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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1967, p. 1

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One Way to _Needie, a Politiciari The badly decomposed body of a young mani, believed to be about 17 years of age, was found by acci- dent li the bush on the second con- cession of Manvers Township on Monday, about 4 p.m. He had- been shot through the head and had been lying there for at least two weeksi No identification has yet been establjshed, and police have issued the following description. He was nracn uneraj .rleact- Home br ~bîan ten VOLUME 113 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO-T"Î~. cular, well-developed, possibly of dark complexion. There were sev- eral bad cavities li the teeth, but, no visible déntal work. He ýwas wear- ing black loafers, size 9-10, black socks, greeni denim trousers, white undershorts, green corduroy shirt, button down collar, greyish browný windbreaker, with zipper front and knitted ccllar axid sleeves. Th rough quarters of the Ontario Provincial Police, has been ashigned to assist Bownianvile Provincial Police li their investigation. Ay person having knowledge of a missixig person of this descrip- tion is requested to caIl the OPP Detachment at Bowmanville. Following an autopsy the f un- Canada's Hestory ln Exciting Displays During its three day stay Council and Bowmanville's here the Confereration Cara- citizens welcomed George van reaIistically evoked Cana- Moir, th fficiai in charge of da's historic past for the the Confederation Caravan and people of this area. It told his staff. Canada's story with the aid of "We are deeply grateful ta life'size models, sound effects, the federal government for highting artifacts, and pho- arranging ta have the Con- tography. federation Caravan corne to Apatch sewing contest is always a highlight of any affair andthsoea A representative crowd at- Bowmanville. We hope that theLierl icnc n atrd yanoecpi.It asahbnd ndwe tended the opening cerem.ony Mr. Moir and his staff will the ibeal icni onSatrdaywasno xcetion Itwasa huban an ifeat Il o'clock on Friday mnorn- find their stay here enjoyable deal for most of the contestants who might have hesitated to let just anyone ing in Memorial Park. Coun- and pleasant, and that the go swishing around their posterior with a needie and thread. Mrs. Honey is cillor James Bourke, Chair- people of the town and dis- taking particular pains here to mnake certain she doesn't puncture' Durham's man of the local Caravan Com- trict will enjoy the exhibits. popular Member of Parliament. In fac t she was so careful that they lost the m itee rsied Mayor IvnHucloBblour tand i contest. Wouldn't you know, the patches read "Vote Liberal." Hibs orsbh, fTon (UR OPAET Many Officiais Present. for Confederation Carava.n Opening Ij O&ts and1 Pieces QUADIV ilar., XI'- - >N A eas oia nexi Monday, The Staiesman staff, already und stress with several on their annuai holidays, w b. hard-pressed ta put the paper together in ji two days. Correspondenîs and adveriisersa requested to send or bring in their copy as ear. as possible. NEW SIGN - An attractive new'sîgn. was eretEF this week on the lawn at the former Norihci & Smith Funeral Home on Division Street.I future this establishment wiIl b. known as Nont cuti Eliiott Funeral Home. t . t t t NO GAME - There wili be no Men's Town Leagi double-header piayoff on Monday ai Memoria Park. Insiead, the sanie teams thai were to hav played Monday wiil baille on Wednesday nigisia the tumes ouilined in SportsTapies. Incideninl thse lights appear ta be working weli altiough & expected tiser. have been a few. complainis. Las zighi Siephen Fuels edged Frank Real Estate 2-1 and Kramp's beai Ken's 6-2 in thse opening semi. final playoff. A good crowd was on hand for thE event. i' t t t.f REFAIR - A crew of CPR repairmen is busy today removing and replacing the flooning anc same of the other limber on tise overhead bridge t î f Bowmanviiie, so traffic is being re-roulec thse second bridge ta the west. BARBECUE - Although il rained quite heavily lasi Thursday evening, it is undersiood the Junior Far.