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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1967, p. 3

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* I*the ftw ofthe o anth 'Yaria i ic>tHoe bottom o ci el c P r Ho etrain whiCh fr1e frm the Re e tly-'i r~ n~fuc waistline. She wore white wrist-Iength gloves and her shoulder - length, two - tiered veil was caught fo a tiara of .. satin petals edged with seed pearls. Her bridai bouquet was of white amabilis orchids and stephanotis with lvy. Mns. Lee Rackhàm of Tor- onto, sister-in-Iaw of the * bride, Was matron of honor and the bridesmaid was Miss S811Y Jones of Barrie. The junior bridesmaid was Miss Judy Vinish, Bowmanville, ........... and Miss Patty Sankey of ' West Hill, cousin of the bride, was flower girl. The matron ' of honor, bridesmaid and junior bridesmajd were atÈr- ed in floor-length, A-uine dresses of fuchsia silk shan.. tung with short sleeves and scoop neckline. A band of ruching of the dress material accented the hemline. They :~~ wore white satin shoes, white ~ wrist-length gloves and single strands of pearis. Their head- dresses Were clusters of or- ganza petals shading from pale pink to fuchsia, and thev ' carnied cascade bouquets of pastel pink carnationettes, - yellow sweetheart rosebuds, stephanotis, mauve munis, cornflowers, baby's bret s' a fuil-length frocf fuchsia '77, ~silk shantung with puff k: sleeves. The high waistline k was accented by a band cf velvet ribbon in niatching shade with streamners fallhng te the hemline from a back . bow. Her headdress was a circlet of organza petais and tiny butterfiies, and she car- ried a basket of the sain flowers as in the bouquets of the other attendants. ente, brother of the groom, was best man and the ushers were Mr. John Allun, Bey'- manville, Mr. Lee Rackham, ...... Toronto, twin brother cf the bride, Mr. John Ritchie, Gait, and Mr. David Ledson cf Aurora. The reception was held n y ho wn i h a o e p oo are Mr. and Mrs. bride's mother received wea r- Mr. and M rs. Andrew M urphy, w o ae s o n c ti g t e w d i g c k Wi~ ni ra wh we e arred n ort Hop U ite in, or heoccasion ,a sleeve- in the above photo, w ere rarried in St. Joseph's Ro mnan Catholic Church, Bow- thu*ch on Saturday, July 15, 1967. For.-nerlv Miss Iess sheath dress cf 'lavender mnanville, on Saturday afternoon, May 20, 1967, at 2 o'clock. Eor.nieriy Miss Mary Elizabeth Jones, the bride is the only daughter silk shantung with matching Sandra Paterson, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Paterson, of Mr. and Mrs. Ethàn Jones, Port Hope, and the jacket cf French siik Chan h avil, and the bridegroom is the son cf Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, tilly lace embroidered " ow anv]i groomn is the son of Mr. Fleetwood Gray, Smiths crystaîs. Hen bat was a cî us- Newtonville. McRobbie Photo Fails, forierly i Perth. ter of roses in lavonder and,'_ violet shades and she wore aE cosae f ee uriecar~Lxchange Vows in Triniiy' United Church nations and stephanetis. The gnoom's mother assisted to receive and chose a princessAll styled dress f avcade green 4.1 boading complementing th - neckline and hem. Her hat .,-- »i4--,' was of matching matonial an '- orchid. Following the reception the:l..... happy couple Ieft for a heney- rucon in Bermuda, travelling4 by plane. For travelling the * . bride wone a pale green suit- dress of silk chantung, beige bY the groom's mother who shades of beige, green and ouquets- cf pnk and white wone a two-piece blue and rose. Her ensemble was coinS 6anfivrs decorated' St. PauI's silver brocade dress, pirk plemented by a c f oniSteiCunday iteroomn May corsage and white accssories. white orchids. Before dpant OL -. en Sturay ateroonMay Before leaving on their ing, the bride presented ber 2Mt, -1967, at 2 o'clock when hnyon h iedne rdlbuutt e ae the marriage was solemnized hb, mo, h ie ondbrdibuqeiobe ae two-pice dress with navy ual grandmothon. They are of Miss Joan Adrienne Mer- lueskti, white accetate and residing at 145 Cosburn Ave.,- . . .