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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1967, p. 12

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____________________________ 7 PI ~ ~ t '12 Th¶e Canadian statcg, Bownama, ilg. 2, 190? DanyarivdThrs k.en Atils orsaePets Notice Work Wane For Rent jelEtt for Susa,43 CO N Nq E L L Y - T we s.i nE n i e e . C a i H a m p t o n R . I G I S T E R E A m e r i c a r , E k - C o r R w e g e l r C S O M k i l l n g , f r e e z e r O U S E _ 6 2 3 - 5 7 4 2 . -f o r S a le1R1l E se !t e fr S a l aroRE _-31427WOyear..old three-lbedroo LIE yStN.sli brc Cathryn Maureen, Caoyn Ln-23.827 31 mo pups, white, $45 each. Te8e _______30-tf ready, Cali Newcastle 987-4353. HOS oplt o electrically heated brick bui-bnao,6ro n J reine, for Karen, Riky N Em n r pe d r l Pdj6 32 0 -talr ah ___________ __1D baliCali phott6232106. 1-1. C.Juy F. Cattran's office - ___ 28-4 rn eky o otl.glw hn 2- adodforncl ad 12, 1967, et Memorial Hospital, 7218914 _____ 11anwiIb lsdfo ut4 31 7ïân . Cl7 255 34 o e63 n we ebl e at one . l h ne 2- 753, o r62 126 Jan8 St fr rt 1roistreet, neershos, hpin M r. and M rs. R obert C onnelly. C ali263-2669. 3~ 786-2518, N ew tonville. 31 -1 E f ci e A g st 1 _ _ _3 1* . C l ÈT fo re t i ý om la g d ub e a a - l e e r ice a s fo r m e i t 31-1* O LD e- n d u-sed artic es a eitered, ex- Rober r El8 .8.UP OIST R G - Stis P i TM N o r n, M inl ar a hJ L U I U Burketon Garage. 28-41 cellent field trial stock, also booking of Lions Centre. 30-2 EUH L 1 M E N IE .. Be ch r nd V era --' -- - 1good pets, $25 and $30. A fter DÀ. E M n 'Pffc Zaci n g ar n e d et W y e S r, rn o r now a ai n , j w'- - Margaret (nee Peggy Dippel]) C1cr.93-29Hny4 o'clock cail623-3846. 31- rbeG.osd ,for hsoficeys fros., Phone 623-5251 or Sreton oo o albe93-6. 1îi. LL elLi îre happy to announce theEikens, R.R.2, Oron. 31-1 b cos orhoidLIMIT 3W Fr nk ]ealG y EB ANÇ - 76 05 r, ls. oa., on Jun 2, C ilCli f eth ck263 21 1 ? ve toc F r S le July 24 to Aug. 7 inclusive. 62 - 252. __ _20-tf GENT EMA ;351ooo goun birth of a son Edward Beech- WATR fr sle nd elFeor.jSale___30-2.1 MACHI NE sharpeëneëd-saws-ar ET Looo EntApply 88 Q--grun IIE u pita. A broherfor obetiIGIL'S and boy's bicycles, $250. After 4 o'cîock telephone wilî close for holidays fromithe machines. F. Crowe, 102 R rg o t n d M a ria n n e . 1-1 ,, o tth e h o e 62 - 46 2 3 - 7 46613 - I mm2ac ulater t i - E l i-r S oldma i il e 3 - * H E E r opr style-t a a r - M e b r s aw nd D st i t 2 pitl. b oth r fr obetbOî 26. hon 6 3 1 1*- ---542._ 384._3-1( u ly 8 o epem er 2th - --ment ,.2 miles east of New- Real Estate Board Eg t lr e r o s i _______ 31.1* O U 20 y ar- ld D eK a l us ve 3 - iM O U N TJO Y B ackhoe Service c ste. P hone 987-4919. -3 11 * ' 1i S. W , B wn a î e B ow m anv îî e P o e t esc l e t r pa r a h o l PA SjUE Tm adMcCORMICKDeering binder, es 0eABO lehn r usiý fcewl e-Foundetions -BACHEL ceks!