Swimming Supervision .Necessary for Children Orono Model T Ford Stili Purring Like a Kitten I lh. Canadu Unsupervjsed children ae- iversation while supervlstng a P. At. the cottage, don'tLiiv q *counted for at least 50 of the imail tot, oit down with hlm. leave your ormail tot unspe- W altoi M0 drownings in Ontario last Put your armi acros ls chest vised for a minute. Have hlm y(~ear. and tuck yoiir hand under lis wsar a lifejacket while you On he 'Lileguards have even cm1oposite arinpit. The child has unpack or cook. 2r h 1lalned that they've revlved freedoni to plar with both; 10. Neyer buy a llfejacket Pckub a oddlers without their parents hands, but f he ean overtoo1 that's too big. A child couldbos even noticing them," relates1far, YOur arm gets wet befOre slp out of at while heu Inth to attend ai SaeySpeciallst Hal Wrightihls noie does. water. pe atW -te Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food. «"Ap- wr ral 1rently, smre parents feel S a ' c o lCb a IË -a- lfèg ard are bab siterswee nabl ,for their childrsn plus the 70 iCs tahe or 8 othrs jmmedint the A nnu i Fi ld D ySnce tohe swim-dn ara wo ae dingthan t bl headstn, hidinj under Under sunny skies the an- ýBragg, Lori Fraser, Susan Rob- were able tc wharfs, crying wo, or eveninrcd i 'PIaying dead. What lifeguard.nual field day events wers union; basebaîl throw-Linda n ecorad atc can be 100 per cent accuratelheld at Shaw's School on Fr1- Wood, Lori Fraser, Susan Rob- marshmallows I lassaving your child in day, June 23rd, with ail pupils bIson; throwing bean bags- hotdogs andc tiue oooteswmnesparticipating in ail events.iSusan Robinson, Lori Fraser, of hot chocol enjoying themselves floating Eeyn a necletJntBag bedtime (whi face down have resented thelform, having practised for thisJuirByabt10oc Ifeguards' efforts!" and the Centennial Athletic 3Junior Boys Beaseto ay aensProgram. Keen competition Running race-Murray Bail, hawk *un t efo geuet n olve mcnv es was shown in ail groups but Mark Greenley, Dale Hendrikx; ~bw hth or fInlvle thconesin !ws most noticeable in the wheelbarrow rceBhanFa- bro s t or al asee inth suiHal1jJunior girls where Lori Fras- er and Mark Greenley, Rich- vaiusat'i lits bis suggestions for lazyler won with 15 points foilow. ard Cronin and Murray Bal, "o hi k supervisors. idlosely by Susan Robinson Roy Terry and Ricky Van- ftei kl 1. Don't allow your childrsn nd nt Bag ies t 1 ee;the-legged race-Boy asne, Akela tsar water r hterbt- 'ons each. Junior Boys' win- Terry and Ricky aneen, hir KB a n Mr tub. shallow or deep pool - ner was Rihard Cronin with Richard Cronin and Murray sonr an RTv unless you are prepared toi 10 points. In the Intermnediate Bail, Bnian Fraser and Mark Tsonand Ri supervise them . Th iso , s ni girls hn was a tie when Greenley; sack race - Boy There aren't too many of them Ieft around,. but Centennial Horse Show parade and also Is an attrac- trail bikes, ar 2. Make nan-swimmers wean Brenda Bnock and Sharon Pol- Terry, Ronald Hendnikx, John this Model T Ford owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ken tion at any parade in which it takes part. Mr. and life jackets when waig otc h ne ih1pit.Ar;runn ra umfP- Adams of Orono has been completely restored and is Mrs. Adams are accovnpanied by Sandra Robinson o (Undertow in knee deep wate ilntermediate Boys winner was Richard Cronin, James Pocock, f con drown aduits.) 