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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1967, p. 8

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The Canadian Stat«nsm B OWTIMaVie, AU&. 3 1H * SPORTop1i FomTe By Frank M&= 62372L R9ATRR DIFFICULT <'Poesoa Th~e only trobe- one which w: tend te put offby LXSHE S enough ambition to' turn out this column when we're on don't usualY have musuaellysetsquett' usorocrather M esckeofaitiaoesbehaFi writing endeavors, suddenly emerge te tell us how much * voîcet n epo pnt theY enjoyed reading about ur various travels. We haveTf £ e &pproaled aur esteemed editor about financing an arou n io bp ov***o oce gle haiassmnto h givne the worIt! escapade - but he, along wiith several others B e t n K r p ' * - th at al ae r co py a e in i ed t r ak th MOwever, nlot having missed a coumn in somethung Itikteerie r motn Bite the ten years since we started, this poor scribe figures IWith George Stephen pitch- quotdhein terenie t h e o n l y w a y t a k e e p u r r e c o r d a li v e - is te c o n t in u e u r i g b a k t h i a d r m o cg a eo e e n y b e a np l s n t f r i . vacation scribbling. This -time we didn't go too far afield, agrainSp heFu els dowe 4nouglto b apending a week at a cottage. It was a return visit ta Tuesday in Men's Town Lea- dKetyeidth.alortehlewe * Saubie Beach - first time we were there was eight years gue action. The win gave the ',pae eg.Fuelers. possession of first isadrssngte al r ain over Ken's Men's Wear,2.Tep Of course the e~nst important item cancerning a cottage- with Ken's having a game in lwdt lybfr i poeto elw type vacation is Zh weather. Fortunately, we enjoyed a hand. Stephen allowed four l ~ ~, ompetio es i al pretty fair sampling of that commodity, the weather-man scattered bits, two walks and 3.N paersud p even going so far as to refrain from pushing the rain struck out seven. utouninih.Ted Dadson bit a niammothar'O b to n i ih .home run ta centre field forar ou of an e We decided te ignore newspapers and television, but the f irst run of the bal game 4. * In uth the Pan American games and Generai De Gauile's antics ý in the fourth inning. In the out.d took ur attention, so we do have ta admit ta subscribing fifth Stephen Fuels againi . la r iscored a single run after es.o-njp o pa s thmjt e te a n ew sp ap er an d v iew in g T V . n g e a m a p a r o sa r "' ' ' -si n a to t e p a rs ol o n g t e t p ss But other than that, playing 36 haies of golf, rowing a fices, the run driven in by signa boat for a total of four hours, and roaring(? around ai Lloyd Hamilton. andi h d dtfr go cart strip a few times, most of aur time was spent on! Kramp's Furniture scored j players aepse a r uo ne and souldnotyontiue thirtphe uitilthos the beach and in the w ater. their onl r n of the ga i l . e or e vi g a u k r, a pl y r sh u d a e Without trying ta sound like a publicity agent for theiTe Fary akewnta- -- 7. Trouh th gren, aplyer houd enuretha Saubie Chamber of Commerce, in aur humble opinion, this1 third on a wild pitch and7.Tru area has a great deal ta offer for a wonderful holiday I passed ball and scored o .......any turfcto ipae yhmi elcda Shouid y au be so inclined, there is a fine nine-h ale goî l ex Wsfns sn l. I l y r av o e u, a y d m g o t e p t the sixth, Bob Abbott hit a' onceradpesddwan ht fe h course, numerous mini-golf iayouts, trampolines, the go-cartý liner te left field which wentl track, dancing every night, bowling lanes, fishing, boats, a for a home run when the ting gree aeb h alo h lyri drlving range and you can even rent surf boards. fielder tried a shoestring catch. The final run