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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1967, p. 2

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'T'he Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanville, Aug. 2, 1967 mlttee for their reCeption of onto, $750. Mr. and Mrs. Ro -the caravan and the prepara- kis suffered lacerations ad tionfor ts vsit.multiple brulses. Constable .frcke ,Re nrsid tliat it la again a pleasure O inveJuy stat Frec les Red Hai Pay <> share inth~ e palcmeof35 m. aout1 iles astW I - n wn Cm a t-1oedtha ha ad outyansodone4th LUne of Clarke, there was t ndta ehdas oea two-car collision with con. Somethlng'sbenaddt44ofcsaoste *~~~ -, ~~~~- ; ~~this wen it came ta Port -, . ieal aaet ohCA ooeaosIsrneTeAscainl Hope. [T v a A . I O vehilles and injuries to three Association a Gtor re nt nd c trl d by e o He spoke of the graduai de-- parties. A 1 f r e d Alldread, Guelph, the lcto iteognztoswîhrp Yvelopment af the Canadian Newlastle, one of the drivers, Association's hedo1c.TeamlinOtrapol n ff ain n rfre ote , , htsuffered abrasions ta bis back Association's csat n it aiirdt no eg~ *4~years of early struggle and I. flreuy proclaim antscahaa$20daae insurance compneuilcn naioFdrto iAré o' ificu lst and h avso sp okeMrs. Ruth Andrews, Orono, tinue to be la n i dvd al utr n U ie oo ea of the goals that have been 55 AMM~MM~suffered facal laceratons and IlY by theirfalaranetisofOai. Saccomplisled which have add- " i U R U M E MM1..cetijre n e a I n I IE oIc .. ~Cntial Yar.s n rieacfacil ertorsIrnA soatns- of m aning ta the celebration M j I I sai e 1 0 er a er t eyIeAow C .o a M r SMr. Carruthers said thatlaetinanbedageroGephorCA.J Uy ~ Caadins an acethefutre 967Marie, 9, bad minor injuries. ANCE. IS 1with confidence by thinking nilb bevda no o te ifernesamngwil e behedasainwajured were taken by As the new an pers u LA 1 ~ not of th difference among Bowmnville Area Ambu- it will be assoitdweee ia. iuL theni but of the many things lance ta Memorial Hospital. Possible in adein itth that unite themi M ~ M M a. Constale Larry Mahoney in- inpaintr.Ininaly Mr. Moir, the official lead- v , U U f~estigated. CIGi ay asy h ltJ~tv in:the carava: staff, thanked * *L. J ~ ters are pronone nii ifrainDe the lcldignitaries fo-teM IIC HIOLIbEUD AY ~dually: see - eyea ee eev4 wamChanging the an nsa uhm Cut' let and bis staff. He aisoe x-i te ow o ow anile.N ~tianery, billing ois de-ntvW ."hl"Ml pressed appreciation af the i h Tw.f omn.le VctonBbe col tising materiali n fieS ayde co-aperation ai local service VaainBbeShonv- signs will takelteofA ti been held at Tyrone'Unit- course. CIAG ha1 ure iî2dya n a onl The Bowmanvlle KinsmenIVAN M. H BS ed Church the past two weeks, a million Polies nfreadEnslln ThHOBBSll Knse ciosed on Friday aiternoon- Club ran a hot dog booth and Myr hnteprnswr nie rMl .srle y refreshment stand during the Myr intepret eeivtdening, Aug. 8h bn hr three-day caravan visit. On hden drwilbaTueraedon h.iodagtsM et ateind the ai heeaWlo iSt ayn -'.~ Friday local Rotary Anns as- The regular meeting of Council originally scheduled for August 7th, 97 made. sThe ong al.omnt'm r.Gog ese, sîte wthth Cnfdeaton will be held in the Town Hall ai 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 8th, 1967. Theewae vr Lic ngaSil nJl Ohgadhlrnadtu rn Caravan guest book, the Lion- attendance at gae Lincoin Park. NS., also four Ï ets did sa on Saturday andiconhecucse- at the HaydonCmuiygadilrn on Sunday the wives of the GO SVETE UENo servd. Ther will be nentrwt o Sunvd. Scre l entoa etrwt 5peet h uea IIb ed