~* Jo, au hnofManville nylon lace over-blouse, adorn- Toronto. t(. ÀNdienMatin Bomavileed by a uavy bow matching The bride attended Bew- g and Mr.Jon Ray Hiis, son the skitan heacs-mvlePuie ndHg gr Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth intool and whiteaccesamauvllePulcadHgh, }I4lls, Orono. Rev. H. A. Tur- 'c-es.' Irl adVcoiaClee ~-k. nen was clergyman andi the Prior to the wedding the 9grduatin wth a B.A. degree - , wedding music was piayed by bride attended two showersfomteUinstcfT- * Mr. Ross Metcaif. gîven by Mrs. Betty Brown, ente. She is a teachen on the *Given in marriage by b er Bowmanville, and Miss GwensafcfBnRontCleite fàther, the bride wore a for- HuIls, Orono. The bride and in Scarbonough. The groom ....... mnal length empire-waisted groom received many won-as ateei Bowmanviilei ' ïown cf white satin. The long denful gifts from feilow fni- Public and High Schools and "ylon lace sleeves and bodice ends, neighbors and relatives, is a graduate of the Universi- were enhanced in lace. Lace aise from fellow empîoyees ty c Toronto, from which 4ppliques adorneti the akirt, andi workers ef Curvply Wood uniiveisity he neceiveti a B.Sc. frot ati helac trin asProducts cf Orono where the degreeeaud thon an MA. de- eaught at waist-back by a, couple are employed. They are igec. He is pr..esenty sudn 4atin bow. She wore a siîverl nesiding in Bowinanville. ing twcard a heD. degree i erown, studded with crystaîs, Pyia Ceity éaught to a tulle shoulder-[ RINDLE RACKHAM eoa ariswr el sy-I length Veil. in houer of tho bride. Mrs SGwen Huis, sister 11f Standards cf white gladioliiM. Vanstone, Mns. A. Top mwas miaitof honor and white 'mums formeti ani son, Mrs. S. James adMs g ain blue sain gown. attractive setting i riivR ilaswene hostese as a bride, ýat q-_ .. - MisJitno h mni on Satay M. A msnS home, }lils, sster cf t e gr om, lten oon, July i~,, 1967iatlon aesi n S. M . G. iu h the u io nen ic a I, 4 oco k of M s Ly a Ra a d b r au h e J dy ed î-~avenny became the bridehehbrides mEthancelVi caet eaete-ýd f! ohe est man wa!,,..Mi- GlcnJ Is.Ehnevng in a sîlven lame anti à i iKenneth Wayne Lade in a ý Cross, and the ushers Wieleiane, PryHoeanti Mn.roehat-eswthoud William Grmn er !onsPryHon fM.eincineadtpoib f 1)ryCV rei rseseahdrs Otedtuyd- (i/ u ie s ( /i c de dube rn ormoy Michael Laverty, enly Mn., aNs, .lmerl f cfl acdetceat lu the e F Il , f rm rly ofPerth. Same colon, matching accesson- I. The bride is the tiaughteri Robent Lade. Gvni arig yher'les n osg fpn n cf Mn. andi Mrs. D. C. aer At the reception at Aunai-- iven u mrriaobanatiors e i anti ~co m nn. E sc eI. , a e m e us baah ui hey aeve Lo h a ty, A jax, form erly o f M p a ile C ountry C lub, the bride's ; father, the bride 'as ch a i-m 'ns Th b id s L iCmemMBaceles ae mn n bahfu thy nvertoo aiGi-ove, and the groom is the mother greeteti the guests,îflg iu a stroet-longth gown of mother was assisteti in receiv- laaaeu** 1.1m baahed. son cf Mn. anti Mn. Douglas wearing a powder blue lacei white peau de soie featuring ing by the gnoom's sister, Mrs. Latie, cf Dunbarton. 