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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1967, p. 6

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e~~2,Imon. 'Mr'. CeciYIMutton dMrs. rC Maodter Jcohing Powe Foo Puchaing Pow r unfafwdn ~Celebrate Fortieth Mn. . A, strng, Tor- A mnat enjoybyarnc silver candlestilekî llg the Higher for an Hour's Labor rmnjedus01 hchwM* anrê ontÔ wa weeendgue t h w"db>rIa rng Mr.tah.whlchfe à1 aonth How much does ône hour'o labor buytd coenpared to yeara CM1r. a nd Mrs. Rud. Reasllp, iu by thelr dautr and ' itî Worshîp, Mayor Ivan gone by? To take one example, a perMn h d to lao wc sln hry Toronto, ère weekend get son-i-law, Mtr. and M . Mor- lfabbs, in proposlng a taàst toe of r. nd rs Walac MO- eYItehft, and theirsoan the honored couple, Mr. and y &.r go in order to earn enough to pay for on pound 01 butter.Mis m Mn. daughter.jn..jw, 'Mr. and Mirs. Mn. Mutton spokè of the high1 h ~~pay today will buy hlm 34 pounds of butter whéreas what he Mis. B a r b a r a Bedgwick, eî Mttnu Memorial Park regard and affection feIt for1 earned in an hour In 1948 bought Offly 1.8 pounda. N'orwood, wàe weeken<d guest ClBHueo atura even- tiiem by their many friends.1 The Ontarjo flepartment of Agriculture and 1PÔod's Farrn Economnica, of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byersn Jn 2t.More tan 100 He reaàlled the time when M<r.1 Co-Operatives, and Statlities Branch cÔmipiIed the following statistica MradJm. gueRobertc Ma-ent. un Atoo keainnt art .and J M n. ftaber Ma- A ret elen from unio ock oe nd pat baséd on the average pay for manulacturing industries In Toronto. haffy and David, St. Marys,, vrnepeatWl ie loabIl Plyeadbscn IU.o 1954 1966 wère weekend guests and Mr. te Mr. and Mn,. Mutten on tinued keen Interest in sport. 1Bread (24 ounce Inal) 6.à 7.6 7.9 Tom MabaffY Oshawa, was their arrivai et the club boeuse, Bath Mr. and Mrs. Muttan Buttr (ouns) 56 72 84 ~Sunday calier of M. and which Wl' lattractively decor- are active In communty af- Mik (quarts) 5Mr.2 « 8. Is. Wm. Mahaffy and boys. ated with red and! white fains, and ready ta do even uttér (pounds)1.5 2.4 3.4 Ken and Robent Motton, streamers and red rases. moeta hisortàelc Pork (pounds) 1.8 2.9 '3.2 Wlilawdale, are holida -1Thnrieof4myas a re w thanhieirausease tayor'Y Béef (pounds) - 1.9 2.6 2.7 witb their aunt, Mn. and !rs5 Thoe abieoi40 ars ag obihbsaia caues, Mayars 1 Peaches (15 ounce cana) 47 71Llfyd Beaeck eknd sens. resandbecing cazUre b flu eis sad Eeran elpknaws ______________7.1_1__5 Mi~. ad Mns. Don Pargater deaadmt~n ot~a hi idcsadblfl Totea ( ounce can ) 5.28 905 .6 6 3and amy uPoper y, werê reede-chine and Chantilly nêss ta young peaple, bes Toratns (8 oncetân) 48 56 63 Sn aca.When she and bar bus- added. Egs doen 17 .4an d Mms. Menvyn Graam. bo d aeà lovely corsage On beaf ot ail thein friends i Potts (1 o n d ba.) 2. 4 3. 5 A good number fram this of red and white carnations present Mayor Habbs present- Pottoe (0 pun ba) 28 .0 .5area attended the troussauw as pinned ta ber gawn by ed their glft, à beautiful ptin F'armers deserve thé crédit for this greater food buying power. In tea given by Mn,. Lesle hy er on R, M nd tcheipuauh-st ivech ll incu ed w lag 1949 the avera e Ontaro fariner ônly produced enough foôd for il people or lil hanar af ber dogihterwhite, carn.atih , put festiv u brella ngedn Ilth plus h1-.nseli. '.oday he has increased hlm éfficiency and knowledge enough Alice wbo is ta be married on the lapel of bis fatber'sýers and trirnmed with