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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1967, p. 5

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spn uday wfth Mr..and The Orono -News andrs.ent Mrn r.JuinDeap Yorkshire, Dol tar England; [and family at Cavan. neau- obn wedding annd son of Port Hope visited <ock are holidaying this week Saturday, July 29th in St.1 their cousin, Mrs. M. Chatter- ini the Highlands of Haliburton. Aghez R.' C. Church, Chatham.,ton on Juîy 24th.I Arnold Wallace, Hugh Beau-. Mr. and Mrs. Emile Schmid' Mrs. Wes. Donr of Mount ichamnp, Ian MclCenzie, Dennis and daughters spent sevenal Pleasant bas returned home IMercer and Terry Coi enjoy- da 9 with Mn. and Mrs. Matt aften spending a few days cd a motor trip to Lake Placid ,~q n at their cottage near 1wîth her cousin, Mns. Ianls ek ~O Ygeon. . Farrow. J Rev. and Mrs. John Kitchen Mn.- Thomnas Milhbunn of iMr. and Mns. Wm. Robinson i and son Olaf visited Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Rolph, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carman and family, last week. m ~ . 1 Mrs. Chas. Cooper returned YES W INSALL home on Friday froni spend- r ing a week with ber daughten T o gin L, and son-in-îaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ry Brown and family af St. Mr. Roy Burley of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Everette Staple- )orng tn and Mrs. Ivan Farrow visit- Seanuless Flooring 22nda~îada * lIM lAATEr ~Ila'rry Rowe, Mn. Wm. Robin- %#UILaimi §CU #JLUIK AND DESIGN *NEVER NEEDS WAXING *DURABLE AND RESILIENT *INSIDE -OUTSIDE *VIRTUALLY SCUFF, DENT HEEL AND STAIN PROOF ALL WORK DONE AND GUARANTEED BY BOWMANVILLE CONTRACTOR JOHN DE JONG CONSTRUCTION For Free Estimates - Pine 623-2662 I M BRAND NEW 1967 RAMBLER 2-DOOR 4 ON THE FLOOR, 343 cu. in., 4-barrel, V-8, tw4 exhaust. twin grip, custom wheel, heavy duty susI Complete safety package. Biue and white. FULL LIST PRICE ------------------------------------- --- BRAND NEW 1967 AMBASSÀ 2-DOOR BRAND NE 1967 RAMBLER 1 HARDTOP 4 ON THE FLOOR. 2901 Bueket seats with bead and brakes, whltewalls, group, i bumperg package FULL PRICE TREMENDOUS TRADE ALL< ON SPORTS CARS, HOT 0F ALL KINDS Nobody Underseils RAMBLER - AMBASSA SUNBEAM - TRIUMPH -1 KING ST. E. LANSDOWNE ST. BOWMAN VILLE PETERBOROUGH Engagement t fail. Sctaviiedwth. enetS a r.M niehsflity, j ~l&urUe Tli-r Mi'an r. aP Dvsalso Table committee St.nd" Smpson Avenlue Hemhwrn 745.4695 iwere Sunday tea guests with!JSports committee. andn Srcnc S iMn. and Mrs. Walter Short, I gamnes, ail felt Cotiu,'tei ha a Iovely iget togethor. 1 !Son end ib.'Miltn----àr---" altévur nbxt bërbeque à $P nbly 1Steak tre mton #'summer s who aveiageis nnoucedof Wn. Domnnon. Like 'em thack. tende sn an a uMi' Mîlton abyn Th otcmn araei none fWn ~t'fff. ominion bas 'emi Only the finest Missae nAuut itha.Mire ean Cale, B.A., daughter of Mrs. John e oe, il And Dom ei Mirotss Mrintheley ofd Douglas Cale of Bowmanville, and the late Mr. Cole a l hswfk Yu amPlequ with her brother, Mr. John to Lieutenant Peter -Leentjes, B.A., son Of Mr. and 87511 É 80 testY... neither have youi McKelvey, also visited friends Mrs. John Leentjes of Kitchener. The wedding will elcuteitp lin Peterborough. take place on Saturday,' September 2nd, 1967, at 3spotfu om I CngatuatonstaEri, ono'clack, in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville of Mr. and Mrs. G. Duvail _le._____________________ who was selected as an ex- 'change student fromn Grade 11 Clake ig Scao, t g W S E VI LL IT'S MAINLY BECAUSE 0F two weeks in August. Onthslt day of July,led sheets for those assembled , SOE KN E HOTSAK -W OEO sehay is still to be, gather- to follow the reading. 0 ed in, but ather work goesý On Sunday, July 29th, Mr., SOLINA meplugig itiadMrs. Hrl AsiPearl COOKED HAM 5 vegetables are now plentiful, and Mrs. Geo. Tufford and 4C HOICE IMPORTED YOUNG LAMB - THREE MEAT VARIE Fo te uRstmetig f ut in somecsste lnsJhn, Mr. and Mrs. Archie the Solina Women's Institute and vines are so lush, as in FrGeLsi n red I A A the wvomen are asked to meet 1potataDes and tomatoes, the 'Mrs. W. Tufford and Mr. and ~U athe hall at 7:30 p.m. on fri ay fot be plentiful.iMrs Doug Jarvis and Dawn W UM.