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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1967, p. 10

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10 The ceadlnUatunnEwunmAug.0, 1M8 neEidad Sunday Sehoo im1c wiI be held at Cart Wright Park at 12:00 noon cn Bunday, Aug. 13. Mr. and Mmra.Wes. Ye11ow lees, Mr. and Unr. Haro]i YeIïowlees and Mrt. and àùir Rarvey Yelknv1ee and fan. "lY enjyed a Pienie at Feni Ibn Fajls on Sunday. Mrm. Charles Scholl, Char. GëogeSehoil, Craig, Ellen S PECIAL! STURGEONES FIRST QTJALITY HOUS PAINT Save $2. 0 per gai. PRIMER COAT Reg. $9.95 9 FINISH COAT Reg. $10.30 8.30 1 NOW . .. gai. 1 Limited Quantity ABERNETHY'S Paints & Wallpaper "Decorating Specialists since 1921" Phone 623-5431 55 Kinh St. W., Bowmanville 101 aMd MarY ofPittsford, N.Y t- were weekend guests witt On the Roy and Chas. Langrnaic familes. Mrs. Charles Schol W- is remaining for a few days. dd Miss Nancy Knox with Mr rs. and Mrs. Grant Glover, Ked- Sron. Mir. Bian Knox witi M 1r. and Mms Robt. Kerr ci Acton. IrMr. Charles Allin, Bowman. rl* ville, Miss Nan Allîn, Tor- en Onto, were Saturday tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees. Miss Ida Arnott, Mrs. Jessie Chester, Oshawa, Mr. Ken Caverly, Hampton, were re- cent visitors with Mrs. N. Wotten and family. Mrs. N. Wotten, Mir. Francis Wotten attended the 45th wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mitchell, Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryder- iman, Ellen and Larry with M lr. and Mrs. Sam Carr at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink with Mrs. Hilton Tink, Ebenezer. Mir. and Mrs. Roy Nickoles, Port Carling, Linda Hutchi. son, Dryden, Bey. and Mrs. Bobt. Sherwin and family, Durham, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Donald1 Taylor and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Langrnaid and family accompanied by Mrs. Charles Scholl of Char'- lotte, N.C., and Mr. and Mrs. George Scholl and family of Pittsford, N.Y., visited with Mir. and Mrs. Orville Lunn and family, Peterborough, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Moffat, Orono. Mr. Elgin Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor and fam- ily with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thornton, Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nixon, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fice, Taunton, Timmy and Tracy Cochrane, Doris and Arnold Dart, Woodville, visit- cd with Mrs. Frank West- lake Sr. Miss Shirley Westlake is with Mr. and Mrs. Bon Broome and Kelly of -Bow- nianville. Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, lBrooklin, Mrs. .John wodA th d th )f S. e fAttention Farmers! SAVE 1 Why pay more on premium quality nGASOLINE-DIESEL & MOTOR QILS # FABM TANKS AND PUMPS AVAILABLE b CALL COLLECT WHITBY 668-3341 DX OIL Io C/0 Osh awa Choral Society Scores H it With Performances at Expo Information has been received from those in charge of the Tyrone; Mrs. Rita Taylor; Mrs. Enid Austin, Bowmanville. Middle entertainment at Expo 67 that the Oshawa Choral Society. recently row, lef t to right, Mrs. Marjorie Ferguson, Bowrnanville; Mrs. Nancy scored a big hît during their three performances at the Bandshell Jeyes; Mrs. Janice Tre'rneer; Ken Weller, Bowmanville; Charles Festival. This photo shows them on the site. Mem bers include, f ront Clegg; Harvey Tremeer; Mrs. Wilma Coombes, Bowmanville; iVrs. row, left to right: Conductor Hugh MVartin, Thornhill; pianist, Mrs. Betty Hancock, Bowmanville; Miss Margaret Purdon, Markham; Mrs. Dorothy Payne, Bowmanville; Mrs. Velda Allun, Mrs. Gay Ouinton, Pauline Bentley. Third row, left to right, Miss Margaret Cain; Mrs. Orono; Miss