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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1967, p. 1

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$'tates-m an Classified'Advts Make Excellent Salesman- 623-M30 DEADLINE 4:30 TUESDAY VOLUME 113 Loca1Industries Donate to Town's Centennial1 Fund Bowmanville Centennial project Comnittee needs* oeýfly à few hundred dollars to reach its $7,200 objec- tive and this week they received quite a boost with cheques from the R. M. Hollingshead Corporation and Bow;manville's 'oldest manufacturing' conicern, the Bewmanvi1le Foundry Company. The combined pre- sentation ceremony took place on Monday afternoon. -IJl uded in the picture, from Ieft to right,, Hollings- head's Treasurer Douglas S. Sellars, Hollingshead's President and General Manager R. L. Kennedy, the Centennial Cornrittce's Finance Chairman Kenneth N. Nicks, Bowmanvilie Foundry's Vice President Thomas Rehder and President C. Ernest Rehder. Other industrial donations are expetted to put the fund over the top. Iotary's District Governor Presents InspiringAddress' During His ,Officiai Visit ý'Kiwanians invîte Public To Their Pr This Suuday, Bewinanvllle lKiwsnis Club -menibers lu- Vite anyone froan Bowmau. ortedistrict te, visit miWanis ?sf k off 3U,«e iàa~n Road, fr« of cart4Ïý, Trhey are cager for lb. ettizens efthiis area, to sec the, tremendous amoni; o work tbey *have done on the' park ibis year, ta put it ln excellent shape for the sui»- *1er season. I'There are plenty of pienle lables, good swhnmlug spots for adults snd children,, plus many. other facilities. ,"bou who have iia thie park on prevlous ocss- fos wil b. the Oite Imit that It is euee of1h. mnts attractive spots ln the ares. Rotary offers great oppor- tunities for service, and the 12,750 Rotary. Clubs in 34 countries form a unifying force that is helping international understanding, 707 District Governor Howard Wright, Toronto, said here on Thurs- day. He gave an address dur- ing his officiai visit at the luncheon mçcting of the Bow- manville Rotary Club at the Elying: Dutchman Motor Inn. President AI Witherspoon 1m hltcÇduc n -the,.-District Governor tol the' club that fie had been a member of the Leaside Rotary Club since 1M0, and is a past president. District Governor Wright, who was a manufacturer of liglit- ingequipmcnt for rnany years before bis retirernent, is now a businegs consultant, Presi- dent Witherapoon said. The Distict Governor re- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) HEL» OVER PICTUBES Photos of the Boys' Day Camp plus several news stor- ies have been crowded out. They wilI appear next week. Heck of a Place for a' Polel m' Sedcmments- bave 'been heard in *M.pi eoca resldenta and visitora who take t XâI4ý can't believe me , 4m mis tbat laterthisyear the Flroeda whn itùw g Street EBut "mi. At thattUme, It -wMbe interesting NFbemthe idewalk will b. and how close folqe ô! the.frtporches on that aide PwM b. BUILD NEW COMPLEX It was announced on Tues- day that the Oshawa Shop- ping Centre wililibe expanded with the addition of a $2 million split-lcvci department store for Siaupsons-Sears. This la the first stage of a thrce stage expansion for the Centre. Construction wll stant this year- and lie completed by the faîl o! 1968. The store is expected to provide 300 ad- ditional jobs for arca residents. I MM M*~M Çl3its andi fPweces NATIVE - We are indebted to Mrs. Howard' Pickard for drawing to our attention an item in "The Canadian Nurse." It mentioned that a native of Bowrnanville, Howard Walter Dale, had, been appointed ernpioyment relations consultant for the Manitoba Association of Registered Nurses. *Wchecked with Melville S. Dale because t1e- name is flot a common one in thîs area and besides fromn his picture he could have been a brother.> But, Mcl has no knowledge of this native son. Can any of our readers enlighten us? t t.- i. t. ti. CELEBRATION - Although Centennial Dominion Day is long past, frequent comments about the lack of a celebration in town, have prompted one gentleman to make a confession. The Rev. K. J. Frampton of St. John's expresses regrets to any- one who was awakened by the belîs of St. John's that rang out at rnidnight on June 3th to cele- brate the anniversary occasion, but he assures citizens their sleep will'flot be similarly disturbed for another huindred years. So, apparently, there was a celebration in town after ail. t t t t t NINETIETH - Congratulations to Mrs. Frederick G. Cornis,, 45 Alington Ave., Oshawa, who cele- brated her 9th birthday on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Cornish, Tyrone. She was born on Juiy 16, 1877 at Tyrone on the farm now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jeweli. