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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1967, p. 13

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aI CLASSIFIED #ADS Thevi.str 's our Carcis, of han CSds o shawaysComehoov).thavetiaigModstideaswhatt wen=bf- Mr- and M ns. Gordon Sm alle In the midst cof ur srrw, MCrea's Cemetery Decra- HEREFORD buIL l Ickstocicr e a " o ma v I ePreto 0 Mary C ch ne P g y ve In al ori cied i WýOul1 like to tbank ail those we wish ta express ur deep tion Day Service will be held 986-U96. 31-1 el n o mav11 vilg thswe.H of Hampton Community and sinoere appreclation te all Sunday, August th at 3p. Grade 6 ta Grae7D>cIihs' be rudfrago loel onriuio orreaivsnigbor ad d v an, stock Julr 31 and Aurust 1, 1987 ta Mr. Rarke's $350. stable Holdaway, OPP, was Cochrane, PhilipBeAeennbro ras tir new home. 31-1* friends for ail their acts of Plan ta attend Ail Star Gaule, Page. UEFAR 1 BRRET FIR AMMr. Rorke explained that he patrolhing Highway 115 aboutPae kindness, sympathy, memorial August 7th, 6 p.m., Maple Phoe Lng istBce On Mnday Magistrate R. was upset because his son lid à a.m. when he observed a Grade 5 ta Gae6Ean Tisanai ghborins, rThandflals i tespas nGr tla vs. Darlieol- stars. t 650(ocatetYu . atnpeiddw s been taken ta hospital for narthbound car swerving from Cochrane, Bett An Ker messages i(nn thege t. YOU sitant Crown Attorney Ken brain surgery and he had ane shoulder ta the other. Jane Russell. love and sonboand brnkOfaIlivs inther, et.Ar c. No>. 63-C-67 Stubingtan, Miss Gladys ROY been up half the night. When stapped the driver had Grade 3 ta Grd4WanMS.AESG N You for ail the cards and gifts Walter. We tAnnual Decoration Serviceounsl fo received Since my accident. tak dctr cig a duy ouelfr"The court sympathizes with difficulty walking, his breathPetaatiPtn*Chr- hedth ccrdJuy John Davey. 3- n ussi adNwo aeiw Cemetery, CNew-n Dhvid Topham, 1358 Mm- B e adnreinattendance at ofh on the Spow-I el i. yu"cmetdMagistrate smelled strangly of alcoholl meSBer', Susan oaBt 7 97,a h amniI Oushaaina o ad Nte tonville, August 13 at 2:30Dai ohm 138Mn Batten, "but yau were a haz- and his eyes were glassy. HeusliMmoalfsptwhrsh We wish Moen u ntev. Mr. ong, Orono; the vf.i pekr a d s e fr Dead or Criippled Far den Street, Oshawa, pleaded ard ta thers using the high- drove along the shouder for Grade 2 to a de 3 T d y ha eCa ptin o w incere thanks ta the friends Mr. Pattro, Whitby, and music. Everyonc welcome. Stock. Pikeul up Promptly nlt guilty ta a charge Of cae- way and shuld nlt have 200 feet before coming ta a Speaing, ShirleyKrPiiin alyas !Ms Of Tyrone and district for the the Northutt Eliott Funerai ______ ____3l.2* Tleihon. Collet 263-721 less driving July 4. He was driven in your emtional stop. Finney, Mary KrDnaJmsGn.Sewsi e nlcrcbor ie s oe eprcsented by Tom Jry.State.",I court the accused admit- Cowan. Midge and John Vivian. GaretAnabele BINGO ag ilF r am Constable D. Stuart, OPP, Florent Latreille was chang- ted a similar conviction in Grade 1 ta Grae2Cey h omrMr .Iwn G amne annald ikr. HRDY IRS 'lo TYRONE told the court