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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1967, p. 7

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and Suzanne, >Mr. amd Mm." mldrlEaemaEwavfe uy 1 ~f ~ n d M . B o b S tan to n a n d i J KIE O I N o n vaM . x . I )o < l ~J'e so a£ a= I, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mc-: gr ~~~at n rsDwave n M.a Phone 623-3303 Rl{t r ,Petn lnDown, Mrs. CelG.Rb)M:LcAdrea andMr. amd v mh ad Mr. and Mrs.,Mntague Emmerson (nee Middleton of idand Yr ~~ p and Mr. and Mrs. Jin Engli. CeadRbb r.Lre lded Ralph Bowers. Anne Werry) who were mar- recent visitons withMranSheyGrdnaievno and Jil, Shaw's, attended a Lakefield, visited with Mrs. Bible Vacation Schoot orl W -n er f te rcs a d ne n Ed d U ie h rh M s lx ?otr u d y 1family supper pxy a *theRussell Virtue and Mr. and Salem, Haydon and* Tyrone,the nies owte r acesP..noe on inda evnited. A rcp.Mn. al n Mis.Aex otr in- Mor. vili commence July 17 to 28 Girls 1q hrnHl,2dto followed for the immedi- visited Mn. Win. Cuunzi~ ak Walk r Mm J ýoEnsiln nSna rpta Ottawa Monday and Tyrone United Church. Gibbs, nd Bruce Knowlton. Rev. C. Catto had with him Mrs. Ross Cryderma t s TmWslke omn ests of Councillor and Mrs.!summner home, 'Lake Kushog. Jim Stainton, Mr- taio saa Co alSoleewt he Mbr. ad Mr. W Rand s , ae nwtn r-coliiitrfenZmi hoare isLnaRchm Ms onKo m na lenholme Hughes.Ms.CH.Cneomry and girls of Seattle, Washlng. hypromdo alaetAtu isn al r Mr. and Mrs s. Hrr k, C HwCaner, ho nre-ton.Mr. and Stain- efrmdonHilaln. tu.Gbon apeGrvboys, Nicky Gibbs. Primary told of saine of the conditions on Saturday evening. Wt f.m i.R er Flett St., have returned trnm i ides with lier daughter Mis. ton and family left for thi ubrf.mTrn t weekx vacation at GoldenIRabertson and son-in-Iaw, Mr. Seattle home o n daym h in yluextcnded te the tended the Orange Parade in goy, lair Vaneyk; Juir yf Julylcouth r.yh . cd wSun- M. a n rderMi. li M.a M.LodBo thearepaRbertonOshawa.1 girl, Debbe Miller; Junior Findley will be the speaker. Leger and fam ly, OshaaisJ a a e n n ar Lake near P mbroke- Cn i Rbisitn o n Q C., res- m a r i g b pl n te a their m other and grand iother M ns. M elbourne W ight, M rs. boy, Ro y G ibbs; Interm ediate On Sunday, July 23rd our M rs. Clarence Vie , n. W l h c a e e e g e Misa Joy eyDeuDouglas cf w eSul- ton, is relatves nng forB etha Y enaenormeeD os Gvisitywitha relatives, angaMnt.amietthaIn- oP a former sDon Gilhoohelyur ayoVmcevifle, ton itehshbent lian unimnthfam i ees fhere. Midn ofnd Mis. Ly eMulnadrS. Laye are.f r termediate boy,-Bruce Knowl. Oshawa Christian Business an, Mrs. Francis JohnstnMsdngnTyoeJitdCu Mn. and Mns. L. A. MacDougal. Rev. and Mns. S. R. Hedc.T F * and baby have moved toa iwn lcd i h ton; Wheclbarrow race, lot Men's Committee. On July 30 Wes. Yellowlees, Mn.aryonStua. Mr. a d Mi. C. . Jo ns, on, H athe , Jo n and Cath , u vB ow m anv iJe. chu r S un cd m r in g temeM argaret and J an H am ilton; R v. C atto w ill conduct the Y ellow lees, M s. R u sslmi e M . m n. L r y < I f ilQe.