Socîa/I& £kersona l Cut Wedding Cake at Reception Phone 623-3303I Mn-. Hershall Darch, Longlfromi Detroit last weekend to Island, New York, la visiting accompany him home. iÂmrs. Annie Darch Oke. Mrs. Desmend Balmer and ~iis esieNrnis of Rye- her daughter, Mns. John Phil- ,7ate, England, is a guest of., lips, of Wakefield, Yorkshire, rM. and Mrs. Walter Woolley, England, and Mn. and Mrs. Prince Street. ýFen wi ck Balmer, Toronto, Mrs.* R. D. Woods of Lon- were recent guests of their don, Ont., is visiting her sis cousins, Mn. and Mrs. Harry ter-in-law, Mrs. ;Geo. W. Jam- Hughes, Liberty St. North. es. King St. East., Mrs. G. Graham. Wiflow- Mr. Win. G. James, Mont-tdale, has retunned home after real, Que., visiter his mother,;an enjoyable week's vîsit with Mrs. Geo. W. JamesKing St.lher son-in-law and daughter, East, on Monday. e,ýMr. and Mrs. Ernie Wessells. "-'. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shee- Mn. Graham is stili a patient l'an, Lambs Lane, attended i St. John's Convalescent the Gray-Jones wedng Hospital where he is recoven- Saturday in Port Hope. 1 ing fro mthe effects of a bro- Mr. and Mns. Milton J. El- Thn eg liott attended the funeral of!Te Rev. K. J. Frampton ~Z EX-Warden Mn. Wilbert Day-, wishes to make it dlean that ey held in Cobourg last week. he is ntovaation, contrany .~.~yb..........Y to curnent rumours. Anyone. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Taylor, having difficulty n contact- .,:,.s<' Michael and Kenny, Duncan- ing him, should contact the,.......~~ BCare vacationing with Mn.!Churchwardens, Mn.W.Mn-2' ' and Mrs. Harold Bal s o n, doadaW n . Manin-, . i~~ Hampton. ~who will know whîch weeks ~; . . . . . . Mn. and Mrs. M. L. Roenigk, .in August he will be away....... King St. West, spent a week Mn dMn.EneGy with Dr. and Mrs. H. B. rsA- ner of Stratford at their sum- . lrt Gay, Islington, Mrs. Myr- mer omein Gdench. tle Gay, North Toronto and Master Steven Elliott, Whit- Mn. Genald Black, Scarbor- by, is holidayîng with his ough spent the weekend with gnandparents, Mn. and Mrs. A. 1Mns. Edith Black and Mrs. ... .. J. Clanke, Lambs Lane, while Harny Osborne and attended his Parents are at Expo. the Osborne - Henderson wed- Miss Elsie Oke, Temperance ding in St. Paul's United St., and her guests, Mn. and'Chunch on Satunday, July 15. Mns. Lonne Keeler and their Recent visitons with Mr. and son Jeffrey, Lauder, Man., ne Mrs. Gordon C. Martin wene cently spent four days ait Ex- Mn. and Mrs. Glenney McNeil Po. of Winnipeg, Revenend and Ms. obrtCarter Ms Lloyd Reaume, Matthew and children, Windsor, wereland Andrew of Beanbrook, weekend visitons with'Mrs. J. Ont., Mrs. Frank Bingham, Carter and family. They also Colleen, Deanne and David of IM visited Mn. Ernest Adams ad: Toronto Gneg. Mar t i n of family.Necse stayed with Mn. Mn. John Hughes has ac- and Mrs. Martin while bis pr cepted a position at Loblaw's ents, Alec and Marilyn Man- head office in Toronto andtiTmyadDnyis- commenced duties in the Ac- ed Expo. counts Payable Department Lt.-Col. and Mns. Wm. J. last week. lBnown were visitons last week Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Asseistine are shown in the above photo as they cut 's. H. Reynolds and Miss from JulY 10 to July 14, of S i 1 y Reyols, etoit 1Mns. Brown's Parents, Mr. the wedding cake at the reception following their marriage in St. Joseph's Detroit, and hwere the guests of Mr. nd ns. E. Harnden, King St. Roman Catholie Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday af ternoon, July 8, 1967 at 2 ÎnMrs. Ennie Wessells and East, returning to Germany, ocock. The bride is the former Miss Mary M. Frey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Denise Wessells on Mon-1 where Lt.