he was called cd with careless driving and 1964. He said lie was moving Preston, Judy KerRoeCh-hedead asadutr 311 ae ndDnl ikrd HRDTNGH,8oeokta netge an accident on he and hîs wife, Irene, with from Kitchener ta the Ban- rane, Steven Ruil.a h aeIihadJn We would like to express Chamber of Comm-erce e-tt lington. He liadt difficulty locat- tended while they visited his belongings in the car. ______________ Our____________________InMem rim_____E AVAONin the car because it hiait run licensed premises. The matten Conviction brought a fine of'fewsspn i atwih ineighbours and friends for the OSHAWA 8-tf off the rad, through a ditch, was adjourned until October $75 and costs, or 10 days. POPnsip whre hegre u ceerto for25hWd I A iani en ae4 eception aven a three foot pile of cut 10. There was an automnatie sus- On Saturdaynihastadreevd erdcain ding Anniversary. Aiso thanks Pnyol Friday, August Mn. and Mrs. Everett A. logs anld almost Up a tnee. Othmar Gabriel, 1328 Stans- pension of license. drink can was thantoghhews aredAil4 fo hebatiu gfs mny E O IA S lth in oOrange Hall. Doors Mitchell, Ballyduf!, will be at "The driver of this Volks- bury Road, Oakville, was fin- Terence Pansons and Jere- the large plate gaswno 84 n amdwt e and cards. open from 2-4 p.m. and from home on the occasion o! their wagen had left skid marks on cd $15 and casts, or thnee days, miah Mallie wene charged Of Cowan Equet Eileen and Rej. Hear. Dignifled omd DIstintive 7 p.m. until draws are made 45th wedding anniversary ta the road for 250 feet," cntin- for diving 75 ta 80 miles an July 31 in Newcastle with pany, King Stree at eti 97we hymv 31-1* 'onruments - Fat Markers at 9 P.m.31- welcame friends, relatives and uied the officen, "and appeared hour on Highway 401 June 8. theft af twa trailer wheels and The replaceret wno dt lcsok r.Gn iegbuso unaAgs n a dazed condition with a Constable D. Stuart, OPP, ninis. On the advice of duty will cost $300 rtt x a pcecsd yhrbs 6ndes967,frfrom e2d - 4 and PA7K- 9. e shoulden. He was tak- clocked the vehicle from New- counsel they clected trial by pniesuiiy ad1 er gbtcn Ta th lades O St. Pauls 152S.. shaw BIN GOJ en ta Oshawa General Hospi- castie ta Oshawa Town Line. Magistrate and pleaded git.tnu d a lie n th vlag U.C.W. Gnoup 3, my friends 102 BNG'est wishes only please. tal The let frot ad riht On TedayMitteR. Evidence was that a 1957unisewntalve it and ýneighbors for the gifts, 723-100 -72-662T7rdyNih ________ 30-2a. ee nn n gusy aisre flowers and cards. The Hum- Office Evenings h rd yNan rear tires were fiat." B. Baxten presidèd with Crown Chev was observed eastbound t'Ty'A'Rn 7:5The accused admîtted hav- AtreyG .Bonnycastle, - ETH VILEtber ganadaughîn2and be orsqe lu f heBln, Ms Jseh -ing two bottles of beer with Tom Jermyn acting as duty A check af the vehicle ne-Tnat, rno Sh ws niany cards and get well wish- OSH A WA neceive thein fniends and ne- ing. He said he remembered Keith Ferguson, represented tnunk and another on *the charges was hcld hn nSn hrh es heRv.H Trerfr i V A N 06thein t h dn niver nteoc s-oio putting on bis brakes for the by A. A. H. Strike, was