for Ste- 8 c r f ly e ar d One attraction is Sauble Falls, located in the nearby p el am n t e seeh r th i g tck o d m gei8o e ta t e p t provincial park, but best of ail is the fine beach and excel- when Ron Pollard walked,tig ren adtht eterte no ter lent swimming of Georgian Bay. Maybe we'll even go fishng reached tird and scored on . gr riext year! Don M cM urter's f i e d e e r 'sj-c d i s a a e th ho e b s an ng l se t ~ ~ ~choice, with the runner bengteheornhading the flgtoklT(flg t t t tsafe at the plate on the throw. " stick shoi b epae SOFTBALL PLAYOFFS Ted Dadson and George poei ntehl Well the Town League schedule went right down te the, Stephen had two hits each for t h~~~~~~~~ ~~b e f o r e t e p a e s e v1h u t i g g e n w re before first place was decided - and it was left t e winners, while Ray Cror-9 W en t e pa of a h e h s b en c pet d b i e h d a o u b l e a n d s i n g l e 1 l y r h u d i m d a t i e v h u t i a q a e y p t e n s M n ~ e r w o h d e o t ! t e fo r K r a m p 's . D ic k S ta ta to o k ! M g r e way. In Sunday's final encounter, Ken's trailed Stephen the loss, his third of the sea- M Fuels by a single point, but went down te a 6-2 setback at son and second in a row. He ~mn o the hands of Kramp's Furniture. !bas six wins. Jim Coyle f in"--1 er Bkr an The pennant-winnmng Fuels picked Walter Frank Real ished the game for Kramps 1h eodot u i c pitching the iast two innings. i - s nghtwas safeIo n nte Estate as their opposition in one best of seven semi-final,?mederr,]anghescs Ieaving Kramp's ta battie it out with Ken's if the te The Recreation Department's Atom Piayoffs fin- Leaman, Danny Cox, Jeff Ross, Brian Leaman, Eari 'Leveck then fne un best o! seven series. o ier lished last week with the Mets taking the Pirates by Carter; absent, Ron Strike, Teddy Shantz, RobbieýMacMilîan taendtetra Grant Wright of Stephen's won the batting tithe, with RE REMION ý uite a large score. The winners are shown here after Brough, Danny Brock and Bob Strike. Mrs. G. Ciarke; In the bottom !te eet ~ob ostr tking the pitbing cro n o the strngt o!receiving the M em riai Park trophy. They are, kneel- presented the trophy on behaf of M emoriai Park 'a o ub Klea.D c Ad s w s a 7-1 record. Complete details on ail statistics wili be releas- R EVIEW S ing, from lef t to right, Paul Passant and Biily Lea- Assn. lier husband, at right, coached the champions. safe on an errorbghrso ed by "Tim" Cox. ýmati;_standing, ef t to right, Stevie Troughton, Donny 1McKnight, but Klarc a Atam Basebail Final called out for tefrneo With the iights instahled at Memoriai Park, the scenel The Mets defeated Pirates'Se h n"s vWin enflaflnottoRI' n lar.<e owdwihbsscn ht ahlfts there for ail playoffs, which got underway Tuesday 29 ta 4 ta win the Department Se he Ithrce. Garth Linton andRik flo-dwt iiight. There wiil be plenty of action with bath the Town of Recreation Atom Basebalîl' Lu as added two bits ai of the game mvn dm Champoneceat to third base. G r al c League and Junior Town League piaying dauble-headers1 haPonhp a Memoriai x F~6or Ellis, "Doc" Adams lediwent ou, econ f four nights a week. Park n Tuesday afternoon. FIIW,, ~ai~9 their atc wt he is,iBurns Mtsd Mrs. u iThe Mets coached bv Ga--,~~atc it he b t aMilnstrw t Thursday, Ken's nieet Kramp's at 6.45, with Stephen fîeid ClarS tounK enpseste nI,- 1while Ray Wallace cantribut-jthe plate was wd loig Fuels piaying W, Frank Real Estate under the hights at of three series with two arwL aipair.fof'ibi- sthedie cngrun 8.,30. Next weelc the Reaitors tangle with Stephens on straigbt wînsD .