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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1967, p. 14

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- J~'~~v - U Tle Caradien Stateuia£4 Eownmvfle, Aug. 2, 1967 eride and Groom Taken. For Bu'ggy, journey, the bride and groom lienl MeRoberta, aunt of the« were driven around town in bride, et the bride's home.' a horse-drawn buggy with Mm. Harvey Jones, another Mrs- tan Gobie Of Tyrone as aunt of thc bride, also gave a Ride drier. They are residing at miscellaneous shower st lher 81 Prospect St., Bowmanville. home in Bowrnanville; and A kindergarten teacher et neighbors of the bride attend- Ontario St. School, Bowman- cd a similar shower at the1 ville, the bride attendcd home of Mrs. Jini Kane, Bow-i Tyrone Public Sehool, Central manvile. A miscellaneousi Public and Bowman'ville High shower W'~as held at -the Odd Schools,* and Peterborough Fdllaws Hall, Bowmanville Teachers' College. The groom with Mrs. Mrs. Clarence Ther- attended Ontaria St. Public tell, aunt of the groom, and1 and Bowmanvile High Schools Mis., Denis Severn and Mr Buies College and Provin- Ron Glass, sisters of the groom cial Institute of Trades. He is as hostesses and relatives and1 employed as a mechanie et friends of the bride and' the Roy W. Nichois Garage, groom attending.1 Bowmanville. School frlends of the bride *Honored giuests--at the wed- attended a miscellaneous show-F ding were the bride's grand- ci given by the maid of honorp mothers, Mrs. Mary Aldead and bridesmaids at the home g and Mrs. -Margatet McRob- of Miss, Brenda Farrow. St.:1 erts. Out-of-town guests et- Paul's Sunday 'School, whereC tended frorn Oakville, Toronto, the bride is a teacher, present-0 Ouhw, St. Eusche,Qe., an- d misering ay Mrningu- Osgha,S.Huae, QPeterbr-nd nh er i aymerd al-, surrounding ax-eas. and aiternoon kindergarten The bride was guest of classes. each presented the ti *honor et many parties. Mis, bride with engraved serving d Jack McNultY,' Bowmanvifle, trays. A deep fryer was pie- tI vehostess fra bth so ented ta the bride by the et shower; and a miscellaneous staff of Ontario St. Sehool. ti shower was held by Mfiss lii- The Bowmanville staff of ri The resignation of P. D. Ritchie as Township Treasur- er was accepted with regret at the meeting of Darlington Township Council hé1d inth Township Hall, Ham3pton, laàt Wednesday evening., Reeve H. C. Mu: presided ai the meeting. On à moton by Councillor Russell Dow, seconded by These accounts for June in- Deputy Reeve Carl Do--, It Roy W. Nichais Motors Ltd. presented the groom with a gift of money. Messrs. Ted Miller, David Bowen and Ted Cornish held a party In honor of the groom. eat the former's h1ome when he received a sum of money.1 The bride's mother held a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter on June 24th; andj the groom's parents entertain-« ed with a dinner party* for1 the bridai party following theq reheara1 00)1.05, salaries $4,276.73, and onded by CoiMcfl O % o theêroads pay liat $5,248,992. moved that a deCclOn the Concillor Gibbs moved 1967, insurance revieW b., fl OUfCIu that the tender for peving on withhe4d until a revised re- 1 ash Road, a road between view 's tablcd at the tirst Iwas decided that council wilî Concession TwVo and Three, council meeting in August. Submittcd by the Hastings This was carried. -censider passing a By-Liw et Asphait Company, Limited, Counilor Gibbs, secqflded Lits meeting to be held on be accepted, at the unit prices by Deputy Reeve DOw .- tAugust- lOth et 7:30 -p.m., for tendered subject to the. ap- cd that T. A. Greer, Sthe 1urpose of widening, di- provsl of the Ontario Depart- for Mr. -and -Mrs. tver-tig, and improving part ment of Hghways. This was Hindman, be adVised t1hati of Waverly Road between the seconded by the Deputy Township Council f eels 'th t C.N.R. and. Highway 401 and Reeve and carnied. the value. set by -the townsbl tQ e pro riae la ds equred Coun illor Dow moved that appraisr represents an ad~- for thi4 project -in Lots 13 Clerk - Adminstrator Rundie, quate value and in justice to, and 14 in the Broken Front the Road Superintendent, and the other property -holders Concession, and that the the Road Committee attend a cencerried the offer of settie. tTownship Sbllcitor