1John Turner with 21 points, Mark Greeniey; standing broad nunning like a ock. [t appeared, here recently in the Ontario St., Bowmanviile. McRobbie Photograpliy 3. Establish the buddy sys-1 Senior Girls, Sandra Patterson jurnp-Ronald Hendrikx, Rich- teni among your aIder "good witb 19 points and Senior ard Cronin, Boy Terry; base- MEN'S TOIVN LEAGUE SOFTBALL STATISTICS Hommes' cottage at Little Ce- swimmen" children; that is, Boys, Barry Bragg also with bail throw-Gary Guthrie, TEM RECOD WLPt.AB is g 2daLke inake partners guard each 21 points. Winners in the Mark Greenley, Ronald Hend- ORDS W L Pt. OAB sacS Ag.S2H83HOnR TuRD! y DB .5Ridanrdake ethen. various events wsne as foi: ikx; throwing bean bags- (As o!fJuIy 17, 1967) DaiOnaTuesda nsichard MUe 4. Assigw numbers to the lOws: Dale Hendrikx, Murray Bail, Ken's Men's Wear - 9 5 18 400 132 .330 23 Il 9 103 84 15 52 8 40 Daon a Ms.Cc aes by her bvery twandyminesrol al Junior GirlsRcad rnn Kramp Furnitune- 8 6 16 37~9 100 .264 10 10 3 78 67 21 53 7 55 Peterborough, vislted rela- if ryuhaeto minu nin rceLoi raen Intermediate Girls Stephen Fuels - 8 7 16 386 89 .231 9 8 7 78 57 13 46 12 5 tives in Port Hope. Mns. Glît self by setting an alan Janet Bragg, Susan Robinson-, Running race-Sharon Poil- Frank Real Estate 4 il 8 397 90 .227 9 5 4- 51 41 16 43 7 60 ghten and remained until Fi- G clc.wheelbarrow race-Lori Frai- tt, Brenda Brock, Heathen TOP DATTERS (21 or more OAD) BATTING LEADERS day whene she rnenWed ac- 5. When anc buddy dives, er and Susan Robinson, Janet Barrie; wbcelbarrow race- quintances in Nestieton. Mn.' have the other watch. Bragg and Velma Shane, Linda Brenda Bnock and Sharon OAB Bits Avg. DOUBLES - Mac Richards, KMw 6; qan r.Cr 6. Instruct your children to Wood and Linda Barrett; 3- Poiiitt, Rhonda Locke and Grant Wright, SF __ 33 16 .485 TRIPLES - Bob poster, KMW; John Fowlen, and EKiom avd 18 HO walk out, then swim fram r egged race, Janet Bragg 'and Judy Wood, Patti VanMeer Moe Rcd s,*L 621.5 Leaskdale, were deep to sballow instead of:Veima Shane, Linda Wood and and Heathen Barrie; 3-legged T ,.c,,,.~vV i 1.5 KMW; Guy Parks, FRE - 3 eaclu; Sunday supper guests with swimmIng from shallow ta Linda Banrett, Lori Fraser and race-Brenda Brock and Shar- Terry Black, KMW - 38 17 .447 HOME RUNS - Don Bagneil, KMW - 3; beD aentsn n n deep and panicking becauseiSusan Robinson; sack race- on Poliitt, Patti VanMeer and Don Bagnell, KMW - 45 20 .444 RUNS - Don Baguen, KMW - 17; Daioln Buchan, LIndsay, I " tlucy can't touch bottom. ILinda Bannctt, Rosemany Kil- Heather Barrie and Rhonda Guy Parks, FRE -__ 39 16 .410 IRBI - Mac]Richards, KMW - 20; setTusa aSna l 7. -Be dressed ta save a lite;ý leen, Janet Bnagg; running Locke and Judy Wood (tied); Bill Brunt, KF _-_ 44 18 .409 SAC- Vern Grubin, KF; wiet h rsgadarntoSun. Ihigh heels or leg-bIndIng bnoad jump-Susan Robinson, Daniene Knapp and Elaine wt e rnprns r gacks slow a potential hero.lLori Fraser, Janet Bragg; Shane; sack race - Brenda Steve Burns, FRE -_ 47 18 .383 Mac Richards, KMW « 4 each, and Mrs. Ivan Proutt. ~8. If you're engaged incn-standing broad jump-Janet Brock, Sharon Poliitt, Heather John Fowler, KMW- 32 12 .375 BB Bruce Cols, KF - 12; Satunday evening supper Bannie, unn ra up Raye West, KMW - 40 15 .375 SB Don McMurter, SF; guests with Miss Ruth Pot Sharon Pollitt, Brenda Brock, Ray Crombie, KÇF...