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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1967, p. 11

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Large Crowd Attends Liberal Picnic at Waltona Park Personal e ition for aur new! n I~r of the United Church. ~romas Smith, 'iltae ra Thursday evening at '4 p-m. Ail welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Perey MareiS Mpent a few days last weeki in St. Thomas visiting theirl Jaughter-in-la~w, Mrs. J. H.! '{are and family. BLACKSTOCK The Éirst Company Girlý ' uides carnped at Laurel , ~ t~~< Brook Park, July 16-22, 1967.ý rwenty-seven f r o m Cart- s wight and six Guides finym Drono spent a happy trne, with Mrn. Ivan Thompson, Ik Commandant; Mrs. Roy Tut-IA ner, Swimrner; Judy Coch- 4I beth Thompson, Nanýcy Dor- 4 j' reil and Joan Horton, Jno GUiders. During the week ofi BuÔshiny weather, Heather: Dorréll, Janet Turner, Susani MeColi, Elaine Metcaif, Jan-'> * ice Crawford, Linda Mc- , *. Laughlin and Cathy Wilson worked on their Pioneer bad- ge.Guides enjoyed severalý hikes including one to Cart-, .ý~.: wrgtsflrst cemetery where , . they expect ta do some: "cenng Up" this fail. m On Friday, Linda Mount-: joY and Canai Werry planned' a Field Day.and Regatta and, ended the evening with an in eresting camp fire. ýt the last camphire, Susan' MeColl was presented with: the prize for the Best AIl]; Round Camper. Alice An Carnaghan was voted Bestr Fjjf5t Year Camper. Heatherý DcÎ*ell's Patrol received theý prize- for Best Patol. This'; pattai consisted of Heather DýrreIl, Leslie Wright, Susan! >Thornpson, Alice Ann Camna- ghan, Donna Totten and Ln- da, 1pwn. This is the nirth cainOlthat Ca rt wright Guides, have eijoyed since they start- like ta thank ail the fathers and Scouts who helped withî the moving of equipmient T during the years. The Candace Unit met TUesday with Mrs, Harold: Kyte as hostess at their cot- Lage, Caesarea. Thirteen la- dies attended. Mrs. Roy Me &~ Laughlin gave the worship ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ *- from the theme "Take Tirne for ail Things". A letter fr#om .--. >ý White Horse, Yukon U.C.W. ý e was read telling of their workç.i *,. The Regionai meeting ta be '- held in Blackstock, Oct. .3th, j was announced. Mrs. Rah Larmer gave a talk on thei customs of earlier years. She! On Saturday af ternoon, the annual Liberal picnîc provincial candidate for Durham and James Potticary, then showed -the stone Jug was held at Waltona Park, with a large crawd f rom provincial candidate for Oshawa. Middle photo is onE that the men who are ren- vating the United Church 1all. parts of Durham and quite a few from 'Northum- of the several sàck races that produced considerabiE found. The paper with namesberlànd. Top photo shows,,ýfrom lef t to right, Russell excite'rnent and, in the lower picture, Dianie Evender of builders, chumch boatd, C. Honey, M.P. for Durham; Robin Russell, provincial is shaking off the remains of a' broken egg in the egg- etc., and a Bowmanvileicandidate for Northumberland; E. Richard Lovekin,. throwing contest. Statesman of 1887, ail in asf goad color as new. Lunch and Banporar isitingYDbrM*Uil ëi.