1dness wîth matching jacket, an empire waistline caught up Gen Richardison of Ottawa. white accessonies andcraea h eefot anti back Rer dress for the occasion be- tThe weddîng music vas cf 'white carnations. S he 'vas! by tiny bows. heto oore w f idihbutebor-d playeti by Mrs. W. G. Venner. assisteti by the groom's mo_,go'vn wscevenet by a long- lk was .The op o theing cf re hig teue flord Given in mari-age by ber thon in tangerine lace en-IlSl0ved, Swiss lace jacket eanihrcsge a f f aLther, the bride 'as charn- semble 'vtb long seeveswitb roundeti neckline. She Pink roses andi while carnn- ng in a full Iength tent gown timmeti with nuffles at the' wore a chapel iength veil cf -tiens. of daisy patterneti French 'vnists. She too wore a cor-i white embroidereti silk illus-j Before leaving for their lace, the scoop necklne anti sa a ti< lion, 'whi 1fel rman attrac.. honeymoon in Ottawa andi CAM Bwith florale careaa c-ns iaîshea-nietsio a cof lona pin rons, hai bideminiaur ebo uffevs an e cean sorisa hnteyo riep buutcfnt wetein'us:n hi etr h ,,ýnue l neukhweheuer h» the lest tuile mauve carnations.of Peartiroddesdaanti miniatureial whiteedcar-inbride tanti ligroom rewil o WMAVILEilusion 'a helti bayoke s as ade ahaare th esbidngnzas embinei wi se eppriBwmnv lkwreie! p*M- te Ma e noruale tPar baude cfcfowershifHerebuqetinWbtb.aots and ti ivy. *t ZIeaw» t#M Me rc11 ttoreix» et esit pltran . Otfoa t ges a t Hon marcfa h o artn.mndeHgl colat consiseti c aocacadeef re. roses mini urt pinecanna feromLin, Oa ane, el!'onqeatfret-length intUdnal nse iii &.e. W. Su- Therboidefsattednftulmis auvecDrnavionse, Mr.amioges ndini-aitu re wist-isoidsoe.degrom irs a' BO MAM LThereE ARIVL lilso a Laveldy, glutencf he ToienteaPr e nny, Oshaw ne atiA-ino skith tpin oe anle. o mt' Jdemoria lbPr1cnisde aofa cacadonofr, ad1SabruhPr oe e- ihe ya vra fcU eeae fOhw.H t !bandeof fows. issbSuqa o- ueti h, by ok'ile au n o.Sewr acgsostisanndy.Terdc oaii erth anti roses mnant revwhitey Pe - OuMtaganf Wowgeti aleAth-e!nd oes, atntif heroral siao apent fivSeyelrsand Z ei tien and iyofth svall court de-avrtyPJdding wrelGodonreuunth.dbaofldor-a, sc ta rn aWv o edaai 1 1 ouutofpink and whitel M gladioli fen6,m'ed an attractive Setting in St. Jeseph's Roman .~ .- Catholic Church, Bowman- ville, When Miss Sandra Pat . ýM ~ erson, taughten cf Mn. antid ~ -- ~~ ..- Mns. John Paterson, Bowman- ' ville, andi Mn. Andrew Mur-. phy, son of Mr-. anti Mrs. John Murphy, Newtonville, weir .iUnitedi in marniage on Satur- day atternoon, May 20 1967, '*~~\, at 2 c'clock .. * Rev. P. K. Malane officiateti an tithe wedding music was playeti by Miss Margaret Webben et Whitby. The solo- ist 'vas Mr. Harman Siersma, Whîtby. Given in manniage b!yhber father, the bride wore a white sheath dress cf Chantilly lace ~. . witb bodice anti hemnline of whbite nice, and the back of the full-length gown 'vas Mr. and Mrs. John Ray Ifilis are shown in t~ highiighted by a train flcw- abcîve photo f'lwn their wedn in St. Pau-l' ing fromn the shoulders. A folwnswdic heatipiece or two white roses United Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday afternoon, helti ber bouffant veil and May 20, 1967, at 2 o'ciock. The bride is the former she carnieti a bouquet cf pink Miss Joan Adrienne Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mr&. roses, white carnations, ste- Adrian Martin, Bowmanville and the bridegroom is jphanetis anti ivy. th so of M .a d M s e n t Hil ,O n . Miss Judy AbrahamcfC-so of MnCo-r. ent uiOoo bourg was the hnide's atten- dant, woaring a floer-length, empire-waisted, pale green gewn with lace bodice anti a y F g a p r crepe skirt. She 'vore a wvhite lace bat and hon bouquet was of yellow 'mums and whiteYoun g Pigeon Race carnations. Mn. Charles Murphy of Paris, Ont. was best man foi- The Bowmanville Racing 98, 7th, Dave Woolner 1061.82; bis brother. The ushers were Pigeon Club flew the first; 8th, J. Turcotte 1048.29; 9th, a n o t h e n b r o t h e r c f t h e g r o o m , Y o u g B r a e o h 9 7 E r u e 1 4 . 