îàîà ~~Bowmanville Kiwanis ClubSprsa members looked after it. church service during August Sot sflos ne ria rmBl' uea. Rev. Northey wiil be an hlit- sehool age, PetrCagTi-H ewtineetlut: There were twa groups offv ulwty anrwscai-dys n'Southwel; ls a8Mry eeey Thier iStdCnfShatonyears, Margie Cag ed o ayya. r il Caravn, ai jeind by amp~iie,, > I. I1UUI1fl ..IUL> man ai the bni program. TeSUnay Scool picnicCais;By6ta8er, In raaji Ited be aty n' C na i C ub Miss Janice Stacey and Miss was held on the church lawn Clie y sheî rt rilsa Oiie Canadian minerals, farests,a D Vaneta McGiil each cantri- an Saturday aitcrnaan when abeRtrs orTeSae- and shores were depicted.I'DE bi, 1uji'Lt,,il e falsalas. Miss Judy Skuce ail enjoyed the supper with a S~ Pleasance , eahrGirl~ atv *Sound effects included theEDDjoy Rock and Roll~E and Miss Joyce Parks each treat ai ice crcam, aiter which Suthw ell; iri13uNn rero cries ai seagulîs and the whis- favared with piano soies. there wcre races, shoe-kick- cy unnh am, ShGirle oecut o nana it Mary Ellen Frampton cf Bowmanville was one per of surf breaking on a A I f A purse of money was pre- ing and a peanut and candy Boy s 13 u, GryCr 'dypr of those hanored at the opening cf the Confederation beach. There" were art forins A t flflUcli i if'l sented ta Mr. Stobbart ta as- scrm. nCnîshet a.JonVae af the Indians ai EasternE~E E sist in assuring that his hol-1 r.DoyadndamronshenSat Jhn anekW Bayod]pîg Caravan on Friday when, because she had freckles Canada, those of the plainsBwavleMnsCa-mnfo a utiltbe day "«over 'orne" wauîd be a reuray and Sunaybrat h ns home Patri adey ayCo-A and red hair, she was the first child at the opening and the West Coast tribes. 'BwavieMnsCn-mnioiabutfltbememorabie anc. Au -l rtunin aSunybooo nis;Pshigapau ihA tosondte enenil on it tsforbas f Traiier II evoked the days dian Club heid their picnic pravîded by the members wishing him a happy holidav tani, TrotoonSudayev-____________Va to oun th Cetenialhem wit it for brs f. the expiorers and of the iast Wednesday evening an wives, W. H. Brown, Chair- h -. cnonardisMophermVaTeyk "0 Canada". Caravan manager George Moir intro- msinne h olwd u the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. W. man of the entertainment Ms oadMlonTr Mr. and Mrs. John Ross, Yeungcst chil esent duced her ta the crowd. ta the skllls of the caravan's HI. Brown, Mapie Grove. cemmittee, introduced the r n adc etti ek Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, Mr.'aoy ri;Ods di designers, technicians, artists, President S. J. Lancaster "Syndicate" consisting of Gord by train, plane, and (mule and Mrs. Jim Madore, Toronto; present, Mrs. E upy Ken Nicks, Mrs. Lawrence C. and craftsmen visitors wcre intnoduced Past President Poste, Dave Bridges, Ron Hea- train?' for a week's holiday Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ashton, Youngest grand hrpe IS ULT callayan Mason, and James A. Bel, enabicd to foilow the routes John Rickard, wha saîd Grace. per, John Hooper and Dune in the Eastern provinces visit- Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. Clay- sent, Mrs. J. A oeer and Hubert Hooper, Chainman explered, sec exaîples cf After the menibens and Syen. This graup entertainedl ing with relatives in P.E.I. tan Rend, Bowmanviiie; Mn. Langest manner cui, rl ofa the Centennial Committee, navîgational devices, and even guests had satisfied the inner the picnickers with nock and On Satunday evening a and Mrs. Gardon Dudley, Bun- and Mrs. W. Vny;MnsI and Mrs. Hooper. have the add expenience ai roll numbens, aise music ion numben rairo this