front right side similan ta two day. Rcv. Udei a h h ssrie ytv visits and prayers each week; Reebr...Nwate yAugt 3d, 1967,at t e rintersection and then waking changed July 30 with impair- reported stolen from Darcey speaker. Our SErvcsfrtesnCaec fCdu n o n . M e i c a n dl o hr or w e s .5 6 a P i t r e e b r . . . N w a t e a y u u t 3 d 1 9 7 a t h e p i n h e a m b u l a n c e . d r i n g T h s w a j u - D s t b t o . T em n g r s m e r e t Wh atedd easenuss Centennial Week-end, August Memroial Park Club House,Th change was dismissed. ed until October identified them by heavy Sunday servicesaratGreving reabohIsh on M edic l Floor for 16 eeks. a d D e c o r t o r s 5, and 7 - ug . 5cdn dh evingrtyT hisS .w asp adj-u9 3n-VDcst Alb etars.k eT h299m anager ansum m er areveat ilr aams.fN ext bH arveye oilO My sincere appreciatian. 27 Elgin St. - Bawmanville afternoon, tea and bake sale. Best wishes only. Hudson Street, Peterborough,,1woapared prcviously, el- and fresh silver paint.ta nTedyeeigtecide,1 ra-rnci~ M ary E . A mistead . nIth e evo!iS eagravete 0i2en grand- 31-1 Prhone 623-3075 George Chard Orchestra in _____________ plcaded guilty af careless ected trial by magistrate and Duty counsel stated ta the ladies met in the aeetoieadfu ra-ra. 2-fCommunity Hall. August 6, driving July 5. Conviction peddntgit March 31 youths, bath 17, had camelthe church ta planwa hygadhlnn 26tfComuit PeieatWatea alhrought a fine of $40 and lo! ecarnal knogwledge o! a 15- hene from Newfoundland three would seli at the aei h h uea evc a The amily ai the late o m nt inc a a n ae costs, on eight das. ye rod girl, werc convicted. months ago. Thy btained vla e u. 5 s l n h ed a h c e m t Magae Hres is t x- SPTC TA K Park. August 7, ball games yHelp 'Willgented 5 MagrtHresws ee- S PI A K ail day, aiternoon parade, ev- epW n d Constable D. Stuart, OPP, Bath admitted previaus con- wark in Scanbonaugh but had Mr. and Mi's.Haod o-Pnaae Fura Hme ten________________an_________ngcarivl. 1- stated that bis investigation viction on similar charges. subsequently been laid off. den, Osaca, spentSuaywtPotenJuy 9h.Rv appreciation ta friends, rela-PJM NGa a two-car accident at Bernard was released on bail Bth were given suspnded M. and Mns. C. Bat.Mlo adro, Trno tes and neighbouns for their WHMTWASHING STABLES Woodview Camminnty Centre A N R MAN Symons' Road on Highway until final disposition of the sentence fan anc year. Mrn. rs acts ai kindness, messages of BERT T KIS MONSTER BINGO and Mns0. R. Westheur.sork cae ad Scanductcd in Edntheofifuneralared service.dy i sympathy, floral triutes, do- phoe eb4ônday76-55 Permanent Poiin was ovcntaking a vehicle dniv- custody for ane week. July 29 witli assaulting an- Several attendEd h aea no eeey nations ta Cancer Society in PooNwavllN8-52~ext M n a en by Alan Henry Wilson, Alvin Schaus, L'Amable other lady by pulling ber bain apeleotai Ms oc h alenr eeEn th ecn ls o ea ifCalColc 4-f :5 ..