ýwr e insr eeoerih ussyMn.. N. WoOdley, Bowman- inlvng emr o!M. 2nd Broce Knowlton and Rory celebration of' the Sacrament and Mrs. Harny Knox atn-Rde n ebe mn Men.tH. E. rdy Te MpaneonartDr. andlls ria f Mr.Hnd.E.- ville, called on . Mn. and Mrs. Bertha Yen and Mri. A. Kn 3rd bet and Janet of the Lar' upr datoseutso au.vle n n n.Caec cen sitons. wîdytMn. and aie ia o n.HndnH!~o Ids I'icn ic Snda S o ic lt Rory MnLaene Surcfdyoris anln spl son's parets, Dr. ad Mrs. E.L. Hooper. Thene will be n n KGbb nowlton; c r arnc qaro a frMs ai Sre.W isnLietStNot.Mn. and Mmi. Roy Lindley, school during July and Aug- GS; n atWoley; Shoe Salemn was a Satunday even- cf Zion.wthM.adM.Lly Mr. and M rs. Albert M asan Rev. and M ns. Hende son and I The annual Trul family on eturning train Ottawa la t vt and n e church service in Sctobn , lit Brucaey k n o l ng a ith . andrMn.M . W etsVnl esy ra t B o me a d a il and famlly cf Tomnto spent family wene enroute te Expe. pleinc was held at The Acres, wcekend, wene accompanied August ai minister will be anta,2dD nVnyk Ryan ad.od;M.WsePwllnd M.nd n.LodBro the weekend with Mmi. Mason'e Congratulations ta L yle Taunton Read East, an Sun- by Miss Nancy Andrusek who vacation. Aftem the races everynne Rev. and Mm.. Robi. Shen- Miss Mabel Powell, Oiaa ensan aeto n paetMr. and Ms rml hi h eetdy July .9th with oven .50 1011 be staying with thein for M. and Mm. F. Camner of went up te Tyone Church win and family ot Durhamn were ecent visitos withM.M.Ca.Jhsc omn padfrns,.m. ea T ble whl o, n t he fo eentclan members present troin the next fw weeks. W m ld n nla d r i- whee tables were set up Out- wee recent callers with the N. W otten and fam ly. Befr. leorlents orsvn anville, E nniski1ln issCrWmldn nlnaevstM.adMs vrt M n. and M ns. L. Harniltoniseats on the Nonthwest Terrmnni-s iI e, iselCre, Beth and ing hem sister and brother-m. side and a deliclous pienie Bruce and Donald Taylor M . E eciSie oot n T edy w e adM.adMstaries Council. was re-elccted Kingston, Whitby, Pont Whit- Wendy Stainton cof Evenett, law, Mr. and Mrs. James Pier- supper was enjoyed by ail. families. visited with Mns. Percy et n n n on att a ndy Mn. i and M mi. D. Bs p , tib acclam ation for M ackenzie by G ardeni H ill, O shaw a, W ashington , spent a w eek of gott and fam ly for three A te th al h re em twMn an Mi . B u e T y r W h t y r c n ly Lary, Loi nd aye pet1 Delta. Hi. parents, Mr. and N wcastle and O on. their vacatin with their re a- week. special draws which wee wo and fam ly visited with M . M . Hary Knox and byiand.] Pla ek tacetg Fats.Mmi Evett Tnimble, reside .Special prizes wene pre- tives Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mr. and Mn.. W. Rooker by Paul Vaneyk and Sandra and Mmi. Ed. Thorntan, Mill. attended the Ellicoti inc n.Lm ik FeelnFais on Ontareia Street. entcd ta Mn. and Mmi. Stainton and Miss Lynne and Colin, 'Hamilton, spent the Hall, brook and Mr. Elgin