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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1967, p. 9

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World's Best Stock ,Qc * 4* Ken"s Edge Kramp's 5m4 For Seventh Foster Win Ken's Men's Wear edged inning, and bits by Moe Rich- ]Rramps Furniture 5-4 last ards, Don Bagneli and Clint Wec eday to regain first Ferguson drove in a run each. placein the Men's Town Lea- In the third Kramp's tied the ge. ýlthough he gave up 13 game, scoring three tinies off bits, winning pitcher Bob five bits, the big blow being Foster was tough in the a two run double by Ray clutch, as Kramp's leit il Crombie. Colin Cooke drove runners stranded. The win for in the third run. Foster was bis seventh in a Krarnp's took the lead in rdw after losing his first start the fourth as Alex Wiseman of the season., doubled, stole third and came Ken's, scored three runs inhom on a throwing error. the first inning off starter Theebases were left loaded on Pat Corneli. A bunt single two singles and a walk. With by Terry Black started the Colin Cooke now pitching, NEW FOR 1967 BEAVER MA N UFA CTrUREO HOMES HA WTHORN E Now 26 Manufactured Homes Te Choose From At Reaver. 1 PEMBERTOIN ~ ~ i* ' S Two:Storey, Split Level And *.Ranch Style Factory Built To Save You Time And Money! ÎÀMARCK ~The easiest, most economical R ....way to build a fine home of your own . * a Beaver ~. Manufactured Home. Des- igned to meet and exceed C.M.H.A. and V.L.A. speci- fications, there are 26 homes to ehoose from at Beaver. WIFEÔ You eau bulld your own home or act as your owu *"' contractor to save money. * To heip, a Beaver construc- tion auperintendent lh at the site for a day to make sur* '-"TNCHURST your home la properly started. Aiways As Near As Tour ]Phone . . . BeaVer la At * Tour Service! When Fou dccl Jocally with »«aVer Lumber, there lu ne long distance travel or .- phoune eau for assistance. FRE BROCIU]RE o0ur Beaver Manager la WITH ALL THE PACTE alwayi there when yen need. AND> Fl03fftPLANS .49314 readY lu h*lP. Phone AT BAVER... TOLgg o r v i sit te -& .F I B S G L U MM MSTORES 94 King St. East ph... .U BowmanVille The er Uruvers -in Action at Iawartha 25Q l ntormediates Win Op~ener ! hf' O0ver Orono 2m.0 T e On Fiday, JuIy 28, Bow- N mrmv le.s new Interrmediatei N hard, bail team played Orono Juveniles at Orono Park and by Jim Clarke to the Bowxnanville boys were weri the vrirtors with a 2-0 vlctory. Alter two defaulted contests, oi The winners stayed ont0hytes Upholstery upet Frar due to the good pitthing byp Frank's Variety 15-7,in Mon-F( Jim oorraf Wra Radei day night's Jr. Men's double JimMoocrat, rayRaneilheader at Memorial Park.Tépc and Bob Osborne. These pit-r tei bstofsee chers, trying to get their yictory moves Whytes in front - arms baki hpsrc nterbs fsvnsemi- Co 1bbledick and al e firaley2-. nthrer run was scored o Sn"Sodnwofossed un ,..~. owmnvile y Aex i the tfirst the f r ea -o mInithe hird. nnicg ern r nkws tgged foren four toe n oglenteor ih dBerun and two ba-its. Heallo Fou o!thetopcar ad dives I th Ka arha 50 t MspotionStwhec ndd heitin n at hed ie rls pan aed o attractive bis byEarofrnprirelef urlr Bia j the ver-i wnnerP arelliJone, alo ina Fod. A left ble in the nse Penth Jande ts pun rad srog gaeaais O ve P te bo ou h C ub riAnob M rn ajerrso, dnf a beiowenoaled Twaley lac.Teoutefrttre rms-o fioe sained iou Mth e ut- un ad t- -'s.H alo p oay inthfKwth o arague Trer s ian trie, Ken îng ar0a ound the2Oof St-ihelan Brr Oer. dfiewlsan a on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ itn a wnnngnoe, as wekMcenzeBorSepelseLyn hre ae urngth gae hecoc udfating te hotur teea mpcur y e Wlonth For te nierstytheAppliancesbonean