-ers iseld their chicken barbecue ai Orono fairgrounds, flot ai the Park as wns mistakeniy intimated in this column lasi week. The. chicken was ahl cooked before the rains came, so they moved int the arena and everyone had a good lime enjoying the food and the enieriainment. BIG WEEKEND - There is not boa much planned here this holiday weekend, but in Newcastle they have a. full. schedule of bail games in the afier- noon and tise big carnival .ai nigii.' Alsci, the Highland Games are scheduled for Cobourg, and, if you rnissed the Confederaîjon Caravan here, it wil beondispiny in Oshawa aithe fairgrounds. BLACK TOP - Bennett Paving have been doing quite a job covering up rnany of thse broken sidewaiks in tawn wilh aspisali lhis week. Quite a few citizens have -made uncomplimeniary re- -marks about the resuit, but aI least bhey aren't -quile as up and down for -pedestrians as îhey -were before. WINNER - Another winner was deciared last niit in theKi Investment Draw. His number w&à 14,butourinformant couldn't remember thbie name of the ticket holder *ho wonI $50. Next :draw will be for thse big $1,00O jackpot and we -can think o! aI leasi one persan wiso couid use it. 'APPREC1ATION - Confederation Caravan Man- ager George Moir phoned Monday fromn Oshawa £to 'ask thse Editor ta express appreclation ta everyone concerned for thé wonderful reception iand hospitality ihey received in Bowmanville. ,,,,The attendance was 16,316 for the three days, the besý they have had in some urne and leý feit thse Coenzbbtee headed by Cauneilior Jùn Bourke s houîd b. complimented for the' Wonderful pro- job they did. Also, the staff enjoyed the acIis at Erinli Golf & Couitry 'Cqub and Bo iv- ~ville Golf & Curling Club tisai were made ravailable to them witlout charge. Ai in 4U, -tis in charge mnade thse caravan staff feel rigisi Mt home, xnluding the fine cvi sppi n u da_ evening at Thse lying DMotoi, M Inn. toc bhear tbise.complimen4 about Our town. Wo dQbt tihe». uests wilI renember Bowrnanville ad&à,wSZmIR ing.. Steady FIow of Visif ors erToured Duigiuys aNf Museum uin u ut Bowmaniville Museurn has attendat reports that a monton, Altai., regarding Rev '4 are ated two sîr numberoýf people have called James 'Samis and Sarah Ann thouh hemothofJuy hi yarto consult maps, dir- Campbell who amednte rly totalling 290. People are on ectories and documents i a Newcastle - Bowmanville area the move this year and the search for iormation regard- and left ta go to Sarnia pas- , Museum has had a number of mng ancestors who came from sibly around 1868. ed tourists on their way to or this area. Among týhese. wasMro area~At ed ro EponiMotreal *who Dr. Frak W . mis of Ea- <TURN TO PAG TWC i Lîtt have seen the Museum direc- j In tion signs on Highway 2 or h-coming off 401, or who have tourist guides. Some of the iL e I vsenthis u m hsted in place ue have been guests of area resi-sE i îedents. yAnnual ici ia An interesting group were v some members of the anitique.......... at car bufs of this district, trave - r D rh m Lirr Sling in several vintage auto- D r C m L b r isLate Frîday rnorning, federal, provincial and civic four barsof "0 Canada". The official party lnclmded, ,y, mobiles, who paid the Mus- The annual picnic held by ville, and Miss Diane Even- officials and their wîves took part in the officiai open- from lef t to riglit, top picture, Mayor and Mrs. Hlobbs as eum a visît on July 27. They the Durham County Liberal den, Toronto, were in charge ning of the Cinfedieration Caravan that had arrived Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers, Newcastle's Reeve Eari st were welcomed and shown Association in Waltona Park, of the tickets. through the Museum by Miss Newcastle, on Saturday after- Th rz inr eeat Memorial Park earlier in the day. Conimittee Chair- Walton, Darlington's Reeve Harold C. Muir, Pin@ 1, Isabelle Davis and Mr. Forrest noon was enjoyed by a large Th~ ettie nor ja, ife: "fan James Bourke was the Master'of ceremonies and Ridge School Superintendent Hubert M.Ho er i- Dlln.rowd of several hundred 2. Mr J. Kelly, Cobourg, Caravan Maae eorge.Moir' plained details to Clarke ReeveRo A. Foster, Mr. oe, Mr. Moir. ie Mss avis th Mueum' peplefrom ail parts of Dur- Silverware Chest; 3. Mrs. the large crowd that had gathered in front of the and Mr., Bourke; lower picture, Mrg. L.,(C. Ma'on hamn a n d Northumbrland Donna Wallis, 3 Lambs Lane, platform. At the conclusion of brief addresses by Bank of Montreal Manager James Bell, Councsont Swim D s ly Hope was the Picrnc Chair- (TR OAL?2L I..Russeil C. Honey, M.P. and Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Annie Oke, Mrs. Earl Walton, Mrs. RO Poster, Mr&. y I~V man, Bill Wallis, omn ALL STAR SOCCER His Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs officially opened and Deputy-Reeve Wesley Fiee, Mrs. James Bourke, VVI ak lc ille, Vice-Chairman.P.frDrigo i tr the caravan by pressing the button to sound the f irst Mrs. H. M. Hooper and Mrs. Harold C Mu4r DuhmCounty, ina brief cer team- wiil play the Italia ' T m orr'~va t7 dd1ress welcomed all attend.