~d Mrs. Dale e ocaltie rugt pea-McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs.' Gunter attended Expo.w @nt time ta a close. .IHrl Sincer sympthy i ex- d teWright, Oshawa, visit-: Mr .and Mrs. Bob Brvans tene r. ymand Mrs WiC-er heRoy McLaughlins on] and family holidayed at Kel - * Lawrence on the sudden deathSudyIl'sByo StronLk of her sister-inr-iaw, Mrs. Rev. and Mme. C. H. Fergu- last we Byk. s Agnes Fowler of Toronto,I son, Don Mills, and Miss, ode Byn s nw who was killed in an accident' Eleanor Ferguson. Edmonton,! speuding a few days with bis.V; 5 enroute ta Western Canada. Alta., were guests of Mrs.igrandparents, Mr. and Mrs.f Mm. and Mrs*Y Walter Law- Cecil Hill most oi the week. 1Jas. Bnyans at Caurtice. Deb- rence attended the funeral in They also visited Roy andi an orici pn- 'Toronto, Saturday. 'Bill Femguson's. ing this week with the Bob l Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook- A good number from thisiBys.-. son, Seagrave, Mr. and Mrs. areavite th Centennial T myWteincpa -" ober Lameuc an faily, Cofedeatin Ca ava n in with Mm. and Mrs. Herb. Pres- s ~Tra n Mr. L GadonandBowmanvilie, Friday, Satur- cOtt and b Ys of Darlington Mm. and Mrs. Jim Cookson, day or Sunday. spent last week at Expa. ail of Oshawa, visited withl Mm. and Mrs. Dave Rut-~ Anita Pnescott visited the Mm. and Mrs. Walter Law-1 ledige, Bancroft, spent the'Hry otns rence, Sunday, on the first' weekend wsth Mr. and Mrs. On Sunday, Shirley Insti- ~ anniversary of Jim .and SyÏ-i Cari Wright. Itute spansared a bus trip and via's wedding. Mm. and Mrs. Carl Wrightl visîted the Earl Cox Gardens Sorry ta repart Mrs. Frank left Sunday night to visitI at Barrie, had lunch at Mid- Bailey is 111 in Port Perry! their daughter, Dr. and Mrs. hurst Park, viewed the Col- Hosrntal. D. Biibie, at One Hundred, lingwoad Blue Mountain Pot- Glad ta know Mrs. M. Poaqt' Mile House, B.C. tery Plant and the Rainbow. , able ta be hame from Oshawa Mm. and Mrs. Robert Ford Ceramie. HoE~1 Also that Harald'Roberta and Margaret Mount- 1 m n m. evnGa Har1Itcan got home from Parti gamery, Wiliawdale, visitedý Il spent Sunday with Mr. Perry hospital ealy in the! bis mother, Mrs. R. Fard,annd rsJ..FetatWl week and has now joined hisý Sunday. liaros' Paint. wife and family at Nobelli Mrs. 1. Argue has returned! Glad ta repart Mr. Edgar'~ cabins. home after a visit with Mr. Norn home from Oshawa i Mr. and Mis. Lloyd 'Beacocký and Mms. Alvin Bell, Ottawa. haspital. aul oyàer ust t ar Mrs. Albert Wrigrht left Sat*- Visitors of Mm. and Mm.9 Sunday, August 6, 1967, trom Petemhorohgh, gat out for a ao Leslie Wrigh t; meu's shoeiTomn, William, James, George 3 -'S and 7 - 9 p.m. on the few evenine with thern. Foilowing a bountiful sup- kick, Murmay Byers; ladies'i end Samuel. Another page occasion of their Golden Wed- Mme. E. Little and Sandra, par the vounger xmembers an- shoe kick, Chemyl Wright;;of local history has been com-j ding Anniversary. No gifts Whitby, spent a few days last joyed races. etc., and Mr. girls with shortest hair, paul_ pleted. please, beat wishes anly. week with Mrs. C. Venning Bruce Taylor, president, call- lue Taylor; man's under legý The tirst oh four local Dec- 31-1 and the Dale Gunt.e's child- ed arder and conducted a bail throw, Carl Gilbank; oratian Days was held on Sun- -business period at which the boys' under leg bail throw, day at Ballyduff Cemetery, following otticers for 1968 Walter Taylor. , with a goad attendance. Mc-i were appointed: President, Miss Linde Mauntjoy cou- Crea's will be Sunday, August; Mn. and Mn,. Dalton Dorrell, ducted the races for juniorsi 6; Fallis, Sunday, August 13; P