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cornish and family f rom Sudbury were also present for this happy occasion. Mrs. Cornish is in excellent heaith and has been an ardent reader and subscriber to the Statesman ahl her lîfe and stiil looks forward to its arrivai each week. She was formerly Martha Hardy, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hardy. i. t t t OMISSION - Our hurnblest apologies for inad- vertentiy oritting the namne of Brian Black of Orono from the picture hast week of the Centen- niai public schooi award winners in Clarke Town- ship. Aiso, an error was made over the phone by either us or the party phoning that caused some embarrassment to one customer in a Card of Thanks. We try to be as careful as possible but suggest that in the interests of accuracy such items shouid be typed eut and maiied or handed in. Then if we make an error in setting it inte type, we shall be happy to reprint it without charge. t t t t. i SHOCK - Those who knew him in this ares, wiii find it hard to believe that energetic 54-year- oid Herb Mackie had a heart attack and died on Sunday. He had been ur-npiring a playoff se! tball garne on Saturday afternoen and suffered a seiz- ure some heurs later. His funeral was held today fromn Ebenezer Church. His death is a great loss to the Darlington community. t t.-.t t t FIRES - Bowmanville firemen had a couple of cails recently. Que was over a week ago near Courtice where some sawdust caught fire in a oellar and caused considerable smoke damage. Last Thursday afternoou, a similar blaze ini the basernent of Brian Upjohn's cottage at Eufield coyered al floors with soot and did some smoke damnage. Apparently, there was a poor phone' conniection wlth the result the brigade made two trips te the area before locating the fine. t + t t t RYDRO- According te Alex Çarruthers, MPP for Durham, Ontario HYdro is securmng options ou between 700 and 900 acres in Hope Township for what may be a nuclear or a foasil-fueled power station, smrn e -ne the future. The options wil permit soil etn to determmnie if the Cad could carry the massive structures required. It as believ- ed such a plant would be in the 2,000,000 kilowatt wig.4-#i t were buM the.e 16_Pages BOWAN VILLE, ONTAIUO, WEDNEDAY, JULY lelUT New $15 Million Plant C m ig Igrut se About 250 Employed at Cernent Plant'Constructioný Proceeding on Schedile Work on th. new $1 5,000,00 plant noar BoWmanvilf. buit for the St. Marys Cernent Company is proce.dlng apa&.. Con- struction is up to stheduie and it is *xpect.d that aIl will b. completed and the plant MIIl b. ahi. to go into production in September 1968. The building contractor la the E. G. M. Cape <ornpany, Limited, Montreal. Work on the plant started in March,.nd th. foundation is now nearly completed. About 250 local mon are working on the- constructiofi now. More wiII be hired later by the Cape Company, but not for some *very day and night. enew cernent plant will Company's undcrtaking hcre tion will -arnount 1tÔ 2,000,00() ne of the most modern wiil have a quarry, crushing barrels of cementý each year. rial buildings in Ontario. system;' millroom, a kiln, St. Marys Cernent Company ill be cornputcrizcd and wherc cernent is burned, and have 750 acres ultlaat4d south central control. There 23 silos for the- storage, of raw of thc CNR lUne. eThislad e a staff o! approximate- material and flnishcd cernent. bordera Lake Ontsao Il and a when it gocs into opera- It Is panncd that produc- divided by Waverly IW,'d, nMackenzie isaUicPro Manager. Other key per- :f~ Il who have corne fronM a y A t cio s there are John Down. son, Plant Engineer,- oge Gough, St. Marys, At Legion iCarnival O~ffice Manager; Bill WWd-a Slippery Rock, Ohio, T L .r 5 et Supervisor; Jim IL UV L 1w I IL àell, Baie Corneau, Que., hsF i ay Elnn 'ance Co-ordinator and_______________ Francis, Toronto, Electri- The Royal Canadian Legion upenintendent. The office Carpival to lic lcld in Mcm- RATIFYT JAW »ENANDS at present is composed oria Park on Friday cvening,Bagnigsr ss Denise Wessels, secre- July 2lst, by Brandi 178 Wi gni str July 3lst Bowrnanville; Irvine provide fun and fine enter- at General Motors when Local Is, cierk, Oshawa; and tainmnent for men, womcn and 222 of United Auto Workers Van Dyke, clcrk, Bow- chldren. In case of ram o wil lie dcmandig about 30 ille. Fiday the Carnival Will be pages ef items froni -the cern- n thc construction is on Saturday cvening. pany for their ncw, contract. J ýd the St. Marys Cenent Cash prizes of $5, $10 and About 2,000 rnemligrs spent $15 will be drawn at 9 p.n., three hours recebtly'ratifyiug * 10 .m.,and 11 oclock. Thr the demands. 