Marion Wohlschagel, Toronto; Miss Mary Ruth Osborne, Hazel Gillen; Mrs. Mary Easden; Dr* Wm. Rundie; Dr. Roy Beckett; Bowmanville; Roland Coombes, Bowmanville; Jack Allun, Dr. Garnet Holmes, Bowmanville; David Hedges; Dr. Geo. Gîllen; Wes Edward Culp; Mrs. Greta Down, Bowmanville; Mrs. Elinor Brent, Down, Bowmanville, Donald Taylor; Paul Mclntosh. Young Swimmers Put on Display for Large Crowd of Spectators I I PWinnipeg, Manitoba, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce -Tink. Messrs. Neil and Herb Tink are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Blair at their cottage at Sturgeon Lake. Recent visitors with the ROY and Chas. Langmaid familles were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston and family, Mrs. Aura Squair of Bowman- ville, Mrs. Eva Bragg, Provi-, dence, Mr. Lawrence Squair, Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGilI of Enniskillen. FOR WOMEN ONLY Monday, August 28th ls Women's Day at the Exhi- bition, full of special features fo the distaff side. Elsa Jenk. ins, Manager of Women's Ac- tivities at the Ex, points out that every day is Women's Day at the Ex because there are so many continuing features of special interest ta women in the Queen Elizabeth Building. THIS BOY NEEDS . ........... GUIDANCE Drivers age 16 to 24 were involved in 74,500 accidents on Ontario roads last year.-an in-. crease of 12 percent over 1965. Fatal acci- dents claimed 660 lives in this group-an increase of 10 percent since 1965. Vet statistics show that drivers who graduate from approved high school driver training courses have fewer accidents- . far fewer traffic violations., This year, about 275 Ontario high schools will have driver instruction courses approved by the Ontario Department of Education and the Ontario Department of Transport. These courses are under the control of the local school board and principal and do not interfere with regular school classes. If there is a driver-train. lng program in your school this faîl, welcome It. If flot, learn how your school can get started on this lifesaving pro- gram by completing and mailing this coupon. ------------------------------------------ ITo: Directorof Safety Education, HighwaySafety Branch. * Ontario Oepartment of Transport, Queen's Park: sToronto 2. Ontario. Fromn: N lAME ..... ADDRESS .......................... j............ e Ptisé sen0 me Information about high achool driver-training courses. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - On Thursday evening, at the Creamn of Barley Pool, The Recreation De- partment's annual swim display and presentation of awards drew an even larger crowd than last year of parents and spectators. Top picture shows so-me of the younger menibers of the swimm ing classes and in the lower photo, W. W. "Bill" Bagnell, Chief Instructor, is at the mike, telling the spectators what is goingon, while several members of the Recreation Commntitee and councîl discuss the learn-to-swim program that ha s included several hundred children. CciiNESTLETON Mrs.Cei Wilson accom- Thompson, John. and Ruth, Mr. Fred Gray, Bethany, panied by Mr. and Mrs. Her- Melfort, Saskatchewan, are and his daughter, Miss Gwen man Rodman, Wilson and currently vacationing with his Gray, Toronto, were recent Karen, Little Britain, attend- brother and sister-in-law,-Mr. evening vîsitors with Mr. and cd the Lamb reunion at Orono and Mrs. Don Thompson. On Mrs. Clarke Williams. Park. recently. About 85 Friday evening they were Mrs. Fred Toms, Enniskillen: members of the family enjoy- dinner guests with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, ed this family picnic. Mr. Mrs. Grant Thompson at their Susan and Fred, Haydon, were