12 The 0madima tatemnan, Bowmanvlfle, July 19, 1967 attend the neit meeting oaf Township Coundil ta dlscus possible reduction of inzurnceý Icoverage oanmre items, ad that a decision onc suac Daringon ounil that Umne. This motion MEa Acc unt am untng o $ ~ of a P otesen r n de C oun ciU o e Brown AC Mt aoutigto$2,.ofaproposai ta laoe gart of an_______ recetly kZ4 IL - tht Drlinton Tawnship ir Presided and ail mein- make application under sec- 'The. deatb of Charles A. bers Of cauncil were present. tion 92 of the Registry Act Bradley, aged 80 years, 226 Councillor Ruasei Dow, sec- to permanently close that Parti'Albert Si., Oshawa, occurred onded by Deputy-Reeve Carl of Simnpson Avenue Iying be- ai Oshawa General Ilospita! Daown, noved that E . W. tween Lots 97 and 98, run- on Friday, July 7, 1967, fol- Bradley, Bowmanville, be ap- ning westerly from Scugog îowing a lengthy illness. .pointed appraiser for the Street to Lot 125 as shawn Soo!heatDvdan township in the matter of the on a Plan of Sub-Divisian o! o ftelt ai n Waverly' Road expropriation. the Village af Hampton. This Ei4abeth Bradley, he was This was carried. was carried. barri ai Amberly, Ont., and received bis education in Tor- Councilor Richard Gibbs, The tender of G. Reynolds onto and Orono. On Augusi seconded by Councillor -Ben and Son in the amount of 28, 1907 be married the for- ]Brown, moved that coundil $2,270 for ceiling insulation mer Rena Jackman who sur- consider the passlng of a Sy. was aècepted by council on a vives. Law atitls meeting ta be heldimotion by Councillor Dow and The deceased had resided on Wednesday, August 3rd, forlCouncillor Gibbs. Deputy- in Oshawa for 49 years, mov- the purpase cf widening, dlv- Reeve Carl Down moved Ihat ing tiiere from Hamilton. A erting, and lmpraving part of the second regular meeting of nimotor mechanic, he was em- Waverly Road lying betwcenithe Townhip Council in July ployed by General Motors of the CNR and Highway 401, and thensecond meetingsinCadOhwfrm y and ta expropriate certain August and Septemfber beCanar, .Oshawn 1 afr rany. lands required in Lots 13 and held on the third Wednesdayyeretin 13easao 14 in the Broken Front Con- evenîng o! these months stat- Uned hrad was as o h cession, and that the Clerk be ing ai 7:30 o'clock. This wasUaimembehr of Unon Local 222 Instrucied ta publish in the seconded by Councillor Dow, Besides his wife, Mr. Brad- Canadian Sistesman and to and carried.le is survived by a son, post up such notices as to bel Council asked Clerk-Admin Howard. Also surviving are required therefore, and that istraor Rundie to prepare an a brother and three sisters, the Township Solicitor be in-lagreement with George Fed- Herbert of Ancaster, Olive structed ta prepare the neces- dema to be regislered on tille (Mrs. E. Willson), Clara (Mrs. sary By-Law. This was car- ta provide that Mr. Feddema A. Wyatt), both o! Hamilton, ried. will dedicale sufficient land UP and Violet (Mns. B.- Thomp- On a motion by Councillor bo 12 feet in widlh ta widen son)l of Guelph. Dow and Coundillor Gibbs the Scugog Road on the frontage The funeral service was Clerk-Administraior, W. E. of his property ta 66 feet, if held from the Morris Funeral Rundie, was instructed to and when required by the C h ap e , Bowmanville, on place adverlising in Bowman- township. Monday, July 101h, and was ville and Oshawa ta infonnI Councillor Dow, seconded conducted by Rev. Harold A. taxpayers of the probable cosl by Deputy-Reeve Down mov- Turner. Interment was in of fire protection as a resuit ed that the Bowmanvîlle Dis- Bowmanville Cemetery. 