-121nding 8t.,5.,.00.Hampton D o n eS S e Fl E -t o m r e a p n d ,ahv a2 0 0 P h o n e- o3l70 1 9 .d u g a d a - Sl e p t i a n k s H E O R a p a r t m e n t , 6 3 - 3 9 o r h h d r o o n n a (n e e et a r ei a pp n w c a v s e . h n e 6 3 - 1 9.1 7 2 5 -6 1- .3 1 -1 jo p e n fro m 2 u n til 8 e v e rnyb c fi le1I v tra îî v lo c a te d , sto v e a n d frid g . 'b-3 9 r h b ng d o i h a t c e a e S u o their daughter, 7 bs. l¾ zs, W TE fr al a d elveed RË G ISTERE H 40jtè j Thursd y only, during J l M u to , Blc so k 9 643 Cal 6 3 8 5 afe 6 ph. ve dr e. skn o lyC mp tey furni h d ette'ecoutalv osý4_e. es,12 yearlings. All_____and__________26-106-n. Oroflo - Brc ac ugl garage. rec. ri it a piaiT oreNe onto un 5ai os, 2- ouJsrvc. al 2-756.Down. Phone 369W4, Sunder-! Articles left et Enfied jHIGH School student e ursE tal ge oInx 20,$ ,9 . pil, T ro to o S nda , -Pl-j29tland. 31-11 S hool will be disposed of if lwork fo s mm r, pr ni g et, $76m onpthly. art ; yr. old 3 bedroo m home n11flak, oat d ck 0, 16.3 1 30-GALLON pressure tank ,~ u N î Y f H .~ not picked* up in 10 days. M ust hedges. o e , p u i g me t 7 o t l. Apply1gOod area. Electric e at h e jOdel Sr e ay ae n TREMBLE.~....obn and LornP dmp tr eepoeis requres TObdomUsar aa 2gl or 987 and motor. Tedephone Hereford heifers, frehing*jPay for ad adsoa3.*ga.,sutetc..h1ne 623-687. We63 wasoae.3-*gasec hondows68. eu t . Iaetet 3Kng St. 'place. Onîy $1 9,000. Terms. 12 Bedroornbnaomih adetacbnt le (nee Fletcher) happily an- -,andJURYn.AND LOVELL _78631-1*iTWO.edroo bouse1with Taunton Road East electric heating.Lt6 etfu.Lse t$,0.o -4693. 3N D*Land open. Newtonvihle rontage. M s e sl oR n cil an e t e itgf ihird CL 4 zs ! O A gSED 1for hold as Jlyto 5,5-2--- CUSTOM ploughing, cultiva- fridg, stove and dryer; refer. h)o Acres with almot new settle estate. A kn nyn o July 23rd, 1967. Very roud Raglan, 1-985-7160. 28-5! Attention Farmers) TRAVEL AGENCY Itr lodr puvier chnene required. Telephone brik bngaow Icated west $950 brothers are Todd and Tyler. 21"- WESTINGHOUSE __TV.' WANTED TO BUY i sawing, sod and sdding, ced-1623-3171. 31-1 0f ampo xelent valuc. ,0 utm bul o rsn -jwvlbswrig 2,0i will be Closed I ars for hedges. Telephone FURNISHED apartment three et $2.5,500 - Termns iod Mbickrenhe Engagemen Newcvl ase, wk7g-4254.0.IRYCOWS & HEIFERS! Sa987-4754. 28-tf rosed ah ulysl-Bowmanville -M1iLae Two bedroom uglwi oato vrokn casle_ 87- 540 _ 31 - 1 îr o s a d b t . F e f il L atClose and Fresh N u d y N Y . B A A R scontained and spacious. A dults 1 1 2 store , 3 b dm o o e i ln t c st n y 0eye r A s - ro m a t ch d g a e an linwis pian es wil b clsed fr m C îl ARN T . W TT N Iy.. ng31-f en3nd frut res. $ 13 , -' o tson v Mr. ad Mrs Marvn Frnk- IELMERS Funitur and p- TO PRIES NOTESTIj ony. Phone 623-3591 evenings. lot 118a' x 131i' with good gar- ing only $12,9(0 emxlre om ibsp lVansickle, Burlington, wsHaadymail b loec ro Cl A NO .Spec01i3 tfa e adraittee. 1 tannounce the engagement Juy 29 to Aug. 12. 