cammunity lington; Mn. and Mrs. Arthun baseball thraw lU al;E o e a Russell C. Honey toid the sceing an undenwaten view of a sI. ilt ongPyn taned tenewdsth M n. anrs. awit Mn d and mrsiBnAspurseady Sh iyClMsn.M C RMPG N) gathering that they wil long a voyageur's cance passing L eb ra es Micians fane hn 4dth elyes r adM*.D-.ih r ndMs.BrtAh PrTkShre FRMPGON) rememben thèéin visit ta the ovenhead! uiiasfrentertimning thevid xnew (nee Lea±v±cKec ton an ,Saturuay evening at Vaney ; tzu'i îhms committee for their wonk in Confederatian Cavn.H In Trailer III people walk members and wives, aise Mn. Music ion dancingwssp hi umnhm.wiebtos r.Cnig into te iirsHestaIis ed nand Mns. W. H. Brown ian plied by the Geoge Timsp1 Mer s A. haponwashime butosi, mas' preparing for the Caravan, and advised people ta take their it h is salse a- P c o ereTmn r.A hmsnwshm usi he expnessed thanks ta the tue in viewing the exhibits adian seciety, the old city eof ICpcnmitting the use of thein family af Lifiord assisted by Thursday gucst af Mn. and lows, Mrs. J. Jontniai .,Memorial Park Assoociation addsîyadtne h Quebec. They visited a shop (FROM PAGE ONE) iawn and providing the tables. Menton Davis ai Bethany as Mrs. Walter Bridgett, East Craig; LicensenubrM. oan730movd itoa steet Bndanill; 4mRoaldthe ,caller. . Beach, Bowmanvilie. Mrs. J. Jahnston; Wdigdt Cuelo oreito itr.adhor he aterjingew. Wiean9duk Tab e T, DIfAKorthe occasion with Mrs. guest cf the Roland Thomp- on, Mr. and Mrsi ogSuh ae$.0prgi duced the distinguished guests, "It is net a carnival but a ai o des Th e sdtheetigve R.oWîanl,5Chaise Lone;tG McGill Russell C. Honey, M.P. ion wonderiul depiction ai Cana- ofbile.Te tet aeBomnileLhas one uyMcin eading the paetic son's, Hampton. weil; Young ma'ritdy Duram outyAle aces toEnlis cltue hre6. yru Knney, or Hoeaddness. They wene present- Mn. Lloyd Thampson and John Vaneyk, Ran1 n ai uha Cuny AexCar- da's history frmiits arly fromn 1730 ta 1830. There was Picnic Hampen; 7W. .B A TE J. S. RICKARD ed with a trio ai tables, coi- Mrs. A. Thoîpson called on eron. ruthers, M.P.P., Mrs. Car- stages ta the present, andti . .Ba ruthers, Mns. Hobbs, the Reeve makes us realize the value ai an Uppen Canadian tavern, dy, Oshawa, Cofie Table. The dcath of Walter John fec and endi tables, and a Mn. and Mrs. B. McDonald, A bauntifulspprwse-P I E (f T _of Dalington and Mns. H. C. the great contribution made wail posters ci the War ai Three Special pnizes werc Stuart Rickand occurred on table larnp by the comrnittee Bowmanvilc, on Monday. joycd by ail. M.To3les :Muir, the Reeve of Newcastle by many people in the past. 1812, the Fort ai Halifax, andi aiso presented by President Friday, July 21, 1967, at the responsible. The best wishcs Mn. and Mrs. Ross Ashton ance, presidentto hre e 99 and Mrs. Eani Waiton, the "With a betten undenstand- many interesting articles. Wade as fellows: Oldest Lii,- New Mount Sinai Hospital, of this cerniunity are extend- and Mn. and Mrs. Harold Mc- ai a short binspeid1 .àeveofClrk ad rs Ry ig f urhitoy e cIe Trailen IV pncsented the cmal present, Milton Tamblyn, Tarante, foilowing an ilness cd to the ncwlyweds in liies Laughiin, Biackstock, attend- Due ta the permntcosn NW ga .2~evecf lane ad Ms. ay ng i en hstey w fePre-Coniederation peniod ai Onono; Langest Farniy at the ai five days. He was in hîs biggcst gaîble. cd Expo 67 last weck. o u colteewl en .l'ester, Deputy kcccve ai Bow- even more pride in our nation. W80ai Ma867,naadvisîtcd VMiss Barbara Ashton and mfor cHai adScoo lu r UU aznanville and Mns. Wesley Canada is now a nation hon10 e187 n