1~ "7..v-~ ¶1.e~~.1Stateuan, EowmanvMe, July 19 ? ~was brougt mm=der eattrolladfrs aùxflla rctaRaa without exte"sve damage. Cpnadian Legion. and of the N... r 3fýIM cýý mpr MmroP&Ame" j > v r 15 ,Present du'Mr1m. hzane MB'i- Memoil PakAaoecIa~n teainWe auepleased tb have cown UIec Ken andBev, living here daughlei-i, Ms loiRr-O nl 5-MI A nn' eà, %gin " daughter Da(Betty>of Bowaùavmfej WME eEW M.ad lMr&s Carl Grams and =Yi Richard Gifford Mr. end i-.ran (Joyce) cf Oshawa un a so lMr- and Mrs. James Barclayl Mr-. and Mis. Barclay were1 G.Doma.William of 130mavine. were"the guests of hosior et1 taken to whicker chairs of! Alao surviving are two &ls- a sUrprise PartY celeIrating1honor on the stage. Pink and oBTu ii ce,%eM. argaret..Par-ks of their 25th annlversary et their white satrearnens fm whlc OBIT ÂR! Colornend rs.Helena weddlng e the Leglan Hall were susPcnded white wcddlng foinia idtwobrahexOWAan on Saturday evening, June proscenium ai-ch. In frontj MES.EKIBET CWAN us Cooke *and Robert Cooke, 24th. More than 150 guests a1>ove the stage a huge pink The death occuri-ed sudden- bothof Trenton. weepeen.sg or h esae1ap ly, July 3, 1967, et Sharbot Thi funeral service was held The SjIver Weddmng cele- 25th Anniversary Ruth and Lake et Mm-..Herber-t Cowan, aI the Morris Funeral Chapel, branta were esconted to the Jirn" in large glitterlng ailver c b 'Hunt Street, BowmanvMie. Bowrnanville, aI 3:15 p.nm., hall by thair son Stephen and lettera. There wci-e two ta i She wau In hei- Oîst ycar. July 6. The servie was con- his wife' Shai-on, and recelved pink, white and 'dark blue ,The formeri Rosebella rn dueted byv . Harold a great welcomc fromn the Pam-pomn trees on cither side Cooke, the deceaaed was a ner. Interment was ln Mount gatherlng. Their son Peter of the stage.t daughter of the late Mr. and Evcrgreen Cemetcry, Tr-enton. pinned a corsage of pink roses The spacious hall waa bea-1 Mm-. Seth Cooke. Borni at Tren- The pallbrearers were Don on his mother's di-ess, and a utîfully decorated foi- the ton>, s had been a realdent Brooks. Tom -Johnson, Gar. white carnation boutonniere event. Pink and white streami-s of Bowmanville for 35 years. Clarke, Lawrence Leaman and on* his father'a lapel., Janet ers were suspended below thes A mnember of the Bowmanville Rex Grant, ail of Bow man- Bate, a -niece o! Mns. Bai-day'. ceiling, and adorrSd- the doora Presbyteriari Chui-ch, sh. was ville and Raymond Godridge was. in- charge of the guest and windows. On the waII also active in th. woek of. the of Oshawa. book. large silver hooi>s were en- twined wmtb enloefowe&s DaVI4 M UIa m nphew of1 the bride of 28 yrsago, wau the &C. ne =m1 J. Rundie, who hi o hof the B. arclàn 1 frm abock covered with silvn moire enhanced wfth pik1 !roaebud.Atn eaChwasmemm- tioned M " BMi- i is cay's1 sons, Stephen, Paul and Peterg adtheir daugbter-ln-iaw,1 Shar-on, jalned thern on the1 stage. Then Ni-a. Rudie pi-e-i sented the book contalnlng-her1 speclal poem to Mr-. and Mmsi Jaet Bate,.and pebbIec Sheehan, niecesofin. Bar*.