6ECAS TOA!' trict Council of the Boy Scouts Among the numerous beau- FOR OL»APPLIOANC of Canada be granted permis- tîful floral tribules was one POIL LD APLL*NCES sion ta hold Apple Day in from Local 218. throug), Maple Grave and Hampton onl Palîbeaners were Messrs. CLASSIFIEDI lOctaber l4th. This was car- Wilson Abernethy, L o r n e STATESMAN ried. Jackman, Nelson Jackman, Coundillor Gibbs moved that Lawerence Kerr, Donald Dunri Phone 623-3303 9. E. White be requested ta and Ken NichaIs. Honor Couple at Orono 5Oth Wedding Anniversai on 1STÀRKVILLIE Mn. and Mma Gant Sylves- ter, Julle and Dvid, Sarnia, pnt a few day. with Mr. Mn.. Jini Stark. ry Y Mn. and Mm~ E. C. West- heuser were receni visitons ai Mr. Westheusen's, Campbell- tord. Mr. and Mrs. Sîd Hallawell spent Sunday wilh Mn. and Mis. Delbert Canari, Madoc. Mn. and Mrs. Bilan Caswell and family attcnded the Odd Fellows picnic ai Orono. Mr, and Mrs. G. Fountain and family, Caboconk, Mn. and Mrs. Charlie Tnim, Bow- manville, were Sunday din- ner guests ai Mr. Orme Falls. Mn. and Mn.. Wilfrid Walk- er and daugbters, Toronto, are spending a few days wilh Miss Norma Hellowell. Susan Stark i. having a holiday at Sarnia witb the Sylvester. Wednesday evening lasi week the ladies o! Shiloh U.C.W. met *t Mn.. Ras. Todd's home with a fine at- tendance. Mn.. Carl Todd bad charge o! the devotional por~- tion. Duning the business dis- cussion, plans were made fan a communîty picnic next manth ta commemorate tbis Centennial year. Committees were appainled ta arrange details which wiIl be made known later. Ail enjoyed the1 pleasant evening and appre-i ciated Mrs. Todd's kindness. BETHANY Miss Calette Michon from' St. Hyacinthe, Que. has been the guest o! Mr. and Mns. Charles Marton and their- daughters Kathaleen and Bet- »'ty Ann during the past week. J Miss Michon is bene in the' exchange of Inter-Provincial 4-H club members. She bas been active in Agnicultural club work for six years and has participated in her na- tive province i1.local an... ginldairy et exhibitions.1 ply Marveflous. Rer father, Gustav Michon She will appear S Tale. owns a 240 acre dalry farm vision on Saturday, June 32, and In the Mayor of St. Hya- ai 12:30 pan., during the Tara» cinthe, Que. Rer mother is Broadcaut over C.B.C. when active lni the Rural Catholic she will be interviewed by Society. George Atkîns. Colette, 18, Is one of the From Betheny, ahe goes, th nine children i their family. Blackstock, where she wlll b. Having compleied her Grade guest of Mr. and Mrn. Ralph 12 schoollng in the Fail she Larmer and their daughter will begnher training fer a Sharon. Nurse, in a haspital ai Mon-- treal. Interior Decorating and Art have been her two main Cet Cash ody hobbies during school years Tda During ber visa ta oOntariai For Dld Appliaces she as been to Niagara Fallst b and ta Guelph, as well as b« visiting numerous farmis in S T A T E 9 M A N ýhe Eethany area. She was C LASS 1IPI13D 8 quite impressed with the Lif t Locks ai Peterborough and Phlone 623-33 thinks Ontario scenery Isinl .WA&NTEDI MARRIED MAN RESIDENT 0F BOWMANVI LLE TO BE TRAINED BY LEADING OIL COMPANY AS OIL BURNER MECHANIC. Write Advertiser 824 c/o, Canadian Statesman, P-0. Box 190 Bowmanville j Mr. and Mrs. James Winters The 501h Wedding Anni- ing where the guests enjoyed dressed in a beautiful blue versary of Mr. and Mrs. James a deliciaus meal. Rev. Abra- lace dress and her husband Winters was celebrated on ham Kudra, pastor of the Bow- looked sveldt in a dark suit. A beautîful wedding anni- Saturday., June 241h at the manville Pentecostal Church, versany cake was cut and a, nesidence of their daughter was the Master o! Ceremonies piece given ta each guest. and son-în-law, Mn. and Mns. at thîs remarkable event. He Then, lovely gifts of golden George Burtis, Onono. 1 remarked how lively the bride hue were pnesented ta the Some 65 guests from many of 50 yeans looked and whai a couple. Mr. Winters express- parts of Ontario, most o! blessing the Winters are, bath ed his appreciation ta l o whom were relatives of Mr. in the church and in the home. the gîfts o! money ani h and Mrs. Winters, gathered for Rev. Kudra proposed a toast lovely gîfts showered on them, this auspicious occasion. Mns. ta the couple with the wish on this gala occasion. George Burtîs, Mrs. Henry that God's richest blessing At the conclusion o! this1 Adamson and Mrs. Andrew would rest upon them the re- momentous celebration, theY Melvin, daughters of Mr. and maining years of their sojourri were the recipients of many Mrs. Winters, arranged a here on this earth. warm wîshes from those gath- beautiful outdoor dinner