TalnVpicnic, Mn. and Mrs. John 2th year. Wit ofMn.acn Mns. id a lanAho1setafe asmeeinsTeHo eainin r- ,Pice, Mrs. Baurke, and the ered and respcctcd thnough- bad a sequence rnap which Sweep, Newtonville; Wedding sato, Louisand r liz aeth with tn gapents , Mn. eetins.arcTh edvddb- niebes f heCaava Crn et heword, M. on -electronically illustrated Cana- Annivensary closest ta the s nai otCei n u-adMs lodAho.C A rnittee Counciler Annie Oke, stated, and he thanked thae igtafenCnfdeaion. picnic, Mr. and Mrs. Arnoldnsettelaeta-an r.Loy stn Dispînys evoked the coîpie- Wade, Newtonvîlle, Jl 8 c h acta-Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Ashton tween Long SutCu URg$03 Deut.ev ie onilo ao n h aaa o- tien cf the rail line ta the Pa- Thene wenc free pony rides ditien ta aur faîily tnee-- Ronald and Ray, Mn. and ats' niaI ComîitteNW a cifia, the Riel Rebeilion, the ferth idradthaunwetic.Mtzn- Ross Ashton and family h formation of the North West ponies wene provlded by E. R. m.nained ion a week'e holiday- tended a picnic at Pot1 p hlrnejydapa Mounted Police, and Élt euealy LvknàMs..G.Adr Welct'echng 1iaihelp- with Mrs. F. Caldwell on Sun- nýut scraîble,bîgigar Lnse Q nty Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & SeIlis Lpanliament buildings.ang fonpinicoa lo Tarailer Vbildn ada' son, Bowîanville, and Mrs* ing bandle saggy bales ai hayj, day. pci aacoe with whom are now nierged TsolerInie oerdWar. The Carman White, Ornn, were ~no doubt. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon soldersin he Ber ar.The n carg of ecoatins.Mn. and Mrs. Norman Wil- and iamily wcre suppen gucsts develapient ai prairie fanms iicag fdcrtos~son and Master Bnian Wilson ei Mrs. F. Toms, Enniskilien, Monteith, Riehi, Wtrs C.and the importance o ha was the Sports Chairnian...............rew dayatedftmh arl g4wihOn Sn adr. P y F rA E N T Y totecountry's econorny, Bil Wallis, Bawmanville, was e aywete alSit r nt Pr-' L çtnri MotralChartered Accountants Wonld Wan I, the rollicking hicag itercs otg nLk cgg enta sec the Caravan at edDcatnSeîhst in ha ge f he ac s.otageoc a e s e t c entiv M m rial Park, Bowmanvi lc w enties, and the depression M s. E. R. Lovekin present- ............'s pn a c h . sînce 1921"p Iffnt0.l shwa Toronto Hamilton cf the 19301s. introduced a navel - r ail o Sunday. Wnsr Wnie Reia Clay Trailer VII showed Canada's ed the azs o.theconesi- " ta chivalry by escorting his The Annual enyFi inor Wnlg Reia Cgry contribution in anis and mne atsaeo7lands. ThreLeg-§011s's gr ren ote ac ard n area aftenwards, industniai ad- Jh oel n oayHs o nndy lbo e awy can - -15, Instead iTeay Gardon W. Elehi, C.A., R.I.A. Bart I. Waters, C.A. vancernent since and achieve- kisn,2d Lenr ad. .stoias i8.oelyca Elizabeth Vogels. Fiat Race, h~k4y: percned ai course. What Mn. andi Mrs. Joe Donce,Auui8 mens i scene, ediin some fellers wen't do when Mns. Dorie Sr., Oshawa, Mn. Oshawa Oshawa Shopping Centre 129-7527 et nsincneiie 7 and unden, boys, lst Danny ~ t ai.Lcydc! adMs ci age n arts andi international afiairs, Daninant, 2nd Bob Gardiner; dMn. and s. ly dk atnson Cheri e cilow anhe wend FltRace, 7 and under, girls, M.adMs ly tno hre omnilwr lstLynRenistn, nd et-~end Pai spent a day with Sunday supper gucsts oi the M us um n fln Oteni. Lst boeRacMg. and Mns. Earl McGili at Kayacs farnily. Mn. and Mrs. cm uninercottage ti o lsotCaurtice M u e7 and under, girls, lst Kathy' weck. t wesRySudy ftC ornon rcaî B*l- Gettings, 2nd Marion Potti- Walter J. S. Rickard Misses Marleah, Darlene wees. n.atenonca cary; es She Rce 7 nd A son of Mn. and Mns. Gar- andi Valenie Malcolm spent n Mrs.Roanwc 181 King tl.Bw av w.. u s unden, boys, lst Rad Dancy, net Rickard, Kingsto Rond the past week with Mr. and B dmavllM. anti rs. <PFROM PAGE ONE) 2nSaRtcinVrvo,7ont. u East, Bowîanvîlie, h a Mrs. Sai Adamsand girls at Wrn. Johnston, Lcskard, Mr.WET0WVREY OA Sack Race, girlso7oanti au bo;mn in Bowrnanville. He re- a Picton trailer camp. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Murphy, thnyAdîsn Troto a-der, lst Kathy Gettings, 2nd ceiveti bis education at Shaw's and Mns. Murray Malcolnm Mango and Trevar wene Fri- thons ai "The Ancestral Roof" Bettina Ottenik. Sack RcPbi colat omn eeshdldt pniSn a vnn ussc h ahewal knwn oc onboyA7anMunerUntoh-vlaePul iSchool, and ha da wqritllhmthjeàaycsimiy, ieraig-ArLtetodito ~. BRON, Holland inmtbeUn Sae boys, oe, lst Mike Wbite, NntcttEliotFu n e r al gaisia ilb et ..Badte2n egHuklo. g aeBwvilwth u-aganthis corning Tuestiay, "Where Friendly People Me n ae N, "U i4 leités: 2nd oug uskel on. gg Ho e, B wman illewithfun-August 8th . C m an r g TWnC er . satsh i n ew , Yo, n d 'tNe Tassing Conte t, W ilf an di cral service frai Newcastle a f n . EvCo dy e l bnin T w lr . sae of N w Y r, N wNicky Huskelson. Unitedi Church on Monday,aiint.E e bdy eco e Jersey, Michigan, Colorado, Scw the .Patch Race, Mn Juiy 24th. The service was I ________________________________ Wisconsin and Califomnia. and Mrs. J. Ottinik. Special conducteti by Rev. B. Long oi 6 ols a o Boys anti Girls Flat Race, lst Orno assisted by Rev. W. Ai'6 F r ut 0 Danny Dammant, 2nd Alan Patterson cf Whitby. Inter- iiCLic. K15088. Li.K37 Farrow. nient was in Bowmanville ________________________________________ E. R. Lovekin was the uni- Ccretery. 1' E The Duram County teani Bruce Hendry, Edmonton,, >For won aven tbe Northumiberlandi George Rickard, Montreal; A car, boat antidalrss - r C ahI4D .S d canientiers by a score ai 7-3. John Murray, Stirling; Ralph lin$iao t0draeons- Wrck an T B ro n PterJuîy 28th ai 12:45 a.m. w en Lic. 577957 jLc .11 B W e r y a n i e d r o n i t w e n t o u i af c n t r l n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BowrnanviHave Highway 35 and broke off six A New Roil of Film FREE with every Kodacolor ThareveseHavewNof Oi. '65 Rambler Classic'6Ch voe Fiel Day at YELVERTON There were no injuries. OPP or Black & White Film left for deeopn and Constable Tom Yardy inves- 6 e a -P. H udo prnt* at . .Cedarcrest community (significant of the Ranaif Luxtan ai Bowman- LiLie.291241 high regard i which aur ville escapeti serious înjuny ll.274 Thieves, au yet unidenti- mnister Mr. Haroldi Stobbarl on July 2Mt at 5 arn. when ___________________________ Red, bad a ield day at is helti ln aur locality) jained bis car rolleti on Caunty Roati F E E I K SCedarorest Beach area luat with Uic Janetville anti Mount 16A. Damage ta bis car was "Wiih Two Locations 1 ev o etr weekend. Horeb charges for a social estimateti ai $1800. Constable PPýCITÙNPiý,AYTher broke into several evening in Janetville Unitedl Yardy investigateti. I A 1A ~ BOMAVLE - 21 IGS. COttages and vehioles park- Church ta biti "ban voyage", A rear-enti collision an 5VIcLDOI'qLD OWA -------ed outaide and took tools to bis reverence prior ta bis Hlgbway 401 lni the west- 67 on St L6232546BowmSViliC, Ont. Dowmanviile Detachment for England,, bis native larid, curred SaturdaY ai 11:23 p. ot the OPP are investigat- for a visit wlth his aged ta- The car owned by Andrew (OSA )LT.oppositeOIUSSopn ete ---------- oisu tbek aamina&Mr. JArt Rowan, la hneus.s-ownha by aZaqrd Rn1isTou-

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