-Col. Brown is sta- Josef Frey, R.R. 2, Nestieton, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. day and Tuesday. tioned, on the l4th. They wene Mrs. .R ihlo a e ennoute fnomn attending their Vernon G. Assestine, R.R. 3, Burketon.Pht yA orSui -uRnd .Nihome onafter- idaughten Penny's manniage t trehoeatrhoidayng ý i Calgary. Mrs. J. J. Brown, C A for two weeks at Lake Mus- 'Mn. Donald Isaac on Juy 8th koka with hen daughter and' Pennyttsnpatennal Rrandmoedth-rc son-în-law, Mn. and Mns. W. Ien' aenlgadoh H. McMillan and family. er, was a guest at the wedding. Dr. and Mns. K. Billett and We notîced in an article, family attended the 10th Bien- V Wildlife " by Jim Baillie, niai Congress o! the Canadian 1iwhich appeared in a recent Association of Optometrists Toronto daily that Jim Riech- held from June 30 to July 5th ards o f Bowmanville had the in Montreal, Que., and also at- good fortune to discoven a......... tended Expo. lGoshawk nest within the ac f .4.v Mn. and Mns. Bert Vaneden ý cepted limits of the Toronto cf VenenaalHollnd, r egion (a 30-mile radius fro of Venenaal Holandarecentre Toronto). the nest held ... guess ofMn. nd Ms. Tny young birds. With the finding i Baars and spent last weekend lof this nest, the number of àÊ1 with Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Stev- ibird species now knn t - ensMonrealThy reorta 'bneed in the Toronto region is - very pleasant visit to Expo 1162. '67. Mns. Chas. Cassin, Dan and' Mr. and Mns. Gordon Mur- Patrick, Bolton, are guests o!fhJ m n adWn Mns. Cassin's sister and bro- sor, On t., were weekend visit.S ,~ ther-in-law, Mn. ad lnors of Mrs. Murphy's parents,~, Alan H. Osborne, Brown St., Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gra- and are visiting ber mothen, htdi ay ne tet nSt Itns. F. .Tih, naohr , M. and Mrs. Murphy and town elatves.Mn. and Mns. Graham were tow rlaivs.guexis at the Gray-Jones wed- g Mn. Wesley Davey o! Det- ding in Port Hope.Matr roit Mih., as etu nhome Jimmy and Sandy did not ne- after a visit with his sisters, turn to Windsor with their ' Mrs. W. A. Edger and Mrs. W. parents, but remained fora ters, Maion and Verna, came ents. *' '- 1--SLTN FRET son o! Mn. and Mns. Vernoi Z~ St. Joseph's Roman Catholic ton. ItnRR ,Bne,........ x Church, Bowmanville, en- RvF .Mln a h hanced with baAkets of pink oe.F.î.ing leryan. Mn. F.e caratons g1 ad o iand Van Hoof played the wedding i mums, was the setting for musican aco aie th the maniage on Saturday fand soloist n. J. Fair ternoon,.Jul. .,.1967,.at . congregations Mn. Ardis' McAtbur Wasl IVELLMAN - COURTICE I cade bouquet of Johanna Hill gnoornIs mother h oea worîlp n St PuIs es a. Gad sesin e<Ms. vaDine Courtieoses, stephanotis.and ivy. emhroidered beige chiffon, __________________ j ::t ma an usenig Missdugter cf Mn.and MCorice, n iss P ~at -Williagson w~as sheath, beige accessoies and ____________________selstine. Mse John Robnt Contce maids were Mrs. Rogen Lee- roses. beanen andy1Mr. John EdwntOoe isJa elaBfr evn o h was ring er. Wellman, son of Mr. and Mrs» oe isJa Wlmn eoeievn o hi _______________ The neception was held in EwnWlmn saa sister of the groom, Miss honeymoon in New York Cit the Canadian Legion Hal.'].i'elmnOhaa ex- Grace Clemens and Mrs. Ray-,the brideý donned, for travel- REOB THOsaw, hebndes oterchanged marriage vows in mond Wood. They were ýItîîlng, a white lace dress de- REHOreceiveda. in abdep trse atuna Unatednon, uly 1n5, ed in full-lengtb sheath signed with bell sleeves, and ChitanRfrre repie dres in ethuce oce 196at 2.30 eroock. J0uly 1, owns in empire styling O! complemented by pale pink ChrstanRoored caned crsg s ofith acyboelv'230 - ck Lve mint green silk onganza, ac- accessonies. They will reside Churc and orsag of sft yelowIýarrangements o! Picardy gla- cetdb ui-ordslka31SgenyA .,p.3, Church tea roses. The groom's motberj dioli and potted fenns