Taylor at Brougham on Sunday saa n i.W .Om Mr. and Mçs. E. J. Faîrey, M Lorenzo Truil, attending froin Stainton. weekend with Mn. and Mris. j. A basebaîl gamne with every- returned home with thein ater Mr. and Mmi. DougFetstnBaklnweeSdy KigS.Eshv eundiM.and Mmi. Jack Harris, the fartheit distance; Master Mr. and Mns. O. Hogg and Gibbs and boys. one pamticipating followed the spending a few days wîth Mr. Murmay and Linda;, Miss en usiwt m n n rc tram spending a week at their Mmi. Ralph Arnes and Mn, Car- David Collins of Whitby, family, Bowmanville, were last Mm.. Leslie Gable had a meal and this was followed by and Mmi. Thornton. Lahwt r n cottage on Twelve Mile Lake son ElliaIt attended the fun- youagest child present; Mr. Friday, evening callers of Mr. kitchenwane demonstration at a scavenger huint. The win- Mr. and Mn.. Wes. Ypllow- Youngman and family, Ty1 e n o agad n in Haliburtan. ýeral o! the late Mr. Roy G. Mr. and Mn,. Norman Wright and Mrs. W. Roy. hem home lait week. ning team consisted cf Bruce lees and Murray were Sunday Mr. and Mm.. Doug FetCa.Lnmi n al Gropp, former manager o! the o! Enniskillen, longeit married Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Alld- Welcome ta Mr. «ad MI*s. Goble, Dawn Vaneyk zndi tea guests with Mms. Marion accompanied by Mmirhs. Ms ila stn ac We are happy to report that Bowmaonville brançh of the couple (Mr. and Mmi. Wright rend, Launlel, Joyce and Rae Adnian Haines and children f Peter Knowllon. Ta finish o)ff Walter and Darothy a! Osha- Flett, Columnbus, called nMs.Li, isPem iahwr Mr. Melville S. Dale bas ne- Canadian Impeial Bank Of will be married 60 years on of Camman, Manitoba, spent s Bawmanville who beught the týhe day, a bonfime was built wa. Wlmno aka H o t aled o m a m Ml e man ial C o m n , l in ti so - D ecem ber lth ); M iss K aren w eek w ith M r. and M m. G . hom e f emm e ly ow ned by M r. inside the park w ith a sing- F i a v n n i i o s w t c a i n o m . W l m n i d c r t e e v c f Z o inpo esil B wn vi l le nd u g on M ay uy1Oh McKnight o! R.R. 2, Bowman- Alldread and other relatives. and M m. David Phasey and, sang and rarshmallow roast Mr. and M m. Wes. Yellowlees 80th bithday. C mtm fa pr gmeaing ncely M m. ad M s. Peter Auch ville, only lady present w ith M r. and M m. Cecil Alld ead m oved in une 24. 4 eally being a -great clim ax te we e M r. Chas. Alln, Bow - M r. and M mirl y a k rMs. Lymnloydd t Os a apnd i aml, B w nvlc ar cm Ot, eturned home la t W right, gentleman with the Ald ead, Barry and Allison made that the Stewards' M m. T. Phillips and Randy, Alln, Providence a d Mm Bob Blackburn, Oshaw a Mn fo d r in e ev y nc h t ap n i gteir vacaion ithTesday t er spending a few mo t change in hi o k t eî, Bwm anville, Mr. and Spr ng Church Canvass for M m. G . Bya mi and childre ni, John Allin of Ilinois, n m. R u B o m n h m . a c t l g d sh c n thei n o uîi s of M n. ne n . dyli h e a e t , M.and M . R. W Ga dner, Garden M i. H a vey St ong, M r. and fund i w as com pleted