30-1 and SONS NPubn HaigS.i --00- of their daughter Karen M y, STUDBAKER Service, new! a p o &32 8 u y 9 -S pHe 5Nlon S. Bw ating l Uebe 0om ouse on Hih m -- __ ý$3,000 down. $1.000Donafti s9r m te Brin Gene Cox, son of M r. j nd used parts. Graharns InluivS1 t ree t. hî b'k het. 50 Acres.Co ta e,$100 D w ad M rs. W illiam T. C ox, B o wv-IG arage. 416-263-2233. 4 1 -tf H m t n 6 - 5 3-4l y I2 9lu s e p .2ive s n S . o n a v l Sre $ 0 t A va ie S ept r 't i:ba e ta e'rick o re w it h i r p ce n wLa g d n e h ll i h ____ ______The____ ioo ny. Write Adver-' 5 Room cottage. good beach o il furnace lt 1' 7' place Seturday, August l9tb, AricesfoESleN9, EPERFrPtrerTlùed 96,i E st Pan U ied wood pote te harvester on ___ L M lN & HE T G ma vleCob 1h967, ndest ulingnton, Farmal300 tractor. 723-6660. ,BARN, to be taken down. ýPhone 623-3182 PLMBIG &HEAINGmeni 1! . ithdrsht,' fasttn, fnl62-in0g troutmnt P.M. 31-1 i31-2 Harold Salter, H a m p t o n ph on 2-3 4!TW O bedroom pr ent ' BonvetBu i ng 2 o o n eo at n Mr a d - --- O R-ow Nag ra~ o ;o263-2270. 3-1av ilable Sept. 1. Aduts pe.Ap rtie t uidi g Sorey o e a as n tf'l n us. As __ rw igrapttEniergencies P.O Box 1599 'ferred. Broedloomn, heeted' Excellent location - 3 ver fCionnwron~ odda o ossa M.adMrs. Graham Leeiduster in good condition. Cen BARBECUE: We s t inghou3e t8OtroS. o;aviIýI evcsýIre uis ag lt frýid ;txso are pleased tn ennounce the'lbe mounted on tractor. Ce1Ilcooker; 2 beige rugs 4 x 7; 623-595 1-tf:Mrs. George Hannah, 623-57,93 tasere $31,50000)( Termns.1 home. Asking ol s50 e n g a g e m e n t o f th e ir e ld e st I2 6 3 2 18 5 . 3 1- 1 la d Y 's a n d m n s g l e .31 1 Y U G m r î do r 6 2 3 -2 60 1.3 2 t.g a a v l e A er o r P e j ' e e l p rc s t h o e daughter Barbera, to George, U E V tow er, i xc l :tPhone 983-5047 - 5 td7 a ried -man, 27,i Bo- ____ St Geore 9t B o 'Pi son of Ms yi n h aecnition redi olCbe1 Caros rn urg Pot illams j TV o e r7 3-3, n shawae U SE)) Mesey7-Heris slf-now employed Toronto, sek-! SMAL L rc k bulding on Sil- Beautiful 3 bedroom brick 'Audrey Plain- 62-5. tr a . Se i g et $ 70 o. CalsAnug otWlim,-SUIVVER DQÇTQRiîî t locate in area. Grade 12, e tet uial1o tr-rnhbnaowrceto Sharjeen Tutak -2327 60 r N o v e S c o tia . T h e m a rria g e T V S u p p ly L td . 3 1 -1 p r o p e l 1e d c o m b in e , i Cn ft ' R x prit n e n e e s , a off i a - a e , w rk s b o o r mly .b u si-Fro o m , m n Y e x tr a . $ 24 ,5 0 0 .0 0 . I o a d W g t-6 3 2 2 T r i i t r o o e n table Il.; R.fromK. TwoEwith fejsowafdoWinh 4wil1 aepaeinS.Jh' table tplocelyintien wh.r aohrn'ivn1ssReel Estete Ltd., cail Welter i Tyrolie - 50 AcresIne Jogne - 98491fr ts smlr hme i Anglican Church, Bowmen- MOFFAT electrie range, four Phorou7, itle overheuled. .C.K.IN li ontig.lere gste en 'ess. $50 monthy. W. Fran ville on September 23rd t burners, oven and warming 1 hne3F ite Britin, Mas-!J hard work developes goodFrnk, 623-339. 3-f T opns ten an oc .31-1 closet, go d condition, $25. . - rg s n D a e . 3 - future. W rite A dvertiser 826, M O D E-RN w - iniprt et xcellent recreation p o e t ; -3 - N s l t n n l d s b r n Phone 623-964.N urses' R esidence c/o C n de ttst o b doms, Newcastle, Ili ý145 oo0omnit. OnvOrn Poe2336.