~An the Bases: - Tre Ilonday, in the early clash and Ken's play Kramp's in the mian back on the mound agaînjD o hmt n dP a eD ri g o an a ly nightcap., Wednesday night it wiil be Kramp's and Ken's and he came up with a seven jS c~ peak, with bat lbspr In the opener and Fuels vs. Wal.ter Frank at 8:30. Ahi future bitr.I va~s l trcl up ta robi and Bl Brunt, e Coyle gained~- credit for oka or thepa, wasthe-1 'onLeague playoff games will be played o Mondays and TeosnpicrwsTi Ken's* Men's \Wear, leaders fore Charlie Ewart rapped in- Win, aliowing two bits, two i A pair af victories hast week finest one witnese nte *A ERP SAN *1eoneson Vbt anto toupitce delf hogotmsto h ceoa atdul ly bu an ito w o tr u l du ta a t ou h t m st f t eschet a fdt ou le pl y.Walks and striking out a pairl clinched the Darlington Soc-iM en's circuit thi e r e 2 ~ 5 The Junior league playoff s have aiready got- underway. number o! fielding errors hy dule. Victory gave tbern telDan Grristootsnýoe orinns tt start-j F r aa n a V rl eyaa nfW h t e B a s. p h o s t e r ngBr eot e d a h iht easm a e n's T oweS oib aidL e a ueh il e, f o ll w iniam ae ees .s dMt hnfi t h , e r m i ti n t w O ti e, l a v i n o n y t h e e o i n t l b ri lj a t a n T e r y ak e r one garne apiece in their best of seven semi-final. In the Dil Leaman, Je!! Ross and; pennant, but defeat dclegated gave Ken's a single run in the safeties, a walk and chamn eaaig te nx ortse i to D*Cox hit bomers for the rthem ta second spot, Sunday1 fourth, but tbe furniture crew1 four strikeout victims. aimingj sepaaig te nx o rsdbissonestsic s1 vther series Ehlis Shoes edged Chartrari's Clothing 3-2, champions, while Don Lea- afternoon, Krarnp's Furniture bone ak witî- two mre it*Lartherriss, as tagei On Wednesday, Bn-an Hl2i Adams, althougbhites ec- *IcreDsblt In the opening encouniter. The four teams went at it agaln1 man, Brian Leaman, P. Pas- downed Ken's 6-2 ta hand the 11tn.the ubottqo hai!. A walk, bre Monday nlght, with anather double-bill slated for tanight san t showed power at the; league titie ta Stephen Fuels,.triple by Jim Coyle and an'base-knocks and six bases- fut ced ba oth groal e d firat otre e nfed rorl* esinPln plate. after the gameerror did the damage. on-bails, aiong - with tvo' orîesutotTrn Im mn e d ia te Iy 2 0fan d c orehail of t e wiieii plaedrns).artrano's iy hisao63, hleWyt' Mrs. Charlotte Clark, Pre- Fuels' manager John Stainton, Singles by Dick Stata, took over the maund duties in wrHeampton a a -2 ie btGordsWatt lwtl api.! * uies nua pia y F ra n k's at 8 o'cio c k. sid e n t o ! th e M e m o ria l P a rk a n n o u n e d th a t is te a mn h a d i " B u tch " C o le a n d A le x W ise - ý h e th ird , fa n n in g th re e , g iv - m to a o u rtic e m v e Ù i l 5 o d W h a e, R y W l E t t The Junior League wil then play al future games on Association, presented the Bill picked Walter Frank Real" man completed the winners' ing up four bits and a pir ot' three -points aha f hIace, AI OsborneadJhjPann Tuesdays and Thursdays, Next week Frark's meet Whyte's Mutton Memorial Trophy to Estate as the team they o0uIdî scring in the fifth. Ken's w~alks. runrou. n er lke fr'belaerJi Carkemngî Sn suac An the iid-llfter, with Ells phaying Chartran's in the late the co-captains o! the Metl meet in the semi-finals. collected their other tallv ini Ferguson was tl]e bat-!unners-pon etakeKilPatricfoadded singles. Fori Paul Passant and Billy Lea' Krarnp's juimped inta a 3- O the final frame, when Clirtý ter n either side toaibt.m ana it irce Mils taîlc w iswtbRc ucs opn f-nu g a i e . T h r s d y t i h l b e C h rtr n ' v . E li i t h 6 3 0 m a n . fi r s t i n i g b u lg e o n a p a ir F e r g u s o n d u