cett- Mrs. James Winters wasered. Clarke Twp. Coun cil Hîres I Cor poration Accountant At the recent Township of council monthly, beginning Orono Police Trustees at which Clarke council meeting council Seplember 5th, 1967, o! the lime he spoke on a debenture passed a resolution appointing1 financial condition o! the Cor- issue o! $25,000.00 for the, Mr. Henry DeWith accounlant-poration and shail make such Orono Hydro along with arn-! for the corporation with dutieslrecommendalions as he deems eridmenîs la the garbage pick-; to commence as o! August ist, 'desirable ta ensure adequale up by-law. He also requestedý '1967. Mr. DeWith will be ac- and continuing financial con- the Township ta establîsh a' countant both for the Road Irai over current spending. gale at the westerly end of Deparîment and the General Another resolution o! coun- the township property south departmenl and is ta be res- cil sets forth thai the Road o! the Orono Fair grounds. ponsible ta the clerk-treasurer rSupeintendent of the Corpo- Requesîs for road work and and road supeintendent. Heiration of the Township of road drainage from Messrs. is ta devote hal! a day eachiClanke shaîl carry ouI the Daniel Sioen and E. R. Love-'i day to bath departments. imanagement and administra- kin were referred to the Road' A further resolution was lion in accordance wilh the and Bridge committee. passed in which council set ientire contents o! "A Guide for Accounts were paid in the. forth that the clerk-lreasurer Township Road Superinlen- following amounts, General shaîl prepare estimales o! ali!dents.'" The guide was pre- $17,719; Welfane $1278.78; Road, proposed expenditures and pared for municipalilies in deparîment $26,060.24 and thei revenues and present same toi 1961, Orono Police Trustees $2,-: council at the beginning o! Council through resolution 36.032. each year. He is also ta adviselapproved the addition o! Som-1 Road closîng procedure was eýrvill.e Street ta theirrequestlstarted for certain partions o!, C,,anada us coming to yu! Are you readyz The Confederation Caravan is on its way! I t's bringing hundreds of ffiings for you to see... toucli. .. hear ... feel. The Caravan is bringing Canada's story to you. And it's really exciting! Everyone in town is going to Corne. A lot of people you know will be taking part in the Centennial displays and celebrations that wiIl be staged at the Caravan site. When the Confederation Caravan cornes, don't miss out on any of the fun! Get ready! Canada's comng to you! JuIy, 28 - Memorial Park d Wc*îo eawMgth tue co-oertion cf your mtennialeornimittS yoa >ur Camaunity. W NEW '67 RAMBLER REBELS Prices Neyer Lower Trade Allowances Neyer Higher At THE RAMBLER KItS KEMi CIPMM A M AN o e KRA TRENT AUTO SALES LIMITED PETERBOROUGH AND BOWMANVILLE 1967 RAMBLER- REBELS 114"" Wheelbase. Minimum engin. 145 HP (choice of 6's or VS's). Choice of transmission and other options. Complet. safety package. 5 Year, 50,000 Mile Warranty. Test drive Rebel before you buy any car. TRENT REBEL Prices Start ut $199 DOWN - i IF YOUR TRADE- 15 WORTH s200 s400 s600 $1000 sl400 s1800 Your Monthly Payment (over 36 Mos.) is $75*11 $48*01 $34,e46 m m m 4s417 If yaur trade exceeds the necessary Dawn Payment - Trent will refund you the dif- ference in Vacation Cash REBEL STOCK 550 2-Door Sedan 550 4-Door Sedan 550 4-Door Station Wagon 770 4-Door Sedan * . q e 3 * e * . * . . . 6 770 4..Door Station Wagon......2 770 2-Door Hardtop. SST Convertible ... SST Hardtop . - -- muc mil * . . 