__31-1 tobdoti dhm st.OIv John P _ _ __ Custom L'rapery ýBox 190,Bwavle 02 400dw Mr. and Mr. Hugh T. Jack- CASE Combine, 6t tsft.eceut with bt eatingr, i son, Agincourt, are pleased f0' scour cdean and grain bin, dQpandnd LanibePakin.rt Sts.)0 cr Prc]sREA iTA 1 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL FRANK BRINK abdlen. Prig vi- 1 cePresFLETT IIE xetoa announce the engagement of motor driven. H. J. Brooks, TaIj 3 l J be S pt 1, possibly soner.! We have a large se le(]onjbun alorainks nkStliing y their daughter, Sandra Arlene, Bowmanville R.R. 6. 311*r a Bow m anville TrenchîiOr o 3506302, er Baktck tnI son Mrdih atrsMich etal SDT atn large Bod loni By Appolntrnent SEPTIC TANK APART;MENT, heeted, mod-' $1,000 down. Phone 6335 d aaeKny 1,0.0 Vson lof niovir. untitvofihael1 14,11/2 " and' 2" Samle tkn o hec, reesonable rent; immcdî ý 4 Acres jORONO; l10> acrefn tc rd qr_ -Uipe aod r eni t-gf Lýaet euphoitehome NSALATON- Kendal Hulis Veza,' ninile(formelTVpp.Gofr ecnPh e 623-2356 INTALTINePossession, 2 bedrooms, VrscnCpce. iadqumnti B ow m anville). T he w edding ence posts dock , e c.Lse tbliseen H. f l living oon and ba h- VeryCc, will take place -on Saturday, wa TV Supply Ltd., 72381î present kitchen suliteHapo26-70'rsk*ie wn touheG Acenie p26,e1967Gene end equipm-n13i.cludnd.Good WeAhavemenlargeful:ishe Augu t 2, 19 7. t 3 .m. mn 31-41~ ~ ~ ~ 10 a .m .i - 1 p .m . - _ _ _ 24-tf 3, 16 Division St., dom n luded Wooded Parklike land, aî: e rg62nDk3-bon74st37ih.en o amxpniedton 263227 4ùÈ-,là-i UL ERIl illen App- Apartmnt0No - 23:7437 court. _ __ _ __ I S LA IN, blowing meth- 23 King St. E. Bowmanvîille O F C O C U STO M ville.Y FAR court.r c w o . o k -O F I E O R SO h a a-'a ie y s tore G oing nncern . 9 m l c w ot DAIRy FARM: 10 e e3 aedroom ungalow.r- Gîv Fortcmaig F e e- ______3 Tuesday - Wednesday - Friday iA,~THlWne -'--- gdwibrck woo. Wrkean Conectinery MchineryOver 100on-usecl6Arear j.v.ia.Tring GndNaewt-Mnvtilsed-786-2256.e i Phonmae' 1-frry L. Wade, Shop Ifere for a Full Line of j il 5 V.m. - 7 - 9 panm. AT REASONABLE RAE XPÈiEIECED c, cu-_be M ad r s. e gin ld oï eD - .A 1 T PI N E M R G E NI78-6P h ne22 3-1 0 8 pikers. Phone 263-2267. 31-11 5 000 + stock , buildings. A nx o u to sl.yr e. L t d et $ 5 O it ._---_ __1 3 8 -tf C M I GE E G N I SP o e 7 3 1 0 - -1 B t a y - 2 0 S e i c e . 5 A R Mr n rs ei acl - -- -FO U T N , A I G LUM BER or tinsmitb. New-! eh n 2 0 S e ie A rs '1 45uldi ACR Me F R : G o ny $ ,0 o Coobe, Ohea nnune aty wasber parts, motors, EQIM T 623-3331 CTIG RKNcastle 987-4822 or 987-4222. j 10 Roo)m home, large barns dng. odeo7rome t h e f o r t h c o m i n g m a m a g o fT r a n C o s y F O R Ah o n th i nl a g *tr C rl appie e, T or aine advoser. B S T _____ e. Stream. E cle t o1,~0 D w rri-_______n_ 26-10 BALN . PING NG _31-2 springs with gond pond site. 'Priced te sel]. 