(5 day w eek R.R. 5, and attempting ta pass Post Office, near Bancroft, out. This was adjourned ta an Friday eveningDari, Mwod M ee * Dr. McKenzie. Staff ai Me- p3eded/2 imaire 12 JAC2BU GESouErBA N Damage ta M. Wilson's car diving July 29. P CV cases and Family Oshawa, werc at unsd an cagîn maril Hspial.S pe ci a1 OL BUNER - URNCES0 SH AW Awas appoximately $150 and Evidence was that Con- Court complctcd the docket. aven th; wcekend. thaUksta Barlow Funeral CLEANED 6-tf APPLY ADMINISTRATOR One o the Fnenc 11oAeand ev. B. Long for PLUMBING REPAIRS 'AaIVaato exchangea T-y tdetsfomQ his com!orting words. 31-1 PHONE HAMPTON E P O R Memorial otl , ue M9'oh ombsB THAN ngth eTVwt _____and__ BE dron ete. rs. John C oobes ingthey hek wt arvo MrMa r. oetMr il 263-2151 AGS n COE Bowmanville The sacrament of comn- which had an average attend- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Watson, points o! intercst n xpc and the Jacobs family wish te ail.o. ox 43 Bow3avilltours 623-3331 muineshl tcuc nac f15puis aet odn r n r.Hw r ta ey b Navevar edavea Mn and eM n Re n ors P A.dox 43-ess: 3 l Iel DesT a ysotainmssunion Thee will be no and !iends came to the last Scott, Lindsay, were guests Toronto befoe hei avs e x n d a t e i r o n t ai n s 0 p o tInc l d xe llr ns o tt iA c on , P s -S u d W a h c d aa n e a 1 0 p p i s P r n t L o o ; M . a d i g a and aprecatio ta !iend, 30t! at n xeletAcmo 30-2 church services during the afternoon ceremony. R e v. last week wîth Mn. and Mrs. An excellent timnwsh a relatives and neighbours for rto dation at the Decarie Plaza* month a! August as Rev. D. Nathey and Beth Knowlton Walter Neals. Expa by Mrs. Wetusr th:ir acts af kindness, mess- Refrigerto Hotel. Tlpoe M PEG O E Narthcy is on holidays. led the childnen in a rousing Miss Evelyn McKinnon, Mrs. Dekoken andMs.Ti- ages a! sympathy, floral rb and For Reservatlons ephn MA L GR V Congratulations ta Durham sing-sang. Mrs. J. Coombes Montreal, Que., is spending son. Thcy came oelt utsand donations ta Cancer 2-25eig r County Square Dance Team welcomcd and tbanked those threc weeks vacation at the Monday evening. Society in the recent loss of Appliance Service 623-3265E3e na or Rev. J. P. Romenil, B.A,, who placcd first at the campe- who had helped in any way. home af her mother, Mrs. Soine aI the tobaco:rmr their dean daughter Dorothy, Comimerélal andl Domestie62-03Dy B.D., who bas been on holi- titions at Peterborough on Sat- Dianne Woodley read a pocm James McKinnon. are startîng harvtigto- wife o! Ernie Jacobs and moth- Refrigeratiou - Mk Cooles COLMIER days for the past mnth, wilî urday night. Membes of the called "Myscf". The Kinder- M. and Mrs. Robet Gil- row.__ ero PuaPtr n Dna. Poe ET YRbe in bis own pulpit on Sun- tcam were Misses Lois Ashton, ganten Class under the lead- mour and sons Paul and Terry A number fromheewnta,. Special thanks ta the Marris T A E SERVICE day. Hope ta sec a good turn- Jean Hancock, Barbara Rose ership ai Mrs. Walter Love- spent several days last week sec the Centennialaavni Fobntsl omfr bsncmîRtingH. ighs 623-377 31-2 out. and Mrs. Loran Pascoe, Messrs. nidge sang "Two Little Eyes" with Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Pont Hope. It was'i sgo Roetsnfr i omotig Nghs 63-17Mrs. Kay Burgess, Taranto, Ken Ashton, Jim Cryderman, and "Jesus Laves Me." Bon- Canr at Picton. as the Centennial Tanbti words. 