b le d a n d s c o r e d i m r e th a n o n e it, w ith a y in g tw ic e f r H a m p to n .T r y a e a dA1F r o contest and Frank's Varlety going against the Upholstery Track and Field Meet aof -alks and sngles by Ray on an errai- double andsn-le. Courtice wrapped it up onc-i ppiing in withnles crew under the lights. On July 26th the Recrea --------- their home field, Saturday1 Jim Clarke, aur other capable statistician, wiil have theltion Department o! Bowman- night, edging Zion 1-0 on a ~Junior League records availabie for publication, villeandpieronled Meet at the C a tr n s S q u a re S e ie y enî-Hmeik.a t t t t t Pine Ridge School. There h a tnS e i 0W TIMERS were pprxmth 0prPaknere h O R - - _ - ..- - _ 44- lucu. ton, DenBue t t t ued t plagu Charrans laceldsblborner theheorrsbin A be a stieil ofbaih exdfohibitme tebllpAyrthuonds, teve r .. itncstuglthy A ratcewilbehldfo heitemeitebilplyrsjDave Tabb, Ken ing, Tom _______!Wear,____ last Tuesday nght.dbîe ose s in u >A on Sunday, August 6th et 10:00 a.rn. at the MemorliPark. CunileGirls Long Jump DAR..Ate Itanisonrugteo igernAI OKDN N 1 ....1dropped a 3-2 sere oe*rt~ their bal! ar the irst. An on, eggy Knecht. RA ING IIONsemi-finals, with Frank's Vari-groufder ta third and Bih' .~ Suie Maabahl Darla NwholglU R CING '~'~~ Ei s S, h es n hs t seas a o nt1Cr se's ae an " av A ae 'U R NTthe O W A VI L ail three games by ane-run *Shoe, Men their run. ~~J~ EM ORIAL Final StadIflnjg NORTH-WEST 0F ! i decisions, in the seventh in-' Ehhis tic-c the score 2-2 in MOSPORT TRACK nhng. ýthe last of the third on Ray EllsARENA Dur(aham Ladies tw-ot sn F U fth butinBaker jChartraàn's (a six-bitter), wag- ore do jed a torrid pitcing duel.1etting Ray Whaeo Levck annd fve nd llo- Ibouncer back ta the box with! ed two walks, whiie Baker runners on second and thirdi ciaimed %even strikeouts whileiwith tWO out. A two-outý walking one. * sq ueeze bunt attempt, by; Reminiscent o! ast year, l'Chaitrans ini the top of the :itfailed ta break the tie j Chaitrans' playoff foim was a sxt , Lie. ro pe iw I far ci-y fi-rn their disappoint-Gart ing ast place finish in rgularperfect bunt, but Leveck's i--' seaon lay Boh cubsrnise'lay ta the plate nailed Jimn some great scorîng opportuniýcn9tatmtn o cr ties, until Ellis finally won i'fi-rn third. Cartran's had a; in the last o! the seventh o i gond rahly brewin g in the sev- i a thowin errr. enth, but Leveck snuffed it! throingci-ri-.Out, with some strang, clutch'ý Chai-trans opened the scor-,hurling. After John Cannai-s j ng, striking for their only bounced out, Clarke singledý Iýruns in the top o! the first. and Rick Lucas was safe on; ,AU lUfield trror, a =catchan errai- by the third base-il w BOWMANVILLE Telephone 623-5728 PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAYO AUGUST 4th WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9th 8 TO le pM ji4e c i ------ 25 pts.j iBowmanville 20 pis. Courtice------1 pt. 'Part Hope ---1 t. Newtonville 14 pts. Serni-final piayoffs, 4psts3 'o! 5, start Wednesday, Au g.' 2nd, Courtice at Newcastle.! On Thursday, Aug. 3rd, port! Hopewill plaY at Bowman-ý iVIle ITheze next dates are prob-, able but not confirmaed: 1 iTuesday, Aug. 8&-Newcastle: at Courtice; Bownianviile at; Port Hope. j Wednesday, Aug. 9-Cour-i, lice at Newcastle; port Hope'; at sowmanviIIs.1 RACINGC AUGUST 6 STARTS 1:00 P.M.L FRESHLY OILED CLAY TRACK -PARKING FEE ONLY- SPONSORED BY D.A.E.A. RACING DIVISIOM DRIVEWAY ASPHALT, CONTACT, STEPIIEN FUELS i Geo. Stephen, Prop. FOR FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 623-5410 1~- A m

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