- 21 7 .333 Grant Wright, SF - 5 each; wr r n r.Ia Judy Wood, standing broad weutNe stMn. and ns. ian1 *jump-Judy Wood, Brenda Archie Cossey, KMW 35 il .314 S0 Lloyd Hamilton - 11. granddaughten Caolyn Bu. Brock, Rhonda -Locke; basebail Ted Hoar, KF 29 9 .310 chan, Lindsay, and Mr. and Mid e. thnow-Sharon Poliitt, Danlene George Jones, KMW- 26 8 .308 TOP PITCHERS W L 1piP R R BD s8 Mns. John Proutt, Oshawa.$ Knapp, Brenda Brock; throw- Ji olK 6i 36 B otr M unday callens were Mn. and $ Ing bean bags-Dariene Knapp. uuCye F3 l 36 B otr M 6 1 58 60 29 18 25 Mrs. John'Buchan and Doug, Brenda Brock, Sharon Pollitt. Bac Pickelll, FilE 41 12 .293 D. Stata, KF 6 1 51 47 20 3 31 Lindsay. W.el Intermediate Boys B. Williams, SF 2 1 26 30 18 13 6 Sympathy o! the commnuni- $ Running race-John Turner, G tpeS - 3 3 37 40 28 20 23 ty iis xtended ta Mr. and $ Randy VanMeen, Matin Bar-- Mrs. George Johns on the M o d e! eebaro% rce-R dysudden death o! h-is uncle, Sti ~. ~ __ VanMeer, John Turner, Dernni: Mr.IIGeorgCcciiWilsn, wallhs. Knapp and Martin Barrett, Lat o e t c C r r.Ccl isnwshs Rodney Grcenley and JohMn Krummenachen; 3-legged race --tess for the regulan meetingP -Rand Vaneer nd Jhn ' ,..~.... E ofI.thAid Presbytenian Ladies~ --aIyVaMeran!Jh Q l on Wednesday evening, ______ Turner; Rodney Grcenlcy and . . ,i e ei i s o ily2h.M.avoncir John Krumnienacber, Dennis C mLUI M sp r JulUY2 vsncar Knapp and Martin Barrett; -Rc h etn and Mns. Wil- sak ac-JhnTune, any Participants in the Kawar- instead o! the previously an- pendents" appeared with Ford votional. Several items o nunning broad jump -Jot; VaMerM ti Brrttha 250 Race for late model nounced date of July îSth. stockers that were not reaily business wene discusssd. The A Rodney Greenley; basebail sport later this month, WnIilte nainy weatiter which wiil be keener titis year. an excellent talk by Mns. One of te first drivers ta George -Wolfe on ber trip ta tirw-otn"un -,1odpey be" competing this yean for sanlier in the season forced confinni bis sntny hIsSal To. Expo. Mns. Charles Gist, Pet- Greenlcy, 'De nni s napp; $25,000 in prize money and postponsment o! the Telegramn vella, lat yean's wnner. In erborauglu, and a fanmer Titrowing bean bags, Dennis Ihe'Bandabl Trophy. Tropby Race. 1966 h rv lmuh ebno h ais i J, hieasQ.McPin (îctre ab~r),;omtoethr nap, arin anett Rd- Participation o! Bandahl, A bigger and better field this year hie will pilot a pow- Was a most welcomne visiton. ney reeney.an ail lubnicant conipany long a! cars is sxpected fon the enfui Dodge Hem! Charger. On Sunday monning Mn. 1, hiezQ. cPin (pctre abve, ointoeterSenior Girl. associated with lte nacing and second nunning o! the Kawar- Tavella is anxlously await- McLean waslte guest speak. P with the bottier of Coca-Cola in congratulatang a winncr ini ths Running Race-Sandra Pat- automotive industry, adds im- lta 250. This year, Fond will Ing lis return bo Mosport's er in Nesîleton Presbyterian rnarvcllous promotion, 'Make a date witb Coke.' tenson, Wanda Aylesworth portant recognition ta Can- be present with sorte o! its chalienging twists and turnn Churcit. Several cottagers Well donc! Judy Lesage; wheelbarrow racasoe.iglm tckcrmî powerful cars and a and hopes to capture te wn. were niat wecome viiton. A race-Wcndy Ayre and Judy rae.lneup) o! top drivers. Chrys. ner's share o! titis year's In the United Churclu Sun.