31-1 *1Lne arx~r~i asfrSl recently spent a e dy an'Hancock and Don Welsh. nie Burgess and Theresa Guests with Mrs. Ina Palm- was similar enough htpol] Lan erHadwitCashorMn. andMs lyd Miss Marlon Buttery was the Cowles nead "I Wonder". er for the. weekend were Mon- who didn't sec the tanwud_ ]RESULTS COUNT! and ELECTRIC 193 CHV BlirCa h, Snowd nd. " lydfcaller". They will now com- Then the Primany Class un- ton Wake, Detroit, Mich.;_ Conulta Mmbe cftheautamati, 6 cylinder, radio, M. and Mrs. Satn Caste, pete in the provincial campe- der the leadership o! Mrs. John Wake, LaSalle, Mich.; ~~ ULT GlC hTday Ai condition. Phone 987-4352 Peterborough, wcre Monday1 titions at Guelph an August 12. Jim Woodley sang "Glad I am- Mrs. Neta Farnsworth, Toron.- Ce ahTdor 987-4397. 31-1 evenng visitos with Mrs. L.1 A number fnom this coin- ta Live" and "He's got the ta, and George Wake o! Ajax. MONUMENTS N F rOI ppiucs1957 PýN-TiAC, -2-door sedan, C. Snowden and Mn. Bob munity attended the Junior Whole World in His Hands." Mr. and Mns. F. R. Stinson MWARKER ForLTIPLE LISTING standard 6, 1967 plates, needs Snowden. Farmers chicken barbecue at The Junior Girls unden the and family moved ta their new repains, $75 or best offer. Cali Mn. and Mrs. Frank Deweli, Onono last Thursday evening. leadership o! Mrs. Robent Guests with Mt. and Mrs. UL~ through 623-2184 Saturday ny. 31-1 Thistlctown, Mr. and Mn,. Last Saturday Mn.. Ken Lambert and Mn.. Ken Black Ross Carr on Saturday were STAFOR MUTPELSICSERVICE STATESMAN 16 ECR otry~ Arthun Mantin, King St.W., Shackleton held a trousseau bad a neading and sang "The Mrs. Elizabeth Patton, St.Ba Oshacwa & District c l~F~ oor hardtop, power brakes, Bowmanvlle, wee Tuesdayte rhrcaheM gnt Lord's My Shepherd". The Thomas; Mrs. Leora Gason, 5: RStLA GyLelnÈRa Ett ]Real Estate Board Phono 623-3303 whitewalls. Phone 623-2670.' with the latter's daughter and Sano a e lc hs St hp a e. D vd N rhy M . and Mrs. Frank White i%'MIW'Jieir 1 lae a n o n ta -24-t! busband, Mn. and Mns. Fred ur'day' prcsented a pulppet play caîîl- have moved here from Pîcton DnrMONUMdrENPaiTh.Sec - - -- ~Wright and family, Base Line. Mn. and Mn,. D o-u gl 1 a s cd "Gone ta the Dogs". The The barn on the farm prop .lur h a a xeineh h On Saturday evening Mn. and Thonipson, Jan and Douglas, Senior girls and boys led by ryoM.anMs Wle Mn.. Fred Wright, Mn. Byron landa, Flonida, were Thuns- Mrs. David Northey had a Srya n.adMstaffr i nm aa.fedadi u Wnigt, aseLine wee ~ day dinner guesta cf Mr. and reading entitled "What Iightnn nTusa n ~ ~ m n:brfinaadcin, per guts with Mn. and Mn.. Mn.. Leslie Welsb. They aiso Lave?" (the theme aI schaal). opeeydsrydb h civic ~ ~ ~ Lwi Dewell at Williams cailed an sevenal ather fniends Dawn Vaneyk ended the proa- cmnesln t e ytem n Po intsat Lake Scugog. Sunday in the community. gram by neading a paem cali- Bethany Men's Softhaîl team LIMTED a!bra dinner guests with Mn. and cd "Somne Thoughts." Parents won their game agaînst iii Box 133:2-76 - y ~ ~M.. Fred Wright and family, and friends went aven ta thelbrook last week with the score 319 Dundas St. E.