Wilson visited with his daugh- cottage at Viewlake and Mr. Sunday evening supper guests ter and son-in-law, Mr. and and Mrs. Don Thompson join- with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mrs. Norman Lyons and Lori, ed with them for the evening. Saddier and Miss J a n i c e Leaskdale, durîng the week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford, Saddler, Oshawa, and her girl Mr. and Mrs. George Don- Port Perry, were also recent friend, Miss Donna Smaii- neral were visitors in Wood- guests at the Thompson cot- piece, Picton, were weekend stock and Hamilton last week. tage. visitors. Miss Evelyn Seagrove return- Mr. and Mr5. Cl1a r ke Sunday Services cd home with them aiter en- Williams were hosts ta their In the Presbyterian Church, joyîng an extcnded vacation families, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sunday mnomning, Rev. Fred here Wilamsand r. an4 rs.Swann delivered a splendid Mr. and Mrs. Ar noald Doug Fallîs, Bowmanvilic, on sermon, choosing as his sub- Williams and family with the the occasion of the eighth iect "Living Water". Mrs. H. cabin trailer, enjoycd a few birthday celebration-oîb Glenn Visrsnc oo"ne -i days at North Bay and visited Fallis. The Clarke Williams Wîngs" with Mr. E. G. Fisher, with the Chapman family. wcre visitors with Mir. Walter Toronto, playing the organ. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bai- Moncrief and Olive at Frazer- Mr. Fisher, an accomplished ema spent Wcdncsday even- ville on Sunday, nlusician and an eye specialist, ing with Mir. and Mrs. George Mr. anid lrs. George Bow- has a cottage at Williams' Johns. crs cnjoyed Civic holiday Point, Lake Scugog, and dur- Mr. Lloyd Heaslip and Mr. weckcd camping with their ing the summer the Fishers Verner Michelle, Ottawa, were hanse trailer at Orillia. The are regular attendants at thc overnight guests with Mr. and house trailer has been very services here. Mrs. George Hcaslip and popular this year as it has had In the United Church, Bey. Mrs. Robert Wright, Janet- three trips to Expo as well as Colin Budd, B.A., B.D., wau ~vile, was a Sunday visitor. weckend trips to Cobourg, Uic guet speaker as represen- Mev R.à&Thompsin.Mrs. North Buan ad OrMlia,. tative et the Canadiai Bble A tSociety. He gave an informa- tviv tak on the work of the Society Mrs. Lawrence Mal- colm favoured with a solo, I Shail Not Pass This Way Again". Softball In Malcolm Memorial Park the Squirts League, Good- wood vs. Cartwright, played another game in the Junior softball series. It seemcd ta be an off-night for both teanis but Cartwright took the win with a small margin. In the senior saftball league Nestleton Foresters vs. Burke- ton at Burketon, the Foresters lost. This givcs each team two wins in the semi-fînal seven-game series. Centennial Celebrations The Cartwright Centennial Tour on August 5th and 6th was quite successful. Mr. Dal- ton Dorreli, chairman of the committe, transprted -t- IClarke-Harness Clan Holds Annuail Picnic The annual-pci was held 9-12 mr Three-legged Race at Cream an Baof Park on Mathew Jones and Sua JuIy th at 1 o'clock, with Jones, Diane Hamnes. ond about 100 members present. Christine Jones; 9-12 yr. flua- First were the games with nmng Race, Mathew JonejL the prize winnera as follows: Susan Jones; 12-15 yr. WheeL. 5 yr. and under, Running barrow Race, Patty Pak Race, Paul Blight, Denise and Susan Jones; 12-15 yr.~ Clarke; 6-9 yr. Three.