R O CL A M A T IO N Nestleton; Vice President, Mr. as tollows: Pre schoal raCe,! aud Pontypool, August Treasurer, Mrs. Murray By- lue Taylor tied, (2) Anniel Mm. and Mme. Elmer Wor' - Iheeb prcîimers, Burketon; Seenetery, Mn,. Dorreli and Kevin Taylorl bave been holidiaying lu the. 1 herey procaim Llyd W rl1g ht, Nestleton; tied; boys, 6-8, Harolid Tay-I Blind River ares. Committee, Mm. and Mns. lom; girls, 6-8, Calette Taylor: Sarne local Liberals attended! ~~u aua amu~ ~ ~John Elllott, Port Hope, and boys, 9-1l,- Bred Joily;, giris,l the Libemal pieuic in New- MLJ4UA A Ii. it , U~f -Mrs. Bill Ferguson, 9-11, Cheryl Wight; boys, 112' castle, Saturday. We under- M OIM AYr AUGe 7th, 19 7 1Nestleton. and over, Walter Taylor; stand'that the Tories do like-, After à f.w brief speeches1 girls 12 and aver, Leslie, wise on Wednesdey, August l and commenta the president1 Wright; Wheelbarrow race, 16. I havent had confirma-; Ualld nMr. and Mns. Stuart Cari Gilbank and Don Wright, tian of the place of this event.: tainent Thy frstpresent-'lr Girl s' bail thmow, Hea-ithe misfartune ta, corne home' a publie holiday in th.eled prizes to the tollowing: t hem Doreil, Leanue Dorrell;'with a 6-6 tie when they play-; Youngea persan p re àse n t,~ Boyb' bail throw, Walter Tay-lied in Bailieboro, Wednesday Nancy Ellott, 8 months, Port Ion, Kim Pate; Girls' shoelevening. We uudemstand that VI L G F N W A T E Hope; Oueést perbon preenseu mlLelergt, Bo.ys*;our locals are protesting te Nelson, U.C.; Lady with oid- Seventy-two fniends attend- inteithuig.Tepy- est article lu ber purie, which ed tram Nelson, B.C., Einion- I offs are coming up soon andi IL A. WALTON, wau a 194 coin, Mrs. Lloydton, Alta.. London, Ont., Oak- our teem would sure like top! W jht; Birthday nearest Do-i ville. Belleviile, Toron to, En-,spot. Very few points separ-; nIinDay. RobbY Mortoni, I aaklen, Oshawa, Port Bethaajr, Pontypco n I WCAU'TLE Social and Thompsou pitchiug. Kenda~l Mm. and Mme. Jerry Byems FINANC'IA-L STAT'EME-NT THE VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1966 General fixed - ---- $ 64,600.00 Due fmom School Ratepayans for debentumes ------------. 159,005.43 Due hrom Utilities Electric light and power......-. -- 18,000.001 Watem supply system -----------------134,826.09 * C ash -. - - -- -----2---1 Due tram revenue fuud- ------------- - 7.89- te M LIABILITIES Debenture debt Village oh Newcastle ________ Uuited Countie - _____ Ontario Water Resources Commission P.U.C. debentures issued 1966 _____ ___ Investmeut in rapiital. assete- . $121,500.1) 73,505.4: 134,826.0 4,000.01 REVENUE'FUND BALANCE SH.EET December 31, 1966 ASSETS Cash in hank Accounts receivebla Province of Ontario Water supply system PUC Taxes receivable 12,572.75 less alaowance for uncoliectibles --- .--- 3,703.51 Defermed charges ---------- Deficit for yeem $7,437.00 5,117.00 9,069.18 9,779.24 580.66 7,410.82 83 99) LIABILITIES Temporaiy lbans__________ Accounts payable STATEMEI4T 0F REVENUE ANI) EXPENDITURU for the Year Endlng December M1,'1966 REVENUE T axation ---- -------- ---- --- DebI charges ecoverebia Grauts and Subsidies Ontario-------------- Other.... Licenses and Permits (including dog tex)- --- Interest, Tax Penalties, etc. . . Other ----- -- Miecellaneous Provision for dcferred revenue, water frontage commuted, etc.