success- M rs. G . Taylor and child en, M iss K aren Y ellow lee s% spent K elly, M s. S. M itchell, M . n t ta e a y a d t at i FremanAndus f Vnelnd.Mm. L. Coombes, Liberty St. Hill, waî the lady over 28 Mns. Lloyd Aldead and Max- fully with appreciation ta Mrs. John Vivian, spent a a few day. with M. and Mns. S. Bann, Mm. E. Synsf mo e. Mn. and Mmi. Hugb MeDon- North, and aise visiting his yeans with the shorteit hem ine attended a family reunion everyone who donated. w'~eek at Hall'. Lake. Waltem Short, Courtice. froin Montrent. Que., whee Oshawa, and other ares rei- of Whitby were the most e- George Alldead on Sunday in The Sunday School Pienir. ett, Weston, is spending a few stok spent lat week with' they viîited their daughten, tives. cent newlyweds. The oldeit honor of Mr. and Mmi. Lorne was held on Monday, July 3rd day. with hiem sister, Mmi. A. Mm. and Mn.. Harvey Ycllow-, Mrs. K. Prue, and attended Recent guests ef Mr. and member present was Mr. Fred Alldmcad and famlly. comnig t13 .m ihW*dadsns esad1aiy xp.Mm. G. Lamnt, Liberty St. Trul o! Oono (iu bis 9th M. and Mm. Harold Ran- swimming at Cedar Park On Saturday Mm. A. Wnod The Yelowlees famlly pic- Mmi. W. H. Pattenson and %luth, weme Mn. and Mn,. yean). bumy, Kimby, Mr. and Mn.. which was really enjoyed by' and Ted, Mr. and Mmi. Han- nie was held in Damlington Pro- Mn. and Mmi. Don Lynch et David Lament oif Yarkem, Ont.; Despite showers, a picnic Howard McRobemts and foin- aIl the youngsters. At 3:301old Trivett, attended the Han- vincial Park on Sunday. A Bridgetnwn, N.S., spent a Mm. and Mm.. Gemard Evans supper was enjoyed and a ily, Mmi. Harvey Joncs and evemynne returned te Tyrone ness - Webb wedding at Orono number attended froin this couple ot dayi lutI week with and Shawn of Kingston; Miss short business meeting foliow- familyY, Bowmanviîîe wemc Cnmnmunity Park for the races United Church. On Sunday community. the fonmem's sistcr-in-luw, Mmi. Mary Evans a! Oshawa, and ed. The commlttee fro next Wednesday visitons of Mr. and which weme run by Rev. D.Mm.. A. Wood and Mr. and Mr. and Mmi. Geo. Knox and O MNTL M L L . R oeni k and r. M r. and M r . G eor e Snow year' pieM mite HamoldsiTntives.tH atldendedtt!amilyedattilndedenthethe llicoitt . L. R en g a d m . d n d MK e .lGean Se y e . H a dinc e, eG r sden til;D ecoration Service at Zion fam ly eunion t B rougham j nig . d n. ell an Sh lle o! J. . G rdien, Gar en ill (%~ and we e dinn er guests of Mr. on Sunday. ~r. and Mm,. Fred Cowle, Westbrook, Ont. Secmetamy-Tmeasurem, Miss Ona uouuate \Jiduates and Mmi. Fred Camemon. Miss Dehhie Pascce, Bmough- Tlpo.6352 lne, Nancy, Danny and Visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Gamdiner, Gurden Hill; SportsMr. and Mm.. A. Evans, Mr. Iamn i. ipending a few day.i ikie eturned on Mlonday James Hall, Liberty St. North Committee, the Fred Wright Mm.Ralph Shaw, Osh-wtMss arln no.J atten spending a week tauring weme Mr. and Mms. Ed. Fallis Family, R.R. 2, Bowmanville; ad wresatud-yeve ing Dea ain Knox oidyn Expo '67. They camped ut La- and their son Jimmy frein Specia nzsCmiîe m.vstm !M.adM. .wth hi. osnRradKo.