-- August 9th and from thételSqas vines too look like of Cobourg attendedafa A. ihywlgoto visit the flower shr ubPe r Y. ily gathering at Sandy Lake,& Tender Tasty Rib Maple Leaf Brand gardens of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- Church service was at Wel- Lakehurst. zea ~ P m ~ ~ A U ence Tink, returning to the corne on Sunday mornngý Miss Danielle Berberi of St.5 N ~ E UE5 E~ l hall later for the remainder with special music providedlGeorge, Quebec, one of the Breakfast E' meeingby Barbara Dinner as soloist. exchange students, is spend- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor During the month of August 1ing the week wîth Valerie oi et-N at ra fs -and family and Mr. and Mrs Rev. Ian Munroe will be ofllAustin. Farm life is a change SldMa NoWse OnIy At Domnin ___________________ undy chol erew inth t wn. ehoeisi holiday. :for Danielle wh se ho e-s n1 charge of Murray Payne andj An unpleasant type of fluok T nd ro8 ' following the regular morn-j 1has heen araund and Mr. and P r ee loe 9 8 1W 1EN E ing session those taking part Mrs. Roy Austin have bec n Serve Maple Leaf Brand a i~hdvtosfrte two of its victimrs. Mrs. Austin 4TabeReady Slieed 6-oz. Pkg. M OHE 1 cou] in the aftcrnoon at Welconie, cprtn thrprns tiýe rehearsed. Phillip Nichols, homea in Shlat ber parents' memuR"fd t b*m Gafed Payne and Sharon ho eor@io . E T TGrniedyk oo ar n Mrs. Carrol Nichols was tn Mac. and Cheese Loaf feh rm«hcndo Mrs. J. Fraser was pianist. Mr s"oloist at Port Hope United athLfhiknof John Groeneveld had prepar- ýChurch on Sunday morning.te Pick le and Pimento Loaf 2 5 Most of the community was ffl Meat and Olive Loaf Bruce Montgomery attended able to see the caravan in$ the Ferguson famnily reunion Port Hope last week and oTH RDY IHTSEIA RIA on Saturday at Cartwright were quite impressed with itsi~ ~ TUSA IH PCA RDY Park. ~contents and the know-how 6:04P. 900 P.M. ONLY9:00 PM Mr. Chas. Allun, Bowman- and imagination which put it Xe ~A D DIville, visîted last week with together. 7F Dominion's Own Brand Dominion's Own1 LIIMr. and r.Hre elJi lowlees and familýr spent hou-rP- ~!NAN EIJY jajsgdays with Sgt. and Mrs. . K. ZIONe Strang and familyx Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. .iim Stainton the Strang residence. i o67adO tapwa o Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yellow- eoreandottea rmnwa. R S RU T n VI ilees, Bowmanville, were Sun-'Mr.n eoretobarbsies, CAarnT E :VEle day tea guests with Mr. and Mitoa 'stda l N LLE Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees and Fisher's an accompanjed themn Froni the Sun Parlour of Canada - Tender Mitky Kernels Murray. ito, Visit Archie Parrinder's Q ntario Grown - Canada No. 1 Mr. and Mrs. George KnoxlMyrtle. t&O and family visjtcd with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Polos nYU L W. A. Knox at Brougham. and sons spent the weekend -- man, Ellen and Larry, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Medhurst .-~- Mrs. Murray Vice, Kathy, and famhily, Cobourg, visited Q Canada No. 1 Grade - Ont Grown - Vacuum Cooled to Protect Qualit attended Expo for a few days Miss MarIa Stainton is holi- last week. idaying at' James Hambly's,£e We werc very sorry to hear1 Oshawa.412r fA DLT C of Mr. Everett Crydermati's . Mrs. Clarke Moore, Mrs. __________________________________________ ,o toi'e, whtewalls, dual Ioss o five cattle in the storm 'George Gordon, John, Joanne éî peso.onMna ngt ul 4h and Brian, Oshawa, were rpgITJ 2.ÂIN $ 3 1Mr. and Mrs. Doug Flett and Sunday visitors at 1eih iALiTHi '& BEAUTY QISSA E O $336;] ~~Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1tainton's. SalSz oteSV 0 Langmnaid and family enjoyed, Mrs. Elsie O'Neil, Oshawa, 40 mi Sz ote AEioON picnic supper, Sunday, with spenta few days at Allan ~ B Mr. and Mrs. Win. -Ashton and Fisher's. rteBR M O S LTZ K 39c Doio-PnorWi family. Mn., and Mrs. Hans Geiss- S%1D mno - Plk or W Mr. and Mrs. Campbell bergrr. visited Expo 67. 