îeggecl Three-legged Race, Ka re n Race, Mary Viola Parker and Parker and Wayne McRob. Mathew Joncs, Anstala La erts; 12-15 yr. Runnlng Race, Prairie and Nicole LePrairie; Wayne MeRoberts, Patty Par. 6-9 yr. Wheelbarrow Race, ker; 12-15 yr. Sack Race, Mary Parker and Mathew PattY Parker, Wayne McBob. Jones, Mark Vansen and Kel- erts. ly LaPrairie; 6-9 yr. Sack Aduit Racés - Orange Race, Mary Parker, Anstaia Race, AJan Farrow; - Water- LaPrairie; 6.9 yr. Running melon Eating Contest, chlld. Race, Mathew Jones, Mary ren, Mary Parker, Mathcw Parker; 9-12 yr. Sack Race, Jones; Sewing contest, Verne ' I.i and Ermîe; ±iammering N ails contest, Karen Vance; Bean Guessing contest, Caro- lyn Alldread. To gonclude this part of the picnid a tug of war was en- joyed by the families. Supper. was then enjoyegi by 'all. after which the edcc. tion af officers for next year was held. Thcy are as fol. lows: President, Tom Luke; Secretary, Carroll Farrow; Treasurer, Ted Clarke; Priz. Comm.xttee, Marie Rowe, Di. ana Rowe, Margaret Pearce. Ted and Audrey Clarke donated a lawn chair. The winner was Howard Pearce.- The very enjoyable picnie was brought ta a close with a pcanut-candy scrarnble and Points of interest. They fol- lowed the plan, as outlined on the map, and were very cord- îally welcomed at the German Camp at Cadmus. At the camp there was a picnic and a band added to the gala event with splendid music. No cars called on Saturday at the Saddler Horse Farm ta watch the horse-shoeing but on. Sunday aftemnoon and ev- ening several rollcd in ta sec the horses. The Anglican bake sale on Saturday at Caesarea was a decided suc- cess as they werc sold out in a few minutes. The grand finale for Cart- wright's Centennial Celebra- tions will be August 27, in Cartwright Community Park, Caesarea. At 1:30 p.m. there will be an Ecumenical Church Service when the Dutch Be- formed, Roman Catholic, Ang- lican, Presbyterian and Unit- ed Churches will take part in the service. Rev. Fred Swann of the Presbyterian Church will deliver the sermon and it is hoped the Salvation Army ONEOFCAADbiMOT Ppatcya btr GAc,u BandU will susyte himdual.7 e e i Li e *ew a Popular pastinie this sum-. mer of 1967 is ravelling out j the thrcads that have been - woven in the past 100 years into the Canadian fabric. it has the faults and virtues of every homespun product-a i -g J' 65 STYLES, SHAPES AIM COLORS To 01100E Flou *Flrst QualitY Lenses * Finest National Brand Fromms *Broken Fraines Repairetl or Replaeed Whie Yen Wait We W. 11 ali P.S.L, Oculistes ad OPtometrisa Prescriptions at smrne 1w pice1 *Bifocals, Il Requirmi ,... Kryptok, Ultex or Flattop 1 HOURS: 17 BOND ST. EAST Mon. - Tues..- Thurs. 2nd LOOR9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 2nd LOORFriday Till 9 p.m. OSHAWA, ONT. Saturday 9 - 12 noo ~~~CIosed Wednesd4 the Commerce h hasilt! on Non-Chequing %avings Accounts You'lf recelve your Interest pald semni- annually on your minimum monthly balance. And, a Commerce Non- Chequlng Savinga Account la juat what It ay . . . you can't write cheques s0 there le less temptation ta spend your sav- Inga before you reach your goal. 0f course, you may make wthdrawals at any time. If you have a Regular Sav- Ings Account at the Com- merce, you get 31/ % Intereat wlth chequlng privileges. But now, you can also open the Non-Chequing Savîngs Accoynt. CANADIAN IMPERIAIeANK 0F COMMERCE Y A 4~ 1; J~I $20J.00 INCOME OPPORTU NITY The ideai candidate is envisaged as a triendiy and bard working individual with a iincere desire to caru a minimum incarne of $20,000. He wiIJ be prepared to invest flot iess than $7,500 in a proven franchise presentiy operating ini numerous Canadian locais. Inquiries are Invited in confidence from the generai Bowmanvilie area, each wili be iacknowiedged promptiy. --Repiy giving resume of business experience ADVERTFSER 825, Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario. 1 1 - - m lu

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