-WibGU LELN Base Line, were Mr. and Mns. TYRONE hall ta sec the displays and 93 Wib Leg aKy hreeadhave refreshments. Final reprt o! S . N o 4 Phone ht y6835 E L O II LI A eIlan PoC redty Mise M. Annie Hathery spent-------- Judy Cann and Ruth FllntoI!, a few days with Mrs. Leta Maple Grave. Monday even- Fte saa // \~\ing visitos witb M. and Mrs. izeOsa . Havlng a happening aven Fred Wright were Mn. and Mn. and Mns. G. Alldread, the Civie Holiday weekcnd? Mn.. Stan Haskayne, Bassano, Men. a ned s antripnescot n Thon make the seene at Alberta, Mn. and Mrs. George etyejyd n hog DYKSTRA'S where you'îl Izatt, Pickering, Mn. and Mn..NthWtenOti.m 'Fre HarisWhiby.M. and Mn. George Ail- find a storef ul of TOP Fe ans hty dread spent a few days withm P a nroel s - VAU US o o! Mr. and Mn.. Lloyd SnOw- her cousins, Mrs. Mantha * * * r oie cookout wlnners or full Camp cottage aI Minkr Lake. Mr. and Mns. Norman Kim-» course "in" dinner,! Here Mrs. Walter Park, Bowman- bail, New London, Conn. are the BEST holiday bcýd« . le a odyvstr M.adMs haDw 9 0 Hope, be daughtenndRs MaTe innn, along ~ m u r p h y , M n. a n d M r s e i i d y t E p Godmrpyand daghenos n. lJean Abrams i.enjoy- ONAI o AL E Oawa ing a trip ta the West Coast ONT RIO No.i T BLE - N W H TE SL CEDM n. and M n.. Fred Stevens and visiting ber daughter in ESwere supper guests with Mn.. Calgary. POTA OES13R A D Bent Blackbtpn and Miss Jean Mn.. Ace Abbott, Oshawa, 8 5 ~~Biackburn, Uxbnldge, anc ev- visited ber sisten and bro.t & i1 ening last Week. ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. CLoaves 240t.c Mn. and Mn.. Walter Short, Earl Prescott. Yua 4 34 o.. Yeareerwer &ryearaft M. ad ry.J.C.roo noon callers on M. and Mrs. and grandsn Jamie Cowells H. G. P'recman. spent the weekend with Mn. Kraft Gold Scal summInt Dinette Mn.. Charlie White and two and Mn,. Julian Reed, Narval, OM O UAIEgrandsons Stephen and Doug Ont. Hen sisten Mn,. George YlI TMTTUAIEMargarine Hill, Oshawa, were Sunday Wl!] returned' home witb RN OU AN PROBLEA KETCHUP CHUNKS CREAM callers on the former's bro- themit convalesce aller ber 49C 2tins59 , 79c %i.4,6s$10 esnd ng frend an staedwit hs 1 vhaavu uP oct their grandparents, Mr. and grandmotber, Mns. Edith Mur- Mn.. C. Haggerman. phy. ms a v Wo Mn. and Mn.. Ted Faiey, Mr. and Mms. Fred Fergu-- Mn.. Pearl Rackin, Base Lin., son, Enniskillen, Mn.. Gardon CUTC the latter'. niece, Un. Allan ited Mn. and Mn.. R. Gibbs. 128-1611 Clark,.llowmanviltc Mn. and Mn.. W. Rahm,erSuayvitnwihVCaBoanjl vsLI TDSHP; GETE D Y K 17R13Mr. and Mn.. d.p. Swailow Gail Graham and BIll Rahii , wene Sunday visiton. with visited Mrn. r.Afe (14O E OFQUAITY)--ber sis1ers and Iheir bus- Grace and daughters, Mn. and F O D MR K E7w. KIN Densm aM r.mnd MrsM . Hen dMr andM.. Afed-W. - FO D M R EB.OWMANVILLE JackAmhtn, cao¶ ruh ahi, Four Mile Lake, fanr àN.TE A ET BIOO la visitlng at ber sister's, Mr. Fniday, July 28th, aw the Mdadmn C. je, Swufow. CJoeU a t a varY c;susÛ6

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