- lay, aid NMr. Bardlay's aloter1 Agnes, Ni-s. Ted SIx.hac., presenited beautiUl ginsa framI their relations to the Silver1 Weddlng celebi-ants. The, gilt froin their thre. sons was Preiented bythi son, Paul. Rusei C. Hny M.P. for Durhaim County, -Wat present tb extend best wls t PARADE. Forms ut Bowmainv.iIe H-%h School -Grounds et 6:30 p.m AH CI'ildren -Report to Morley EtcFier hant e&al b and Mad 1 as WeIl ai aa fuêt t moumyt-rnwlth 'the brasche covredwIth dollar Un. M-.Barclay' rian Bud and Joyle* p1ydtheir electrit gultars with their son. Barry on the drumsa for dancing. The heed table wau centred wlth a tIbis. Uer, wedling oe iWd ln 'white und decorated in silver whIeh wus topped wlth a miniature bride andi *i-oom. The wddn cake, W~hieh had been madegby Ni-s. Joyce Major, a frimai. was auzrounded at the baswitlx white tulle ani- plnk flowes land tic table was lighted by tall white tapera in mUrer candlesticks. Tioughý the dor of this Confederation Caravun exhibit is a 73ltailo9a Çhop. Almnost a century later, posters (on the stone waH, centre) advise Young men of. good character that sharp-shoote ra are- wanted by the Glengarry Light Infantry Pencibles to defend "mathers anid sistez-s fromn insuit" in the War« of 1812. Iii. the foreground (rlght) is the entranoe .ta a tavermi of the 1830s. The btaravan will .be in Bowmanville ai .Memorial Park, on, July, 28, 29,,.304 Admission is free. 1LEGION PIPE BAND WILL LEAD PARADE AR«ADEý 7. COMIC 2. ORIGINAL 3. WESTERN 4. DOLL CARRIAGE 5. DECORATED BICYCLE. Contact Your Local Playgi-ound Supervisor Foi- Further Informagtion * CASH PRIZEs * N, Ail Entries W~il Receive FREE Refreshment Tickets- P A RA DE From the BownanvilleIgigh Scixool, EastenQM R OU TE South to Memorial Park where'judging w a4 paet wiIl feature BRANCH: 178 BOWMANVILLE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Alil Boys end Girls 13 Years. are eligibi. I Perce Rock,. off Wuebec's Gaspe- Peninsula, became a famiir-lindmÎari tô generations of ship-borne immigrants. In this. dramatic presentation of land and seascape at the entrance to the Confede ration Caravan the light dims and bright- ens with the passage of time, the wave s whisper gently and seaguils wheel and cry overhead. Don't miss the Confedera tion Caravan when it cornes to Bowman- trille's Memorial Park on JuIy 28, 29, 30. 1It will be open frorn il a.rn. to, il p.m. There is so charge. About, 70 -Relatives Attend Blackburn-Hardy Pîcnîc The Blackburn -Hardy an- Executive for 1968: Past Isaac Hardy, Donald Hardy; nual plcnic was held on JuIy Presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul shoe seramble,, Marie and lst at Solina Community Hall Allin; Hon. Presidents, Mr. Gordon Hardy, Donald and and the sports at the Sohing and Mirs, Harvey Hardy, Mr. Irmha Ha r dy; wheelbarrow achool grounds. There were and Mrs. Farewell Blackburn; race, Gary and Mary Cornish, arcund 70 relatives present. Presidents, Mr. -and Mrs. Gor- Gordon Hardy and Roger don Hardy; lat Vice Presi- Hardy; ladies' shoe kicking, ItS 'dents,- Mr. and- Mrs. George Mary Pearce, Ruth, Shackle- A4 i~~ KeUIt Wison; 2nd Vice Presidents, ton; bail relay, Donald Har- Mr. .4nd Mrs. Hugh Smale; ys em The following 1É a- liaI aof 3rd Vice Presidehts, Mr. and Special prizes were given successful candidates in exam- Mns. Jack Pearce; Secretary, tb the following: Oldest lady Inations held