fringe, to f e e d 3 2 . M rs. R alph W ood, B ob ay - t. raM. Fnank Crawford, The celabrants' table was caver, a chaise launge ang gCoknsville, Mr. and Mns. Sam~ centred with a three tier arm-chairs with the saine flor- Toknso n, Westan, were ne- weddfig, cake mnade by Mrs. ai upholstery. Alsa a tali cent u ests of Mr. and Mrs,. Sid'Luxton. a sister-ln-law of maney tree covered with red W ant a Cen tennil Pro ject ? Orr an:ing. Mrs.Mutton's. The:wedding rases and dollar bls 1OLItleMis Shrri unq cae ws icd i whte ndýMr. and Mrs. Mutton alsoi oor Brmptn, pet afewdecraed ithsilerleavesireceie 40 red roses fromi Heyp SonehCity Youngsters, and was snrounedwith twotheir grandsons, Ronald FEtch-~ Mran . KnD Mn Banry e oe.Tl e aesilradJh Muttan, an exqui- * Dunsmoore and Kevin were Mr. and Mrs. leArh, Have -a Country Holiday zVhitbyZ:wr Saturda evOW eAN nI Au our urban centres become Let us keep themn this way by during thé entire vear. At Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Assel- langer mare and mare down- pravlding a hôHol i th a the marnent, we, with themi stine, Kitchener, and Mr. Gar- town yaungsters are being famiiy durlng thls our centen- jaining In, are busy cleanîng aid Asseistine, Ottawa, spent uubjected ta baving their lives niai year. up corner lots f Junk ta make the wackend with My. and FO R YU HPINI and dneams confîned to a few Barn Raising '67 Style, the corner play areas. We toke Mrs. Vernon Asseistine and city blocks. Their parents are caring and daing for others 3r*ungoters on outings when cblidren. not mobile and the green project that we can ail jaîn we bave the. noney Which le MeLaughln Pienle ~k spaces are moving mile after in. We wauld ask that y ou net ton aften. As volunteeri, The McLaugbîin family pic-'wMM ilfe away from them. Gn< e ho i in prôviding a free we would ask that yau have nlic was held at Cartwright OE L aacen th pon e tber fry yfor a d w nt o wn a youngster as your guest and Park, Caesarea, Sunday after-, arebeig biltupn ethe foyungster. The persan who wa wil arrange for trans- noon. hfgh risc developmeîht or for canes for athêr amomrc partation. If you wouid like About 30 familles were re-i hlgh traffie volume 'express- than the person ge inor site ta bave a youngster or twa presented. A good many en-' Ways or fneeways. These helps. Lf pleasecott Mr. Jim Steele, joyed of anagood r adgrio ýu - childnen are living in ýhe We have the pleasure 0 52 Wyatt Walk, Toronto 2, for the littie ones whiie aId-'ý!1~E centre af the metropolitan working with these youngsters nal o 4163646915. enbaa ievst aneas and slowly but sunelyer aani vstW Sc t mnany of them are being stunt-- A bauntiful nical was par-ý ed in thein iearning gnowth by 5 A tfaken o n odpori the envlronmient in which they B L C K - K f sparts was enjoyed untili are fonced te live in. the nain came and ail madea 2 aL Fair conÉregations attend- Scarborough, spent the wcek- dash for their cars and off,~M I A holiàay on a farm or in cd the chunch services Sunday end wlth Mn. and Mn,. Char- home. a srnall town, with a caring marning. Miss H y aci n th les Smith and Oliver. Intended for last week> family wauld wonk wandens Bt>otbe, Toronto, canducted Mn. end Mn,. Meunice Brad- Services were well attend- With these children. We are the service in the United burn, Brenda and Lenna, Tor- cd Sunday. In the monning in c~ PLUS ataending thousands end aven Church and dellvaned a godonocldonT rdaand the United, Rev. S. C. H. A- m EOI *MtOtns ci dollars On ceiten- sermon fram thc text, <'Ic rneMn. Luella Fawcett, Toronto, kinson delivened a fine Cen- bilal prajeets, that do bave not to alteauflcigbtèous but W udycle fM.tnilsro.I h vn 3rleanifig, but ara only spend- sinners te repentance." ads. Sun dacer.o! n tea ge ron. ofInth frg rnnlés and giving crumbs adMs ilTre.igteOag reso a te t~ most important people 'ue ta renavatians o! the Mn,. Minerva Engelgaui, De- les nd men marched fnom ~. . . . .