1 Js not of 15 nHlh Francd& ne ofmTenders WaDonalFOR ALL CEMENT WORK i with housework two mornng James. Gill, son' of Mr. and M re, Hampton, 263-2241. _ T n e sW n ed _1F N W o EP S ! ek 2-o3 n s Go re e post.a2,50 NARmOSHa WA 1 9 Odrho e eenl __ NH .EGWGor, R E P AIRSle.3a-tweek.CH A23- 50 3 3 1 - 1 G e n a k -95 A cres E xcellent building . o 7 o t l The marrige to tke place on 'PRIVAT , 35 h . vinrdêeQ U B A DS H O R AfO R i' r ~ T N .TF t e p l a ' et u llt ber,8 nce o uer î, j b ie 23795, cretej t s I tis attaciv S atu rd ay , S ep tem b er 16, 1967 w ith electri e st rt, 14' ced ar '. . r 1 1 N V . f 1~ 1 4 ii sio n ., e n vi'sest u a , si e o i! 226300(101 ' A W A: î< m23g7959o In Christ Memorial Anglican srpbawnsied xe-M T R HAMPTON, ONTARIO E NT W R 14Dvso St. Bowmanvillevery productive sol s6..o NEAR. OSHAW3bd o u C urch et 4 'clock. 31-1 lent skiing outfit plus trailer, Tenders for Heating Fuel CaË stm te GveedMCH NI Goori 1 Sunderland R a y for sub-d si on i $2650. After 4 o'cîock Phone e Prices for the suPP!Y Ofj R.R. Evewnings - Zl W7e2'3d . ~ jnd Mr. and Mrs. William A. 623-3846. 31-1 approximately 90,000 gallons' o mniî 2-0729 workmng conditions. HourIyý 0 Acre Dairy Farm 1ar lots. Cali: Hrrjout G raham , Port Perry, w sh to P AÇS SiA NÏiS_ G rden - - ulCu tatng ue to be del23ri-l2- i"ra 62 -3 05, BoHerold. Peckln,, 3nx-(), Te rife6-425AN IL ennounce the forthcoming mer- flowers, gldioli and others, 85 ing St. W. owmanvile o edt ig uel tho lbe di v te i e-_ am lr ee' x eln rik h m , bin 2 69 riag ofther dugher, dit cotaier rranemets.TetheiACKERMAN C)(a ra623-3305,omhoe nag o t eir da gher, Edth conai er arr ng me ts. Tee-Phone 623-3134 2 -tTownship of D rlington willi j 1 -O s . Wý-men prefe red soi', pond. This is e rals o b emoon bre o a rgtlt]W Jean, td William David Eldon phone 623-3527 et noon and be1eeved by the under- E C V TNG lwh n adoecis'pae.$500- ens ewv de Fee, son of Mrs. William Fee between 5 and 7 p.m., or 122 -Lsgned until August 7, 167. LOADING - TRENCHING c.oy agpeyi person,i Cali 62a3-ar33931 18J fl~2 C A V TINwaiRes tsa nr anci- la e.ew0 0- T r s i l he$1.3,500 thorn s A] M c M D nl - - 62 - 11 and the late W illiam Fee of Duke Street. 27- tf .H O M.V.EI - LÈLÈ IIrI1È W. G. DALLAS 1 Sand, Gravel, Top Soit U o ag u saurant New-Cai 23-393UNg 1.0TeR msI Burketon, Ont. The cere- Ï ý 20 CEDAR posts and, OsnesNE RnS i c. il Ïelstle1.-- - -31-1I After 9 pn. :j C U T Y LI NG_ _ znony will take place in Snot. nefo 40 f on 3122o AERSRVC MALE attendant~fo Sel Rod Kruger - . 7231-7,900 ed bungalow.AlmoeAuto J o h n 's P resb y te ia n C h u rch b F111 w ithnG rain-te d Y o u n g S E R V ICE'S erv ice S ta tio n , x e i n E rn ie W ilso n . - 7 5. 9 5 Loan, o . _ _ _ _ Por Prry o Sturay Sp- FIIcr wthban-edYougd -as eauniteRaesorprisce1perete, fupenenes ot Per ry, o St urd y, Sep. - used o l hr e y ar , l ke S E RT enders w il be received by preferred. A pp lY to B ob G ra.),, B o b .TohnstOn 7 5- 7,A sk850 .ing: __ _ on e inc s o ar __ _ _ n y he e $19ers In, / _____t e n erine ntl w ei an-76 - O M A V LL ac o alWorEEls 2 9Le ocY tembe p.m.____ ew; oll .W.ene$15Pher 0!Beef et Ils best ail summer. nesdav, August 16, for cither! King St. East, Bowmenviîî a t e : 03- hkjTEtBEFNw noyteudrigc-ni1-7,437.