recently by the Mrs. Joe -Snowden; AssÉ't. Sec- attending the picnic, Mrs. ]Royal Conservatory of Music retary, Mrs. Arthur Thomp- Mattie Cornish; oldest gentle- of Toronto in Bowmenville. son; Treasurer, Miss Lela man attending the picnic, Mr The names are arranged in ICni.ght. Charles Allin; youngest baby order of menit. The races were as follows:~ attending the picnic, Krystal GRADE X PIANO Girls' race,, 7 yrs. and under, Anne Hardy, daughter of Mr. ý_bnors - John T. McGuirk.,Wendy Cornish, Lorri Allin; and Mrs. Gordon Hardy; per- boys race, 7 yrs. and under, sons coming the farthest dis- GRADE lx PIANO Bruce Snowden, Danny Allun; tance, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Honors - Douglas E. Dewell. girls' race, 10 yrs. and under, Whitmcr, Omaha, Nebraska, GRADE VIII PIANO Debhie Hardy, Kathy Hardy; U.S.A. Lucky draw was won lfonors - Do ug. Perrin; Cath-' boys' race, 10 yrs. and under, by Mr, Russell Earle. erine A. Muckle; Martha A. Janue Hardy. Donald Thomp- After an enjoyable'day to- Varrow; Arlene M. Muni-o. son; girls' race 14> yrs. and géther relatives departed to Puas - Olga Nowosad, Mark under, Mary Pearce, Darlene their homes hoping to see one Simpson (equal); Kathryn j. Thonipson; boys' race, 14 yrs. another next year. XefMurter, Mary G. Paterson and under, Donald Thompson, Relatives came froni Ne- (equAl), Bar-y Malcolm, Karen Bruce Sniowden; ladies' race, braska, U.S.A., New Toronto, ylelowlêe (equal). Darlene Thompson, M a ry Toronto, Port Credit, Stouf t- GRAE Vl PANO Pearce; men's race, Gary Cor- ville, Uxbridge, -Osaha wa, GRAE VilPINO nish, Gardon Hardy. Bawxnanville, and surround- NaRnan -FewckP Laird,1 Throwing the hall for men, ng districts. Liagruel (equal). GÉADE Vi1 PIANO Ilns-Joanne Payer.- EN F1ELD Pm- Deni ranis.- it W: Palprsn; Julia Payer. G'RADE v PIANO Ronors ý- Jennifur E. Muni-o. Pau - 14WM M. Darling, Pat- ritia F Paynes (equul); Hea- MaxMgo - Marge SNincy 8& Payne. ,pi 11 W.mit1e W ILmDB fi MEMORIAL PARK -Starts 7:00 p.m. COLOSSAL- BINGO BOOTH .REFRESHMENTS ....FRUIT .... BLANKETS NOVELTIES . AMES 0F CHANCE.... RIDES FOR KIDDIES-! LADIES' AUXILIARY REDWOOD FURNITURE DRAWS:j POLE LAMP ELECTRIC BLANKET There was a famuily gather- Ray Taylor'%, Oshawa, anid ing at the Prescott haone ne- Mn. Keith Taylor's, Janetville. cently for Mi. and Mn.'Glenn M. id i-.Fe G-h, Prescott o! New Zealand. M.ad mGe Gifn Pi-csnt were Mr. snd Ms. Gordon and Allen, Mn. and Murray Puescott and farnuly Mns Fred Sands, Albert and St. Catharines; Mr. *atd Sttarl, Mçp. R. Gihlm, visit- LeleGibson, , Coluinuný M; M. n Ms. Ted Me- and lui-s. Jm Huiris and I'ugb hlnad fainily, tenelon faznlly, South Monogiman Mr. Fallu. and Mns. Wlbert SmltIi,'0mb- Mis. ,Jerry Abbot uni Ste- awa;* Mrs. George Giben, ph - 'uistui ut Mx. 4jr nd Mn. IWb ý, Wrw D YOWam, Nm .4àYrk Mis 'Dylo 1À* Bwnw att«d Ul INW Li ÔX ' ttoW ~AWI - of:,$0 DRESSED DOLL Plus $5.00 Cash 1967 OLDS (UTLASS Fm85, AUTOMATIC iVREEL DISCS WHJTE WALL TIRE$ TICKITS. ONLY 7,OO# TICKETS F~E D'.g.mun.~E . *,. r pEI~E5. YOu MusT BE iN Ar1nmANqCE TO Win 1 * JOp.u~ ~ LOCALoYAL CANADIANLUlNCMt4Y . <iýl 1 V-8 ENGINE ist « $5.00 2nd - $3.00 3rd » $2.0C) (IN CASE OF RAIN SATURDAY,, JULY 22) m $10.00