lie in- meeting on Ju]y 31st with ment cannot be increased. structed ta prepare the nec- Departhient of Highway offi- This motion was carrIed. essarY By-Law.I cials ta discuss Development Two By-Laws were passed The council i ns t r uet ed Road 706 shoulders and siopes. et the meeting. No. 2360 au- Township Cierk-Administrator This was seconded by Coun- thorizes conveyances Of Simnp. W. E. Runçile ta publish in- cillai Gibbis, and carried. son Avenue, and 2361 makes formation regarding this pro- Councillor Dow moved that minor changes in the Cen- posed project in the Press, the Clerk-Administrator and tennial Project By-Law. and ta post such notices as the Road Superintendent with Counilor Gibbis, seconded may be required. Power ta act contact Lloyd by Deputy Reeve Down, mov- Accounts emounting ta' $33,- Found ta sce if he is avaiu- cd that Orville Grills' wages 260.'70 were passed for pay- able for appraisal work on as Weed Inspector lie Increas- ment on a motion, by Deputy the Weverly Road expropria- cd from $1.55 an hour to $1.75 Reeve Down, seconded by tion. Deputy Reeve Down sec- per hour, and thet Mr. Grills Counilor Richard Gibbs. onded this motion, which was sulmit a writen monthly re- ciuded, roeds $18,823.06, wei- carried.1 port for the monilis of July, fare__$1,911.94, general. $3,- DeputY Sceve Down. e Augurnd Se~~.ntemr. Speciai A ttraction (centennial. .Bea rdý Growung Contest JUDGING AND PRESENTATION Starts 7:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. William Alan Robinson Farrow are shown in the above photo as they set out in a horse-drawn buggy for-.a tour of town streets following their niarriage in St. Paul's United Church, Bow.-anville, on Saturday, July 1, 1967, at 3 o'clock. The bride is the former iMiss Carroll Diane lVlRoberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howvard. E. McRoberts, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. llarry A. Farrow, ail of Bowmanville. McRobbie Photo June Weddi'ng byý the ýschool staff; and were aiso presented with an edcc- tri broom by the grôom's Patricia Avenue ncighbors. Feliow emplayees of the groom et Kawneer Ltd. pre- sented him with a gift of Inoney. *Foilowing the wedding re- hearsal the groom's mother, Mrs. Nicholas K-napp, enter-l weuaingparty a lier home. FARROW MCROBERTS The marriage of Miss Car- rail Diane McRoberts, daugli- fer of Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. McRoberts, and Mr. Wil- liai Alan Robinson Farrow, son of Mr. and Mrs. I{arry A. Farrow, ail of Bowmanvilîe, was Solemnized in St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanvilîe, / on Saturday afternoon, July 1, 1967, at 3 'clock. For the ~ ceremony, white and pinki ~ - i gladioli and 'mums prettily dlecorated the church and the guest pews were marked by white satin-ribbon bows. - Rev. Harold Turner officiat- cd and Mr. Ross Meteaif play- - ced fthc wedding music. The soloist, Mr. Kenneth Bragg, sang The Lord's Prayer and O Perfect Love during the signing of the register. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a - centenniai-fashioned gawn of silk arganza and AI- encon lace. The fitted bodice Mr. anid Mrs. Robert Gerald iKnapp, who are was styled with a natural lxi he bov phtochoe Sturay ornngwaistline, scop neckline, andj qhown ith bv phtcoeStra ongýelbow-length siceves with al June 24, 1967, at 10:30 o'clock for their marriage in Jbell-shaped edge accented byl St. John the Evangelist Church, Whitby. The bridel a wide band of scalloped Al- is the former Miss Claire Elizabeth Tierney, daughter ýencan lace. Matching bands of lace enhanccd the tiny waisti of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Tierney, and the groom Is and encircled the narrow the son of Mrs. Nicholas Knapp and the late Mr.1iskirt, and a full, bouffant ,Knapp, ail of Oshawa. buistle-style train was fasten-, Photo by Denis Studios d at fthe waist with a large bow. She wore the groom's KNAPP - TIERNEY receive and chose a muiti- gift a single strand of cultur- coiared brocade dress andledd pearîs and matching car- e'T'he marriage of Miss Claire coat, and niatching accessor- rings. Her four-tier, bouffant, izabeth Tierney, daughter jes in pastel yellow. Eachlscalloped veil was cauglit ta ~fMr. and Mrs. Bernard we a white archid corsage, a spray