'ber MakueCar Draw for a 1967 Oldsmo- .Iiicluded will be wage par- bl utlass F-85 Sedan wfth ity with US wôrkersi guaran- V-8 engine, autornatic, and tced annual incouxe, pensions ~muadI~uMuawhite waii tires will take over 55, full medical coverage,I 's SuUUUIII7 ýplace. Uirce days off for death ofa The prizes in the Ladies grandparent, and seouo. Herbert M. Mackl. The death occurrcd sudden- ly, July l6th, at the Oshawa General Hospital, following a heart attack, of Herbert Mal- colm Mackie, of Ebenezer. He was in his 54th year. Mr. Mackie lad umpired the semai- final game of a softball tour- nament here Saturday and suffered the seizure sorne lours later. A son o! Mrs. Annie Mackie of Oshawa and the late Alex- ander Mackie, the deceased was boru lere October 29, 1913. A lifelong resident of the district, he was rnarried March 4, 1939, in Toronto. A mail contractor, Mn. Mackie was a very active member of Eberiezer United (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Auxiiiary Draws wil lice Rcd- wood Furuiture, Pole Lanxp, Electrie Blanket, Dressed Dol plus $5 cash,' Fishing Rod and Tackle Box. There wiil be a coliossal B in go booth, refreshments, (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Colbary Band G athers for OrangePrade This arcs was well repre- seuicd lu the big Orange Parade lu Toronto laut Bat- urday by 62 members et the Celbary clan, lucluding five frean Oshawa sud tbree frolu Bewmauvlile who were well Up front wlth thete baud. Colbary cian mm- bers came front Mchigan, Illinois, Ohio aud New York State- for the occasion. Mr. sud Mm. Karl Colbaey sud thefr sou Frank, Liberty Place, were the Bowmau- ville represeutatives. The Coîbarys beld Uic big reunicu sa a euntenlal. tribute te their clan father, Who would have becu 100 Years old this year. H. taught bii. blîdren te play the tiute snd drums befor. bis dcath lu 1936. They aise took part ln thej Oshawa parade a wcek car-.. Ber when their base drum-1 mer "«Scotty" Skldauore suf- tered a hcart attack sud died. For the Toronte parade, they wcrc able te recruit Bob and Dave Kennedy frontm Bowmauvllle who took over1 on the bas. sud leal druma. E Fireman Presented Watch At the Recreation Dept Boys' Day Camp, l interesting wash basin, complete with mirror, considerable -attention from parents and guests lai' Thursday. Steven Wiggins gives a demonstratioja -et the usefulness and effectiveness of the homiemade' 'O Canada' on Claxon Horn, WilIAnnQou.n' ce Arri.vao Con federatioan Caravan The Confederation Canlivan Bowrnanvillc, Friday, Juply 28 at Memorial Park, bringing te Canadians the story of ic nation and lier people in a way it's neyer been told be- fore. coming when you heàr ts mighty claxon blaningeut the first four notes of "0 Can- ada" as the eiglit glant trac- tor-trailers roll Into town to1 Memorial Park early in thc Wiii Attend- Opening 0f Saskatchewan DaCm' Russell C. Honey, M.P. for responsible for the project. Durham and Mng. Honey will The dam Is expected te rM- attend the ceremonies maàrk- volutionize farrning in thc ing the officiai opening o! thé central ares o! Saskatchcwat. James G. Gardiner Dam In The 160 mile lake created by Saskatchewan JuIy 21st. Mr. the dam is named atter for- and Mrs. Honey 'lI accor- mckr Prime Minister John pany Agriculture Minister j. D fenhaker. This lake will J. Greene and Mrs. Gree to vide recreational fecilities Saskatchewan. The damnwil Saskatchewan. be officially openedý by Prime r. line w illli Minister Pearson. Mr. Efreene's departnient ha. been Because e! its size . It wl lie accompanled by -a police escort. There, the drivers wifl arrange, Uic colorful trailens in a quadrangie, set up thc mobile regional ç'xhibits, en- tranoe gangways *nd bridget betwecn trailers - suad Uic show ia ready to open. Prom 11 a.m. until il p.M. daly visitors can expenience the devciopment f' Canada from prneval times te thc ,present. It's net a museum or an art Corifederation' Caravan Coming Here',ý TÈhe Coufederion .Cari- van comng te Memor1«,r Park on Jule 28, 29, 30, w1lt'y be open front il o'loome- every m orun nili 1111> o'clock euoh .nWgL TberuÏ wlil b. Ceuteinlal displ&ayat and hi. st eri1o -exhlbltlonçw.* There ian noadml.ssiou*w charge.4 The openlng. ceremony te" the Confederaion Car»&*aig wIil be beld at M.morts4 Park at il o'clock on 'PrW day morning, ZuiySthHIÇ Woruhlp Mayer Ivan bW wll take part. BpecalgàW t whè will b. »r.sentuez ltussçilC. Roxey, Dry.tq1 Durbn Couuty, Aloi Car ruthers, 1,.,Reeve',EarI fHL CIt. ofDari on Retirement L eceutly, Bowmanville's tire brigade honored one or thair was roeeMcts memnbers, Almon D. Fletcher, who had aerved on the,1 brigade for &=roen, abb, 27 years and was retiring. They held a private eU¶when Vire ment wlio i Chie! Tom Lyle presented Mt. Fletcher with a =mitob y imnsbd Ville whilI 4 PId wriaot watch'tKomb. imea ~co>Iegu..Ou Mou*qb. a 1. . - - - . . .#a- -1 1 q

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