---------- Surplus, Januery 1, 1966 Deficit for the Yeem 136,313.12 14,284.13 18,872.64 1,136.25 1.050.90 309,53 900.38 5,5 19.57 $-82 138.24 7,410.82 EXPENDITURE General Govemument Protection to, persans and property iucluding ambulance and dag contrai --------- --- Public wamks, sanitation, etc. Social Welfae ----..-------------- Education Recreation aud cornmuuîty services Deht charges (excluding eçIucation) Discount for Taxes ----- Taxes written of -t -------- P.U.C. Water Supply System Couuty rates . - ------- Miscellaneous, sewage consultent, etc. .------__ Capital expenditum'e out ohý revenue - 13,000.0< - 15, $ 38,393.90 342.21, 12.80 11,787.39 19,264.63 2,5 lU.5 200.00 f*189,549.06 AUDITORS' REPORT The Reeve, Members oh Counceil, and .Ratepayems of the Village ah Newcastle. Yeem uded 3st December 1966 We have completed an audit of the accounts oh the Village oh Newcastle for the ycar ended 31st Decgm- ber 1966 and ettach hareto finaucial statements as mequimed by the Departmant oh Municipal Affaira prepared therehrom. Al equired procedures were perfommed. Wc comment specifically on the follow- Au enalysis of the assessment on which 1966 taxai weme based is given in Schedyiie (4). A summamy of the tex maIl for 1966 showiug bow the total taxation revenue of $136,313.12 was arrived et is given lu Sehedule (3). Total taxes receivable iucluding amount oh taxes for which properties werc registered were $13,221.61 at 3 lst Deceiben' 1966 as compared with $ 12,200.00 for the previaus year. The yeam commeuced with a surplus oh $5,519.57 and ended with a deficit of $7,4 10.82. Il is again recom- mended that reserves be gradually iucreased ta 100% of taxes neccivabla. This will case bank bormowiugs and tender capital barrowiug ou a more advantag. Full details of the debenture liabiJity and debt charges are given in Schedules (1), (2) and (12). $12,000.00 ln debentures were'îssued during the year, with a further $3,00.00 in 1967. Related Boardgand Commiedion The position oh th-e vamiaus boards and commissono* 'et 3let December 1966 on whose account taxes were ievied, with the exception of Durhain County RiIgh Sehool and the United Counties, the statements for Public School Board Recreation Commissiqn pComnmun ity Hall Board General The questionnaire covaning aur audit is to ba faund following the finenclal statèmeuts. We appreclate the coumtesy and ca-oparation of your reeve and councîl and especially of your clerk-treasurer. We report that, lu aur opinion. 1. the finaucial transactions which have core unden aur notice have 'been wlthin the powers oh the Munfèibiality; 2. the audit ha. been conducted I accordance wîth the instrÀctions ci the Departmont of Municipal Affaire, and 3. the financial statements present falrly the finaucial position of the affah-à of the Village. oh Newcastle as at 31ot Deqmber »U mad the resu itg oh Its opffltilk. ehmr-* Yeu then ended. R a s , ~ c f l y s b i t d NA IED &.CMAf CCOlqciT8 Surplus Surplus $2,889.75 816.38 Licex~q No. 3030. I o 3 o o 1, * -'g i. Wr, - 13allieborc. Our Pee Wees!'won by a in to 2 gcore. ?Mke !The Canadian Statesman, BewmanvMle, Aug. 2, 1MT weme leeding 17-6 aven Cavan, iMcGregar had a homne run. ______ ______ _____________ Monday, when the gamne wae ýMrs. Grace Coathara. Katliy,'an alyvitdhrpets4afad ml ndM an called on account of tain. Out iKaren* John and Cari wre rand Mil vsi te boter arenstaffan fMily rand Mm.ana« Midgets iost at home and won idawn to visit hermomther, MmM n. eunda r. Hachr