-* Prairie and had a most enjoy- Salmon Arm, B.C., sdM r oe and Mr..ohnBo. Virtue. îc ahmy Rcv. and Mmi. Horace Wilk-f A IIN able time. iand Mmi. Renald Hall, Nancy tomley o! Whitby. Mm. and Mm.. Jscand farnly,Buinhm Mm. aud Mms..Tom Stewart,'and Jimny of Chathamn, Ont', ITeArs fcide ta ettar'Nc-Wtsanvî n u m.Qcevtd fm w Bithm ,n Church St.. recently spent a wha wene enroute ta Exp h ArsfrNeeyarîpc HmyteMr.and KmeM m R . Fravsiend BobMrait week with Mr. Stew'amt's sister Aise visiting Mr. snd Mrs.uic, ta be hcld an Sunday, Taate m adMi.Frnkwe. N and brther-in-law, Mr. snd James Hall wene Mn.. Uriah July 14th. Toaotheo, Mr.akeiew, . akw. M.sdM, aePte Mm,. Ed. FrizelI, Perth, and Jone.sud Mms..Bill Fumner of[ Hat-he- lîcyTom oLaydone, wMe s. rnd yadM ss oePtîc atten ed t e ce tenn al c c- O hawa I r n u r'gu ct. o ! M ms. A nnie H ath- D eB o a o! B ow m anville; M r.S T 0 P M brations theme. Mare than twenty-!ive relu M îfLE GRO'LVLs erly. and Mm.. Carl Potter, Isling- Mr. and Mmi. M. L. Roenigk, tives gathcmed ut the home cfl Sympathy of this community Ring St. West, spent the bh: mi Sale Hd si extended ta Mm. snd Mmi. day wekend with Mm. Rap- Scugog St. ou Tucsday even- Leslie Collscutt lu the paîsing nigk', brother snd iister-îr- ing ta welcome their daughter cf their cousin, Mn.. George ~' and son-in-law, Mn. and Mm.. Coilacott, formenly o! Salem.~ Rau Whyte, home ou leave They atteuded the funenal on K sr. PAUL'S ~froin Nigeria, Africa. Ail en:- Manday.M.omvleuw spacious Iawns, while Bes and esiding in Bawmnanvilie, very Ron told o! ecent eveuts tak- acceptably occupied the pulpit .. ~~4ITEDing place iu Atnica. Ilait Sundsy. Rev. and Mns.. " « UNITEDMr. and Mrs. Sydney Ven- Somerville wene dinner guesti ton ipent a couple cf day, with Mr. and Mmi. H. G. Free- Miss Judy Mae- Ban:» fcottage ofMrpaîton'e1c t the m an. lde f hs o-gaduated ou dune 29th as a C ILURC dmig M..Veto':nice. Seerl hidme o tiscen-Regiitered Nursing Assistant Mien TIane mmle CH R HMm. and Mm.. Stanley Loveli muuity are attending the Eb- from the Ontario Departiment auhecfM sdMmRo o! Oshawa, on Four Mile Lake. enezer-Maple Grave Vacation cf Health School a!NursingMVulnEgiStiR e Mm.. Lavel'. mothen, Mms. Bible Scheol held ut Ebenezer. Toronto. Miss Bafabol sîl MMIcEgnS. .smc- Minuster: Rev, H. A. Norman Dawu, and silter, Mmi. Rev. snd Mn,. Clînton Swal- the daughter o!fM. sd Mi.nt graduate o! Peterborough Turner, A., B.D. Harny Warden, bath. o! Eben- law aud fsmiiy, Cobble Hill, R. D. BamabaII, R.R . 