of lily-af-the-valley, Mierney, and Mr. Robert Ger- Before leaving an their and she carried a bouquet of à1d Knapp, son of Mrs. Nicha- wedding trip ta northern pink carnations and stephan- ~S Knapp and flic late Mr. points, the bride donned for otis centred with a white or- £napp, ail of OshaWa, was travelling a white crepe dress chid. olemnized in St. John the accented by brilliant ycîîow MisNncy McRoberts ofý 'Ivangelist Churcli, Whitby, cuffs and coller, yeilow bat Bowimanville was maid of çn Saturday morning, June and white shocs. A garden ;a honor for her sister and the. IN, 1967, et 10:30 o'ciock. corsage, etchcd in yeîîow,ibridesmaids were the eroam'sý -ý,Rev. L. McGough of Tor- complemenzed lier ensemble. sister, le n Missna aro, ~to was the officiating cicr- Thèy are residing in Toronto eomniladMs Maryý ;yman and the wedding mnu- wlierc the groom is employed Jane rough, Orona. They ine was played by Mrs. Sinmone as supervisai in Production 0oreidntilfon stofBlos- leslie. Contrai et Kawnecr Ltd., sam n k hffnsyl o The bride, who wes given Scarborougi. emire ucorne wit s r i h In marniage by lier father, Out-of-towvn guests attend-sitacrdnpetdpu- worca lng hit gon o cdfroxi ew orkCit, Bw- d sîceves, and flowing train' ,Vor a ongwhie gon O edfro NewYor Ciy, ow-cauglit at the shoulders. They~ ehushan and lace, and te manville, Toronto, Montreal, wore matching pink bow head- ghape1 tramn was also edgcd Brighton, Coiborne Bolton pice adorned with a siik îï_th lace. Her veil was held and Massachusetts. rosette and pink veiling, andi ,by a ringlet-styled headpiece, Prir to lier marriage, flehir oqes eo pinkt id her ali-white bouquet was bride was guest of hanor at the irtoqetcarertiof E al gladiolia 'florets end ste- several 'parties. Mrs. Josephi wore a single cultured peari plianotis crested with a gar- Wrubel and her niother, Mrs. droplet. the icgft of the bride ienia. She wore an heinioorn John Cardinal, Oshawa, wcre Mr. David Bowen was besj i tÎcklace of secd pearis. bostesses for a miscellaneous man and ushering were the ,Miss Janice Tierney, sister shower. Mrs. Leoniard Weeks,J bride's brother, Mr. Wayne of the bride, was maid of Oshawa, aidcd by lier daugli- McRoberts, and Mr. Ted Cor-ý jpor and the bride's cousin, ter Suzanne, held a linen nish, aIl of Bowmanvilie. i1 Miss Claire Marie Carnvale shower. Mis. William Fax .Following the ceremony ai 61 pittsburg, Mass., who is and Miss Nadine Sherwin, reception was held in flie! ilso ber god-child, was flower Taranto, gave a miscellaneous Church Parlor. The bride's; uThey were attired in shower. mother received wcaring a ~or-enthcoala gowns la Mrs. David Frolick, assist- -ress and threc-quarter length grlnoss style witli matchlng ed by bier maother, Mnr. Fran. coat ensemble of rose-pink bow headpieces and their cis Bournie, Oshawa, was lias- lace with matching accessor. iuri-colored bouquets were of tesi for a - hower et which a lcs.e She wus assisted'by ths 5W%, ldiola florets and pi., ettlng of chiné a Wa5 room'a mother who WQre a *matiebs. ted to the bride. Mis. »rench bine, gilk, shantfnt -Mr. Ronald Knepp,. Llnd- Bchard Kent, Téironto. held matchlng <lieu and coat witl ïy, brother rotlthegroomi, e a ,glleous shower. Mrs. anatchlng gea~îs ol vas best m2an anld thfl m éUIIWil*y and ?x&. wore courgo of white car- .,e,. Mr. N(ur#in IXale7o01ibâ Nolden vire hostesset nations sdPink asweethemnt i a, and i à& dfor * pentry shower. Ste! roses. bm"UmMbera o! fSr Saa!o As the beide and groom lf 40 ~mgCo11egiate, Tormto, for il #tn t 8 Iw #~bide tua a ý tbeTm A 4 -8 tgviu» 1W bride W* weertng a CENTENNIAL MEMORIAL PARKuBOWMANVILLE IN CASE 0F RAIN SATURDAY,. AUG. l2th NOVEL B-OOTHS- 21 -q e SPECIAL RIDES FOR THE KIDDIES REFRESHM-ENTS Fun for the Entire Family -SIG CENTENNIAL DRAW for S10 GOVERNMENT B'ONDS 1lst Prize 2nd Prize CHANCE KINETTE FEATU RES Draw for: TICKETS FIS.H POND RECORD BOOTH- HOME BAKING'. REFRESHMENTS. CENTDI?IIAJ Daims - - - 1,000 Gov't Bond - e . -$500 Gov't Bond 3rd-4th-5th-6th-7th-8th Prize $100 Gov't Bondj 9th-I Oth Prize TICKETS on - - .-. $50 Go v't - Bond n25c ea. m 5forl.00 gi84 l; . o! whlte c~ yellow swe0ii oeoiiiwao. *1 LUE KN M N CU EVC U T 'i .4 I -I .4 i .4 I i l each ýBINGO mm m Nmqw GAMES OF

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