made entoied fmliored rm n sihkaw1 aunyAeAt flcugog Street assisted to receive and choseia ttrativ sttngfor tlth embroine d flo tim anOhaa a canany yellow dness adorn- anThnatve brithen.clineand odic, an Mnse:ed witb lace, matcbing la .i ceremony. faui~ a detachable shoul- uTe ubie whoo attnd Minan orae fpaeter: e. .Arcttwsthe< der train. Whimsy veils of silk Bwavle and Courtice Rev. . Va denB rr coa teandro se o! officiating clergyman. Mrs. illusion adorned their match- H g c oli wth o r Rev. A Vand nBerg low ea ro es. Erie C ourtice played the w ed- ing floral eaddresses and U C O h w ~.A.. B.D., M.Th.Aften the rceptin th ding music and also accOm-f their cascade bouquets were op atr t happy couple left on their! panied the soloist, Mn. Ross o! Picandy gladiol.i on green bookkeeper at Wellman Mo- Worhi Sevies wedding trip to Montreal,; ecî.bkrud. tons, Oshawa, the groom at- i Que., and Expo '67. For tra- Given in marniage by ber Mn. Andnew Murdoch was anded ..J, Pshiolsin Publi 10 8 lu velling the bride wore ai !gther the bride wore a full- best man and ushering were anda.CVI.scolinOh 7:30 p..i white crepe dress accented byi length seath goawn of white Mn. John Fonder, Mn. Robertia. a turquois chiffon coat. Tbey silk legoda featuringa daisy Law, Mn. Lawrence Courtice, Out-of-town guesti attend- 11:1 &.m Sunay Shoolwlll be residing in Australia.1 patterned Swiss lace empire brother o! the bride, and Mn. cd from Kitchener, Bright,i 11:5 rn unay chol A teacher on the staff of! bodice wlth Bateau necklîne Barry Little. Norwood, Toronto, Orillia and' St. Josepb's School, Bowman- and lily-point sleeves, and The reception was held inI Belleville. Back To God fout ville. the bride attended Cati- highlighted by a flowing de- Ebenezer United Cburch Hall.! Several parties bonored thel wnlght High School and Pet-tahbetano iialaeTebiesmte eevdbieporohr.rig. CKILB ierbrouh Tehr' oleg t achtabl e ino es'.i An wTe nid e's mote neeiv edî bide nity be'. marrîage.j ITe go ucaters e g ar-e. cught ahedish or.An r ean in a spaletbuenshath bTdehesmit, hin wh.chte i ry S "Y,9:15 p.T wih Hgroom utten aerlooCant-euisedhedpiîe o! rg a dre o! sikeshantung witthie iesrheHll.a Shower .ýZVer: jLutherun University and Mc- and studded wlth cryutal, noled neckline, mtcing ac- ui1tiles were given by Doris, iconinuehis studies in Aus-j shoulder-length voil of iliki sweetheant roses. She .vasiMason Pat Williamofandî "Eprjo. Wloone' Mte iersity, Ho hld bon e ouant, acas-ed, cssies nd ecorsang cf h Jo ber,HamptofOshanon Nearly 3,000 Attend Bible Conference of 7th Day Adventists Nrearl ,0 ventist "But it isn't the chemicalý cr lidte campus o! Kings-; composition of our bodies, or way College, Oshawa, necently our genes or our chromosoýmes for the closing day o! the that need changing" ho as- oight day Seventh-day Adven- sentod, "but u basic nature. tist Summer Bible Conferonco. And this can be accomplished Pastor G. F. Dalnymplo, cdi- only by Divine Intervention." ton o! publications for the Pastor Wilson told Adven.. Faith For Ecumonical Move-Itists that thero Is a good deal ment gave the final address o! bad news coming from Saturday night. lanound the world, especîallys "Perhaps the greatest cuta-' from the Middle East, whenee lyst to the xnushnooming Ecu- ho worked for the Advontist menical Movement today is the church for many yoars. mounting problem of atheistic A play pontnaying the phi- Communism," hie saîd. "Ideo- losophy "of Christian educatior. logies such as this can't be was put on by the students< stopped by guns or tanks. We and staff o! Kingsway College! need men and women with Saturday afternoon. missionary zeal, who are will -__________ ing to sacrifice thein li!e's on- orgies in carrying the teach- ings o! the way o! Christ to IJJUJ.N eveny corner o! the globe." Neal