6, Bow-shwilbtacngaOumi Turner B.A. B.D. ezer, weme aise visitons ut Mr, Vancouver Island, B.C., weme manville. hwilbtehngaOtro sud Mmi. Stanley LoveIl's cet- weekend visitor. with their Street Schooi in BawmanVille. sevc'i93.AM tg.cousins, Ms. Wm. Laird, Mr' Pr the sumrmer he is c- ere.Visitors with Mm. and Mm.. and Mmi. C. P. Swallow. Mmi.lydascsiratteVy Rosi Stevens, Srugog St., this Aune Creighton, Oshawa, Waî r d ae aerSrieCnres o rc s Ef c i e U t l S t r l y week wcme Gien and Kir a Suuday visiter with ber Newcastle. TrInlty m ad M.'Paul'a White, ions a! Dm. sud Mm.. cousins, the Swallows. enaregations Bruce White, Windsor, Ont Base Line community held aud on Satunday Mm. aud Mns aà presentation fan Mn. Dave r d ae wshvlMt ais Wmc!ord F. Soucb o! Winnipeg Crydemman lait Thursday e ra u te V C TI N TIE.A.N SK..EEN. oshpl .Pal. who are attending the Shrinc cnîng ut the ichool wben beVA TI NIM V NGK L E Impeial Cotincil Session. in waspesented .with a, card. AILTSU SWashington, D.C., sud will be table and chairs lu hanoun of spcuding a few day. in tbis his appnoaching mumiage thiî FACIo l n h O euAL T00sSE REHOBOTH vcnt nterrtm.Mrs. E. Twist, Salemn; Mrs.La es Sugg. Iist 2/41o Duiug the weckend Mr, Ernest Foley, Bowmanvilie; Lde!Tae Prettv . .Tae Fresh _______________________ C hristian R eform ed and M m.. T. J. W ebb, Brown M mi. H. Foley, M mi. L. C. O Y I*h IV _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ChrhSt, entcrtaiucd Mr. Webb's SodeMm.. L. Collucutt, Ceug ied ho es ise . l nlaudsudMs. H. G. Freemun atteuded h NH RRE VR IncliaStretpo is, U..A. n. n ad h touseutes given by Mms.. Mmad n A!edM ado t la Saturday ut Brook- 4O.Ltoeo z ram ,Intr sinn bs fr lin in boueur a! ber daughten's ~~ bail ntKOTp EXt FEMINf-INE den, Mapie Grave; Mn,. fi Down sud family, Ebenezer, for«- GMN BLA DES 22 oz. Size spent luit week ai a cottage Lag Quiet Stream on Baptiste Lake. 5 Sugg. ~ c 1.49 Value for 1.29 collection of poems spending a few days with hem ayKDCRMrOAHOEI by Minnie E. McHoIm Snowden sud other members T.aking Bb Along Too? 3 mFL ei the family. 35mm IL The many friends of Mn.- PRICE PER COPY $1.00 k Hmhe hae sufficintl e- u.m..yS n KK 135 or KX 133 noro udo covered froin bis sickness te 'IDipr Medicated Dayllght on Blue Flash be piale entm o efonip. for DIAPER R.ASH il Mr Sugg. 11sf 5.30 and family, Oshawa, wereSg. Sunday aupper gucats with Mn. 9S g .1 0 . 93 9 and Mrs. Don Brooks and 11sf 2.49 iust 1.29 rff ~~~~~famlly. 9 2 0 * 93o 9 Mn. Frank Olliffe, Stou- week wlth Mr. and Mra. Fred Stevens. PRESCRIPTIONS --tD .RMDE Mina Margaret Campbell, ?Ml. DBea&Watson Canaclian ~~~Calgay, Alberta, whohbas a r:cent graduate of Petero n n M.Jh EX v 'i bell, Maple Grove; aiter and in Oshawa. Mins Watson is a Miii Florence J>anne KlmbaflRrM taema usband, Mr. and Mm. Murray daughter ot UCAF Corporal duhe fM.adMs on %E cR Stalesma'nT he and tamily, Bowman- and Mn.. Robt. Watson, who Kîmbail, iR.R. 3, Newcastle à" vdle, and othen r ends, re- hav~e bee rUtatondaGoos e grdute ne th fro 29 th KIG S.rW 14I.NGS.W. OMAVLEweekes newa. Total recelpis Trenton. Mer granctpareîls aelShe wull be affi.iated wîth the KN S.W.- froin anuiversary se.rvce wereMr and Mia. W. H. bMcflroe~,lHnspitl for Sc Chîldren, PON $33755 Dont 8$M7.5 .. ,waa1Toronto, an September, Il, I s j I t 1 t I

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