__BWAVLL eDnl Fr ae,21 e okt 2-05 y 2-4.7 TY~V-rT AE D e a t hs f263-889 .3WWcr 31-P1ne IN D S - -73e l. or b th of the fo ow ng: G EN E R AH O ME S A N D A TE TaNtf 1- J e Yeo - 62o3-30 7 M A PLE '.RO~VE : c ~ c i a u h m C u t a e r n 723578$1 bu Ca!:aeorew F E G U O , a r y A t O s a B A T Y S s e u r n i t u r e , 6 7 F O T- 4 7 l b P n t n t h C a t i Gh tR A R E P A I R S ,  i F i à - ï I c n f i n d a nA t fEGSj, yÀ a ETYSUe 7 b Township Hall, extenior, 0121and TORGINOL FLOORING 'bonest man with a Car l'Il setCrMul.,ugh- 723-7843 acdgrgeNieyld-Ooo-Er Tu.,73D. wa General Hospital on Tues! King St. West, B wm nvill, SIDES - -61c Il. coat white; 2. Painting the scaped. Only $500( on)al: Slin ess dy, August lt, 1967, Harry Phone 623-7301. We buy en luW pdand at, bnro fth at rgh o n im Up in is own high in-ROI' Foster - Orono 983-5801 George V nDyk 6 3-47,C te Swn Ferguson of Oshawa, in is sel! anything. If we haven't C t r p c n as z n r o f th at ng t T w - Jon d e Jon g camne sales and service busi-,W eston Banister - ~avs h e , ec . A ed 89th year, dear father of M rs. got it w c'll try and get it. bo ut our P Y n n l n c t o s m y b b a n d f o a d n M l 0 ft uty u am iy. Ank uslshîp Hall, two coats. Specifi- CONSTRUCTION ness. This business repets Gre II 0 2 low on 2 3ac edoulraae Adams (Ida), both of Oshawa. 1hassocks $3.50, regular $4.00. 1 jrthe ,çundersigned. Lowest or 6 32 6 required ta start. Full or part oadFre -Bezwv ae Resting et the Nýorthcutt BO W M ANVILLE any tender not necessarily ac- FREE ESTIMATES imte. Apply to Orvus J. furniture, dîshes, beddin$22,000 lon FFIID jOKE cePted. Mrs. Gcreld Kelly, I.ttiitBren poe2-1 GrgBao ENSLF: Elliott Funeral Home. Fun- ~~iîadFI OKR Bektcsc-ra.Cr~ 30 er a ! serv ice 2 o 'clock F rid ay C u ltiv a teI BE-P H O L S T ERk , Ae 31-1 large lot1 w ith3garagertw atcryfor m er.98esidence, B ethm eyi ~e ar je~ er en anp-F E L ' . 3 1.,I1V..wright Community Recre-jES AT S LE MA -- -- -- --__ _ _ _ _ af er-o . Exc lienmQuait H aom pr-ceYPh o e M2 3-5 5 7 8- o w m nvll to-entr. 11 FEDSO i nl oji p-ý-EPOSE PHON.E -- -IJ 11.- Il PORT PERRY: .b1 omatreAgut5 t b ou h an Shirley (Mrs., p.i.o. 30R2 - T ON 263-2650E L E T T S L S A S C A E t ' ao , A o ~o a dHewitt), Toronto. Serv- M assey-Harrs No. 6 SEM I-M OUNTED M OW ER, 7% $ 75.00!:30MPT ON 263-225EA0S T T S L S S O C A E S bn galows. A I] o deoieict ei e c, o 9 o . ice w a s h eld in th e M o rris C age 3 -P o in t h itch M O W E R , L rgir gr s Ivr a e ta e eo pa y li s p o r u n t T e m s C i T m D o n î y P o P î LargeeapronId.siPrîce 211,000 bethvnylba saletute commen1e Funemel Chapel on Mondey et wîth conditioner drive. nai o ae esne.Peiu slseprec eP .Wý8-24 2o'clock. Interment Bow- case HAY CONDITIONER et 0 .m ad i 'e3r1nto-Pblc1VrS are Interested In ladies or grentlemien wlth a desîre for OSHAWA: 3 bedmoombikprysl.Pa oatn hs m n v ille C e m t e r v . 