C. Wilson, who heads Cburch service at 1:30, the Seventh-day Adventist o'clock on Sunday aftennoon. Church in North Amneica, ad- Rev. Nothy will be on hoi-1 dressed the assembly Satur- days for the month o! August. -day monping. We will not be having anyl "There are somne people wo chucb service during August.! suggest that we sbould i- Haydon cbildren are at- j prove the purity o! our low i tendîng Vacation Bible Scbool- morality though scientifîc1 at Tyono Church, wichi control o! future generatibns started on Monday afternoonj by test-tube babies," Pastor for two weeks. Wilson said. Mrs. Walter Murray, Ton- onto, is a few days Letters to the Editor with Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Mrs. Lloyd Asbhton and Mrs.I July, 1967 Walter Murray attendod the Dear riendWerny picnic at Blackstock Dean niendRecroation Centre on Satur-1 o! The Salvation Army: day. The National Chairman, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton,ý The Hon. Leslie M. Frost, Mrs. Walter Murray weel joins witb the Public Be- Sunday dininer guests of Mn. lations Advisony Commit- and Mns. E. A. Werry and Mn. teeand myself in express- J. A. Werry, Ennîskillen. ing to you and your news Mr. and Mns. B. McDonald,i media staff our heartfelt Bow manville, called on his thanks for the splendid sup- sister, Mns. A. Thompson. pont given to the 1967 Na- r.Toponacmai tional Appeal for funds on edMandThMsn accopan- behalf o! the many Bcded n. anitd tMer. Mtna Sbicld services o! The Sal-an vite thrdage, vatin Ary trougoutMrs. W. Blight and family, at vatin a rdat.ogu their cottage on Cameron You will be pleased to Lake. know that it has been a Mrs. Tbompson and Mns. J. most successful camag Abbott and Steven wene lun- and we are hopeful tht h cheon guests o! Mrs. Alex national quota will be over- Wiseman and Sandy, Bow- subscibed.manville, and also called on~ subscibed.Mrs. F. Osmond. T. L. Canswell, Miîss Lily Tabb neturned (Lieut.-Colonel) home on Sunday, havingr Nationql Campaign spent a couple o! weeks with Director. Mr. and Mrsî,. Vtnn,, Aie (olgate 1Oo MOUTH WASH Sugg. list 1.49 11 SIvikri*n SHAMPOO 1.39 Valus for 1.24 I.D.IA SPECIAL 1.07 PRESCRI PTIONS The Canadlan Statesman, BowmnvMfe, 3uly 10, 198z? Salem. Ahtnndam Th pon and v1uited Mr Mrs. BillAsho ad Ba.To Thompson and" iamily lly, Belleville, are spending a Leskard. few days with Mrs. Fred Glad to hear William TreZ Ashton t thefr cottage. win returned home from Cràh4 Mr. and Mr. Fred Ashton, awa Hospital on Tuesday. M. and Mrs. Bert Ashton, Mrs. Don Cameror i vsited Toronto, attended the Brad- her husband at Sunnybro*. ley pienie at Orono Park onl Hospital, Toronto, on SundaÎj' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grai Mn. and Mrs. Ross Ashton hami attended the Quinniý* ad ,aiY, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor wedding at Buketon Sharp and family had a Pic- United Church on Saturday. flic supper with the Lloyd Miss Lynne Red was or- Ashton famly on Sunday. ganist. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Thomp. Mrs. Arthur Read spent the son and Cynthia, Bowman- weekend with Mr. and Mrs,' ville, called on Mrs. Thomp- Gordon Dudley, Bulington. son on Friday. Glad to hear M. John Pott$ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tay- expects to be home soon fronm. lor and family, Enfield, were Memorial Hospital, Bowman. Sunday dinner guesta ot Mrs. ville. ~w ~w w SLIPS 'Values to $6.95 AmS Clearing COTTON SLEEWEAR.9 ONOWLY Q $3e00and up BETTER DRESSES ALL CLEARING from $ -9 to $1699 Values to $35.00 -ALL SALES FINAL - c PoIy.ViuSoI Drops 3,59 50 c. Sgg. ist5.30 MINERAL OIL 59 16 oz. Regular 69c 9 Bromo Seltier -..99, Sugg. Bit 1.19 ALEX McG."REGOR. PHONEG6211M 5 KING ST. W. - PHONE 6234792 77ý- m 9 J 6 h HATS 1. D. A REMEDIES 5 KING ST. W