<4 Unlted Cuc there wiil be troit, Mich., is guest af Mr. Anglicain Centre ta the !ese youngstens are tt-uîy In- no services dueing the Test Of and '<rs. Neil Malcolm and R .Rs e.vrda m teatda dw n esn.July and beginning o! Auguat. îamiîy. .C oedlvrda m Ail anc Invited ta attend ser- Miss Marion Bradburn, Ton- pes ero.TePand vice ut Nestiaton United at Lonto, and Mn. Raymond Burné, was led by' Tyrane Band and 10 a.rn. or Caesanea at 11:15 Bmkvle e majorettes which made 'an ~$WC~NC 1115r., glthi pnîd Bsis j*malent exhibition. MPi A OA 11:1 à.., drin thi peiod jgnineS IpreCOry service thcy paraded ail the Rev Pili ad n,.Ro 1 main streets o! the village. menil and Dennis are holiday- Sincere sympathy 15 ex- ,àing in Guernsey, England and A l y tnded Mrs. Charles Smith ' Scotlnd. o thesudden death o! ber Seventetn members o! the RAY J. DILLING sister, Miss Phenia Hooey, in 1 z Women's Institutê and 20 Chartered Accauntant Trna uerlsriewas TR i othens cnjoyed a bus trip ta 93 Cburcb Street hldaMceatPnaae â I Black Cneek Pioncer Village, 623-3861 CaeTedy a /)Mis Bety M cA thur is p Yokdae Soppng Cntr w'. j n.COGGINS teaching Summer School at and Edwards Gardenu, Tues- Chartered Accountant OnaiCoego!Euton day, July 4tb. 115 Liberty St. S., Bawmanvllle Toronto,, tiis aummer. Congratulations ta Al1a n Phone 623-3612 Mn. Neil Belley, Mns. Bnian Asselstîne who neceived Word that he là successfulinbs ILMC.HL L Hamilton, Mrs. Keith John- examinations for M.A. degnec . o m tn ar si g s m e at McMaster University, and Chartered Accauntant courses in Toronto, ildodern-day fire însuranoe wil graduate in Uic fail. 36% King St. E., Oshawa Mn. Gardon Paisley is mark- Jlw ~ sIts anccstry te the Great Mn. and Mns. Leith Byers Telephone 725-539 ing papers- in Toronto. #%e of London in 1666. hi spent Tbursday with Mn. and il' 111W1, SELBY &c. Quite a number af iocaiJ dîsstr esroed Mrs. Rupert Bycrs, Bawman- Cbartered Accountant& People are attending Expo and Soer-day dsse etoe ville, and Friday with Mn. and 323 King Street West epoting it niost enjoyable. 13,200 housca, 87 churchea Mn,. Hanold Hocken, Part Oshawa, Ontario Mr. and '<rs. L. E. Beacock, *d left only 1 /5of the walled Penny. 725-6451 - 728-7554 'Prince Albert, and Mr. Roy 4fty standing.. and led to A lange number inam here William A. D. Seiby, C.A. Ferguson wene Sunday suppen ~eopening cf an office *. a t tended the Orange Celebra- G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. guests o! Mn,. Cecil Hill. Uw ac o th Rya ~ tions in Oshawa on Satunday. Mn. and Mis. Wilbert Ar- «Mbak f h Rya E- Heanty congratulations ta o cher spnt a day at Niagara hangWe teinisure structures cacb of the fallawing coupleE ~~ £1 C Plsis ak copne itaist Fne" who were mniniGEWI MN, C 87 DI - 8. 