3 4 M a sse y -H a rris 10 ft. se lf- hi h er c ar u n g s u w h o fh tPu belaiacer a r alb u n g a lo w , n ice ly d c o a e . ' m rt na ct n. C i o r bigher ea nings an bWhn soldta Ternaisacashn pro- NursingHo me jpped SWATHER -- _ - ----------------------- - 395.00 OFC PC EUIEosae eofe opeesle rlîgtgehrwt 'l aù n foor cvrn.PtikadCalsR Lyntohura Manr he fle * * * * * * * ON*n*CBOWM NVILE gîîni etalîs fet pemplomenaledcain te andaite: are lt. .- __e O-as ompany benefits. For a confidentîal Interview, plese wIe George VanDyk 623-747'______________ commodetion for senior citi-0 BALERS AND COMBINES * Suhmlssions are lnvlted from owners or authorized agrents BOUýWelÇr locateI A»_inIEN rates. Phone Orono 983-5639. 0 NO PAYMENTS 'TIL MAY, 1968 ta ledfie approxlmately 2,900 square feet gross of office TTRT'er'-r'%leI am. ent$100ge o _________ NO INTEREST - NO CARRYING CHARGES t mdt h nai rvnilPlc eahet 97A KigS.W stjoor 623-7437. at Demnville. Addltional requirements preferred: -. aIlW~r atoom and Board an* * evie d required partltioning, Ancludîng Insîde aecom- I_________ 3-2jhomeRTIE ARE:sro-oAlcam gîa h see B O M va la le fo entle - Ied A lis-C ha lers N . 66 C O M B1x E, p.t.o. m ee n for 2 cars and outs de p r i g f r approx m ately l B u sAIlnodem he l te M a el - man, share room; breakfast Ulsed Case 7 fM COMBINE, moter drive. 25 cars. Garinorge VUaesnDykpotuît j23B-nan pt na. P oe6 -26. m .Fe usn S pr9 12 l.Wrîtten offrs on existing or propeseil buildings wilI 4$20,000 IN CO M E Afe eus O î jabutth 2t dy f ebu - OBN 2cosel)fora, the bauts for future negotiationjsud should be forward-! Aatt196,Mmursbe iled itCi Wcmted to Buy New hemnSpinsterNo.ho3d1ed on or A T W O - W H J I E L st-i . ~d net later than A ugust 7th, 1967, t e -M r. W . G . B entley,' The Ideai candidate la nv saged a s a friendly and D on M ountJoy - 6 3 3 1 e n e s g e n o e ,, W-H rieste 5elf-propded COMBINE hard working ludividual with a sincere desire ta earn aPylsMRbi box. Phone 98-31. 31. 1* -Bale STOOKEI, on rubler tires . -. 320 0 Chief Proverty Officer, Real Estate Brnh, Department etf' In l mum Incone of $20,000. Ne will be prepared ta lnvest-Thomas Dnnelly . 8-21ate hc ae h sa d LIVZ oulty, oi fr~ Gehi FO RLAGE ARVESTER, w th crn head, Publie Warks, 880 ay'Street, Toronto, Otarle - Telephone:'i net lesu than $7.500 la a proven franchise preently oPerating Ros Davidson - B thaiy 31 ilb it iuc codn L j~ M . 7h41r , RJl . 1, th - a d c4er » PaM W o8550.9ba A r cs, C ode 41 , I al 365-4778. P îase re Inr te F ile N . l u n r n a a l n l c l s e l y A d r o . 3 9 2 6 r c l n o i s d l cn.Poe7r1. 3-f CueiftFn«Trins Arranted au Machines '-2- o inîl.Ineuinîresare Invited Ia confidence frein the general GeorgeExecutor M0 to -o-m! od[TUCVW NEQ IMET "D.Iwe.ut orang'other offer net necessarliy acete EowmauvOle area, carl, will b. acknowledged prompîîy. HGordge Valk-6377 Juabot.= tora T. T.R. A EQLLMET W, empli ging resurme ef business exierîente le: W ht oh&Vco, s. ar aw or 4 ou et . Th T R 1 LL A R ,A D V ELTIBER S U5,, oie C anadian Statcs n,î ? .0. Box lo, W Lit Ph to M . or Ki" M . IL Phu"f. 4arhs.anl xc.aveOs aw ,O ta .mm Mo

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