oser, Mns. ae Mrcerandar away with home and home!,W. Mercer, Sunday ie 'udy r oMaiga o games with. Bethauy. weme down to George Mercers- Mm. and Mme. Gordon Lang- i near Nàrth Bay. jMm. and Mme. Eirick and for a swim in thc pool. deughter, Toronto, are speud- Mr. and Mn.. Cy Elziy and Iing their holldays at their Marilyn, Oshawa, were aIto 'summer term home -neat Car- visiting'et George Mercers. scadden's Schoal. I t ratiier laoked as if old i Sorny ta learn that Mm. Eari times were hene again as -we Gilbauk hed ta returu ta Hos- 'watched the old -fashioned cars pital in Peterborough. An- camne down Kendal street. 'other Dept. of Hîghways eum- They wene aIl fixed up so ,turned ta wark recently alter had just corne inom the paint 'several weeks of illuess. 'shop. If they had gone a littie Mm. Peter Walker, Mn. and I siowem wa could have had a. Mme. Tom Bennett visitcd at bettar look at them. L the home of Mis. Lily Richard- 'Sympathy le extcnded ta Mr. PAIE) LON , son recentiy. Several years and Mme. Don Buxey on the a ga they resided on farns west passing of their four monthes ofMcCrea's Church. Peter aid son. They Elva in anaeh UAAoEE had the hon oho beiug anc the ncw bouses buiit on Jack G A A T E j fthe oldest Canadian soldiers C arscadden's side-road. lu action lu Womld War II. Mn. and Mme. Eddie Couroux Since that, for sevemal yeàrs,,and girls and Mm. and Mme. T F C T S he opemated a store et Halland ýCarl Langstaff and daughters *.LUST.CERTI I A E Landing until a hew years ega. .attended the wedding ah their niece, Louise Demnoutiguy and I Gardon Millier nt Kitchener an * ssued 3 to 5-Year terMn KENDAL S.atud Mrs. Fred Cran- Miller oh Toronto spent the earn 6½%7e interest, payable hall- Hoiidaying with Mm. and' weekend with ber mothen, Mre. yeamly by cheque. Mme. Truman Gambutt for the 'Alva Swarbrick. month oh, July were threa ofhiMr. and Mme. Roy Poster their grandchildren L i s aned family attendad the Gold- authorized investment for al Michael and Gemmy. Kelly and jeu Wcdding Annivamsamy of Canadian Insurance CompanieS ber mother, Mme. Jack Garbutt bher parents, Mm. and Mme. weme down lest week . Miss [ Vernon Sinden et Sinicae. and trust funds. Pet Liudsay and Keith Swar- I Mr. and Mms. Robert Sindan brick are aiea there. land famiiy celled in ta sec Cechep and Susan Coumoux Roy Posters as they were onTH of Cache Bay came home with1 their wey ta Halifax whemc he Mm. aud Mrs. Eddie Courouxlis stationed in service. when they came home from A number of the stock car ST R I GR US Cache Bay. Mr. and Mrs. enthusiests weut ta Coîbamne £ TS Percy Thompeon, their son ýta sec the races, Sunday. oRRTO Denuis and hie girl friend wemc Miss Anu Poster held a alsa there over the weekend,:shawem an Thumsday evening, hrom North Bey, for the choir girls iu honour The Bantams had two games of Miss Joan Pelle' epproach- Member: Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation lost by a 6 ta 3 score. Mike 'iug weddiug. against Keene, Mouday, eud Mm. and Mme. Luther Dodds last by a 6 ta 3 score. Mike and hem ily and Mme. Claude 37% Ba St., 35 Dunlop St.. 73 Miissaga'E., 'McGregor pitched for Kendal. 'Dodds of Lyuchburg, Virgînie, 'Ou Tuesday the Bantame play- have been visiting the Poster i TnnoBri rii cd Omono at Orono with Jerry lfamilles. . lý ' ' 1 . 1 1 : .. '. , . i ýý m Sirs and Mesdames: a m of A-9-SETS

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