1111TA EY G]C T Z E a t.Sf- w s n er 8i t omed L rs!Te former Reta Kathleen vitl aim M6.Neson' SRZ end 9 am. to fi v.m. Warren, the deceased was àNSISSRZ ModytruhThursday daughter o! the Jat@ Mn. andFRNH1 c9 ani. to 4 p.m. FnIdey '<ns. James Warren. Born FRIES09VAELIN COued Saturdey and Sunday April 9, 1907,. ut Prince AI- .VAEIN A Phone 623-7662 bert, Ont., she was marrled U A N I M ~ ~ . m ___ _____ ____ ____there June 25, 1925. < WHI U"NI In nr nA residnt af the Oshawa.... W HIP INGn su r n Il district for 40 yaars, Mme. DOSA"D A. MaeGREGOOEButt Wau àa nniben o! St. VALENCIA Lit, Auto. nome Stephen'z United C<hurch, the JWCYCAFRA$ Inaurance United Church Wamen o!f the CREAMgst.W., D ownan <le hh:nd VletorY Lodgu UN IS flAMPone 62-5962 leNO. 583. S110!. uriveVIby three1ddaughters, OR NGE ftmmowm'ville, '<r. Bruce R N E eh NRAITON OONOVaillancourt (Olive) af IKed- Popaa3 r on, nd Ur$, Edwand Wilson PHONE62ntflottgagu. PUMu (Bertha) ai Oshawa, end two PHOE 23544Reffdencea - Ferme 80M', David W. and Harry J. FOR Hý OMIE DELl VURY Bi. ut of Osawa. MSRI teavdd Warr#n 01pike.CO K omelny th 18 arIharCbrCO K EBAGLINES t h Ara itce »un p k g s . e o a tmmtJuly 10, iollwed. bv lnIa,4 .OWA~NVILg* ate vase of red and w;hlte eut . re7-Ifdehn'tbelong ta mel de7atàathrec tien cut cx-ys- D r o ~oe -oue Hdt tai cake plate, a letton et con.- -, of a Otlr1N s.Hdt dratulaUàtroamrnPrime Min. jla# fthe CIIgo. Anyway, I'd Iter L. B. Parmon, and count- an mtor have that Plece of land. lucardsanmd flowers fnomGe t ma1 C.atve an frIends. -Russeil Ja nu.iry 4 -,M * i gra. liva n me tut.' C. Hône M.P. fan Durham ýih nht eo ~ , a rescrit ta extend tad.>', Vory tint Nmvember 1-Well, they cati 1 best wiués to Mn. and Mnras ' lerma. have thpir aid land. If I kne',e utton. brej whtrf. ta iet $30 fon the pa . Milli Welo, Twed, JughP W*Viioo Ment on the pan, 'd be ailA '<ns '<111 Wcuh, Twee, IRou ht t4eVi lo , et Pa';*riogt i l lget a new carto iOnt., a niece ot Mrs. Mutton'g, ment@ .maia 144monthl , morw nte u àta )wus ln charge o! the gurpit Mnrc'ih Il tutil ia w M()rroqm'w obteail,.t ol 1book. '<ru. lorence K il put. cg, pg btoii iai e em e nis sop nlick, wha was Mn:. Mutton,: hevg t.0 Ilfu jV Vp. rrM'nî WiIime top rbridesmald. was aleopremlent, 1 êvèugijt, p, #*f dpfd.,Gat the sack et thé During the evenlng a speclai pala it 1 do gd efire, IÛC eed e ncw suit ta program aif sterea musir forj >rgWle4 yhaI h n d ad snew job, naturully, sa dancing was prnvlded direct, thig . tof bookgp botght anc this a!ternoon, $5 fromn CKLB. disn. Net bad.-Jim O'Neill, There was a delivintu: li j Apl 4 t erae J>.MihaaiRer-es p <rom Aiis maoe <tor .- per o! turkey, asorited raid triet. Mo ail btolt- T meats, cheese, isaledo, nthrr Net8,1a, nght, hboit wr putit 1t delactable diahes, and dpouerto, the i, 1hji s hutyn blinig The weddlng cake was seprvfd amnlndapsud 'rW an an helnloomn lilver traj, n ~rd-bol hqqkx whlch Mn. and Mn,,. Muttoni b.d received aq a weddingý .Itit~ tq 1orrtbWCd $101)tram git 40 ycars mgo. Thr hnoitpg'-ltUn'fr < orge tln S!,0 tol ses, Mr,. Etcher and Mrm,. RnJ 3 n a tn-tiFi car pom.-nt. ', /EFLOJA Mutton, werc assl;sted ln s.'rv- (1(31 etirod pu li ttle ton book , ing by sevenai friendii. <rv 40 aMie 1 bolght aà'!»«41 A -~plorp «o!laiim n ,'w devmi(oP- r A n-iilms the- "V mt-.AndI ynil the- psji tll rrAy, 'Tho!thingi that hurto me i' that ijnrI George shniuJd ho Rn mpan, or rinI- lid hfm J'd puy hlm SUk h X50) lto frît ofi Jily, bu)t You î'an't do thp mp- iie, tan yolu' Weekly Report Week O! JuIy .1-9 inclu,,deo Admissionq -62 Blrths-4 maie, .1 femealp 7 Discharges - 7f) Major operat ions .3 'Mion operations 25 Emengencv treatment, 84 Sepfrmh<~r i Gara~e is LE 4~FOODLINER DARLINGTON UPHOLSTERY )A&Y WEDNESDAyS a lize in Jug MiIk * 67C PLUS DEPOSIT SHORT RIBORAO BLADE ROASTS 1.9 CROSS CUT RIB OR BONELESS SHOULDER Le. F. iir.

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