Thus, wonlSeniorJuniorsindgleg.nerr.11es Clintndrg4son and durk of Gulph taffand ormely o tCowleeviwor-kedveinn ail. playeersg toroughes iasnet trecontest,aDrnmarh-tess arAIsroBtD- h diig ere wil beompetitiono ie hals chanseveto sne-sFoT A T ES, And eNpi abet peraFor andinthey ealw r ahn, Di ones loi odRun- s lsintesvnhad ihhsu ton anaant lothe irst tfcive cMntss adl, ArtHooperuan en o intls oublebanTMixdwh tathey cohn do, esuithe L A d n JF.I En' with iopsidedescoes. Siemon.hedOarotro-iin victoryeumber onerKeelyi phies nd be owtcinte parfo te Phonus,623-3se3vie inTenvicreso helS Qaeni rs i m h niedcnit fA"ýftoo hirrglrhr- coupleloof weeksywere not sufipLadies'KDoubles. JeanHMont- eicieJthforoa pla offrberth. gomery,,DotaClysdaleo(Qua The DumprsveBent aeirpiayofinker)rdef.owMildredormatherlm, th loavennisple i aro aes(ow), 6-0,oeDnisMFeer, ytshwvi adto Besides ths, everyboyden- M'ied Doubles Norah AI joaye iutn ln the g a e. l rin, Lla Ca riso kBw e f.e n rudte2t o h n ar lvr The alwin ing noplat ers pr- Iene , Jo es, Pau ,L arr on th i he g lass1 Drn h gm h o'- F rOdA pin ticipatein thye r's e ague2.(uakle, W -4, 6-2. Anna piay, anh e tlu b e songtru Strike, JaL e sRundl Bow> eir uir ndBgnes1e lntFruo n uk Ann Strîke, Norahnllin, Quaker, 6-i. 6-3. C latt e onter fin e showin g ef.S hiL s Crle so n,RaylJames, T ee wl e c m eii nt-ogvet e h net Juale Alrorneyb, Vîr- My eFrnk Doues:nHughDin igeDube-n Iwatte ol orslig ST Mron Jae is, Mîlded Witet-1krdl e f. Bob ev n ens it xi itr ubroe ep Ken's tnded the scorecm inaicthe Dunneer frougt Jamesne 6B-330 bottm the our fthe astkvdf. Qiuakevr JA"k Mr Bondpled an sored on rf aie(Quer)s-3 . ot Bo Fiin fostr as sacrifice fiy. g Juni, ot eis a- The ni n r uvm n aysofrd T ef.younge contin etofi y, nth fit inigb 'Aci'the local tennis clur i ain ae bowent6-to Baginellfsrun b ail . eîn6 efo-d0rdta. bO Bede thi and sco dy n - o iiti o ubones T hAfol.o.- RBIe fort Bag he gavbutewlinghree atches, Bwhie Teage flaone moayre har n inestwoulWarrnAdr, teamate MnethRichars. l Tim (usan) -, 6-2uck Cattr Wiseayandhadre e bits conrt- STre ae mrue o tes i td twie ndfstoeswobase Junirehibitonsithaesff-CNTA wia thie Ray rbe, reding.QWereare-thr6st3o CJule and Clin Cooke wo o w - m nviholes: unior playrs itsni eh. Moe Rcardsvands(ohboys ilad gls)? Qu- ClMain F aerg sn led nsWth- e)dFu o tuevens, W i ~gIfl S ORTO2PIOZa PIC du'sties Intekcor inavertunentlyomittaes the nam aIto Brc oweth e woualJcdeail berJsifkwMurdn, BThe Bellesba aund will berep h ortngeDrbcontinLaesnAtoatofEg Fctry poPardkyeAr pin t outthat ingBcecpabemaneoftnnslht & Co WeyovitEpo ,dntmssengheB sB oftbaîîgme. gatethem"Mae withe Providematchaslion B wmandville Meorib ark banioerhbtosintakeoffhny- ii or oa Pdntms Cne g o n ec en es with t Eeinlaon ft heh vnrAi 'sru i .~,, T-1 I chain fence ail round and on Friday, the first time lights have been turned on for softball gaines. The four big stand- ards with their three 1,000 watt buibs each really kick out quite a bit of ligbt. The teanis probably will take a bitof tume getting accustomed to playing under the bulbs, but should find it casier to round up players at the later bour so there won't be quite as many defaulted gamnes. It wasi quite an exciting occasion on Friday night when Mayor Hobbs pusbed the Confederation Caravan button ta sound the "O Canada" theme on the big horn that was also the signal for the lights to be turned on. For a few seconds, the crowd wondered if they were going to work but thenj they graduaily came to life and transformed the :fild intoý a brilliant set up. It wasn't long before a trial run was going strong with a bahl and bat appearing from out of, nowhere. We say congratulations and appreciation to the Centenniai Committee who have worked so bard to raise the money for this centennial project and special thanks to Recreation Dîrector Bud Fanning who camne up with the, project and was able to obtain the go abead.