- George Coleman, Lesage, Canal Shane and The Xawantha 250 will be 1cr domninaled the event lait $25,000 pnize nuoney, and the day morning Misa H. Booth, GUARA Weston, Ontario, Wancla Ayleswonlt, Karen Bal held ah Mospont on Jul 29th Year although a few "Inde.-1 ew Bardahl Tophy. Toronto, and tarmrnely of He's just won a trip for two and Kathy PollitI; 3-legged iaacdlvrda mrs b nace-Maxine Thomas and Jsica delivon." eanimpres- teanywhere in Canada, via Air Canada. Sandra Paltenson, Wendy Ayre I~L~f I Relevant?" was lier tinuely aud Judy Lesage, Canal Sitane N E S l r 0 Nsubicct. The chair sang "iJuat And there are stil lots of przes ta be won! and Wanda Aylesworlh; sack Keep on Praylng", wllh Gall IF YOU V rc- a da Patteson, Canl Mr. ad Mrs. Arnold Wil- tiese. Canadas nvr d py te ia Ja b ee F da, S - and B anie Malcolmi singing race-Sandrate ulJaboeePidySa-the duet. A cordial welcome DRIVWAI Sitane, Judy Lesage, runriing liami, Janice, Stephen and ram I a marvel of architec- urday and SundaY and lthe is exlended ha lits Blackstack bra up-adaPttr cît n i punsMn u ue as are al lte pavillons Metcalfs had lte pIeasure o! folk who altended lte service. PAVED * WIT/son, Maxine Thomas, Wanda Mns. Clarke Williams, left on lteha3 d tume ta visil. Thte square dancing with tcSfbi AyleswaneTh omast and n bdSna o x mini-rail and the Expo EX- group. On Sunday, as a grand Mlon eoil Pr naPteso.Jd.Lsg; Mns. George Bradburn and Press provlded excellent Irans- finale, Mbreakfast o! baconr ra atersnJud Lsag; brakastofbacnwas again the scene of an ex. CON7 basebaîl throw-Sandra Pal- Mn. Cccii Bradburn, Janet- Portation. It is înteresting ta pancakes and coffee was serv- citing game in lte Squlrts __terson, Wanda Aylesworth, ville, were Wednesday vîsi- hean lte different opinions of cd aI Happy Valley Park. On League, Grcenbank versus Kathy Pollitt; lhrowing bean lors with Mns. Nelson Marlow lte visitons ta this fabulous temr retunn home lhey caled Cartwright. Gneenbank was bags - Wanda Ayiesworth, and Mns. Bradburn Senior ne- exposition, on fniends Iu Eston, Saskal- top in ltse league lait yean Sanra attrso, Jdy esae.mained for a visit unlil Fn!- Trevor Nesiblt left an Fnl- chewan. During titis deliglut- and have been a very liard Sadr Pllrsn JdyLeag.day. day ta visit luis uncle, Mn. fui holidaylte wcathen was leam l t bu o Tiunda Senior Boys Mn. and Mns. Lawrence Lloyd Heaslip lu Ottawa. on ideal for camping but they do evenîng butlwnigh c aU Running race-Barry Bragg, Malcolm and family snjoye Sluday and Sunday they repart nain hbdl ces l i awrighca rnclos '4~Wade Coburn, Grant Terny; the bus tour tram Port Penny visited Expo aud Trevon ne. many parts o!flte west. gme.Rsiswcne Cant- wheelbarrow race - B a r ry t Expo, Sunday to, Tucsday. lunned home on Monday. Mr. and Mrn. Oram Moon e.ig 7,eenbak 16 eBragg snd