7 0 h i ,M. Jerry Murphy, andi Mi-.ougir Raecth197alLke14.; th M Jim Westhouser, both cf Bow- season fi-cm Brantford. Ont., chael Carman 101208, manville. on Saturday, July 22nti, ani The reception 'vas helti at airlino distance of 95 miles tojBîa the home cf the bride',, par- Bcwmanville, The birds were uarniiîg Rectal Ie ents whene the bnide's mether lieaeda :4 .. u n received in a turquoise lace Rieaeia :5am u n Ielieved InilMhutes cos adeat ensemble. The countereti heavy fog on the gnoom's mother assisteti to wa y Ihome which matie it very ExcinsiveHealng Substance receive anti 'ore a two-pieceldifficuit to fly to their home Rle«Pi sI piuk suit. Both wcre corsagcs lofts. The winning bird was rks Relievo P i As. of white carnations anti Pink clocheti by Mn. Davidi Wool- ShflsHmroi. roses, non, a new member in ourI- f ySi-,wunt atisfactory relief fi-c.a As the couple left on their club, flying bis first race. «ltching iles'-bere good nw. wetiding trip, thebride was Results in yards per min- À renewnedreerhlal>pto7h wearing an orange coloneti utes. lst, D. Woolnor 1074.75; fo)und a unique heftling suixtanom suit 'vith white accessonies 2ndRo Luke 1071.62; 3i-d, !;bat prosptly relieves te burniajË anti coi-sage cf wh'ite canna- Eanl Luke 1066.30; 4th, Brown itch anti pain-actually sIrÎnk tions. They ai-e residing at Bros. 104.15th, I. Piper hemrhoids. This substance hâ Bernard St., Bewmanville. '04.40;eh ak Bigrbeeniahown to ]prdnce aînee An elemen tai-y schoel tea- 1042.50;' 7th, L. Richards tive rate cf helig.Its germ-klliui cher, the bride attended Bow- 1019.5.9! Bth, M. Gou.iey 904.46, properties aIse help prevenà; manville High School anti 9th, Michael Carman 731.58,- infection. Lakeshone Teachers' Coliege, lOth, Don Stainton 712.67. inl case afler eaue "vry staliuo New Toronto. The groom is c refr yug ovu w . -. ve au apprentice electrician andl birdsw'as flown on Saturtiay, ui mrvmn a aa~ attendeti Bcwmanvilîe anti July 29th, again from. Brant- mrvnetw Cla ke Hig S hoo ,d, O nt., in m uch b eb tter weather, with the birds mak Tlmiswas accomplished by a n The first thhng for a man ing m-uch botter time. - ealing substance (Bio-D, 7)... which quickly elpsbelijr ou do after ho fintis he's beemi Resuits in yards per min- oisanti *timlate growth oCjneWM' enrn equaI, is te try to eut- utes as follows. lst, Jack tisue. NwBWODyim ha offçret im grw i.Bridger 1211.46, 2nd, I. Piper ojimont anti surtuIceferl Maybe 'vo wero pnetty Penn 1207.83; 3rd, Don Stainton calleti Preparation if. Ak fo in the olti days, but at ieast 1200.30; 4tb, L. Richards et ailtg dime stores didn't bave to 1180.30; 5th, Brown Bros. mmyr ud use layawýay plans. .1162.30; 6th, Rau Luke 1152.- When the Partis over a Cascade 40 electric water heater' can have its finest houi Sevor,-yoer-cid sooialft. have a way Of leeving more than a gift et & pary ever beenl stuck witU, a 'tutti-frfi topped tablecloth?.frti Thês. are the times a Cascade 40 cen wiriyou over h provides ail the rhot w8tsr youneedto sude up a erwberny.apecked Party dress, ils ohOcolate-cheeked owner, and the Pile of party paraphernalia youl b. left with. A Cascade 40 electic wutsrheater MaW flot nake the Party . . .but it could sam the da«. For more infornt. etorn4 esk your Hydre 1 .. - to ber of Branch 178, Royal TheCandian Sttemamn, Scwmanvile, Aug. 2,i M. ville. Parties honoreti the bride Geiorgt, eGrhm atig Mrs. Recently M arried prer aohanm angeMrs. Gon Murphy wore hos-' tesses for a miscella.neous showen helti at the former's home ln Bowmanville. Mrs. Fraù'cis Cowan. Mrs. Don "" Stephens andi Mrs. Frederick Storsbergen aise gave a mis- ~~ oellaneous shower which 'vas . Jhelti at the former's home lu Orono. Out-of-town guests attend- eti from Smiths Falls, Ottawva, Oshawva, Bowmanville, Wind- sor, Orono andi Watertown, ~ N.Y.

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