane, accompanied by Mr. and it and seme 687 were given criai Hospital last Fnlday. best wishes, Jack and Linda. Mrs. Henry Adamis of Bow. out witb the succulent beef. Sympathy is extended to m cm-_ _ _ __ _ _ _ The boards were donated ta bers f er famly. manville, attended the Mit.o the Park Board by Curvply M. and Ms. E. Twist and T~TT'I chell-Crozier wedding in the Wood Produts f Orono with family werc Sunday suppen LNFIL. United Church at Scugog I.. everyne taking the board guests f M. and Mrs. Roy - land. omne as a souvenir. Twist, Oshawa. Mrs. R. Griffin was a week- Mrs. Allen Taylor and IMr.' and Mrs. Bruce Leh- end visitor f Mr. and Mrs. Marilyn isited Mr. and Mr&. Duing the course of the man and famiy, Ashburn, M. ac Cowling, Whitby. Roy Hartman at Enterpise. vening entertainnent was and Mrs. Lehman, Claremont, M. and Mrs. Frankln Miss Laua Bowman hed a previded by Wilma McCauley. were Sunday suppen guests of Tamblyn and family, Hamil- pantry shower for MdissaKaresi Faye Adams, Mrs. Elaine Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig. ton, Mr. Russell Ormiston, Oke of Bownanfile. Mercer, t he Accoustacordsi Mr. Glen Blackburn, Kempt- Enniskilen, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs.,Keith Davey and Mise from Oshawa and the Countfyý ville, is hlidaying at home. Howard Grass, Willowdale,ljLaua Bowman are attending Four. -Orono Tues. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wesh, visited at J. W. -Bowrnan's. sunmer chal. 0.1 v. 4< with the large lovely eyes shown in the above photo, who ceiebrated her first birthday on June lst., 1967. 'man and Bet ty Smnith, R.R. 2, Newcastle, and. the and Mrs. Edwin Smith, Bowmanville. Photo by Aster Studio Feted on 4Oth Anniversary r- +~ '&'~LKERS Shop with confidence during this annual money-savung event. You'l find exciting values throughout the store on quality merchandise. just Say, "Charge It"- MEN'S, SPORT Reg. $5 up Short summer sleeves. ejicose from regular and but- ton-down collarstyles. lncrisp cotton. Assorted solids, pat- terns and colors. S, M, L, L G;IRLS' JAMAICA and JAM SETS -Lînted Quan tities Jarnaoica.ç Reg. 2.98 on!v 2.29 On Satunday, June 17, 1967, Drummond cf Onono was pre- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence White sented by the famniiy whiie were at home te neceive thein other gifts and cards wene fniends and relatives in Maple gratefully received. Grove on the occasion cf thein Mn. and Mns. White were married in Newtcnvilie United 40th wedding anniversary. Church on June 15, 1927. The The bride and groom looked bride was attended by ber radiant for their 40 yeans. The sisten, the late Mrs. Annie bride was dressed in light Penfound and Mrs. Ernie Hal- blue lace cempiemented by a loweli, sister cf the groom. corsage cf ned carnations, a Mrs. Hallowell was present at giftfro th grom. this annivensany. Mr. and gift rom he goom. Mns. White nesîded in Eliza- The guest book was attend- bethviile, Oshawa and for the ed by their granddaughters, past 32 years, in Maple Grove. Danlene Burgess, Julie Ed -_________ wands and Nancy White. Tea was served by Karen Carol and Lonna Edwards Peggy Snowden assisted by Mrs. Edna Laird and Mrs. Merle Swaliow. Crowned Queeàn Present on this occasion were the famîly cf the bride and Cool, colorful selection of play-time clothes. Mostly Jamaica sets in the group, so be sure to shop early for the jam sets included. Prints and plains in assorted colors. WALICER'S "CELESRITY" CANTRECE& NYLONS Reg. 89el OnIY7 7 ir New inv isible seamless mesh nylons that fit like a summer tan. Runguard tops and toes for longer wear. sharter welts for shorter skirts. Macha, spice, D. 11*.12. 5KINGST.L BOWMANVILLI LACE BRA ]Reg. Up to 3.50 each OnY99 h SPecial purchase for this event. Gen- tlYlined with fîbrefili. Cross-over styl. ing for flattering separation and Up. lift. Adjustâbîa Straps. Whte, pink, biue. A Bcup;3.U KNITTED SHE SHELLS ]Reg- $4 Oy$9ec Onas t ec Th ree new fal styl es te wearnow and ai year 'round. Fashioned from rasch elle- acrylic yerns. Washable. White, beige, black, green, gold, berry, blue. SEAMLESS Reg. 390 pair stock (jp new and save 560 on every ýII four Pair you buy! First quality. Re- lnforced heels andi toes. Beigetone, bronzetone, coffeetone. 9.11. LONG LEG PANTY GURDLE ]Reg- up to $5 each oni each In liveIy Lycra' for f irm centrol wMt. out confinement Fashioned with a lice front panai and a satin bu*i panel. 2# lace trk cm cufftrWhte mmmý e 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence White 7 -f lée-dd

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