î CENTENNIAL PROJECTi OPP Constable Harold "Pat" Corneil had bis own Cen-' tennial project ail lined up, but found that quite a few. others were cager to heip. He had planhed to move the' bicachers fromn Vincent Massey playground to Memoriai Park once the iights had been instailed and do the necessary rebuildîng. Eariy this week, he had quite a few helpers inciuding Herb Knapp and his tow truck, Frank Cook on behaîf of Tom Stewart of the Works Dept. Ron Hetherington, Gary Tighe, Jack Parker and other players froni bath thc senior and junior bail clubs. They made quick work of the transfer ln time for spectators attendlng thecsmn-final playofis this wcek to enjoy watching froni' more or iess confortable seats. t t t~ PARNELLI JONES COMES THROUGH On Saturday at Mosport only about 20,850 showed up, for the Kawartha 250 late model stock car races, but theyl bcd e goad time and there was pienty cf excitemnent asl the big cars kept leaving the track on the turns, throwlngý up great piles cf gravel and, incidentaily, tearing biazes! out of their tires. Parnelli Jones won the Bardahl Trophy and top moncy by coming in second in the first beat to Andretti and ieadlngi the field in the second. His average speed was 88.8 miles an hour. Biggest thrili for the crowd ln front of the pits was to sec the crews changing tires and gassing up tbe big buggies in just a few seconds. It was a big day for Parnel Jones in bis Ford, but the tire manufacturers should be happy too with about 100 tires cut to ribbons by thc gravel.! Next major event will be the Player's Grand Prix of Canada et Mosport on August 27th whcn for the first lime1 the Formula One cars wiII try te conquer the twisting track. Il le hoped that tac frequent rains that have plegued Ihis yq!ar's events wif have subsided by that time s0 tbc drivers will b. able lu show what they cen do under Ideal con- MARVEL BRAND ICE CREAM FEATURE PRICE! %-acmn8 9 c TOILET TISSUE pg o4 ros53c PA&. prioopg e. k .- SaVE40 SHANK PORTION 1 BUTT PORTION 9,1 CINRE CUTS OR STEAKS 1lb, FUJLL CUT HALF HAMS - mUTr OR SHANK HALF - NO CENTRE SUICES REMOVED - AVAILABLE AT SUIGHTLY HIOHER RETAILS eCanadian Statesman, %~wmanvMfe, Aug. 2, 1987 9 love in Front 2-I1) hammering out A6 hiti added thre ; hits with MeFeete re far sharper ln the field,1ers, Beaupge and Kennett ail. - mritting eîght 'errors, while~ had twô bits each. For- inks booteci a total of -eight. Franks. Geýald Harness and eor Whytes, Bob Hellani Bob McMaeus were the pickc ýd their attack, with fouriwith three and two hit, res- eties. George Sainsbury, pectively. WNYONE WANTING ICE TIME. FOR FALL or WINTER Memorial Arena Bowmanmille ARENA MANAGEMENT 3EFORE SEPT. lst, 1967 'p JANE PARKER ERRY PIE REG. PRICE EACH 50. - SAVE 10a rPineappi.1 Twist Reg. price each &Uc - S'AVE'6o FE PrdCE!~H39 'J t[0-GROWN, lIYDRA-COOLED, No. 1 GRADE, FRESH PICKED YOUNG TENDER COBS )R.N 49, NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P W JERSEY, LARGE, TASTI, SWEET, No. 1 GRADE .UE.BERRIES' PINT 45< 'I h NO FURTHER PROCESSINC IHL LEAE FRESH TURKEY (UTS WHLE &49< IIUSS 5 9< r' Beef or Irish Reu. prie* tin 57o - SAVE go PURITAN STEWS 2z tin49e CR IIt "eîh& Mandlarin FEATURE PRICEJ PEATURE PRIORI ORANGES Inh'4îirn49C -r7c' N.. ...One n. jar A&PTUA 14b g6 9C a ~NONE PRICEDHIGER AT A&P SMOKED COOKE ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTERD THROUGH SATURDAV, AUGUS? kh,. 1507. i CONTACT: --' r%-!. -- -- 0- à le . fýr .1 àmà am àlib,

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