3 .. .1 * . .1 NOBODY UNDERSELLS TRENT RAMBLER - AMBASSADOR SUNBIAM - TRIUMPH - ROVER KING ST. E. LANSDOWNE ST. ta the Deparîment o! High-a number o! noads- in the O BITUARY ways ta have the fi! h lune Township being in the follow- o! Clarke designated a Devel- ing area: lots 2 and 3, Con. 1; Mrs. W. J. (Bert) FERGUSON opmenl road. This action was lois 14 and 15, Con. 5; lots! requesled by the Orono Police 6 and 7, Con. 6; and aI lots, Following a brie! illness, Trustees at a previaus meet- 34, 35 and 30, 31, and 6, 7 in the dealh o! Mrs. W. J. (Bert) ing. Con. 2 and a portion in the Ferguson, aged 70 years, oc- Mn. E. R. Woodyard, met 19th and lOth concession o! the curred ai Memonial Hospital, wilh Council representing the Township. -Times Bowmanville, on Thursday, June 15, 1967. Daughter o! the late Mn. and TYRONE Mrs. John Martin, the former Eva May Martin, was born at Cail Mrs. Robert Lambert cottage on Sturgeon Lake. Haydon in Darlington Town- negarding swimming classes Mn. and Mrs. W. Rahmi ship, whene she attended registration Thursday, July spenl a few days at their cot- school. Twice manried, she 201h, 6 ta 8 p.m. tage on Four Mile Lake. first married Herman Russell Mrs. J. Oliver, Fenelon Pat and Dianne Woodlev Wotten in Febnuary, 1918, who Falls, visited ber mnother, returned home aflen spendingi pnedeceased her on Febnuary Mrs. Percy McCoy. a week holidaying with their 28, 1928. Hen second manniage was ta Wilbent J. (Bert) Fer- Mn. and Mns. George Willis, aunt and uncle at Picton. guson. They wene marnied Canninglun, w er e Sunday Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Good y,ý December 23, 1942, and lie visitons o! Mn. and Mrs. W. Oshawa, were Saturday guesîs died an Seplember 24, 1966. Park. o! Mn. and Mrs. J. Woodley. Mrs. Fenguson was a nesi- Mn. and Mns. Ralph Glas- Mrs. L. D. Sykes and Mrs. dent o! Enniskillen for 24 peUl, Miss Gwendolyn Glaspeil Gordyn Enent attended, the years and before thal had liv-, attended the Burris-GlaspelI trousseau tea far Miss Dan- ed nonth of Haydon on R.R. 1, wedding on Saturday aI Zioni lene Hall, Hampton. Bowmianville. A housewi!e,1 United Church. er. and Mns. Ted Mc- her interests centred around! Mrs. Minnie McHolm, Mon- Bride and Lynne, Brampton, her home, and her favorite nish, is spending a few davs spnt the J.weeCke.it n hobby was growîng flowes with Mn. and Mrs. T. C. Dodd . adMs .C ok bath outdoors and indoor, the Mn n Ms .Pakad Mn. and Mns. A. Youngman, year round. 1 r n r. .Pr n Roy and Betty attended the She is survived by a daugh- son Doug, Mn. and Mrs. R. I.O.O.F. picnic at Onono onl ter, Wilma Wotten o! Ennîs- Bowers and Ian were Sunday Sunday. kîlenand a sepdughenevening dinner guesis o! Mr. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Sin- Elva (Mrs. B. Montgomery) o!fn r.J igt n fam- clair' and daughler Connie, Sauina. Also surviving are a ily. Montreal, spent the weekend sister, Mrs. G. Ferguson o! Mr. and Mrs. J. Stevens, wiih Mr. and Mrs. George Oshawa, and a brother, Mr, Cooksville, Mr. and Mrs. Elliot. Gardon Martin, also o! Osh- Lloyd Hoar, Toronto, wcne Victoria Elliott is visiting awa., guests o! Mr. and Mrs. A. J. with a French Canadian fam- The funeral service wa held Hoar. ily in Quebec City la help on Saturday, June 17, froni Mns. Keith Robinson and to Improve her French. the Marris Funeral Chapel, children, Bowmanville, Mn. Tommy Ellioti is leaving Bowmanville, and was con- Russell Hall, Oshawa, visiied Friday for Camp Pine Crest ducted by Rev. M. A. Dough- Mr. and Mn.. H. Hall, ai Torrance, ont. erly. Interment was in Hamp- Mr., and Mrs. F. L. Byam, Mr. and Mrs. William Teed ton Cemetery. Mrs. Annie Rivera accom- and Sharon, Mn. and Mrs. Bil Among the many' beautiful panicd Mn. and Mns. E. A. Hatherly, Johnny and Randy, floral tokens, evidence of the Virtue on Sunday and visitcd Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- esiem in which the deceascd Mr. and Mra. Howard Won- liani Tced Sr., Massachusetts, wshlwere those from En- nacoti, Toronto. werc gueuts of Mra. Annie ikllnUnýted Church, Hay- Mn. and Mns. Don Plain and Hatherly. don Sunday School and Ennis- !aÙilY, Bowinanville, and Mn. Mr. and Mn.. D. Southwell kifen NeighlIors. and Mn.,. Murray Yeo and and famlY visiicd Mrs. Gar- r P.lbearcri wene Meurs. children vWtled ait enelon don Heayn,. Prince Albert. Adam Sharp. Francis Werry, Talla last Tniday. Mn. and Mn.. V. Davenpani Harvey McGill, Aflan Werry,l Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hoar an-' boys, Richmond Hill, Ivan Sharp and Ralph Virtue, and Louise vialted Mr. and e 1i Mr. and Mns. H. Stain- ail neiglbona of the, deceused. i Mr#.- George Whlte at theirîion and Lynne. BOWMANVI LLE PETERBOROUGH 62343O5> -J