4T Men's Hair Dressing - 41,2,-oz, SAVE 19o Hamer and family visited Mrs. F. B. Glaspeil, Mrs. e on d with Mn. and Mrs. Bill Winters Alex McMaster, Mrs. John- EJVK of Pickering. recently. Gerry visited at Raîph Glas- « GR OM anld L E A N 79c Deliclous wîth Rîciimell Miss Jean Baker, Ron andipeli's, Tyrone. Ice Creamn - Country James Baker spent the week-1 Mn. and Mrs. Percy Bryce, i Family Size Tube SAVEIIE - Little Miss Catherine Baker eron's. 1 TE TfflU P SIe8 c sa spent the weekend with Mns.ý Mrs. John Gerry, Torontol 4N CO M E T Owwuum 7cRlchmeîîo - 16-ozL Barry Cowling and John at has been holîdaying at MrsI Salem. F. B. GIaspell's and Mrs. Alexi Mr. and Mrs. Allan Taylor, McMaster's. L Michael and Kenny of Dun- Mrs. Alex - McMaster, Joan'I %Ie L ADVERTISED ITEMS IN Rasisin Bri can, B.C., called on former and Ross, Mrs. F. B. Glselj-i O ON O EW P PE SRuhel neighbours in Solina last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Glaspel: TO c rT ' W PA E S iluel Mr. and Mrs. Everett Spires Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspeil, AND spent a couple of days last attended a pienie at Georgel Q N CN week with Mr. and Mrs. Hilt's cottage at WilliamstD_ rrank Burrows at their cot- Point. %40 H W I E Mr. and Mrs. Everett Spireslspent the weekend at Mns. gAVAILABLE IN THIS STORE DTO P accompanied by Mrs. Elaine Alex MeMaster's.a Wotten, Donna and David of1 Mr. Roy Powell , Mr. and console. power teering Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Bun-1 Mrs. Vernon Powell and sons [uty suspension, remote ney Hooey and Mr. Ray Hooey of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs.DEP C T FA U S and black visited with Mr. and Mrs. AllaGaspell and Tnicia, 5DlcosC l FAU E $ 4 7Larry Spires a BuckhonnOhaa Mrs. Donald Yellow- 5 eilu Flavours - Hi-C - 48-oz. SAVE 17a -----------_ 4 4 7Lake on Sunday. lees were at Gerry Glaspell's. Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr. Mrs. Joseph Hynds, Bow- x@2 visited wîth Mr. and Mrs. manville, visited at Mrs. Alex CA NED DRINKS 3for$1,00 Perey Westlake on Sunday. McMaster's. Mrs. Frank Westlake, Shir- Mn. and Mrs. Pat Roberts %E Prem - 12-oz. Tin SAVE lOc ,Mrs. F. R. Cook, Bowmanvijle. cd on Saturday evening when U C E N M A49 IOUEon Thursday. their friends came (very un- i Recent visitors with Mn. and expected) to help them cele-1 Mrs. Frank Westlake and brate their wedding anniver- Maxwell House - 1-lb. Bag SAVE 16c family wene Mr. and Mrs. C. sary.IlO.BTL Smith and childnen, Fleet- J Miss Dianne Zach, St. Cath4 clO.8TL eul.,_____, -. ý« L PURPOSE COFFEE 79c EN cu l. 4barlV-. wood; Mrs. C. Willett, Mis arm"es, is halidaying at PatH IN drests, power steerlng Jean' Wiliet, Toronto; Mïr. andý Roberts'. radio, two-tone, lgh Mrs. Ross Cook and girls, SitsCne 121.TnSV 0 beavy duty supension Prairie Siding; Mn. and Mrs. FI. Swlfts Caned - ' -l. Tn AVI3 r ALUMINUM Double Contai u a rd s, c o m p le t sa e ty H a r l e y n d b o , O ta a À làn o y £ P-9u * g R Y A fALF ETYROASTC CHOPS 'l STEW lb d Rindless BACON 791b in - Domino ERS 1]b: 551hc LIe Leaf Pure Pork, Intny Kitchen -SAUSAGE1 69b NHTSPECIAL - 9:00 P.M. ONLY Brand EA P.19±a TABLES 49 cdj ity for3 9ct DOMINION'S 1BRANDS % îLae le 1O()for $1.0O0 o1 SAVE 20 Girl - 24-oz. Pie PIES 4c; SAVE 130 -eaid 2for,55c Pkg. of 12 ROLLS 29C PURCHASE v.L- 99%Ç&ifato For5 '7 n Bo manjil METCUPIS ;htsLA $t2,48.m BRAND NEW 1967 DPL HARI 4 ON TUE FLOOR, 343 eu. ln., 4-barrel, V-8. Floori and brakes, radio, DPL package, whitewalls, heavy d inirror, beadrests. Complete safety package. YeIIowa FULL LIST PRICE - ------------------------------- ME 1 MME bu 4 ON THE FLOOR. 290 eu. la. V-8. Whitewalls, heavy duty suspension, two-tone, vîsibility group, ceustom wheel, complete safety package. Red and White.$3 7 FULL LIST PRICE ---ý3 7 wý

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