Wade Coburu, Chris They bad ercellent accommo- Mrs. Richarrd ison ârasdDvdac M aore yWurio 7reofbalBunketon ell, ih oc e nd ra t i M nteal S me of.t4 oil. vsitd»tu.da wîh ud Na cy nl yed Su ds Buk.o-Aeslyd - a wl ick Cubs Camp at )na Park evehngo!June Bo ma vlis 4tu 1ef foitheir al Menlral Park weekend camping Wlton. Park iu Sani of the Pack th attend but 17 veny mnemonable fathens were on Psel Up thc lents before thc boys o sow their gear Lme aftsr witicit campfire, Ioaited vs, ate dozens o! consumed gallons olaIe milk before hih lasted tramn nilock ta nearly re lte lait nite- Is eyes). iwere led In lies on Satunday 'ery at guidance a Rn oy Ven- Paît sud now Nlarcu Townsley, Urs. Helen Theis- ckshaw Mr. AI te o! wih wene EWCASTLE, ILF COURSE )LE PAR 70 - 6485 YARDS le East of Newcastle MrL esan,&Bowers left On WutBie lc YOU DEALONLY aBrocPatern, rensndy namonth's vacation Over M00Pains te Clur LU GE eliv YOU EAL ONLYSilver Awards t a Rgcouver.ff L GG G # JDale sud Neil Williamsa are ~ ~ t 69 MODERN 1oEs AClive T EAE Janet Bragg, Lori P'raser, speuding a few days wllh Mn. 'sWT BEVRMark Greenley, Rosemary and Mns. Doug. Failleansd CERN 7.17 Killeen Waily Mari, El avinely, Bowmanville. AT RD1 IED l0O eRA SShans, Velma Sitane, Cindy M. Marguerite Hic k , ______ QUAATYMATngerN DOI eitit Barrett, DenlsGergnsd Betty altendcd NOTRIG TOPAY OR 6Knap, Raudy Van Meer. Emsuel HiolinesaCarn Meeting aI Y FO iteO R.eeJ. FincE i h a MONTUSBronze Awards Me n!Camp Grounds lnIflS bIT~ u0s ,,EUomU I OU£ OWN FINANCE PLAN Maxine Thtomas. udMTfesbro, etucthue IR.i&a S BLA.C.O. LesageGrant Terry, Richard home -via Niagara Fai.' CLEURIG AT_______ C =og R o dne y Greenisy, Mn. nd Mrs. Gordn Met- bfflw *14.9 Gary Guthrie, John Krum- cal! sud Plaine returned home EalFAM *2AT menaciten, Roy Terry, Patti o>n Saturday afler a pleasant BEA ER LUMBER Vn Mer, JudyWoodBia woweeks' cmIn rp to L Y L I BEV E LUBs rser. C arycal- CLCRaNcoAT PON 23O8\BOWMANVILLI a or p~ aricidpation sudita Monday a Clgryad e.LOYyL I STOREU 8 Moeaday tlarmagj Thun<ay 9 ta53Sp unable to reacb the standards on Wednemday they vjÈed FMy opetuai 9 SPa.Co. auya t for their age group toquali!y Banff and enjoyecd bathun i 49 KING STREET, WEST fer n fsad i upu Phqntioned above.ha theï - __ SHoles 1Week M.00 k Ends fùdents: $1»0 Mid W..k ONE 987-4851 9 Holes* Mid W.ek $1.00 iPHALT AVING kLL WORK DONE AND kNTEED BY BOWMANVILLE WISH YOUR 0 0 P~EN FEL Go t epeCTPop FOR FREE ESTIMATES -PHONE 623-5410- ' WOMEN'S erDress Shoos ;99 $4@99 t. $7,e" ChiIdren's Shoos by SAVAGE Belge, Brown, Black Reg. $5.95 t. *7%95 CLEARi«G AT $4.9" s Canvas Oxfords S WWM", U nmvin% jwtr 19, ma%. "Aluy 1. U? couseu i mI ai. took care o renugl 0 cooking them wih a den h Prsident po! the4ta Pack Group Copnmittee*m bas beld this position for late and do-nuts andwe serenaded by the boys hrout the carnptire. Bedttnie -ýI ear]y and deaf eas= gmted t~ torrents of rain that feUtb B rut despite the weather t boys had cburch service Suce day mornlng. The uu speaker was Mr. CIreM« ton, a weil known Scout Zsa<6 er in this area. By 1:30 pan. the. tents WU being taken down, bedroUs packed away and shortly our area was deserted - but Juut until next year. Cet Cua Touay For Oldi Appliunrns" tbsough 0 0