- occer Club at Maple Grove Toorowat71g. E .Lvkn Newcas- fedo ody August 7thcre N w R g lfin Soap Box Derby TheDeprtnen o tl, ibealCandidate for this at 6:30 P.m. 1 rep a e NwR e u a i n Th eatmn iRe- riding in the coming provin- Members of the Darling- The Deparinsent of le. 1 creation T h ird Annual cial election also- spoke, and ton team wiîî be: Goal, G. .. creation Soap Box Derby1 Swlmniing Display iili he introduced two other Lib- Jeffery and H. Prakken; < 1sewil be held en the Simp-. take place ai the Cream of eral provincial candidates, defence, A. Courtice, A. so75TnrsdAugul, s i gat evenlng, August 3, starting land County, and James Pot- Werry, haifs, R. Clemens, Ii ay,: VM t ai 7:00 p.m. ticarry, Oshawa. R. Baker and B. Bradley,; This display will consist Harry Wade, Newtonville, forwards, N. Van Segglen, The Bowmanville Recrea- creation office to discuss and sisted of D. Gilhooly, Chair- At the present tne there of fundamenlais t a ug ht President ai the Durham W. Jordon, G. Dallas, W. tion Committee's Sub-Com- set up rules and regulations man, C. S. McTavish, C, De- are close ta 15 soap box durlng the class tines, plus County Liberal Association, Wafroff, B. MacLean, R. mittee on Flood Lights held regarding the ilood-lights at viit and T, A Fanning, Direc- cars ready ta face these tart- presentatlon of Departmnent was the Draw Chairman. Preston, D. Westlake' and a meeting on TuesdayJl Memorjal Park. tor oi Recreation. lut, une, and Red Cross Awards. Glenholme Hughes, B wman- . Courney. 25 th a the Deparment e The Sub-Committee con- Mr. Fanning reported that he received a letter irom, Mr. ion y agon o ~ o rgeVa Bridger, Manager Steal Two Cars, Garage ManShoes Horse ta Get HamiltonPadd yW go nRoad t oo f th atPublie Ut<itMotorcyclen T ...flo-i h av eriag asPCar ls ngea Meora J ~ w o l d a o u n î o a o ut $ 1 5 :: d O n S a tu rd a y n ig h t, D r. woul bebe-Hospîtal, Bowviurpr. e., ~, wee $90.Oo and 100,00otha en $ 0.0 an $1 0.0 fo ne nadborrow. sixiy y Yyer,0ontchare o ed froni an area doctor bat! The committee recommend.. been stolen ironi the hospital ed no grounds. It was recovered Yaoereason being il was laler undamaged, on Liberty Cenlenniai year. St. North. On Tuesday night a 196a Permits have been issued ta Galaxie belonging ta Howard .............the Junior Men's Town Sot- L. Woods was stolen fran thse bail League, Menps Soitball parking lot atMaDnl Lguand lthe Sla h-Cooi Ford, King St. East. To date team 'iflihe Durham Ladies ih bas not been recovered. Sofibail League. Donald G. Jmeo,7 Renai eeswiî gomb f-Wellington St., Bowmanvmle, feci in 1968, wilh local groups ad ris mtocyl stolen on and organizations pyn $2.00 Stra ih.I was recov. per nigisi and organizatians ered later tisai night with outside ai tawn $4.00 per snedmgatrtetse nigt.had run it into the bush on, Thse curfew for sofibalMun-a----ond gaines will be 10:30 p in How- eeif the îeanis are in pro- ls o tO fc cesof an inning, they wîli b;.ls otO ft allowed ta complet. the Inn ing. Tise curiew on carnîva lOs CvcHoia wl e12:00 midrght.n~ vc oia RentaI perniits for Mensaz'- p ontmoe heure for !al Park are. issued, by the M1onday,- Auguut '7i 1987 Departnsent ai Recreation, 25 (Cîvic Holiday) wiU b. se Beech Avenue. ýfollowi:- ite ?oe* 010ce will be olosed bst, Garage mechanic Ross Knapp learned last week that yau have called ini lis father Oliver Knapp Sr., R.R. 2, Orono, as consultant JmsIMOUNT19,son o MXanwlb ýt be versatile to please all the customers. Thse horse broke down and they went tb work at brother Herb Knapp's garage on the CJaes oKplte nd 9 sna as 1West a * that was pullînig Hamilton Police Associaion's Centennial projeci' Base Line, usmng an acetylene torch for heating thse shoes, and n.ard KItney, Bonxvile, T1qre wnlbe oe 1S$w4s$ Che o!Poicean Mms.Ber- £âstai i7:0 .rn ...ahamemade paddy wagon. Arrangements were made wiîb completed thse job. Wlsen last heard from, the Hamnilton firemen lias been ac ed au a rcrWtIt4 nBx feca ast Peter Van Sehyndel of the V-Bar Stables ta supply another horse, were past Trenton and stili hoping to cake Mentreal. Thse gopWith tise =ayl but it needed to be shod before taking to tise road.Rseald involved in the shoeing are from left ta right, Gene Lucas, Nelson Montd olce Cnm1a 3< Wii b. » f *e thai about 20 years ago he had put shoes on lise front feet of a Bickle, Gord Hockridge, Ross Knapp, Jack Brabbs, Bill Hendry e. frt 'on Th un o etr5 ehUu~ Segiaewierelie iHunsder- 'or day, Aubox$ eUS 1818e horse but wasn't sure lie coiid remea24 h ow it, was "oe. He - Who bufitl he Waggon and Merb Knapp. Rg isna w ra wll . der @da. usbo!unst M 8 t "X g ga Mout à b âùna de pgM t b ti 1 Fi1nd Body i. AUGUST 2, 1967 15J Per Copy NUMBER 31 1 shot. Head iCaravan Recalls

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